Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to feed clematis in summer. Clematis proper soil care, regular fertilizing, watering, pruning Feeding clematis

Clematis will not leave anyone indifferent. Gorgeous flowers of various shapes and colors bloom on their graceful legs from the beginning of June until the coldest weather. Depending on the variety, they can grow as a compact bush or spread out as a vine up to 10 meters long.

These climbing plants They come from hot Spain, so some gardeners fear that caring for them will be very difficult. Growing has its own characteristics, the most important of which are good choice places, timely feeding of clematis, proper pruning.

Fertilizer application during planting

Clematis can grow in one place for more than 30 years, so the soil must be prepared very carefully before planting. The planting hole must be filled with humus (2 buckets), add 1 bucket of sand and peat, 0.5 liters of wood ash, 100 g of superphosphate and complex mineral fertilizer. Clematis love alkaline and neutral soil, so when planting it is advisable to add a handful dolomite flour. Usage fresh manure and acidic peat can destroy clematis.

Feeding in the first year after spring planting is not carried out. In the future, the quantity nutrients in the soil decreases and the plant needs fertilizers.

Alternating fertilizing for abundant flowering

The first feeding of clematis is carried out in May after the shoots have grown. The second is during the budding period. Feeding clematis in the spring stimulates their growth and development. At this time, the plant is in dire need of nitrogen. Anything will do for this. complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content (marked with the letter N on the packaging). Next, the soil under the plant is spilled with lime milk and mulched. To obtain strong, abundantly flowering clematis, fertilizing should be carried out throughout the entire growing season of the plant, approximately 2 times a month.

During the summer, mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones. For mineral fertilizing, use a matchbox in a bucket of water. For organic - herbal infusion (1-2 l), bird droppings (1:15), or fermented slurry (1:10).

Since August, nitrate fertilizers have not been used, and phosphorus takes their place. Its deficiency can cause browning of leaves, inhibition of root and shoot growth. If potassium nitrate was used for fertilizing in the spring or then in the second half of summer it is necessary to replace it with potassium sulfate. The shoots must fully ripen so that by winter the gardener receives a strong clematis ready for wintering. Feeding with phosphorus in September is carried out during the main dressing in the form of simple or However, excess phosphorus in the soil can cause plants and provoke the incidence of chlorosis. To neutralize the effect of phosphates, ferrous sulfate is added to the soil every 2 weeks.

The key to success is good soil

On well-aerated cultivated lands, the root spreads up to 1 m wide from the base of the bush and up to 80 cm deep, which allows the plant to select from the soil the minerals and trace elements that are missing for life.

Properly planted clematis, which is fertilized correctly and in full, always blooms profusely and tolerates winter well.

To make these vines bloom profusely and for a long time, experienced flower growers use several tricks.

Two meals a day

Over the summer, clematis grow a huge mass of shoots, leaves, and then flowers, so nutrition comes first for them. These vines need to be fed twice a month, in small portions. And the fertilizer must be in liquid form!
The first feeding is given in the spring, when shoots begin to grow. The best fertilizers at this time - ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:15). Consumption rate – 1 bucket per plant.
Subsequently, mineral and organic fertilizers alternate. And when the buds appear, they give both mineral and organic matter at once.
But the largest Russian specialist in clematis, breeder, author of many varieties, Margarita Beskaravainaya, in her book “Clematis - Creepers of the Future,” offers another feeding - lime milk (200-300 g of garden lime per 10 liters of water). Clematis loves this “elixir” very much, but it can only be used on acidic soils!

Useful doping

Clematis are rarely affected by diseases and pests, so there is no point in treating them with herbicides and other deadly chemicals.
But these vines love growth stimulants. Therefore, experienced gardeners spray them with epin-extra or zircon several times during the summer - they protect the plants from stress, help them withstand spring frosts and activate the growth of shoots from the lateral buds. This means that clematis bushes will grow more luxuriantly and bloom more abundantly.

The ideal remedy

Landscape designers know very well that clematis go perfectly with roses. Therefore, many advanced flower growers combine business with pleasure - they plant mixed plants near supports climbing roses and clematis.
This combination of vines not only decorates the garden, but greatly facilitates their care and saves time, which is always so lacking.
Before fertilizing clematis, you need to remove their winter shelter. They do this as soon as the snow melts. If you tighten it, the young shoots will begin to grow directly under the protection and will be crooked, thin, weaved into a ball and will probably break when the bush opens. But the first shoots are the most valuable - they bloom earlier!

First flowering of my clematis 2015.


This summer the increase was not large.

In the first year after planting, clematis seedlings do not need to be fertilized. In the future, fertilize them in the same way as ordinary perennial flowers. Good results feeding of clematis with “Strawberry concentrate” showed. A suitable supplement is water in which unsalted meat or fish has been washed.
Every spring, water the clematis with lime milk (dolomite flour, chalk) and a solution containing copper (one tablespoon per bucket of water).
Good results are obtained by dusting the lower part of the vines with wood ash after rain - this prevents clematis shoots from withering during frequent rains, especially on heavy soils. On light soils, wilting of clematis is rarely observed.
Clematis vines reach their greatest decorative value at the age of 3-7 years.
After seven years of age, clematis flowers begin to shrink due to a lack of fertilizers and water, since in the heat, in the absence good rains, irrigation water no longer penetrates deeply to the roots (they reach a length of 60–70 cm or more). To prevent this from happening, you can dig 3-4 pots with a hole in the bottom around the clematis bush. When watering plants, the pots are filled with water, which does not spread anywhere and penetrates deeply.

Clematis also suffer from overheating of the soil, and therefore mulch the ground around them with humus or moss. Plant at the base of the vines low growing plants, for example, “marigold”-calendula, which will also serve as protection for clematis from nematodes.

You can plant clematis on lawns, then the grass will protect the roots of the vines from the sun and overheating

What varieties of clematis do you have? What do you feed your pets? How do you cover for the winter?

You have decided to plant clematis, but you don’t know how to care for it, then you will find useful information about when and how to plant a flower, what feeding it needs, how to water it correctly, how to prune and cover it for the winter...

Clematis - where and how to plant?

The main question for those who have just become acquainted with the clematis plant is how to care for it at different times? This crop is long-lived, with far-reaching roots and high vigor. Clematis, regardless of the variety, love the sun, but cannot tolerate the sun. Also does not like garden culture marshy soils and high lying groundwater.

Landing on permanent place and periodic replanting of clematis in August and September is considered the most optimal. Before winter, the clematis bush will have time to take root and acquire a system of suction roots, so the place for it should be sunny, perhaps with light shade. You can plant them next to trees and shrubs - the main thing is that the clematis does not end up in dense shade.

The formation of clematis will be harmonious only if there is sufficient fertile space for its roots and, to ensure this, you will have to dig up a large landing hole at least half a meter in diameter, and not a hole the size of the roots of the seedling.

Clematis flowering in the Leningrad region

Soddy soil, crushed peat, humus and coarse sand are poured into the pit in equal proportions. It is important that the soil is not too acidic. Optimal soil acidity for clematis is 6.5. If it is higher, it is worth adding ash or slaked lime to the planting hole. This must be done at least 6 weeks before planting.

After careful selection and preparation of the site, clematis is planted in the fall - few people know how to care for the plant for the first year, but correct landing 70% of success in growing it depends. The bottom 2-3 buds on the seedling should be below the soil surface. This way it will begin to bush faster and form a more powerful root system.

When planting, make sure that the clematis roots do not bend upward; they are carefully straightened and the planting hole is gradually filled, compacting the soil. Since transplanting clematis in the fall is considered the most favorable, it will not take long to care for the plant before the onset of winter. The plant will take everything it needs from the soil, and the gardener only has to worry about providing it with moisture. Before winter, 40-50 liters of water are poured under each plant, and the surface of the soil is covered with mulch.

Clematis - how to care for spring, summer and autumn

Watering clematis

When growing clematis, you need to know how to care for it, because difficulties often arise when caring for it, especially during active growth. First of all, each plant must be provided with nutrients and moisture; the growth of stems and the quality of flowering will depend on their quantity. Despite clematis' dislike for waterlogged soil, they need a lot of water. Watering is done twice a week, and the amount of moisture depends on the age of the clematis:

  • Under first-year bushes, pour at least 15 liters per plant;
  • From 40 to 50 liters are poured under adult plants.

During dry periods, the number of waterings is increased to 3-4 per week. Water volumes should also increase. It is advisable to moisten clematis in the evening, and in the morning it is recommended to remove the weeds under them and loosen the soil.

A separate topic when growing clematis is how to care for it after flowering, so it is worth knowing that in late autumn, when the plant sheds its leaves and flowers, clematis needs moisture-replenishing watering. Such autumn watering ensures active growth of suction roots, which means that by spring the bush will become stronger and more resistant to adverse factors.

Clematis - feeding

How to feed clematis in spring lush flowering in the garden? Clematis also responds well to fertilizing. Unlike some garden plants, the plant prefers alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Starting in spring, immediately after the snow melts, fertilizing clematis is as follows:

By the beginning of flowering, during budding, the rules for fertilizing clematis change, so the amount of nitrogen is reduced, giving preference to flower Aquarin or Mortar; special complexes for clematis are also suitable for fertilizing.

first flowering of clematis

Regarding how to feed clematis in the fall, tips for beginning gardeners highlight the subtleties autumn fertilizing– from the beginning of August, it is recommended to add potassium sulfate (25 g/10 l) to the water for irrigation once a month, and add bone meal (200 g/1 sq. m.) to the soil. The additives will stimulate the formation of roots and the formation of flower buds for the next year. Fertilizing is completed in mid-September. If this is not done, clematis will continue to grow actively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

Clematis - pruning according to the rules

Pruning is the most important point for those who want to plant clematis on their plot, not all novice gardeners know how to care for it in terms of forming bushes.

The first pruning of clematis for the winter is carried out immediately after replanting the plant, which allows the bush to spend nutrients primarily on the development of the root system, and not on the stems and leaves.

After adult clematis has been transplanted in the fall, the shoots should be cut off almost completely, leaving only the 2 lower buds; the same is done with young seedlings, but in the second year of life, clematis shoots are not cut out completely, but columns 30 cm high are left.

In subsequent years, you will have to care for clematis more actively, practically all year round. Three types of pruning are applied to a mature clematis bush:

  1. Seasonal, carried out before winter - for clematis that bloom in spring on last year's shoots, the shoots are shortened to one and a half meters. Varieties that bloom on current and last year's shoots are shortened in the fall to a height of 50-100 cm. Varieties blooming in summer and in the fall on current shoots, in the fall they are cut out almost completely, leaving stumps 30 cm high.
  2. Formative pruning of clematis is carried out from spring and sometimes until autumn. Clematis that bloom in spring are carefully thinned out, removing weakened branches. Blooming in spring and in summer, varieties are formed after the first flowering. To do this, branches with infructescences are removed. Varieties that bloom on the current shoot do not require careful formation;
  3. Sanitary, carried out throughout the year - weakened and damaged branches of clematis are cut out, as well as parts of plants that clearly lack light and nutrients.

The problem with the clematis plant - how to care for it, prune and feed the bushes during the growing season - may seem overly complicated, and experienced gardeners agree that clematis require constant attention for beautiful and lush flowering.

A special place in decorative design suburban areas occupied by clematis. This is an amazingly beautiful liana plant with a variety of color range, unique texture and shape, as well as a unique aroma.

Thanks to the large number various types clematis, this flower has become an almost indispensable element in landscape design, allowing you to transform the walls of a building, hedges, arches and add brightness to the design of a garden or flower bed.

Clematis: variety of species of “noble buttercup”

Clematis belongs to the ranunculaceae family, but has a number of advantages over its “wild” relative and is used for landscaping and decorating gardens and suburban areas. Therefore, this flower is also called “noble buttercup”. Clematis are successfully grown in temperate and subtropical climate, A middle lane Russia - practically perfect option for their reproduction.

The variety of varieties of perennial loach is divided into several groups based on their closest maternal relative. Let's look at the seven main types of clematis:

Hundreds of varieties of clematis take part in vertical gardening of the garden, differing in color, texture of petals, length of shoots and some features of care.

Features of planting clematis

good planting material is the key to abundant and long flowering

In order for clematis to delight owners and guests for a long time garden plot its abundance bright flowers, it is necessary to take care of quality in advance planting material.

First of all, you need to decide how to plant clematis: with seeds or ready-made seedlings.

In the first case, when purchasing seeds, it is important to consider the following points:

  • at home it is better to sow small-flowered clematis;
  • flower seeds need stratification (ripe seeds are exposed to cold temperatures);
  • when purchasing seeds, it is better to give preference to products from reputable manufacturers who supply planting material for various garden crops;
  • Seeds collected from your own plants should be stored in a dark place before planting.

Purchased clematis seedlings must meet the following requirements:

  • the plants should not have mechanical damage, signs of disease or the presence of pests;
  • high-quality planting material will have a well-developed root system (at least 5 roots);
  • a plant purchased in the fall must have at least two developed shoots with buds, in the spring - one;
  • In the fall, it is better to buy seedlings no earlier than mid-September; in spring and summer, seedlings are sold less frequently;
  • It is better to choose two-year-old plants with a closed root;
  • clematis seedlings obtained by grafting on wild species cannot be sold;
  • When purchasing, pay attention to the type of flower and the requirements for planting and caring for it.

selection and preparation of the optimal landing site

Clematis can grow in one place for more than 20 years, so you need to choose the site for planting them especially carefully.

The climbing flower loves the sun, which means it is better to plant it on the south side of the site. The plant needs light for about 5-6 hours per day. For most varieties, this is one of the main conditions for rapid flowering and active growth. Bicolor perennial varieties prefer to grow in partial shade.

Clematis is unpretentious in terms of soil composition. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that they do not tolerate swampy, damp soil. Therefore, you need to choose a site located on a small hill - this will protect the plants from flooding in the spring.

It is necessary to arrange supports for clematis on which the plant will climb. This could be an arch, a nearby tree, a trellis, the wall of a gazebo, or a staircase railing. When choosing one support or another, you must remember that in the winter the clematis branches will need to be removed and insulated, so the design should not be too complex. To decorate an intricate support, it is better to use clematis varieties that do not require extensive pruning.

You can't plant clematis near country houses with an angular roof to avoid rainwater draining from entering the root neck of the plant. It is necessary to maintain a minimum distance of half a meter

favorable landing time

In regions with temperate climate(southern regions and central Russia) clematis are planted in the fall - the first ten days of September. The plant will have time to take root and overwinter safely.

If in the region frosts begin already with the onset of October (northern regions), then planting should be postponed to spring, namely, to the end of April - beginning of May. In this case, clematis will bloom only next year.

The exception is potted clematis over three years old, which have a fairly strong root system. These flowers can withstand low temperatures, so they can be planted for the winter.

planting process

Let's break down the process of planting clematis into next steps:

After a while, it is advisable to plant low-growing flowers around the clematis to protect the roots from excess light.

Key points for caring for clematis

Most garden plants require regular and careful care, and clematis is no exception. Planting and care perennial flower are very interconnected: feeding, watering and pruning directly depend on the growing season of the plant.

flower care after planting

In the first year after planting, the plant cannot be fertilized abundantly, as this can lead to damage or death of the clematis.

During prolonged rainy weather, in order to prevent the root from rotting, you can sprinkle the root part of the trunk with wood ash.

If there is a possibility of the soil drying out, then it can be mulched with humus or moss - cover the area around the flower with material that allows air to pass through and regulates soil humidity and temperature.

As a fertilizer for young plant You can use copper solution or “Strawberry concentrate”.

pruning, fertilizing and watering clematis

Careful attention to flowers will be the key to beauty personal plot and will ensure abundant flowering of clematis. Growing plants is impossible without knowing the rules of pruning, frequency of fertilizing and watering standards.

The procedure for pruning clematis depends on the variety of decorative vine:

  1. The first group - flowers are formed on last year's shoots. They need pruning only when the bush grows strongly. In the fall, before frost sets in, old and weak shoots are pruned.
  2. The second group - pruning is carried out in two stages: in the spring, flowering shoots of last year are removed, in the fall, the weakest shoots are pruned.
  3. The third group is plants that produce the main color from young shoots. Clematis is pruned in spring to the height of the first bud from ground level.

After pruning, clematis must be insulated by covering the remaining shoots with a layer of earth and peat. Sensitive varieties are covered with spruce branches, boards or roofing material on top. This will protect the plant bark from freezing and excess moisture.

Clematis should be fertilized in the spring. You can water the plant with lime milk (100 grams of slaked lime per 10 liters of water), or a liquid solution of mullein. Watering with a copper solution will be useful for flowering vines: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. spoon of copper.

Clematis produce the most abundant flowering in the first seven years, since later, fertilizers and water do not reach the overgrown roots. Therefore, some amateur gardeners dig pipes into the ground (when planting), through which all the necessary nutrients are supplied.

Decorative vines require regular watering- once every 7-10 days. Water should penetrate to a depth of 60-70 cm, but with normal watering the bulk of the water spreads over the surface. To solve this problem, around the bush, at a distance of 40 cm, dig in ordinary flower pots, which are filled with water. Through drainage hole the water gradually reaches the clematis roots. This method helps to get large flowers even in plants older than seven years.

Methods for propagating clematis

To obtain clematis planting material, propagation can occur in different ways:

  • vegetative (dividing the bush, propagation by layering and cuttings);
  • seeds (acceptable only for plants with small flowers).

Dividing the bush can be done in the fifth or sixth year after planting. To do this, just dig up a bush and divide it into several parts. The advantage of this method is the rapid flowering of the new shrub, but the main disadvantage is the likelihood of the bush not taking root and the transmission of diseases to it from the mother plant.

Most often, gardeners propagate clematis by cuttings. The method can be used in spring, autumn or even winter (woody cuttings).

The second most popular method of propagating the “noble buttercup” is seed. Let's consider in order how to plant clematis seeds:

Using clematis in landscape design

Clematis occupy a worthy place in landscape design, thanks to their long, abundant and bright flowering. More often they are used as vertical decoration.

The main options for using clematis in transforming the appearance of a garden plot and creating original compositions:

Clematis is a people's favorite, ready to please its owners. beautiful flowering and intricate interweaving of vines. All the difficulties and nuances of caring for the “noble buttercup” are fully compensated by the festive atmosphere that these flowers create in the garden.

Clematis are liana-like plants of the ranunculaceae family. Among flower growers, it is known as clematis, lozinka or grandfather curls and is widely used for vertical gardening. Spectacular climbing shoots of clematis, from the beginning of June to August graceful flowers, serve as decoration for gardens and cottages, balconies and gazebos. To obtain lush flowering, proper care is required throughout the growing season. Spring events are of particular importance. First of all, feeding, which lays the foundations for future flowering.

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    Care after winter

    They begin to care for clematis literally immediately after the snow melts, freeing the awakened plants from their winter shelters and performing a number of other simple but important activities.

    Removing covers

    After wintering, the protection is removed from clematis. Do this gradually:

    • When the mercury column stops falling below 0 °C during the daytime, ventilation holes are made in the protection, providing access fresh air and light to the shoots of the plant.
    • Winter shelters are removed completely only when the threat of night frosts has disappeared.


    Clematis are pruned in the fall. If for some reason this could not be done, then pruning is carried out in early spring:

    • For varieties that bloom twice a year, all old and dried shoots are removed, and healthy shoots are shortened to 1 m.
    • Clematis that bloom on the current year's shoots are cut to a length of 30 cm, leaving 2-3 buds.
    • In spring, remove all broken and deformed branches.

    Support and garter

    Spring growth of clematis shoots begins in May, reaching its maximum by the middle of this month. At daytime temperatures above 10 °C, the vine stretches 7-10 cm per day and needs support, natural or artificially erected. It is worth taking care of its presence and staking of the vine in early spring.

    The first garter is carried out at a minimum distance from the ground. As they grow, the clematis shoots are fan-shapedly distributed over the surface of the support, carefully ensuring that they do not intertwine, and fixed. This will ensure good illumination of the shoots, protect the plant from mechanical damage and their consequences, and also give the bush a decorative appearance.

    Scheme for fixing clematis shoots


    In spring, clematis experience an increased need for moisture. After the snow melts, the soil is sufficiently saturated with water, but its reserves are quickly used up. Clematis react painfully to moisture deficiency, so in the spring, especially with little rainfall, the soil is moistened.

    Watering is carried out infrequently (once a week), but abundantly, trying to moisten the soil to a depth of up to half a meter, which is explained by the taproot type of plant root system. From 10 to 20 liters of water is poured under young bushes, 1.5-2 times more for adults. The older the plant, the more moisture it needs.

    Loosening the soil

    After each watering, the soil is loosened. This will avoid excessive evaporation of water and prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation.

    The first time the soil is loosened in early spring, still wet from the melted snow, in order to destroy the soil crust and weeds. Loosening is carried out to a depth of 2-5 cm.


    Covering the soil with mulch partially replaces watering and loosening. It helps retain moisture in the soil, saturate it with oxygen and protects the roots from overheating.

    Used as mulch various materials: peat, half-rotted manure, sawdust, straw, compost, humus. The use of organic matter helps plants receive additional nutrition during rain.

    Mulch is placed around the bushes, being careful not to touch the shoots. This will protect them from damage by rodents.

    Planting annual flowering plants at the base of clematis shoots works similarly to mulch. These could be marigolds, which not only protect the roots, but also repel some insect pests with the help of their smell.

    Prevention of diseases and pests

    The roots of clematis, especially in waterlogged soil conditions, are susceptible to fungal diseases (fusarium, wilt, gray rot), which can lead to the loss of the plant. To prevent the occurrence of diseases in the spring, apply to clematis bushes. copper sulfate(50 g per 10 l), foundationol (20 g per 10 l) or any other fungicide, 3-4 l per bush. The treatment is repeated 3-4 times.

    Dangerous pests of clematis are root-knot nematodes, which penetrate root tissues and form thickenings (galls). To prevent their appearance, spring mulching of the soil is carried out using mint or wormwood, the smell of which repels them.

    Spring feeding

    The growing season of most clematis varieties is characterized by the annual renewal of almost the entire above-ground mass and a long and abundant flowering. To carry out these processes, the plant needs a large number of nutrients. Therefore, after winter, clematis need to be fertilized.

    For normal development, the plant needs 16 micro- and macroelements. It receives three of them (oxygen, carbon and hydrogen) mainly from the air. The remaining 13 are from the soil.

    Rules for applying fertilizers

    Fertilizing clematis in the spring is carried out in compliance with several rules:

    • fertilizers are applied after watering or into moist soil;
    • to prevent “overfeeding”, solutions of medium concentration are used, dry additives are scattered in small portions;
    • the application of mineral additives is alternated with the use of organic matter.

    Clematis do not tolerate chlorine-containing fertilizers.

    Spring feeding scheme

    During the season, adult clematis bushes are fed 5 times. Most of the fertilizing occurs in the spring.

    Subsequence Dates Fertilizers used Important information
    1 First half of MayUrea solution (30 g per 10 l of water) or solution ammonium nitrate(2 g per 10 liters of water for a bush from 5 to 10 years) or sprinkle fertilizer over the soil surfaceNitrogen is necessary for the growth of green mass. It activates cell division processes, preventing their aging. With a deficiency of this element, the growth of shoots slows down, the leaves become smaller and acquire a yellowish or reddish tint, and few buds are formed
    2 A week after the first feedingInfusion of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:15).-
    2/3 Additionally, between 2 and 3 feedings (mid - end of May)Liming the soil: 150-200 g of chalk (lime) or dolomite flour are dissolved in 10 liters of water. This solution is used to treat 1 sq. m. soil.

    Adding lime milk accomplishes 2 tasks:

    • enriches the soil with potassium and calcium, without which it is impossible to obtain bright flowering;
    • allows you to correct the acidity of the soil: clematis do not tolerate an acidic environment.

    After liming, the soil is mulched

    3 1.5-2 weeks after the second feedingAny complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira universal, 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water-
    4 During the budding periodSuperphosphate, potassium nitrate 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of waterPhosphorus and potassium are necessary for the formation of buds. With their deficiency, few flowers are formed. The pedicels of some of them darken, the buds droop down and do not always open.

    In summer, clematis are not fed. This reduces flowering time!

    Foliar spring feeding

    Clematis responds well to holding foliar feeding.In the spring they are carried out twice:

    • when shoots grow, during the 1st feeding, young shoots are irrigated with a weak (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water) urea solution;
    • at the end of spring, during the formation of buds - using the preparations “Master”, “Avkarin”, “Floral Solution”.

    Clematis will definitely respond to spring troubles and will delight you with its blooms all season long.

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