Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to glue a mirror in the bathroom to the chipboard. How to glue a mirror to a cabinet door - a detailed description of the workflow. How to fix a mirror with mechanical fasteners

In this article, we will look at how to glue a mirror on laminated chipboard.

Let's say you need to glue a mirror on the cabinet door. The procedure is as follows:

1. We put a mirror on the surface of the chipboard and circle it with a pencil. We get a marking line.

2. We wipe the surface of the chipboard, on which we will stick the mirror with a solvent to degrease it.

3. We also process inner surface mirrors.

4. For gluing, I usually use a special glue for sticking mirrors. Some of my colleagues use silicone for this purpose. According to their reviews, it is quite reliable. However, I myself do not plant mirrors on silicone and I cannot give a personal guarantee. When using special glue, the mirror sticks tightly to the chipboard surface. Not checked once. It is only necessary to strictly follow the instructions printed on the side surface of the container with glue. For this operation, it is convenient to use a construction gun.

Attention! Do not use for gluing mastic, such as "liquid nails". These mastics, over time, can ruin the amalgam of the mirror!

Also do not use for this operation double sided tape. It's not reliable. Especially for heavy vertical mirrors. This type of sticker is prone to slipping, stripping, and falling mirrors. This happens especially often in warm visits or in summer. Double sided tape doesn't leak. It breaks off immediately. And if the mirror falls, it can cause injury!

We apply glue to the inner surface of the mirror in stripes, as shown in the photo. There is no need to smear the entire surface. Do not apply too thick strips close to the edge so that the glue does not crawl out of the mirror when you lay it on the chipboard. Avoid getting glue or silicone on clothing. It is then very difficult to remove it.

5. We install the longest surface of the mirror on the pre-obtained marking line on the chipboard.

Mirrors are widely used in the furniture industry. They are especially relevant for furniture in hallways, dressing rooms and bathrooms. The sizes of mirrors can vary from small squares to full-wall canvases.

Often, mirrors are mounted directly on chipboard (for example, on). There are two main ways to mount a mirror on a chipboard.

  1. thick double sided tape
  2. on sanitary silicone

Both of these methods have both advantages and disadvantages. The adhesive tape sticks quite reliably, quickly, but it does not have plasticity and the mirror may eventually fall when pushed. Sanitary silicone holds stronger, but dries longer.

In my practice, as a rule, I combine both of these methods:

We put a mirror on the chipboard - on the place due to it and mark its boundaries with a thin pencil;

We degrease the surface of the facade and the mirror itself with a solvent;

On the reverse side mirrors stick squares of double-sided tape at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other;
We apply between them a "grid" of colorless sanitary silicone;

We are filming protective film from adhesive tape, I turn the mirror over and put it on the place due to it; Until they pressed down with a load and the adhesive tape did not grab, it is possible to shift the mirror on the surface within 1-2 mm in order to accurately lay it in the outlined contour - we control the distance to the edges with a ruler - to avoid distortions;

We press down the mirror with oppression and leave it to dry (they write that a couple of hours is enough to dry, but in the case of large mirrors, it is better to play it safe and continue work the next day). To prevent the formation of cracks, the facade, with a mirror laid on it, should be placed on a flat, solid surface. The load must press evenly over the entire surface.

After the sealant dries, the mirror will firmly adhere to the surface.

Ever since the first mirror shop opened in Nuremberg for the first time in the world in 1373, mirrors have become inseparable companions of man. However, in those distant times, only wealthy people could afford mirrors. At the same time, the technology for manufacturing mirrors, and hence their reflective properties, was somewhat lame. Now it is nothing more than consumer goods, while with excellent reflectivity, which, moreover, everyone can afford. There would be only desire.

The importance of mirrors in our lives and their amazing properties

Indeed, the use of mirrors is difficult to overestimate. They are used in our everyday life, in science, medicine, optics, etc. Without them, the world would be a different place. But we will not fall into some kind of paranoia about their amazing properties, because in fact what we use today is deserved by our progress. And if so, then the daily unconscious use of mirrors has already become our norm. In our apartment you can often find more than one mirror: in the bathroom, in the corridor, in wardrobe. At the same time, all these mirrors are somehow fixed in their places. Here, due to the fact that our site is, first of all, a construction subject, our professional interest is already flaring up. How are the mirrors fixed in various variations, whether it be a tile, a wall, a chipboard? It is this topic that our article will be devoted to, on how to fix a frameless mirror on various surfaces.

Ways to mount mirrors

Despite the fact that in the previous paragraph of our article we identified the types of surfaces to which a mirror can be attached. Here it is also necessary to pay attention to possible way attachments to them. What could be more relevant. And if we talk about these very methods of attaching mirrors, then there are essentially three of them:

Using mounting double-sided tape;
- using glue. Often in this case, liquid nails are used;
- mechanical way mirror mounts.

It is about all these methods of attaching mirrors, and about the possibility of using each of them for a specific surface, that we will describe further. Let us give specific examples.

How to fix a mirror with double-sided mounting tape

The first and simplest is the use of mounting double-sided tape. This material began to be used not so long ago. And for fixing everything in a row, including mirrors. However, there are but, conditions and limitations.
First, the double-sided tape must be foamed. That is, to have a certain thickness of 0.8 - 2 mm. This is necessary in order to compensate and smooth out irregularities. In this case, the thickness of the tape should be approximately twice as large as these same irregularities on the surface to which we attach the mirror. Although it is difficult to determine, but still ...
Secondly, it must be observed technological process mirror mounting. In order not to be unfounded, we present specific example mounting a mirror on a fiberboard. Typically, such plates are used for the manufacture of furniture.
Before proceeding to the description of the mirror installation process, it is necessary to say about the tape used, as well as about the installation conditions. Mounting tape for mounting mirrors can be used in the temperature range from +10 to +25 degrees. lower or high temperatures will not ensure proper adhesion of the tape to the surface. For installation, it is better to take a proven high-quality tape, for example, from ZM. It could be:

9508W (base polyethylene, thickness 0.8 mm);
- 4492 (base polyethylene, thickness 0.8 mm);
- 4032 (base polyurethane, thickness 0.8 mm);
- 4026 (polyurethane base, thickness 1.6 mm).

Tape consumption is taken at the rate of 60 square centimeters per 1 kg of weight. Provided that the mirror will hang vertically, and not on the ceiling or on a slope. To make it easier for you to navigate the flow, you can look at the table. It shows the ratio of tape consumption depending on its thickness, length and weight of the mirror.

Now directly to action. The back surface of the mirror and fiberboard, on which the mirror will be glued, must be cleaned using a rag and a solvent (isopropanol, hexane). The use of other cleaning solvents may affect the adhesion between the tape and the bonded material.

Now we glue strips of tape. The strips should be pointwise, that is, along the edge of the mirror, while evenly distributed over the surface.

This is necessary in order to compensate for surface irregularities that may be in the space between the adhesive tape attachment points on the mirror surface. In the figure, although it is shown and exaggerated, it is quite true what we mean.

We try on the mirror in place, while the protective film from the mounting tape has not yet been removed. We make markings to put the mirror in place the first time, since it will not work to move it after.
Next, you need to remove the protective film from the mounting tape and attach the mirror to the surface. The glue on the mounting tape should be set when the mirror is in a horizontal position. If possible, you can evenly load the mirror with evenly distributed objects over it. At the very least, you must click on the mirror. After a few hours, fiberboard with a mirror already attached to it can be used to make furniture.

This method of fixing the mirror can also be used for existing furniture, that is, when the mounting tape is set vertically. At the same time, the consumption mounting tape increase by 20 percent.
Now about the possibility of using mounting tape for other surfaces and materials. Adhesive tape can be used, and, accordingly, the mirror can be attached to metals and metallized surfaces, most plastics (ABS plastic, polycarbonates, polyvinyl chloride, polyacrylates, polyesters), glass, ceramics, painted, primed and varnished materials, treated wood, laminated chipboard.
Do not use on silicone and rubber coatings, polyethylene, polypropylene, Teflon, plasticized PVC, unprimed concrete or fiberboard surfaces or if the surface is prone to delamination. What and why we think is clear and without our explanations.
Now about the second option for attaching the mirror, when it is attached with glue.

How to fix a mirror with glue (sealant)

Again, not to talk about something surreal. Let's give a specific example that can be used for other cases when the mirror is glued to the glue. In our case, the mirror will be glued to the door. But first, as always, about the materials used, that is, about the glue used. A non-aggressive composition is suitable for use, one that will not react with the primer and amalgam on the mirror. It's important not to spoil appearance mirrors on the front. Usually perfect for this. acrylic adhesive, in fact acrylic sealant. It can be purchased in tubes for a pistol. Accordingly, all conditions for the use of the sealant must comply with the requirements on its packaging.
Now about the process of mounting the mirror with glue. If possible, it is necessary to bring the surface on which the mirror will be glued to a horizontal position. In our case, remove the door and put it on the floor.

We try on where the mirror will be located, and make markings.

Now we apply sealant, it can be pointwise, it can be in the form of stripes. Do not apply a lot of glue in one place, distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Also, do not apply glue to the edges of the mirror installation area, so as not to squeeze it out when laying the mirror out.

We put the mirror on the door, having previously applied glue, and wait until the sealant hardens.

We fix it on the same acrylic sealant as the mirror, fix it with adhesive tape, until the glue dries.

Usually the glue dries for about a day.

Then remove the tape, and you can hang the door in place.

Actually, this option can also be used for other options when the mirror is glued to the wall. But in this case, it will be necessary to hold the mirror until the sealant dries. This can be done using mounting tape, that is, in the way that we talked about in the previous paragraph.

As a result, the mirror will be fixed with mounting tape and glue. This is true when mounting tape may not be able to cope with its tasks. Let's say in the bathroom, where it is humid and sometimes hot. Also, if this is a primed wall made of concrete or drywall, then it is better to apply a sealant and “insure” with adhesive tape while it dries.
Now about the last method of fixing the mirror, about mechanical fastening.

How to fix a mirror with mechanical fasteners

It should be noted that in today's construction market there are many accessories, fittings and accessories in order to be used as fasteners for mirrors. Just look at the photo.

We will give just one example, using dowel fasteners, with decorative caps. All other mounting options using mechanical fasteners will be similar. Unless the mounts themselves will be slightly different.
Initially, we put the mirror against the wall and make markings where the fasteners will be installed and how the mirror will be installed. Then we remove the mirror to the side.

In order to drill a hole of the desired depth, we use adhesive tape, which we wind on the drill.

So it will be seen to what depth to drill the wall under the dowel. We drill holes.

We insert dowels into the wall.

We install plastic dampers on the back of the mirror. In fact, these are washers for self-tapping screws on the other side of the mirror. They are necessary to compensate for the force of the fastener when it is tightened, and to avoid breakage of the mirror.
Now install the mirror in place and screw in the screws.

We put a hat on top of the screws.

That's all - the mirror is fixed. As you can see, this option is not so complicated and quite acceptable.

Summing up how to fix a mirror without a frame on the wall, on the wall of the cabinet, on the tile

Summing up, we can say that there are at least three main options for fixing mirrors, using mounting tape, glue and fasteners. And also there are many of their private variations. If we talk about the advantage of choosing any of the options, then here it must be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. When fastening with mounting tape and glue, the mirror is fastened so that it is not visible on what it hangs. It also does not require a special tool. At the same time, the use of sealant is justified in cases of high humidity, but adhesive tape is afraid of moisture. The disadvantages of using glue or mounting tape include their disposability. If you cut the tape or glue with a metal string, then it will be much more difficult to fix the mirror back. It will be necessary to clean everything and carry out all the procedures from the beginning.
Mechanical fastening is good to use when you have a porous surface that is prone to delamination. Let's say a whitewashed wall. However, such a fastening is visible, and it can also begin to corrode over time. Which will spoil the appearance, which means it is a kind of minus. But remove and put the mirror in place, during cosmetic repairs won't be difficult.
So, what to use, which of the options for mounting the mirror is up to you, we just have to hope that the choice will be right and the mirror will hang in its place for a long time and at the same time reliably.

Forum glaziers - glass-furniture > Furniture forum > Section for furniture makers > Cabinet (wardrobes, kitchens) furniture > How to glue glass to the facade

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17.06.2012, 12:32

Good all times of the day! It is necessary to glue the glass with photo printing on facade chipboard as in the picture, who knows what glue to glue on and what technological gaps and indents should be?

Mikhail Khizriev

17.06.2012, 17:59

what kind of glue to use

Double-sided adhesive tape 3M PT 1100.
Thickness 0.8 mm.
You need to check the durability of the paint. There was a case when the paint (with adhesive tape) peeled off the glass.
Very strong hold!

Be sure to accurately position the glass!
After installation, it is unrealistic to move.

17.06.2012, 20:35

It is necessary to glue the glass with photo printing on the front of the chipboard as in the picture


17.06.2012, 21:34

in the picture direct printing on chipboard

There was a case when the paint (with adhesive tape) peeled off the glass.
Very strong hold!


17.06.2012, 22:27

Zervit, tell me, did you glue with such tapes, I heard that after a while the glass falls off from such tapes. It's not easy in and of itself...

17.06.2012, 22:31

maybe straight, it doesn't matter, just to make it clear what I want to achieve, imagine that glass is glued there.
if we talk about film on glass, then this is a 1 mm undercut along the contour, you don’t have an ideal facade, + after 2-3 years the film will shrink by 1 mm, with frame facades this is not significant, with a direct sticker it matters.
Further, if you apply direct printing to glass and directly glue, then nuances are also possible, and why, if you can print directly, varnish and that's all? Work out the nuances of your work, consider the pitfalls.


17.06.2012, 22:35

if we talk about the film on glass, then this is a 1 mm undercut along the contour, you don’t have an ideal facade anymore, + after 2-3 years the film will shrink by 1 mm
I'm talking specifically about the film, in the sense of undercut 1mm. Do you mean undercut around the perimeter of the workpiece after the euro edge?

17.06.2012, 23:30

if you roll by hand, then yes about it

Mikhail Khizriev

17.06.2012, 23:51

And when you open the drawer at the end of the facade, you won’t see a gap between the glass and the chipboard?

0.8 mm, any customer will survive.


18.06.2012, 06:50

In this case, when gluing onto Treem adhesive tape, it is important that the adhesive tape itself will be pasted onto the print, and not onto the glass, so the paint layer may come off, you need a larger than usual gluing area (load distribution over the area), which costs a pretty penny. Yes, and the adhesive tape itself can shine through with spots through the print (especially on a contrasting facade). According to the instructions for it, it is impossible to glue in a closed loop around the perimeter, it is necessary to glue it in segments. Since this is a kitchen, heating of the facades near the oven and above the stove (especially gas stove) is possible, the adhesive on the adhesive tape can become plastic, while the glass is displaced from its place (in my practice there was a case when they overdid it with heating in the rooms and mirrors in the rest house moved by 12-15 mm, but did not fall off).
In connection with the above, I would advise transparent silicone.
The only disadvantage of using silicone (unlike tape) is that the glass cannot be removed. But in your case, when replacing one glass, you still won’t get into the color tone and format of the fragment when reprinting, so you will have to change all the glasses and the possibility of dismantling does not matter.

Alexey Platonov

18.06.2012, 09:09

If the print is on a film, then you should not use adhesive tape, or silicone - the film will scorch - this is the experience of furniture makers who installed it in this way kitchen aprons, it will compress the film in these places.
you need a larger than usual bonding area (load distribution over the area), maybe this will help.

when replacing one glass, you still don’t get into the color tone and the format of the fragment when reprinting does not agree with this, when using good printer and original ink, there will be no problems. I'm calmly repeating orders from a year ago.


18.06.2012, 09:58

I do not agree with this, if you use a good printer and original ink, there will be no problems. I'm calmly repeating orders from a year ago.
I'm not talking about this a little, it happens that the original sometimes fades, and not always uniformly.
And it is difficult to repeat a fragment of the print so that the pattern on the new part exactly matches the remaining ones.

14.11.2013, 11:34

If the print is on a film, then you should not use adhesive tape or silicone - the film will sag - this is the experience of furniture makers who installed kitchen aprons in this way, the film will compress in these places.

maybe this will help.

Alexei! I ask you to clarify: "This will help", - what is it ?? I will be grateful for the answer.

Alexey Platonov

14.11.2013, 11:46

elikao38, I quoted the message of Sementukh, precisely taking into account that this should logically help
a larger than usual bonding area is needed (load distribution over the area)

We offer printing not only on glass, but also on acrylic. Acrylic is lighter and won't break like glass (better safety). The view is almost the same. Nuance is that acrylic bends.

29.05.2014, 00:58

We offer printing not only on glass, but also on acrylic. Acrylic is lighter and won't break like glass (better safety). The view is almost the same.

Nuance is that acrylic bends.
Got a question; do you have to put the sashes in the press? If you glue on silicone (what)? for uniform bonding? or duct tape?
But for some reason I don't trust tape.
At home about 15 years ago, I glued the remains of 20 pieces of mirrors measuring 150x150mm. on the chipboard door, adhesive tape around the perimeter. Gradually, everything fell (within a year), except for those in which I drilled a hole and put a handle.

29.05.2014, 10:52

Pay attention to the fact that 3M adhesive tape is recommended, nothing flies off from it, choose quality materials.
We print directly on the glass, then seal it with an oracal, after 72 hours we glue it on the facade with 3m adhesive tape, everything stays on, but we try to dissuade the customer from such facades, an aluminum frame is better, more reliable.

We also apply direct photo printing to the material, then we blow it in the paint brush with a white base color and after drying we use MIROBOND for gluing.

Pay attention to the fact that 3M adhesive tape is recommended, nothing flies off from it, choose high-quality materials.
We print directly on the glass, then seal it with an oracal, after 72 hours we glue it on the facade with 3m adhesive tape, everything stays on, but we try to dissuade the customer from such facades, an aluminum frame is better, more reliable.

They also print directly on glass and acrylic, but generally wherever you want.

Oracal must be glued. Acrylic UNBEAT, even with a frying pan. Even if it falls from the sash, it will not hurt anyone like glass! And with an aluminum frame it turns out more expensive, and it is more difficult to work with it.

02.06.2014, 19:04

They also print directly on glass and acrylic, but generally wherever you want. Oracal must be glued. Acrylic UNBEAT, even with a frying pan. Even if it falls from the sash, it will not hurt anyone like glass! And with an aluminum frame it turns out more expensive, and it is more difficult to work with it.

What if the pan falls? Or the owner of the kitchen will beat his head against the wall, then why better walls make? 😀
Well, you can argue as much as you like, but my personal opinion is that the picture on the glass looks prettier! The colors are deeper and more saturated, and of course the glass is very easy to care for the hostess!

13.06.2014, 19:22

Our customers glue glass on silicone, everything does not fall off, they glued it on walls and furniture facades, UV printing, we cover it with white on the back acrylic paint special for glass. It seems to me that acrylic is still better for the kitchen, in terms of safety, although the image looks richer on glass.
There were precedents on the aprons, they printed on 4-ke, burst over time, maybe because the walls in the houses breathe, I don’t know. They reprinted on 6-ke, while it seems to be standing.
In general, you can immediately print on the facade and under the varnish. It also looks good.

Mirrors are in every home. Often they are built into furniture, such as wardrobes or bathroom cabinets, but in some cases they have to be fixed to the wall.

The easiest way is if the finished mirror is in the frame, then it will not be difficult to mount it. And if you have to fix it to the wall, and even more so if the accessory is large, for example, from floor to ceiling, you will have to make an effort and, of course, high-quality

Hanging or gluing a mirror requires careful planning. When calculating dimensions, it is important to take into account that the mirror should not touch other objects, otherwise cracks may appear later.

What glue to stick the mirror on

Tytan glue for mirrors

Adhesive for gluing mirrors Titanium one of the most reliable compositions for working with different surfaces.

It is made from resins and rubber, which ensure the reliability of fixing and mounting decorative mirrors to tiles, concrete, metal, wooden surfaces, gypsum boards.

The main properties of Titan glue:

  • elastic and waterproof seam,
  • high adhesion to most surfaces,
  • does not damage the amalgam of the mirror,
  • easy to use
  • durable
  • not afraid of moisture
  • affordable price.

Apply Tytan to a dry, even, fat-free surface with a gun. Two centimeters recede from the edge, and five centimeters between the strips of glue.

Within five minutes, you can adjust the position of the mirror by a few millimeters.

When working with large mirrors, it is worth purchasing fasteners that will protect against falling.

Alternative to Titan - Abro

Fast-setting and very strong adhesive Abro is used for joints, metal-glass, glass-glass.

The manufacturer supplies the composition in two ampoules. One contains glue, the other contains an activator.

Since the composition includes amino acids and isopropanol, the product can only be used in a well-ventilated area.

  • SOUDAL(mirror-glass)
  • Bostik 2750 is guaranteed not to corrode mirror amalgam.

How to stick a mirror to the wall

To attach the mirror to the wall, nails and a hammer are not needed at all. Let's use the glue "Installation Moment". It does not damage the amalgam coating of the mirror, it is waterproof and suitable for indoor use.

We will also need:

  • mounting gun,
  • stationery knife,
  • stool,
  • Styrofoam or other soft surface (we will put a mirror on it while applying glue),
  • mirror.

Gluing is done only if both the wall and the mirror itself are dry.

Operating procedure:

  1. We cut off the nose from the tube of glue with a clerical knife.
  2. We turn the mirror over and put it face down on a stable surface (for example, a stool), after placing a soft material under it.
  3. We install the glue in the mounting gun and apply the composition on the mirror with stripes over its entire surface.
  4. We press it against the wall and immediately tear it off. We are waiting for 3-4 minutes. This technique allows you to speed up the gluing process. It can be used with all mounting adhesives solvent based.
  5. Place the mirror against the wall again. Since it is heavy, we use to fix the “Moment super ribbon". We stick several strips of tape on its surface, capturing the wall. After a day, the tape can be removed.


How to glue a mirror to a cabinet door

For what stick a mirror to a tree? This question arises from cabinet owners who wish to attach it to the door.

The best result shows a combination of silicone (or liquid nails) and double-sided tape.

Also for work you will need:

  • glass cleaner,
  • clean rag,
  • 4 strips of fiberboard 2-4 cm wide and slightly longer than minimum size mirrors.

Gluing order:

  1. Remove the door from the hinges and place it face up on the floor or on a table.
  2. We attach a mirror to the door and outline it around the perimeter. So we will outline the place of gluing.
  3. Wet a cloth with glass cleaner and wipe the door, then the back of the mirror.
  4. We glue strips of double-sided tape on the door with an indent from each other of 20 cm. The tape should not protrude beyond the applied markings.
  5. Between the strips of adhesive tape we lay the strips of fiberboard so that they do not touch each other. We apply silicone to areas free from adhesive tape and fiberboard.
  6. We remove the protective strips from the adhesive tape and apply a mirror.
  7. On our own or involving an assistant, we hold it and take out the strips of fiberboard. We make sure that the mirror does not move out. It is more convenient to start pulling out the fiberboard from one side and move in order.
  8. We press it so that the silicone spreads. We make sure it is fixed.
  9. Install the cabinet door in place.

Glue the mirror on the tile adhesive

The question of how to stick a mirror on tile adhesive is asked by everyone who makes repairs in the bathroom.

  1. Before starting work, you need to choose a place where the mirror will hang.
  2. Next, it is carefully cleaned by removing the tiles in the area where the mirror will be located.
  3. At the next stage, this area is puttied and leveled, then the bottom row of the border is glued.
  4. The adhesive is applied perpendicular to the curb to make the connection more durable. In thickness, it should match the thickness of the tile, on average it is 6-10 mm. Plastic crosses will help to make the seams even, which are fixed between the seams and left until the composition has completely solidified. Then lay the top row of the curb.
  5. It is recommended to nail a plank of wood to the wall to hold the top border until the glue is completely dry.
  6. Then the side tiles are laid, removing excess glue from the surface.
  7. Now you can start installation. Be sure to leave a small gap between the mirror and the tile.
  8. The mirror is applied to the wall and pressed tightly. In this position, it should be kept for about 15 minutes. After the adhesive has dried, grouting can begin.

If the object is heavy tile adhesive you can’t do it, you need liquid nails or glue sealant for mirrors. But not all are suitable, some corrode the amalgam, as a result of which stains and turbidity appear on the surface.

A proven tool is Multifix liquid nails, as well as PENOSIL Premium MirrorFix, which not only provide a strong elastic connection, but are also resistant to moisture.

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