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Acrylic wallpapers: Preparation of base, sticking and coating care. Acrylic wallpapers: Tips for applying, varieties (22 photos) How to glue acrylic wallpaper on paper basis

The widespread and love of consumers to acrylic paint promoted manufacturers to further experiments. And now the extensive family of finishing materials based on acrylate and polyacrylate was supplemented with acrylic wallpaper.

What do they differ from other types of coatings, what are the features of their production, installation and operation?

Acrylic wallpapers: characteristics

Let's start with the question of how acrylic wallpaper produces. This is not coming to curiosity. It is raw materials and manufacturing technologies that give materials. basic properties and characteristicsThey carry in our lives.

  1. Acrylic wallpaper is a two-layer material, the basis of which, as a rule, dense paper. The acrylic paint layer is applied on top of it. Rather, not a layer, but relief. The first feature of acrylic wallpapers is that the finishing layer is applied not with a solid film, as in the case of vinyl wallpaper, and fragmentary.
  2. Acrylic itself is an artificial compound resulting from the polymerization of acrylic acids. On the basis of the obtained substances, paint and varnishes are made, which are easily bred by water, and when drying, form a thin but durable film with water-repellent properties.
  3. Acrylates differ in that they do not have a negative impact on human health, in contrast, for example, from benzoauts. Acrylic paint after drying does not emit harmful substances, even with an increase in the room temperature. In addition, this substance, practically, does not smell, which confirms the absence of evaporation.
  4. In the production of acrylic wallpaper, acrylic paint is used as a decorative coating. It does not lie down with a solid layer, but is applied with a pattern or relief. Such a technology, on the one hand, provides acrylic wallpaper with the ability to carry out free air exchange indoors. On the other hand, it deprives the wallpaper of solid acrylic properties. In particular, resistance to moisture.
  5. Acrylic wallpaper is often compared with vinyl. Although this comparison is not entirely successful. These are different materials, with different properties, including consumer. Acrylic wallpaper creates more comfortable space due to their vapor permeability. Vinyl stronger and better opposed moisture and pair.
  6. Acrylic wallpaper, as well as the rest of the wallpaper material, is produced in the form of rolls, length is usually 10.5 meters, and a width of 0.5 to 0.9 meters. The cost of wallpaper is very diverse - from 150 rubles per roll up to 1.5 thousand. It all depends on the manufacturer, the country of origin, the year of the collection of the collection and design of wallpaper.

In order to correctly decide on the choice, systemically analyze the whole spectrum of the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper.

To the advantages of this coating, we will take:

  1. Parry permeability, which allows you to naturally ventilate the room.
  2. High quality performance. Saturated colors, original textures, beautiful patterns and unusual ornaments - all this can be found in the catalogs of acrylic wallpaper. And for this, it is not necessary to buy expensive imported analogues at all. Our manufacturers make samples not inferior to European counterparts.
  3. Safety for human health and for room microclimate. Wallpapers create a comfortable living environment for habitat. They do not emit harmful substances and prevent the formation of excessive dampness in the room. Therefore, unlike vinyl wallpaper, acrylic is quite suitable for the design of bedrooms, children's and other premises of frequent or permanent stay.
  4. Acrylic wallpapers are cheaper than vinyl, so the availability of the material becomes one of the main arguments in its favor.
  5. Acrylic wallpaper fully allow for the care of wet napkins, soft detergents. So if the wallpaper is too dirty, there will be no problems with cleanliness.

Cons Acrylic Wallpaper:

  1. Low resistance to moisture, water, as well as mechanical damage.
  2. As a result, service life, although not short, but not such a long, like vinyl wallpaper. On average, acrylic serve 5-7 years. Although under the proper operating conditions, this period may increase.

Sometimes you have to meet the view that acrylic wallpapers are available in limited design. This is a very controversial statement. To dispel it, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the collections of inexpensive, but diverse in style and design of domestic "Slavic wallpapers." Fans of unusual colors, original combinations and complex textures should be paid to the acrylic wallpaper of Bluemountain (Canada) or WallQuest (USA).

How to choose how to choose acrylic wallpaper?

Issues of choosing the desired color, textures and design is always very acute, because it is very difficult to navigate acrylic wallpapers in a wide range of acrylic wallpaper. To make it easier for life, take advantage of several very effective advice.

  • Come to the selection practical. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the premises and the conditions of operation of the coating. If it is a bedroom, office, children's, living room, hall, then buy acrylic wallpaper in these rooms can be, and even need. They will not harm the health and climate of the premises. For a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall, which has a way out directly to the street, a living room where they smoke, it is better to choose another type of wall coverings.
  • Take into account the size of the room and its configuration. Dark tones, large color spots, a wide variety of paints, for example, uneven colored stripes that are so popular now - all this will make a small room closer and less. Visually expanding the perception will help light tones, small drawings, two or three colors of alternating horizontal or vertical strips. The unsuccessful niche in the room can be issued with wallpaper-panels, they are also made in the technique of acrylic. A bright image with a perspective will visually spread the frame of a small room and will help include a niche or alcove into the space.
  • Do not be afraid to show fantasy. Combining monochrome and colored acrylic wallpapers, you will not only get trend design, but also add a variety and depths of perception. For example, acrylic wallpaper in a vintage design, imitating the old wall, can be organically complemented by cute roses on a burnt blue background. It is such a drawing that was very popular in the wall decoration more than 100 years ago. It turns out an adorable, discreet design with a touch of retro. And, by the way, the combined wallpaper will not be bought for a very long time.
  • Not necessarily when buying, choosing the most expensive wallpaper overseas brands. It is enough to purchase the wallpaper of a large, well-known manufacturer. His name will serve as a guarantee of purchase quality. And the production technology of acrylic wallpaper, in fact, do not differ from each other, in whatever countries they are not produced.
  • Do not try to pick a wallpaper on the tone of the furniture or in the color of textiles. This is not interesting. On the contrary, in modern design, the variety of options and combinations is welcomed. This does not mean beamless and excessive varnish. Observe the right balance you will succeed, if you apply the Gold Rule of the Interior Designer. It says: unity must be observed in any manifold. It may be the unity of the ornament. For example, a repeating topic on wallpaper, sofa pillows and curtains, but in different textures, colors, sizes and execution. Most often, it is Flora and Fauna - flowers or tropical birds. It may be the unity of color. Different patterns, figures, sketches, but performed in one tone, look incredibly fresh and stylish. For example, the blue strips on the wallpaper are highlighted by vases of blue glass, they are unimportant curtains with blue-green concentric circles, and on the floor lies the carpet of a dense, short pile of color thick ultramarine.

How to punish acrylic wallpaper

The technology is not much different from the usual belling of the walls.

  1. In order to wake the walls with acrylic wallpaper, it is better to purchase glue for medium vinyl wallpaper. You do not need to take glue for heavy coatings, it will be too thick and dense.
  2. The wall should be well prepared, that is, dried, leveled and cleaned from unwanted layers, dust and construction residues.
  3. The glue is applied on the wallpaper strip. The canvas themselves glue the junction into the joint. Acrylic wallpapers have some elasticity, so they can be adjusted during the pasting process, shift under the desired angle.
  4. You need to dry the wallpaper for at least a day, in a room where there are no drafts, and the temperature is saved in the range from 18 to 22 degrees.

Acrylic wallpapers are an excellent alternative to vinyl coatings in residential premises of continuous use, besides, a difference in price democratic.

Among the new types of wallpapers, the so-called "foamed" wallpapers are also attracted.

It is a canvas with acrylic foam, which is applied to the bottom paper or phlizelin layer, and form a sufficiently strong coating with an interesting texture.

Acrylic wallpapers: The main advantages and cons

Wall-mounted cloths have plenties and few minuses. But before buying them for your own apartment, it will not be superfluous to learn more details.

It is believed that the materials with the addition of acrylic are related to both paper and vinyl. This means that they combine the properties of these two species.

Acrylic wallpaper based on cellulose raw materials is very lungs, well holding on the walls, rarely form bloat.

For repair, special glue is needed, an ordinary universal fit fit. Acrylic wallpaper resemble sheets from vinyl unusual textures, resistance to moisture and washing qualities.

Despite the seeming similarity, "foamed" wallpaper differ significantly from vinyl and paper. Pros and cons lies precisely unlike other species.

Finishing sheets of acrylic are beautiful and diverse in design. Sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from more expensive types of finishes on a vinyl basis.

There are unfair manufacturers, selling acrylic wallpapers at a high price, issuing them for expensive materials from Vinyl.

You always need to require quality certificates and read the inscriptions on the packages. Acquire products in proven places where a small chance will be met with fake.

For example, you can buy products at once from the manufacturer, or in large hypermarkets and respected online stores.

By purchasing acrylic wallpapers, you get the environmental friendliness of paper and strength vinyl at a democratic price.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper: pay attention

It should be started with pluses that have enough wall covering.

1. Pluses of acrylic wallpaper

  1. Acceptable price. The canvas from acrylic can afford almost everyone. Their cost is much lower than fliesline and vinyl canvases, but not much higher than paper.
  1. Good moisture tolerance. Acrylic sheets are easy to wash a damp cloth, which you can not say about paper. Although they should be wiped carefully, since the substance is unevenly distributed over the surface of the canvas, and therefore areas that are sensitive to water remain. Basically, the acrylic foam is applied to the places with a pattern.

  1. Ease. Wallpaper with the addition of acrylic is very lungs, almost like paper. You do not have to make the super loyal glue in order to attach them to the wall. With acrylic problems there will be no problems in repair.
  1. High durability of the wallpaper sheet. Having an idea how the paper wallpaper simply robs during their cutting and sticking, you will be a pleasure to work with acrylic wallpaper, because they are distinguished by increased strength and density.
  1. Ecology. Organic polymers to which include acrylic are neutrally affected by the world around the world, without producing toxic compounds and has a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the apartment.

Under the wallpaper can not get mushroom and other mold. By the way, we have already written on this topic - and.

2. Cons acrylic wallpaper

For equilibrium, it should be said about the minuses of this type of wall covering.

1. The probability of fakes. If you want to buy exactly acrylic wallpaper, you have nothing to fear. If you want to buy finishing materials from vinyl, then be careful - you can sell acrylic wallpapers under the type of vinyl.

Naturally, you pay a big price, and get cheaper options. Read labels.

2. Contained moisture resistance. The acrylic substance is well tolerating the wet environment, but in places of the canvas can be deformed from excessive humidity. The acrylic layer is applied mainly to the place of drawing.

But only as they are in rolls or wait for sticking. The applied glue scores micropores, and the canvas cease to pass the air. If this parameter is important for you, pay attention.

4. Durability in question. Acrylic materials will serve longer than paper, but not as long as expensive analogs.

The pros and cons of acrylic wallpapers speak for themselves. As can be seen, there are more advantages than minuses, and this is a sign that this wall covering deserves to become part of any beautiful and modern interior.

When choosing wallpaper, the question of their wear resistance often arises. One of the acceptable options are acrylic wallpaper.

The material is a paper (phliselin) basis, which is applied by spraying a layer of foamed acrylic. It has a thickness of about 2 mm (unlike 4 mm for vinyl wallpaper) and forms a peculiar embossed pattern.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper

The method of application of acrylic provides wallpaper permeability wallpaper. The question of the dangers of acrylic wallpaper has a unambiguous answer - no. No toxic substances are distinguished by the polymer layer, and due to the ability of this coating to "breathe", it can be used for both children's and living rooms and bedrooms.

To be confident in the safety of the material, do not forget when buying check Quality Certificate. Fakes can disappoint you.

Other advantages are distinguished:

  • affordable price
  • water resistance
    The surface can be washed, but from excessive humidity should be protected.
  • wear resistance
    Sustainable mechanical damage, so often apply if there are children and animals in the house. On other ways to protect the walls can be read by reference http://rovia.ru/gazeta/news/837_kak_zashhitit_steny_ot_domashnikh_pitomcev.
  • relief drawing and a wide selection of colors, which make it possible to use the material in various interiors.

The disadvantages include:

  • smaller than that of vinyl wallpaper life;
    It is explained by this reduction of the thickness of the upper layer.
  • vulnerability to high humidity;
    Therefore, wallpaper requires caution when washing and do not apply indoors with excessive moisture.

How to glue acrylic wallpaper

Glue for acrylic wallpaper It is better to use the same that is intended for vinyl or paper coatings.

If you intend to use several types of material, you can stay on universal Clee..

Adhesive acrylic wallpaper is made in the usual way:

  • preparation of the foundation;
    The wall should be cleaned from the old coating, degrease and align with putty.
  • grinding of walls;
    The primer is selected by the type of base.
  • preparation of cloths;
    The roll is cut into the desired number of cloths, given the height of the surface of the surface and adding 4-5 cm of stock.
  • applying glue;
    After applying, the glue should absorb, for which the finished canvases leave for a few minutes to lie on a flat surface
  • print to the wall.
    Close "Online", ranging from the window or from the angle of the room. To control you can delay the vertical line, on which the edge equals.

Apply the canvas to the wall better at all height, so it is desirable for this work have a partner.

Smoothed folds and formed bubbles from the center to the edges. Surplus it is cut from above.

Some nuances how to glue acrylic wallpapers on a paper or fliesline basis are considered in the video clip:

In addition, it is necessary to take care so for a couple of days, until the wallpaper will dry, there were no drafts in the room.

Acrylic wallpaper

Special skills for cleaning acrylic wallpaper will not be required. Enough to adhere to several rules:

  • cleaning is well pressed with a wet sponge;
  • do not use abrasive drugs;
  • do not apply with a lot of effort so as not to damage the surface.

Wash acrylic surface just every three years.

Acrylic wallpaper - wear-resistant and inexpensive coating, can withstand wet cleaning. It is these qualities that allow them to compete in the modern market, represented by a huge number of materials. Since acrylic wallpaper is a relatively new material, not everyone knows about him, and some confused with. What are acrylic wallpaper, what are their advantages and features of sticking?

What is acrylic wallpaper?

Acrylic wallpaper consist of two layers: The first is paper, the second - foamed acrylic. The latter is not applied with a solid layer, as in the case of a vinyl analogue, and point, which allows to obtain a relief pattern and a breathable surface. Layer foamed acryla It is about 2 mm. For comparison on the vinyl wallpaper, the outer layer is 4 mm than and the details are explained. A thinner coating layer is a smaller weight, but also less wear resistance.

Under the name "Acryl" understand a group of polymers based on synthetic resins, which perfectly foam and hold the form.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper

Based on the structure of the material, you can judge its key properties. Among the advantages are to highlight the following qualities:

The disadvantages of the coating is not so much - They can be found if compared with other types of wallpaper and find fault. Due to the small thickness of the outer layer, the coating is grieving faster, but this is relatively, because the service life of the material from 10 years and more depending on the operating conditions and care. Among the minuses also often refer to the inability to wash acrylic wallpaper with detergents, but this does not prevent water to remove water pollution.

How to choose acrylic wallpaper?

The material by all manufacturers is manufactured by similar technology: the basis is always paper, spraying - acrylic. It simplifies the choice, because you do not have to understand the intricacies of different technologies. In addition, today on sale appear acrylic Wallpaper on Flizelin BaseThey enter the expensive collections of European manufacturers. Such material is characterized by increased wear resistance and durability.

When buying a material, it is better to pay attention to the parameters of rolls. Length, as a rule, is 10.5 m, and width ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 m. If the room is small, it will be more convenient to work with narrower wallpaper, and cropping will be much smaller. When it comes to spacious rooms, it is appropriate to use the widest material: it will allow you to quickly cope with installation and reduce the number of joints.

Price on acrylic wallpaper Allibly fluctuates and depends on the name of the manufacturer, the country of manufacture, relief, drawing, year of issue of the collection and some other factors. In this regard, everyone must appreciate their own budget. Specialists recommend not to chase behind the most expensive wallpaper from imported companies, but to trust the choice of the manufacturer with the proven name, and it does not matter, domestic it is wallpaper or foreign.

The main thing is that it is necessary to solve when choosing acrylic wallpaper, this is what will be the design. First, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room, its style, orientation relative to the parties of the world, the color of furniture and textiles, and secondly, from all of that diversity, which offers the construction market, choose the appropriate option. The task is not simple, but several useful tips will help you cope with this problem:

When buying acrylic wallpaper, pay attention to all rolls were from one party. So more guarantees that the material will not differ in the shade. The packaging of products should be holistic and durable, the presence of certificates of quality and safety, as well as instructions for sticking strictly necessary.

Acrylic wallpapers are great for such premises, like or, since the material "breathes." Will be appropriate, which does not go straight to the street, but where they are constantly and actively prepare, and acrylic wallpaper is not suitable.

How to shove acrylic wallpaper?

Acrylic is not more difficult than or, but still some subtleties should be considered. Installation is carried out onlineBut some speak and about the possibility of glue their flashes if the drawing is such that the places of dusting two canvas will not be much noticeable.

Although acrylic wallpaper and are able to hide some wall defects, but large cracks and irregularities need to align. Of course, if there are other finishes on the walls, then before starting work it is necessary to get rid of it. It will take a putty for alignment, and if the surface is far from the ideal, it is better. Another option is plasterboard, but this method is relevant only for too damaged walls and, provided that there is enough space in the room.

Be sure after alignment progress the surface of the wall. It is necessary to choose a composition that comes to the material of the base:, etc. In the extreme case, you can breed the walls with the resulting solution.

After all this is not bad place the walls To facilitate installation. Since sticking is customary from the corner near the window, the distance equal to the width of the wallpaper is delayed. Based on the drawn strictly vertical line, and they again postpone the necessary distance. Without this stage, it is possible to do without this, but if a person is not very experienced in this business, such a markup will help to achieve a more accurate result.

Now the case is the wallpaper is cutting. If they are monophonic, then there will be a minimum problem. It is enough to know the height of the walls and add 4-5 cm to it on the allowance. If there is a picture on the canvases, then it must be correctly combined: the manufacturer indicates how many centimeters will need to combine the pattern. The flow of such wallpapers will be significantly higher. For more accurate cuttings, it is desirable to measure the height of the walls in several places to make sure that it is the same everywhere, otherwise it is necessary to take into account the errors when cutting wallpaper.

Glue for acrylic wallpaper prepare according to the instructions for it. The process is simple and, as a rule, consists in adding a specific amount of water to powder and thorough stirring. When glue is ready, his apply wallpaperwhich gently applied to the wall and pressed from top to bottom. Since the acrylic wallpaper is elastic, they can be slightly shifted in the installation process. Air from under material is removed by roller, which stroke the surface from the center to the edges. It is better to install together.

After the wallpaper is pissed, they are left to dry on a day, two, and in the room it is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts and temperatures at 18-22 0 S.

In conclusion

Acrylic wallpaper is an excellent vinyl alternative, because with similar operational qualities, this material is capable of passing air. The range will allow you to choose the material suitable for any style, and the installation should not cause special difficulties, if you correctly place the wall in advance, open the wallpaper, carefully work and adhere to the optimal environmental conditions.

Previously, the walls in the apartments were placed only by paper wallpaper. However, there was another time, and spectacular new items appeared on the market. People actively began to glue their rooms with vinyl, phlizelin, washing wallpaper, photographic windows, glass windows, silk screen. And no one had no idea that some materials could be harmful. Gradually, the styotage verse and many have become interested in the safety of these chic materials. Special attention was attracted by three types of wallpaper: phlizelin, vinyl and acrylic.

What are phlizelin wallpaper?

Fliselin is a nonwoven material consisting of two types of fibers (textile and cellulose), which are connected to each other. It holds these fibers at the expense of polymers. This material can be found everywhere:

From this we can conclude that flieslinic wallpaper and harm are two incompatible concepts.

Harm from phlizelin wallpaper

So why many are confident that flieslinic wallpaper is harmful? If it is a qualitatively manufactured product, it will not be able to harm. However, many manufacturers in order to be competitive in the market of these materials and at the same time make their products cheaper, go to various tricks. Vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis were created, which began to be considered phlizelin.

However, it was the vinyl that is extremely dangerous to human health. In the process of burning, formaldehyde is distinguished from it, which penetrates into the human body and as a result of reaction with blood causes the harm to organs of an irreversible nature. To such vehicles that destroy formaldehyde include:

  • central nervous system;
  • airways;
  • pathological changes in genetic material;
  • skin coat;
  • reproductive organs.

If you take formaldehyde inwards in the amount of 70-90 ml, the fatal outcome occurs.

Pretty dangerous and glue, which glit flieslinic rolls. Allergy may arise on it. Therefore, it is very important to choose the glue correctly, read the instructions, to delve to who produces it. After repairing the repair, it is necessary to root a premises and only after that start to solely.

Wallpapers you need to choose very carefully. Many well-known manufacturers do not want to spoil their reputation, releasing low-quality products. Before buying this material, you should ask the seller to show a certificate of conformity and sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on purchased products. If the seller is conscientious, it will provide these documents.

It is necessary to pay attention to the texture of the material. Real flieslinic wallpaper texture have dense and solid. And the fakes it is soft and easily damaged.

In addition, the phlizelin wallpaper due to its embossed surface can accumulate dust, as a result of which people suffering from asthma, allergies or respiratory diseases, begin to experience discomfort. Therefore, indoors should more often carry out wet cleaning.

Also, when choosing rolls for putting the room, you should pay attention to such a characteristic as breathability. If this property is missing, a fungus may appear, hazardous health.

Harm from vinyl wallpaper

Are vinyl wallpaper harmful? Unfortunately yes. At first glance, they are an excellent alternative to natural expensive materials. They do not fade under the sunny rays, durable, the surface can be washed, very well hide the irregularities of the wall.

However, the paint used to cover the vinyl rolls contains zinc and copper connections that begin to stand out in the apartment. Moreover, the thickness of the vinyl layer, the later the extraction of these harmful substances occurs. If they sniffed to rolls, you can feel the smell of turbidar and acetone. This is a clear sign of poor-quality products.

You should also pay attention to whether there are special signs on rolls, for example, a sign of environmental safety. This means that you can use such wallpaper without harm to health. In addition, they must have micropores, which means air access.

Vinyl wallpapers are considered fire and can be ignited at a temperature of 160-200 degrees. In the process of burning, the vinyl is distinguished by chlorine hydrogen, which, when inhalation, forms hydrochloric acid in respiration organs, incompatible with life. Experts strongly recommend refusing to use vinyl wallpaper, because in addition to chlorine hydrogen, it is distinguished during its combustion:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • cyanny compounds;
  • curly gas and some other hazardous substances.

Are the acrylic wallpaper harmful?

Acrylic wallpaper is an analogue of vinyl wallpaper, only acrylic spraying is used instead of vinyl. They are a material consisting of two layers, the basis of which is dense paper. From above, it is applied to the relief of acrylic paint.

Acrylic is an artificial compound that is obtained as a result of the polymerization of acrylic acids. Based on the substances obtained, varnishes and paints are made. They are easy to breed with water and during drying it is formed a thin and quite durable waterproof film.

Acrylates, in contrast to the benzoate, do not harm human health. After its drying, acrylic paint does not distinguish any harmful substances, even if there is a high temperature in the room. It does not smell, it means there are no evaporation.

Thus, making your choice between wallpaper with different coating, you should stay on acrylic wallpaper. They are safe, so you can not worry about harm.

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