Encyclopedia of fire safety

Environmental protection in the modern world. Summary: Environmental pollution. its protection Regulatory framework for environmental protection

Pollution is the introduction of pollutants into the natural environment that cause adverse changes. Pollution can take the form of chemicals or energy such as noise, heat or light. Pollution components can be either foreign substances/energy or natural pollutants.

The main types and causes of environmental pollution:

Air pollution

Coniferous forest after acid rain

Smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles, or from burning wood and coal makes the air toxic. The effects of air pollution are also obvious. The release of sulfur dioxide and dangerous gases into the atmosphere causes global warming and acid rain, which in turn increase temperatures, causing excessive rainfall or droughts around the world, and making life difficult. We also breathe every polluted particle in the air and as a result, the risk of asthma and lung cancer increases.

Water pollution

It caused the loss of many species of flora and fauna of the Earth. This was due to the fact that industrial wastes discharged into rivers and other water bodies cause an imbalance in the aquatic environment, which leads to serious pollution and death of aquatic animals and plants.

In addition, spraying insecticides, pesticides (such as DDT) on plants pollute the groundwater system. Oil spills in the oceans have caused significant damage to water bodies.

Eutrophication in the Potomac River, USA

Eutrophication is another important cause of water pollution. Occurs due to untreated sewage and fertilizer runoff from the soil into lakes, ponds or rivers, due to which chemicals enter the water and prevent the penetration of sunlight, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen and making the reservoir uninhabitable.

Pollution of water resources harms not only individual aquatic organisms, but the whole, and seriously affects people who depend on them. In some countries of the world, due to water pollution, outbreaks of cholera and diarrhea are observed.

Soil pollution

soil erosion

This type of pollution occurs when harmful chemical elements enter the soil, usually caused by human activities. Insecticides and pesticides absorb nitrogen compounds from the soil, after which it becomes unsuitable for plant growth. Industrial waste, and also adversely affect the soil. Because plants cannot grow as they should, they are unable to hold the soil, resulting in erosion.

Noise pollution

Occurs when unpleasant (loud) sounds from the environment affect a person's hearing and lead to psychological problems, including tension, high blood pressure, hearing loss, etc. It can be caused by industrial equipment, aircraft, cars, etc.

Nuclear pollution

This is a very dangerous type of pollution, it occurs due to failures in the operation of nuclear power plants, improper storage of nuclear waste, accidents, etc. Radioactive contamination can cause cancer, infertility, loss of vision, birth defects; it can make the soil infertile, and also adversely affects the air and water.

light pollution

Light pollution of planet Earth

Occurs due to noticeable over-illumination of the area. It is common, as a rule, in large cities, especially from billboards, in gyms or entertainment venues at night. In residential areas, light pollution greatly affects people's lives. It also interferes with astronomical observations by making the stars almost invisible.

Thermal/thermal pollution

Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes the temperature of the surrounding water. The main cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a refrigerant by power plants and industrial plants. When water used as a refrigerant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature, the change in temperature reduces the supply of oxygen and affects the composition. Fish and other organisms adapted to a particular temperature range can be killed by sudden changes in water temperature (or rapid increases or decreases).

Thermal pollution is caused by excess heat in the environment creating unwanted changes over long periods of time. This is due to the huge number of industrial enterprises, deforestation and air pollution. Thermal pollution increases the Earth's temperature, causing drastic climate change and extinction of wildlife species.

Visual pollution

Visual pollution, Philippines

Visual pollution is an aesthetic problem and refers to the effects of pollution that impair the ability to enjoy the outside world. It includes: billboards, open dumps, antennas, electrical wires, buildings, cars, etc.

Overcrowding of the territory with a large number of objects causes visual pollution. Such pollution contributes to distraction, eye fatigue, loss of identity, and so on.

plastic pollution

Plastic pollution, India

Includes the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that have adverse effects on wildlife, animal or human habitats. Plastic products are inexpensive and durable, which has made them very popular among people. However, this material decomposes very slowly. Plastic pollution can adversely affect soil, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Living organisms, especially marine animals, become entangled in plastic waste or are affected by chemicals in plastic that cause interruptions in biological function. People are also affected by plastic pollution, causing a hormonal imbalance.

Objects of pollution

The main objects of environmental pollution are such as air (atmosphere), water resources (streams, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans), soil, etc.

Pollutants (sources or subjects of pollution) of the environment

Pollutants are chemical, biological, physical or mechanical elements (or processes) that harm the environment.

They can be harmful both in the short and long term. Pollutants originate from natural resources or are produced by humans.

Many pollutants have a toxic effect on living organisms. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is an example of a substance that harms humans. This compound is taken up by the body instead of oxygen, causing shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, and in severe cases can lead to serious poisoning, and even death.

Some pollutants become hazardous when they react with other naturally occurring compounds. Nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released from impurities in fossil fuels during combustion. They react with water vapor in the atmosphere to form acid rain. Acid rain adversely affects aquatic ecosystems and leads to the death of aquatic animals, plants, and other living organisms. Terrestrial ecosystems also suffer from acid rain.

Classification of pollution sources

According to the type of occurrence, environmental pollution is divided into:

Anthropogenic (artificial) pollution


Anthropogenic pollution is the impact on the environment caused by the activities of mankind. The main sources of artificial pollution are:

  • industrialization;
  • the invention of automobiles;
  • the growth of the world's population;
  • deforestation: destruction of natural habitats;
  • nuclear explosions;
  • overexploitation of natural resources;
  • construction of buildings, roads, dams;
  • the creation of explosive substances that are used during military operations;
  • use of fertilizers and pesticides;
  • mining.

Natural (natural) pollution


Natural pollution is caused and occurs naturally, without human intervention. It can affect the environment for a certain period of time, but it can be regenerated. Sources of natural pollution include:

  • volcanic eruptions, with the release of gases, ash and magma;
  • forest fires emit smoke and gas impurities;
  • sandstorms raise dust and sand;
  • decomposition of organic matter, during which gases are released.

Consequences of pollution:

environmental degradation

Left photo: Beijing after the rain. Right photo: smog in Beijing

The environment is the first victim of atmospheric pollution. An increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to smog, which can prevent sunlight from reaching the earth's surface. As a result, it becomes much more difficult. Gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide can cause acid rain. Water pollution in terms of an oil spill can lead to the death of several species of wild animals and plants.

Human health

Lung cancer

Decreased air quality leads to some respiratory problems, including asthma or lung cancer. Chest pain, sore throat, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease can be caused by air pollution. Water pollution can create skin problems, including irritation and rashes. Similarly, noise pollution leads to hearing loss, stress and sleep disturbance.

Global warming

Male, the capital of the Maldives, is one of the cities facing the prospect of being flooded by the ocean in the 21st century.

The release of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, leads to global warming. Every day new industries are created, new cars appear on the roads, and the number of trees is reduced to make room for new homes. All these factors, directly or indirectly, lead to an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. Rising CO2 is causing the polar ice caps to melt, which raises sea levels and endangers people living near coastal areas.

Ozone layer depletion

The ozone layer is a thin shield high in the sky that prevents ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth. As a result of human activity, chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons are released into the atmosphere, which contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.


Due to the constant use of insecticides and pesticides, the soil can become infertile. Various types of chemicals from industrial waste end up in water, which also affects soil quality.

Protection (protection) of the environment from pollution:

International protection

Many of these are particularly vulnerable as they are subject to human influence in many countries. As a result, some states unite and develop agreements aimed at preventing damage or managing human impact on natural resources. They include agreements that affect the protection of the climate, oceans, rivers and air from pollution. These international environmental treaties are sometimes binding instruments that have legal consequences in case of non-compliance, and in other situations are used as codes of conduct. The most famous include:

  • The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), approved in June 1972, provides for the protection of nature for the present generation of people and their descendants.
  • The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was signed in May 1992. The main goal of this agreement is "stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system"
  • The Kyoto Protocol provides for the reduction or stabilization of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. It was signed in Japan at the end of 1997.

State protection

The discussion of environmental issues often focuses on the level of government, legislation and law enforcement. However, in the broadest sense, the protection of the environment can be seen as the responsibility of the whole people, and not just the government. Decisions that affect the environment will ideally include a wide range of stakeholders, including industrial sites, indigenous groups, representatives of environmental groups and communities. Decision-making processes in the field of environmental protection are constantly evolving and becoming more active in different countries.

Many constitutions recognize the fundamental right to protect the environment. In addition, in various countries there are organizations and institutions dealing with environmental issues.

While protecting the environment is not simply the responsibility of government agencies, most people consider these organizations paramount in creating and maintaining basic standards that protect the environment and the people who interact with it.

How to protect the environment yourself?

Population and technological advances based on fossil fuels have seriously affected our natural environment. Therefore, now we need to do our part to eliminate the consequences of degradation so that humanity continues to live in an ecologically safe environment.

There are 3 main principles that are still relevant and important more than ever:

  • use less;
  • reuse;
  • convert.
  • Create a compost heap in your garden. This helps to recycle food waste and other biodegradable materials.
  • When shopping, use your eco-bags and try to avoid plastic bags as much as possible.
  • Plant as many trees as you can.
  • Think about how you can reduce the number of trips you make with your car.
  • Reduce car emissions by walking or cycling. These are not just great alternatives to driving, but also health benefits.
  • Use public transport whenever you can for your daily commute.
  • Bottles, paper, waste oil, old batteries and used tires must be properly disposed of; All this causes serious pollution.
  • Do not pour chemicals and used oil onto the ground or down drains leading to waterways.
  • If possible, recycle selected biodegradable waste, and work to reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste used.
  • Reduce the amount of meat you consume or consider a vegetarian diet.

environmental protection

environmental protection - a system of measures aimed at ensuring favorable and safe conditions for the environment and human life. The most important environmental factors are atmospheric air, air of dwellings, water, soil. Environmental protection provides for the conservation and restoration of natural resources in order to prevent direct and indirect negative impacts of human activities on nature and human health.

In the context of scientific and technological progress and the intensification of industrial production, the problems of environmental protection have become one of the most important national tasks, the solution of which is inextricably linked with the protection of human health. For many years, the processes of environmental degradation were reversible. affected only limited areas, individual areas and were not of a global nature, therefore, effective measures to protect the human environment were practically not taken. In the last 20-30 years, irreversible changes in the natural environment or dangerous phenomena have begun to appear in various regions of the Earth. In connection with the massive pollution of the environment, the issues of its protection from regional, intrastate have grown into an international, global problem. All developed countries have identified environmental protection as one of the most important aspects of humanity's struggle for survival.

The advanced industrial countries have developed a number of key organizational, scientific and technical measures for environmental protection. They are as follows: identification and assessment of the main chemical, physical and biological factors that adversely affect the health and performance of the population, in order to develop the necessary strategy to reduce the negative role of these factors; assessment of the potential impact of toxic substances polluting the environment in order to establish the necessary risk criteria for public health; development of effective programs to prevent possible industrial accidents and measures to reduce the harmful effects of accidental emissions on the environment. In addition, of particular importance in environmental protection is the establishment of the degree of danger of environmental pollution for the gene pool, in terms of the carcinogenicity of some toxic substances contained in industrial emissions and waste. To assess the degree of risk of mass diseases caused by pathogens contained in the environment, systematic epidemiological studies are needed.

When addressing issues related to environmental protection, it should be taken into account that a person from birth and throughout his life is exposed to various factors (contact with chemicals at home, at work, use of drugs, ingestion of chemical additives contained in foodstuffs, etc.). Additional exposure to harmful substances entering the environment, in particular with industrial waste, can have a negative impact on human health.

Among environmental pollutants (biological, physical, chemical and radioactive), one of the first places is occupied by chemical compounds. More than 5 million chemical compounds are known, of which over 60 thousand are in constant use. The world volume of production of chemical compounds increases for every 10 years by 2 1 / 2 times. The most dangerous is the entry into the environment of organochlorine compounds of pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, asbestos.

The most effective measure to protect the environment from these compounds is the development and implementation of waste-free or low-waste technological processes, as well as the neutralization of waste or their processing for recycling. Another important area of ​​environmental protection is changing the approach to the principles of location of various industries, replacing the most harmful and stable substances with less harmful and less stable ones. Mutual influence of different industrial and page - x. objects is becoming more and more significant, and the social and economic damage from accidents caused by the proximity of various enterprises may exceed the benefits associated with the proximity of the resource base or transport facilities. In order for the tasks of placing objects to be optimally solved, it is necessary to cooperate with specialists of different profiles who are able to predict the adverse effects of diverse factors, use mathematical modeling methods. Quite often, due to meteorological conditions, territories remote from the direct source of harmful emissions are polluted.

The most important issue of all discussed so far iswater protection problem . One of the main tasks is the regulation of water relations in order to ensure the rational use of water for the needs of the population and the national economy. In addition, there are other tasks:

Protection of waters from pollution, clogging and depletion;

Prevention and elimination of the harmful effects of water;

Improvement of the state of water bodies;

Protection of the rights of enterprises, organizations, institutions and citizens, strengthening the rule of law in the field of water relations.

Location, design, construction and commissioning of enterprises, structures and other facilities that affect the state of water.

Commissioning is prohibited:

New and reconstructed enterprises, workshops and units, communal and other facilities that are not provided with devices that prevent pollution and clogging of water or their harmful effects;

Irrigation and watering systems, reservoirs and canals until the implementation of the measures provided for by the projects to prevent flooding, flooding, waterlogging, land salinization and soil erosion;

Drainage systems until the readiness of water intakes and other structures in accordance with approved projects;

Water intake structures without fish protection devices in accordance with approved projects;

Hydraulic structures until the readiness of devices for the passage of flood waters and fish in accordance with approved projects;

Since childhood, we have all been taught that we must take care of the environment. Parents taught them to be in order, insisting that it was impossible to litter on the street; at school, at labor lessons, they taught how to make birdhouses and set aside special days for subbotniks. Many educational institutions even studied a special subject, which includes the section "Environmental Protection".

Unfortunately, the most negative impact on natural processes in the biosphere. In an effort to create the most comfortable conditions for their lives, people thereby have a significant impact on Mines and factories emit an incredible amount of harmful toxic substances into the atmosphere, which lead to the uncontrolled fishing or hunting of animals leads to the extinction of one species or another. Therefore, the issue of carrying out a set of measures is very acute, the main purpose of which is to limit the negative impact of human activity. All these concepts include environmental protection.

What can a person do to improve the situation? First of all, enterprises should monitor the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. It is also necessary to limit unauthorized waste disposal. There are enough modern methods developed by ecological logistics that allow total cleaning with minimal negative impact on the environment.

Equally important is the creation of national parks, reserves, which make it possible to preserve the natural chain of the ecosystem, allowing many representatives of the animal world to continue their existence. Environmental protection also requires limiting fishing and hunting. Some species are protected, and for some, a period is introduced when hunting and trapping is prohibited. This is a period of time that includes the moment of bearing and raising offspring.

It should be noted that the soil requires conservation and restoration, which mainly affects the development of the agro-industrial complex. It is curious that there are some subspecies of earthworms that are able to neutralize dangerous compounds found in contaminated soil. So, for example, worms of the subspecies Lumbricus rubellus absorb soil contaminated with toxic wastes such as arsenic, copper, zinc, lead and return it in a form suitable for absorption by plants. Moreover, these worms cannot live in clean soils, so they may well serve to determine the toxicity and contamination of soils.

It includes standards and requirements that simply need to be met during the construction of an object. It is the observance of all these standards that will make it possible to successfully complete the construction, because otherwise, not only a fine may be imposed, but the entire construction process may be stopped altogether.

Carrying out any construction work must take place within a clearly defined regulation, which specifies all the details and requirements for the technical process. Environmental protection includes all possible nuances, from the observance of living conditions, which must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, to the agreed dimensions of the lifting and other equipment used in the construction. All materials, equipment, structures must also have documents confirming their fire safety. The requirements of GOST must be observed when warehousing and storing building materials. The final moment, which is kept under control by environmental protection during construction, is the collection and removal of construction waste to a special place.

It is important to remember that in many respects it depends on us in what conditions our children will live.

Municipal Educational Institution

Secondary School No. 2


Environmental protection.


Student 11 "B" class


ENVIRONMENT - the habitat and activities of mankind, the natural world surrounding man and the material world created by him. The environment includes the natural environment and the artificial (technogenic) environment, i.e., a set of environmental elements created from natural substances by labor and the conscious will of a person and which have no analogues in virgin nature (buildings, structures, etc.). Social production changes the environment, influencing directly or indirectly on all its elements. This impact and its negative consequences were especially intensified in the era of modern scientific and technological revolution, when the scale of human activity, covering almost the entire geographical envelope of the Earth, became comparable to the effect of global natural processes.

Protection of Nature.

NATURE PROTECTION - a set of measures for the conservation, rational use and restoration of the Earth's natural resources, including the species diversity of flora and fauna, the richness of the subsoil, the purity of the waters and the atmosphere.

The danger of irreversible changes in the natural environment in certain regions of the Earth has become real due to the increased scale of human economic activity. From the beginning of the 80s. on average, 1 species (or subspecies) of animals disappeared daily, and a plant species - weekly (more than 20 thousand species are endangered). About 1000 species of birds and mammals (mainly inhabitants of tropical forests, reduced at a rate of tens of hectares per minute) are under threat of extinction.

About 1 billion tons of standard fuel are burned annually, hundreds of millions of tons of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon oxides (some of which are returned in the form of acid rain), soot, ash and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. Soils and waters are polluted by industrial and domestic effluents (hundreds of billion tons per year), oil products (several million tons), mineral fertilizers (about a hundred million tons) and pesticides, heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), radioactive waste . There is a danger of violation of the Earth's ozone screen.

The ability of the biosphere to self-cleanse is close to the limit. The danger of uncontrolled changes in the environment and, as a result, the threat to the existence of living organisms on Earth, including humans, required decisive practical measures to protect and protect nature, legal regulation of the use of natural resources. Such measures include the creation of waste-free technologies, treatment facilities, streamlining the use of pesticides, stopping the production of pesticides that can accumulate in the body, land reclamation, etc., as well as the creation of protected areas (reserves, national parks, etc.), centers for breeding rare and endangered animals and plants (including for the conservation of the Earth's gene pool), compilation of world and national Red Data Books.

Environmental measures are provided for in land, forestry, water and other national legislation, which establishes liability for violation of environmental standards. In a number of countries, government environmental programs have resulted in significant improvements in environmental quality in certain regions (for example, a multi-year and costly program has restored the purity and quality of water in the Great Lakes). On an international scale, along with the creation of various international organizations on certain problems of nature protection, the UN Environment Program operates.

The main substances polluting the environment, their sources.

Carbon dioxide - burning fossil fuels.

Carbon monoxide is the work of internal combustion engines.

Carbons are the work of internal combustion engines.

Organic compounds - chemical industry, waste incineration, fuel combustion.

Sulfur dioxide - combustion of fossil fuels.

Nitrogen derivatives - combustion.

Radioactive substances - nuclear power plants, nuclear explosions.

Mineral compounds - industrial production, operation of internal combustion engines.

Organic substances, natural and synthetic - chemical industry, fuel combustion, waste incineration, agriculture (pesticides).


The protection of nature is the task of our century, a problem that has become a social one. To fundamentally improve the situation, purposeful and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and efficient policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, substantiated knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods to reduce and prevent harm caused to nature by man.


  1. Romad F. Fundamentals of applied ecology.
  2. Dictionary.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Vladimir State University


Department of Social and Humanistic Disciplines

Discipline: "BZD"

Specialty: 080502.65

"Economics and management at the enterprise"


on this topic:



student gr. EZ-407

Borisova Tatiana







Moore 2007



1. Pollution of land and sea .............................. 3

1.1. Cleaning.............................................. 4

2. Air pollution.............................................. 4

2.1. Acid rain.............................. 5

2.2. Ozone layer................................... 6

2.3. Greenhouse effect.............................. 6

2.3.1. Where do greenhouse gases come from?.................................. 7


1. Modern problems of nature protection:

1.1. The role of nature in the life of human society ....... 8

1.2. Exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources... 9

1.3. Principles and rules of nature protection ............... 11

1.4. Legal Basis for Nature Conservation .................................. 13

1.5. Examples and additional information ............... 14

3. REFERENCES.......................... 16


Environmental pollution harms the health of all living beings. There are also some types of natural pollution, such as smoke from forest fires and volcanoes, or pollen. However, from industrial enterprises, farms, power plants, transport, which emit harmful substances, nature is in real distress.


On land, waste is the main source of pollution. Huge areas are occupied by ugly garbage dumps. Some people even dump their garbage into rivers or directly onto the streets.

Industrial waste, such as waste rock dumps near coal mines, is also a huge landfill. There are also poisonous wastes, which are sometimes buried in the ground, which, however, is not always safe, since the poisons are mixed with groundwater. And if the water is contaminated, it can easily poison large areas of land, because the contaminated stream flows into the river, which spreads over a large area. Having reached the sea, it is carried by currents even further. Chemical industrial waste, pesticides and fertilizers used on farms are all washed into rivers and become food for bacteria. At the same time, bacteria also consume oxygen dissolved in water, as a result, fish and aquatic animals begin to suffocate. In a number of places, untreated sewage is discharged into rivers and seas and causes disease for both animals and humans.

Many animals, for example, get entangled in plastic rings from cans and, having received serious injuries, are dying.

Metals in industrial waste poison fish. And then the animals diewho eat fish.

Oil spilled from tankers into the water sticks to the plumage of birds. Feathers, covered with oil, can no longer warm the birds, and they die.


The natural environment is already so seriously contaminated that it is now very difficult to completely eliminate pollution. To keep our environment clean, governments pass laws to prevent further pollution.

For example, tankers are not allowed to pump oil into the water. If they do so, the captains of these ships are subject to heavy fines.. Several cases of severe pollution caused by tankers are known throughout the world.

For example, the wreck off the coast of Alaska in 1989 of the tanker Exxon Valdez. The spilled oil from the tanker caused great damage to the coast, fishing grounds and marine life. After the accident, the specialists had to act very quickly to save the animals and clean up the sea and its shores.

There are several ways to clean the sea from oil. Peat or straw that absorbs oil is spread over the surface of the water and then collected and burned. Or the spread of the oil slick is stopped with the help of floating barriers, booms, and then the tanker sucks the oil back.


Emissions from industrial plants and car exhaust pollute the air with all sorts of substances that are harmful to health, such as lead. In some big cities, like Mexico City, it is very difficult to breathe - the air is very dirty. Such dirty air hanging over the city is called smog.

Loud noise is another type of environmental pollution. It can lead to deafness and other diseases.



Animals and plants suffer from it.


These gases can increase the acidity of the moisture contained in the air, a thousand times more than normal. The wind carries this moisture over a large area until the anna falls in the form of rain, it happens that over neighboring countries.

In 80% of the rivers and streams of Norway, there will soon be no life at all. For the same reason, ancient buildings are being destroyed, such as the Parthenon in Athens, and forests are dying in Europe and North America.


destroy the ozone layer

and holes form in it.

It can only return to its original state if people stop using CFC completely.


The earth stays warm thanks to the atmosphere, which traps heat near the earth's surface. This phenomenon is called greenhouse effect, absolutely natural. However, many scientists believe that the temperature on Earth is gradually increasing.

This increase is caused by an increase in the content of gases in the air, called greenhouse gases. These include carbon dioxide, CFC and methane. They enhance the ability of the atmosphere to retain heat. This diagram explains how the greenhouse effect works.


A significant part of greenhouse gases occurs in normal conditions, but now they have accumulated in the air too much. Carbon dioxide is produced during the combustion of fuels and is also found in industrial waste. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, but now a significant part of the trees are cut down, and therefore carbon dioxide is absorbed by them much less. Methane is emitted from certain types of farms, such as cattle and rice farms, and also from the decomposition of garbage. CFCs are not natural gases, they are formed exclusively as a result of the activities of industrial enterprises.


"People obey the laws

nature, even when they act

against them" I.V. Goethe.



For man, nature is a series of life and a source of existence. As a biological species, a person needs a certain composition and pressure of atmospheric air, pure natural water with salts dissolved in it, plants and animals, and the earth's temperature. Optimal environment for humans - this is the natural state of nature, which is maintained by normally occurring processes of the circulation of substances and energy flows.

As a biological species, a person with his life activity affects the natural environment no more than other living organisms. However, this influence is incomparable with the enormous impact that humanity has on nature through its work. The transforming influence of human society on nature is inevitable, it intensifies as society develops, the number and mass of substances involved in economic circulation increase.

The changes introduced by man have now acquired such a large scale that they have become a threat to disturb the balance existing in nature and an obstacle to the further development of the productive forces. For a long time, people looked at nature as an inexhaustible source of the material goods they needed.

However, faced with the negative consequences of their impact on nature, they gradually came to believe in the need for its rational use and protection.

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