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Talents in the natal chart. How to find out your vocation and profession by the natal chart? Advanced Guide

Are you happy with your job? Do you feel happy when you are doing business, creativity? Or do you change your activities year after year, because you feel “everything is wrong”? If you want to receive joy and satisfaction from work, money and recognition, you need to define your purpose and follow it. How to find destination in natal chart?

In search of our own purpose, let's analyze the three houses in the natal chart, which are associated with activities and your aspirations. Read about how to make a natal chart in the article.

How to Find Destination in the Natal Chart: First House - Aspirations of Your Personality

The most important, 1st house, in addition to health, physique features, also shows the aspirations of the individual, spiritual purpose.

A strong first house indicates responsible, self-confident people who know how to take leadership and achieve goals. They tend to teach others, they can be realized in politics, their own business (and not in working "for an uncle").

Weak first house - self-doubt, a threat to any achievement and purposeful efforts, the likelihood of spending your whole life "in search of yourself." Therefore, the most important thing in this case is to improve the performance of the 1st house in order to put the inherent talents into practice.

So, let's deal with your planet-ruler of the first house. We look at the ascendant sign in the first house (the number in the corner of the first house, where 1 is Aries, 2 is Taurus, 3 is Gemini, etc. according to the list). And then, using this sign, we determine the host planet from the tablet:

Ascendant (lagna) Steward
Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
Twins Mercury
Cancer moon
a lion The sun
Virgo Mercury
scales Venus
Scorpion Mars
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Saturn
Fishes Jupiter

That is, if, for example, your ascendant is Sagittarius, then the planet-ruler of your house is Jupiter. It is necessary to see in the map in which house this planet is located.

We draw attention to where the host planet of the 1st house is located, there are the main aspirations of a person:

In the 1st house- the desire for fame, the dream to be an example for others, the person is bright and avoids routine work, in this position, serving other people is very important.

In the 2nd housenice results in a family business, material success and its external attributes are important to a person.

In the 3rd house- training is shown throughout life, obtaining academic titles, it is important to realize your talents, success in music, literature, theater is possible.

In the 4th house- the mission of this person is education, the ability to acquire and transfer knowledge to other people.

In the 5th house- engaging in creativity, can find himself in social work, diplomacy, teaching.

In the 6th and 12th houses- by nature they are people-performers, pedants, it is important to lead healthy image life, to serve other people, spiritual work is shown.

In the 7th house- a person can realize himself in business, partnership, social work, family.

In the 8th house- enjoys exploring the hidden, mysterious facets of life, fascinates with esotericism, psychology, ancient knowledge.

In the 9th house- success is important, there is an ability for mentoring, religion, these people make good priests, teachers, diplomats.

In the 10th house- the mission consists in professional self-realization, building a career, working for oneself.

In the 11th house- income, fame, communication, satisfaction of ambitions are important.

Third house - everything is possible thanks to your own efforts!

How to find a destination in a natal chart? In our search for purpose, let’s pay attention to the 3rd house, which is the home of our own efforts. It shows how much a person is ready to try, act decisively, master new things, and take risks for future happiness. After all, it is fear that stops many on the way to realizing their destiny!

So, a strong 3rd house shows that a person can achieve a lot in life and, thanks to his own efforts, become happy.

It is good if there are planets in this house. Their influence is beneficial here - Mars, Saturn make a person punchy, the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury purposeful, Venus diplomatic.

A weak 3rd house is a life without risk, with a subconscious fear of change, indecision in deeds and actions, routine, lack of interests that would “light” a spark in the soul.

Do you want to learn more useful practices, as well as create your own natal chart to see what awaits you? Then hurry up to register for a free webinar by Dmitry Lakshmi, where you will learn a lot about yourself! Register

The tenth house is our potential in profession, career, ambition

The 10th house will help you find a purpose in the field of professional activity.

It shows how a person can be known in the profession, glorified, successful in social life, career, where to look for their deepest aspirations.

The planets located in the 10th house will help determine where to direct your energies and who your "target audience" is:

  • The sun- leadership, public activity, project management, leadership;
  • moonsocial work, solicitude, charity;
  • Mars- leadership, analytical activity, leadership;
  • Mercury- work with information, training, writing, banks, communications;
  • Jupiter- teaching, spiritual guidance, scientific research, work in a bank, scholarship and education, medicine, including alternative medicine.
  • Venus- creativity, art, beauty, medicine.
  • Saturn- discipline, perseverance, work with documentation, archives.

If you are interested in this topic, as well as any other of Vedic astrology, send Dmitry Lakshmi to private messages on Vkontakte

Actor is one of the most difficult creative professions in which personality, creator and material are combined. The talent of an actor is an elusive and unsteady concept, it is enough to remember how much torment and torment students experience during entrance exams, and selection committee the acting department for some reason does not always appreciate them. Lots of famous actors and actresses were not enrolled in theater institutes not the first time, not the fifth time, in spite of their natural giftedness that does not depend on anything ... On the other hand, a person is often mistakenly inclined to be mistaken that he has the talent of an actor.

How to determine the talent of an actor using Astrology? The basic data of acting talent are laid down in the natal chart. At the same time, the calling card of the future actor himself is himself: his appearance, voice, temperament, character, attitude, and most importantly - the ability to reincarnate.

Planets in the horoscope of the actor

Possible acting abilities (stage, cinema, theater stage, circus) are primarily indicated by such planets as Mercury, Neptune, Moon and Venus.

Mercury- a conductor of any image, therefore it makes it easier to enter the image of the hero, and if for some reason the actor's face is not the standard of beauty, then charisma, the ability to speak, to convey thoughts and feelings must be present.

Regardless of any, we can say with accuracy that the planet Mercury is the main one that the astrologer will pay attention to when studying the natal chart of a potential actor. At the same time, for a person related to any creativity, it is desirable that Mercury be retrograde.

Neptune- a source of spiritual subtlety and sensitivity, and, therefore, the key to the success of any actor.

moon carries emotionality and sensitivity, which is important for the expression of an actor's emotions inherent in a theatrical or film hero. The moon also symbolizes all the richness of gestures and facial expressions.

Venus defines the purpose of the actor as a bearer of art, harmony and beauty.

Thus, the following accented signs are associated with these planets: Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Taurus and Cancer. In the total number of actors, it is precisely these Zodiac Signs, although in the horoscopes of representatives of other Signs, these planets can also be very strong.

Unwanted planets in the actor's natal chart

Saturn it is desirable to "be silent" in natal horoscope actor ... Strong Saturn creates many unwanted obstacles and impoverishes emotions.

Two more planets - Sun and Jupiter will "crush" with their so-called authority, so they should also be weakened by the actor. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get used to the image, or in all films and performances the actor will seem to be playing himself or will not feel his partner.

Thus, the corresponding accented signs are associated with these planets: Capricorn, Leo and Sagittarius. In particular, actors with a highlighted Leo are, as a rule, eccentrics or comedians. However, it should be noted that in the horoscopes of the representatives of these Signs, these planets can be very weak, and in others - very strong.

Separately, it should be said about Uranus... Aquarius actors are not so common. Why? After all, Uranus is the planet of ideas and inspiration! .. The fact is that this Sign strengthens not only the idea, but also the desire for greater freedom of its expression, and sometimes creativity, which rarely finds a "response" with the director ...

As for Pluto (Scorpio), the actor with his personal powerful energy can strongly influence the desired image of the hero, or completely suppress it.

Aspects in the natal chart of the actor

The most common planetary aspects of acting talent are:

"Moon + Venus + Chiron"

"Moon + Mercury + Chiron"

"Moon + Venus + Uranus"

"Sun + Venus + Chiron" (in this case, the Sun contributes to the popularity)

In the natal chart, the distribution of various planets according to the Houses of the Zodiac says a lot. The Yang principle, that is, an airy or fiery cosmogram, speaks of the talent of an actor in its embryonic state. This is the predominance of male fiery planets in the Houses. If there is a Yin cosmogram (terrestrial-water), then the actor will gravitate more towards the genre associated with music (dances, pantomime).

Astrologers also distinguish the following favorable arrangement of the planets in the Signs:

Moon - in Cancer (or Virgo)

Mercury - in Pisces

Venus in Cancer

Mars - in Virgo

Jupiter - in Scorpio

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Zodiac Signs

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries gives a lot of tenacity. This gives a great advantage, since the actor is often in a competitive environment. But in his own acting skills, straightforward thinking can interfere with him, unless the naturally inquisitive and insatiable mind solves this problem and separates the wheat from the chaff.

Mercury in Taurus

There is no quickness and speed of reaction, but there is the ability to remain calm. New information It is difficult to perceive, such an actor enters the image rather slowly, but if he succeeds, then he seems to crystallize him, forcing the viewer to believe in everything that happens to him.

Mercury in Gemini

This position of Mercury bestows many talents in the arts, as it creates many information flows. The swiftness of perception and expressiveness of speech are the most valuable qualities of this actor.

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer gives a favorable fusion of thoughts and feelings. A person is characterized by an intuitive search for a solution, he can independently develop insight, which allows him to solve problems inherent in an actor, as well as in any areas where logic will not be effective. The owner of Mercury in Cancer easily catches the inner state of other people, the slightest change in the mood of the interlocutor, subtly perceives and easily separates the true thought from the general stream of words.

Mercury in Leo

This position of Mercury gives the scale and breadth of ideas, the ability to consider the perspective as much as you like. complex projects... However, in consciousness there is a vision of the general picture as a whole, but not individual small parts... The results of such an actor's work are presented as something brilliant, shocking and burlesque. At the same time, self-esteem is highly developed, the actor does not agree to the supporting role, the opinion of others is important to him, who should highly appreciate his talents, otherwise his pride will be dealt a heavy blow. In a word, the position of Mercury is not very favorable for someone who wants to make a creative career at all costs, since such a person is internally not ready for defeat.

Mercury in Virgo

Amazing observation, the ability for internal analysis, the ability to highlight the main thing (almost in one word, in one intonation). If such a thorough comprehension has not happened, then the actor gets the impression that he is constantly missing something and he does not succeed.

Mercury in Libra

The owner of this position in the horoscope tries to embellish his image or the image of the hero in any way, and he will do it so gently and imperceptibly that no one even suspects. In other words, it is easier for him to play characters that he personally likes, otherwise internal disunity occurs. The reason is that a person with Mercury in Libra is a rather harmonious personality, an esthete in every sense ...

Mercury in Scorpio

Gives such an advantage as good memory, the ability to memorize large amounts of information. Plus great endurance, slow fatigue, the head works great in stressful situations. There may be problems with speech, phrases are quite short, verbs prevail, difficulty in choosing synonyms.

Mercury in Sagittarius

"Brevity is the sister of talent" is the motto of Mercury in Sagittarius. The memory is not intended to store large amounts of information, creative thinking- limited. Therefore, the maximum effect in relation to acting associated with the maximum effort spent, you have to learn a lot, everything positive comes only with experience.

Mercury in Capricorn

The sensory realm is extremely selective, and the mind requires concreteness, which is not acceptable in creative profession... In this case, it is very difficult to consider an actor's perspective.

What to do in life so that it brings income and joy? What's mine? One of the most important questions asked after graduation, several years of unpromising work, and also after you are over forty. Finding yourself is not an easy task. In this article, I will show the main principles of how to find your vocation, profession according to the natal chart.

What does success consist of?

Usually, astrologers consider only the tenth house to answer our question. But this is only a small part of the information. Let's take a look at what is behind a vocation, a career?

  1. System- no matter what wonderful talent you have, without a systematic approach, experience, it will not give good results.
  2. Talents- yes, your ability is what makes you unique. But this is only fuel, potential that still needs to be nurtured and turned into a result. Planets in the first house, trines, squares (to be worked out).
  3. Event level- a purely astrological moment. Where, how can you apply your skills. Where are you required by the circumstances? Analysis of the horoscope by house. For example, Jupiter in IV- my qualities of an expert, teacher, organizer, someone who is trusted, my authority is in demand in the field of real estate, family, home.
  4. The joy of what I do- a factor that is practically not taken into account. From the series: I will find myself some work, and then I will endure, fall in love. But in reality, time passes, you do not hate what you are doing, but there is no energy. When you get joy, inspiration from your work, it gives you the strength to develop. The Sun and the Ascendant are responsible for this.
  5. Finance- this is the material result of all our thoughts, worldview, plus the circumstances of the outside world. What I like is not yet the fact that it will bring me a profit. I can be an excellent accountant, but a lot of income is written in the horoscope through real estate, or my project. The task is to find something that brings joy, finances and is in demand by the outside world.

As you can see, the tenth house is clearly not enough to determine the profession according to the natal chart. A synthesis, a qualitative analysis of many aspects is needed here.

But what is the tenth house responsible for in astrology?

The middle of the sky, MC, zenith shows how and through what tools you can scale your life, develop a project, achieve goals, success.

Ruler of the tenth house in VII- connections, acquaintance, partners, competition, publicity are for me a powerful tool that moves me up.

Consider the planets in the tenth house / as a ruler as a tool for scaling, achieving goals.

  • Pluto- the ability to manipulate, lead, inspire, motivate, remake, transform, work in a rush mode help to reach heights in society.
  • Neptune- intuition, visualization, creativity, imagination.
  • Uranus- the ability to think globally, outside the box, think for the future, predict, make friends, gather people around him, the talent of a provocateur, brawler, creative person.
  • Saturn- the ability of the administrator, coordinator, organizer, boss, the one who checks, controls. Demonstration of experience, results, cases.
  • Jupiter is a strategist, organizer, expert, teacher. Authority, informal respect, spiritual, ideological leadership.
  • Mars- punching walls with your forehead, the skill of a workaholic, protecting your positions, interests.
  • The sun- charisma, leadership, ambition, a declaration of one's uniqueness, desires. Creativity, the ability to ignite, inspire contribute to advancement in society.
  • Venus- the skill of a diplomat, peacemaker. Charm, beauty, art. Make a beautiful website, brand.
  • Mercury- the gift of an orator, a mediator, a student who grasps on the fly. Information, knowledge, sales, service, writing, blogging, social media activity.
  • moon- the ability to adapt to environment, conflict-free. Caring, custody, emotional involvement. To please the boss with homemade pies.

How to find your place in life?

Let's move on to the realization of the personality. Contrary to popular belief, being a hired employee will not be successful for everyone. Someone will shoot own business, someone has freelance.

In reality, most people choose an activity, a niche for business and about your Moon, South Node and their dispositors. This is something that is familiar to a person, comfortable. And it seems safe. But often this does not give tangible results, since the full potential of the horoscope is not used.

  • Moon in Gemini- a native can choose a job related to paperwork, communication, provision of services, mediation.
  • Moon in Pisces- especially clearly seen in young people who go to study as actors, designers, creative directions, medicine (helping others).

The first house is responsible for the social mission and its owner, who will show you where you are needed, required by the circumstances.

Lord of the Ascendant in:

  • I - everywhere, if I show the qualities of my first home.
  • II - where you need to earn money, work, products, things.
  • III - in trade, mediation, information, communication, transport. Connections, organizer.
  • IV - real estate, family, home environment, traditions, past, homeland.
  • V - creativity, business, children, entertainment, pleasure.
  • VI - hiring, serving, caring for others, medicine, health, pets. This position often says: in order for a person to open up, he needs a kick in the form of a boss, mentor, curator, and obligations.
  • VII - where you need to communicate, advise, compete, fight (courts, for example). Publicity, connections, partnership in any form.
  • VIII - where there is an emergency, unpredictable situations, risk, where you need to improvise. Sphere of other people's finances, loans, loans, banks, investments, business.
  • IX - abroad, wherever there is an element of the foreign. To teach, to be clever, to be an expert, an informal leader, an elite, a politician.
  • X - where there is a framework of law, rules, hierarchs, structures.
  • XI - in society, among friends, like-minded people, high tech, freedom of views, freelance (one of the additional indicators), esotericism, astrology, all non-standard.
  • XII - spiritual practices, meditation, creativity, psychotherapy. Where you need help. Nature, Abroad. And also any secret activity. In this situation, it is recommended to show yourself to the world under a pseudonym.

What is the end result?

I repeat, to determine the profession according to the natal chart a synthesis of all aspects is necessary.

It's so difficult to understand your purpose.
This is one of the main questions that take into account several factors:
- biological heredity;
- social environment;
- the socionic type of a person and his temperament ( psychological type);
- financial opportunities for the implementation of abilities;
- personal needs (satisfaction from work, what you love, social recognition or financial success).

Astrology comes to the rescue! Astrological professional consulting is gradually becoming one of the most demanded services in the field of astrology. However, it can only be effective up to a certain age. Indeed, in the life of most people there comes a moment when changing the profession becomes fundamentally impossible. Therefore, the age threshold for counseling should be lowered down to childhood to reveal the personality's abilities with the aim of their further development.

A vocational guidance diagnosis can be made based on the date, time and place of birth of a person. General distribution of planets Solar system in the natal horoscope determines the predisposition to a particular type of activity.
At the same time, the tenth house allows you to determine the "personal bar" - what heights a person can reach, whether he can count on success, recognition or take a higher social position than other family members.

The second house will show the sources of income, which profession will bring the most tangible material benefits, but since the source of income does not always satisfy the need for self-expression, for example, creative personality, then astrological professional consultation focuses on finding a favorable sphere for the realization of individuality, and not sources of enrichment. In general, horoscopes are very rare in which the sphere of a person's realization as a person coincides with the sphere that makes a profit. That is why they say “your favorite job is happiness” or “it’s good when work brings both pleasure and money”.

Below is a diagram that even a non-professional astrologer can use with a natal chart or birth horoscope in front of him. Within the narrow framework of the set goal, the following issues can be considered:

Independent labor or service?

There are people for whom it is better to work alone, when the work is not strictly regulated, when a person sets tasks for himself and solves them, and there are those who find it easier to work in a group, a team, requires an outside stimulus.

The unmistakable criterion for a lone worker is Mercury retrograde, suggesting a profession with elements of creativity. Piecework payment is also possible, depending on the person himself, and not on the entire team. Call-to-call work is harmful to such a person.

Manager or subordinate?

Young people have a certain stereotype that it is better to be a boss than a subordinate. And only with age comes the understanding that management is a complex process that requires a lot of knowledge and psychological endurance.

Jupiter in the tenth house provides the makings of a leader and also facilitates promotion.
Saturn retrograde partially releases the brakes on the way to success.
The makings of a manager are available if:
- Mars in the 1st house;
- Mercury - not burnt out and not retrograde;
- not retrograde Jupiter in II, IV, VI or XI houses.

In general, Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus and Gemini can show the best abilities of a male leader.
The best female leaders are Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.
The sign of Scorpio and Capricorn breeds the most competitive employees or tough fighters when it comes to doing business.
Cancers, Virgos and Pisces do not know how to manage people (even if they are already doing this ...)

How to become a Guru?

Astrological statistics show that good teachers are obtained from those who have the following signs in the natal chart:

Mercury in the 1st house. A teacher by vocation;
- Jupiter in the 2nd house. Profit from teaching activities;
- Jupiter in the XII house. Teacher for the few (Guru).
- Moon and Jupiter (finding them in the same sign). Social worker, kindergartens and educational institutions, work with difficult teenagers, caring for orphans, etc.

To cure or not to cure?

The presence in the tenth house at the same time of planets such as Mars and Neptune opens great opportunities in the medical field, where vocations are known to be incredibly difficult to achieve.
The following signs give green color in the field of medicine:

Mars in the 1st house. Surgeon.
- Saturn in the 1st house. Dentistry and Orthopedics.
- Mars or Neptune in Capricorn or Libra. Therapist. Pediatrician.
- Uranus in the 1st house. Electrotherapy, computed tomography, etc.
- Pluto in the 1st house. Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine.
- Moon in Scorpio. Andrology, obstetrics and gynecology.

What about talent?

Art requires talent ... Ability and talent are not the same thing. Triangles are an indicator of talent. The more triangles in the horoscope, the more gifted a person is.
The triangle of talent requires the participation of Venus in combination with two other planets (besides Saturn) in signs such as Libra, Taurus, Pisces or Cancer. For example, Venus, Neptune and the Moon in Taurus. If, at the same time, Mercury is retrograde, then this is a born artist.
Mercury retrograde is very useful for people of art, in contrast to those who are used to doing more than imagining.

In general, Taurus or Libra according to the sign of the Zodiac (Sun in Libra or Taurus) - gives an understanding of harmony and taste (designers, artists, fashion designers). Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius (Sun in Gemini, Aquarius or Cancer) are the signs that prevail among poets and prose writers.

- Venus in the 2nd house. The opportunity to earn money in the field of art;
- the conjunction of Mars in the I house with Mercury. Multi-media specialist, translator, journalist;
- Venus in Pisces, as well as a filled Scorpio (two or three planets), especially if the night time of birth, gives an ear for music and a voice.
- Venus or Neptune in the II house - answers in the affirmative to the question "is it worth teaching a child music?"
- Neptune, Moon and Mercury in one sign - fine art;
- the aspect of Neptune with Saturn - dancing, ballet;
- Moon in Leo - artistic ability;
- Moon in Aries or Scorpio - direction, theater, sphere of illusions, cinematography, television.

Business, economics and finance

For a more successful career in economics and business, the following signs are necessary:
- the absence of planets in the XII house;
- the absence of the Moon in the 1st house;
- Jupiter in the first house (good luck in business).

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Astrology of creative talents

Astrology for beginners. Creative talents and their definition using a natal chart.

3. Director

The director's profession is, first of all, intellectual work. The planet Mercury is responsible for intelligence. The specific Sign of the director is, but since the director works with the team, the role of the social planet Jupiter, which is directly related to the Sign of Sagittarius, increases.

There are three main elements of the natal chart that contribute to talented directing:
- Mercury in the XI house and Jupiter in the X house;
- Mercury in Sagittarius;
- Jupiter in Gemini.

Dancing is the art of controlling your body. The dancing talent is shaped by the beautiful Venus and energetic Mars. In this case, Mars is responsible for locomotor activity and a sense of rhythm. There must be at least one aspect of Venus with Mars or any interaction between Mars and Venus, for example:
- Mars in Libra or Taurus;
- Venus in Aries.

However, dance also requires musical perception. A talented dancer is at the same time "friends" with music. The planet Neptune is responsible for this. Ideal dancer formula: Mars or in the 9th house and Neptune in the 10th house.

And how does a ballerina differ from a dancer? ..
Ballet is a physically very difficult job, in terms of energy costs comparable to the profession of a miner or a loader. It also requires flexibility.
An analysis of the natal charts of prima ballerinas showed the relationship of Saturn (endurance, bones, tendons) with the planet Mars (energy, tenacity, muscles). Hence, there are two main signs:
Mars in the 9th house and Saturn in the 10th house, as well as Saturn in Aries and Mars in Capricorn.
These configurations are also often found in the charts of athletes who have achieved success in their field.

Neptune is the most musical planet (associated with Pisces). The ear for music gives rise to the interaction of Neptune with the Moon and Saturn.
Consequently, the singer's formula has Neptune in the 9th house and the Moon or Saturn in the 10th house.
The following are also considered as musical inclinations:
- Neptune in Cancer or Pisces;
- Moon or Saturn in Pisces.

But the composer needs additional energy from the planet of inspiration - Uranus, that is, getting it into the X house is a symbol of the realization of this "musical skill".
As an incentive for creating musical masterpieces, the following are considered:
- Uranus in Pisces;
- in Aquarius.

As far as singers are concerned, there is a big difference between pop singers and classical singers. The energy of Venus, which rules Taurus (Taurus is projected onto the throat and vocal cords) is important for pop singers. And the energy of Venus, governing Libra (here Libra is responsible for the lower part chest and aperture) is favorable for classical and opera singers).

The hit of Venus in the sign of Taurus, gives a pleasant and melodic voice, hitting the Sign of Scorpio gives a bewitching, magnetic voice, and when Mars hits the Sign of Taurus, the voice, although it will have energy, but it seems that the person does not sing, but “shouts "From the stage.

True singing is impossible without the diaphragm working. Therefore, for the classical singer, it is favorable for Venus to enter the Sign of Libra, or to be in Libra - Saturn or Mars, which give endurance.
And one more characteristic feature the singer is the Cancer ascendant.

6. Literature, poetry

Mercury is traditionally responsible for speech and writing. The moon heightens emotions. Saturn helps organize thoughts and convey them on paper. Uranus gives inspiration and an original view of the world.
From the Astrology of Arts it is known that among the literary classics and publicists of past centuries, representatives of the Gemini Sign predominate, and among later writers - Aquarius and Cancer.

Poetry needs logic least of all. Therefore, this area is dominated by romantic Sagittarius, with their inherent breadth of worldview, and emotional Cancers, prone to lyrics.
The smallest number of poets is among Capricorns and Lions.

The formula of the writer is very similar to the formula of the actor, only now Mercury falls into the X house, and the Moon in the IX.
In general, literary talents develop in the relationship of the Moon with Mercury or with Jupiter. For example:
- Mercury in Gemini, Cancer or Sagittarius;
- Moon in Gemini, Cancer or Sagittarius;
- Jupiter in Gemini, Cancer or Sagittarius.
- Mars in Cancer or Moon in Aries (amplification of emotions and feelings);
- Mars in Gemini or Mercury in Aries (increased mental activity);
- Mercury in Virgo or Capricorn, Moon in Capricorn, Saturn in Virgo (detailing, systematization, research, observation). Generates talents of publicist, critic, historian.

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