Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Concepts of security, defense and protection of military facilities. must have internal security. between the guard and his posts



Discipline: "Fundamentals of Business Security"

Subject: "Engineering and technical support

protection of objects"


2nd year student

Faculty of Law

correspondence department

Khristich Elina

stud. ticket N 1103035



Riga - 2003

Introduction........................................................ ........................................3

Video surveillance system "VINCI"...................................4

Viewing images from cameras................................................... .......5

Conclusion................................................. ...........................................7

From ancient times to the present day, humanity has been concerned about the problem of property safety. Various attempts have been made to solve this problem. For example, in ancient times guards were assigned to property. Nowadays, new technologies and developments in the field of security are constantly appearing. Therefore one of the most important conditions for the protection of various objects - the presence of various technical innovations, for example, such as hidden surveillance cameras.

Now there are many various types security systems. One of the most popular is the video surveillance system. But a conventional video surveillance system is already a thing of the past, because... Thanks to the latest developments, intelligent video detection systems have emerged.

That is why I chose the topic: “Engineering and technical support for the security of objects.” I believe that intelligent video detection systems are one of the most important components of security both in enterprises and organizations, because it allows for round-the-clock monitoring of a protected facility in automatic mode and does not require large quantity security guards, which in turn leads to a reduction in the cost of protecting the facility. This is especially true now due to rising inflation.

As an example of such a system, I took the French “VINCI” system, which in France is used to guard prisons, train stations, and airports. The quality and capabilities of this system are evidenced by the fact that it is used to protect the Louvre and the main customer is the state.

Materials on this system were provided to me by SIA ZRA “ADRUS”.

Video surveillance system " VINCI »

The VINCI video surveillance system has a higher level of control over the protected object compared to other systems. Its great advantage is that this system can operate in both automatic and semi-automatic modes, is protected from causing false alarms, and can be configured so that the functioning of the system changes automatically due to changing environmental conditions.

One of the advantages of "VINCI" is a digital video surveillance system that contains a multi-channel TSH motion detector, which allows you to:

Simultaneous control of 8 color or black and white channels;

Possibility of connecting 16 signal inputs;

Recording video frames preceding the event that caused the alarm;

Launching programmed alarm procedures in the event of system sensors being triggered;

Connection, in any combination, up to 16 control points for each alarm situation.

This system, unlike some others, can operate without failure in extreme environmental conditions. This detector is very sensitive because... has multi-level digital filtering. In addition, it is protected from causing false alarms that occur due to changes in lighting, wind movement, etc., which are almost not taken into account in other systems.

The user of this system can arbitrarily assign 32 so-called detection zones that require priority protection against intrusion (doors, windows, etc.), which in turn are divided into 1200 detection points. Moreover, when using this system, it is possible to program it to detect shape, size, delay, etc. In other words, the system, if necessary, can distinguish whether an object caught in the camera field is a threat or not. If the system evaluates that the above-mentioned object poses a threat, the system will automatically launch alarm procedures and record the event that caused the alarm. It is also possible to expand this system using external sensors(door contractrons, passive sensors, etc.), which contributes to a higher level of security of the facility.

The system works using a computer and contains a text editor that allows you to configure the system in windows that indicate the path to the folders where the recorded alarm information will be stored, as well as how long to store it, where to copy it over the network, via modem, via Internet, etc.

Viewing images from cameras

Viewing images from cameras can take place either directly (on site) or via the Internet. This is especially convenient in cases where the object is protected by a special service that takes under protection dozens of objects remote from each other (such as “Evor”), because in this case there is no need to keep extra people.

The big advantage of this system is that images from video cameras are available only to those to whom the administrator has given the right to do so. If any user does not have permission to view the image from a particular camera, then a pink spot will appear instead of the image from that camera.

Also very convenient is the function of simultaneous display of images from 4, 8 or 16 cameras. It makes it possible to see in more detail what is happening at the protected site from different angles.

As mentioned above, not all users have the right to view the image. That's why this system provides for adding and removing users in cases of changing access levels. In addition, the system is protected by three levels of passwords.

It should be noted that all functions in VINCI are implemented autonomously, i.e. viewing images from cameras, recording them and viewing recordings can occur simultaneously. The big advantage of VINCI over other digital systems is the motion detection principle, which is based on eight different parameters, because this principle is not found in other digital systems, and also allows cameras to be used as extremely sensitive, intelligent sensors that work in conjunction with other systems ( security alarm, fire alarm, access control).

If the operator senses a threat, he can, within a few seconds, switch the system to alarm mode in individual profiles or throughout the entire network.

In order for the system to work correctly in automatic or semi-automatic mode, it is possible to set a schedule for weekends and holidays. Thanks to this, the system will be able to operate independently, without maintenance, automatically monitor protected areas, and also inform the service and monitoring center of the facility in cases where an event is assessed by the system as an “alarm.”

Very great importance in such systems it has the ability to regulate image parameters. The VINCI system has the ability to independently adjust each video channel. An additional benefit is the ability to select different image parameters for day and night settings by switching them with the darkness detectors.

It is undeniable that in real working conditions it is impossible to guarantee stable lighting. But the system provides the ability to install a small fragment of an image. By comparing the real image with the “reference” one, the system will receive information about the real illumination in this moment. This operation can be performed for each camera separately and independently, which is very convenient for operation.

The flawless operation of the system and its detection functions largely depend on the quality, or strength, of the video signal transmitted from the camera to the system module. The VINCI system promptly monitors the quality of the received signal, detecting undesirable phenomena, such as: failure to receive a signal caused by a break in the communication line, interference, or attempts to interfere with the operation of the communication line.

In addition, the system can signal changes in atmospheric conditions: fog, darkening of the field of view, or obstruction of the lens. Thanks to the ability to connect additional alarms, you can monitor the technical condition of the system and emergency situations.

It should be noted that each of the video detection modules is equipped with a corresponding controller capable of receiving signals from sensors and controlling actuators (for example: turning on lighting, indicators, etc.).

All of the above functions allow the service guarding the object to respond in a timely manner and prevent unwanted entry of strangers into the protected object.

For high-quality visual monitoring, VINCI uses the DigiNet system. "DigiNet" is a set of devices operating autonomously or in a network, which allows visual monitoring ( current control), recording and archiving images from connected cameras, as well as receiving alarms.

The DigiNet digital video recorder replaces an analog video recorder, multiplexer or video divider, and thanks to its additional functions provides high level safety and quality control of the facility. Monitoring (local and remote) is carried out in real time. Registration is performed when motion is detected or in continuous mode.

The system is equipped with many useful functions:

Internet monitoring

Remote configuration (configuration setup)

Synchronized audio recording

Remote activation of moving cameras

Controlling a moving camera to track a detected object

Multi-channel monitoring, implemented thanks to the ability to split the screen into 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 and 16 parts.

TO undoubted advantages The system can be attributed to the ease of its maintenance: when an alarm occurs, full-screen mode is activated, sound alarm and recording; archived events are immediately searched.

In addition, it is possible to program: detection bands (5 for each camera), sensitivity levels, resolution, brightness, color and image quality, alert functions. Access to the system by unauthorized persons is prevented by three levels of passwords, and a watermark protects against changes to registered images.


In this work, I tried to show the capabilities of digital video detection systems, which are undoubtedly the main component of facility protection.

Systems such as VINCI can be used to protect offices, shops, train stations, airports, etc. Among other things, the advantages of the VINCI system include the fact that with higher quality of work and ease of maintenance, lower costs are required for security of the facility.

  • Objectives and structure of the security system (SS) of the facility, modern requirements for SO

  • Classification and purpose of engineering and technical security means

  • Principles of constructing a complex of engineering and technical means of security of a facility security system

    OBJECT SECURITY SYSTEM is a complex of organizational (administrative, operational-search, military) measures, engineering and technical means and actions of security units aimed at preventing persons from entering the protected object or from the object without going through the prescribed security procedures, as well as committing sabotage in relation to the protected object or its systems, equipment, devices, materials and products.

Basic terms and definitions

  • FACILITY SECURITY. The state of security of vital systems, structures, installations, equipment, devices, materials, products, as well as personnel and documents at a protected facility from internal and external threats.

  • PROTECTION OF OBJECTS. A set of military, security, engineering, technical and other measures carried out by forces and means of military units (units) with the direct participation of the administration of protected facilities and other interacting bodies in order to ensure the security of facilities.

  • ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SECURITY EQUIPMENT. Military means ground forces(various engineering structures and barriers, as well as technical means and devices) used in the system of protection of objects and special cargo in order to create necessary conditions guards and military detachments for reliable protection of facilities and the successful completion of other service and combat missions.

Basic terms and definitions

    COMPLEX OF TECHNICAL SECURITY EQUIPMENT. A set of technical security means: means of detection, access control, collection, processing and presentation of information, means of surveillance, official communication and warning, auxiliary means installed in restricted areas, sensitive premises (buildings, structures), on vehicles, checkpoints , as well as on the territory and in the guard rooms of protected objects, functionally interconnected and used by troops in security systems of protected objects.

    COMPLEX OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SECURITY EQUIPMENT. A set of engineering security means - structures and barriers - and a complex of technical security means, functionally interconnected and used comprehensively in restricted areas, sensitive premises (buildings, structures), at checkpoints, special vehicles and on the ground when troops are performing official duties - combat missions to protect objects.

1st study question.

  • Objectives and structure of the security system (SS) of the facility, modern requirements for it

Objects :

  • Objects :

  • stationary

  • movable

  • temporary:

      • 3.1. Military facilities(temporary deployment and control points; concentration areas; temporary warehouses for weapons, ammunition, explosives, fuels and lubricants, property; military equipment; military units in field conditions and on the march (company and above); bases of weapons and property of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; outposts, checkpoints, checkpoints; hospitals;)
      • 3.2. Life support facilities (water supply facilities; wastewater treatment plants; energy supply facility; elevators, bakeries, bakery factories; food bases and warehouses of material assets.)
      • 3.2. Objects on communications and hydraulic structures (bridges; dams; dams;
      • gas pumping stations; galleries oil pumping stations.)
  • special works

Principles of organizing the security of objects:

  • the facility’s security system must be adequate to the threats;

  • zonal principle of building SO, echeloning of defense lines, strengthening of protective measures (organizational and engineering-technical) “from the periphery to the center”;

  • ensuring timely counteraction to accepted threats through an optimal combination of means of obtaining information about alarming situations, physical barriers and the actions of security forces;

  • ensuring “equal strength” of protection of vulnerable areas of an object (taking into account their categories) and optimal redundancy of individual elements of the system (to increase its survivability);

  • ensuring constant automated monitoring of the functioning of the CO in order to accurately implement the rules and procedures adopted at the facility;

  • ensuring flexibility in the functioning of the CO in normal and extreme situations;

  • systemic and block-modular construction of the SS in order to ensure the possibility of its gradual improvement.

Basic requirements for the security system (SS) of the facility

  • Security system :

  • the entire life cycle of the object functions;

  • is an integral part of the overall security of the facility;

  • is an integral part of the technological process and ensures the safe operation of the facility as it relates to it;

  • organized by zones with the establishment of protection measures depending on the importance of the protected area. The problem of protecting zones is solved by equipping zone boundaries with engineering and technical means, management and access control tools, and automation of control processes;

  • must have survivability;

  • is flexible, has the ability to improve and adapt to the changing conditions of its existence;

  • is part of the overall management and safety system for the operation of a protected facility;

  • must be safe for the operation of the facility;

  • responds to unplanned changes in functioning;

  • is an automated system;

  • must have internal security

Complex of organizational measures

  • development of measures to reduce the likelihood of committing actions, carrying out prompt actions to suppress actions of violators.

  • In addition, the task of the organizational subsystem includes constant monitoring of the status (effectiveness) of the SO, development of the necessary organizational, administrative and regulatory documents.


  • regulations on the permitting system for access to the facility, which determines the procedure for granting (cancellation, extension, restoration) of the right of access to visitors, business travelers and vehicles, requirements for access control;

  • plan for the security and defense of the facility, revealing the system, methods and tactics of actions of security units in regular and emergency situations and the number of guards;

  • a plan for interaction of security forces with the bodies of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and military units of the Russian Defense Ministry in routine and emergency situations;

  • a plan for checking the operability and technical condition of engineering and technical equipment included in the security system.

Security Service

  • The security service manages and coordinates all physical protection activities at the facility.

  • Her responsibilities include :

  • organization, in accordance with the established procedure, of checking the admission of personnel;

  • development and provision of a permit system for access of personnel, business travelers, visitors and vehicles to protected areas, buildings, structures, premises;

  • development of procedures for organizing access control;

  • organizing an assessment of the vulnerability of an object;

  • organizing interaction between the facility administration and the relevant bodies of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia and other interested ministries and departments in routine and emergency situations;

  • participation in the development of a facility security system in routine and emergency situations;

  • control over the implementation of organizational measures and the use of engineering and technical means;

  • development and maintenance of regulatory and technical documentation on physical protection;

  • ensuring the protection of information about the security system.

2nd study question.

  • Classification and purpose of engineering and technical security equipment used in facility security systems

Engineering and technical security equipment (ITSO):

  • combat assets of the ground forces, which include various engineering structures and obstacles, as well as technical means and devices used in systems for protecting objects, special cargo in order to create the necessary conditions for guards and military detachments for reliable protection of objects and performing other service and combat missions.

Engineering and technical security means are intended For:

  • - issuing signals to guards about attempts by intruders to enter the protected object (from the object) through the restricted zone,

  • - hindering the actions of violators when they try to penetrate the facility (from the facility), into a secure room (building, structure) and to special cargo;

  • - determining the time and place of violation of the prohibited zone and the direction of movement of the violator

  • - creating favorable conditions for guards to carry out service and combat missions with minimal forces;

  • - continuous management of sentries and guards and timely receipt of operational information from them;

  • - remote monitoring of the actions of violators and sentries (alarm groups), the state of restricted areas, checkpoints and sensitive premises;

  • - ensuring maneuver of forces and means when performing guard duty;

  • - designation of boundaries and sections of restricted zones, security posts;

  • - registration (documentation) of signals from detection means, orders and commands given by guard officials, reports of sentries (alarm groups);

  • - ensuring the established regime for the passage of people and transport to the site (from the site) to sensitive premises and buildings and creating the necessary conditions for sentries when serving at checkpoints and posts with access functions;

  • - ensuring the identification of items prohibited for carrying (transporting) through the checkpoint,

  • - detection of intruders hiding in vehicles or cargo for the purpose of unauthorized entry into the facility (from the facility) through a checkpoint;

  • - providing the necessary conditions for the use of service dogs in the protection of objects.

Technical security means (TSF) include :

  • - detection means (SD) of violators;

  • - means of detecting the carrying (transportation) of prohibited items, materials and substances;

  • - facility access control facilities (FAC);

  • - means of identification and registration of persons;

  • - means of automatic control (testing) of facility personnel and security forces;

  • - means of collecting and processing information (SIS) from detection means and access control means to the facility;

  • - means of guard telephone (radio) communication;

  • - alarm systems;

  • - surveillance equipment;

  • - means of monitoring the status of sentries;

  • - means of protecting and documenting information about the functioning of an automated facility security system or an automated security system for the transportation of special cargo;

  • - control devices for physical barriers and means of influence;

  • - auxiliary equipment (TSO power supply system, security electric lighting, cable networks and communications, non-standardized equipment, etc.).

Detection device

  • Detection device – this is an autonomous device that provides display of information about the operation in a form convenient for direct perception by an observer directly at the installation site of the device.

  • Detection sensor – this is a device that ensures the formation of a trigger signal at the output in a form convenient for further processing in means of collecting, processing and displaying information.

  • Detection system is a set of detection sensors and devices for collecting, processing and displaying information, functionally interconnected and used when troops perform service and combat missions to protect and defend facilities and ensure the safety of transportation of special cargo.

    Detection area - this is an area of ​​space, overcoming or intrusion into which (impact on which) the detection object (intruder) under the conditions and methods specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for the detection device causes its operation with a probability not less than the specified one. According to the configuration of the detection zone, they can be point, linear, planar and volumetric.

  • The set of detection zones of one or more types of CO, installed in a certain order at the security object, form detection limit .

Means of collecting, processing and presenting information

  • can be presented as:

  • - information collection and processing systems (SIS)

  • - control panels for technical security equipment (PUTSO);

  • - station devices (concentrators);

  • - integrated systems for collecting, processing information and access control.

Service communications

  • Direct service communication for the security of the facility is established:

  • a) via wired communications:

  • - between the guard and his posts;

  • - between guards to protect the facility;

  • - between the guard and the commandant (assistant on duty) of the facility;

  • b) on the radio:

  • - between the guard and the sentries on patrol duty, patrols and patrols on vehicles;

  • - between the guard and the combat crew of the guard;

  • - between the guard and the duty officer at the military unit (separately stationed unit);

  • - between the guard and the duty unit.

  • Automatic communication is usually established only for wired telephone communication using the PBX equipment of an object or military unit, in exceptional cases through a city automatic telephone exchange (GATS):

  • - between the guard and officials of the facility;

  • - between the guard and the duty officer at the military unit (separately stationed unit);

  • - between the guard and the facility employees who hand over security premises (receiving security) from security.

3rd study question

  • Principles of constructing a complex of engineering and technical means of security of a facility security system

objects are called:

  • Complex of engineering and technical security equipment (KITSO) objects are called:

  • a set of engineering and technical equipment installed in restricted areas, sensitive premises (buildings, structures), at checkpoints, as well as in guard rooms of protected facilities, functionally interconnected and used by troops when performing service and combat missions for the protection and defense of objects.

The ITSO complex must meet the following requirements:

  • - ensure the detection of the intruder under the conditions specified in the technical documentation for the TSO equipment, and facilitate his detention, taking into account the actions of the guard personnel;

  • - be in constant readiness for use;

  • - have high noise immunity;

  • - transmit (receive) reliable information from detection tools, display and document it;

  • - contribute to increasing the reliability of security of the facility with maximum savings of security forces;

  • - meet the requirements of camouflage, safety of use and efficiency.

The technical security equipment complex (TSS) is the main subsystem of the OBJECT and must contain:

  • means of collecting, processing, presenting information and managing technical security equipment;

  • detection means intrusion of violators into protected areas, attempts to bring weapons, explosives into the facility, removal of materials from the facility;

  • surveillance equipment monitoring the situation in protected areas and at checkpoints;

  • access controls personnel and vehicles to the facility and its individual zones;

  • means of special communication to manage security forces and ensure their interaction with facility services and other organizations;

  • supporting systems (power supply, lighting, etc.), creating conditions for the normal functioning of the above systems and means.

  • 1. The perimeter of the protected area must be equipped with:

  • at least two lines of technical detection means operating on different physical principles;

  • wired communication means;

  • supporting systems.

  • 2. Internal, local and especially important areas must be equipped with:

  • foreign technical detection means;

  • means of optical-electronic surveillance;

  • means of detecting the passage of nuclear materials, metals and explosives;

  • wired communication system;

  • supporting systems.

Requirements for equipping the facility with CTSO elements

  • 3. Checkpoints for the passage of people must be equipped with:

  • means of optical-electronic surveillance;

  • access controls;

  • means for detecting the passage of nuclear materials, metals, explosives;

  • wired communication means;

  • supporting systems.

  • 4.Transport checkpoints must be equipped with:

  • technical means of detection;

  • means of optical-electronic surveillance;

  • access controls;

  • means of detecting the transportation (carrying in) of prohibited items and materials (weapons, explosives, etc.);

  • wired communication means;

  • supporting systems.

Requirements for equipping the facility with CTSO elements

  • 5. All emergency exits located in each protected area and in each protected building, structure, premises must be locked and equipped with technical detection means. In the event of an emergency, emergency exits must provide free exit for all persons located in protected areas, buildings, structures, and premises.

  • 6. Entrances to premises in particularly important areas must be equipped with technical means of detection, optical-electronic surveillance and access control.

  • 7. All entrances (exits) to buildings , structures and premises of internal and especially important areas must be equipped with locks, locking devices, including code-blocking ones, as well as devices that allow access control.

  • 8. Persons leaving a sensitive area in which nuclear material is located must, upon leaving this area, be checked to ensure that they do not have nuclear material.

Requirements for equipping the facility with CTSO elements

  • 9.Staff, business travelers, visitors and their belongings can be inspected, including using means to detect the passage of materials, metals, and explosives.

  • 10. All vehicles , traveling outside the internal zone, as well as exported containers and containers, must undergo inspection in order to identify unauthorized exported materials. The inspection must be carried out simultaneously by at least two persons.

  • 11. All technical means , included in the security system, must remain operational in the event of a power outage, operating from backup sources. Switching to backup power should occur automatically.

  • 12. Determination of the structure and composition of the complex of technical security means is carried out in the process of designing (modernizing) a security system for a specific facility.

  • 13. Structure requirements engineering and technical management of the security system

three-zone CO construction structure

    Border protected area (the entire territory) is equipped with a multi-territory perimeter, which includes detection means based on various physical principles, television surveillance equipment, and ISO. Authorized access to the site is provided by automated system access control with lock-type cabins, which also provides registration of persons (fact and time of passage). Motor vehicle checkpoints are equipped with detection means and anti-ramming devices that prevent vehicles from breaking into the territory. Checkpoints must also be equipped with means to detect the passage of weapons, explosives and nuclear materials.

three-zone CO construction structure

    Inner zone , which is a collection of individual subzones equipped technical means: local zones around these objects - with perimeter detection systems, entrances to sensitive buildings - with automated lock-type cabins, which make it possible to “cut off” internal zones from the territory of the object and sharply limit access to them. Spare entrances are equipped with alarm systems.

three-zone CO construction structure

    Particularly important area is a set of subzones, which, depending on their categorization, are equipped with access controls, alarms and television. The walls and doors of these premises must be reinforced in engineering terms. Doors must be equipped with means of monitoring their opening and signaling attempts to break in.

The following are considered ITSO vulnerabilities:

  • - elements of the security system, equipment of a special cargo storage point, unauthorized action in relation to which can lead to injury to people or pollution of the environment;

  • - storage places for special cargo;

  • - elements of the security system that have technical characteristics that do not allow timely detection of unauthorized actions or do not require significant efforts to overcome them.

Security and protection of the facility

"...18. Security and protection of an object is a set of organizational and technical measures to ensure control over the object, the safety of material assets on it, and their protection from illegal attacks and hostile actions..."


Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 N 541 “On departmental security of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation" (together with the "Instructions for organizing activities departmental security Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation")

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Security and protection of an object” is in other dictionaries:

    protection- 3.25 security: Preserving information and data so that unauthorized persons or systems cannot read or change them, and authorized persons or systems are not limited in their access to them. Source: GOST R ISO/IEC 12207 99:… …

    security- 3.9 security: Counteraction to deliberate, unauthorized actions aimed at causing harm or damage to ships and ports. Source: GOST R 53660 2009: Ships and marine technologies. Conservation assessment and development of conservation plans... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Protection of Nature- a system of natural science, technical, production, economic and administrative-legal activities carried out within a given state or part of it, as well as on an international scale and aimed at preserving and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    security- noun, f., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? security, what? security, (see) what? security, what? security, about what? about protection 1. Protection is protection, preservation, preservation of something. Protection of Nature. | Engage in the protection of an important facility. 2. Security... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Occupational Safety and Health- Labor protection is a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, ... ... Wikipedia

    physical protection- 4.31 physical protection: Protection of STS elements from damage or a person from danger. Source: GOST R 50775 95: Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General provisionsDictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Fire protection in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg- Contents 1 History 2 XXI century 2.1 Chernobyl victims 2.1.1 Square Ch ... Wikipedia

    STO 70238424.27.100.063-2009: Wind power plants (WPP). Labor protection (safety rules) during operation and maintenance. Norms and requirements- Terminology STO 70238424.27.100.063 2009: Wind power plants (WPP). Labor protection (safety rules) during operation and maintenance. Standards and requirements: 3.1.1 emergency protection of an electrical unit (power plant): Complex... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Fire safety of the facility - 41. Fire safety object The state of an object in which, with a regulated probability, the possibility of the occurrence and development of a fire and impact on people is excluded hazardous factors fire, and also ensures the protection of material... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Ecological well-being of a water body- 46. Ecological well-being of a water body D. Ökologische Wohlstand des Gewässers E. Ecological well being of water body F. Equilibre ecologique de l´objet hudraulique Normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system of a water body... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • , E. V. Niskovskaya, O. I. Litvinets. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline `Assessing the impact on environment` (UMKD EIA) contains systematic material on the EIA procedure, assessment of the existing state... Buy for 301 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Environmental impact assessment and environmental expertise. Educational and methodological complex, Elena Vasilievna Niskovskaya, Olga Iokimovna Litvinets. The educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EMCD EIA) contains systematic material on the EIA procedure, assessment of the existing state of components...

Concepts of security, defense and defense of military facilities

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Concepts of security, defense and defense of military facilities
Rubric (thematic category) Sport

The concepts of security, protection, defense of something, any values ​​go back to ancient times. In the classical sense guard – means to protect, to protect. Security- ϶ᴛᴏ a group of armed people, vehicles, etc., guarding someone or something. Protect- means to protect from encroachment, attack, hostile and hostile actions, to defend. Defense in general terms - ϶ᴛᴏ a set of means necessary to protect against an armed enemy. To defend means to protect oneself from something, defend by repelling an enemy attack.

As can be seen from the definitions given in the modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, they are all interconnected, interdependent and in some sense can even be considered as synonyms. At the same time, in relation to the protection and protection of military facilities, we will specify the meaning of each of these concepts, based on the premise that the concept of “protection” is the most general of these concepts and can include as components and security and defense.

Protecting valuables from theft has always required their protection. As a result, spontaneously, under the pressure of reality, arose the whole system security, the purpose of which was to detect the attacker and force him to abandon his intentions. The institution of watchmen appeared in civil society, and in military society - guards and sentries.

The first security barriers can be considered earthen ramparts, ditches, palisades, fences erected around an object and on top equipped with objects that cause injury: nails, pins, etc. With the advent of barbed wire, barbed wire fences became the main security barrier in the army. Οʜᴎ have significantly increased the effectiveness of security, since overcoming them requires time and certain supplies. The probability of detection of an intruder by a sentry or observer has increased.

Due to the fact that penetration into an object is carried out, as a rule, in conditions of limited visibility, it was necessary to develop electronic detection means, first primitive and then more advanced. Many factors contributed to the development of these funds, including: and the need to protect the state border and protect nuclear facilities that appeared in the middle of the last century.

Let's consider basic definitions, necessary for revealing the concepts of security, defense and defense of military facilities.

Violation– an event consisting of deviation from the rules provided for the functioning of the object. A deliberate violation intended to cause damage to an object is defined as promotion.

Intruder– person, group of persons, technical and vehicles committing a violation.

Facility security– a system of organizational and technical measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the level of possible damage to an object from the influence of an intruder or inaction of personnel.

Security tasks:

· identification of the fact of violation;

· determination of the type and location of the violation;

· determination of the type, number, weapons and equipment of the intruder, his route of movement and probable intentions;

· counteraction to the commission of an action by impeding the actions of the violator, his localization and subsequent detention (destruction).

Method of protection– a set of interconnected actions of security forces and means to prevent actions against a protected object, designed for systematic long-term use.

Technical security equipment (TSF)– special technical means that perform one or more security tasks. Several heterogeneous TSOs, technically and algorithmically interconnected, are called a TSO complex (CTSO).

Technical means of protection (TSP)– passive technical means that are physical barriers and complicate (make impossible) the movement and actions of the intruder.

Technical means of influence (TSV)– active technical means that impede the actions of the violator or prevent him from acting, and, if extremely important, destroy the violator.

Defense – This is a type of combat operations by troops used to repel an offensive (strikes), usually of superior enemy forces, and to hold (cover) intended directions (lines, areas, objects). When protecting military installations, their security and defense are organized.

Experience of combat during the Great Patriotic War, numerous armed conflicts, terrorist acts shows that with the development of means and methods of protecting military installations, the means and methods of influencing them are being improved. They become more daring and sophisticated. Philosophical category “unity and struggle of opposites” is developing into the most pressing problem of our time: how, by what means and means to protect a military facility, to prevent its capture or destruction by the enemy? This problem has become particularly relevant during recent local wars and armed conflicts (Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia), where all military facilities require reliable protection, especially weapons and ammunition depots, points of permanent deployment of troops, military commandant's offices, checkpoints, checkpoints, etc. Until now, commanders and commanders, headquarters, and research institutions have been developing effective ways to solve this problem. Many of them have already been implemented in practice and have significantly increased the degree of protection of military facilities.

One of the main directions for solving the problem of protecting military facilities is a systematic approach in organizing their protection and defense. Its meaning is essentially that all forces and means used to protect a military objective are used as one system, united by a common plan, goals and objectives.

Security and protection (defense) system – this is a combination of security forces, technical security means, elements of area engineering equipment and means of technical strengthening of buildings (structures), acting according to a single plan in order to prevent actions against the protected object and violations on it.

Purpose This system is to ensure the safety of the object and its functioning for its intended purpose.

The objectives of the system are:

1. Detection of violators and detention (destruction) of individuals and small groups (2-3 people).

2. Repelling an attack by large sabotage and reconnaissance formations (numbering from 5 - 15 to 35 - 50 people) and preventing them from breaking through to the object or approaching it to the distance from which the object should be damaged.

To perform these functions, based on a systematic approach, the system of security and protection (defense) of objects should include:

Security subsystem;

Defense subsystem;

Barrier subsystem.

Security subsystem performs the functions of detecting violators and destroying their small groups. It includes, first of all, sentries at posts, checkpoint squads, company (battalion) squads, patrol officers, technical security equipment, etc.

Defense subsystem repels the attack of large sabotage and reconnaissance formations, inflicting losses on them and forcing them to abandon the continuation of the action. It includes guards, duty units, specially designated units and units.

Barrier subsystem Together with the defense subsystem, it ensures delay and infliction of losses on intruders. It includes various non-explosive barriers (wire fences, subtle obstacles, anti-tank ditches, etc.), mine-explosive barriers in the form of minefields, groups of mines or individual mines, combined barriers (a combination of non-explosive and mine-explosive barriers), electrified barriers (stationary or portable).

This set of subsystems acts as a single whole in relation to the external environment (enemy, object), which determines its systematic nature.

In subsequent classes on tactical-special and military-special training, we will consider in detail all the components of these systems, and study ways to use them effectively to achieve the main goal - reliable protection of the facility.

Other ways to solve the problem of protecting military facilities include:

1. Improving the means and methods of detecting violators in various weather conditions, on any terrain, with high efficiency;

2. Training of highly qualified specialists, incl. commanders of security units, operators for servicing technical security equipment, etc.

3. Constant development of the theory of protection of military facilities, practical testing of proposals put forward by science and their implementation in military practice.

4. Close interaction of security units, especially in peacetime, with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, border troops, local authorities in order to early identify the intentions of violators, prevent or suppress their actions.

All of the above and other areas for solving the problem of protecting military facilities are in constant development and are being improved every day. And you and I must not only observe this process and record its results, but also directly participate in it. This will be facilitated by your active work in the military scientific society circle on tactical and special training, the main goal of which is to improve the means, methods and organization of security and defense of military facilities.

The provisions discussed above regarding protected military facilities, the system of their security and protection show the practical importance of this problem for troops, especially now, in the context of active terrorist activity and ongoing armed conflicts.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, and the Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces pay great attention to this issue. A lot has been done in last years to equip military facilities with technical security equipment, improve the conditions of service and actions for the protection and defense of important facilities, and increase the responsibility of officials. Knowledge of this material will help you act correctly in a real situation to protect and defend military facilities.

The concepts of security, defense and defense of military facilities - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Concepts of security, defense and defense of military facilities” 2014, 2015.

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