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What is the dream of the white river. River: what is the dream about. Why dream of yellow water

If you dreamed of a river, then you should pay attention to the very fact of the appearance of water in a dream, its purity and transparency. In addition, the river is moving water, so in some dream books you can find wording that suggests that the river represents the course of your life and by its appearance in your dream, you can draw appropriate conclusions about how your life is going and whether it brings you joy and pleasure. To more accurately decipher the dream about the river, its ratio with will help you.

Meneghetti in his dream book, in addition to the state of the waterway itself, he recommends paying attention to the surrounding landscape, which, according to him, symbolizes the general situation, demonstrating the consequences of your behavior. According to the interpreter, the dream can be called the most favorable, in which you see how the river flows into the sea, or at least feel the approach of this moment. Such a dream speaks of complete self-realization. According to Tsvetkov, dreams in which you see a river or stand on the shore indicate an imminent long-distance journey.

What was the river in a dream?

Esoteric dream book identifies the river with time. A calm current is evidence of your measured life, and a stormy river promises imminent events that significantly affect your destiny. A dream about a dry river bed indicates that you have less and less time left, and floods will warn of the onset of troubled times that can affect you directly if you saw in a dream that you suffered some kind of damage from a river that overflowed its banks.

Hasse and Miller we are unanimous in our opinion that a calm and clean river is dreaming of the approach of happiness, reasons for joy, and a possible improvement in your well-being. The British and French interpret dreams of calm and clear rivers as a harbinger of a successful love marriage, a happy family life, good luck in business and prosperity. If you dreamed of a stormy river with muddy water, then the dream should be interpreted the other way around, and be prepared for possible difficulties in life.

Modern dream book indicates that the river is dreaming of changes in your health. Clean and calm waters predict a cure for some diseases, while a stormy river promises health problems even if the water in it was clean and clear. Along with this interpretation modern interpreters tend to think that the river can be the personification of your business activity. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the purity of the water and the calmness of the current. A stormy river and dirty water can serve as a message about possible conflicts, lack of money. Accordingly, calm and clear waters promise a measured rhythm of life without any problems.

Freud in his dream book notes that the wide river seen in a dream demonstrates your craving for sexual fantasies, which in reality, unfortunately, you are afraid to voice and try to realize with your partner. The interpreter sees like a dream a call to part with complexes and tell your beloved about your secret desires.

Actions with river water in dreams

Often in a dream you bathe in a river or, for example, fall into the water. Such dreams also carry their own meaning, the correct interpretation of which, of course, can be useful to you.

Bathing in the river can be interpreted in different ways. The esoteric dream book notes that such dreams speak of the correct rhythm of life, moving in step with the times. Tsvetkov, like Hasse, claims that swimming in the river is a dream of improving the financial condition, whether it is a profitable business, some kind of win, or money found on the street. Freud's interpretation is that this moment you pay too much attention to your own love, and this fact prevents you from assessing the situation soberly. The interpreter recommends to moderate the ardor and look around.

If in a dream you had to ford a river, then, trusting interpretation of Tsvetkov, you should expect any obstacles on the way to the intended goal, perhaps the fulfillment of some of your desires will be temporarily postponed. Esotericists consider dreams in which you enter the river as a sign of the onset of some new stage in your life.

Falling into the river for Hasse is a message about future news, while the Assyrian dream book considers falling into the water a harbinger of imminent enrichment. In general, it is characteristic of the Assyrians to identify the river with the support of other people or a change in business. French dream book interprets dreams in which you fell into the river and are drowning as a signal of the imminent receipt of pleasant emotions, the fault of which will be the events of your life.

Dreams in which you drink river water have a negative meaning, most interpreters tend to think that sleep portends some kind of health problem, and recommend paying attention own fortune. Esoteric dream book sees in similar dreams an indication of your acquisition of wisdom and skill, because time works in this case for you.

Specific interpretations

What does the dream in which you saw water in the river mean - do not delay, find out right now.

The secret of the dream of a clean river lies in its details.

Remember as many details of the dream about crossing the river as possible, and you will be able to decipher it correctly.

What is the dream of the river

You are a driven person and this dream is intended to show this. He says that it is worth showing more independence and taking responsibility for all actions performed, without shifting it to someone else.

muddy river

To difficulties, all kinds of obstacles on the way to goals. The team around you is unfriendly and will soon begin to show it unequivocally. You must be strong and not break. Having tempered the character this time, it will become easier to solve all subsequent problems.

Rough River

Your whole life, as it is at the moment, will literally collapse in a short time. Everything will have to be built anew and acquire new connections, but you can achieve what you want.

frozen river

You have some important information that is of great importance in working moments. Unfortunately, you will not be given the opportunity to convey to the right people what you see and know.

dried up river

You can't keep your word close person and reveal its secret. From now on, no one will trust you with their innermost thoughts and dreams, and only you yourself are to blame.

The waters of the river considered in a dream can tell a lot about the upcoming and present time. A dream in which the surface of the river was quiet and smooth promises the acceptance of various charms and entertainment from life. The dream interpretation portends the most favorable stage in life. However, what explanation can be given for what the waves dream of? You will find an explanation below.


Swimming is a positive sign. As the Wanderer's dream book says, at the moment you are in complete harmony when the dreamed water is clear without dirt.

Swim in a polluted river - expect changes in life. Perhaps the changes will be positive. There is a possibility that a chain of adverse events as a result will help to achieve goals and change lives in the most better side.

Did you dream of swimming in a river with clear water? Dream Interpretation Grishina explains that you will be able to get past all the troubles and troubles that you will encounter along the way to your dream. Swimming in a cool river in night dreams means that in reality your health will be strong.

Swim and cross

Why dream of swimming across a powerful water river, explains Miller. According to the dream book, life will change in the coming future. Do not miss all the opportunities presented by fate. You really need a change right now.

Crossing a river of decent width in a dream means fulfilling all your ideas. It can be considered that the goal is practically conquered.

Ford the river - you rush to make important conclusions that will help in resolving major troubles.

To move in a dream along the bottom of a dry river means to quickly implement your plan. Aesop's dream book indicates that no obstacles will appear on the way to the goal.

Spilled and dry

To dream that the river has overflown its banks is a bad prediction. The esoteric dream book says that a detailed picture promises trouble at work. If, as a result of the rise of the river, it flooded the entire circle, then in reality you will do a very heroic deed.

An explanation of what the flood of the river is dreaming of is given by the Modern Dream Interpreter. According to this source, it is clear that a dream predicts financial profit. Life will turn out favorably, and will not be hopeless with problems with money.

When in a dream the river was dark and polluted after the spill, expect imminent illnesses. Try to take into account all the signals sent to you by the body.

A dreaming shallow river indicates a lack of energy for life. Perhaps your condition is bad and you need rest. The most sanatorium suitable option For you.

The female dream book warns that a dried up river bed is often seen as a sign of bad events. In reality, something will happen soon, after which you will be very upset.

Bridge over river

What this plot is dreaming of gives a detailed explanation of the Universal Interpreter. I dreamed of a bridge lying across the river - be prepared for imminent difficulties. In the future, your dreams will come true, but for this you need to work hard.

A large and reliable bridge in night dreams indicates the choice of a suitable life path. Both work and the second half - what suits you. Try not to lose what you are rich in.

Dreamed of a small bridge? This portends that in the near future a new period in life will come. When the dreamed crossing is made of a cable, and there is noisy water below, this means that in reality great alarms are foreseen.

Drown in the waters

Why is this dreaming, Grishina interprets. The dream book indicates that dying in the river is for pleasant moments and joy. However, such an interpretation should only be given when the water was clear and still.

fall into dirty river and to feel that you will sink to the bottom is an unfavorable symbol. Its meaning, in reality, an unprincipled stranger, will force you to fraudulently refuse a large amount of money.

Doubt whether you can rely on a recent acquaintance - it's better not to experiment. Initially, before solving financial matters with this person, you need to try to find out everything about him.

The interpretation of the dream, where you yourself are drowning, is given by Aesop. According to his dream book, money troubles await you. In addition, it does not matter whether the water was clean or dirty in a dream.

ice river

Dreamed of ice floes on the river? This means that there will be some difficulties in the current enterprise where you are involved. In this case, your enemies will become the basis of difficulties.

To follow an icy river in a dream is to successfully defeat the difficulties that arose along the way to your goal. The ice was thick, then the troubles would be resolved quickly and without difficulty.

The interpretation of the dream, where you looked at the ice crust of the river surface, is also really found in the Universal Dream Interpreter. This dream book believes that such a dream vision is a sign indicating the need to be independent. Don't expect to be helped. Rely only on yourself.

Why dream of ice drift on the river, explains Miller. It is generally accepted that the drift of ice portends the nearest participation in reality in a profitable business. At the same time, it will be interconnected with trade transactions or fishing.

Various interpretations

Children's dream book compares the river with the future. For example, when you see in a dream the lightning-fast flow of a mountain river, then the incidents in life will become exciting and eventful.

I dreamed of quiet waters - expect a quiet and even life. Muddy water flows quickly - someone is spreading bad gossip about you. Eastern dream book advises to find out who is doing this and take action, thereby maintaining your authority.

A dreamed cliff over a river promises a dead end in real life. Jumping off a cliff into a river is a significant nuisance.

According to Velesov's dream book, it will be possible to defeat difficulties if you are stronger than ever. Otherwise life's events will break you.

To be on the river bank and watch the fish swim in the water is to win the lottery. If the fish was small, then the amount of money will be small.

An additional interpretation of that is the next replenishment in the family. Seeing the river full of water - to the changes that have occurred in relations with relatives.

Sailing along the river with blood on a boat means that your relationship with your loved ones has reached harmony.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

English dream book

Why does a woman dream of a river:

To dream of a wide, turbulent river with muddy water is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and business. But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface means great happiness in love or happy marriage are destined for you by fate, which will subsequently give you wonderful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy house.

Assyrian dream book

Seeing a river in a dream means:

If a person falls into a river and water enters his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and yet emerges, then he will become rich in reality.
If he plunges into the river in clothes - in reality he will firmly stand on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will help him and serve him.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters - to a lawsuit.
Wash in the river for loss.
Crossing the river is in trouble.
Coming out of the river in a dream - to good news.
Building a dam on the river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in a river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - the fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from a river, then in reality he will build new house.
Diving into the river means that sorrows will not touch him.
If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A dream with a river in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

Means the course of a person's life, his life path. The nature and appearance of the river, the way it is - swift, slow, like a stream, full-flowing, clean, dirty, deep, shallow - indicates the behavior of instincts. The surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, as well as the personal and social consequences caused by his behavior. If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea, this indicates the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontic vision. In this case, the subject identifies himself with the water or sees himself in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

Muslim dream book

Dreaming with a river means:

If anyone sees that he has scooped up or drunk water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the grace of the king or chief. If someone sees himself in a boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed in an important matter. If someone sees that he got out of the boat on the shore, he will defeat the enemy.

Miller's dream book

The meaning of sleep river:

If you dream of a smooth calm surface of the river, it means that you will soon enjoy the most delightful pleasures, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities.
If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.
If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will be in trouble at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick.
If you dream that you are swimming in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you have to part with joy and good luck for some time.
If you dream of a dry river, it means that sorrows await you.

Correct dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a river:

Esoteric dream book

What the river may dream of:

Time. Smooth, slender - a calm time, a leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy time, fateful events. Swim in the river, swim - to be in tune with the times, so it is to live in accordance with the Law of Cosmos, Being. See "swim", "swim". To enter the river - a new period of life begins. Bathe someone in the river - be a mentor, leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing, high water - "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water got you too, then you will be hurt, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry bed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

River, in a dream means:

Swim - profit, benefit, gain, benefit;
to see, to be on the shore - a long road;
wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay.
See also wash.

French dream book

If a girl dreams of a river, then this means:

A clean and calm river in a dream is always a harbinger of happiness, love, good luck. But a river with muddy, restless waters - predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being. If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a river:

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness; river sand and pebbles - external brilliance, impressiveness will be added.

Old Russian dream book

River in a dream Old Russian dream book

swim - profit; to see, to be on the shore - a long road; wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay.

Miller's dream book

River in a dream Miller's dream book

The smooth calm surface of the river - you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities;
the waters of the river are muddy and restless - grumpy squabbles, misunderstandings;
a flooded river blocked your path - trouble at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your impudent antics;
swim in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river - you have to part with joy and good luck for some time;
a dry river - sorrows.
See also

Water, Channel, Stream, Ice drift, Horse, Crossing,

Slavic dream book

River in a dream Slavic dream book

Seeing the river, being on the shore is a long road; swim - profit; to ford to walk on water is an obstacle.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

River in a dream dream book Hasse

clean, bright - a lot of happiness
bathe in it - wealth
fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim - hopes will come true
hear the sound of water - hear the oath
flood - your plans will be late.

Dream interpretation for women

River in a dream Dream interpretation for women

Seeing a river in a dream always means some kind of change in health. If the river is calm and clean, then nothing threatens you, and even the disease that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.

A mountainous, raging river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends a deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to overwork.

Dream interpretation for men

River in a dream Dream interpretation for men

Clean - everything goes on as usual and this should suit you. Fall into the river - changes in your business life. Muddy restless river - misunderstandings, conflicts. To fall into such a river is to be drawn into an unpleasant story.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

River in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Small river with clean and fast water- a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the banks of the river, fishing or boating, is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell, swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth.

Drowning in the river - friends will not leave you in trouble. Crossing the river - to the fulfillment of desires, wading - you will say sick, just not to go to a boring event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and consent in marriage.

A river spilling in the flood portends trouble at work, shallowed in a severe drought - grief in the family. Walking along the embankment of the river - there will be an exhausting laundry and general cleaning after a long absence from home. Traveling on a river on a raft - make a risky deal.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

River in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To see a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river - to a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the course of a large river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, at the risk of being stranded - to lack of money, financial losses.

Imagine that you are getting out of shallow water into big water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, that means you have to take difficult decision to sacrifice something more to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream portends changes in your personal life. For singles, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all the problems for you. Swim against the current - on the way to the goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

The smooth and calm surface of the river - to improve well-being. Stormy, but clear waters of a mountain river - to joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will be related to your entire environment. A dry river is a stagnation in business. Seeing separate puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you big profits, most likely you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dried up river, imagine that it started to rain and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river overflows and blocks your path, you will have a difficult life choice. If in a dream you successfully crossed the river, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continue on your way.

Muddy River - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information received can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the turbulent waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

River in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Symbolizes the course of your life.

If she is calm, and the water in her is clean and transparent: such a dream promises good health and a good course of affairs.

Muddy, dirty water in the river: speaks of difficulties and sorrows.

Stormy river: a sign of stormy events.

Stones sticking out of the water: mean serious obstacles in your way.

Seeing in a dream how two rivers merge into one portends you a long life together.

River flood: means events that can give you a surge of energy and emotional uplift.

Crossing the river: a sign of upcoming changes in your life.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

River in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, sailing along it yourself or on some ship, boat or raft.

Cross the river - successfully complete the job.

To moor to the shore is to experience happiness, not overshadowed by anything.

Cross the river, throw yourself out of stormy water ashore - overcome difficulties, obstacles in life.

Dirty, turbulent water in the river, rapids, obstacles in navigation, overflow of the river - all this indicates difficulties, failures, troubles.

A flooded river means a manifestation of your bad character traits that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed - to poverty or other misfortune.

The river flows among forests and fields - you will have a calm, peaceful life.

The river swiftly takes you out to sea - anxiety.

If you've learned to swim, don't worry. The skilled man is not afraid of obstacles. So all is well!

Astrological dream book

River in a dream Astrological dream book

A symbol of an obstacle, if it gets in your way to go with the flow - to the successful progress of affairs.

Swimming against the current - difficulties await you.

Beware of going against someone else's opinion.

Clean water in the river is a good sign - it speaks of good health.

Muddy water and stormy waters - they talk about squabbles and illnesses.

A dry riverbed dreams of sorrows and losses.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Seeing a river in a dream

  • River of life. Life stream.
  • "Don't push the river, it flows by itself!"
  • Trying to swim against the current. Let the river carry you. Don't fight the flow.
  • You are trying to cross a river, but you cannot find your way. The river usually signifies an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. While awake, imagine this river and a bridge over it, and then calmly cross over to the other side. Create a new route for yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Seeing a river in a dream

  • The river has a number of deep symbolic meanings. You can hear such expressions as "river of life", "life flow" and "river of time". It is always a sign of movement and the rhythm of change. In order to move with the flow, you should not "hurry the river." You don't have to swim against the current. Let the river carry you. Don't fight her.
  • The river can also mark an emotional barrier that you find difficult to overcome. Look at the situation from a new angle in order to better understand it, you may have to change the route.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Seeing a river in a dream

  • Swim - for good;
  • calm - to pleasure;
  • dirty water in the river - to losses, quarrels;
  • small - to difficulty;
  • to see how a full-flowing river turns into a stream - loss of position

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why is the river dreaming

  • The river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; main focus of your life.
  • Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,
  • To swim across it is the fulfillment of intentions.
  • Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.
  • To draw from the river is a work that exceeds your strength.
  • A canal that takes water from a river is a good idea.
  • To overcome it is difficulties.
  • A river that carries a lot of rubbish, trees - you have to build life anew.
  • A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constraint by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.
  • To see a wide, powerful stream in front of you - freedom, independence / consciousness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.
  • The river bank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.
  • A river in the middle of a rocky desert - a meager and closed life awaits.
  • A river among fields and forests - in front of you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.
  • The river of environments and villages and cities is a disorderly and noisy life in society.
  • Drink from the river - draw strength from your own determination.
  • The mouth of the river, it flows into a river approximately equal in width to it - the beginning of a new period in your life.
  • A river flowing into the sea is a lot about death, thinking about eternity / peaceful death awaits you in old age.
  • A river rushing into the sea in a stormy stream is a violent death in the distant future.
  • The river swiftly takes you out to sea - a danger to life, very disturbing premonitions about yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation River

  • The river - first of all means the course of our life with all its circumstances and the consequences arising from them. A flowing river can simply mean a landscape where events take place, or it can also refer to the elements. When analyzing sleep, one must consider water from two positions - what water means and what a river means.
  • Seeing a river in a dream is a long journey, but if the water in it is stormy and muddy, then it’s better not to go anywhere, even if you need it for life circumstances.
  • To cross a river with muddy water is to experience disappointment, which will then be replaced by positive emotions.
  • Sailing on the river - to profit.
  • Jumping into a river from a shore or bridge (for a woman) - new meetings, strong feelings; hope for family reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing a river in a dream

  • The smooth, calm surface of the river promises to enjoy the joys of life and increase prosperity.
  • A muddy and restless river dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, troubles await you at work.
  • A dry river dreams of experiences.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation River

  • To dream of a clear river with a calm course - to happiness and success in life.
  • For a person already married, this is a symbol of prosperity in family life. If the waters in the river are stormy and dirty, you will make a trip that will lead to an increase in the state, although it will be associated with a certain risk.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Seeing a river in a dream

  • Indicates the course of life. The nature of the river flow (slow or rapid), its fullness, cleanliness, dirt, turbidity, etc., indicate the features of the manifestation of your vitality and aspirations. surrounding nature characterizes the general situation of your life. If the river is clean and flows towards the sea - such an image indicates the right path to self-realization. If a person sees himself moving down the river, this indicates a feeling that strength, health and luck are starting to leave a person, he feels a lack of will. If the sleeper floats up the river in a dream, this is a symbol of the fact that a person spends a lot of effort to achieve his goals. This is a bet on your perseverance, the belief that you will be able to overcome all obstacles on the way to the desired goal. If a person crosses a river, this indicates a desire and an urgent need to resolve an unpleasant situation or painful personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation River

  • A clean and calm river in a dream is always a harbinger of happiness, love, good luck. But a river with muddy, restless waters - predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being. If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why is the river dreaming

  • To dream of a wide, turbulent river with muddy water is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and business. But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface, it means that great happiness in love or a happy marriage is destined for you by fate, which will subsequently give you wonderful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy house.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese dream book Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation River

  • Big river with clear and transparent water. - It is a harbinger of great happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Seeing a river in a dream

  • Crimson fish on a river covered with cracked ice floes - a big conversation with people you depend on, danger of destroying relationships

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Seeing a river in a dream

  • This soi usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself.
  • Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your future life.
  • Drinking water directly from the river - to receive awards and favors from the administration of the city or the whole country. However, if at the same time the water seemed unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime. In the event that you feel that the water is somehow too, unpleasantly salty in taste, then, apparently, you are planning to take part in some kind of reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions.
  • The muddy waters of the river usually promise the dreamer death.
  • Swim across the river in a dream - to triumph over enemies and any opponents.
  • The dream in which you are drowning in the river is to receive damage due to the actions of the authorities aimed at harming you.
  • To swim out and get out of the river to the shore - in general, this is an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the widest possible way - for example, as a way out of prison to freedom.
  • If in a dream you got out of the river and are trying to clean your clothes from silt and dirt, in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows.
  • If you dreamed that you drowned, then in reality it is quite likely that you will awaken your interest in religion.
  • If a dream was sent down to you, in which, having seen the river from afar, you managed, in the end, to get closer to it, then in reality all your plans will come true, and the most cherished goals will come true.
  • When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of the river, then in reality it makes complete sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business.
  • A dried up riverbed - this dream bodes trouble!
  • If the water in the river has increased significantly, the dream is favorable.
  • To fish on the river and stay with a good catch - such a dream portends honest enrichment and harmony in the family.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation River

  • If you dream of a smooth, calm surface of a river, it means. You will soon enjoy the most delightful pleasures, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities.
  • If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.
  • If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will be in trouble at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick.
  • If you dream that you are swimming in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time.
  • If you dream of a dry river, it means. Sorrow awaits you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation River

  • swim - profit;
  • to see, to be on the shore - a long road;
  • to wade, to walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay;
  • jump into the river (for a woman) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family;
  • strong current and not getting out - delays;
  • dangers and obstacles in business; long recovery.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why is the river dreaming

  • If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of?
  • Swimming in a river in a dream - a dream means that at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of love that captures you entirely, and you have forgotten about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

Seeing a river in a dream

  • If you dreamed of a fast, dirty one, then this is a harbinger of troubles and problems. However, a calm river with clear water portends happiness and love.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why is the river dreaming

  • The river is the overcoming of the enemy.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Why is the river dreaming

  • Time.
  • Smooth, slender - a calm time, a leisurely life.
  • Stormy, mountainous - stormy time, fateful events.
  • Swim in the river, swim - to be in tune with the times, so it is to live in accordance with the Law of Cosmos, Being. See "swim", "swim".
  • To enter the river - a new period of life begins.
  • Bathe someone in the river - be a mentor, leader.
  • Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time.
  • Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill.
  • Overflowing, high water - "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water got you too, then you will be hurt, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time.
  • The river caresses you - time will be kind to you.
  • A dry bed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation: Islamic dream book ibn Sirina

Dream Interpretation River

  • If someone dreams that he drank from the paradise river al-Kyausar, then he will gain supremacy and defeat the enemy, according to his Almighty: "Truly, We have given you a plentiful one! Pray to your Lord and slaughter!"

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Seeing a river in a dream

  • It means the course of a person's life, his life path. The nature and appearance of the river, the way it is - swift, slow, like a stream, full-flowing, clean, dirty, deep, shallow - indicates the behavior of instincts. The surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, as well as the personal and social consequences caused by his behavior. If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea, this indicates the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontic vision. In this case, the subject identifies himself with the water or sees himself in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why is the river dreaming

  • Clean, bright - a lot of happiness; bathe in it - wealth; fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear the oath; flood - your plans will be late.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why is the river dreaming

  • the river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness

Dream Interpretation: Assyrian dream book

Seeing a river in a dream

  • If a person falls into a river and water enters his mouth, he will become an important person.
  • If he drowns in the river and yet emerges, then he will become rich in reality.
  • If he plunges into the river in clothes - in reality he will firmly stand on his feet.
  • If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will help him and serve him.
  • If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
  • Sailing in stormy waters - to a lawsuit.
  • Wash in the river for loss.
  • Crossing the river is in trouble.
  • Leaving the river in a dream is good news.
  • Building a dam on the river is a harbinger of difficult times.
  • Catching a turtle in a river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - the fulfillment of heart desires.
  • If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
  • Diving into the river means that sorrows will not touch him.
  • If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Dream Interpretation River

  • If you dream of a very calm river, the dream suggests that you will find yourself in bed with a person who does not suit your temperament. Intimacy with him will not bring you the desired pleasure. If the river is stormy, mountainous, on the contrary, your partner will be very passionate, you will have several "hot" love dates.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Why is the river dreaming

  • Seeing the river - to the need for physical and spiritual purification; A clean, bright river promises health, well-being and a joyful mood, as well as a happy course of business; Dirty, muddy, the flow of the river promises illness and trouble; Flooding - to a possible threat to life, a transient severe illness.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: spiritual dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, Loff's dream book, Otavalos Indian dream book, female dream book, male dream book, dream book of catchphrases, ancient Persian dream book Taflisi, Tsvetkov's dream book, erotic dream book Danilova, Hasse's dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, self-taught dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), Vedic dream book Shivananda, Assyrian dream book, Slavic dream book, Longo's dream book, lunar dream book, the psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov, the dream book of Jung, the numerological dream book of Pythagoras, the fairy-tale and mythological dream book, the dream book of Vanga, the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), and others.

For men and women, dreams in which a river is seen can be deciphered in different ways. The water in the river can be cloudy or clear, the river flow can be fast or slow. In a dream, a person drowns, swims across a stream of water, or crosses a river over a bridge. The river in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's life itself. Therefore, what kind of water surface dreamed of, such will be life in the near future.

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    Clear, calm river

    Clear water portends satisfaction from life and future joy. Clean, quietly flowing water surface is a symbol of peace and happiness. Smooth surface water that reflects the world, symbolizes future changes for the better, peace and prosperity.

    The color of the water surface is deciphered in different ways:

    • The black shade symbolizes the approach of unpleasant news, but the calm flow of the river guarantees a successful resolution of problems.
    • Green - portends an ambulance career.
    • Blue - happy events in life that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

    The size of the reservoir matters. A large transparent river predicts an increase in income, possibly an unexpected win. A shallow but calm river is a symbol of an upcoming serious conversation, with a favorable outcome for the dreamer.

    If the ideal transparency of the river is remembered, this means a speedy recovery of the person who had such a dream.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Bubbling, fast flow

    To dream of muddy water with a seething stream is an important thing to come to a halt due to the nature of the dreamer. It is recommended in the near future to control yourself and not give vent to your emotions.

    The seething course of a transparent river portends that interesting events will occur in the near future. They will take place rapidly and dynamically, as the river behaved in a dream.

    fast current predicts events that will end quickly or completely bypass the person. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, seeing a fast flow in a dream means that in work that goes too fast, you should not make hasty decisions. Careful consideration should be given to business transactions and contracts.

    frozen water

    A frozen river that is covered with ice is a sign of despondency. Ice symbolizes that the dreamer will be ready to freeze his emotions and become depressed. Longing for bygone days or missing a loved one. Do not be afraid of such interpretations, it is much more important to remember what happened in a dream:

    • Walk along frozen ice means that a person will quickly overcome depression. The stronger the ice in a dream, the faster the solution to the problems associated with the psychological state of the sleeping person.
    • Running on ice is a sure sign of getting a quick profit or inheritance.
    • Sailing on a frozen river means overcoming obstacles in life in the same way that a person raked ice in water.

    Seeing in a dream not only a river

    For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is important to pay attention to the objects and details that were present in the river.

    Dreaming of a fish

    Seeing fish in the water portends positive changes in love relationships. For men and women looking for a couple, such a dream is a good sign. This means that the dreamer will soon find the partner of his dreams. Love will be mutual.

    See live fish in a transparent river - a sign that love will be just as transparent, without deceit and lies. The upcoming relationship will be difficult for anyone to upset. For unmarried women, such a dream means an engagement in the near future or marriage.

    Seeing a fish jumping out of the water in a dream portends joyful and happy events in the future. For a young woman, such a dream means pregnancy and an addition to the family.

    Dead fish in the river portends sorrows and losses. She warns of danger, you should be careful about serious matters. A fish swimming in troubled waters for girls means betrayal and deceit by the opposite sex.

    Fish swimming in dirty water and garbage portends a dubious income. If in the future the dreamer plans to conclude contracts or agreements, sell valuables or real estate, he should think about the correct choice of a business partner or buyer. Check all the guarantees that are promised and weigh the pros and cons.

    Dreaming of blood in the water

    Seeing a river of blood in a dream, do not be afraid. Blood symbolizes relationships with relatives. Sailing on such a river in a boat means that all relationships with relatives will soon improve.

    Drowning in bloody water is a sign of failure in family affairs. Quarrels and scandals should be avoided.

    Dreaming of corpses in the river

    Such a dream is a repulsive and unpleasant sight. After waking up, an unpleasant picture haunts a person all day. These nightly dreams can be interpreted in different ways for men and women.

    Women who see a dream will soon be deceived and betrayed by a loved one. For men, this night vision means a loss of authority.

    Seeing a lifeless body in a river is a commercial failure for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Seeing several dead people in a dream is a warning symbol to abandon the planned opening of a new business.

    According to modern sources of interpretation of dreams, the corpse of the river means that the dreamer is going through a period of life filled with far-fetched problems and obstacles in his affairs.

    Esotericists say that the dreaming dead in the river are an indicator of psychological fatigue and exhaustion. It is worth taking a time out in business and relaxing in a pleasant company.

    Dreamed of a mountain river

    The interpretation of dreams, where a mountain river flows, portends different life situations that await man in the future. A dream in which the sleeper sees the course of a mountain river is interpreted by the dream book as an approaching danger in life. If the water in the river is clear and clean, then one should expect pleasant news from friends or relatives awaiting the waking sleeper. Turbid water portends to be left alone with your problems in the future or to be face to face with danger.

    Esotericists decipher such a dream as follows: a stormy mountain river is like life, and how quickly water flows in the river, events in reality will change so quickly.

    Wide, overflowing body of water

    A dream in which a wide river was seen means that in reality a person expects family and financial well-being.

    A river overflowing its banks promises a quick cash increase.

    If the dreamer saw waves on the river, this is an omen, meaning household chores.

    The Syrian dream book interprets waves in a dream as a symbol of family troubles and quarrels.

    We must be careful and honest in conversations with loved ones, as Italian dream book deciphers the appearance of waves on the river surface as a deception and betrayal on the part of the dreamer in the future.

    Swim across the water in a dream

    If you dream that a person is coming out of the river, this is a sign that a financial crisis will occur in the near future.

    The dreamer shakes off dirt and algae from his clothes after swimming - he gets rid of the fears that haunt the dreamer in life. A dream in which the sleeping person stands on the shore and is afraid to swim across the river means that in life a person will have to solve unpleasant issues.

    It is a dream that the sleeping person swims across the water stream to see what is on the opposite bank - there will be a desire to be aware of matters of personal relationships.

    Crossing the river along means an improvement in the position in society.

    If the dreamer drowns in the river, but still emerges, then in reality he will have to get rid of all ailments. She dreams that water got into her mouth - she is waiting for a quick career growth. If you dreamed that the sleeper drowned, then this portends a profit in the future. If in reality a person is at a crossroads and does not know what to choose, then such a dream suggests that you need to hurry with the decision. Otherwise other people will do it.

    If a person to whom the sleeping person dislikes drowns in a dream, this means that the dreamer will cope with all enemies. If in the river drowned completely stranger, this is positive sign. In the near future, the dreamer will receive monetary profit. In a dream, a person helps a drowning man in the river and saves him - the appearance of difficulties in the professional field.

    If a unmarried girl in a dream she sees that she is drowning and was able to escape, then this is a sure sign in reality to have great success with the opposite sex. If a stranger saves a young woman in a dream, the dream book interprets this as an early start. love relationship. It portends that a young man will make a marriage proposal.

    Crossing the river - all innermost desires will come true. Everything that a person wants will surely come true. Crossing the river in dreams warns that in reality it is worth saying goodbye to the past and entering a new happy life. Crossing the water stream on your back means that all undertakings will end easily, without any effort.

    I dreamed that a man was about to swim across the river, but did not swim, drowned, returned to the shore, remained in the water - a bad sign. In the next period of life, you should not enter into large contracts or make serious decisions. You need to be careful with the choice of partners.

    I dreamed of a dry riverbed

    Seeing a dried up river in a dream is a bad sign. If only a puddle remains in place of the river, such a dream predicts quarrels and troubles at work. You need to restrain your emotions and find a common language with employees at work.

    A completely dry river means the approach of large unnecessary expenses. You should review your budget to cash not "dry" in the wallet. If a person sees a dead fish in the place of dried water, then this symbolizes disappointment in close friends or relatives.

    Bridge over the river in a dream

    A dream about a bridge over a river surface portends that in the present the dreamer will easily cope with the upcoming difficulties. If the bridge was destroyed or dismantled, the road seems insurmountable, this is a harbinger of imminent grief or great loss. The graceful and bizarre curves on the bridge mean that in the future a person is waiting for changes that he does not expect at all.

    According to the dream book of yogis, such a vision means a connection between the material world and the spiritual. As a bridge connects two banks of a river, so thoughts will come into harmony with actions.

    If in a dream there was a shaky, unstable bridge, then this predicts separation from a loved one. The dream interpretation deciphers such a dream as a lack of confidence in one's own love story. You should reconsider your relationship with your loved one.

    If you dream that it is difficult to overcome the crossing over the river, someone got in the way, such a dream means that in the future a person will have great success in business and work. But there are ill-wishers who will interfere. We must beware of enemies so that they cannot destroy their plans.

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