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Military wubbles of the ancient Slavs. Slavic symbols and their meaning

Slavic charms for women were performed from precious metals, cuttered on wood. Women's Slavic wubblers worn solar and heavenly topics. In the understanding of our ancestors, a woman tied the continuation of the kind and wealth of a homely hearth. Women's wanings were crowded and clogged on clothes. Internet magazine "Veles" offers amulets for women and women's charms, made in compliance with the canons.

  • Slavic characters charging for women their meaning

    Traditional wravyanka desires were performed from precious metals, cutted on wood. Completed from traditional materials, women's Slavic wubblers wore solar topics. Common female wubbles covered the decoration complementing the overall image. The Internet magazine "Veles" offers amulets for animes and inheritance, made in compliance with the canons.

    Purpose of protection

    Traditional tasteless symbols for years protected the valuable property of the community - the continuation of the kind. Sealls of the waistly decorated with personal use, clothing.

    Amulets for years made from:

    • stone;
    • metal;
    • baked clay;
    • coral;
    • bones.

    Decrypted Insurances had an age destination. Slaguanskaya Oboangs for Innigas and their names were addressed to preserve health, strengthening external protection, reliably, dangerous situations.

    Bearing spiritual symbolism Overactions for years wore a cult character, they differed in brightness of execution. According to the excavations of the grave graves of the Bryanka region, the products made of metal covered with enamel with a pronounced divine symbolism were designed to accompany the spirit of the owner beyond the limits of Iria.

    Three female hypostasis

    Slavic charms for women and their importance were devoted to different age periods. Waggies for women mothers differed from symbols of young girls. Amulets for women to marriage were configured to attract the narrowed. Original wave-wispers for women married gave preservation of the maternity strength.

    Charm of youth

    Young girls gave the female wubbles of Slavs dedicated to Lada with a lunar disk. The patrons of the wanings for women before marriage were decorated with long braids, were nourished over the lower skirts.

    Girls Slavic charms for women include images:

    • swan;
    • stars, moon;
    • running water;
    • lily;
    • kalina;
    • bereginina with arms raised.

    Found finds of burial southern Slavs include belts, pendants, bracelets. Protective seizures are applied to a certain order, personified unity of the universe.

    Whether the motherhood

    Amulets for women crossed threshold man choir were performed on bones, precious stones:

    • amber;
    • jasper;
    • pink quartz;
    • cornelian;
    • jade.

    Calculated for a mature age of charging for women embroidered over skirts, sundresses. Similar Slavic overalls for women and their meaning included symbols:

    • fire;
    • sun;
    • sawdilled field.

    Accurately confirmed Liavyankki. Overlooks for women adorned suspension under the headwear - Lunnitsy combined with a cross. They were attached to the zones of the temples, forehead, protected the heart area. It was not rarely attached at the ends of a soft belt.

    Guards of wise years

    The female wanings of the Slavs widow's widows and the elderly representatives of the family included the images of the goddesses, Bereginina with her hands lowered.

    The priorities were considered to be wavyanskiy obleys for the innings defending:

    • health;
    • light mind;
    • spiritual plan.

    The sacral circle of protective symbols, uniting charging for women of old age, included products from bone and coral with symbolics of fire, dominant deities, plant topics.

    Protective symbols

    Amulets for women of different ages were performed on silver or gold. These metals in the understanding of our ancestors strengthened female wubbles, complementing the miraculous qualities assigned.

    Eastern Slavic symbols are used for women of different generations:

    • lada Star;
    • bereginina;
    • lunitsa;
    • triglav;
    • ladynets;
    • seed field;
    • Wet.

    When wearing, charms for women were divided according to the principle of secretive wearing and external demonstration. They did not have decorative significance, were considered a mandatory part of the life. The continuity of native symbols, which allowed to transmit Slavic charms for women concerned the intra-day circle, from the matriarch to the succession.

    Elements Protecting Women's Beginning

    The spontaneous female wubbles of Slavs were addressed:

    • running water;
    • rain;
    • firefight;
    • eastern winds;
    • dawn morning;
    • mother-Earth.

    Wavy and oblique lines decorated charms for women meant direction, suggesting the interpretation of the entire picture. The slope meant rain, the wave portrayed the current water. Going clockwise curved lines were filled with challenges to the energy of the energy of life movement.

    The spontaneous challenges of the sewers and their signature strengthened communication with the ancestors. Original Slavyanski symbols of objigations for years with emanating from the center of intertwining lines took evil eyes and unclean spirits, leading them along the labyrinth of the pattern of the pattern.

    Cosmological signs

    Among the popular cosmological symbols are allocated for the people of the Lunnica.

    Lunnica Waravyanskaya OBEGES For years differed in connecting elements:

    • empty sickle addressed his youth;
    • filled with a cross or diamonds - married women;
    • with the inclusion of circles, grains, geometric shapes - knowledge keepers.

    Amulets for women with cosmological themes clearly divided periods of life:

    • morning youth;
    • day - maturity;
    • evening - a revered age.

    Such women's Slavic amulets were characterized by an emphasis of the ornament of the upper, medium or lower share.

    Floral ornament

    Women's Slavic Characters geometrically decorated with a pattern personified with nature forces. Women's walkers included vegetable, as well as animal images.

    Maiden women have portrayed the shooting shoots of various herbs:

    • pitchers;
    • snakes;
    • hop;
    • nettle.

    Representatives of the older generations, the wravyankki occupation for sales of the community included:

    • grapes;
    • lean herbs;
    • rosehip.

    Experienceing communication times Slavic amulets for women and their importance retained the knowledge of the gene pool, continuity of experience.

    Intercession of higher spheres

    Women's Slavic Alerts were recreated in symbols called for the intercession of the All-Film Divine Forces:

    • Mokosh - patronage of weaving, family and strong bonds;
    • Bereginina - ancestor, part of natural order;
    • Род - the connection of generations;
    • Lada - Spring, Rainbow.

    Wearing charms for women concluded a message encrypted by the wish of strengthening and protection. The Slavic Obelves addressed to the gods were rolled out, the ritual was replaced.

    The Slavs of the bride compared with the dead man. Passing the rite of introduction to the next stage, its connection with the old family was transferred to the Human.

    Amulet or charm?

    The terminology of the word "amulet" is closely related to the "Obereg". Both concepts carry a related meaning, but their essence varies. Amulets for women may not have drawing. Beads from stone, claw or polished bone wore the images of female charges serving protective decoration.

    Ethnic Zhienskie Slavianskiy Oboangs were covered with stylized images. Metal Liavyanskiy bonds for sales are distinguished by a complex set of characters.

    Qualitatively performed Slavic overalls for women with accurate mapping the necessary symbols are selected under human and are transmitted only to relatives.

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Long before the baptism of Russia, people revered the pagan pantheon of the gods. Each sphere of life of Slavs had his god. For many centuries, the world has changed. Paganism has sunk in oblivion. However, we are just like our progenitors, we want to protect disasters, protect their homes and land from ruin.

The ancient Slavs believed that the charm or amulet with the image of the honorable deity helps them to cope with difficulties and achieve the desired. Today, pagan charms and amulets do not lose values. To use them correctly, let's understand the meaning of the characters transferred to us ancestors.

Amulet values: How do we know about them

In ancient times, amules, overalls, talismans used old, and young. People were afraid that they were surrounded. The destructive forces of nature inspired them fear. Diseases, disasters, family troubles depressed them. Ancient Slavs wanted to influence what is happening. So they created the gods and believed in them.

Every God had his sphere of influence. Symbols and images of deities paganism considered sacred. Therefore, they were painted on the subjects of small sizes that could be worn with them. So a person believed that he was not alone, because someone strong and wise helps him.

Pagan talismans and their importance are known due to archaeological excavations. Object items of the ancient Slavs made of bronze or metal are the main sources of historical information.

Fashioned painting Rusinov played not the last role. There were no books, so people did sketches on the stones and rocks.

Pagan amulets and charging: distinguish concepts

The concepts of pagan amulets and charms or pagan talismans at all hearing. However, they are not synonymous and require explanations.

  • Amulet is an object for a personal wearing, filled with positive or negative energy. Amulets painted, and they reflect the Slavic divine or natural symbols. To the amulet worked, it is charged, calling the supernatural forces. Ancient Slavs had particular importance to amulets made by the hands of the mother, sister or beloved woman.
  • The charm is an object or spell used to protect against evil forces. The wubbles are not only carrying with them. They are placed in housing to protect their family from the action of negative energy. Unlike the amulets, the charms do not charge; From the very beginning, they are called upon to defend their owner. The protective function can perform a spell or human appeal to the gods.
  • Talisman is a thing that brings good luck. Talismans charge, but most often it acts thanks to faith. The talisman is not necessarily made specifically. They can be a toy since childhood or a gift for a loved one.

Types of facing and amulets

The main purpose that Slavic charms was performed, amulets and talismans are the patronage of the ancient gods. Symbols and signs engraved on the overalls meaning a lot for people. But pagan amulets were created with different goals.

In this regard, the pagan wubbles of the ancient Slavs were divided into such types:

  • slavic charms and amulets from a bad eye - they protect their owner from an unkind view;
  • pagan charms and amulets of the ancient Slavs for the patronage of the kind - ensure the protection of the progenitors, which are not alive;
  • pagan charms, amulets and talismans to protect the dwellings from evil forces or uninvited guest;
  • slavic charms and talismans to protect against diseases;
  • alerts and talismans of the ancient Slavs to attract good luck, wealth.

On the overalls and amulets, the ancient Slavs painted the swastika, heavenly bodies, imagined faces of the gods. Many are essentials from the evil eye or for the patronage of the genus are universal. They are suitable for men and girls. However, there are characters that use only women or men for amulets.

Symbols for women's amulets and talismans

  1. Genzhalnica - Slavic symbols and signs depicting rectangular patterns. Used for amulets of women dreaming of baby. Premenhenev, the future mother continued to wear an amulet before the birth. After the birth of the child, he was located near a crib. The power of the whole guard guarded the baby from diseases and attack.
  2. Lunnitsa - images of a turned month. Symbols of female prudence, humility and patience.
  3. Yaril - symbols and signs, reconstructing the image of the godpany - Yaril. Fill the energy of the Sun, they keep love and do not give feelings to cool. Amulet, symbolizing the God of the Sun, is designed to fall in vulnerable. But it is still predominantly girls.
  4. Makoshi - symbols and signs denoting the goddess of the ancient Slavs Makos. She is designed to strengthen the generic forces. Amulets and charms depicting this goddess are located in the houses so that peace and harmony always reigned in the family.
  5. Lebity-grass is the sacred grass of the ancient Slavs. Served as a powerful guard from dark spells and enemies. Slavic symbols of lean-herbs were used in the manufacture of protective amulets.
  6. Molivan - just like Makos, is designed to protect the genus of disasters. A drawing resembling a rhombus is applied to the surface of the overag and gives a pregnant woman. It promises their prosperous childbirth and the appearance of a healthy kid.
  7. The wedding is a sign accompanying every rite wedding in the ancient Slavs. Pictures the weave of four rings. Charging with a wedding pattern gives the bride or a young wife. After all, it is she who is the keeper of a family hearth. Fencing the newly minted family from bad luck, keeps love.
  8. Lada-Voroditsa - Slavic talismans with the Lada-Virgin Mary are unmarried girls who dream of light love and prosperous union.

Symbols for men's amulets and talismans

  1. Velesov Print - a drawing with rounded weaves is applied to charms for gambling men. The seal of the Veles god keeps the owner of the guard from failures.
  2. Perun's hammer - a generic sign for men. Stores the genus on the male line from the troubles and enemies. Does not allow the interruption of the genus. Transmits the wisdom of the forefathers.
  3. Alllaz sign - during the times of the ancient Slavs kept houses from fires. Now amulet with an image resembling Japanese hieroglyphic is used to protect against disagreements.
  4. Sign of the Dukhobor - Slavic amulets with the mark of the Dukhobor give a man with spiritual power, give strength to fight and self-improvement.
  5. Symbols of the range - the ancestors of the Slavs used them in the manufacture of faiths that help in battle. Nowadays, the range helps a man to defeat over the opponent or overcome a competitor.


At the ancestors of the current Slavs, idolatry was a common phenomenon. Idols (translated from Greek - "Images") visualized the gods who worshiped Slavs. These were protected symbols. The statues of the Degen rewarded praagability, sacrificed sacrifices, they were asked for help. Most statues were in the temples. In order not to go to the temple for ten times a day, our rapids installed man-made idols in housing. They defeated the inhabitants from misfortunes and disasters. Slavic man-made idols have retained their initial values. Now it is a doll-Motanka.

Characters in the form of dolls in the pre-Christian era created female hands. It was a real sacrament. Dolls twisted only in a good mood. Women dressed in bright Slavic outfits and festive hats. In silence, they made dolls using threads and pieces of fabric. Eyes, nose and mouth Crested Dolls did not paint so that the evil spirits did not pass through them.

Types of dolls - Motanok and their meanings

  • Doll-healthy - this amulet was intended for the patient. Filled with healing herbs and was installed at the head of the man to put it on his feet. Herbal fragrance destroyed the spirit of the disease, helped to fight a poor.
  • Doll-Kormilitsa - the mother of a pregnant woman twisted the doll-kormilitsa so that the child was born healthy and on time. After that, she was put in the cradle of a newborn, providing him with strong and long sleep for full development.
  • The grain doll - was created before the harvest period. Twisting amulet, women relied on a good harvest and a used dimension life.
  • Cuvadka doll - toy and charm at the same time. Mother of a child made a doll using bright threads and loskutka. Having hung her over the cradle of the baby, pleased and protect him from the evil spell.
  • Pouch doll - made to the abos of the hay. It was an important period in the life of Slavs. The talisman ensured the successful outcome of the bow, defended the workers from injuries and cuts.
  • Slavic charms - meaning in the life of the ancient Slavs

    In the manufacture of the guard, amulete or talisman, the main thing is to believe in the exceptional force of the man-made subject. Without faith, any characters or signs lose meaning. Making a charm for a loved one, think about love for him. Love is very strong energy, she wins negative or illness, and also draws a person to a faithful path.

Faith due to various fabrics is a pagan tradition that has survived in Russia and after the arrival of the Christian religion. Ancient Slavs perceived the world around us as we do it. Their world was mysterious, alive, filled with magic. The basis of any pagan religion is the fear of incomprehensible, the powerful forces of nature.

In order to protect from all kinds of misfortunes, unnecessary influences, low energies, as well as to be able to interact with higher energies, various coated symbols were actively used by the Slavs. They defended people from evil spirits, diseases, injustice, brought love, good luck and wealth to their owners. Having possessed Slavic charms not fabulous, but by the divine force.

Now the tradition is reborn to have a personal charm. But how to choose it right?

There are no strict rules here. One of the main conditions is the compatibility of a person and the oversee. In terms of its functions, the followings of Slavs have a wide variety of appointments, from the protection of life and health before the disclosure of your spiritual forces. Before you begin to choose the overag, you need to clearly know what you need it.

A rather important factor in the choice of Slavic factor is the factor of harmony. If the charm soldered you in the soul, it means that you have chosen what you need.

Choose Slavic Characters rationally. First, read the description of each of them, select the appropriate action, and then select the metal from which your faucer will be made.
You can approach this issue and irrationally, that is, to choose purely intuitively. This method of choice is suitable for those who have a well-developed inner minor.
Watch out for changes that will occur after you start using charm.
But still the main thing is not to be wanted, and the person himself. Try to lead the right way of life, watch your health, pay attention to the development of your consciousness, etc., and the charm will be your faithful assistant and keeper.

One friend my friend talked about the history that occurred sometime with her great-grandmother. Somehow at Easter, along with two children gathered to visit her parents who lived in the next village. The husband also wanted to go with them, but I had a little blinded and decided to stay at home. The woman picked the horse and went along with the children, leaving her husband on the care of the sink. I drove to the house of the parents, she did not have time to stand on the threshold, as her husband came out to meet and said: "Give it, rather, we went back." The woman was very surprised, but he did not dare to twist him, he was always harsh, and then his face was just fierce. She sat back in the cart, pressed the children to himself, and they went home. The man drove the horse seems to be very hurrying. He often looked around his wife and children and constantly sentenced: "What, was pregnant from me?" The woman thought that he was spoken after the disease. The road went through the cemetery. Even one woman was never afraid to pass through him, and then she went with her husband, and she enveloped her terrible fear. Around the middle of the cemetery, the husband stopped the cart sharply and tried to grab his wife and children, but some invisible bargain rose between them. The man was very close, but could not reach them. By making several such attempts, he jumped out of the cart and ran deep into the cemetery. The woman could not understand whether he was terribly rudely lost to running away, whether he was greatly scolded, and not before that she was. She stunned the horse heavily, and she rushed away from this place. Arriving home, a woman, barely translating the Spirit, entered the houses to the house. And then I was waiting for the sad news - her husband passed away almost immediately after her departure.

It would be very sad if it would not be a guard guarding from the dark forces, which always wore a great-grandmother with my friend.

How did it all end? The woman insisted that such chambers wore all members of her family. More spirit of this man did not disturb anyone.

How to choose a charm? Which charm is suitable for a boy or a girl?

Do you think that the charm is not an empty sound, and the millennial wisdom of our ancestors is lost behind this?

Then the next step is to choose the appropriate charm, and here you will have to be, like Vityazu at the crossroads, stand up and think.

We are often asked to help with choosing a guard in the northern fairy tale shop, and we have a certain algorithm for the choice of overag. I hope he will help you, dear Slavs.

Step 1: Who exactly needs an overlap?

Of course, the floor and age is important. We divide by age like this:
1. Mladden,
2. Schoolgirl schoolboy,
3. Man-girl man, pre-wedding age and all who did not create a family;
4. Adult male adult woman, family with children;
5. Adults having grandchildren.
These are natural life periods under which their own energy changes, and therefore, the method of energy exchange with the environment changes.

Compare the weak sprout of the acorns, barely discontinued its shell - and the age-old mighty oak.
It is also possible to understand personal energy and the need for protection - a small, full strength, a magical ingenious infant, comprehending methods of communication with the outside world, in need of maximum protection - and already a wise, experienced person who is in such a living stage when the inner wealth and The needs of the soul are already more valuable by external attributes, already independent of the alarms and the trouble of this world. The force and the number of fabrics decreases with age and life step - this is the first rule of correctly selected guard.

Determined who need an overlap and what power, look at the next step.

Step 2: What from the faucenes to choose?

In the life of Slavs, there were always a lot in the life of Slavs - since the homeland, which was shouted by the sons and his daughters, ending with the Slavic house itself and all its contents. You all know that even carved platbands are not just "beautiful", and the coasters from the penetration of Navi - the black species of the world Navi? The sign of the guard, which was worn on himself - his closed in the circle form. Half and sleeves in Slavic clothes never had cuts - so as not to interrupt the Crested Circle. Obehers, except for embroidery on clothes, there could be hryvnias, bracelets, rings, eyeling. It should also be understood that the chambers must be worn almost all the time - from the proximity and faith in its protection of the energy of the Oberega really grows.

At this step, it is necessary to determine "what level of protection" is built. Of course, the strongest coast of the "shell" looks like this - protect his head by eyeling, temporal rings - earrings, throat - hrying - necklace - pendant, and hands - bracelets. I can not resist, although I wanted not to touch the clothes - such defense suggests that the Slavic or Slav is dressed the belt and the hem of clothing is covered with coast of embroidery. Unfortunately, modern clothing is far from being truly proper clothes, and the peculiarity of the faith is that they must be worn. Therefore, we will look for modern compromise options.

A small level of protection assumes that one or two of the overag is dressed on a person. Wanted, most likely it will not work now to wear constantly, the temporal rings are badly combined with the office dress code, but they can be replaced by earrings, and you can always wear a hryvnia-necklace-pendant and small bracelets.

We decided that you can wear as an overawe, we look at the next step.

Step 3: What material is the charm better?

Of course, not plastic - as a material that did not live, is not suitable for the overag. It does not have its own energy, the ability to accumulate and give. Fortunately, even in stuffy cities we have the opportunity to bring closer to your heart, let the small but a piece of nature.

The first opportunity is Naia, a wicker thread from natural threads - flax, cotton, wool, silk. Naution can be with herbs - then a small bag with herbs is suspended as a quince. How to do it, and what conspiracies to pronounce, you can read on the site "Northern Fairy Tale" in the article "Vedic Mystery Nauat". A variety of nautions are woven pendants with coated signs. The advantages of Nauat is that they can be made themselves from inexpensive materials.

The second possibility is quite common and affordable - wubble of metals, including gold, silver and waggies of wood. They, most often, are signs having, fortunately, already known values. According to the description, which is given by manufacturers, you can pick up a patron and charm from the right orientation. The advantages of such orders are their professional performance, beauty and durability.

Third possibility - exotic bone for many. Special properties of bone and horns have long been known to the Slavs. In the rituals of the wicked, skins and skulls of tile animals were always used, women, if there was such an opportunity, used openwork products from the bone and horns as strong faiths. In addition to some almost mystical aura, the bone products have an exquisite texture, color overflows, they, like pearls, reflect the time of time, have a thin matte shine and surprisingly combine living gravity with warmth. The case of taste, of course, but metal products are cold, and the diverse dry tree is easy, like a pinch. Fortunately, in the Russian north there is still a Kholmogorsk school of threads on the bone, allowing us to get this miracle right now.

Specific advice on chooser's choice for children under 12

For the baby, the main oversets were embroidered clothing (and, with an overpracting of old maternal and paternal shoes) and champions surrounding his crib - a lobe, rugs, toys. We have already written about oversets for babies, and even showed how the coated blankets, rugs and pictures look like, that can be purchased in the North Fairy Tale shop.

It should be noted that, although the baby surrounded protective signs from all sides, he himself never dressed the signs of the gods, signs of totem animals and other protective signs. Probably so that such powerful protection does not block fully generating its own immunity.

In this article, consider in more detail the chambers for schoolchildren, those that can be worn on yourself. Of course, in modern conditions, given the characteristics of school clothes, it is unlikely to work out (bracelets), temporal rings, massive hryvnias and necklaces.

Earrings remain for girls and pendants for boys and girls. And here I want to delight - options for suspensions that look amazingly modern, because - that they are deeply archaic, enough. They will enjoy even modern boys and girls.

Here I will show metal suspensions - both archaic and their modern replicas.
Until the initiation rites at twelve years, when the boys handed over an exam on mind, dexterity and strength, and the girls "jumped in renewing", chambers for children were a wide variety of suspension -time animals and religious items.

The boy is defended, as Slavs believed, except solar symbols,
Alerts - images of totem animals

For girls who did not wear temporal rings then,

Obehers served, except for symbols of kind, woody and vegetable ornaments:

Earth symbols, but different from adults, bells - Bubakers:

And, remember that girls before the initiation did not wear the decorations characteristic for girls and women - Lunnitsa.

Charm Molvinets - is an oldest charcoal Slavic symbol. He since ancient times was considered the great gift of the god of the genus, defending every representative of the genus of the Great Race from the evil eye, an evil word, a statement, a conservation, means and generic curses. This charm has the ability not only to protect against malicious energy attacks, but also redirect them to an offender. He also increases the power of good words.

It is especially necessary to protect Molvinets to children, young and pregnant women, since they are especially vulnerable and weak. Just one grass word is able to apply a very strong blow on them.

Obereg Ladinets - personifies the harmony of a female start. This is a female charm, leading women's essence to harmony. He will help to find joy and calm. And these pleasant sensations will certainly affect your appearance. Women having this charm becomes healthier, more beautiful and more attractive. Ladynet has the ability to establish aquatic and fat exchange in the body, helps to remove the extra weight, bring slags. It normalizes the hormonal background and contributes to curable from various gynecological and skin diseases. He also enhances hair growth on the head.

The stars of Lada-Virgin Mary - Slavic Obereg, symbolizing the patronage of the Goddess of Lada, giving and protecting harmony, love and panels in the family. In this symbol, the divine powers and forces of nature were combined. The star of Lada-Virgin is suitable for women and girls for everyday wearing.

The worship of the Grass is a fern flower in the oldest sign of the Sun, denoting the greatest deity - Yarilo. This charm has the most powerful healing properties, protects health, distinguishes any disease, including those sent by dark forces. It is believed that this symbol helps to gain wealth, may indicate where treasure buried in the ground.

Wubble Svora Solt Father is a symbol of the genus in a sunny circle. This wubble has the ability to move the material life of a person from the dead point. It gives the cleanliness of acts and thoughts. It is believed that a person who bears this symbol will not be able to overcome any power.

Wubble Dukhobor - symbolizes the initial inner life fire. This charm is designed to assist in the exile of pigeons and diseases from the physical body. Dudo Bor - the name of this Slavic Oberega speaks for itself - this is the path of improving and developing a human spirit through the struggle. In this struggle, he will like great gods. It is believed that this charm clears the physical body of a person, aspiring to spiritual cleansing, eliminating it from any disease. It is very suitable for people who have become the path of spiritual development and self-improvement.

Waswdnik wagon - is a symbol of god carriades (the God of the world and the whole thing), performing updates on earth and change for the better. This sign symbolizes the victory of the world over darkness. This is a male charm. He gives men power. Having gained this charm, a person rises on the path of the winner, under the auspices of the ancient God the strides.

Slavic Charm Twelve Cross

Charm of the twelve-opposition cross (either the eternal flame) is the Slavic charm, which is a cross with a crossbird on each ray. Purpose of this cross - protection against various external influences. About this symbol Many researchers say as a magic sign of the family.

The bird charm is a symbol of family and love, helping to find true love and strong family. In the Slavic culture of birds were considered messengers of the gods. These feathered messengers have always been reliable assistants of girls. When they choose the narrowed themselves, they found them the tips to which it was necessary to listen to them.

Slavic wubble bunny characterizes the renewal of the kind during life. Bunny is typically solar, sunny, male symbol. The bunny symbol favors the growth of the family and patronizes pregnant women. In addition, the symbol of the bunny helps pregnant women during childbirth to produce only male children. If a pregnant woman dress a dress or a belt with a picture of a symbol of a bunny, then the boy, the successor and the keeper of her kind will be born, is likely. If we talk about male children, it is impossible not to mention their future fathers. They symbol bunny helps to sow male seed with the genes of the future boy. This symbol is patronized by all the gods and all the goddesses of fertility.

The slopovik belongs to Slavic symbols, with the help of which a person is attached to the Divine Entity and is able to manage the unpredictable weather behavior. The glossy symbol can affect the natural element of the weather, driving rains and hail, snow and lightning. The skeleton symbol of the Grozovik also has a faithful value: protects human housing and temple structures from manifestations. Our ancestors always installed this symbol-sign over the entrance to their home to protect against lightning strikes. The symbol of the Grozovik is under the auspices of the warlike God of Perun, and therefore he protects the dwelling of a person not only from the negative impacts of weather anomalies, but also from human envy, theft and hostile attacks. The sorcerers use a symbol of the slope as a magical sign with its conspiractions. As a talisman, the symbol of the Grozovik is suitable for all militant men who worship their mentor and the patron of the mighty God Perun.

How to clean and charge the Slavic charm?

The traditions of the ancient Slavs include the manufacture of a variety of jewelry having a sacred value. Decorations of gold, silver, stone, bones and wood served not just a symbol of status, but also defended the owner from different misfortunes and misfortunes, they gave power, wisdom and patronage of the gods.

The manufacture of the oversee is a real ritual who every person in the manufacture of the fabrics is performed in its own way. To charm effectively defended the owner, it is necessary to clean the amulet and charge it. Slavs existed their traditions and rituals, with the help of which they defended themselves and their loved ones, and some of them reached the present day. For example, you can be entrusted to producing an amulet for myself only by the victims of people, to give an amulet to a native person - this is the best way to protect him from misfortunes. Also, rituals for cleaning and charging amulets reached us from distant ancestors, who understood the sense in the magical action of the elements and knew how to clear themselves and clean the charms.

Cleansing the overag.

How to cleanse Slavic charms and charge them with new forces? It is available to everyone, and this must be done regularly, so that new forces have a beneficial effect on energy.

The easiest way, known for a long time, is cleaning in running water. It is necessary to substitute the Slavic charm under flow water, and the water from the stream is best affected. It has long been known that water has properties to pick up poor energy, and running water has a particularly positive effect. The only requirement for such purification is the lack of negative thoughts. The only thing you should think during purification of the amulet is that the water is washes off troubles and misfortunes that are filled with your guard. Mentally or loud, ask the water to carry all the negative effects that have absorbed into the amulet. If the material from which the amulet is made does not like water (for example, your overag is made of wood), you can be sprayed with drops of melt or rainwater, because such water has a clean energy. After you cleared an amulet, you need to wipe it with a cloth and leave under the rays of the sun - it will help charge the charm.

Ancient Slavs knew the power of the fire and often used him in their rituals. Everyone is known to jump through the bonfire on Ivan Kupala when the flame helped to cleanse. Those who vigorously jump over the fire were provided with good health, and lovers - a strong alliance. In order to clean the waging flame, it is necessary to carry it over the flame of the candle on the right left, and then in the opposite direction. At this time, it is necessary to imagine how bad energy burns in the flame and draws in smoke. You can mentally say the words that all troubles and misfortunes turn into smoke disappear. Remember that there is no formulation here, but a mood. Only sincere faith and a serious attitude will help you clean the amulet. After you cleared the charm, the candle must be thrown away. After cleaning, it is recommended to charge the Slavic charm of silver, gold or other materials in the sun.

In order to clear the wagon of the earth, you need to bury it into dry soil and leave there for one night. The Earth will absorb the poor energy of your amulet, and then you can charge it in any convenient way. You can also just leave a thing on the surface of the Earth, and if you surround the place of stones, the cleansing will be even more effective. Also for cleaning the amulets is often used salt, perfectly absorbing poor energy. Three days the charm should lie in salt, after which it must be thrown away. If you prefer incense, you should choose sage or cedar - they perfectly clean the energy of the room and can serve both additional help in the cleaning of the overag and preparation for the cleaning ritual. How to find out when the charm is cleared? No one will tell you this, besides your sensations. When the magic thing is cleared, you will feel the power and confidence that makes the metal. If the sensations do not arise, the charm needs to be cleaned yet.

How to charge Slavic charm?

After the subject of magical protection is cleared, I begin to charge it. The most suitable time for this is a growing moon. The charging ritual contains all the elements: fire, air, water, land and ether. You need to choose a place in nature, where other people are guaranteed to be guaranteed. The coast of the river or other natural reservoir is best suited, where you can breame fire. You need to go out, remove all metal objects from yourself, dissolve hair. The Slavic charm of gold charges with the help of the gymnas of the gods (ether), then sprinkled with the handful of his native land, immersed in flow water and dried over the flame. Every time the overawe is touched by a certain element, ask her to endure the magic item with the necessary qualities. If it does not work out on nature, you can charge the charm at home, but then you need to try to attend all the elements. In any case, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the ritual, be honest with me and with the world, then the charm gives you strength, wisdom and happiness.

The word "symbol" has a Greek root. Antique residents called so signs that had a secret meaning known to certain groups of people. For example, early Christians painted the fish to be recognized brethren by faith. There could not talk about their views out loud Greeks. Persecution of Christians, their executions, forced to be careful.

The ancients were their characters. They also reproduced their faith in visual images into anything. And they believed our ancestors in the strength of nature. They were deified. In order not to destroy the elements, they drained, but, on the contrary, helped in life, Rusichi sketched them in the form of signs.

These signs were placed on clothes, weapons, houses. So the Slavs achieved the location of the Higher Forces, asked them to protect them. It all started with 3 characters - fire, water and land. We will reveal the entire spectrum of Slavic symbols, from early to the later.


Makosh - the symbol of the Earth, named after the goddess, she commanding. First slavic symbolseasy "read". Rhombus means the field. If it is empty, it means that has not yet been settled. If divided into sectors - plowed. The field with points suggests that it will soon be a crop.

Common interpretation of a symbol - fertility. Preserved an old conspiracy, pronounced in honor of the mother of raw-earth. We suggest listening to it and see the images of the image of Makosh, both in human and in graphic appearance. Sometimes, Slavs refused to use rhombus.


Plots - a sign of the water element and its spirits. They, according to the ideas of our ancestors, lived over the sky. The expression "crushed their celebrities" still applied when describing rainy days. The symbol itself is also found - in ornaments on clothes, carved elements of furniture and houses. But, the nuances of the image value remember not all.

Meanwhile, the horizontal lines of Slavs denoted only rivers and underground water. The second version of the hlybi is vertical lines. They symbolized the rain, waterfalls.

IN ancient Slavic symbolscontains direct traits. This is a sign of non-flowable water - pools, swamps. The absence of waves indicates the presence of dishonest. In all the rules of Rusich, evil spirits live exclusively in standing reservoirs.


Agni is a general designation of fire. However, he entered slavic symbols and charmsin several types. Rusichi divided the flame ground - fires, fires and heat of heavenly - lightning. The last ruled Perun.

For the element in the earthly world, God SEARMGL answered. Interestingly, our ancestors were extinguished with water only alive. Heavenly flame, on the beliefs of Slavs, the water only roasted. Therefore, fires caused by lightning were poured with milk and bread kvass.

Despite the devastating forces, Agni was part of slavic signs and symbolsgood, clean elements. By the way, the earthly flame had a spouse - that's the most hlyb. According to legend, the lovers quarreled due to permanent rivalry among themselves. As a result, the fire hidden in flint from which people had to carve it.

Agni is included in the pantheon of welded symbols. Their Slavs had more than 124. Not all images and, especially their meanings reached this day. However, we will try to figure out what kind of community signs.


Kolovrat - Slavyanskysolar symbol, like most of the swastic ornaments of the ancient Slavs. Communication with day luminaries is viewed from the name. Our ancestors have the word "Kolo" meant "Sunny Circle". From him completely depended the life of the tribes, depended the crop, lifestyle.

Therefore, drawings with diverging from the center rays were so popular. In the first third of the 20th century, one of the signs used Hitler. This turns out the symbol. Initially, he carried only a positive charge. Rusichi and German tribes were relative. Their iconic systems were similar.

That swastika Slavic symbol, Artifacts found by archaeologists in the west of Russia and stored in state museums are indicated. We bring to your attention a video with evidence. The recording will also tell about a few more swastic symbols of Rusch.


Slavs deified everything in nature. Each tree, stone, reservoir, houses, phenomena were their spirit. Many of them were associated with solar, savory images. But several symbols of Slavic Godsthey look different. For example, the beehes sign was drawn similar to the inverted letter "A".

Triangle is a sample head. Inverted sickle over him resembles horns. It turns out a bull head. What is the connection? Veles considered the patron saint of livestock. Concompretation, God answered inspiration, helped singers, musicians and other creators.


Walp - the sign of God Odin. He is considered to be Scandinavian. But, Rusichi believed in this supreme spirit of war. He served Valkyrie. They circled over the fields of battles, chose the fallen and worn to heavenly hay.

There were strucks of the wells, which were also brought by Valkyrie. Walcuted from metal, wood embroidered on clothes - symbols of Slavic Faith In the fact that the defenders of the family acquire the best life in the upper world.


The Peruzart appears outwardly resembles a lightning, since it is connected to Perun. God-storms associated with Rusich with light in the darkness. Slavic symbol of kindour ancestors perceived as a victory mark over evil hidden in darkness. "Lightning" carved in a stone, embroidered on the outfits, applied for plows, breaking their prosperity, a bright and lucky future.

Full information about the heavenly spirit, see His incarnations in the roller "Heritage". Its author will not only tell about Perun, but also will provide video frames for Honoring the Throughlement in modern conditions. Perun's Day falls on July 20th.

Square Svarya

Svaroga our ancestors considered one of the patrons of fire. God answered and for wisdom, marriage, helped hunters and blacksmiths. Svarog - Supreme Spirit, head of pagan pantheon.

Therefore, it was his name that most oaths fastened. Women's wife is the main goddess of the female Pantheon, Lada. Her sign refers to the swastical. It is called the Ladinian symbol, it looks like a wheel with the 8th axes.

But, on geometric compositions slavic symbols and their meaningdo not end. Realistic images of animals were chosen as faiths, Rusichi. The tribes considered them totems, that is, they believed that their gangs were, bears, moose. About them and talk.


The bear reflects the mentality of Rusich. At least, so believe in the West. About the beast they say: - "Bear awkward, yes Dzhe". The predator was not in vain chosen by his signators' parties "United Russia". So politicians emphasized the temper of the Russian people. But now about the history of the symbol. So, our ancestors admired the power of the bear.

His name was the owner of the forest and tied up with Velez, one of whose Mecca is groves and oaks. Kosolapi included B. slavic symbols-tattoo. There are written evidence about the existence in Russia. One of them left the Arab Traveler Ibn-Fadlan who lived in the 10th century.


The face of the wolf in the figure is not accidentally concluded in the contour of one of the Vedic runes. It does not apply to the "alphabet" of the ancient Slavs, borrowed by them from the Scandinavian selection of Runes. The sign is called "Otal". His decoding is "inheritance." Heirs, or the descendants of the wolves, considered 5 tribes of our ancestors.

They included dog-like predators in slavic symbols of wealth. Historians found an explanation to such a relation to the wildest beast. He defended Rusich's crops.

They, as a rule, in contact with the forest. They went out of the pravoy, Topcha harvest, severe hares, eating seedlings. The wolves did not harm, on the contrary, they hunted those who bought farmers.

In the older times, as they say, the wolves did not have the need to eat the cattle of Slavs. The game was enough in his native forest. On this our ancestors and built interaction with predators. They were not killed, but they considered luck to find a dead beast. He was filmed with the skin and pulled the fangs. These items were considered talismans, tribe.


The swoby sign depicted next to the animal is a symbol of heavenly vepry. He was considered one of the incarnations of Perun's god. The analogy was carried out due to the sharp fangs of wild boar.

It is a zipper falling from heaven. In this believed our ancestors. Like the fangs of the wolf, they used the wax taper as a faith, in particular, from fires due to thunderstorm discharges.

Slavic symbols, photoswhich are discussed in the article, Rusichi embroidered on towels, clothes. But the traditions to pull the images of totters in a tree, like Scandinavians, our ancestors had no.


Olenih, Loshi came in slavic symbols for women. Totems emphasized their role of mothers. The forest beast was a sign of fertility. Rusichi tried to get animal horns. Their form resembled our ancestors rays.

From him depended on the fields. It was believed that the heat of the luminaries and women helps to breed. Therefore, the dog horn in the house was valuable guard. The trophy, as a rule, was placed over the entrance to the dwelling.

Elk - not only slavic symbol of the sun, but also a world tree. The horns resemble him. In the pagan times, Rusichi was considered the Tree Center of the World. The barrel indicated terrestrial land, the roots - the underground kingdom, Krona - the sky.

Somewhere above the branches, on the presentation of our ancestors, was Irira - the likeness of Paradise. In the legends it is indicated that the world tree grows on the island of Buyan. So, the lost land from Pushkin's fairy tale is the folk image of the Russian people, and not the author's fiction.

To write its works, Alexander Sergeevich enjoyed Cyrillic. This is the alphabet we are familiar to us, taken after the baptism of Russia. But, until the 9th century, the Slavs had a different writing - Vedas or, as they are also called, runes.

Each of them is greater than the letter. Signs were compared with the gods, used as a talisman. We have already spoke about one of the runes associated with the image of the wolf. It is time to get acquainted with the rest of the Vedas belonging to slavic characters and charms. Their meaning, Further.


"Peace" opens the Vedic alphabet. The "letter" is externally similar to the horns of the moose and the tree of life, therefore, the "world" was used for their designation. But, the main interpretation of the sign is associated with the Belobogo.

This light spirit failed Slavic kind. The word "world" in the tribal language marked exactly their community, unity. Therefore, Veda is included in slavic symbols, pictureswhich serve as chambers of the family and, in general, humanity.


The word "alty" is not in vain reminds "Altar". This is a divine place, the center of the Universe. That is how our ancestors were understood by leading. If needed download Slavic Symbolsdenoting simultaneously and the beginning and end of all things, the Altar sign is the best choice.

Rune can be compared with the eastern symbol of Yin-Yan. The "letter" indicates the eternal struggle of chaos and order, Beloboga and Chernobogo - the Spirit of Destruction and Evil.


The modern letter "P" can be called the stylization "Rainbow". Our ancestors have seen a sign of the path, the joy of life road. According to Rusich beliefs, the rainbow path leads to the altar. "Letter" helps to find the shortest vector. Slavs used the symbol in order not to get lost while going to the goal.


This is meant, not only physical power. To go through the dear rainbow, the power of consciousness is needed, freedom from the shackles of his own consciousness. Veda serve slavic symbol of luck. His image tried to have with me, hunters. The first written mentions about the runes of our ancestors dated with the 6th century.

Rows are recorded by the Gothic scientist Jordan. But, modern historians believe that the iconic alphabet has formed in the 4th century of our era. This is confirmed by archaeological finds on the territory of Moldova. Her land settled the Slavic tribes.

there is

Veda served as a sign of natural variability of being. In the rune, the energy is hidden, which gives the strength of grass to grow, run through the veins, the juices of the earth - on the trunks.

But, slavic signs and symbols, and their meaningassociated not only with positive aspects of life. In the "alphabet" of the pagans there were about 20 visas. We consider the main of them. So, you will get acquainted with signs that are rarely used as charms.


This Veda is a symbol of inevitability, evil rock. The sign was used in cases when coercion, invoicing. Magi to this day use the "need", in order to turn to the dark forces of nature, which controls the black born. In the later versions of the Slavs, it is Veles.


Vedo denoted fateful, inevitable events. Sometimes, Rock was used in the value of "hopelessness". If the sign fell out, it meant that the situation is managed by the highest strength, nothing depends on a person. In the study of the symbols of the ancient Slavs of the Run "Rock", it is unlikely to be decisive.

To get acquainted with traditions, the story of ancestors, or not, is everyone's volitional solution. In previous times, Slavs considered acquaintance with the traditions of the genus. Perhaps that is why, in modern culture, the echoes of paganism remain in modern culture.

Friends, quite recently I came the idea to make a tattoo-charm with Slavic symbolism. So, I was read a huge number of material. I share with you the most famous and strongest, in my opinion, symbols.

"Get acquainted with traditions, a history of ancestors, or not, - the volitional decision of everyone. In previous times, the Slavs considered acquaintance with the traditions of the genus mandatory. Perhaps, that is why, in modern culture, there are strong paternal echoes."

The word "symbol" has a Greek root. Antique residents called so signs that had a secret meaning known to certain groups of people. For example, early Christians painted the fish to be recognized brethren by faith. There could not talk about their views out loud Greeks. Persecution of Christians, their executions, forced to be careful.

The ancient Slavs were also their characters. They also reproduced their faith in visual images into anything. And they believed our ancestors in the strength of nature. They were deified. In order not to destroy the elements, they drained, but, on the contrary, helped in life, Rusichi sketched them in the form of signs.

These signs were placed on clothes, weapons, houses. So the Slavs achieved the location of the Higher Forces, asked them to protect them. It all started with 3 characters - fire, water and land. We will reveal the entire spectrum of Slavic symbols, from early to the later.


Makosh - the symbol of the Earth, named after the goddess, she commanding. Family Slavs are easily "read." Rhombus means the field. If it is empty, it means that has not yet been settled. If divided into sectors - plowed. The field with points suggests that it will soon be a crop.

Common interpretation of a symbol - fertility. Preserved an old conspiracy, pronounced in honor of the mother of raw-earth. We suggest listening to it and see the images of the image of Makosh, both in human and in graphic appearance. Sometimes, Slavs refused to use rhombus.


Kolovrat is a Slavic solar symbol, like most of the swastic ornaments of the ancient Slavs. Communication with day luminaries is viewed from the name. Our ancestors have the word "Kolo" meant "Sunny Circle". From him completely depended the life of the tribes, depended the crop, lifestyle.

Therefore, drawings with diverging from the center rays were so popular. In the first third of the 20th century, one of the swastor signs used Hitler. This turns out the symbol. Initially, he carried only a positive charge. Rusichi and German tribes were relative. Their iconic systems were similar.

The fact that the swastika Slavic symbol indicates the artifacts found by archaeologists in the West of Russia and stored in state museums. We bring to your attention a video with evidence. The recording will also tell about a few more swastic symbols of Rusch.


Slavs deified everything in nature. Each tree, stone, reservoir, houses, phenomena were their spirit. Many of them were associated with solar, savory images. But, some symbols of Slavic gowns are different. For example, the beehes sign was drawn similar to the inverted letter "A".

Triangle is a sample head. Inverted lunar sickle over him resembles horns. It turns out a bull head. What is the connection? Veles considered the patron saint of livestock. Concompretation, God answered inspiration, helped singers, musicians and other creators.


Walp - the sign of God Odin. He is considered to be Scandinavian. But, Rusichi believed in this supreme spirit of war. He served Valkyrie. They circled over the fields of battles, chose the fallen and worn to heavenly hay. There were strucks of the wells, which were also brought by Valkyrie. Walcuts made of metal, wood embroidered on clothes - symbols of the Slavic faith in what the defenders of the genus acquire the best life in the upper world.


The Peruzart appears outwardly resembles a lightning, since it is connected to Perun. God-storms associated with Rusich with light in the darkness. The Slavic symbol of the genus of our ancestors perceived as a victory sign over evil hidden in the darkness. "Lightning" carved in a stone, embroidered on the outfits, applied for plows, breaking their prosperity, a bright and lucky future.

Full information about the heavenly spirit, see His incarnations in the roller "Heritage". Its author will not only tell about Perun, but also will provide video frames for Honoring the Throughlement in modern conditions. Perun's Day falls on July 20th.

Square Svarya

Svaroga our ancestors considered one of the patrons of fire. God answered and for wisdom, marriage, helped hunters and blacksmiths. Svarog - Supreme Spirit, head of pagan pantheon. Therefore, it was his name that most oaths fastened. Women's wife is the main goddess of the female Pantheon, Lada. Her sign refers to the swastical. It is called the Ladinian symbol, it looks like a wheel with the 8th axes.

Until the 9th century, the Slavs had a different writing - Vedas or, as they also called, runes. Each of them is greater than the letter. Signs were compared with the gods, used as a talisman. We have already spoke about one of the runes associated with the image of the wolf. It is time to get acquainted with the rest of the Vedas belonging to Slavic characters and chambers. Their meaning is further.


The rune "World" opens the Vedic alphabet. The "letter" is externally similar to the horns of the moose and the tree of life, therefore, the "world" was used for their designation. But, the main interpretation of the sign is associated with the Belobogo. This light spirit failed Slavic kind. The word "world" in the tribal language marked exactly their community, unity. Therefore, the Veda is included in the Slavic characters whose pictures serve as family chambers and, in general, humanity.


The word "alty" is not in vain reminds "Altar". This is a divine place, the center of the Universe. That is how our ancestors were understood by leading. If you need to download Slavic characters, denoting at the same time and the beginning and end of all things, the Altyr sign is the best choice. Rune can be compared with the eastern symbol of Yin-Yan. The "letter" indicates the eternal struggle of chaos and order, Beloboga and Chernobogo - the Spirit of Destruction and Evil.


The modern letter "P" can be called the stylization "Rainbow". Our ancestors have seen a sign of the path, the joy of life road. According to Rusich beliefs, the rainbow path leads to the altar. "Letter" helps to find the shortest vector. Slavs used the symbol in order not to get lost while going to the goal.


This is meant, not only physical power. To go through the dear rainbow, the power of consciousness is needed, freedom from the shackles of his own consciousness. Veda is the Slavonic Symbol of Good luck. His image was trying to have in sedemiland, hunters. The first written mentions about the runes of our ancestors dated with the 6th century.

Rows are recorded by the Gothic scientist Jordan. But, modern historians believe that the iconic alphabet has formed in the 4th century of our era. This is confirmed by archaeological finds on the territory of Moldova. Her land settled the Slavic tribes.

there is

Veda served as a sign of natural variability of being. In the rune, the energy is hidden, which gives the strength of grass to grow, run through the veins, the juices of the Earth - on the trunks. However, Slavic signs and symbols, and their meaning is associated not only with positive aspects of life. In the "alphabet" of the pagans there were about 20 visas. We consider the main of them. So, you will get acquainted with signs that are rarely used as charms.

material from sites http://radogost.ru/, http://tvoi-uvelirr.ru/, http://www.knlife.ru/.

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