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Breathing exercises for weight loss: types and methods of implementation. Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen: how to do vacuum and other pranayama breathing exercises to remove the stomach

According to recent studies, properly performed breathing exercises can burn more fat than jogging and cycling. She also supports high level metabolism throughout the day and energizes. In addition, exercises can be done at the workplace, in transport, at home in front of the TV and in.

The scientific community met with disbelief the first conclusions that it was possible quickly and with the help of proper breathing alone, although even before that it was known that breathing exercises contribute to positive changes in the general physical condition. However, further research confirmed this fact.

During stressful situations, as well as during hard work, a person begins to breathe shallowly, superficially, which greatly reduces the level of oxygen in his body and causes weakness and apathy. In addition, due to the progressive pollution of the atmosphere, the level of oxygen in the inhaled air is steadily decreasing, which is bad for the general state of health, including the metabolic processes of the body. Proper breathing can solve the problem of oxygen saturation, which will certainly help not only in weight loss, but also in the improvement of a person.

You can learn healing breathing with the help of jianfei lessons or consultations on the complexes of these exercises.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Not a single process of the body can do without oxygen. It is used by the digestive tract to absorb nutrients, including fats with carbohydrates, with a lack of this element, the metabolism slows down, and fats with carbohydrates are “stored in reserve”, forming extra folds.
When saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes increase by 30% already within a few minutes, and this situation lasts for several hours.

Rapid and sustainable weight loss is also facilitated by adenosine triphosphate molecules, or ATP, whose task is to move nutrients to the cells. ATP requires an alkaline environment to function properly, which only high levels of oxygen can provide.

Oxygen also helps to oxidize fat, which helps to reduce body fat.

Besides, breathing exercises help cleanse the body of various toxic elements, such as pesticides, preservatives and many others. Approximately 70% of toxins become gaseous and fly out through the nose, and therefore, deep even breathing helps to clear the body of toxins about 5 times faster. harmful effects nitrates.

Reducing the toxic load on the body means that the body no longer needs to build protection from the harmful effects of the fat layer, which means that you will lose weight much easier and faster.

Do you need breathing exercises?

It seems incredible, but many people use no more than a quarter of their total lung capacity during the day.

To assess whether you need breathing exercises and whether you are consuming enough oxygen, conduct a special test. In a calm and relaxed state, put one hand on yours and the other on your chest, take a few breaths and exhales the same as you do in Everyday life. See if your hands move.

With proper breathing, the hand on the chest should remain at the same level, and the hand on the stomach should move up and down. Such a movement indicates the maximum supply of oxygen, that you are breathing deeply enough.

The movement of the hand lying in the chest area indicates shallow breathing and obvious oxygen.

Stages of breathing exercises

To effectively do the following exercises, you need at least fifteen minutes a day, you can break them into three stages, five minutes each. You can do it anywhere, the main thing during gymnastics is to be able to fully concentrate on the breathing process.

The first step is a deep breath. Relax and inhale as quickly and deeply as possible through the nose, filling the entire volume of the lungs as much as possible. Place your hand on your stomach to control the diaphragm.

The second step is air retention. Hold your breath while tensing the abdominal muscles, lift and pull the stomach as high as possible. Freeze in this position for at least 10 seconds.

The third step is tilt and squeeze. Without exhaling the collected air, lean forward and slowly straighten up. Try to keep your shoulders at the same level during the tilt. Tighten your gluteal muscles and freeze for another 10 seconds.

The fourth and final step is exhalation. Exhale slowly through your mouth with resistance, imagining that you are blowing into a small straw. Do not relax the muscles of the press and buttocks until the end of the exhalation.

To date, there are two most common methods of dealing with extra pounds - a dietary nutrition system and active physical activity. But there is a group of people who are categorically contraindicated in these weight loss options due to health problems, but they still want to give their figure the desired shape.

Therefore, the only way out of this situation will be breathing exercises for weight loss, for which you need to spend only a quarter of an hour every day. And besides, this way of dealing with excess weight does not require any investment, as is the case when visiting fitness centers. Despite the simplicity and accessibility, breathing exercises for weight loss, with regular training, help to reduce weight, improve well-being and cheer up.

Do you doubt that this method is effective? Then we invite you to study with us in more detail the mechanism of action of these exercises on the body using examples, which will be: Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei, breathing exercises by Marina Korpan and Alexandra Strelnikova. But let's start with the basics of this weight loss method. Go.

According to research, there is a very close relationship between the processes of losing weight and the saturation of the cells of the body with oxygen. To confirm this, there are many real examples from the life of losing weight people.

The systematic breathing exercises of Marina Korpan, Alexandra Strelnikova and Jianfei helped a huge number of people to quickly, easily and effectively lose annoying kilograms, improve their body shape and establish a full-fledged work of the body.

Breathing exercises Korpan, Strelnikova and Jianfei have a positive effect on the body:

  • help to curb the feeling of hunger between main meals;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive organs and systems, promote the activation of absorption nutrients;
  • break down fat cells, maintaining the level of acid-base balance, which, in turn, ideally copes with the breakdown of fat cells;
  • ensure the timely removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • give strength and vigor;
  • normalize the work of the central nervous system, relieving excessive nervousness, fatigue and depression.

Like the Chinese Jianfei gymnastics, the breathing exercises of Alexandra Strelnikova and Marina Korpan are based on a very important prescription: the specific breathing that needs to be learned makes it much faster to “supply” oxygen to the blood cells, which helps to speed up metabolic processes and break down fat deposits.

At the same time, the technique of abdominal breathing is much more effective than chest breathing, since the diaphragm, when inhaling and exhaling with the help of the abdomen, is strained more strongly. This ensures the opening of the lungs, which allows them to increase their volume over time.

Principles of work of respiratory gymnastics

In order to make it easier for you to decide on the selection of one or another type of breathing exercises, we suggest considering Jianfei exercises, as well as breathing technique complexes from Alexandra Strelnikova and Marina Korpan.

It is very important to start exercising between meals. If you do breathing exercises after eating, this can cause discomfort in the abdomen, and besides, exercises after eating are considered ineffective.

Breathing exercises of Marina Korpan

Breathing exercises for weight loss from Korpan is divided into two groups:

  1. "Bodyflex".
    This complex from Korpan contains exercises for stretching muscle tissues, combined with a special breathing technique, which involves holding it for 5-10 seconds per breath. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are accelerated, which contributes to the rapid breakdown of fat cells.
  2. "Oxysize".
    This type of breathing exercises by Marina Korpan is characterized by the performance of thirty exercises. At the same time, the breathing technique is somewhat free: a quick breath with a slightly open mouth, tightening the pelvic muscles and relaxing the abdominal muscles, after that three small breaths, and then exhaling through the mouth, while lips must be folded into a tube, and at the end three more short exhalations.

Breathing technique from Alexandra Strelnikova

Strelnikova's system of breathing exercises was developed in the first half of the 19th century not as a method of losing weight, but as a way to restore the voice for singers. However, after the advent of half a century, Strelnikova's breathing exercises began to gain momentum in their popularity among those who want to lose weight.

Strelnikova's exercises, when sharp and short breaths must be taken through the nose, while squeezing the chest, are incredibly popular not only when getting rid of excess weight but also in the fight against severe diseases of the respiratory organs.

Gymnastics "Jianfei"

Chinese breathing exercises "Jianfei" are very popular in all corners of the world. In translation, the word "jianfei" means dropping weight. Using this breathing technique, you can easily get rid of extra pounds without resorting to exhausting diets and physical activity.

The Chinese technique "Jianfei" is great for fasting days, as it helps to curb the feeling of hunger that is typical for this period.

An approximate set of breathing exercises for weight loss

All kinds of breathing exercises for weight loss have a very different degree of complexity. That is why all people who are just learning the basics of breathing exercises are recommended by trainers to start performing the most simple, elementary exercises. And only after a few weeks of regular training, you can begin to increase their complexity.

We bring to your attention an exemplary set of exercises for breathing techniques for weight loss. Having tried it on yourself, you can make sure that your body is ready for this type of gymnastics.

Exercise #1

Take a comfortable position for yourself, calm down, forget about all your problems and imagine how extra pounds will go away during class.

Now slowly take a deep breath and hold your breath for five seconds, then slowly exhale and hold your breath again for five seconds. The number of repetitions is 8 times.

Exercise #2

We draw in the stomach and try to inhale as deeply as possible. We hold our breath for three seconds and begin to exhale gradually with the help of the nose, doing it sharply and intermittently.

During exhalation, it is very important to work with the stomach: alternately relaxing and tensing its muscles. The number of repetitions is at least 20 times throughout the day.

Exercise #3

Thanks to this exercise, you can very quickly tighten sagging and relaxed abdominal muscles. To perform it effectively, you need to sit in a chair and strain your back straight. Legs bend in knee joint so that the angle between thigh and calf is 90°.

Now we begin to slowly inhale with the help of the abdominal muscles, and as we exhale, we relax the stomach. Number of repetitions - start with 10 times and gradually increase the number of times until it reaches 40.

Exercise #4

We lie down on a flat and hard surface and bend our legs at the knee joint until the feet are completely on the surface. We put right palm on the chest, and the left on the stomach. We take a deep breath and straighten the chest, while trying to draw in the stomach as much as possible, pressing it with your hand. After that, we do everything exactly the opposite - as we exhale, we stick out the stomach and release the air, pressing right hand chest. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times.

It only takes 15 minutes to complete these exercises with minimal effort. The results will not be long in coming: after a few months of regular exercise, you will become the owner of a beautiful and toned figure, and the extra pounds will disappear, as if they were not there.

We wish you success, good health and beautiful forms!

Few people know that with proper breathing, a person can improve their well-being, overcome certain types of diseases, and even, most importantly, lose weight.

We used to associate weight loss with various diets and physical activity, but such activities are tiring, and sometimes quite costly from a financial point of view. But to put your own breathing in order - such a method, fortunately, is completely free and quite affordable for everyone.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss is necessary for the body to:

  • Improve blood circulation, that is, nutrition and the work of all organs and systems of the body;
  • Accelerate metabolism and increase the amount of absorbed nutrients;
  • Create an alkaline environment and accelerate the conversion of incoming food into energy, as well as start the process of splitting fat cells;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins, most of which are contained precisely in adipose tissue, but when oxidized they turn into gases and leave the body with exhalation;
  • Enrich the body with energy;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Reduce the amount of stress hormones and calm the nervous system;
  • Reduce the feeling of hunger.

A kind of abdominal massage will help speed up the process of losing weight - pinching the skin, which will also contribute to the breakdown of fat cells, as well as improve skin condition.

Rules for losing weight with breathing

☀ During exercise, control the abdominal muscles, they should be relaxed.

☀ Inhale only through the nose, the mouth should be completely closed at this moment.

☀ Exhale through a small gap between the lips.

☀ Diaphragm breathing helps to improve posture and pump up the press.

Breathing techniques for weight loss

All existing breathing techniques are aimed at improving the body as a whole, and not at getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, using them, you will get not only a slim figure, but also an excellent prevention of many diseases. Of course, just by using proper breathing, you won’t be able to lose weight, you need to adhere to and pay attention, but with its help you will significantly speed up the process of burning excess fat and improve your health.

Let's take a look at the most popular this moment breathing techniques used for weight loss.

࿋ Bodyflex, the author of the system is Childers Greer. Breathing in this complex is aerobic, that is, it saturates the body with oxygen as much as possible. It is necessary to use diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Thus, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, which contributes to the displacement of oxygen from hemoglobin and its direction to the places of localization of fats for their burning. In combination with proper breathing, it is necessary to perform exercises that contribute to the development of elasticity and strength. muscle mass, making the outlines of the body perfect.

࿋ Oxysize works on the same principle as bodyflex. But when it is performed, there are no sharp exhalations, which reduces the number of contraindications for such a workout.

࿋ Losing weight through breathing will also be possible when using Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Initially, it was intended to restore the voice of opera singers, but later it began to be used to treat many diseases, including obesity. Breathing according to Strelnikova is a sharp and short breath through the nose, which is performed with a compressed chest.

࿋ Breathing exercises "Jianfei" (translated into Russian means "lose fat"), created in China. Its essence is to perform three exercises ("frog", "wave" and "lotus") in combination with abdominal breathing.

As you can see, breathing for weight loss is effective only when used in combination with various exercises. However, such techniques are very useful for people who lead sedentary image life and are not ready for serious physical exertion.

Breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise number 1 (performed at a measured pace)

First inhale (mentally count to four), now hold your breath (for four counts), exhale (mentally count to four). This exercise must be repeated ten times.

Exercise #2

Draw in your stomach and take a deep breath. Gradually, jerkily exhale the air in small portions through tightly closed lips, while inhaling and exhaling relax and tighten the abdominal muscles. Exercise is done twenty times a day.

Exercise number 3 (strengthens the abdominal muscles)

Sit in a chair and straighten your back. Place your knees at a 90-degree angle with your feet firmly on the floor. Breathe into your belly, gradually tensing and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Start the exercise with ten times and increase the load to forty per day.

Exercise number 4

Lie on the floor, while bending your knees, and placing your feet on the floor, put your left hand on your chest, and your right hand on your stomach. When inhaling and exhaling lightly, alternately press your palms on your stomach and chest. Inhale, expand your chest and draw in your stomach by pressing it. Now, on the contrary - when exhaling, inflate the stomach and release the air by pressing on the chest.

Such traditional methods came to us from the east, but they are constantly being modernized and improved.

To get used to the peculiarities of breathing is required certain time and systematic training. After you have fully mastered the initial complex, you can move on to a more advanced level.

Starting to master breathing exercises, you should be prepared for some discomfort, if after a few minutes of training you feel dizzy or short of breath, then you should not be afraid and stop studying gymnastics. After a while, the discomfort will stop visiting you, and you will experience only pleasure and feel a surge of strength during the lesson. Diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss will become a pleasant and useful habit for you.

With regular exercise, your body shortest time will gain harmony and flexibility, muscles will get stronger, and you will always feel cheerful and cheerful.

Restrictions for breathing for weight loss

Losing weight through breathing improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger, heals the body and strengthens the immune system.

Breathing exercises can be done by everyone without exception. But before you start, you need to consult a doctor if you have problems with the spine, or if you have recently undergone surgery. People with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, lung diseases need to exercise less intensively.

Read more:

Find the simplest and available ways many people want to lose weight. But not everyone is ready to devote themselves to sports, diets, that is, investing in trainers, nutritionists. An interesting know-how in the matter of losing weight is breathing exercises. As the developers of the methods assure, it can not only reduce weight, but also increase the effectiveness of restorative physical education after injuries, improve heart function and blood flow, and the brain. This is only part of what gymnastics gives for breathing.

Goals of gymnastics

Each specific method is based on individual principle performing a specific breathing exercise, but oxygen saturation of the body is a common goal. A sufficient amount of it leads to an improvement in metabolism, burning unwanted adipose tissue.

Together with the use of "oxygen gymnastics", it will be relevant:

  • revision of eating style;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits.

The first results from gymnastics can be expected if the metabolism is normalized. Strict adherence to the recommendations for the implementation of breathing techniques in practice (which differ in the methods) play an important role: the duration, frequency of the respiratory cycle, depth, speed. Avoid rooms with dust and with the presence of foreign odors.

By performing certain actions of each technique, you can achieve the following:

  • positive dynamics in the breakdown of fat;
  • decreased appetite, dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • resistance of the nervous system;
  • improvement in well-being.


The Chinese technique combines three cycles - "lotus", "frog" and "wave". The effect is not expected to be seen in the near future, but perseverance and consistency can lead to the reduction of unwanted weight.


Exercise is aimed at reducing appetite. It should be done before you start eating.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale deeply, while using your hand on your stomach to help yourself inhale with your chest, slightly pressing your stomach so that the air enters the lungs as much as possible. The hand on the chest does not interfere with inhalation.
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds, time is controlled by personal sensations.
  5. Exhale, relaxing your hand on your stomach (it should, as it were, inflate). A hand on the chest helps to release air from the lungs.

During breathing cycles, either the diaphragm or the chest will rise, visually the process resembles a wave. Repeat 40 times.


A useful practice for restoring the nervous system, in addition to the fact that thanks to this exercise, you can lose weight.

  1. Sit on a low chair, legs slightly apart. The angle of bent knees is not more than 90⁰. At the time of execution, you need to concentrate on breathing.
  2. Lean on your knees, clench your hand into a fist (men - right, women - left).
  3. With the other hand, make a fist girth from above. Rest your forehead on your fist. Achieve relaxation.
  4. Start inhaling with your diaphragm. Exhale should be in turn - mouth / nose. It is welcome to hold the breath after inhalation (up to 5 seconds), the duration of the cycles is about 15 minutes, the frequency is 3 times a day.

Instead of a chair, you can use a frameless chair or fitball. If during the performance there are difficulties with breathing (stuffy nose, sore throat), then the duration of the session can be reduced and take shallow breaths so that there is not much exhaled air.


They perform the exercise on a chair, pouffe, bean bag, but with the condition that there is a small height. The highlight of the exercise is the restoration of the body.

  1. Sit in the lotus position. Put your hands in front of your stomach so that your palms are turned up. Place one palm under the other (women - left on top, and men - right).
  2. Sit with a straight back, close your eyes, lowered chin. Do it in 3 steps:
  • Perform breathing cycles for 5 minutes smoothly, slowly. The chest or diaphragm should not rise at this point;
  • Align breathing, achieve soundlessness and uniformity. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • For 10 minutes, it is necessary to perform respiratory cycles as comfortably as possible, while focusing on breathing.

It is not necessary to do all the Jianfei exercises. They must be chosen depending on the purpose.

Strelnikova's technique

The main exercise is to inhale sharply and deeply, then slowly exhale. When losing weight, it has little value (does not reduce appetite and does not reduce the amount of food eaten, does not improve metabolism and does not burn calories). It is included in the complex exercise as an addition.

When exercising on cardio machines or just when running, they use the sharp breath technique to ensure sufficient oxygen in the blood. This is necessary to improve the burning of excess fat. It is recommended to do exercises before physical activity in order to "start" the body.

The main idea is to learn how to take quick and deep breaths, while exhaling does not matter. Having learned to take such breaths, they can later be combined with physical activity.

System gymnastic exercises, in which the rapid inspiration system is used, allows oxygen to reach all internal organs. Approaches - 1-2, 10-15 times in one approach. Inspirations fall on the starting position during the exercise.

  1. Head turn. Relax your arms, lower your shoulders, put your legs in a comfortable position for stability. Perform head turns. Exhale - when turning.
  2. Head tilt left/right. Exhale - while bending over.
  3. Pendulum head. Exhale - when throwing the head back or forward.
  4. Roll. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Clasp your hands in a “lock” at chest level. Bending your knees, roll your hips to the right and left. Take breaths with the body position straight, on the rolls - exhale.
  5. Front step. Highly raising the thigh, lower the leg to its original place. Inhale at the starting position, exhale when lifting.
  6. Back step. Bending the leg at the knee, lift it forward, and step back.

Light exercises will teach you to do at least a minimal warm-up (effective when deciding to start doing physical activity), regulate breathing during exercise, and improve blood circulation. After a simple set of warm-ups, they should be complicated.

  1. Slopes in different sides, rotation of the torso, hips.
  2. Move your legs.
  3. Tilts with a stretch of the lower back (bend and clasp hands, lean forward). Exhale with each bend.

Such gymnastics can be performed by people different ages regardless of previous experience.


Proper breathing, which this technique will provide, will help to adjust the weight and overall shape. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the schedule of meals and products. The standard PP system (nothing fried, salted and peppered, smoked, with additives, etc.) is optimal.

Classes are designed to use various exercises for five weeks. Wherein key value give to the breath.


It will not be possible to make the correct respiratory cycle immediately, but soon it will become a habit and will not cause difficulty.

  1. Inhale sharply through the nose. Use the diaphragm when inhaling.
  2. Smile and breathe in through your nose.
  3. To relax.

When inhaling, draw in the stomach, hold your breath, shake your hips from the bottom up diagonally. Tighten the buttocks, the bottom of the pelvis too. Take 3 extra breaths.


Form lips when exhaling in the form of a tube. There will be a feeling of heaviness under the breasts. Do not lower your head while doing this. Leave the buttocks pulled in. When exhaling, make great efforts to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and abs. Then exhale sharply three times. If this is difficult to do, then you can help with your hand and press your stomach.

Do the complex 30 times. Efficiency will be manifested if it is performed daily. Additionally, physical exercises are included.


Exercises are performed on an empty stomach. When practicing bodyflex, hunger is not welcome. Non-caloric snacks are essential throughout the day.

Respiratory system

  1. Inhale deeply, then exhale.
  2. Inhale intense air.
  3. Exhale well (sharply).
  4. With the stomach pulled in as much as possible (with a full exhalation), hold your breath.
  5. Inhale.

Can be used this system breathing with exercise. For a change, use this exercise:

  1. Exhale through the lips with a tube.
  2. Inhale air quickly through the nose.
  3. Open your mouth wide and exhale.
  4. Draw in the stomach, close the mouth.

Repeat exercises along with physical activity. It can be a set of simple movements for morning exercises.

Holotropic Breathwork

This technique is based on psychological aspect where, in addition to exercises, a person must experience certain experiences. These are memories of the past, thoughts about the creation of the Universe, space and time, etc.

During classes, they put on guiding music in order to maximize the experience and emotions (they can be different). The breathing technique itself is not complicated, but unusual for the body. You need to breathe very often and coherently, there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation.

Holotropic breathing classes are best done under the supervision of an instructor who will introduce a person into a state of experiences that are taken from the depths of the psyche. The technique is designed for bodily and emotional liberation, which helps oxygen to penetrate into all organs and parts of the body. excess fat burned, and the internal organs begin to function better.

Many breathing techniques came to us along with yoga, where concentration and control of breathing is necessary. Each exercise is accompanied by its own respiratory cycles, which help the body to fill with oxygen and burn excess body fat.

Do you know what is the connection between correct breathing and slim figure? It turns out that when inhaling and exhaling, it is with the help of the diaphragm and the abdominal wall that the internal organs are massaged, which helps to lose weight and maintain a slim figure. Breath holding is of great importance.

Usually they hold their breath for 30-60 seconds, and with the degree of fitness, you can increase it to 2 minutes or longer. The depth and frequency of breathing are techniques for massaging the internal organs. For example, a smooth deep breath with a breath hold for 1-2 seconds and a smooth exhalation normalize the activity of internal organs. And a deep breath and holding the breath for up to 10 seconds or longer, followed by a tense and jerky exhalation, improves their function. fat cells burn when oxygen is supplied to them.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - exercise FULL BREATHING- This is the most common controlled breathing, which is performed in the morning and afternoon at a normal pace. Starting position with full breathing: lying, sitting or standing - as you like. At first, exhale slowly but with force, while drawing the abdominal wall inward. Then, slowly inhale through the nose: at the same time, first stick out the abdominal wall, then expand the lower ribs, raise the chest and at the same time expand the upper ribs. At the end of inhalation, when the lungs are filled with air, the stomach is slightly drawn in, creating support for the lungs filled with air. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds - and start exhaling through your nose by pulling your stomach inward, and keep your chest slightly raised and straightened. Then you need to gradually relax the stomach, compress the ribs and lower the shoulders. As the lungs are freed from air, the chest and abdomen are lowered, and the abdominal wall is drawn in.
This exercise is performed at first 3 times, and gradually can be increased up to 20 times. Inhalation and exhalation are performed calmly, without the participation of muscles.
After a full breath, dizziness, slight weakness, and an unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum sometimes appear. The reason is irregular training.

Offered special exercises to master the technique of full breathing, which will help you work it out in stages. Each exercise includes a massage of the internal organs and promotes weight loss.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - LOWER BREATHING exercise or belly breathing:
Starting position during lower breathing: lying, sitting or standing, as it suits you. Relax all muscles. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Make a slow but strong exhalation, while pulling the abdominal wall inward. Then slowly inhale through the nose - while the diaphragm relaxes, the abdominal wall protrudes outward, and the lower part of the lungs is filled with air.
When exhaling, the abdominal wall is drawn inward, and the air from the lungs exits through the nose. Performing several breaths in a row (from 4 to 6), wave-like movements of the stomach are made - this massages the stomach, liver and intestines. Exercise to perform 3-4 times a day.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - exercise MIDDLE BREATHING or chest breathing:
The starting position is the same. One hand rests on the chest, the other on the stomach. In this exercise, all attention is directed to the ribs. As you exhale, slowly inhale through your nose while expanding your ribs. chest round trip. At this time, the middle part of the lungs is filled with air, and the hand lying on the chest rises along with the chest. Exhale through the nose while relaxing the ribs. In average breathing, the abdominal wall and shoulders are not involved. The hand lying on the stomach remains motionless. During medium breathing, the heart, spleen, liver and kidneys are massaged. For one lesson, 4-6 breaths are performed. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

With upper breathing, all attention is directed to the upper part of the lungs. Inhale slowly through your nose while raising your collarbones and shoulders, filling the top of your lungs with air. Exhalation is also done through the nose, while gradually relaxing the ribs of the upper chest and lowering the shoulders. And the stomach and the middle part of the chest remain motionless. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times in one session. Perform 3-4 times a day. During upper breathing, the lymph nodes of the chest and lungs are massaged.

Breathing exercises for weight loss -exercise SHARP EXHAUST:
To enhance blood circulation and more active lung massage, use the SHARP EXHAUST technique. Taking a full breath, at the same time raise your hands up and touch your ears with them - hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Then bend over sharply, lower your arms freely and relax, exhale vigorously through your mouth, pronouncing the syllable “ha”. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

Breathing exercises for weight loss- exercise RHYTHMIC BREATHING WITH LONG EXHAUST:
Inhale for a count of 2-3, and exhale for a count of 4-6. Gradually, you need to lengthen the inhalation to a count of 4-5, and the exhalation to a count of 7-10. Follow the clarity of the rhythm. Repeat 4-6 times.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - exerciseEQUAL BREATHING WITH EXHAUST ACTIVATION:
Take a deep full breath through the nose, then an elongated and extremely full exhalation through the mouth, as if blowing out a candle. Repeat 4-6 times.

Take a deep breath in through the nose, and exhale through the semi-pursed lips in three to four short pushes. This exercise is especially useful after a long stay in a stuffy room. Repeat 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises for weight loss- exercise SOOTHING BREATH:
This exercise is usually done after physical activity and during stops when jogging and metered walking. Taking a full deep breath, slowly raise your hands forward and spread them apart, turning your palms up. Raise your head at the same time. Exhaling fully, return to the starting position, repeating the movements of the arms and head in reverse order.

By regularly performing these breathing exercises for weight loss, you will contribute to the normal functioning of all internal organs, as well as throughout years keep your figure slim and fit.

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