Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to clean the film on plastic windows. How to remove old protective film from plastic windows? How to remove the protective film from plastic windows

According to the rules, after installing plastic windows, the protective film must be removed within 10 days. This is due to the fact that the film in direct contact with the frame is very thin and delicate, and it is destroyed under the influence of sunlight and high temperatures. As a result, we see the "tightly" adhered composition, and the longer it is not removed, the more it will dry out. Therefore, it is better to remove the protection in time.

How to remove the film from plastic windows? What do you need to clean the surface and prevent the adhesive from sticking even more? And what should be done if it was not possible to remove the protective film from the window on time? There are a number of ways to deal with this problem.

How to remove sun protection film from a window

If you decide to complete everything that is necessary in a timely manner, the film will be removed much easier. How to remove the film from plastic windows and not damage the material? Use one of the following methods that will solve the problem at home, without the help of specialists.


This is a special solvent that can be bought from a company that installs plastic windows. There are 3 types of "Cosmofen", different in the degree of impact: No. 5, No. 10 and No. 20.

The strongest is No. 5, and if you use it carelessly, you can "dissolve" not only the adhesive base, but also the plastic itself. Therefore, it is better to use the least aggressive formulation.

In the process of work, follow the instructions for use, and it will not be difficult to remove the protective film.

Knife, blade or scraper

When using sharp objects, be careful not to damage the surface. The edge of the protection is pry off with a knife or blade, and the rest is removed by hand. Remember, the less you use cutting accessories, the less damage the plastic will have.

After you remove the film from the plastic window, noticeable traces of glue may remain on the surface. You can wash them with a hard-bristled sponge and any foaming product.

Construction hairdryer

How to remove the sun-protection film from the window using a hair dryer? Observe the basic rule: when removing the protection, direct the air stream only to the frame, without touching the double-glazed windows. Otherwise, the glass may not withstand the temperature drop, and cracks will appear on it.

The mechanism of action is simple - under the influence of heat, the adhesive base softens, and its removal does not take much effort from you. Similarly, you can use a steam generator or a conventional hair dryer. The latter is effective only in cases where the film has not had time to dry strongly.

Solvent or white spirit

Before using one of these products, test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface. If the chemical hasn't damaged the plastic, you can start working.

How to remove the protective film from plastic windows and clean the surface with a solvent or white spirit? Pry off the edge of the protector first, then apply the substance between the protector and the plastic. Thus, gradually clean the entire surface.

Paint remover RP6

You will need to apply the product to the surface in a thick layer and wait 7-10 minutes. During this time, you will notice that the remnants of protection begin to "bubble".

After that, put on gloves and glasses and remove the plastic from the plastic. Remains of the product and adhesive base can be washed off with a concentrated soap solution.

Stiff brush and soap solution

This method is effective when the window is on the shadow side. The adhesive base does not have time to heat up very much, and its adhesion to the plastic is not so strong.

Prepare a solution of warm water and soap and brush off any remaining protection using a stiff brush (not a metal one!).

Denatured alcohol

How to remove the film from plastic windows with denatured alcohol? Pour the substance into a spray bottle and “spray” the surface evenly. After 3-5 minutes, pry off the edge of the film with a knife and carefully remove it with your hands.

When handling a chemical, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Detergent "Shumanit"

You can buy this chemical at a hardware store. Clean the plastic strictly following the instructions for use, as this substance has a very strong effect.

After treatment, wash the area to be cleaned with clean water and wipe dry with a piece of soft cloth.

If, after removing the main part of the protection, small "islands" of it remain on the surface, take a regular eraser and clean the surface.

Why does the film dry?

How to remove the old film from plastic windows if it has dried "tightly"? First you need to figure out the reasons for this.

How to remove old film from plastic windows if it is dry

How to remove old sunscreen film from windows if it is stuck? You can use the following options:

  • Contact specialists who have at their disposal special tools that allow you to solve the problem quickly.
  • Use a special scraper designed for cleaning plastic and glass surfaces.
  • Apply a solvent of strong concentration, having previously tested it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the plastic.
  • Use dishwashing detergent and a sharp knife. Moisten the surface with soapy water, and when it “turns off” a little, remove the protection with a knife.
  • In some cases, stove cleaning chemicals can help remove the old protective film. The principle of action is the same as in the case of dish gel.

How to remove old film quickly and easily? Take note of one nuance: in sunny weather, when the windows warm up well, it will be easier to remove it. If you don't want to wait for the right weather, warm up the window with a hair dryer before starting work.

If the protective film on metal-plastic windows is not removed in time, then it can very strongly adhere to the plastic profile and it will be extremely difficult to remove it. Therefore, it is necessary in time to get rid of the protective films that cover the profiles of new metal-plastic windows. But what if the film is already "firmly" stuck? Let's consider several ways how remove the film from the plastic window.

The following guidelines will help to remove the protective film not only from the window frame, but also from the window sills and sills. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that during the removal of the old film, another problem may come to light - the need to clean the profile from the adhesive with which the protective coating was glued.

There are two ways to remove the film: chemical and mechanical.

Let's consider how to remove the film from a plastic window mechanically. For this option, you will need a special scraper, which is used to clean glass ceramics, and a good cleaner (for example, COSMOFEN 10). First, the film is removed with a scraper, and the remaining glue is removed with a cleaner or R-12 solvent.

There are also several other ways to mechanically remove film and glue residues from window profiles, sills and window sills. The second option is to use an industrial hair dryer and COSMOFEN 10 cleaner.

With this method of removing the film, first heat it with a hairdryer as much as possible and quickly pry the edge with a clerical knife. It is necessary to tear off the film from the surface gradually, but without stopping, otherwise it will break and you will have to pry off the edge again. We remove traces of the adhesive base with a solvent or cleaner. If there is a steam generator, then it is better to use it instead of a hair dryer. It will be faster this way.

You can also remove the film from a plastic window using chemicals. The first method is the use of industrial alcohol and COSMOFEN cleaner. To apply alcohol to the surface of the film, you will need a regular indoor plant spray.

After spraying denatured alcohol, the film should get wet for a couple of minutes. After this time, pry on the edge of the film and slowly pull. We repeat the procedure until the final removal of the protective coating. As in the previous versions, remove glue residues with a cleaner.

Is it possible to remove the film from a plastic window using detergents? As practice has shown, the Shumanit detergent has proven itself very well from this side. This remedy is quite strong, so you need to work very carefully with it. But in order to save yourself the hassle of removing the protective film, you must remove it on time (immediately after the windows fall into place and all finishing work is finished) and do not wait until it firmly adheres to the window.

Detergent "Shumanit"

Among the unusual ways of removing the protective coating on the profiles of new metal-plastic windows is the use of rubber bands and white spirit. Some craftsmen can remove the film even with a simple eraser, and the remnants of the glue, according to some, can be removed well with wy-spirit. But in order not to check all the methods in practice, ask for help from specialists. After all, they know exactly how to quickly and correctly remove the “tightly” adhered protective film from your new windows.

Where can I get a film removal specialist?

The company for the production and installation of metal-plastic windows and doors "Open Windows" offers its customers a full range of services, from the design stage of metal-plastic structures to final installation. If necessary, our specialists can remove the protective film from your windows immediately after the installation is complete.

Often, the owners of plastic structures do not remove the protective film immediately after installation. But, as you know, if you postpone this matter, then over time the protective coating "dries up" and it becomes very difficult to remove it. Next, we will consider several ways how to remove the film from plastic windows.

I must say that removing the film itself is only part of the question, since an adhesive still remains on the surface of the glass unit, which is also very difficult to remove.

Methods for cleaning double-glazed windows from film and glue

There are two main ways to remove old film from plastic windows:

  • Mechanical
  • Chemical.

Sometimes, for greater efficiency, both methods are combined.

Mechanical window cleaning options

Of the mechanical cleaning options, several of the most effective can be distinguished:

  1. The remnants of the protective coating are removed with a special scraper designed for cleaning hobs or glass-ceramic hobs. Small scratches and glue residues can then be removed with FENOSOL or COSMOFEN 10 cleaner. If these cleaners are not available, you can use an acrylic solvent, for example - P-12.
  2. The second method requires an industrial hair dryer or, at least, a powerful home hair dryer, since it is much easier to remove the film from plastic windows after heating it. This method is very simple - you need to heat the film and pry off its edge with a sharp stationery knife or scalpel. In this case, the coating should be easily removed, the remnants of glue can be removed in the manner described above.
  3. Similar to the previous method, you can use a steam generator, this method is even more effective.
  4. There is another interesting tip on how to peel off the film from plastic windows, which will help solve the problem - the film is erased with an ordinary stationery eraser. Remains of glue can be removed with mineral spirits or the above cleaners.

The scraper should be used as carefully as possible and, if possible, remove the film with your fingers, as even a safe scraper leaves scratches on the PVC profile.

Chemical options

And so, we examined how to remove the film from plastic windows mechanically.

However, some methods of chemical cleaning have proved to be no less effective:

  • Denatured alcohol should be poured into a water spray, for example, for spraying indoor plants with water. Then the denatured alcohol should be applied to the surface and wait a few minutes.Before removing the protective film from plastic windows, you may have to pry it off with a clerical knife. (See also the article.)
  • The Shumanit detergent, which is produced by the Israeli company Baggi, copes well with the task. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a very powerful tool, so it should be used with caution. The price of this tool is quite affordable.
  • It is easy to clean the glass unit with the help of paint remover RP 6. This chemical composition must be thickly applied to the surface and wait 10 minutes, after which the protective tape will begin to swell literally before our eyes. Before you clean the plastic windows from the film, you should wear glasses and gloves, alkali and glue residues can be washed off with soapy water.

Many owners of PVC double-glazed windows make a gross mistake - they are trying to remove the protective tape with a solvent.
The fact is that the film will still remain on the bags, but the profile will be hopelessly damaged.

How to clean plastic windows

Moreover, there are several washing methods, here are the most effective:

  • Using a spray, rag and paper;
  • With a screed and a sponge.

Now let's look at each of these methods.

Washing with a spray cloth and paper

This method can be used if the surface is not too dirty.

For him we need:

  • Clean cotton fabric;
  • Window cleaner with spray nozzle;
  • Capacity for water;
  • Paper napkins.

The instructions for cleaning windows using this method are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to take a small amount of warm water into the container and wet a rag. The fabric should be wrung out so that it is damp but not wet.
  • Then you need to wipe the dirt from the window with a rag.
  • After that, you need to distribute the spray over the surface in zigzag movements.
  • Next, the surface should be washed with a dry piece of cloth.
  • The result obtained must be fixed by wiping the surface with newspapers or paper napkins.

Washing windows with screed and sponge

This method is especially good if you cannot get to the windows with your own hands or you need to reach for them. In this case, you can use a tie with a handle 25-30 cm long. With this cleaning, the glasses will not be streaked or stained.

Newly installed plastic windows are always covered with a protective film. It is advisable to remove it as soon as possible, otherwise the coating will firmly adhere to the glass unit, and it will be very difficult to remove it. There are several ways to remove the film.

Why does the film stick to the window

New PVC windows are covered with a protective film that needs to be removed

Double-glazed windows can be scratched during transportation and installation, so the manufacturers cover them with a protective film. Its top layer is dense, it is easy to wash it off. But inside there is a delicate material that quickly collapses and is firmly glued to the structure. Such an "addition" spoils the appearance of the room, it must be removed no later than 10 days after the installation of windows.

The adhesive layer hardens over time. Temperature can affect the speed of this process. The windows are located above the heating radiators, warm air flows rise up and heat the glass unit. The film begins to dry quickly and becomes difficult to tear off. If the sun's rays hit a window, the heat from the radiation is exacerbated by exposure to ultraviolet light.

Good materials, even in heat and direct sunlight, will not harden within 10 days, but film manufacturers are trying to save money. They can use cheap, low-quality glue that sets very quickly.

The speed of dense adhesion of the film to glass depends on the quality of the material and the conditions in which the structure is used. Take seriously the choice of a company that installs plastic windows. Remove the cover urgently if the insulating glass units are exposed to heat or sunlight.

Mechanical methods for removing the protective coating

A construction hairdryer will help remove the film from the window

Do not use a knife or scraper to scrape off the film, no matter how firmly it adheres. If you use tools ineptly, you can scratch the PVC binders and glass, expensive windows will look sloppy. Do not use a wire brush, the teeth will most likely leave marks.

You do not need to scrape with a knife, but only pry off the edge of the film, and then tear it off with your hands. If you don’t take too long to remove the cover, it will easily come off the glass. All that remains is to wash the window block to remove the remaining glue. Instead of a knife, it is better to use a special scraper for glass-ceramic tiles, it scratches the plastic surface less.

Heat the firmly adhered film with a building hair dryer. Using a steam generator or hair dryer will not always give the desired result: the air flow temperature of household appliances is too low. Direct the air stream not at the glass, which can burst from temperature extremes, but at the frame. Pick up the loose edge of the film with a knife and use your hands to separate it from the glass unit.

Mechanical methods help only at the initial stage - within a few days after the installation of windows, and even better - immediately after the installers leave. If they do not work, you have to move on to other measures.

Chemical preparations for cleaning the glass unit from the film

When working with aggressive substances, protective equipment comes in handy

You can clean the windows from the dried film with the help of chemicals. All of them are harmful to the skin of the hands and hazardous to the eyes. Wear gloves and goggles. It is advisable to wear a respirator.

To reduce the adhesion of the protective coating to the glass or frame, you can use the following means:

  • White Spirit. Peel off the edge of the film and pour some solvent into the gap. The softened part of the coating should peel off well. Repeat the procedure until you have cleaned the entire area.
  • Denatured alcohol. Apply it to the entire surface with a spray bottle. After a few minutes, the film will soften, pick it up by the edge and peel it off. You can wash off the remaining adhesive with soapy water or an acrylic solvent.
  • Cosmofen. A special solvent, which, depending on the aggressiveness, has a number 5, 10 or 20. The strongest is number 5, it can dissolve plastic binders. Take # 10 or 20 and follow the instructions.
  • Paint stripper SP 6. Apply a thick layer to plastic windows.
  • "Shumanit". Detergent, which must also be used in accordance with the instructions. After 10 minutes, the coating will begin to bubble, remove it.

Be careful not to damage the windows and frames with harsh product. Try it first on an inconspicuous area; some drugs can ruin the plastic.

Folk remedies for removing coating from windows

If you heat the film with a hair dryer, it will be easier to remove.

Instead of harsh chemicals, safer alternative methods can be used. Try using:

  • hairdryer complete with wooden sticks;
  • with a brush;
  • eraser.

A combined method can be applied. First, heat the film with a hair dryer, then peel it from the window with a sharp object. Use detergent or acrylic thinner to remove any glue residue.

Wooden toothpicks or sticks for cleaning nails, kitchen spatulas made of wood work well, but they will have to be sharpened periodically. Wipe off sticky tape with a hair or synthetic brush and detergent, this method can give a good result.

Sometimes it is not necessary to wipe off the building film from the windows, but the old coating to protect the apartment from the sun's rays. It is made of lavsan, which is not affected by solvents. Clean the glass with a sponge and a strong detergent such as Shumanite. If it does not help, there is only one way out - to slowly peel off the film with a knife.

The use of folk methods does not give a 100% guarantee. It all depends on the materials and the bond strength of the coated film. For example, an eraser on some windows quickly wipes off the entire surface, on others it cleans a palm-sized piece in half an hour.

A protective film on the frame of a plastic window is necessary in order to protect the frame from minor damage and dirt during transportation and installation. According to the instructions, it is required to remove the old film from plastic windows no later than 10 days after installation. During this period, it is very easy to clean the windows from the film, but if you carry out the procedure after 3 or more months, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Why is old film difficult to remove?

The protective film has two layers and is fixed to the frame with a special adhesive. Under the influence of solar radiation and high temperatures, a thin layer inside the film breaks down and adheres firmly to the plastic surface. It is not difficult to peel off the outer layer of the film, but you will have to tinker with the inner one.

The reasons for the adhesion of the protective film to the plastic:

  • Influence of the ultraviolet spectrum of the sun's rays. It will not be difficult to peel off the film in the shade even after several months, while the protective coating exposed to the sun will begin to adhere more strongly to the plastic after 10 days.
  • The quality of the adhesive. It will be more difficult to remove the film fixed with low-quality glue. Typically, these compounds are used to protect cheap plastic windows.
  • Thermal impact. If the windows were installed during the cold season, the film will begin to dry later than when installed in the summer season. Video can "t be loaded: How to remove the old protective film from PVC windows (

Effective Methods for Removing Protective Film

There are many ways to remove film from plastic windows. Below is a list of the most effective methods that will help to remove 100% of the film from the surface of the frame without damaging the window:

  • Building hair dryer.

Using a hair dryer is considered the best way to help remove the film. The main thing is that the device should be directed only at the frame and in no case at the double-glazed window, since it can crack. The hot air flow heats up the adhesive of the film, which makes it more elastic. After heating, the protective tape should easily come off.
The problem with this method is that not everyone has a hair dryer in their home workshop. The problem is solved by using an ordinary household hair dryer at maximum mode. However, this option will only help if the protective layer is not strongly adhered to the window profile.

  • Glass ceramic scraper.

Such devices are found in many kitchens and are used to clean glass ceramic hobs. Even in the absence of one, it can be purchased at your nearest hardware store. It is required to pick up the film with gentle movements and give it. The process is laborious, but it allows you to achieve results, even if the construction hairdryer could not help.

  • Stationery or construction knife.

This method is not much different from the previous one. You will need a knife to remove the tape from plastic windows, so safety precautions must be followed. The film is picked up by the corner of the knife, and then removed by hand. Remaining sticky mass can be removed with normal detergent and a dishwashing sponge.

  • Solvent.

You need to use only weak compounds so as not to damage the plastic. Before starting removal, you should test the product on an inconspicuous area. It is necessary to moisten a cloth with a solvent and wipe the film. The film will corrode from exposure to the solvent. After removal, the frame is rinsed with ordinary detergent.

  • School eraser.

With an eraser, you can remove film that has not been in the sun for too long. The process is laborious, but the result can be pleasantly surprised.

  • Stiff brush.

It is necessary to moisten the brush in soapy water and proceed with the removal, applying moderate pressure on the surface of the film. Do not use metal-bristled brushes or metal sponges, as these will damage the plastic, leaving deep notches.

  • White spirit (nefras-C4-155 / 200).

With this tool, you can also clean plastic windows from the old film, however, it is necessary to apply the agent between the film and the window surface so that the composition affects the glue. To do this, you need to pick up the edge of the film and moisten the treatment area with a product. After a couple of minutes, the film can be removed by hand.

  • Cosmofen.

You can remove the protective film using a product that is sold by companies involved in the installation of metal-plastic windows. Cosmofen is specially designed for cleaning plastic. Depending on the activity of the active ingredients, this agent is marked with a serial number from 5 to 20 in increments of 5 units. Cosmofen No. 5 is the strongest solvent that can dissolve plastic, therefore it must be used with extreme caution.

A small tip: it is better to remove the protective film immediately after installation, and masking tape can be used to protect the window surface for the period of finishing work. This solution will avoid damage and contamination of the window surface during the repair process. And at the end of the work, you will not have to peel off the adhered protective film from the plastic window.

The described methods of removing the film are suitable for all structural elements of a plastic window. Before removing the protective material from the plastic, it is necessary to complete all construction work carried out near the window, which will preserve the appearance of the window elements for a long time. Video can "t be loaded: How to remove old film from a plastic window (

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