Encyclopedia fireproof

What can tell a person's face. Long nose is a pronounced individuality, great creative possibilities, often conservatism, arrogance and pride

In the form of eyebrows Usually determine the prevailing or characteristic emotional state, the talent of their owner. Immediately it is worth noting that the modeling of their form in women depends on fashion and their own preferences. The eyebrows of the correct form, provided that they were not subjected to special modeling belong to balanced, active, active people.

Eyebrows are characterized by their length, shape, color, thickness, length of hairs, the presence of moles, the direction of the ends. If all these indicators do not cause the feeling of imbalance, this person has a calm, smooth character, it is balanced and can manage the situation, knows how to lead an equal dialogue. Very dense, hard eyebrows, the external end of which is noticeably higher than the internal indicate confidence, a developed sense of responsibility. If the form of eyebrows does not correlate with all other elements of the person, then we can say about internal disagreements, uncertainty or exhaustion of internal energy. Men with dense, even, balanced, but not intersective eyebrows, interesting interlocutors are intellectual and confident. Women with such eyebrows are prone to posterity, the game is in public, but most often they want to seem infantile coquettes. Hard, thick and short eyebrows are in humans strong, uncompromising, aggressive and obsessive. They quickly make a decision, in most cases it is fundamentally different from the opinions of others. Such a person reaches all means to the desired, but, having received, it is rarely satisfied and vinit in this surrounding. The eyebrows converging over the nose point to curiosity.

The first thing that pay attention to communication is the eyes that are the determinant of the emotional state, intention, such as human behavior in perspective. The shine in the eyes symbolizes on the mobility of nature, openness, purposefulness and charm of man. Physiognomists allocate managed and unmanaged eye glitter. The first spreads positive energy, attracts attention, talks about the creative nature of actions. Unmanaged - indicates aggression, duplicity, unlawableness and imyarchiness of words and actions.

Large eyes with long eyelashes, light-rainbow shell demonstrate openness, kindness, sensitivity, power and power. Little eyes, especially quickly moving ones and rarely staying on something about the stealth, uncertainty, hidden egoism and complacency. Such people are not constant, superficial, are looking for their benefit, although often they lose more than acquire due to their inconsistency.

The eyes of the elongated shape, called the eyes of the Sphinx, in which the corners are slightly raised upward, are shown on the refinement of nature. Disproportionately large against the background of the other elements of the eye are a sign of weak health. The big light blue shade of the eye indicate the hardness, human inflexibility, and its ability to finely feel. Large brown or dark eyes are a sign of reasonableness, mind, loyalty. Small savors - sign of envy, treason, deception, irritability. A very small eyeball is a sign of a disgruntled, evil and hot-tempered person. Very bright eyes - people are timid and humble, but at the same time smart and thin, dark gray are smart, but at the same time hell-tempered.

Black or dark green color of the iris - severe inner energy, courage, determination, mystery. Light green or blue eyes - softness, uncertainty, responsiveness. Light brown eyes testify about shyness, modesty, kindness.

Best when the eyes are located at one level. If they are a little beveled down, it speaks about hidden internal desire to rise and be the first, often without having reason. Missed hard eyelids with rare eyelashes and unhealthy pale leather color talk about apathy, indifference, seriousness, execution, insight.

Important value is given eyelashes and centuries. Top eyelashes are a sign of an indecisive, slow man, and the bottom eyelashes are weak, boring, boring. The owner of constantly moving eyelashes is weak spirit. Heavy eyelids with a slight eye cut, almost complete absence of shine in the eyes is distinguished by petty, hot-tempered, scrupulous, pedantic personalities, which often do not know how to build a dialogue that prefer gossip and gloomy dialogue on equal.

In accordance with nose form Physiognomists determine the problems and successes of a person between the ages of 40 and 50. Long smooth nose - creative and creative development, change of phase inspiration with crises. These people do not systematize their time, easily relate to spending time and means of others. These gifted people can be capricious, hot-tempered, so it is difficult to build a long business relationship with them, they are difficult to get small, boring in their opinion, step-by-step work. Their goals are often changed depending on the mood and the surrounding atmosphere. Short nose have open, funny, friendly, but sometimes tactless personalities. The nose with the porridge at the foot of the foot shows the church, an unequal, inactive nature.

High, smooth and straight noseless navel without displacements and a horque indicates honesty, openness and healthy self-esteem. Merry, cheerful, interesting and successful people are distinguished by the tip of the nose, resembling a "suspended drop." Narrow nose - frivolity, nose, tilted to the mouth, is sensuality. If the nose is big, fleshy and strong, and his tip is like a bulb, then his owner is a strong person, kind and responsive to requests, the execution of which is not directly involved in the benefits. Strongly rolled nose with protruding nostrils shows a person with a stormy fantasy torn off from life often manifesting quick-tempered, the desire to insist on its, aggressiveness and not restraint. If the tip of the nose is prone to lips, it is bent and reminds the beak of the eagle, then such a person is suspicious, quirky, malicious, has a strong will and burden to achieve goals by any paths. A split tip shows on shyness, timidity, uncertainty and understated self-esteem. The wings of the nose most often indicate the attitude of a person to himself. Too small express in oblivion and fasciance, too broad and dense egoism, egocentrism, self-confidence in the whole nose. If a person often inflates nostrils in the conversation, this may indicate an internal disagreement with a point of view of the opponent and to cut off his desire.

Little mouth Different, artificial, insincere, weak, emotionally unbalanced people are distinguished, inclined to dramatize the situation, inadequately evaluate their strength and unstable related to failures and defeats. People with a big mouth are usually socially active, interesting, sociable and tactful people, careerists. Women with such a type of mouth put on the first place to work, leaving family and children on the second. The habit of person to respond to the actions of opponent with the movements of the lips (squeeze squeeze, take the bottom lip, chip) gives out distrust, bad character, high distraction and uncertainty.

In this brief description, only the main characteristics of the basic features of the human person, which are used in the physiognomic description and analysis.

© Tatyana Safiulina for www.astromeridian.ru

The human body is still considered a source of precious information about its owner. Many on the hands of hands are trying to determine the past, present and predict fate. For moles, the color of the eyes, the hair crafts will learn a lot of interesting things about the person.

Also, a person has long been interested in what the features of his face are talking about. The desire to learn this, turned into a whole science and continues to surprise with its discoveries.

Characteristic of a person by facial features

5 main features of the face are distinguished: eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose and ears, whose features we will now consider.

It is worth noting that the character of a woman according to the facial features is determined more difficult than in men, since the representatives of beautiful sex use cosmetics that can hide some subtleties. However, the eyes and face form remain the same, so they can tell a lot.

To determine the psychology of a person according to the facial features only experienced specialists. However, we will try to consider their main characteristics.

What are the features of the face?

Human character in appearance

"Only the most impermeable people are not judged in appearance." (Oscar Wilde)

To determine the character of a person on its appearance there is a whole science - physiognomy. Of course, it is not necessary to talk about accuracy, however, in ancient China, the physiognomy was considered one of the full branches of medicine, and in the east believed that in the appearance it is possible to determine the nature, and even the life path of a person.

No wonder some faces attract us and instantly cause trust, and some - rejection. This technique is actively used in movies. Remember at least the appearance of Sharicikov (Vladimir Tolokonnikova) in the film note of the story "The dog's heart" - fairly first personnel to understand: this type of person says that his owner and character is bad, and the mind is very limited. So, let's find out how to determine the character of a person in appearance.

Body structure and character

Body change much more easier than face, however, in order to change forms, you will have to make some effort, isn't it? That is why it is quite fair that sports classes affect our character.

1. Head and Neck:

  • pointed - issues impermanence and envy;
  • the long neck with a small head, on the contrary, indicate weakness and tendency to melancholy;
  • short neck - a sign of shortness and referees;
  • the thick, "bull" neck is characteristic of people fearless, and "lion" (not so thick, but quite large) - for generous;
  • long, thin neck gives a timid, dreamy man.

2. Shoulders:

  • narrow shoulders. According to experts, a narrow chest and lowered down, and then the cut-down shoulders talk about closets and vulnerability of a person, as well as that it is inclined to self-digging;
  • an unfolded chest, wide shoulders - a sign of a purposeful, open person, as well as fearlessness.

3. Stomach:

  • strong, tightened belly - a sign of stamina, strong character;
  • diryuaboy and accusatory - weakness of character.

4. Hips and feet:

  • narrow, severe thighs with tightened buttocks - a sign of endurance, the ability to get out of the complex situation;
  • hips, with sides hanging over them (like a frog) give out a chatter;
  • wide, massive hips indicate stubbornness, but if the features of the rounded - about the softness of character;
  • thin, weak and poorly defined ankles - a sign of lust;
  • strong, slender legs indicate the ability to go to the goals set.

Type of face and character

The character definition according to the facial features often occurs at the instinctive level, in the first seconds of dating. "Horsepard", "predatory eyes", "Zhabiy Rot" - we immediately project these labels on the character of a person, judge him in appearance. What does physiognomic spell talk to this?

1. Forehead:

  • large, convex forehead without hair testifies to the mind, inclined to conquer recognition. If he is round, it is likely that his owner is inclined to lies;
  • long forehead on a narrow face with a small chin testifies to cruelty, even tyranny;
  • square hair line drawing speaks of honesty;
  • high baldness often give travelers and people with strong motivation;
  • the narrow forehead says that its owner is easy to annoy;
  • low often gives some limitations, disgust and practicality.

2. Eyebrows:

  • thin, curved eyebrows talk about arrogance and ambitiousness;
  • professionating eyebrows often produce jealous, coarse and even cruel people;
  • cosmatic talk about simplicity, but sincerity;
  • bowed eyebrows belong to realists;
  • very bright often indicate that their owner is joking and windy.

3. Eyes:

  • deep planted, small give out envy, greed and trick;
  • big, wide open spoiled about laziness, dreaminess and chatty;
  • small - curiosity and eloquence;
  • narrow, with a close look - cruelty;
  • large, clear - leader's deposits, mind.

4. Nose:

  • acute nose gives the flareness and rigor of the owner;
  • wide and thick talking about rudeness;
  • the rolling nose testifies to frivolity, dreaminess and capriciousness;
  • long nose, with a humpkin speaks about strict, but not evil character.

5. Mouth:

6. The chin:

  • women are often judged about the character of a man in appearance and, in particular, by the chin, there is no wonder there is an expression of "volitional chin". Good outlined, sharp, outstanding signals that a person is used to seek the goals;
  • the weakly expressed, lubricated testifies to modesty and insecurity.

You can find out the character according to the facial features, but approximately, so do not rush to judge a person on the first impression. Often, the facial expression speaks much more than his features.

How to determine the character of any person in the face

We are accustomed to judge a person on the first impression of his appearance, as the people speak "clothes", without even thinking that it is not just like that. The ancient wise men said that with a ugly face, but good heart the first can be reborn. But if the heart is evil, even the most beautiful face will be destroyed over the years.

Modern studies confirm that the relationship between internal psychology and external features definitely exists. There is even a special science that originated in China - physiognomy - studying the nature and ability of the body forms of their owner. With the help of this article you will understand exactly how to know the character of a person by the papers.

Footprints on the face - signs of fate?

One old Chinese legend is known, telling about the meeting of two different people - a policeman and master in the field of physiognomy. With a fleeting look at the guardian of the order, he made a newly strange sentence - to take his daughter to his wife. Over time, the usual rural policeman turned into the first emperor of the Han dynasty.
Maybe you should not consider this story just a beautiful fairy tale, because each of us has noticed anxiety and care, literally written on the face in the near, as well as sincere joy? Specialists in the "reading of people" are confident that such minor individuals, like scars and moles, specks and wrinkles, as well as the complexion itself - it is nothing but the tags of human destiny, both of the present and the future.

The form matters: face geometry

  • "Quantity" people are inborn activists who often achieve professional success, which are more important for them. It is about such that they say: "Energy beats the fountain." But, despite this, they are not easy to interact with the environment due to excessive requirements not only to themselves, but also to the world. Their temperamental features are inherent hyperactivity, persistence in achieving the goal, but often it develops into an evil and rude temper, and the energy combined with cruelty leads to the complexity of communication, excessive ambition and the desire for glory.
  • according to a rounded form of a face, in a tandem with a high nose, protruding cheekbones and an open look, you can find out the true leader. The nature of such a person always causes confidence, despite the high emotional sensitivity and lack of patience. They say about these: it lights easily, but quickly goes out. It is compensated by all this by natural kindness, sensuality and developed sexual fantasies.
  • oval type of person is characteristic of individuals difficult, not understanding themselves. They seem to be in the state of "eternal search" in the desire to find out the answers to all their questions. Often are under the influence of impressionability, passing everything "through the soul", constantly change the views on the world and the attitude towards others. All this most often does not give them to add to the goals. Nevertheless, they are practical and hardworking due to congenital inspiration.
  • the person's face in the form of a triangle characterizes a creative individual with a hot-tempered character, inconsistency of actions. However, natural cunning and caution, a sharp mind and resourcefulness give him the opportunity to easily find a common language with the right people.

It is possible to determine specific features in the chin: wide - volitional nature, square - looping on material benefits, sharp - dodging and trick.

7 main components of the nature that can be "see"

  • confidence is the proportion of faces in length and width. According to psychologists, this quality corresponds to the 70% width of the person compared to its length.
  • friendliness is an eye height in terms of the ratio between the upper part of the eye and eyebrows. For example, if the eyebrows are located above the usual, he is probably located to the restriction of personal space.
  • tolerance - the distance between the eyes horizontally. A more patient character is distinguished by personalities with widespread eyes.
  • the sense of humor is the length of the tray gutter. Long indicates flat irony and sarcasm, shorter - adequate perception of jokes at their own expense.
  • in the form and size of the lips, you can determine the generosity of speech. Holders of thin lips in most cases are very restrained.
  • the worldview is the size of the fold in the age. Thirdly talks about the analytical warehouse of man's mind, and thin or not at all indicates a decisiveness and habit of guided by actions.
  • have you heard such an expression magnetic character? So natural magnetism can be found in the depth of the color of the eyes. What he is richer and deeper, especially charismatic personality.
And "Each Dash will be Mila": Learn to read on forehead: human weaknesses and virtues

In the form of the foreheads, they are divided into two types: narrow and flat demonstrates a man of coarse, solid and adamant, and high and round is circulating a living mind capable of accurate sciences, originality and good imagination. The nature of such a person is distinguished by unpredictability and quick-tempered. And on Tahiti, for example, it is still believed that the lower and less man's forehead, the more successful in his personal life.

Tell me, what is your nose, and I will say ...

The nose is one of the main "reference points" of a person. It is interesting to such a historical fact that the Russian Empress Elizabeth did not allow the masters to write their portraits into the profile, afraid of his own little and slightly rumped nose, which deprived her proud and powerful appearance corresponding to the high status.
And on one of the islands in the jungle there is an Amazon village, where every girl dissect the tip of the nose in such a way that the scar with a small smell remains. The local residents believe that such a manipulation will give the future Amazon strong, clever and decisive character. When memories of famous personalities, a good example is a writer Gogol whose nose was very long and narrow, which is considered a certain sign of talent.
The ideal form of nose is considered a rounded tip with harmonious "wings". If the nostrils are too large - it means, the character has certain defects. Bony, tall, and skinny - a sign of excessive pride, and full and bulbous says about the kindness and heartiness of its owner. The famous nose winner with a hubble - Pushkin. Maybe it is thanks to this physical character that he always was distinguished by courage and courage.

Eyes - windows in the soul

Big eyes talk about sensitivity and courage, the inner pursuit of the championship, the small inherent in individuals with a closed, inconspicuous and sullen. In the same connection, an eye iris is also located: if its size is impressive, then a person can be determined without hesitation as soft and calm, and more modest indicators indicate the imbalance of the inner world and, accordingly, regular failures in relations with others.
If we talk about landing, then a favorable sign is the direct horizontal. Skivalness to the bottom speaks of male determination and female insufficient, and bloody eyelids - about fatigue from life.
The historical example with large, not too far apart - the famous predictor of Nostradamus. According to the above-mentioned features, it is possible to know the prudence, sensitive and susceptible nature.

Mouth and lips: a solitude of life

Since over time, the shape of the lips changes under the influence of the Mimician, which, in turn, is directly dependent on the mood of a person, it can be said about these features. Specialists of physiognomy are confident that the wider opening of the mouth, the better the nature of its owner as a whole and the ability to service career in particular.

A modern man does not know himself and his character, what to talk about around people. But sometimes it is enough to just look at the mirror and look at the usual features. Cognition yourself never externally.

Features and Psychology

Determine the character of a person by facial features

It is believed that the person's face reflects the three worlds. The forehead belongs to the world of the Divine. The world is physical pose a nose and eyes, and the world is material - mouth, jaws and chin. You can determine the character of a person according to the facial features, because the psychology of a person inside, and the features of the face and behavior outside. Our individuals are usually asymmetrical. The right side in men indicates happy events, the other is on failure. In women, the opposite. Now we will figure it out for what the individual features of the human face are answering - lubs, eyebrows, eyes, forehead, ears and the chin.

Social feature - forehead

The high upper part indicates the skill to lead. But this is just the opportunity, and to judge how it will actually need to look at the nose and chin, because without perseverance and will the leader will not work. If the forehead is divided into the upper and lower parts, then we can talk about elitism, opposing yourself and your selected society to other people.

StraightThe quadrangular forehead indicates generosity.

Forehead cool, convex in the middle, expresses a high, serious mind. However, too convex forehead Rather, inherent in nature is not far away, the everydays are practical.

Down with strong abrupt arcs gives reason to assume that the highest authority for such a person is he himself. A man with a slight forehead is a little anarchist, with difficulty obeys someone else's will. This conclusion confirms the deepening between the forehead and the nose. If it is not, then we can talk about internal discipline. Strong Abbros, point to a well-known rash. The round forehead indicates the priesthood, such people with all find a common language.

In the form of forehead You can judge about human elements. Recall that the creative beginning is connected with fire, with the land - practicality, with air - the ability to perceive, communicate, and with water - inner plasticity, the world of man's feelings. Representatives of the air element usually have a round forehead, fiery signs are distinguished by the climbs with Cape in the middle. The square or expanding forehead is typical for earthly signs, and the water forehead is eager, and its border with hair roots is uneven. Thus, it is possible to recognize the elements not only in the form of the forehead, but also at its border with hair. People of fiery signs, especially with a strong jupiter and the sun in the horoscope, are prone to baldness; Their hair is usually tough, wavy, with a red shade. Earth signs have hard and straight hair. If they are curly and soft, it is water, soft and silky hair, representatives of air elements have.

  1. The forehead is low with a zigzag hair boundary - an energetic nature, cruel.
  2. Wide and convex in the corners of the forehead is a rich imagination, mind.
  3. Out of shape resembles crescent - near, conservative nature.
  4. Narrow, low, fed - the pettone and tricky, lying, selfish.
  5. Too convex forehead - landed, narrow-minded nature.
  6. The direct forehead characterizes a man of kind, generous.
  7. Middle of his forehead, nose, chin represent the main features of their world. At the same time, the nose, eyes and ears are in the service at the mind.

Guardian feathers - eyebrows

Eyebrows - This is the outpost between the country of the brain and the country of feelings. Direct horizontal indicate courage and wisdom. However, such features require even known independence and criticality in judgment, which is expressed in a clear form of the edge of eyebrows from the audios.

Energy damn face - nose

Nose. They are judged by the energy of a person and how he directs it. It's not about sizes. The nose can be large, and the man is the misinterpretation. Conversely, a small nose with a strong and broad base speaks of the inner strength, perseverance.

I. K. Lafater, Swiss writer, preferred noses with a broad basis, especially paying attention to their shape. In the hubbird at the base, he saw a sign of an imperative firm character, while the Vpadina in this place indicates weakness, timidity. The hubber is a sign of aggressiveness, a few evil will, unless, of course, do not contradict other parts of the person. Such noses like "Roman", "Orliny", inherent in whole nations, and, for example, the history of ancient Rome gives a reason for thinking on this topic.

However, a small hubble in combination with other signs may also indicate the poetry of nature. The left wing of the nose is devoted to Venus, the right - Moss, that is, beside the bargain love and hatred. The occultists speak about this that love and anger equally inflated the nostrils.

  1. Large, straight nose - pride, calm, energy, creativity.
  2. Orline - ambition, authority.
  3. Humble, pointed at the end - endurance.
  4. Continuation of the forehead - vanity.
  5. Long -, dishonest.
  6. Talked to the mouth - sensuality, hot temper.
  7. In-depth at the base, at the end thin and riddled, like the old woman, shapoklyak, stubbornness, envy, curiosity, hypocrisy.
  8. Curish - carelessness, frivolity, self.
  9. A thick and meaty nose indicates a lover of a feast, and when it is unnecessary, it also gives the quality and crimson.

Beautiful facial feature - eyes

Eyes. SAMI beautiful human trait. The right eye in men is connected to the Sun, the left - with the moon. In women - on the contrary. Their comparison helps to draw conclusions about female and male qualities in man, active and passive.

The eyes reflect the spiritual side of the person, no wonder they say that this is a soul mirror. To look into it, you need to compare a positive eye (men are right, in women are left) with negative. If a positive is more developed, then the person is capable of altruism, dedication. Physiomists prefer alive and transparent eyes, believing that black and shiny characterize the insidious and boreholes. This is explained by the fact that sometimes Saturn distorts the influence of the moon, and then the eye is called bad.

An ideal eye shape An antique is oval, reflecting the harmony of the Spirit. Deeply planted eyes usually belong not soon in the manifestation of their inner essence, but deep thoughts. Let us remember Grigory Rasputin, the favorite of the royal family: deeply planted eyes, the lower eyelid is greater than the top (i.e. it gave more than it happened), a strong nose.

The eyes close to each other mean that their host blur the boundary between good and evil, in contrast to a person with widely planted eyes, for which such a problem does not exist. But it does not say that the latter is completely and beside good, but only about the fact that they know well what they serve.

The eyes are large, round, somewhat convex (about such people say "stacked"), eyelashes are short, eyebrows high above the eye, the hairs will fly. Irritable, hot-tempered person, but in moments of good mood cheerful and sentimental.

Eyelids are often narrowing, which makes the impression of myopia. Pupil with a sharp look, eyelashes short, thick. The eyebrow is raised to the temple. Nature observant, non-short, tricky, with high excerpt and unlimited egoism.

The eyes are narrow, the top eyelid is semi-superstituted, the eyebrow - the right arc, the eyelashes are rare. This characterizes a human impassive, but insightful, incorruptible and fair to cruelty.

Sleepy eyes, as it were, in swollen eyelids, thick and long eyebrows - a soft, rather passive and lazy.

Widely open, eyebrows with a breakfast in the middle, the eyelashes are bent up - the natural, independent, powerful and truthful to sharpness.

Little, covered with heavy eyelids - Natura petty tricky and practical, kindness rather thanks to sincere.

Strong face - cheekbones

Cheeky Show, as a spirit reflected in the eyes, expresses itself in life. They are managed by Mercury, and they judge the contactability of a person, the ability to absorb and transmit information. Therefore, some oriental nations having pronounced cheekbones are perfectly combined. Skills are associated with such qualities as cunning, liveliness, adaptability. Therefore, vintage treatises recommend to avoid people who have an eye ancases lowered down, and the cheeks are strongly expressed in the underdeveloped frontal part. Convex cheekbones are a sign of egoism and, often, anger. , you will define the character of a person, knowing about what his features say.

Ears and cheeks

Cheeks. Slept and impossible - a sign of spiritual poverty. However, there are also little good in meatsy, they give out excessive sensuality.

Ears. In the form of the ear resembles the human embryo, and physiognomists see in this feature face deep meaning. So, in antiquity, the shore blade was considered as an indicator of freedom of the human spirit. The stronger it is adjacent to the body, the more it is composed and dependent. It is believed that those who have no mushy, envious and revenge. At the statue of the Buddha, for example, huge lines; And in some African tribes they are even specially delayed, seeing the magic rite of giving a person of persistence and independence.

The upper part of the ear shows the ability to adapt and perception. If she is strongly adjacent to the head, then such a person is usually tugodum, it is not easy for him to learn a new one, but if he learns, then for a long time. The lagging tops of the ears are an indicator of a rapid response, good perception. No wonder Mercury, the god trade, usually portrayed Lopowiem. Moreover, the border between deception and commerce passes ... in the urine of the ear. If she disperses, then a person has enough and the spiritual principle, if not, then in financial affairs it is better to stay away from it.

Large ear sink indicates "magnetic strength" or, as they say, extrasensory abilities. Combined with great power, such as the same Rasputin, it may be an indicator of strong impact on others. But this does not mean that having made such a feature of the face, you will gain these abilities. But this feature It will help to understand psychology man and look at one eye in his inner world, allocate its character.

But the "good" urchie on the right (in men) ear, which testifies to spirituality, mental abilities, on the left may turn into egoism and vanity. In such brutal people, such as Hitler and Stalin, there were well-pronounced chips, but at the same time the left ear is relatively more right. Formists see the predominance of negative qualities.

  1. Large ears with well-pronounced sinks indicate the gifts of their owner, including good musical abilities.
  2. Pointed up - moderation, mind.
  3. Small characteristic of sensual people, fleshy - for sullen and cruel.
  4. Hoping, big - trick, stupidity.
  5. Pressed - caution, composure, hypocrisy.

Mouth and lips - sensual features

Mouth associated with eloquence and love and dedicated to Mercury. If the upper lip is issued forward, then this is a sign of good nature. Thin lips and little mouth indicate love for order and accuracy. And if the lips are compressed - both about egoism.

Formists believe that the man's upper lip must have a little longer than the lower, thereby reflecting his male start. If the lips are proportional to the same convex and correct in shape, then they express honest, solid, prone to thinking. Thick lips, especially lower, talk about increment, sensuality, laziness.

"Look at the forehead of the person - you know who he will be; Consider the mouth - you will understand who he became, "says the Chinese proverb.

Correctly rounded, chubby lips - kindness, cordiality, openness, gaiety.

Thin - cunning, egoism, sarcasm, cruelty.

Tolstoy - sensuality, tendency to low-lying instincts.

"Children's" - gullibility, frankness.

Nose - Rot (Mars - Mercury). For this pair, judge the distribution of human energy, his taste, the ability to love. The nose with the Gubrinary in the middle speaks of an energetic, assertive nature, and if you add strong, well-pronounced nostrils to this, we will receive evidence of courage and composure. The volitional mouth harmonious to this character is pulled out in the form of a straight line, and the dimensions of the lips are the same.

Strong, curved nose, convex cheekbones and extensive jaws express ambition, pride, egoism.

The upper lip points to sensuality, the presence of taste, as well as higher abilities; Lower - on the tendency to enjoy, pleasures. Pay attention to the faces of the Roman patrician times the decline of the Empire: an impressive nose and a launched lip. In other words, outstanding energy, leaving for low-lying purposes. Here's a confirmation compliance of the character of man According to the facial features.

The tireless Italian Casanova, two hundred years ago, famous for his love adventures, also had a "Roman" nose with sharp nostrils, the lower lip is more top. Fixed corners of the mouth indicate a desire to insist in their at any cost. At the nun, on the contrary, it is often found to be a small pursed mouth.

Chin - Damage of the Inner Rod

The chin - symbol of exposure, endurance. He is patronized by Saturn, representing a person's internal foundation, its ability to self-affirmation, thoroughness. Quality such as resistance, survival in extreme situations are determined by chin.

Long and wide chin means composure, reasonable, and convex and round - practicality. Pointed - peculiar to the sights of cunning, hidden. That's the other, according to the lafera, there is a consequence of weakness, because distrust of others occurs due to self-satisfaction. If such chin is issued forward, then the person will be slow and stubbornly to go to the goal.

Pack on the chin and its splitness - the rate of stubbornness, self-conceived, secrecy. Soft meaty, and then the two-storey chin gives people sensual, but, on the contrary, the bony and dry to the face of people who desired passions of ambition or greed. In the too prone to any "fiery passion", sometimes reaching fanaticism, the central part of the chin is marked by a tubercant. If it is slightly shifted to the negative side, it may indicate an alcoholic, or a person subject to some mania.

The chin is considered harmonious if it is at the profile it is at the level of the lower lip. A good person's chin is a round, modulically convex and issues practicality under the control of the mind.

  1. An outstanding chin - energy, willpower, independence, nobility, but also stubbornness, cruelty.
  2. Cut chin - soft, indecisive nature.
  3. Meaty - mind, sensuality, egoism.
  4. Long and acute - insightful mind, sarcasm.
  5. Forked - impermanence ,.

Nose - chin . This pair ( Mars Saturn) indicates a person's resistance. If the chin does not develop with a strong nose, then the person can be energetic, but there is enough energy for a while. If, with a volitional massive chin, a non-plenty nose, then it can only turn into stubbornness. The cut chin speaks about the lack of exposure, and even good energy enough only for short impulses. In combination with a strong nose, it can turn into a stream of words and lack of cases. Recall the profile of the ancient Roman emperor Vespasian: nose with a hubber and unfolded, powerful chin. This man knew what he wanted and could seek his goal.

  1. Wide jaws express greed, going on the instincts. In combination with a shiny skull and strong nose, they do not foreshadow nothing good.
  2. We can reproach that monsters or villains prevail in our gallery. Where are the normal cute people?
  3. Where everything is harmonious, everything is in moderation. We deliberately pointed the characteristic features, bring them to the extreme for clarity.

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What does the form of our individuals testify and is it possible to see if a person in front of you is simply looking at his features? The ancient practice of reading people of people is called physiognomy, and although most of the knowledge is lost, many of its principles and today are available for understanding.

Why study physiognomy

If you are skeptical, then surely objection - the character of a person is too complicated so that only their own ears and nose can be described. In part, it is correct, but on the other hand, there is still a connection between the appearance and the internal inconsistencies and the resources of each person.

We invite you to learn the principles of physiognomy and try to appreciate whether it applies in life.

The ability to identify the characters according to the facial features helps:

  • smooth some conflicts with relatives, find a compromise, understand that the close person is alien, and that, on the contrary, it is understandable and easy;
  • safe through mining information about compatibility with a guy in the love sphere - just looking at his face;
  • quickly determine potentially dangerous people - aggressive, jealous, deceivers and seasters;
  • learn about a lot of interesting people in a photo;
  • it is better to know myself, as well as how your appearance correspond to internal content.

Face form and character men

The most popular communication system of the person and character of a person is built on three types of appearance, which with small variations can be considered a generalized description of all types of personalities.


  • long face;
  • high forehead;
  • medium cheekbones;
  • square or round chin;
  • straight and long nose;
  • oblong ears.

Calm personality, with a predominant optimistic look at life. Telling goodness, soft in communication, but will not let go on the neck. Well knows how to communicate, but they like to abide by the distance, while usually do not deprive friends and native warmth, family people and good workers.

Sometimes due to the smooth nature and ability to maintain balance in affairs become talented leaders. Upon others, communication skills are diplomats from God, supporters to solve issues without conflict.

If we are talking about a man, with a lot of probability, you can talk about a stable, reliable character. The negative can manifest themselves in the desire to avoid difficulties and sail downstream if such a man is internally weak or did not have a decent example for imitation, and most importantly, the father.

A circle:

  • a spherical face;
  • convex head;
  • massive neck;
  • soft traits;
  • cheeks without cheek;
  • full or medium lips;
  • nose medium or short;
  • small eyes.

A soft conflict-free character, which in negative personalities is developing towards excessive tricks and selfish adaptation, positive - towards the ability to adjust the circumstances of the desire, taking into account the interests of loved ones.

Such a man will always be well secured financially, because money and benefits that can be purchased on them are very important for his personal happiness. It is about them " man loves her eyes"- His desire to enjoy his mind through vision leads in perception.

Its companion must be well maintained and welcome with others, with external data above average. Such people experience the whole range of emotions, and only developed and well-knowledgeable themselves possess sufficient self-control. More often than other types, they have whims and breakdowns, which are not worth paying attention - it will be shattered and pulls out everything.


  • high and wide forehead;
  • developed sharp cheekbones;
  • sleepiness of the lower third of the face;
  • medium or small eyes;
  • small and sharply discharged mouth;
  • the nose is thin, long or not very;
  • narrow lower jaw.

A man with well-developed business qualities, his character direct and sharp, like a blade. Perfectly fulfills his duties, but it is rarely knocked out into managers. If some negative feature prevails in the personality, most likely, it will be angiveness that prevents collecting all the fruits of its achievements.

Not everyone can parse your anger, it is better to leave such a man alone with me - cool. Of the undoubted and valuable advantages - high reaction rate, courage in accepting and implementing solutions. Such people do not retreat before difficulties, and they overcome them with dignity.

If a person is illegible in the means of achieving goals, then this type will not be covered, but will rather come out open enmity, the result of which will depend only on its internal resources. The vitality of such men, as a rule, is abuse.

Features of feminine physiognomy

Women have at their disposal all means of external correction, early begin to fight signs of aging, more often men make plastic faces - it all makes it difficult to determine their character, at least one.

To determine the female character according to the facial features, it is necessary to ignore the presence of makeup, which, you agree, is able to significantly change the external data - eye cut, a line of cheekbone and chin, lip shape. If you need to make a physiognomic portrait of a woman, try to see it without cosmetics on your face.

Women are the easiest to analyze the following forms:

  • Mouth: Neat, small - restraint, punctuality, abilities of the mind, demanding to itself and others; Large, sensual - easy in communication, a tendency to leadership, and not execution, possibly greed and capriciousness. If the mouth is shifted to the side, this gives nervous nature, prone to criticism, but the lowered corners speak of a hidden feeling of guilt;
  • Nose: short straight - this is an optimist; Short-grown - tricky feast; fleshy - sensual nature, loving and soft; Thin and bony - intellectual, strict; with a humpback - purposeful, non-adept; The long nose adds some conservatism, calm and reluctance to the listed features;
  • Forehead: very high - self-conceit, rudeness, inability to compromise; Average high - the nobility of the soul, the disinterestedness of the mind, the tendency to help people disinterestedly; Low is the pettyness of nature, capriciousness, indulging in their own desires, but at the same time and the ability to give warmly close.

The interpretation of the shape of the head and the oval of the face for women coincides with the male types described above.

How to use knowledge about the character of a man according to the facial features?

Physiognomy - an ancient and fascinating area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge about himself, but in modern society it takes place, rather, esoteric than exact science, which means that it becomes more and more blurred.

If you decide to contact these knowledge, ask yourself, why do you need it: felt in feminine pride, having found confirmation of your strong qualities? make sure the disadvantages of familiar men? Or maybe you want to learn more about a person who is not inclined to open a new acquaintance?

It is best to use the person's reading of a man in the case when it is not possible to draw up a personal opinion about a person in his actions. For example, with a new friend, you communicate on the Internet, there are no common acquaintances (not anyone know what he is for a person), about his daily life you know only from his words. Having encountered such a man for dressing - nothing else remains! - You can begin to analyze his damn face, it will be informative and in some sense valuable.


Keep in mind that the ability to read the person's face and accurately define his character and fate not everyone is gifted. Only a person sensitive and susceptible, who has a trained mind can become a good physician specialist. Develop an analytical method of thinking, the ability to quickly concentrate. For deep analysis and, consequently, the most accurate determination of the character of a person, get a medical education. It is necessary to be a good psychologist to catch the shades of the moods of the individual studied and see a one-piece picture of his character and fate. Your level in the field of physiognomy depends on the degree of your education.

Consider the features of the person not separately, but in unity, given the principle of balance and proportion. This will allow you to get more accurate information. For example, the size of the nose on the face should be assessed with the rest of the person. Only in the case of its explicit disproportionality can be concluded that the nose is large, long, etc. Interestingly, a long nose can indicate a person conservative, arrogant, but completely unsuitable for business and business communication.

Analyzing the features of the face following the following principle: the better they are balanced and proportional to, the stronger the character of a person. Consider the skin and muscle condition. If, for example, you see a person who is endowed with an insightful look and face, which can be attributed to interesting, deserving respect, conclude that a solid person with a strong decisive character is located in front of you.

In addition to determining the face of a person who can tell a lot about the nature of its owner, pay attention to the five most important elements: ears, eyes, eyebrows, mouth and nose. Then go to the score of the forehead, temples, cheekbone, chin. Note that often any of the listed elements is able to "close" another, gradually revealing the nature of the person under study. Therefore, write down all your observations to then make logical conclusions.

Special attention to the eyes. There is a landmark to determine the ideal eyes, outstanding a person of an outstanding and possessing huge talents. First, such eyes should be perfectly combined with all other facial features. When looking into the eyes of such a person, you should notice his head, hairstyle, all the existing elements and features, which indicates their proportionality and beauty. Secondly, the upper and lower eyelids should be harmoniously developed. Thirdly, the rainbow shells should be well centered, be clear and smooth.

In antiquity there were about 39 types of eyes, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the character of a person. For example, there are eyes "Phoenix" - very elegant elongated eyes with double centuries and small "tails", directed up and down on the outside. Rainbow shells have a strong glitter. Such eyes often give the talented and successful leaders of large corporations and enterprises, businessmen. However, in such eyes, you can identify the famous creative person, for example, a famous artist or scientist. No less numerous are the descriptive characteristics and other features.

On people people can say a lot if learn to read them. It is necessary to carefully look at the face and everything will immediately become understandable. And then any actions of a person will not be unexpected, because we are already afraid to read it in the facial features.

In order to predict the actions of people, you need to get the necessary skills before. To better understand the essence of this method, it is necessary to consider photos of examples of physiognomy.

Learning to solve secrets of faces in the Japanese method of physiognomy

People still learned in ancient times how to read the character in the face. In ancient China, a whole science of physiognomy was formed, in ancient Greece also developed their rules. However, Eastern and Western school have some discrepancies.

Eastern physiognomy treatises have become incredibly popular in Japan. This affected their art, it is enough to see picturesque works, theatrical productions, and the very style of people of this country itself.

Let's try to figure out the essence of this method, the science of physiognomy with illustrations is best known. The face needs to mentally divide the three parts: one part at the top, the other - in the middle, and the third - down.

The upper part is the frontal share can say about many life events taking place with a person throughout his life. Healthy, optimisticly configured person has the perfect forehead, characterized by the right shape and perfect color.

The facial zone in the middle will say all about the life of a person in a more mature age, starting from 35 years to 50. The more stable the mental state of the person, the fact that this zone is more balanced.

The lower part of the person indicates how the life of a person aged 50-70 years. If its character is non-conflict, then the features of the face in this zone are correct.

The Japanese school of physiognomy offers many positions, in each of which their values \u200b\u200bare concluded. All these values \u200b\u200bare associated with age and the specifics of that or on behavior.

There are several systems dedicated to how to recognize the character according to the facial features, in each of them their positions whose number can also vary. To learn the art of physiognomy, you need to know all these positions. In addition, it is necessary to consider other features of the face - eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears. The greater the features of the face, the better the condition of the skin, the character of it is calm and balanced.

Let's try to recognize the character of a person using physiognomy.

What do eyebrows say we

This part of the face can tell us a lot. Long, broad eyebrows say that a person has a smooth calm character and an inquisitive mind. If the eyebrows are tough and bristle, then such a person is extremely unnewned.

This part of the person can say a lot, is there a person in harmony with the world around or not. Ideal eyebrows indicate that the person is non-conflict and always gets along with the environment.

Thick eyebrows whose hairs are rising, testify to the success of a person. Such people have everything in this life to be happy and rich.

When the ends of the eyebrows are lowered down, then their owner is shy. The inexpressive line testifies to the depletion of vitality.

Intellectual men are recognized in long smooth eyebrows and perfect skin color. Women having such eyebrows love to pokoke. The discrimination is reflected in the short line of eyebrows.

In dense, bristy eyebrows, you can recognize the violet nature, with which you can not agree. People who love to command are usually dense eyebrows that fascinate with the bridges. If their owner is a woman, then she will never sit at home to do household. Calewood people have a brow line rises.

What will say the eyes of a person

In the eyes, people can always understand the soul of man, they, above all, talk about the character of their owner. Beautiful eyes characterize a strong will, strong health, an inquisitive mind. They attract their glitter and warm. The ugly eyes, the more defects have a person.

People strive for leadership have big eyes, more people are very sensitive. Stubbornness and complacency of the owner of small eyes. They also face people, prefer to live herchlorious life.

The rainbow large-sized sheath speaks of a balanced, calm character. And if she is small, then a person is constantly tormented in doubt, it is not capable of establishing contact with others.

The landing of the eye can also indicate those or other advantages of a person. Smooth horizontal line indicates a positive character. Determined men are bevelled to the bottom. A slightly lowered upper eyelid signals that the body works for wear. If the lower eyelid is increased in size, it means that a person leads a rampant life. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes talk about observation.

In Japan, always look at the eyes of that animal, which looks like a person's eyes. Historous people have a look of a dragon, sophisticated nature look like sphinxes, leaders look like lions, full of people have an elephant look.

Eye color - what a physiognomy will say we

Green symbolize sensitive nature on which you can always rely. But they need a lot of love.

Bright eyes belong to people who usually do not make rash deeds. They are able to surrender any trouble, but without love and tenderness they will bend.
Karie (dark) in those people who act without inflatable under the influences of feelings.
The blue eyes are deceptive, people with such eyes are not at all so weak as they seem. They always achieve their own.

Black eyes mean the passion of nature. They love to command, but at the same time do it's not rude. These people will defend their favorite to the last.

Eye shape a lot of things can say

Round eyes can tell you that a person can easily get out of equilibrium and boil, but he quickly fades. Wide-open round eyes peculiar to people who are always rushing into battle.

If the eye shape resembles elongated almonds, then the person is inclined to cruel actions, especially if their tips are slightly lifted. But perhaps it is not so so, such eyes can belong to too sensitive people.

The eyes are deeply planted, which means the inner world of man is rich, but it's not so easy to conquer his confidence. Convex eyes are peculiar to people sensual, not deprived of common sense.

Nose - how to determine the nature of the nose

The more beautiful the nose of a person, the more positive qualities it has. Round tip and pronounced wings - perfect parameters. Nose must be considered in accordance with other parameters. If the mouth, the chin is balanced, and the nose is long, then you are a strong person.

You should also look at the tip of the nose. A person who loving life may have a nasal tip in the form of a drop. A sharp nose can belong to a cunning, a malicious person. The nose in the form of a bulb has good people.

Lips - how to read a person on lips

In sensitive people, the corners of the mouth are usually omitted. Successful people often have big, convex lips. At stubborn people, one side of the mouth usually lowers. People, with a fastened lower lip, are peculiar to selfishness, and with the topped-up lip - indecision.

Ears - what can say the form of ears

This part of the person can show how man's childhood passed. A beautiful ear shape can tell you that the childhood of this man was happy. The sign of disadvantage is too big and too small ears.

A small mesh may indicate a scrupulousness, long on careless attitude to life. Unrestrained people are peculiar to the bodie of the ear, the restrained he is drawn. The color of the skin around the ear will indicate the disease of the body, yellow blue, the dark testify of their ailments.

Face form - analyze face features

The science of physiognomy with illustrations and explanations is best known. Analyze the features of the face, and can be recognized by the character of a person during a conversation or watching him from the side.

Start the analysis is best with the face form. Face form The oblong rectangle may indicate the aristocraticity of nature, the ability to organize people and always seeks to their goal.

The triangular face has people sensitive people who are talented in something. But they can be slyers and hard to get along with people. A square person testifies to human masculinity, but having a cold heart. The round shape of the face inherent in people in kind, peace-loving people.

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