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The best late varieties of cabbage for open ground. Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage. The best varieties of broccoli are

Cabbage is a popular crop present in every Russian garden. It is used in soups, salads, and other vegetable dishes. The cultivation of this vegetable occurs, as a rule, in open ground. Let's look at the topic "cabbage, seeds: the best varieties for open ground».

This varietal variety of cabbage ripens early, while forming heads of cabbage with an average density. The weight of one cabbage head is about one and a half to three kilograms. The shade in which the body of the vegetable is painted is represented by the traditional pale green color.

The ripening of plants planted in the garden usually occurs at the same time, therefore, harvesting can be done in just one day.

The terms characteristic for the cultivation of this culture will be as follows:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out around mid-April;
  • planting in the garden is carried out in May, middle or end.

The planting scheme for this variety is as follows:

  • 40 centimeters remain between seedlings planted in the garden;
  • 60 centimeters should be equal to the gaps between rows.

Ready-to-pick head of Gribovsky variety

This varietal variety is rightfully one of the leaders in the ranking of the best varieties. white cabbage for open ground. Its exactingness is limited to the following two points:

  • land for planting cabbage should not be overly acidic;
  • it is better to have a landing outside of shady areas.

You, as a gardener, will need to protect this plant from garden pests. This is done with drugs. industrial production. In addition, it cannot be said that this variety is resistant to cold, therefore, it is better not to rush into planting seedlings in the garden.

Cabbage of the desired species ripens approximately 95-115 days from the moment of rooting in the beds. At the best outcome, up to 7 kilograms of vegetables will be per square meter of land.

Grade No. 2 - "No. 1 polar K-206"

This variety belongs to the category of cabbage varieties, the ripening of which takes an average amount of time. Ideal for outdoor cultivation.

Please note: this variety is represented not only by mid-season, but also by early-ripening varieties. This point when buying seeds is better to check with the sellers.

This varietal variety was originally bred by domestic breeders for the sake of industrial cultivation in the conditions of the northern latitudes of the country, therefore, the cold resistance of this cabbage is at the level.

Heads of cabbage grow medium in size, neat:

  • in diameter reaching about 25 centimeters;
  • with an approximate weight of 2-2.5 kilograms.

White cabbage varieties "No. 1 polar K-206"

This "polar" variety is high-yielding, from one square meter territories can be harvested from 6 to 11 kilograms, depending on whether all cultivation conditions have been met.

In addition, the elasticity of the head is so high that it almost does not crack, both during growth and during storage.

Variety No. 3 - "Transfer"

This variety has a small size that compensates, however:

The maximum weight of a head of variety reaches one and a half kilograms. Elastic sheets, collected in a head, do not crack, and lie perfectly, can be stored at proper arrangement cellar all winter.

Varietal variety of cabbage "Transfer"

The hue of the cabbage is light green, but towards the core it turns completely white. Belongs to "Transfer" category early maturing varieties. He also fights frost very well.

Table 1. The nuances of growing seedlings of the "Transfer" variety

The ripening time for this varietal variety is approximately 50-70 days.

Prices for cabbage seeds Transfer

cabbage transfer

Variety No. 4 - "Sprint"

This variety also belongs to the category of early ripening, so, in the conditions of the street, the unprotected cabbage of this variety grows in about 55 days, forming a round head covered with bloom.

I must say that this variety is a heavyweight. So, one head of it can normally reach a weight of 900-1800 grams.

It is cold-resistant, so the seeds of the plant can be sown immediately after the snow melts and the earth warms up, that is, already in early April. All the formed heads will ripen together, at the same time, so harvesting will not take you much time.

Heads of cabbage can be designated as:

  • highly dense;
  • covered, as it were, with a wax coating;
  • having a stunning presentation;
  • crispy.

White cabbage, variety "Sprint"

You can use this variety, both in salads, soups and other dishes, and for salting.

Prices for cabbage seeds Sprint

cabbage sprint

Variety number 5 - "Rinda"

The largest of the varieties we have considered today. So, "Rinda" gives heads, normal weight which fluctuates between 4 or 6 kilograms. The flesh of the head is medium-sized, the leaves fit snugly against each other.

If you plant seedlings of this plant according to the above scheme, traditional for cabbage, then the yield will be even higher.

This variety is resistant to cold, so it can be sown directly in open ground, but it is better to wait a little and plant it immediately in the form of seedlings.

The only thing weakness"Rindy" - love of moisture. Even if you only slightly lack water for heads of cabbage, you risk losing your crop altogether.

Cabbage varietal variety "Rinda"

Prices for Rinda cabbage seeds

rinda cabbage

Summing up

Since different weather conditions are observed in each region of our country, it must be understood that the list of varieties best suited for open ground will vary. Those varieties that we presented in the article above are suitable for growing everywhere, in particular in the northern latitudes of Russia. You yourself are free to conduct experiments, plant different varieties several cabbages, and see which ones take root better. Good luck!

Video - The best varieties of cabbage

For many who do not deal with the cultivation of white cabbage, it seems that there are few varieties of it and all are similar to each other. In fact, only if we take into account the best varieties of cabbage, there are more than 50 of them, and to this it is worth adding the best varieties of cabbage for pickling and storage, early, medium and late ripening, etc. In total, more than 80 varieties of white cabbage are officially registered today, in addition to this, there are also cauliflower, red cabbage, Savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. But in this article we will talk about the best varieties of white cabbage.

Rating of the best varieties of early ripening cabbage

Such forms are ideal for spring vegetable salads - light, soft, slightly crispy leaves, very juicy and tasty. Unlike mid-season, they ripen faster, and are not so demanding on the quality of the soil and take up less space. In greenhouses or greenhouses, you can plant up to 10 heads of cabbage per 1 sq.m. and they will all fully develop and grow.

Among the most popular are the following varieties:

Rinda F1

hybrid variety, reaching removable maturity already 76 days after germination. Stored until mid-summer. The head of cabbage is quite dense, but not tight, it can even be used for second courses. It can grow in any soil provided that the temperature is stable (in greenhouses) and the soil is not too dense. It is recommended to periodically loosen the root zone, providing air access.

Cossack F1

A hybrid variety of super fast ripening - removable maturity occurs already 40 days after planting seedlings, and 76 days after planting seeds. Heads of elastic light green color, taste - sweetish, without early bitterness. It is grown only in greenhouses and hotbeds, it is not very susceptible to diseases. The average weight of one head reaches 1.5 kg. Stored for 4 months.


This is the most common cabbage, the seeds are the best varieties for open ground. Heads of cabbage can be cut as early as 60 days after planting seedlings in a greenhouse or hotbed and 76 days after planting seeds. Color - light green, taste - without bitterness, structure - dense, not loose. Well stored for 3-4 months. You can leave it on the vine for up to 2 weeks after ripening, and still it will not crack and fall apart into sheets. It also grows well in open ground, tolerates frosts well, but not prolonged frosts. Suitable for middle lane In Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia, for an early harvest, they are grown only in greenhouse shelters.


Tobia F1

A large-fruited variety, where each head of cabbage weighs about 5.5-6 kg. The upper leaf is bright green, gradually turning to yellowish at the very stalk. Juicy, very sweet, perfect for spring salads and first courses. In pickling, not the best taste. And it is stored fresh for a short time - within a month. If left on the vine, it does not crack for a long time.

The best varieties of cabbage for salting for the winter

Here we will also talk about which varieties of cabbage are best for pickling. It is not recommended to preserve and salt early forms. Despite the rather dense structure and rich taste, when salted, cabbage becomes like sauerkraut and absolutely tasteless. Therefore, for conservation for the winter, it is recommended to use those varieties that reach technical maturity after at least 140 days. They are mainly planted in the soil of snakes in the form of seedlings (in greenhouses and greenhouses they can also be planted in seeds), after which they remove the shelter and let the plant grow sunlight. Basically, such forms are resistant to diseases, but some varieties are susceptible to disease. Among the main ones are bacteriosis, white and gray rot, very rarely, usually in closed ground, phomosis occurs.

As a rule, the epidemic starts from tomatoes and goes to cabbage. If possible, these vegetables should be grown separately from each other, or immediately, upon detection of the first signs of the disease, all crops should be processed.


One of the most popular varieties, yielding a crop already 3.5 months after planting seedlings. Excellent for both fresh consumption and pickling. Heads of cabbage are slightly flattened, weighing 4.5-5 kg. The top sheet is light green, the center is white, the stalk is small. It is stored without processing all winter, grown for export, that is, it tolerates transportation well.

Atria F1

If you need cabbage for sauerkraut, the best varieties are headed by the Atria hybrid. Gives big harvest, reaches full maturity on the 140th day after full shoots. The heads of cabbage are elastic, dense, ferment well, the leaves are also good for cabbage rolls. The taste is juicy, sweet, without bitterness. Does not crack even after prolonged exposure to bark. Keeps all winter.


Refers to the forms of medium ripening, removable maturity occurs on the 135th day after planting seedlings. It is not afraid of frost, but slows down growth during a long cold snap. It is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions, when a stable positive temperature is reached and a sunny day for more than 6 hours, the shelter is removed. Medium resistance to diseases - they are not hotbeds, but they can suffer during an epidemic. Stored throughout the winter.

Midor F1

Hybrid form, ripening on the 155th day after full shoots. The upper leaf is a rich green color with a touch of wax, which ensures excellent preservation throughout the winter. Heads of cabbage are very dense, many-leaved, the stalk is small. Pronounced taste, no bitterness, ideal for salting.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage for the winter

It is best to use for this purpose those forms that ripen for more than 145 days, but even mid-ripening ones will survive the winter in a viable state, will not lose their taste and elasticity of the leaves. Fundamental difference in storage between these two forms is not. But it is traditionally believed that the later the cabbage was removed from the root, the longer it will last with all the vitamins and useful trace elements.

Aggressor F1

This is not just one of the most fruitful and keeping varieties, it will easily top the ranking of the best varieties of cabbage for central Russia. In addition to the fact that the Aggressor does not require special soil, reverent care, a large amount of fertilizers and regular watering, it is practically not susceptible to diseases, and cut heads are stored for more than 6 months. The vegetable is quite large - up to 5 kg, does not crack, retains elasticity during the entire storage period. Great for salads, first and second courses and sauerkraut.


Snow White

Ripens 3.5 months after transplanting, grows well on open areas, but it is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. The heads are dense, elastic, the leaf is snow-white and crispy. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, it is recommended for children and children. diet food. It is stored more than 6 months, without cracking and without rotting. The variety itself is resistant to phomosis, but requires regular watering and fertilizers. It is optimal for this purpose to use rotted compost or wood ash mixed with soil.

Snow White

Valentine F1

A form of late maturation, reaching removable maturity 145-150 days after full germination. Unpretentious, watering infrequently, resistant to diseases and short frosts. It is better to plant seedlings in greenhouse conditions. The heads are dense, but the leaves are removed very easily, due to which this variety is often grown for cabbage rolls. A hybrid variety that does not produce seeds for next year.


Kolobok F1

A hybrid of late ripening, producing large dense fruits weighing 5-5.5 kg. May be affected by gray rot, in exceptional cases - phomosis. Heads of cabbage sometimes rot, so the crop during storage should be periodically sorted out for rot. In general, cabbage Kolobok - productive variety which can be stored up to 7 months.

The best varieties of cauliflower

Compared to white cauliflower- a relatively new guest on the Russian table, but our fellow citizens have long fallen in love with her. A whole complex of valuable amino acids, including lysine and arginine, ease of preparation, pleasant taste, low calorie content - useful properties enough. Today it is grown in many greenhouses, especially since it is unpretentious in care and little susceptible to diseases.

Among the most popular varieties are Snowball, Express, Flora Blanca and others.


Productive variety, giving about 4 kg from one bed alone. The weight of heads of cabbage depends on growing conditions and reaches 1200 grams under favorable conditions. Suitable for fresh consumption, cooking first and second courses, as well as for pickling.



small socket and Weight Limit up to 0.5 kg. Strong and healthy, little susceptible to diseases and pests. Refers to the forms of early ripening and gives removable maturity already on the 60th day after planting seedlings. It is afraid of prolonged frosts, therefore it is recommended to grow in greenhouses or greenhouses, and when the temperature rises to 15 degrees and above, the film can be removed. Average yield - up to 2 kg per 1 sq.m.


Flora Blanca

A real garden decoration. The socket is quite high, which distinguishes it from other varieties, dense. Keeps well for 3-4 months. It is recommended not to cut from the root immediately upon reaching the scheme maturity (100-105 days), but to leave for a few more days, which will only add taste. Planted in greenhouses, after a month and a half, you can open the film.

Flora Blanca

It is clear that this is only a small part of the varieties, but these are the most proven and really better varieties of white and cauliflower, of which even we are convinced.

VIDEO: The best varieties of early and late ripening

One of the favorite and widespread crops in our country is white cabbage. To date, a wide variety of varieties of this vegetable have been bred, they differ in the ripening time of the crop, choosing a variety, it is worth considering its purpose. In order to soon enjoy the taste of a fresh salad, you need to pick up an early one, and if you want the heads of cabbage to be stored for a long period (winter), you should plant a variety with late dates harvest ripening.

Super early varieties

Dumas F1

An ultra-early high-yielding hybrid, the heading period lasts only 50-55 days after planting seedlings in the ground. The heads have a round shape and a small weight of only 1-1.5 kg, the color of the surface leaf plate is light green, sometimes with blue, in the context it is white. The hybrid is highly valued for its ability to bear fruit well even in adverse conditions(shading, thickening, drought), it is not intended for long-term storage.


The variety belongs to ultra-early maturing from spitting seedlings to harvesting heads takes about 55-58 days. Heads of rounded shape weigh only about 2 kg, the color of the leaf plate is dark green. The variety is usually used for cooking various dishes or preservation, since it contains a large number of calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and nutrients. Has resistance to cracking.

Zosia F1

The ripening period of cabbage after germination lasts 50-60 days, so this hybrid can be safely attributed to ultra-early. The density of the heads is good, their shape is round, and the color of the surface sheets is light green, in the context it is white, the weight ranges from 3-4.2 kg. The culture can be grown in open ground and greenhouses or greenhouses, it is resistant to most diseases of white cabbage, does not crack and does not bloom.


An early ripening variety of white cabbage, you can enjoy fresh vegetables 45-55 days after sowing the seeds. The heads of cabbage are rounded, the color of the surface leaf plates is light green, and in the context of a whitish-yellow hue. The mass of a mature head varies from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. The variety tolerates temperature drops almost painlessly, does not bloom and does not crack.

Nozomi F1

The hybrid is extra early, harvesting can be carried out after only 45-55 days after planting seedlings in open ground. The shape of the heads is spherical, the leaf plates are smooth, green in color, the weight of a mature head does not exceed 2 kg, they are well preserved on the vine. The hybrid can produce a bountiful harvest even when the soil is waterlogged, it is immune to Alternaria and black leg.

Early varieties


High-yielding early variety, 80-95 days after planting seedlings, you can massively harvest from the beds. The shape of mature heads is rounded flat, the color of the leaf plates is green, the weight of a head of cabbage can reach from 4 to 8 kg. The variety is immune to Fusarium wilt and black rot, recommended for fresh consumption and processing, can retain properties for 4 months.

Granddaughter F1

The heads are fully formed 85-100 days after the emergence of the seedlings. Heads of cabbage have an even rounded flat shape, the diameter of the leaf plate is 45-50 cm, the density is average, the weight does not exceed 2 kg. The hybrid is valued for intensive head formation and excellent marketability and taste, resistant to cracking. mainly used for processing.

golden hectare

It belongs to early ripe varieties, although the cabbage heads are fully formed on the 95-110th day after the first shoots hatch. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, the shape is round, dense structure, the upper leaf plates have a white-green color. At optimal conditions cultivation yields a crop together, it is well transported over long distances, it is resistant to flowering and cracking.

Losinoostrovskaya 8

Harvest ripening lasts 80-100 days after planting seedlings. The heads are round-flat, of medium size and density (2.5-3.5 kg), medium-sized leaf plates have mild pigmentation along the edges and a waxy coating throughout the leaf, their color is gray-green. The variety is excellent for pickling and processing. It has increased resistance to keel.

Craft F1

An early maturing hybrid, characterized by the formation of heads 105-110 days after seed germination. The heads of cabbage are ordinary, rounded, their color is green, and in the context - white, the mass of mature heads is about 2 kg, the density is average. Under optimal growing conditions, the hybrid gives a harvest together, does not crack, is immune to phomosis, white and gray rot.

Medium varieties

The most productive medium varieties include the following:

Glory 1305

It belongs to the best varieties of white cabbage with an average crop ripening period (100-120 days) for open ground conditions, it is widely distributed in the Moscow region. Heads of cabbage often have a rounded shape, less often - rounded flat, their weight varies between 3.5–5 kg, the density of the leaves is average. The variety is more resistant to cracking than other mid-season varieties, it is well transported and can maintain its qualities for three months.

Zephyr F1

A representative of mid-season hybrids of white cabbage, the heads will be ready for use 95-115 days after the emergence of seedlings. A rounded head of cabbage has slightly corrugated leaves, weighs up to 2 kg, the color of the outer leaf plates is light green, and white in the cut. On the vine, mature heads can last up to 30 days and do not crack. The hybrid is immune to fusarium and flowering.


A high-yielding variety with an average ripening time for heads, the formation period lasts from 110 to 130 days. The heads are formed rather dense, rounded flat, leaf plates are dark green in color, weigh up to 4 kg. The variety is valued for its stable yield, resistance to cracking and most diseases of white cabbage, and tolerates transportation well.


The ripening period of the crop is average, from 115 to 130 days will pass from the emergence of seedlings to the harvesting of heads of cabbage from the beds. Heads are formed with a dense structure, their shape is round, the surface color is greenish-white, and the weight varies between 2.5-5 kg. Heads under optimal conditions can be stored for 5 months, they do not crack and do not become infected with the main cabbage diseases. The variety is suitable for pickling and fresh consumption.

Mother-in-law F1

The formation of heads is completed by 125-130 days after emergence of seedlings. The head shape is typical for white cabbage - round, medium density, whitish in section, surface leaf plates have a gray-green color, the weight of a mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. Heads of cabbage perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances, they can retain their properties for 4 months.

Late varieties

Belarusian 455

It is a representative of varieties with late crop ripening, since ready-to-eat heads of cabbage can be harvested 130-140 days after germination. The shape of the heads is round, the leaf plates are dark green in color, their diameter is 45-50 cm, the mass of a mature vegetable can reach 3.5-4 kg. Heads are designed for long-term storage, tolerate transportation well and are resistant to cracking.

stone head

A high-yielding late-ripening variety of cabbage, 140-160 days pass before the technical ripeness of heads of cabbage, suitable for regions with a dry hot summer period. The heads are formed dense, large (3-6 kg), have a rounded shape, in the context of sheets white color. The variety is used for processing and long-term storage, resistant to cracking.

Katyusha F1

The crop ripens within 150-160 days after the appearance of the first shoots, it is intended for cultivation in open ground. The shape of the heads is flat-round, the color of the surface sheets is gray-green, in the context it is whitish. The mass of a mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. The hybrid is suitable for fermentation and long-term storage, resistant to bacteriosis.

sugar loaf

The period of head formation lasts 150-160 days after seedling emergence. Heads of medium size weigh up to 3 kg, the density is good, their shape is often rounded, the color of the surface leaves is gray-green, in the context they have a whitish color. It is better to plant a crop in open ground in areas where cucumbers or legumes used to grow.

Kolobok F1

This hybrid of white cabbage belongs to the late-ripening ones, since it will be possible to harvest from the beds 125-130 days after planting the seedlings. The spherical heads have a very dense structure, the mature weight can reach 5 kg, the color of the outer sheets is green, but in the context the color is white. The hybrid is designed for transportation over long distances and storage in the winter.

To grow on garden plot a large crop of cabbage, only the best varieties should be used. You can learn about the most used varieties from this article.

Cabbage is considered one of the vegetables consumed by the inhabitants of Russia. It is rich in vitamins and useful material the plant is used almost daily in the preparation of various dishes, as well as raw. You should choose the right cabbage seeds, the best varieties for open ground will be able to give the highest yields.

Head of cabbage

Different climatic conditions and soil composition can affect the yield and quality of cultivated cabbage in different ways. For example, in the region near Moscow, climatic conditions differ significantly from the weather in the northern and southern regions of the country, which means that the technology for growing cabbage will be different.

Also, when choosing varieties, one should be guided by the purpose of cultivation. Early cabbage is used exclusively raw and cannot be stored for a long time. Late varieties are not as tender as early ones, but they have a much longer shelf life.

Early types of cabbage

Varieties of early cabbage do not have high keeping quality, and the yield is not too high. The advantage of these varieties is the high rate of maturation. The ripening period of such varieties is about 60-80 days from the day the seedlings are transplanted into the soil.

Variety June

Heads of cabbage of early ripening are usually small in size and rather friable. Such cabbage is not used for processing and long-term storage. Such cabbage is grown for use in its raw form.

The best varieties of early cabbage:

  • June.
  • Zora.
  • Cossack F1.
  • Yaroslavna.
  • Athlete F1.

For the Siberian region, it is recommended to choose individual cabbage seeds; zoned and hybrid varieties are considered the best varieties for open ground for Siberia. They are able to withstand low temperatures without losing their taste.

Variety Kazachok F1

Early varieties are also very popular in the Siberian region due to the early harvest time. In the conditions of a short summer, this quality is indispensable.

Medium types of cabbage

This category of cabbage can be called an intermediate option. Cabbage heads are denser than early varieties and not as tender. It can be used both raw and for making culinary dishes and processing.

Sort Gift

The ripening of such cabbage is longer - 80-120 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the soil.

  • Gift.
  • Glory 1305.
  • Khinova F1.
  • Belarusian 455.
  • Counter F1.

Variety Counter F1

Late types of cabbage

Late varieties are considered the most productive. They are ideal for long-term storage, processing, raw use, cooking. Simply put, for any purpose.

Late varieties are distinguished by the longest ripening period - more than 130 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in open ground. It is believed that heads of such varieties of cabbage accumulate nitrates less than others, which means they are more beneficial for human health.

Grade Amager 611

  • Amager 611.
  • Saratoga F1.
  • Kolobok F1.
  • Sugar head.
  • Snow White.

The peculiarity of such varieties is that during long-term storage, an increase in the sugar content in cabbage heads is observed. Seeing a wide variety of cabbage seeds in gardening stores, the best varieties for open ground for storage should be selected only from late varieties.

Zoned species of cabbage

With all the variety of species, the quality of the crop may depend on the composition of the soil on which the cabbage is grown. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing only zoned varieties of cabbage.

Variety Sugar Loaf

They are specially designed for specific regions, taking into account the climate and soil composition. Thus, the yield of zoned varieties will be much higher.

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