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Why women age faster: features of male and female skin. Who ages faster, men or women? Features of physiology Why do girls age quickly

Geneticists have found new evidence that women, as well as the time of the birth of their last child, is reflected in the length of the so-called telomeres, "tails" at the ends of chromosomes.

No longer a secret: Nature allows you to prolong youth

As reported in an article published in the journal Menopause, long life and the ability to conceive children at a later age are associated with long telomeres. "Late childbearing is a sign of healthy aging. On the other hand, we need to remember that such decisions are also influenced by social factors that have nothing to do with either life expectancy or female fertility," said Joanne, executive director of the American Association for the Study of Cleveland. Pinkerton.

The researchers explain that telomeres are the ends of chromosomes located in the nucleus of every cell in the human body that protect DNA from damage. With each cell division, they become shorter, when their length is not enough for a new division, the cell dies.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered that their condition can change not only with age, but also as a result of various processes in the body associated with depression, poverty and stress. In particular, a large number of oxidants and other aggressive molecules in cells leads to an abnormally rapid reduction in the length of telomeres, and, accordingly, to their accelerated aging.

According to Erin Fagan of the University of Pittsburgh and her colleagues, telomere length may be associated not only with women's life expectancy, but also with how late they give birth to their last child.

As part of the LLFS social study, scientists followed the lives of several thousand long-lived women aged 79 years and over and their descendants living today in the United States and Denmark. It turned out that, in addition to life expectancy, long telomeres were also statistically associated with how late women gave birth to their last child. So, women who gave birth at 33 and had long telomeres lived noticeably longer than 80% of the participants in this study. A similar effect was observed for all women who gave birth to their last child after 29 years of age.

Thus, the length of telomeres is a kind of indicator of women's life expectancy and when they will give birth to children. However, as Pinkerton emphasizes, such findings should be taken with caution, as they do not allow one to distinguish social factors from biological markers and slow aging.

Note that menopause is a natural process that occurs in the life of every woman. As a rule, against the background of age-related changes, the production of hormones - estrogen and progesterone - decreases. The processes of extinction of sexual function usually begin at the age of 45-50 years. And hormonal changes - menopause lasts about 5-8 years. What to do if menopause came earlier? How to support your body and delay the autumn of life?

The onset of menopause is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the ovaries. There is a hormonal restructuring of the body, resulting in the cessation of menstruation. During this difficult period, a woman often feels depressed spiritually and physically. It happens that such phenomena begin as early as 40-44 years old (early menopause) and even at 36-39 years old (premature menopause).

Why is this happening? Gynecologists believe that this is the result of the coincidence of several reasons: severe stress (loss of work, death of a loved one, etc.), hereditary predisposition, endocrine disorders, complicated childbirth, gynecological diseases, surgical interventions. Especially those that were accompanied by partial or complete removal of tissue from at least one ovary. An important role in the onset of early menopause is played by poor ecology, smoking, and reduced immunity.

Doctors conditionally divide the process into several stages. It all starts with premenopause. It lasts from the onset of disruption of the ovaries to the complete cessation of menstruation. There is a failure in the menstrual cycle, respectively, the probability of pregnancy in a woman is sharply reduced.

The next stage is menopause. It is characterized by an almost complete cessation of the production of female sex hormones, in connection with this, menstruation disappears completely. The last phase of menopause is postmenopause, which lasts at least 3 years from the time when the work of the ovaries stops completely.

Usually menopause does not go unnoticed for a woman. With the advent of the first signs of menopause, menopausal syndrome develops, which manifests itself in the following symptoms. It can be both hot flashes, and, conversely, chills.

Often there is a migraine, fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), heart palpitations, poor sleep, confusion.

There is a decrease in sexual desire, urological disorders, dry mucous membranes, brittle nails, hair loss. In a word, it's not pleasant. So what can you do to reduce the discomfort? How to deceive nature?

Now the most popular and effective method of treating early menopause is hormone replacement therapy. It allows you to replenish the missing hormones in the body. As a result, the classic symptoms of menopause will be less noticeable for a woman, and the loss of childbearing function will be delayed.

There is another approach to preventing the onset of early menopause - homeopathic medicines based on phytoestrogens. The course will be developed by a homeopathic doctor individually, based on the specific case of each patient. When choosing this method of treatment, it should be remembered that homeopathy is much inferior to hormone therapy in efficiency.

However, therapy alone is not enough. A woman must support her body herself. First of all, stick to a certain regimen. Don't forget about sports. Suitable aerobics, swimming, yoga (3 times a week for 40 minutes).

Nutrition should be balanced, too fatty, spicy, salty foods should be excluded from the diet. The body should receive proper rest, so you should not overload yourself at work. Gotta get some sleep. It is advisable to start taking multivitamin complexes containing calcium.

Self-medication is not worth it. All drugs should be prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Not always the means that helped one woman will be able to help another. The specialist will conduct an examination, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, determine the level of sex hormones, and make a mammogram. Only after that will prescribe treatment.

And do not be afraid of the formidable word "hormones", since the production of drugs for hormone replacement therapy uses substances that are close to natural, native hormones. With a properly selected course of treatment, you can achieve not only the disappearance of menopause symptoms, but also the correction of other changes in the body.

For example, there are drugs that can lower the level of lipids in the blood, which leads to weight loss. In addition, hormone replacement therapy gives a cosmetic effect, allowing you to maintain youthfulness and freshness of the skin, the beauty of the hair.

About ten years ago, one of my acquaintances, at that time a successful and attractive forty-year-old man, started talking at some event and I had a chance to listen to rare male revelations. He said something like this: “I can’t understand - there are so many beautiful girls, young women in our country, and where are beautiful women over 30, over 40, not to mention over 50? It seems that they are taken out when they reach the age of 30 from the country in sealed wagons. Where do these aunts and these disgusting old women come from - slovenly, untidy, angry, stupid. And they also complain that their husbands drink! I would also drink without drying out if such an aunt was waiting for me at home. "

The man said and went on, and I thought hard and remember his words to this day. We, women, complain that husbands drink, have mistresses, leave families, ignore us, etc., but do we do everything to be desirable, beautiful, to want to take care of us, to value, love and appreciate us US...?...

Below is a small selection of various lectures on the topic of "premature aging".
If someone has a sensible material on this topic - I will be very grateful for the links.
I wish all women to always be beautiful and inspiring!

“You need to constantly be in the process of learning and studying even small pieces of some, even small things, but it is necessary, it stimulates. There is such an expression: “While our brain is young, we are young.” You know that as a person only he becomes stagnant inside, he immediately becomes covered, outwardly he seems to be covered with cobwebs, have you noticed, right? That's just as soon as a person is so conservative - that's it, absolutely nothing is already impossible for him, he no longer accepts any point of view. He looks very old did you notice, right? And at the same time, on the contrary - even if a person has a hundred and fifty wrinkles, but he has this young mind that is always ready for something new, he is always like a child, he is surprised and looks, this person will always be young, he will the energy of youth to go."
Polonsky M. "Saraswati"

“A woman generally needs to open her heart to at least someone, because if she does not open it, she accumulates mental tension, and she starts to get very nervous, she loses her beauty, hormonal functions and everything else, the body is aging."
Torsunov "Responsibilities of a woman in the family"

"Medicine, albeit reluctantly, began to recognize that a meat diet is the cause of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, premature aging of the body. Cancer also develops easily in a body weakened by cadaveric poisons taken from meat.
Unscientific atheism

“The duration of human life is shortened by violations of the laws of the existence of the body, that is, it is bad food, not the right daily routine, etc. A lot has been written about this and I will not dwell on it. The main cause of body aging are bad thoughts, negative emotions that a person experiences in relation to himself, others, in relation to the situation in the world, etc.

Every woman wants to have a very clean face without wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face are formed due to the fact that the tension of the muscles of the head is not relieved. The muscles tense up, they are in an unnatural state for them, so the skin is somehow flattened and wrinkles appear. If you relax your head muscles like this in the morning and in the evening, then there will be practically no wrinkles. This rejuvenating technique is very good for women because it is great for relieving tension in the head muscles. (rejuvenating technique 01:44:15)"
Lalana "Causes of diseases and methods of rejuvenation"

“And so many scientists now confirm the fact that if people swear among themselves, then DNA molecules are destroyed in them and even in animals that are present at the same time, which is natural, leads to aging. Therefore, in the relationship of spouses, the quality of the accumulated vibrations is always important, that is, it should be only positive emotions and positive words that form a life-affirming and life-creating field. If you are annoyed, tired, offended, it is better to do nothing at all. But if you can’t do nothing, that is, you must do something, then try to change your mood with the help of some kind of physical exercise or singing.
Lalana "Levels of marital love. Ancient traditions of showdown."

"A woman dresses openly when she is desperate to attract anything. On a subtle plane with her, all the men who looked with lust have sex. A woman loses a lot of energy and aging prematurely. For her husband, she becomes unattractive."

"old age, old age- Saturn, young age, youth - Venus. Therefore, if a woman after 40 starts wearing jewelry, she will restrain the influence of Saturn.

“You can also say mini-skirts and mini-jackets, which, combined with the rejection of warm underwear, began to threaten the body with hypothermia of the organs located in the abdomen and pelvis - there will be colds of the kidneys and adrenal glands, the skin condition will worsen. If you walk in the cold with open kidneys and adrenal glands, then this leads to rapid aging, that is, the kidneys are, in general, a source of energy in the body, and if they start to work incorrectly from the cold, then the woman gets a greater opportunity to age much faster than usual. In ancient times, they were well aware of this, and our ancestors always dressed skillfully, warmly and beautifully. They didn't wear miniskirts and miniblouses."

In early youth, all girls want to appear older. In the course are things from my mother's wardrobe, bright cosmetics, "adult" hairstyles and high-heeled shoes. Years pass, and matured women begin to look in the mirror with fear, afraid to find the first signs of age-related changes there. What should be expected from age, and how does aging affect the fleeting female beauty?


The neck is the first to betray a woman's age, and often even adds a few extra years to a young lady. And the point is not only that carefully caring for the skin of the face, women neglect the neck, forget to nourish it with creams, protect it from harmful ultraviolet rays and do gymnastics.

A bulging artery begins to signal old age. The pulsation is especially noticeable in women with no excess weight. Most often, the cause of this age-related phenomenon is a decrease in growth caused by a reduction in the vertebral region and osteoporosis. The decrease in height causes the arteries to bend, twist into loops and begin to bulge where the thinnest skin is.

After 30 years, the jaw line loses its clarity, the skin gradually sags and becomes flabby. The situation is aggravated by frequent weight jumps, the habit of reading lying down, and sleeping on high pillows. If in youth there was a second chin, then from an elastic fold it turns into a sagging heterogeneous bag.

The neck itself is first covered with "necklaces" - pronounced horizontal lines, and then - vertical wrinkles that appear as a result of sagging skin. With these folds, you need to start fighting long before they appear - make nourishing masks, protect the neck area from the sun and do not forget about charging.


Already after 30 years, many girls notice swelling and dark circles under the eyes in the morning, the first wrinkles become noticeable in the outer corners, the area under the eyebrows begins to droop, the look seems heavy and tired. It is known that wrinkles appear much earlier on dry skin than on oily skin. Cosmetologists do not get tired of repeating the importance

In addition to hemorrhoids, varicose veins, back pain, urinary incontinence, postpartum depression and other consequences of childbirth, one more thing was added - accelerated aging. Researchers at a university in the United States have found that women who give birth shorten telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that protect DNA and shorten as the body ages. The results of the work were published in the journal human reproduction .

The study involved 1954 women, approximately equally divided into age groups: 20-24 years old, 25-29 years old, 30-34 years old, 35-39 years old and 40-44 years old. 37.6% were of normal weight, 27.9% were overweight, 31.3% were obese, and 3.3% were underweight. More than half never smoked, the rest either smoked at the time of the study or had quit. 444 women never gave birth, the rest had from one to five children. 377 women were pregnant at the time of the study.

Compared to nulliparous women, those who had at least one child had telomeres at least 4.2% shorter -

this equates to about 11 years of cellular aging (i.e., loss of the cell's ability to divide) or, according to researchers, three years of biological aging.

Short telomeres are associated with an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

Childbirth affected telomere length more than smoking or obesity, which accelerated cellular aging by 4.6 and 8.8 years, respectively. The more children a woman gave birth to, the more her telomeres shortened accordingly. So, in women with five children, they were 12.7% shorter than in nulliparous women.

“We found that women who had five or more children had shorter telomeres than those who did not give birth or gave birth to one, two, three, even four children,” said epidemiologist Anna Pollak, author of the study.

The researchers note that shortening of telomeres in connection with childbirth can be caused by many factors. So, for example, stress can play a significant role - it was previously found that it also contributes to a reduction in the length of telomeres.

“We do not urge not to have children,” the authors of the work emphasize.

They also avoid talking about any causal relationship between the number of births and telomere length - perhaps women with inherently shorter telomeres are simply able to give birth to fewer children. Scientists note that further studies of this phenomenon should take into account the change in telomere length over a certain period.

“Even discussing children with friends, we note that children age us,” says Pollak. And this is backed up by science. We know that having children is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. And many large studies have linked telomere length to the risk of other serious diseases or death.”

It is possible that the shortening of telomeres is indeed caused by stress - Gazeta.Ru previously wrote that new mothers spend twice as much time as fathers in caring for and doing household chores, even if both partners work. For three months after giving birth, 52 couples kept a diary, where they noted what time and what they did.

On weekdays, women took care of the house and children only slightly more than men, but on weekends the difference doubled.

Research also confirms the conventional wisdom about the deterioration of cognitive functions during pregnancy. Symptoms include forgetfulness, loss of concentration and quick thinking. Memory deterioration during pregnancy is familiar to four out of five women: they note absent-mindedness that has appeared - they cannot remember where they put this or that thing or during any activity they forget what they were doing, they often lose the thread of the conversation, it is more difficult for them to concentrate and, in order to to stay organized, they have to take notes. Some find it difficult to even concentrate on reading.

A meta-analysis of 20 studies on this phenomenon showed that cognitive functions were noticeably worse than in non-pregnant women.

Memory suffers throughout pregnancy, and in the third trimester problems with executive functions are connected - the ability to plan actions and selectively respond to external stimuli.

However, according to scientists, the changes are within the normal range. “We are not talking about deterioration that can seriously prevent pregnant women from doing their daily activities or working. It’s more about the fact that they don’t feel the way they usually do,” the researchers note.

Previously, using MRI, scientists managed to find out how the volume of the gray matter of the expectant mother decreases over time. The results of brain scans showed a clear difference between expectant mothers and the rest of the study participants: the former showed a decrease in gray matter in the medial frontal and posterior parietal cortex, as well as in the prefrontal and temporal. These areas of the brain are responsible for feelings of empathy, the ability to understand others, and other social processes. The changes persisted for two years after delivery.

    Some women look with envy at young eighteen-year-old girls. They yearn for their youth and former beauty. Other ladies are well aware that years are wealth and experience that money cannot buy. And premature aging is not a problem if you learn how to properly care for yourself.

    Why do some women age quickly and others don't?

    Premature aging is genetically determined. This means that if your mother began to age early, you will most likely repeat her path. Until the age of 25, growth processes take place in our body. At this age, the body can work for wear and tear, but we will not feel any consequences. As we age, it becomes harder and harder to wake up after a sleepless night. Physical training takes more strength. Immunity weakens, diseases begin to manifest themselves. Women may begin to suffer from joint or head pain. Exacerbated pain in the internal organs. Some cells die, the skin becomes dry.

    It is especially difficult in stressful situations. If earlier before the trip a woman could calmly paint her nails, take a bath and jump on the train on the go, now she is getting ready for a week and is terribly worried. Bad news can cause heartache. Young mothers react with a smile when a child falls, and grandmothers clutch at their hearts when their grandson stumbles.

    At the same time, the most important indicator of old age in a woman is menopause. During it, a woman loses her most important, bestowed by nature, function - reproductive. Estrogen hormones are no longer produced by the body. For this reason, a lady may lose her sex appeal. Some people go through menopause in their 40s, others in their 50s.

    In addition to genetic predisposition, the approach of menopause is affected by:

    Nervous strain;

    Chronic fatigue;

    Lack of sexual life;

    Hard work;

    Unsatisfactory place of residence.

    We deceive old age

    1. We take care of ourselves. No matter how trite it may sound, a lady must take care of her body. Use modern creams and folk beauty recipes. Paint over gray hair, make stylish haircuts, beautiful makeup.

    2. We dress stylishly. Clothes can add years to you. Or maybe take it away. Sweatpants, trendy sneakers, vest, headphones. And in the park no one will give you 50 years. After all, you will be full of strength and energy. Avoid "women's" outfits. Long skirts, synthetic sweaters, the coat your neighbor's grandmother gave you. Shop in fashion boutiques.

    3. Inner childhood. You must have a youthful outlook. A 30-year-old woman who scolds a boy in a trolley bus for laughing out loud looks like a grandmother. But if you ride downhill with your grandchildren, climb mountains of leaves, play snowballs, you will be admired.

    4. Sexual life. Over the years, intimacy becomes a habit. But you can light a fire and feel attractive and desirable. Erotic lingerie, new positions, sexual games will help you with this.

    5. Diets. All women get fatter with age. The thinner you are, the harder it will be for others to guess your age, as your face and body will look perfect.

    6. Straight back. Over the years, people tend to slouch. Keep your back straight. You can even sign up to dance.

    7. Plastic surgery. Expensive and not always safe pleasure. But if you are tuned in to this way of dealing with old age, and your husband agreed to pay, then why not?

    8. Workouts. Physical activity helps a woman tighten her muscles, lose weight, but most importantly - recharge her energy. Blood moves the body, oxygenates every organ. And thoughts of premature aging go away.

    9. Neck and face. Old age is judged by a sagging and flabby neck. Do exercises for the neck and take care of it. Also, fight wrinkles and dark circles on your face.

    10. Smile and kindness. Remember that kind people have forehead wrinkles less often.

    11. Calm. Only calmness. Remember the words of Carlson? Try to find harmony in yourself, love yourself and not worry about trifles.

    Remember that over the years you become wiser. And age is often determined not by a passport, but by a spiritual state.

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