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The right exercises for morning exercises. The benefits of morning exercises and two sets of exercises for its implementation

Ecology of life. Fitness and Sports: So, armed with confidence and decisiveness, keeping in mind the saying: "As you start the day, so you will spend it", you decided to do exercises in the morning ...

"Get ready to execute gymnastic exercises", - these words uttered by Nikolai Gordeev under musical accompaniment Valentina Rodina, the famous Soviet morning exercises on the radio began. It was done by adults and children, they brushed their teeth under it, had breakfast, got ready for work and school.

Today, despite the propaganda and fashion for healthy image life, there are practically no such programs on TV and radio. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyles, morning exercises are estimated rather skeptically.

In this article we will focus on sets of exercises for adults and children, consider some practical and theoretical aspects related to physical activity in the morning.

Arguments "for" or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, fitness trainer and author of high-intensity weight loss programs, claims to be one of important elements when playing sports is morning exercises... Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body.

He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people exercising in the morning improve their performance in sports.

2. Morning exercises contribute to a "jump" in metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercise in the morning helps them regulate their appetite during the day.

5. Morning exercise helps to awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this pattern, and the person feels better.

6. By doing the exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Studies have confirmed that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. Doing a 10-minute exercise in the morning can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of training, the physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try to do exercises in the morning, and you will see how great it is.

Promoted by films jogging in the morning It is perceived by many as the best alternative to charging. What is more useful and better - exercise or morning jogging, we will leave everyone to decide for themselves, there is enough material on the Internet on this topic. Undoubtedly, competent sports are useful in any form, but not everyone will be able to readjust and start running in the morning, because it requires a lot of effort, willpower and time.

In addition, discussions are underway as to when is the best time to run, whether morning jogging is not harmful. But if you are determined to run in the morning, here are some facts and recommendations:

  • There is an opinion that the air is cleaner in the morning, which means that running at this time is more useful.
  • Thanks to running, the body is saturated with oxygen, muscles and joints are toned, metabolic processes are more active.
  • Those who run in the morning are at times less likely to suffer from insomnia. The positive effect of running on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems has been proven. During a run, almost all the muscles of a person are involved.
  • Running helps to strengthen the immune system. With sweat, toxins accumulated in the body are also released.
  • Running is a serious exercise, and an untrained person can be injured. If there are any medical contraindications, it is best to consult your doctor first. Also, always do a warm-up.
  • Running is great for those looking to lose excess weight... So, during an hour's run at a speed of 10 km / h, a man weighing 80 kg "burns" more than 800 kcal.
  • The route and equipment are of great importance. You need to run where there are trees - in a forest plantation, in a park. Clothing should be comfortable and free of movement. Shoes - in size and with soft soles.

Many useful information and answers to the questions of those who have just decided to start running, in this report:

A set of exercises for morning exercises

So, armed with confidence and decisiveness, keeping in mind the saying: "As you start the day, so you will spend it," you decided to do exercises in the morning. There are many exercises, you can combine them and perform in any order. Let's dwell on individual important aspects to find out before starting the exercise.

1. Do not exercise immediately after waking up. Get up, drink a glass of water, wash your face, do a stretch, and then start exercising.

2. The body in the morning is not yet ready for heavy loads. The exercises performed should be smooth and not contain sudden movements. Try to breathe evenly and calmly during exercise.

3. It is also better not to resort to power loads. It is optimal to do aerobic and bodyweight exercises in the morning.

4. Perform each exercise 8-10 times. Try to exercise daily.

Also interesting:


For the head: turns left and right; tilts back and forth.

For shoulders and arms: rotational movements of the shoulders alternately and together; rotation with straight arms, describing a circle; alternate hand swings - one hand from above, the second from below; rotation with arms bent at the elbows in different sides.

For the torso: feet shoulder-width apart, perform smooth bends forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms; with arms bent at the elbows, holding on to the belt, rotate the pelvis with slight forward bends in both directions.

For legs: alternate swinging legs back and forth; squats without lifting the heels off the floor; lifts on the toes. published

The right start is always the key to success. This applies to business and any other undertaking. Including the start of each of our new days. If the day started with dissatisfaction with early awakening, then it is unlikely that you will be accompanied good mood during all working hours. Therefore, the morning should be active and positive so that not only the brain, but also the body is in good shape. The best remedy for this - charging. If you have a desire to always be in shape, both mentally and physically, then read on and find out how to do exercises correctly.

When is the best time to do exercises

Many people wonder when it is better and more correct to do gymnastics - in the evening or in the morning. Definitely in the morning. Thus, you will tune and turn the body into desired mode and be energetic all day. In the evening, almost all of a person's energy is already wasted, and charging will not add strength, but vice versa. If you are going to lose weight, then evening workouts are definitely suitable for you. Because doing physical or mental work after them is not easy. Therefore, you need to understand that exercise in the morning is like a vitamin for our body.

How to do exercises correctly - schedule

Morning - no doubt the best time for charging. After all, it will not only help you wake up, but also give you tone and energy for the whole day. So, how to start morning exercises:

  1. Plan your time ahead of time before going to work;
  2. Set aside fifteen minutes of morning time to exercise;
  3. Please note that after charging, you will need to take a shower to wash off sweat and relieve muscle tension;
  4. It is advisable to have breakfast twenty to thirty minutes later after charging.

To know how to do exercises correctly, you need to understand what effect you want to achieve from it. Today we are talking about exercises to keep the main muscles in good shape and the general condition of the body.

How to do exercises in the morning

Now we will compose a set of exercises for morning exercises. First, you can start exercising while still in bed. When you wake up stretch your arms and legs up and down. Stretch your spine and muscles. Move your head from right to left and vice versa, knead the cervical spine. Make your childhood sweet sips one more time.

Get out of bed, drink a glass of cool pure water, go to the toilet and start to warm up.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with one hand rest on the side, and raise the other over your head. Bend over and stretch your side muscles. Perform 30 inclines on each side. For those who want to know not only how to do gymnastics correctly, but also want to "shape the waist", we will give one simple advice. You can focus on this exercise. Perform a set of bends. The first level - low side slopes - 15 times on each side, the second level - medium slopes - 20 times, the third level - the maximum level - 25 times. It does not help to bend with your hips, only the upper part of the body works, we stretch the lateral muscles. Gradually it will be necessary to increase the number of slopes;
  2. Now you need to lower yourself to the floor and do a useful warm-up for your spine. Place your hands and knees on the floor. Slowly arch your back and stick your head up, and then gently bend and hide your head inward. So repeat 15-20 times. If you remember how to do gymnastics for the back correctly, but even the most sedentary work will not harm your spine as much as it does in the absence of physical exertion;
  3. Everyone who has read at least once about how to do exercises correctly knows that it cannot do without working on these muscles. So, after the bends, we will work with the abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks. The exercise is called "Matches". You can take a box of matches and sprinkle it on the floor for added credibility, or you can improvise. The bottom line is that you must collect all the matches from the floor one by one and put them on a high-tall cabinet. That is, for each match, you squat as much as possible, and then stretch out on tiptoe and seem to put the finds on top. So repeat for a start thirty times;
  4. How to do exercises to tighten the inner thigh. Stand sideways to a window or the back of a chair, rest your hands lightly on it so as not to lose balance. Now lift your leg to the side so that it works exactly inner surface hips. Raise slowly, lower slowly. So repeat 30 times for each leg;
  5. At the end of the charge, stretch out on a deep breath with your arms up, then on a deep exit, lower yourself, bend over, relax your back. Do this three times;
  6. Well done, you did it!

How to force yourself to do exercises

Now you know how important it is to do exercises correctly. Most of us are lazy on our own, and often we need to force ourselves to get up early in the morning to do necessary exercises... You must change your attitude towards charging. Your health and your body are a personal investment in your future. How much effort you put into it, you will get such a profit.

It is not forbidden to drink a cup of your favorite tea or coffee before charging, light an aromatic lamp or turn on your favorite incendiary music! Recharge your health!

It is known that the body has much more energy in the morning than on another day, but few can find the strength to force themselves to actively move afterwards. However, scientists are confident that a perfectly composed morning complex can be of great benefit to the body. In this case, it is very important to take into account all the recommendations, only in this case you can get maximum result and not harm the body.

Why morning exercises are useful

Any active movement has a positive effect on the state of the body. Many are interested in why it is recommended to do it and how it affects the body.
Exercising in the morning will lead to the following positive results:

  • will not take much time, and the amount of energy received during active movements will be enough for the whole day.
  • The endurance and muscle tone of the whole body will increase, no matter how long the exercise takes.
  • Regular exercise will get rid of and.
  • The metabolism will accelerate, which in turn will help faster.
  • will receive a large number of oxygen, which means that it will go away and the body will tune in the way necessary for fruitful work.
  • It is proven that people who practice physical exercise in the morning, show great and persistence.

It has long been known that any habit takes on or goes away in 21 days. It is such a period of time that you will have to force yourself to give it to your body.
Let's take a look at the developed by specialists tips to help you fall in love with exercising in the morning:

  • To open the body's energy stores, it is recommended to do exercises with a rhythmic one.
  • It is recommended to start charging with a warm-up and one simple exercise... This is enough to understand whether the body has enough strength for active movements at this time of day.
  • To work it out, it is important to do this workout regularly throughout the week. Then you can gradually increase the amount of exercise. The main task is to consolidate the positive habit of listening to your favorite music and at the same time actively move.
  • Gradually, you can turn on strength exercises in the morning. It is quite enough, for example, to swing the press or try to lift small dumbbells.

How to properly plan your exercise

Warm up

Warm-up technique

The main purpose of charging is the body from and to set the desired rhythm for the entire next day. Based on this, the best one should include exercises for all muscle groups. They start it with a smooth stretch, this will allow you to wake up and prepare the body for more active loads.


The simplest, but at the same time effective exercise is tilts and turns in different directions... Then you can perform similar movements back and forth. At the end, it is recommended to carry out slow circular rotations in different directions. All this will allow you to stretch the cervical vertebrae and at the same time strengthen the muscles. In the presence or any unpleasant sensations, it is better to refuse such movements.

Arms and shoulders

Gymnastics exercises for consist of the following movements: straight arms are spread to the sides and begin to perform circular motions, first with the hands, then with the elbows and finally with straight arms. You need to make movements first in one direction, and then in the other. Then they lower the limbs down and make circular movements, first one by one, and then together. At the end, the palms are squeezed into a lock and make circular movements alternately in different directions.


For charging in the morning, it is recommended to choose the most light exercise... Experts advise doing slopes. In this case, it is important that they are even and in the lowest position you need to lock in for a couple of seconds. Then you need to rotate your hips: straight legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. For warm-up, it is useful to do side bends with an arm raised above your head.


For the lower limbs, ideal are swings, they need to be done alternately in different directions. Then it is recommended to do circular movements. knee joints... And complete everything with deep squats, while not being torn off the floor.

Did you know? British scientists are confident that intense 3-minute physical activity can correct the release of insulin into the blood, which can help people suffering from diabetes.

A ready-made set of basic exercises

Consider developed by specialists set of exercises for morning exercises... It takes 15 minutes on average:

  1. First, do the articular warm-up. It should take no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Strength exercises follow. 20 squats in two sets. It is recommended to raise your hands above your head. A couple of sets of 10 push-ups. If the classical technique is not possible, you can do push-ups from your knees or with your hands placed on the surface. Jumping ends this part of the charge (2 sets of 20 times). On average, this should take you no more than 5 minutes.
  3. It is ideal to do an “explosive exercise” that will quickly invigorate the body. Jumps from a deep squat with an overhead clap and side turns are suitable. The exercise should take 30 seconds, and the same amount of time should be allowed for rest.
  4. The morning stretch completes everything. It will take no more than 4 minutes in time. It is necessary to make deep lunges forward, 10 on each leg. Thanks to this exercise, muscles are simultaneously swayed and stretched. In a position on all fours, they flex and arch their back. The muscles of the back and abs work. The classic plank completes everything. It is recommended to start with 30 seconds, and then gradually increase the time to 2 minutes.
  5. fruity Start playing sports, perhaps it will be the beginning of a new life.

Exercising in the morning is a sore subject for many of us, while it became sick not because it is bad and unpleasant, but, on the contrary, because it is very useful, good, but always too lazy. If a person starts doing exercises in the morning, he automatically becomes a strong-willed, purposeful person in the eyes of many.

If you decide to do exercises in the morning, then the first thing you will need is to set a specific day for your first workout. Please note that you need exactly a SPECIFIC day, that is, a SPECIFIC number of a SPECIFIC month, and not the next Monday, the first day of summer, etc.

In order to psychologically tune in to the selected start date of training, it is advised to set up a daily notification about this in mobile phone, laptop or any other equipment. Thanks to these notifications, you will know for sure that, for example, your workouts will start in 3 days.

It is very good to stick up memos with the indicated charging date in an apartment or house on mirrors, a refrigerator and other items. The more reminders you come across, the stronger the effect of the visualization will be, and the easier it will be for you to do the exercises on the appointed day.

So that nothing interferes with training, it is recommended to get up earlier than usual for at least 30 - 40 minutes on the day of morning exercises. Of these 30 - 40 minutes, at least 15 will be spent to finally wake up, "disperse", wash, drink a glass of clean water.

Despite the fact that many experts insist on a 25-minute duration of morning exercises, practice shows that you can warm up well and usefully in 15 minutes.

It is also not an option to be heavily overloaded in the morning, because:

  • you just got up, and your body, even 20 minutes after waking up, is not ready for intense stress;
  • vigorous training requires big spending strength and energy, therefore it is not entirely advisable to spend it in the morning, because then you may simply not have enough strength to solve household, work and other issues during the day.

Basic rules for effective and healthy morning exercises

Morning exercises always start with a glass of clean water. Drinking more than one glass is probably not worth it, because you are still not going to relax on the couch, but to exercise.

Please note that we are talking about water, and not about juice, coffee or tea. I think you know that tea or coffee not only does not support and does not replenish water balance, but also promotes the elimination of fluid from the body. For this reason, these pre-workout drinks are not a good fit for us.

Each new exercise exercise begins at slow pace... Slowly, focusing on each rotation of the neck, legs, arms, torso, several approaches are performed. Slow first approaches are very important, as with their help you will "warm up" and stretch the muscles, prepare the joints for more intense loads.

It is necessary to think over such a set of exercises so that in the process of execution it turns out to involve all muscle groups. Exercises for one muscle group should not follow one another, they need to be alternated with each other. This will allow you not to "clog" the muscles, but to effectively stretch them.

What exercises are better to include if you are going to do morning exercises

If you are going to do exercises in the morning to promote health, do not complicate your life by choosing exercises that are difficult to understand and implement. The best option in this case, the most common swings, bends, stretch marks will become.

For the neck, they have not yet invented anything more effective than turning the head to the right / left, tilting the head forward / backward, slow circular movements of the head. In case of problems with the vestibular apparatus, it is recommended to close your eyes when stretching the neck.

Rotational movements of the fists, shoulders (together and alternately), rotation of the elbows forward / backward are excellent for the hands.

You can stretch your core muscles by spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and performing forward bends with your fingers / palms touching the floor. Circular pelvic movements, side bends, trunk rotations are considered effective, simple and enjoyable exercises.

It is definitely worth taking the time to do exercises for your feet. Here you can always do swing legs forward / backward, alternate lifts to the side of the legs, squats, etc.

For those who do not want to include exercise in their good habits, since they believe that when doing it, they will have to strain a lot, there is great news: morning exercises do not aim to perform exercises at maximum strength. Each new approach lasts until you feel a little tired.

How effective is morning exercise

If your good habits include morning exercises, you probably appreciated all the benefits that such exercises bring. During charging in the morning, the work of hearing, vision, vestibular apparatus is activated, the activity of the central nervous system is accelerated, drowsiness is eliminated, mood improves, muscle tone increases.

Morning work-out - effective method acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, therefore it allows you to achieve better results in losing weight. If you want to normalize blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, get rid of shortness of breath, exercise in the morning will be a good guide for you in achieving these goals.

Morning exercise is a good habit for a highly effective person. Performing the simplest exercises in the morning for 15 minutes, you will provide yourself with vigor, health, and excellent mood.

How to do exercises correctly?

The awakening of the human body occurs gradually, respectively, and it must be loaded in the same way. You should start with a warm-up, which should affect all muscle groups, helping to increase blood circulation in them, saturate cells with oxygen, and prepare the muscles for more significant loads. Without a high-quality warm-up, you can not start performing the main set of exercises in order to avoid injury. Also, warm-up is important for the heart muscle, a sharp increase in the load on which is highly undesirable.

Of course, warm-up exercises alone are not enough to energize the body for the whole day and give the necessary tone. Therefore, after warm-up, you can go to wash, drink a glass of water, go out to breathe fresh air onto the balcony and then proceed to basic complex exercise. A great option is to do exercises with music. She will set the right rhythm, increase the level of motivation and cheer up.

After the end of the morning exercise, you should feel a surge of strength, vivacity and energy, a desire to do what you love. If, after gymnastics, you feel fatigue and a desire to rest, then the load level is chosen incorrectly, and it must be reduced.

It is better to start exercising by warming up the legs and pelvic muscles, for which you can simply walk in place or roll from toe to heel. To receive desired effect it is recommended to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

After that, you can go to your hands and pectoral muscles... You can tone them up with separate exercises or with one, covering several muscle groups at once. Since the main purpose of charging is a complex effect on the body, and not working out any individual muscle groups, we will focus on the second option. The most popular exercise of this nature is performed as follows: legs are placed shoulder-width apart, arms are spread apart. On a slow inhalation, the arms are raised up, which can be completed with a clap. On the same slow exhalation, the arms are lowered to the hips. The number of repetitions of the exercise: 5-10 times. It works well with a heel lift. To warm up the neck, you should perform 5-7 repetitions of circular movements.

After such a warm-up, you can proceed directly to the morning exercises. It is also best to do them from the bottom up. You can start with one of the simplest, but incredible effective exercise, - squats. They are done as follows: the legs are brought together, the back is kept straight, the arms are extended in front of the body perpendicular to the body. When you inhale, the legs are bent at the knees, that is, squatting, when you exhale, you return to the starting position. It is extremely important during the execution to ensure that the back is as straight as possible.

The well-known twisting is perfect for training the muscles of the trunk. To obtain the desired charge of vivacity and activate the work of all systems, you should perform from 25 to 50 repetitions. With regular morning exercises, this exercise should be included in the program every other day.

To tone the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is advisable to take small dumbbells weighing about a kilogram. From the starting position, in which the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the arms are lowered down, on inhalation, the dumbbells are carried out smoothly forward, on exhalation - return to the starting position. Also high efficiency has the following exercise: from the starting position, in which the hands are held in front of you parallel to the floor, while inhaling, the dumbbells rise up, while exhaling, they go down. It is recommended to do 15-20 repetitions of this exercise.

Even limiting yourself to performing only these exercises, you can ensure that your body is constantly in good shape and good functional readiness without visiting any gyms.

You can choose exercises for the morning exercise complex to your taste and preferences, there are no restrictions in this regard. It is advisable to perform exercises while charging, both to prepare for the physical activity that lies ahead during the day, and to stretching, which is useful for all people at any age.

After waking up in the morning, each person at first feels a certain lethargy, so the body needs about several hours in order to finally get out of the state of rest and wake up. A surge of vivacity is provided by traditional morning hygiene procedures that send impulses to the nerve centers, including washing, taking a shower, brushing teeth. However, full awakening occurs only when the muscles and joints begin to work well, therefore, in order to quickly enter the working rhythm, morning exercises are necessary.

To achieve maximum effect from morning exercises is possible only if you make it regular. At the same time, over time, it is possible to improve and complicate the set of exercises included in it, however, in this case it is also not necessary to overdo it. Regular morning exercise allows you to overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which manifests itself in excessive irritability and increased drowsiness, feeling constant fatigue, bad mood, lethargy, decreased vitality.

Many today underestimate the importance of morning exercises, even those who regularly exercise. People who go to the gym argue that they do not want to do gymnastics in the morning by the fact that they get enough physical activity, and they do not need additional exercises. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because training in the gym, as a rule, is aimed at losing weight or building muscle mass, while exercise is necessary to keep the body in good shape, to provide the basis for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Morning exercises are of particular importance for women in difficult life periods, for example, during recovery after childbirth, with age-related hormonal transformations, etc. thanks to daily morning exercises, muscles are strengthened, immunity improves, and resistance to negative impacts environment.

V morning hours the body is especially susceptible to positive interference in its work and the rhythm set from the very beginning will help to spend the whole day actively and productively.

It must be understood that exercise is not exercise. She pursues a completely different goal - to charge the body with energy for the entire next day. Training, on the other hand, implies excessively high loads and muscle overstrain, so after it it is difficult to talk about cheerfulness and a surge of strength. After a high-quality workout, you want to rest and sleep, and after exercising, you want to actively create.

Often people tend to combine exercise with a complex of strength exercises, but this takes much more time than regular gymnastics. In addition, again, the body receives excessive loads, which in no way contribute to a surge of strength and vigor. Charging should be a set of exercises aimed at warming up the joints and muscles, bringing them into tone, but without overloading. Of course, exercise can include some kind of strength exercises, but there should not be many of them.

Talk about positive impact exercises performed in the morning can be practically endless. Here are just some of its advantages:

  • Helps to set the right rhythm for the whole day... In the body, it is in the morning hours that the strength and energy necessary for productive work during the day are laid. Without morning exercises, this energy will not exist, and throughout the day you will feel a certain weakness and drowsiness.
  • Trains the heart... Everyone knows what exactly from correct work heart depends largely on the duration of our life. Trained heart muscles smooth out Negative influence to our main body overload, stress and other factors. For training the heart, morning exercises play an invaluable role, since it ensures the gradual inclusion of all other muscles in our body in the work. Thus, the load on the heart falls evenly, and not with frantic overloads, as in the case, if without proper preparation, immediately start hard work. Regular morning exercises will provide full blood oxygen saturation, improve blood circulation, prevent the development of heart pathologies associated with a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, and poor physical shape.
  • Provides adequate nutrition for all organs and systems... In order for the body to work like a clock, as long as possible to preserve its youth, resistance to negative external influences, all its organs must receive nutrition in a timely manner in the form nutrients that are carried along with blood.
  • Promotes the maintenance of blood vessels and capillaries in good condition. Charging provides an additional volume of oxygen in the blood, preventing the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. For the full functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, it is important that the capillaries and other vessels have good permeability and are sufficiently elastic. In this case, the risk of aneurysms will be minimal. Regular physical activity in moderation, it strengthens the arteries, veins and capillaries, facilitates blood flow, improves the permeability of blood vessels.
  • Thins the blood... Daily 15-minute morning exercises help to thin the blood, which is of great importance in preventing the development of atherosclerosis, blood clots and other similar problems.
  • Helps to develop, increases intelligence... Due to the saturation of the brain with an additional volume of oxygen, memory improves, and concentration of attention increases. This is extremely important both for pupils or students who have to constantly deal with a large amount of information and the need to memorize a lot of new things, and for all other people.

The greatest positive effect of morning exercises can be achieved if you perform exercises on outdoors... Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the nearest park every morning, so during classes you can simply open the door to the balcony to fill the room with fresh air. You can also do gymnastics directly on the balcony or loggia, if there is enough space.

As mentioned many times, exercise should be done regularly, and for this it should not be associated with heavy exercise, variety is also important. So that classes do not get bored, it is necessary to periodically change the complexes, introduce something new into them, experiment, so that exercise every time brings pleasure.

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