Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Fried rat instead of chicken: what else has fast food been accused of? HIV and AIDS: transmission routes and infection Do not drink Pepsi for a week

Jackie Page, a 77-year-old resident of the United Kingdom, has been drinking soda from the famous Pepsi company every day for the last 64 years. Strange, but nothing more. Everything would be fine, if only not for one important fact: besides Pepsi-Cola, grandma doesn’t drink anything else! From the word absolutely.

According to British media reports, a woman has been drinking at least one can of Pepsi-Cola every day since she was 13 years old. However, she doesn’t drink water at all! Mrs. Page says that water is so disgusting to her that she won't drink a sip even if she finds herself in the desert and dying of dehydration!

Experts estimate that since the age of 13, Jackie has drunk more than 90 thousand cans of Pepsi. That's three tons of sugar! It’s crazy, how did all this fit into her? And the strangest thing is that the woman is absolutely healthy (as far as possible for her age). She does not have any truly serious health problems as a result of constantly drinking Pepsi. Some kind of mysticism!

Mrs. Page says she doesn't consider her love of soda an addiction or anything like that. She just likes to drink Pepsi, and it's not her fault that she doesn't want to drink anything else anymore. By the way, over the years of “training” Jackie has become a real connoisseur of the drink! So, she only drinks Pepsi from cans - she says they have a special taste. Jackie unmistakably recognizes the same drink from a glass container and does not want to drink it.

The message goes like this:

I received information from friends, be careful and careful!

Do not drink any Pepsi products for the next few weeks because a company employee has added his blood contaminated with HIV (AIDS). It was shown on Sky News yesterday. Please forward this message to people you care about.

Really alarming. Those who do not know will immediately begin to notify, and people familiar with these diseases will ignore the letter, maybe even laugh. Why? - let's look further at the portal hiv.rf

HIV and AIDS are not the same thing:

HIV- a virus that attacks the immune system.

HIV- human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that causes AIDS- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV can weaken the immune system to the point where the body develops opportunistic diseases that a healthy immune system would normally fight off.

Diagnosis AIDS develops several years after HIV infection when a person develops one or more serious diseases.

There are several ways of transmitting HIV infection:

Unprotected (without a condom) penetrative sexual contact; - sharing or reusing syringes, needles and other injection equipment;

Use of non-sterile instruments for tattoos and piercings;

Using someone else's shaving equipment, toothbrushes with blood residue;

Transmission of the virus from an HIV-positive mother to her child - during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

HIV is not transmitted:

When shaking hands or hugging; - through sweat or tears;

When coughing and sneezing;

When using shared dishes or bed linen;

When sharing a bathtub and/or toilet;

When playing sports together;

In public transport;

Through animals or insect bites;

When kissing / through saliva.

HIV is not transmitted by kissing, since the concentration of the virus in saliva is not enough for infection

HIV does not live long in the air:

There are many misconceptions and misinterpretations of scientific evidence regarding HIV's life outside the human body. IN laboratory research virus concentrations that are at least 100,000 times higher than those found in nature are used. When such artificially high concentrations are used, HIV can remain alive for 1-3 days after the liquid has dried.

Laboratory concentrations are at least 100,000 times higher than natural concentrations. If we reduce the data to the natural concentration of the virus, we can conclude that HIV lives outside the body for only a few minutes. If HIV lived outside the body for many hours or days (in its natural concentrations), we would undoubtedly observe cases of household infection - but they do not happen.

For safety reasons (although there is no danger), an infected person may not be hired into production. It's stupid not to drink this soda without knowing which batch is "contaminated"

And if you think that it’s “infected”, then think bigger: The soda is produced in large batches and can be stored for a year. Let us conclude that one week is definitely not enough.

Still in in social networks Posts appear where supposedly terrorists infected with AIDS screw blades to the railings of cars in the subway, cut their palms and leave. Yes, cutting yourself is unpleasant, but there will be so little blood left on the blade that the virus will die after a couple of minutes or seconds, without having time to find a new carrier.

The benefits and harms of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is a popular drink all over the world. It is so popular that consumers of this sweet can be found in any city.

Millions of people on the planet buy and drink it every day. Although this drink was invented at the end of the 19th century, it was also currently it holds the palm among such drinks.

In addition, other drinks similar to Coca-Cola are known today, such as Pepsi-Cola or Afri-Cola.

The second part of the name sounds exactly like this because the drink originally contained a plant called “cola”.

But over time, it was excluded, since studies showed that this plant has a narcotic effect and entails some kind of addiction.

Although the drug cola was excluded, the thirst for drinking coca-cola did not decrease.

Both adults and children love to taste black sweet soda. Although everyone knows very well that this drink is quite harmful to the human body.

Everyone knows, but everyone also consumes. But few people are interested in how much it negatively affects health and whether it has any benefits. That's why let's try to figure it out harmful influence and the benefits of Coca-Cola.

The harm of Coca-Cola

Since Coca-Cola has many more harmful and harmful qualities, let's start with them. All the negativity that this drink has directly depends on the various additives included in its composition.

There are many of them: caffeine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sugar, dyes And flavorings. The presence of caffeine has its pros and cons.

This is harmful because the work and load on the heart increases significantly, and blood pressure also increases. Therefore, people who have heart problems should not even dream of Coca-Cola.

The presence of acid in cola has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the stomach and digestive system.

If a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as an ulcer or gastritis, then black soda will only worsen the situation.

The presence of the same phosphoric acid negatively affects many other organs.

Due to This acid helps flush calcium out of the body., nails suffer significantly - they become brittle, bones - they become brittle, hair - lose strength and elasticity, teeth - enamel suffers, general condition and appearance suffer.

The liver, kidneys and stomach also suffer - its walls are destroyed, which in the future threatens serious diseases that require intensive treatment and strict diets.

The list of negative characteristics does not end there. Coca-Cola is harmful because it interferes with normal blood clotting, as well as enhances the process of acne, freckles and acne.

The harmfulness of cola also lies in the presence of sugar in its composition.

Many studies have shown that One glass of cola contains at least seven tablespoons of sugar, which is very harmful for any human body.

And if the label indicates that there is no sugar present, then even more harmful substances replace it.

They are marked with the letter E. Such substitutes can aggravate many diseases and promote the development of cancer cells.

Frequent consumption of Coca-Cola promises the accumulation of excess weight.

For people who are sick diabetes mellitus and suffer from obesity, this drink should be excluded from the diet.

All the negative qualities of black soda taken together are very serious and can lead to disastrous results.

Especially if you drink this drink often and in large quantities. In addition, it has been noted that Coca-Cola is addictive, and you want to drink it again and again, especially in larger and larger quantities.

Useful properties of Coca-Cola

The dangers of Coca-Cola are obvious. But still it has little useful. For the body this is very little, but for other purposes it is quite effective.

For human health, black soda can bring little benefit if it is not abused.

Scientists have conducted research and proven that daily norm should not exceed more than three hundred grams. But you don’t need to strictly adhere to this indicator.

It is best not to drink Coca-Cola every day, but only when it is really necessary.

And cola can help in the following situations: cheer up, enhance the body's performance, drive away laziness, recharge the body, giving it vigor and energy, improve memory, get rid of overwork.

The presence of caffeine is not only harmful, but also beneficial. After all, it is coffee (or energetic drinks, which also contain caffeine) helps to saturate the human body with a charge of strength, freshness and drive away weakness and impotence.

This is where the benefits for the human body end. But even here you don’t need to lean on the drink, since large doses of black soda will do more harm than good.

As for others useful characteristics, then Coca-Cola is a very popular product for household purposes. And all this is due to the presence of acids, which have the ability to destroy everything bad.

Coca-Cola can serve as detergent . Once you pour it into rusty areas, scale, plaque and other problem areas, it will solve the problem in just a few minutes.

Soda bubbles will instantly dissolve all problem areas and also add shine.

Have rust stains on furniture or you can’t unscrew a rusty part, then cola will help you.

Do you want to clean your toilet?, then fill it with cola for about half an hour, and then scrub it thoroughly with a brush. Your toilet will shine like new.

Black soda can also be used as a cleaning agent. Pour it into the sink or toilet, leave for an hour, and then flush. The drain will work much faster.

Coca-Cola can also serve as a clothes bleach. Do your favorite things have stains from brilliant green, potassium permanganate, juice, grass or blood? Then arm yourself with a bottle of black soda.

Soak your clothes in a solution of cola powder and water. Let sit for about ten minutes, then wash as usual.

For such corrosive qualities Coca-Cola is actively used in industries when it is necessary to clean machines, apparatus, and machines.

Also at the stations Maintenance cars keep this drink on hand, to clean many parts and mechanisms.

You can check these positive properties of Coca-Cola yourself. Because a lot of research and experiments are carried out on black soda. Some are only confirmed, while others are refuted.

But regarding your health, you definitely shouldn’t abuse this drink.

Of course, no one forbids drinking Coca-Cola, but don’t forget about it harmful effects on the human body.

Source http://dobro.pw/polza-i-vred-koka-koly/

Pepsi Cola contains a large number of chemical additives, sugar and carbon dioxide. Fans of this drink need to know the harm and benefits of Pepsi for the human body.

Pepsi was invented at the end of the 19th century in the USA. At that time, the drink contained pepsin and kola nut extract. The modern drink contains:

  1. Prepared drinking water.
  2. Sugar.
  3. Carbon dioxide.
  4. Dye – color. It is this that gives the drink its dark brown, almost black color. The effect of the dye on the body has not been fully studied.
  5. Orthophosphoric acid - it is designated as E-338. Eating foods with this additive is especially harmful to the stomach because it can cause peptic ulcers in humans. Prolonged intake of acid into the body disrupts its acid-base balance.
  6. Caffeine – in moderation, this substance does not harm the body. However, its prolonged use causes addiction in humans and leads to the development of heart and vascular diseases.
  7. Gum arabic (stabilizer) – has code E-414. Helps preserve flavor and prevents sugar crystallization. Gum arabic is obtained from certain varieties of acacia. There is no reliable data on whether gum arabic is beneficial.
  8. Flavoring – the manufacturer does not indicate the exact one chemical composition flavoring agent for Pepsi production. Its benefits and harms have not been proven to date.

Evidence that the drink is harmful

The fact that Pepsi-Cola is harmful is evidenced by the results of numerous studies by American scientists. They warn consumers that due to the excessive sugar content in the drink, there is a risk of developing diabetes and obesity. Use significant amount Sugary drinks like this can cause tooth decay, especially in children. One liter of Pepsi-Cola contains about 100 grams of sugar.

The “light” option, that is, low-calorie, is no less dangerous. It uses an artificially created sweetener instead of sugar. Aspartame is often used as it. This substance breaks down in the body into phenylalanine, felatanine and methanol. Some people have a congenital sensitivity to phenylalanine. If it enters the body it causes chronic poisoning.

Aspartame irritates the oral mucosa. A significant amount of it remains on the mucous membrane of the tongue. The body perceives this as thirst, which is why a person drinks Pepsi-Cola again and again.

Large amounts of aspartame can cause depression, panic attacks, and anger.

Many consumers of carbonated drinks are interested in what is more harmful - Cola or Pepsi. Both food products have a similar composition. Their abuse has a negative impact on health, especially children's health.

Video: how is Cola-Cola different from Pepsi?

Who is prohibited from drinking Pepsi-Cola?

This product should not be used for the following diseases:

  • caries and other dental pathologies;
  • pathologies associated with increased acidity stomach;
  • diseases of the small intestine, including inflammation of the duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • any oncological pathologies;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies;
  • hypertension;
  • severe disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • dysfunctions of the nervous system.

Drinking large quantities of Pepsi-Cola has a negative impact on health. It should not be given to children, and for some categories of patients it is completely contraindicated. Pepsi should only be on the table on rare occasions and should be drunk in moderation.

Source http://otravleniehelp.ru/produkty/pepsi-vred-i-polza-dlya-organizma.html

Harm of Pepsi- this is nothing more than a mixture chemical elements, sugar and gas dissolved in water. Pepsi-Cola is made from the fruits of tropical trees - cola. These fruits contain caffeine, and in addition to it theobromine, which stimulates the activity of the heart. Theobromine causes dilation of the heart and brain vessels. Pepsi is also a good diuretic. This data is known to everyone. Only the full recipe for the drink is unknown. The company keeps it secret. And millions of people, drinking Pepsi-Cola, are trying, risking their health, to unravel this mystery.

What is the harm of Pepsi - proof

Oddly enough, the dangers of Pepsi were first discussed in the United States. Scientists Harvard University came to the conclusion that consuming empty calories contained in the drink, a person is confidently moving towards diabetes and obesity. In addition, consumption of Pepsi contributes to the development of dental caries.

Some Pepsi-Cola (as well as Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite) are produced in the “light” version. It is considered preferable, since there is an opinion that it does not harm the figure. But, having zero calories, it contains a sweetener - aspartame (which is two hundred times sweeter than sugar), which breaks down into methanol, felatanin and phenylalanine, which is toxic when interacting with proteins. After its exposure, the oral mucosa becomes irritated, saliva does not remove the remaining sweetener well, thirst is not quenched, but on the contrary, the need arises to drink Pepsi again and again. The carbonation of the drink helps the formation of cellulite, and in the long term the metabolism of drink lovers is disrupted. Felatanin changes the sensitivity of the entire body, and if Pepsi is consumed in large quantities, manic depression, panic attacks, anger and a desire for violence can develop. What else is bad about Pepsi?

By the way, one liter of Pepsi-Cola contains more than 100 grams of sugar. If you add the caffeine it contains, a lot of dyes and orthophosphoric acid, which washes calcium out of the body, it becomes clear that this explosive mixture is created for the fastest distribution of harmful components throughout the body.

Sodium benzoate, used in Pepsi Cola as a preservative, also leads to obesity because it also disrupts the body's metabolism. This whole bouquet of goodies accumulates in the cells of the body over time, reduces immunity, creates chronic fatigue syndrome in the body, and can lead to skin diseases, stomach diseases and even cancer of the esophagus, liver and brain.

Those who have allergic reaction on food products who suffer bronchial asthma. No one can guarantee that the body will react positively to drinking the drink, even if you drink a small dose of the “secret” drink. It's better to drink regular clean water, there will be no negative reactions from her.

Source http://medianfo.ru/vred-pepsi/

Coca-Cola is one of the most popular carbonated drinks in the world. This drink has held the lead in the popularity rankings for more than a hundred years. Its homeland is considered to be the USA, where it was invented by chemists John Pemberton in 1886. Another decade later, Coca-Cola acquired the traditional bottle and trademark by which we know this drink to this day.

Of course, this drink is very famous and is consumed in huge quantities all over the world. However, one cannot fail to note the obvious harm that Coca-Cola brings to the human body.

Following Coca-Cola, the world saw similar drinks with the names Pepsi-Cola and Afri-Cola. The name of this drink comes from the cola plant, which was originally part of the drink. However, during the experiments it became clear that this plant is a soft drug, causing euphoria and addiction. Therefore, it was immediately excluded from the composition, but left behind a memorable name.

Composition of Coca-Cola and its calorie content

Since you can find more than one type of Coca-Cola on store shelves, the composition of this drink will also vary. However, in general the set of components remains the same. Classic Coca-Cola contains potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as orthophosphate acid, caffeine, carbon dioxide, sugar, coloring and flavorings.

The calorie content of classic Coca-Cola for every 100 g is 42 kcal.

Useful properties of Coca-Cola

This drink contains caffeine, which we can find in most drinks popular among people. This is coffee, tea, etc. Caffeine will help you overcome heavy mental stress, increase your performance, stimulate your muscles and brain, improve your memory, etc.

The high concentration of caffeine in Coca-Cola allows this drink to improve your mood and even cope with depression.

The harm of Coca-Cola

Unfortunately, the little benefit that Coca-Cola provides is completely outweighed by it. harmful effects on the human body. If a small amount of the drink can improve the condition of your body, then systematic use will lead to detrimental consequences and you will be able to feel the harm of Coca-Cola on yourself.

If you drink Coca-Cola in large quantities, then high level caffeine will help increase blood pressure and, accordingly, the load on the heart muscle. Therefore, if you suffer from hypertension, drinking Coca-Cola will be unnecessary for you.

If you suffer from any diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, then drinking any carbonated drinks, including Coca-Cola, is contraindicated for you.

Phosphoric acid, which is contained in this drink, can wash calcium from bones. Since teeth are directly affected, if you abuse Coca-Cola, you risk developing a calcium deficiency. As a result, you may have troubles related to the strength of the enamel and other problems of this kind.

Also, the high acid content in Coca-Cola contributes to the destruction of the walls of the stomach, which will eventually result in gastritis, and then into an ulcer.

Coca-Cola contains a huge amount of sugar. According to various researchers, one glass of carbonated drink contains from 6 to 10 tablespoons of sugar. This dose is dangerous for an adult, and even more so for small child. After drinking a drink with so much sugar, the load on the liver increases enormously, and a huge amount of insulin is released into the blood. People who are overweight or have diabetes should not drink cola.

Very often, bottles of Coca-Cola indicate that it does not contain sugar. This is indeed true, but instead of sugar, various sweeteners are added, which also do not provide anything useful for the human body. They cause increased heart rate, fatigue, migraines and even depression.

Source http://www.yourlifestyle.ru/polza/897-vred-coca-cola-sostav.html

This granny claims she hasn't drunk anything but Pepsi for 64 years, and she says she wouldn't touch a glass of water even if she was dying of thirst.

77-year-old Jackie Page cannot imagine her life without Pepsi, sometimes drinking 4 cans a day.

Since 1954, when she first tried it at age 13, it is estimated that she has drunk 93,440 cans of Pepsi - that's almost 3,000 kg of sugar, or the equivalent of 3 million cubes of sugar.

Jackie, from Carshalton in Surrey, said: “Some people might find it strange but I don't care. I don't consider this an addiction. It's just what I like, and I can't help the fact that I don't like anything else."

“I don’t like drinking it from a bottle, only from a can.”

“When my children were little, they knew very well not to touch their mother’s Pepsi in the refrigerator.”

“To prevent them from drinking it, we told them that it could have a bad effect on their health, but now they see that I am absolutely healthy and have lived long enough, so I’m no longer sure about that.”

Andy Huntley/Kennedy News and Media

“Whether I’m a caffeine addict, I don’t know, but I’m 77 years old and still alive.”

“Every morning I have a rule - as soon as I wake up, I head to the refrigerator for a drink. It's like someone saying that in the morning they want a nice cup of tea, but I drink a nice can of Pepsi."

“I don’t like to drink alcohol, so when we go out for dinner, I order a Pepsi.”

“In a restaurant, I can do without a drink at all, or I can take a can of Pepsi out of my bag. Sometimes they [the establishment’s employees] feel a little funny because I don’t buy it there.”

“They say Pepsi is bad for your teeth, but I’m a wartime kid and there are very few of us with good teeth, so I don’t know.”

“I don’t think Pepsi had any effect on my health. I really have always been very thin, and only in the last 5 years have I gained a little due to the fact that I don’t do much anymore. I'm not as active as I used to be."

Andy Huntley/Kennedy News and Media

Jackie was never interested in the glass of water or bottle of milk her mother tried to give her, and she always found the smell of tea and coffee “disgusting.”

She initially drank lemonade, but she claims she didn't particularly like the drink and didn't enjoy it. Later she tried Pepsi for the first time, which completely captivated her. At that time, this drink was produced in glass bottles.

“When you find something you really like, you have to have it. When I was a child, I never liked drinking,” says former housekeeper Jackie.

“I never drank water - no way, even if I was dying, I would also not drink tea or coffee. I know this is hard to believe."

“I’ve never had Coca-Cola in my house, I don’t like Coca-Cola, I don’t like cola drinks at all, but I like Pepsi.”

Andy Huntley/Kennedy News and Media

Jackie loves Pepsi so much that even while in the hospital giving birth to her 4 children, she went without drinking because she was not allowed to bring Pepsi into the room.

But when she got to the hospital later in life, the staff at the facility made sure there were cans of Pepsi in her refrigerator, as they didn’t want the woman to suffer from dehydration.

“I never kissed my mother when she smelled of tea. “I’ve never drank anything other than Pepsi,” says the fizzy drink lover. “Honestly, I don’t know how I managed to live so long.”

Fortunately, Jackie's family understands her and always tries to please her, while they do not forget to make sure that she always has something to eat.

Her 8 great-grandchildren and 11 grandchildren are also already aware that they should not touch their grandmother's Pepsi.

Andy Huntley/Kennedy News and Media

In turn, doctors warn that drinking Pepsi too often can lead to excess weight, affects teeth and increases the risk of developing diabetes and liver disease.

"If a person has overweight, they may also have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of stroke,” says Nicole Rothband, a specialist dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association.


77-year-old British woman Jackie Page claims that she has been drinking only Pepsi carbonated drink almost all her life and still feels great. A woman can drink four cans of soda in a day and says she won't touch water even if she's dying of thirst. Jackie first tried Pepsi in 1954 at the age of 13 and has since drank 93,440 cans.

“Let someone think that this is a strange hobby, I don’t care. I don't consider it an unhealthy addiction. This is my hobby. I just don’t like other drinks, I can’t do anything about it,” a resident of the British city of Carshalton told The Sun.

The woman gave birth to four children and suffered from thirst every time in the maternity hospital, because doctors did not allow her to drink soda. The children have grown up and do not approve of their mother's Pepsi hobbies. “However, I lived to be 77 years old and absolutely healthy. To be honest, I myself don’t understand why I live so long,” Jackie Page smiles.

Experts commented on the 77-year-old woman’s active passion for soda. “Overconsumption of high-sugar drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes, stroke, liver disease and dental disease,” said Nicole Rothband, a specialist dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, adding: “In Paige’s case "Her good health was likely positively influenced by an active lifestyle as well as healthy eating habits."

Interestingly, for some reason grandma only drinks Pepsi from cans. From bottles, he says, it’s not as tasty.

We also wrote and boasted about having a lot of energy.

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