Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to fertilize strawberries after winter. How to fertilize strawberries in spring to get a good harvest. Differences in feeding adult and young plants

03.05.2019 107 980

Fertilizer for strawberries - how to increase yields in simple ways?

In order for the fertilizer for strawberries to be beneficial, experienced gardeners advise not to neglect important rules and follow the cultivation techniques, both in spring and summer, and in autumn. Fertilizing for garden strawberries is necessary immediately after waking up, during flowering, during the formation of berries, and also after harvest, when the buds of the future harvest will be laid. To get it right, read the entire article ...

Fertilizer for strawberries in spring - boosting growth!

The long cold winter is over, the plants have used up all their nutrient reserves, and now the deficit needs to be replenished. Before fertilizing strawberries in the spring, you need to prepare them for this process - remove the beds and process.

Plants of the first year of life do not require feeding, if they were produced in the spring of this year and were fertilized, because has not yet spent the fertilizing introduced into the planting holes. The crop of the following seasons needs to be fertilized in order to get a generous and tasty harvest. Feeding strawberries is divided into three stages - fertilizing strawberries in spring, after fruiting, when planting in summer or autumn, when preparing strawberry bushes for winter.

It should be noted right away that each gardener independently determines the need for feeding strawberries, taking into account the previously applied fertilizers, the condition and growth of plants, as well as the structure and composition of the soil.

On a note: garden strawberries oversaturated with fertilizers in spring will give good foliage, but in this case it is not worth waiting for a rich harvest of berries, because an excess of trace elements will not only lead to the active growth of the green part, but will also be a good help in order to appear. In simple words, the plant will need to get rid of unnecessary elements, therefore, internal processes will be disrupted, the immunity and protective functions of strawberries will decrease, and the result of the great efforts of the summer resident is a plant disease.

Timely applied fertilizer will be a good stimulator of strawberry growth, and it is imperative to feed both the aerial part and the roots, i.e. carry out foliar and root feeding. Before fertilizing strawberries after winter, you need to make sure that the soil is dry and that the bushes are restored after winter. If you know how to clean the garden and what to do next, let's go directly to top dressing.

feeding strawberries with potassium permanganate - in the photo

The first strawberry fertilizer needs to be applied after the cultivation is finished, this will be the beginning of a new season of the battle for the harvest. For many summer residents, feeding strawberries with iodine has become popular, but not everyone knows what effect such feeding will have, let's figure it out.

First of all, an antiseptic protects the plant from disease. Strawberry bushes treated with iodine practically do not get sick with gray mold and powdery mildew. For ten liters of water, take 7-10 drops of iodine, and treat the plants with the prepared solution on a leaf from a watering can with a shower head immediately after cleaning the garden, and in order not to burn the leaves, observe the dosage.

Processing strawberries with iodine should be carried out in cloudy weather, or in the evening, when there is no bright sun, so as not to burn the leaf plates. There should be 2-3 such treatments with iodine before the berries appear. And remember, in this case, iodine acts more as a prophylactic agent against diseases.

After 5-7 days after spraying with iodine, strawberries are fertilized, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters of the finished solution under each plant. In addition to urea, of course, they are used, which are prepared with their own hands and certainly do not contain any chemistry.

If everything is done correctly and on time, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, then the leaves and shoots will grow well, you will get a delicious bright red berry in summer. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves will turn pale, the berries will be born small, and the taste will be poor. Also, in early spring, strawberries can be fed with the fertilizer Gumi-Omi Berries, Health for strawberries and raspberries, Bona Forte, OMU Universal, Humat +7, Robin Green, etc.

On a note: you need to start feeding strawberries when the soil warms up to + 8 ° C; at lower temperatures, the roots of garden strawberries do not absorb fertilizers.

feeding strawberries with nitrogen-containing fertilizer during flowering - in the photo

Feeding strawberries during flowering can be done with the following homemade fertilizer, which is used by experienced gardeners - take 1 glass of wood ash, pour 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for two hours, then add 1.5-2 grams of potassium permanganate here, 2.5- 3 g of boric acid, 10 drops of iodine and pour 10 liters of warm, settled (not chlorinated) water and stir thoroughly. Pour 1 cup (250 ml) of this fertilizer under each strawberry bush.

In addition to the above fertilizers, summer residents are very successful in feeding strawberries with yeast, which is prepared like this - they take a pack of fresh store yeast (or a bag of dry, 10 g), put it in a 3-liter jar, and add 100 g of granulated sugar (1/2 faceted glass) and all this substance is poured with settled water to the shoulders of the jar, so that during fermentation it does not overflow over the top.

feeding strawberries during flowering - in the photo

Mix the yeast solution well and leave in a greenhouse or other warm place for a day or two until fermentation subsides. When the fermentation process is over, 1 cup (250 ml) of the resulting concentrated mixture must be diluted in 10 liters of water and the finished solution is poured into 0.5 liters under one bush.

Feeding strawberries with yeast should be carried out no more than 3 times during the entire growing season. Fertilize strictly on wet soil, i.e. first you need to water the garden well! And remember, when you use yeast-based fertilizers, you need to replenish the potassium reserves in the soil, which is very strongly absorbed from the soil by strawberries (feed with wood ash after 14-15 days, sprinkling between rows or using a liquid solution). Fertilizer for strawberries, applied in spring, activates growth and leads to a decent harvest.

Feeding strawberries during fruiting - prolonging the harvest

With the onset of summer, the question for novice summer residents is again - what should be the feeding of strawberries during fruiting? To improve fruiting, to prolong the collection of fruits, the plant must be fed again.

At the beginning of summer, the culture forms the first fruits, therefore potassium is especially needed. As soon as the first berries begin to appear, wood ash is introduced between the rows (1 handful under a bush, or 0.5 liters of liquid solution - pour 2 cups with boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and dilute with 10 liters of warm water).

feeding strawberries with chicken droppings - pictured

If you use mineral fertilizers, then strawberries during the fruiting period can be given potassium monophosphate (1 tablespoon / 10 l.), Kemira Lux or Universal, which must be diluted strictly according to the instructions. Fruiting lasts about two to three weeks, but even at this time, the plant needs additional substances.

Feeding strawberries with a solution of mullein in water (1:15) is the most versatile, and you can also use a solution of chicken manure (1:10). In addition, fertilizers that were used in early spring can also be applied and alternated during fruiting.

Do not forget that after harvesting, the strawberries need to be fed, loosened and watered, because it is after harvesting the berries that leaves, roots begin to actively grow, next year's buds are laid, so you should not throw the garden until autumn. And if you decide to mow the strawberry leaves, then do it immediately after the bushes have borne fruit, otherwise the plants may not have time to fully recover.

How to fertilize strawberries when planting?

Spring, summer and the first half of autumn are the time when strawberries are planted, it depends on the season how to fertilize the strawberries when planting. Fertilizers that can be used in the spring cannot always be used in the fall.

strawberry harvest with proper feeding - in the photo

Spring planting is considered successful, exactly like autumn and summer. The land, before planting, must be dug up, watered and fertilized. In order to bear fruit and grow normally, the bushes need mineral and organic fertilizers. Complex preparations that contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, have a greater effect, the use of manure and humus is successful. Three types of fertilizer mixtures are especially popular:

  1. A bucket of soil, the same amount of compost and manure, 1 liter of wood ash;
  2. A bucket of humus, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate;
  3. Compost bucket, 40 g superphosphate, 0.5 l of ash.

For a garden bed of 10 m² you will need 2-2.5 buckets of mixture. If planting is carried out in the spring, then you need to add urea to the mixture, or immediately after planting on the garden bed, feed it with green liquid fertilizer. When planting in summer, it is better to use a full complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content; in the fall, nitrogen is not given so that the plants have time to get stronger before the arrival of frost, and not grow lush foliage in the winter.

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn - preparing bushes for winter

Fertilization for strawberries in the fall plays an important role. In what month to do this depends not only on the variety, but also on the climatic conditions of growing, because in the Kuban at the end of September it is still quite hot, and in the Urals and Siberia, the Leningrad region, the Moscow region, prolonged rains can begin and the temperature can drop quite low, therefore the fertilization time for strawberries in the fall will differ.

Each gardener decides independently when to feed the strawberries in September or October, taking into account the weather conditions and plant health. Do not forget, when the soil temperature drops below +8 ° C, the strawberry roots stop absorbing nutrients.

autumn feeding of strawberries - pictured
feeding strawberries in autumn - pictured

In the fall, strawberries must be given potassium and phosphorus so that the plants grow stronger for winter. Agronomists still recommend using mineral complexes in the autumn, and not home-made compounds, in addition, feeding in accordance with the instructions will not harm either plants or humans.

Many summer residents use autumn fertilizer, Fertika, etc. Instead of using minerals, you can do the following - loosen the garden bed, add humus or compost under the bushes to close the roots for the winter and pour 1 tablespoon under each plant. wood ash and mix with earth.

Use a liquid fertilizer based on ash (pour 2 cups with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and add 10 liters of water), pouring at least 0.5 liters under the bush. The ash solution can still be used as a foliar dressing in the fall, you need to water the strawberry bed well from a watering can with a shower head.

And remember, respected summer residents and gardeners, no matter how many options for fertilizing and fertilizing for strawberries exist, agronomists recommend feeding ordinary garden strawberries 3-4 times per season, and feeding remontant varieties every 7-10 days. Good harvests to you!

Every gardener knows that strawberry fertilizers are a very necessary and necessary food! This berry is sensitive to deficiencies of nutrients, and this is very quickly reflected in its development and fertility. What to choose among dozens of plant fertilizers? How to use them correctly?

Positive aspects of spring feeding

After the snow has melted and the plant has begun to gain growth, it follows. This will speed up the vegetation processes, form new buds faster, improve flowering and fruiting.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the strawberries do not grow and stop bearing fruit.

Fertilizers for strawberries increase the yield by 30-40%, and with ideal plantation care, up to a kilogram of berries can be harvested from one bush!

Before starting preparatory work on processing plants, you need to familiarize yourself with some feeding rules:

  • fertilization of strawberries in the spring is carried out 2 times;
  • the third time after harvesting;
  • in mid-April, the first stage takes place, mineral fertilizers are applied;
  • ash or potassium nitrate is used a second time;
  • the feeding of strawberries itself is carried out during the ripening of the berries.

Fertilizers for strawberries


This is a compost talker, which is made from rotted grass, leaves, food waste. "Ingredients" are mixed with water until complete dissolution, after which the plants are watered with the resulting compositions.

Chicken droppings are sold in the store or can be easily made at home. The concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The solution is kept for several days, and then poured into the soil.

It is important not to overdo it with the main ingredient, so as not to "poison" the strawberries with nitrogen.

The humate substance is laid out between the rows on dry grass, which improves the taste of the berries. It is made from the extract of peat, manure or plant residues.

Wood ash is a worthy substitute for piece fertilizer for strawberries; it is used in powder form in a proportion of 150 g per 1 sq. m. area.

Mineral fertilizers

This kind of feeding is necessary to achieve a high-quality harvest, the berries are large and bulk. Strawberries are fertilized with urea in early spring, 0.5 liters per plant bush. Promotes rapid growth and development of the stem.

Additives of micro-complexes are effective, for example, Zircon, it is not only harmless, but also promotes the removal of harmful substances from the fruits of the plant. Ash is suitable for starting treatment to protect the bushes from pests.

Strawberry fertilization stages

Spring. To fertilize strawberries, many summer residents use highly diluted poultry manure, which will be effective throughout the year. During the second feeding, you can use the mullein, it contains all the elements necessary for the life of the plant. You can water the beds with fresh manure, for this you need to dilute it with water and insist for several days.

You can also feed the product with a complex mineral fertilizer - ammophos, 15 g per 1 sq. m. It is not recommended to fertilize with urea in the spring, the composition will not be able to have a beneficial effect on the soil and developing strawberry bushes, since it will not dissolve in the ground that has frozen after winter.

In the fall, it is important to feed strawberries from the first days of September, you can add Kemir Autumn, 50 g per sq. m. It is forbidden to pour the composition into the center of the plant, only around the bushes. In October, a second run is made, the leaves are cut off, and the strawberries are fertilized with potassium humate. At this time, it will be useful to use superphosphate, which refers to fertilizing with a long dissolution period in the ground. It is better to make it in advance, and until the end of March, do not disturb the plant.

Nettle fertilizer will have a positive effect on feeding the bushes after harvest. For these purposes, you need to cut the grass shoots and pour boiling water for three days. Then fill the soil around the strawberries with biofertilizer. And it is best to use an organic composition - bean green manure and manure. It goes well with other mineral fertilizers.

Attention: an excess of feeding can lead to a deterioration in the yield and the death of the entire plant. In everything, measure and sound timing must be respected.

Have a wonderful harvest and delicious strawberries!

When to fertilize strawberries. Feeding strawberries in spring - video

Strawberry belongs to one of the most common berry crops, and its cultivation has certain characteristics. Every gardener should know how and what to fertilize strawberries in spring, because the yield of the crop will depend on this. Top dressing for strawberries is required not only in spring, but also in summer to increase yields, as well as in autumn, so that the plants are normally prepared for wintering.

From this article, you will learn how to fertilize strawberries in spring, what mineral and organic fertilizing can be used, and how to properly apply them to the soil, depending on the season and growing season.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

In order to enjoy sweet and fragrant strawberries in season, it is sometimes necessary to resort to feeding. In this article, we will tell you when and how to feed it for good growth and a high yield (Figure 1).

First of all, you should decide how to feed strawberries in the spring for a better harvest. Traditionally, both organic and mineral products are used for this, but they should be applied in accordance with certain rules.

The first feeding is carried out as soon as the snow has melted and the weather is warm. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of young shoots and leaves, therefore, substances containing nitrogen should be used.

Note: First of all, you need to loosen the soil and cut off the dry leaves, then feed.

The bushes of the first year of life are not fed, since fertilizers are applied under them when planting. But a two-year culture especially needs feeding. The first begins when the first leaves appear around mid-April. During this procedure, a mullein is added to the plant or replaced with chicken droppings.

During the second feeding, during flowering, the bushes are fed with mineral preparations. The last feeding can be done with weed infusion. To do this, weeds are removed from the beds, crushed, poured with water and insisted in a warm place for a week.

Figure 1. Methods for feeding strawberries

Foliar top dressing can also be carried out in the spring. It is carried out by spraying plants with a solution of nitrogen or organic matter. Thus, all nutrients are absorbed immediately, positively affecting the growth of the bush and the number of ovaries. Such a procedure is carried out on a dry, windless day and better in the evening.

It is necessary to fertilize plantings in spring based on your location, the further south your region is, the earlier we begin to carry out the procedure. In areas with a warm climate and mild winters, this is done in mid-April. For northern areas - mid-May.

For fertilization to benefit the plants, it is important to know the flowering time of the varieties that grow in your area. This is necessary, since with early application, useful substances will go into the ground, and during flowering, the bushes will not get anything valuable. Conversely, if feeding is carried out later than necessary, we risk getting a meager harvest. It is also important not to overdo it with nutrients, as this can negatively affect the plants.

It is better to use chicken manure in the spring and only once a year. When watering plants, the liquid should not get on the bush itself.

You will find useful tips for carrying out the first spring feeding of strawberries in the video.

Strawberry fertilization table in spring

There is a special table, using which you can determine exactly how to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better harvest, and when it is better to do it (table 1). For example, after the appearance of the first leaves, an infusion of chicken manure, mullein, yeast or nitroammofoska is added to the soil.

Table 1. Feeding strawberries by month

During flowering, plants are fed with wood ash with potassium permanganate, iodine or boric acid. When the ovaries begin to form, an infusion of nettle or mullein is used as fertilizer.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring for a better harvest

Spring feeding is carried out early, until the leaves have blossomed. It is recommended to combine top dressing with cutting bushes.

Note: The first feeding should "wake up" the plants after winter, and give growth to leaves and shoots, so it should contain nitrogen. To do this, you can mix water, mullein and ammonium sulfate or dilute nitroammofosk with water and apply under each bush. You can also use organic matter: infusion of nettle, mullein or chicken droppings (Figure 2).

Yeast starter culture is very popular among gardeners. It is applied in early spring to form a good green mass and to increase yields.

Figure 2. The main types of fertilizers: yeast, wood ash and complex fertilizers

When the first peduncles appear, the plant needs potassium. It improves the palatability of berries, increases their shelf life and improves the appearance of plants. During flowering, it is good to use such a fertilizer: wood ash is poured with boiling water, then potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine are added. This mixture can be sprayed on leaves, flowers and fruits. Also known are complex products containing a complex of useful substances. Such fertilizers are used according to the instructions on the package: diammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammophoska, ammophos.

When preparing fertilizers, you need to use rainwater or settled, but in no case chlorinated. Remember to apply them after rain or heavy watering.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring with yeast

Gardeners have begun to use yeast as a top dressing relatively recently. But the result was not long in coming. Yeast helps the plant not only to grow green mass, but also helps to increase the yield.

In addition, yeast is an affordable and inexpensive raw material, and you can prepare a good fertilizer based on it yourself at home (Figure 3).


Yeast is very popular among gardeners. The ready-made solution can be used to feed strawberries, vegetables, and home plants. This fertilizer contains proteins, minerals, amino acids and acidifies the soil well. After yeast feeding, nutrients are retained in plants for up to two months. In plants, the roots are strengthened and the fruits grow large.

Figure 3. Feeding strawberries with yeast

The first feeding is carried out in early spring, when bushes begin to appear. To do this, you need to loosen the earth, clean it of weeds and add yeast leaven. This will help the plant grow green mass quickly and get ready to bloom.

The second feeding falls on the fruiting period, when green berries appear. From this, the fruits will become large and begin to ripen faster.

After harvesting, the third feeding is carried out. Do not forget to loosen the ground after each subcortex and remove unnecessary sockets. The bed can be fed more often, but then the concentration of the solution should be reduced.

The ways

There are many ways to prepare yeast supplements. All of them have been tested more than once and are easy to prepare.

To prepare a solution according to the classic recipe, take sugar, yeast and water. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a little warm water. After a couple of hours, the fermented mixture is poured into a bucket of water and infused for several days. Half a liter of the starter culture is diluted with ten liters of water. Half a liter of working solution is applied to one bush.

Another method is also used. A large packet of yeast is diluted in five liters of warm water and left to ferment for several days. Half a liter of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water. You can also make a sourdough culture at home. Pieces of bread are placed in a container and filled with water. The container is placed in a warm, dark place for a week. To prevent the bread from floating, the leaven is placed under oppression. At the end of the period, the solution is diluted with water and poured under the root. Moldy bread and chlorinated water must not be used.

Fertilizers for strawberries in summer

Towards the end of July, a second feeding is carried out. This is done so that the plants receive additional potassium and trace elements that they need to lay flower buds for the next year, as well as the formation of new roots (Figure 4).

In the summer, liquid fertilizing with manure is used. For this, the fourth part of the bucket is filled with manure, water is added and insisted for three days. The finished slurry is diluted with water. They also use yeast feeding containing macro- and microelements, as well as complex fertilizers.

Figure 4. Methods of fertilization in summer

As a fertilizer, you can use ash and nitroammophos and dilute with water. Urea can be used to lay the buds of the future harvest. Sometimes ash can not be diluted with water, but poured around the bushes. After two weeks, the fertilization procedure can be repeated.

After the introduction of nutrients on dry days, plantings are watered abundantly for better flower buds.

If you notice that your plantings are developing poorly, then when loosening the soil, you should simultaneously fertilize with mineral preparations. To do this, you can use manure or compost, berry mixtures, potassium salt and superphosphate.

Bushes with lush foliage and powerful mustaches do not need to be fertilized. Such plants can only be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Fatty strawberries do not need watering.

Remember to constantly remove weeds, inspect plants for diseases and pests, and remove damaged plant parts in time.

See the video for expert tips on fertilizing strawberries.

Fertilizers for strawberries in autumn

Autumn feeding is carried out around September. This procedure helps the bushes to winter better, especially young plants.

As in the case of fertilization in spring and summer, autumn feeding has certain characteristics, and for its implementation, the basic rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners should be taken into account.

During the autumn feeding, gardeners are advised to use both organic and mineral fertilizing.

The main purpose of fertilizing in the fall is to keep the bushes and roots in good condition and provide them with nutrients before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, you should increase the amount of potassium and reduce the supply of nitrogen.

Note: In September it is better to carry out liquid feeding, and in October to use solid additives. Mineral and organic substances must be mixed only before use. You can't insist on them together.

By carefully examining the bushes, you can determine which fertilizers need more and which ones need to be excluded. For example, small fruits, dried leaves in spots - indicate a lack of nutrients. And lethargic leaves with white spots indicate an overdose.

Before applying top dressing, you should determine the characteristics of the soil and the presence of humus for plants, as well as take into account the characteristics of a particular variety.

At the end of August, the first feeding with urea is carried out. Further, in early September, a fermented mullein is introduced into the aisles or under the bushes. The second stage of feeding occurs at the end of the month, when the culture is fed with a solution that increases the laying and preservation of fruit buds.

After the second feeding, planting needs to be mulched. For this, straw, peat, hay, sawdust are used. Ash pollination is also useful at this stage. Wood ash is sprayed over the leaves and the surface of the soil. It is important to shelter only after the first frost. This will give the plants the opportunity to harden.

Feeding strawberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are used to prevent the development of diseases, when plaque, white edges appear on the leaves, or young shoots dry out. The use of such fertilizers improves the taste of berries and gives them additional volume (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Types of mineral dressings

Today in special garden stores there are many mineral fertilizers for strawberries. Compound fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium are best suited. Such drugs affect the bushes more than the soil. They help plants survive the winter and promote bud formation the next year. They are used strictly according to the instructions written on the package. Mineral fertilizers should be applied between rows so as not to damage the bushes. It is impossible to feed the culture with urea, since the urobacteria have not yet begun to function, so this fertilizer is not absorbed. Mineral dressing must be accompanied by abundant watering.

Organic strawberry dressing

Using organic fertilizers, you will get an excellent harvest of berries without harm to the plant and the soil, as they are natural and safe. Plus, it's a cheap way to enrich the soil.

Below will be described the main organic fertilizers that can be used to feed strawberries.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

To get a good harvest, watering and pest control alone are not enough. Nutrition is an important element. Chicken droppings contain a large amount of nitrogen, so the feed mixture is diluted with water. The application of the finished solution is carried out three hours after watering the site, while you need to be very careful so that the solution does not burn the leaves and roots of the plant. For this, the infusion is poured not under the bush, but between the rows (Figure 6).

You need to start such feeding at the beginning of the development of the plant, otherwise you risk getting a lot of leaves and whiskers, and oversaturation of the berries with nitrates. From this fertilizer, the plants will receive the nutrition necessary for the growth and formation of large fruits.

Figure 6. Chicken manure as crop fertilizer

How to prepare the solution? The main thing is to observe the proportion of water and droppings: 20 parts of water to one part of dry droppings. When using fresh droppings, a liter of fresh droppings are diluted in 20 liters of water and insisted for ten days, the container is not covered. Fresh litter cannot be used. However, it should be borne in mind that such dressing cannot be used during flowering and fruiting.

Wood ash as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Wood ash can be used both in pure form and in the form of a ready-made solution. For strawberries, wood ash is considered the best fertilizer (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Features of feeding strawberries with wood ash

Ashes can be applied a handful twice a season - in the spring and after fruiting. In dry form, ash is brought in before watering or rain. Some gardeners prefer to work with a solution. For this, a glass of ash is poured with a liter of hot water and insisted for a day. Then they are diluted in another nine liters of water and mixed well. When watering, the finished solution should be constantly stirred so that the ash does not settle to the bottom. Urea, saltpeter or manure must not be added to the finished solution.

Ashes as fertilizer for strawberries

Ash is a substance of natural origin. The elements it contains are easily absorbed by plants. In its composition, ash contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, etc. Timely application of such fertilizer increases the resistance of plantings to diseases and pests, improves the taste of berries and changes the composition of the soil.

Root dressing is carried out twice a year: before flowering and after fruiting. At the stage of fruit setting, foliar feeding is carried out. For this, boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate and sifted ash are dissolved in ten liters of hot water. All components must dissolve. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early morning, while the dew has not subsided.

In no case should ash be used as fertilizer after burning household waste, synthetic materials, colored paper and brightly colored magazines, rubber.

Strawberry harvest depends not only on favorable weather conditions and care, but also on a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. The autumn feeding of strawberries is especially important, because the resistance of the bushes to winter cold depends on it. Spring feeding will help strawberries recover faster after wintering and gain growth rates. In summer, the bushes are fed to increase yields. Consider the types of organic and mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries, the rules for their use and dosage.

Strawberry care principles

Caring for garden strawberries is not difficult in nature, but requires some knowledge. In order for berry bushes to please the eye with an abundance of crops, they must be constantly monitored. Care for strawberry bushes is as follows:

  • tillage;
  • timely watering;
  • fertilization;
  • pest and disease control.

Why fertilize the soil if the berries can grow on their own? Novice gardeners should be aware that plants take up nutrients from the soil that deplete over time. If you collected 10 buckets of berries from the site, then after three or four years, or even earlier, you will collect half as much. Soil resources are not endless, so they need to be replenished.

Regular feeding of strawberries increases yields by up to 30%.

How many times do you need to fertilize the soil? Experienced gardeners feed strawberries three times per season - fall, summer and spring.

What is a strawberry dressing? Gardeners use organic and mineral substrates. Each of them has a special effect on plants and soil. Organic matter, in addition to saturating the fertile layer with nutrition, structures the soil well. Minerals enrich it with important trace elements. Therefore, in horticulture, organic dressings are alternated with mineral ones, or they are combined.

Organic fertilizers

These include natural substances produced by living organisms. Most commonly used animal manure, poultry manure, ash and compost.


It is a very valuable organic fertilizer often used in the garden. Usually used, from which the slurry is prepared. Mullein contains a lot of humus, which enriches the fertile soil layer with essential nutrients. This fertilizer contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

To prepare the slurry, a bucket of manure is mixed with four buckets of water. The mixture is left to ferment in a warm place for several days. Fermentation is necessary to free the solution from uric acid, which burns the root system.

Plants are not watered with organic fertilizers during fruiting, so as not to become infected with helminthiasis.

The overripe solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 8 before watering. The working solution should resemble the consistency of thick sour cream. Ash can be mixed into it - in the volume of one faceted glass.

Fresh manure

Fresh organic matter can also be used to nourish strawberries, just sprinkle between rows. This is done after harvesting in the fall. During the winter, the manure will completely grind and turn into a nutritious top dressing. The manure can serve as mulch.

Chicken droppings

This fertilizer is distinguished by a high concentration of biological substances, therefore it is not used fresh. An infusion or extract is made from the droppings. The aisles are watered with the liquid, not the roots of the strawberries.

To make a liquid for irrigation, you need to mix the settled water with droppings in equal volumes. The mass is thoroughly mixed with a wooden stick, and the container is covered with a lid or boards. The container is installed in a shaded place to reduce fermentation processes. If this is not done, the solution will be very concentrated.

After 7-10 days, the liquid can be used for irrigation, previously diluted with water. The proportions of the working fluid - 10 or 50 liters of water per liter of fermented solution. Be careful that drops of the solution do not fall on the strawberry leaves - this will cause burns. Water around the bushes (10-15 cm) or between the rows. Before fertilizing, water the soil well so as not to harm the strawberry root system.

Green manure

To nourish the fertile layer with useful substances, cut stems are also used along with leaves. They are laid out in the aisles and left for the winter. Instead of lupine, you can also use ordinary grass, however, lupine is a green manure, which significantly increases the efficiency of soil fertilization. To prevent the stems from being blown away by the wind, they are sprinkled on top with sand or earth.

Water infusion of nettle fertilizes the soil well. It can be applied in spring (when forming a bush) and in autumn (after harvest). The infusion is prepared as follows: cut nettles are placed in a bucket and poured with warm water. After a few days, the infusion can be used to irrigate the beds.


Use wood ash, from fallen leaves or plant tops. Wood ash is one of the most useful organic fertilizers for seedlings, as it contains many trace elements. Fertilizer is scattered between rows or in holes, and an aqueous solution is used to irrigate leaves and soil. Ash is often mixed with other types of organic fertilizers, which increases the efficiency of use.

How to apply the ash for fertilization correctly? Small grooves are made into which a dry substance or an aqueous solution is poured. Then the grooves are covered with earth. Root feeding of strawberries with ash is carried out twice a year: during flowering and after picking berries. If you sprinkle dry ash between rows, the material consumption is 65 grams per meter. Foliar dressing is carried out during fruit ovary - the bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution. To do this, take half a glass of ash on a bucket of water. One liter of infusion is enough to process 1 m2 of a garden bed.

Mineral fertilizers

Gardeners widely use phosphorus and potash agrochemicals in powder or granules. Granules can be simply scattered in holes or between rows, powders are diluted in water, taking into account the instructions.

Dilution proportions:

  • superphosphate: 10 grams per bucket of water;
  • potassium salt: 20 grams per bucket of water.

Do not let the solution come into contact with the leaves to avoid burns.

Potassium salt can be mixed with. To do this, add 20 g of potassium salt and a couple of tablespoons of nitrophoska to a bucket of water. Solution consumption - one liter per strawberry bush.

On the third day after applying mineral fertilizer, you need to mulch the bushes. Scatter sawdust, pine needles, fallen leaves, or peat on the ground.

A good result with autumn feeding gives autumn. It is used in early September after harvest. Consumption of the drug per square meter - 50 g. Make sure that the solution does not get into the outlet of the bush. This can cause burns.

A mixture of organic matter with minerals

Experienced gardeners share another secret on how to feed strawberries. This is a mixture of organic matter with mineral fertilizers.

Mix No. 1

  • wood ash - glass;
  • superphosphate - a couple of tablespoons;
  • diluted mullein - liters per bucket of water.

Mix No. 2

  • nitroammofoska - a couple of tablespoons;
  • wood ash - faceted glass;
  • potassium sulfate - 30 gr.

This composition should be mixed well in a bucket of water. Up to half a liter of working solution is consumed on a strawberry bush.

If you do not want to fertilize yourself, you can purchase ready-to-use solutions.

Top dressing in autumn

Fertilizing bushes in the fall can be combined with pruning leaves. Gardeners do not advise feeding later in September, as this can weaken the strawberry's immunity and the necessary winter hardiness.

In the fall, top dressing is made from bird droppings, mullein, slurry, rotted manure, nettle infusion. The manure is laid out between the rows. This substrate decomposes for a long time, therefore it has an effect over several years - it nourishes the earth with useful substances.

At the end of October, strawberries are fed for the winter with the help of potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as wood ash. It should be borne in mind that the ash of coniferous trees contains more phosphates, and the ash of deciduous trees contains more potassium.

In the aisles, you can lay out mowed grass (remove the seeds) or lupins, sprinkled on top with sand or soil. During the winter, green fertilizer will crush and give nutrients to the soil.

Remember that autumn feeding should not be applied too late: the release of nitrogen will reduce winter hardiness, and your bushes will freeze out.

What mineral preparations can be used in the fall? For this purpose, gardeners use potassium salt, superphosphate and nitrophosphate. If you are going to transplant bushes, you can put about 40 grams of nitrophosphate in the holes. In order not to burn the roots, sprinkle the fertilizer with earth. It is important that the roots do not come into contact with the substrate.

Also in the fall, you can use mixed fertilizers - organic matter and minerals. It should be borne in mind: liquid solutions cannot be used later than September.

Spring feeding

The first top dressing is applied immediately after the snow melts. During this period, strawberries especially need nitrogen, which stimulates vegetation. However, before fertilizing the beds, you need to prepare: cut off the yellowed leaves and loosen the ground.

Note! It is necessary to introduce nutrients only under two-year-old bushes, there is no need to feed one-year-old strawberries.

What solution can be used for the first feeding? Gardeners use ammonium sulfate with mullein infusion. Instead of ammonium sulfate, you can use a nitroammophoska. If you prefer organic matter, you can treat the strawberries with mullein infusion or.

As soon as new leaves appear, you need to prepare a working solution for irrigation. There is no need to wait for the leaves to straighten out - they should just appear on the bushes.

For the formation of green mass and fruit ovary, yeast starter is used.

Strawberries can be fed with wood ash mixed with iodine, boric acid and manganese during their wild flowering. The solution is irrigated with bushes. Also, during the flowering period, you can use agrochemicals: nitroammophoska, nitrophoska, diammophos, etc.

In May, the bushes can be fed with cut grass infusion. To do this, the grass is kept in water for about a week, pre-chopped. Where can I get the herb for infusion? You can use the one that we weeded in the beds.

Consider your climate for spring strawberry care. In the southern regions, gardening begins in mid-April, and in the northern regions from mid-May.

For foliar feeding, you can use solutions from nitrogen or organic substances. Irrigation should be carried out after sunset in calm weather. Remember that it is better to use standing water or rainwater for irrigation. Admixture of chlorine in water can damage plants.

Yeast starter

How to make strawberry yeast starter? For this purpose, both fresh and dry yeast are suitable. You can also soak crackers or old dried bread. Sometimes cut grass or fallen leaves are added to the leaven.

To prepare the starter culture, 100 grams of fresh yeast will be consumed in a bucket of water. So that the yeast does not draw nitrogen and potassium from the soil, ash (glass) and a working solution of chicken manure (0.5 l) are added to the mixture. When the substance is fermented (for a couple of hours), dilute it with water and pour over the bushes.

From dry yeast, the solution is made as follows. A couple of tablespoons of dry mass, 500 g of wood ash, 3-4 tablespoons of granulated sugar are added to a bucket of warm water. The mixture should stand for a day. Then the concentrate is diluted with water in a volume of 1:10.

Dry bread sourdough is made as follows. Dried (but no mold) bread crusts, a bag of dry yeast, a glass of sour milk and ash are placed in a bucket. Pour the ingredients with warm water and wrap them with something warm, such as a blanket. The bucket is placed in a warm place for fermentation, stirring the contents regularly. After a week, the leaven will be ready.

Summer feeding of strawberries

In mid-July, the bushes can be fed with yeast starter culture, a solution of nitroammophoska with ash and urea (). Ashes can also be used dry, scattered around the bushes in grooves. After a couple of weeks, the procedure can be repeated. If the summer turned out to be dry, fertilizing should be accompanied by irrigation of the land.

Do not forget to constantly monitor the removal of weeds, faded leaves and pests. Damaged parts of the bushes should be removed and burned immediately.

How to determine that strawberries need feeding, as well as determine an overdose of minerals in the soil? If the berries are small, and dried spots appear on the leaves, the strawberries lack nutrients. If white spots appear on the leaves, and they look wilted, you have exceeded the dosage of mineral components.


Juicy and fragrant strawberries in the garden beds will delight the eye if you take good care of them. Plants actively extract nutrients from the fertile layer, forming the leaf cover and fruits. Therefore, fertilization is an indispensable condition for harvesting a rich harvest. Feeding strawberries in spring, summer and autumn is a prerequisite for crop care.

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