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Garden arches, trellises. Garden arch (39 photos): design options. Making from wood and metal Make an arch in the garden

The catalog of the online store contains more than 50 bamboo and metal arches and trellises for decoration and zoning personal plot. The cost is affected by the material, design and dimensions. Metal products with thoughtful design solutions are more expensive. Goods for indoor plants, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm, is cheaper.

Product Features

Semicircular arches are designed for climbing plants and flowers. Helps create shaded areas in the garden where you can hide from summer heat. Height varies from 200 to 250 cm.

Tapestries are fan-shaped, semicircular, mesh, patterned, oval, trapezoid and in the form of a ladder. Suitable for growing climbing roses, ivy, bindweed. Also used for growing beans, cucumbers, peas. Made from bamboo and metal coated with black paint.

For potted plants, there are miniature trellises that come in sets of two.

Choose products that

  • . have a long service life;
  • . easily fixed in any soil;
  • . organically fit into the landscape design of the site;
  • . easy to wash;
  • . do not fade in the sun.

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  • . The terms of the free service depend on the city, amount and weight of the product.
  • . Unloading goods, lifting and transferring are additional services and may be paid separately, check with the store operator.

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Purchased goods can be picked up at any of the OBI stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnodar, Surgut, Bryansk, Tula and Volzhsky.

Good afternoon, site site subscribers. In today's article, we will analyze the instructions on how to make garden arches with your own hands, but in order, let's first understand what it is. Garden arches for flowers are an element of design of a summer cottage in which your summer cottage life is filled with new colors and impressions of your guests from amazing plants, which will fill your country house after the construction of garden arches on the site.

In this article, we will consider not only the decorative component, but also get acquainted with technical issues, allowing you to make a design for our arch, so let's start.

wooden garden arch frame

Plants for covering the arch, of course, it is best to choose from beautiful and climbing plants, then this will allow you to not fully realize your plan and enjoy the beautiful appearance of the garden arch.

For the manufacture of the frame we need:

  • 4 beams 10 * 10 cm, in order to make supports and build walls for the arch:
  • 2 boards to create the roof of our arch;
  • 4 slats 3 meters each - this is necessary in order to fill the void between the wall supports.

The tree must always be well dried so that there are no deformations after the installation process.

We make a bend of the garden arch

This photo shows step technology manufacturing the forming profile of the arch. It is worth noting that this is a rather uncomplicated technology. First you need to create a template for the upper element of the arch, it can be made of cardboard.

How to fit a garden arch into the design of a summer cottage

Indeed, the arch is ready, there are only two moments left - this is the installation of the arch and the installation of plants on the arch. Let's start in order, it is best to install a garden arch at the entrance to your garden, it will look like this.

Another interesting option design solution- This is a wicker arch. Wicker arch is pretty interesting option decor, but you can read about it with your own hands.

Wicker arch - fence

In addition, a wooden horizontal arch, which can be used as an entrance to the garden, will fit into the design of the summer cottage very conveniently.

It is worth noting that there are not only arches of a certain shape and size, no, everything does not end with them, for example, there are long horizontal arches that can be entered along, so let's look.

If you have not yet decided how to fit a garden arch into the design of a summer cottage, we offer you interesting way making the Garden Arch in the form of a gazebo, yes, yes, exactly in the form. It's pretty interesting view design country gazebo, it is distinguished quite simple technology as well as impressive appearance.

And finally, let's see how to make a frame for a garden arch from a bar.

What plants to braid a garden arch?

As a choice of plants for a garden arch, climbing plants are perfect for it. perennials, which in their structure form interesting and beautiful curls, for example:

  1. Hop;
  2. Grape;
  3. Peas (fragrant);
  4. Chinese Lemongrass:
  5. Honeysuckle;
  6. climbing rose;
  7. Clematis.

Video - do-it-yourself garden arch for metal flowers

Invented by the architects of ancient Mesopotamia, the arch has been and remains one of the most beautiful elements of garden and park art. The variety of decor is very large, so the owners of country estates often wonder how to decorate a garden arch so that it becomes the center of attention. Of course, it is somewhat difficult to build a Gothic version of stone blocks or an openwork semicircle in the Rococo style, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a beautiful point accent in your garden.

Three rules for a successful solution of arched structures

The arch fits perfectly into any garden composition, if you follow the simple rules for its design.

Rule 1. Unity of style and material. The arch should be in harmony with the fence and flower beds, emphasize the color of the chosen style and the artistic taste of the owners of the site. For example, if a possession is built around metal fence, then the arched execution of the gate cannot be wooden. And if the garden is arranged in the Chinese style, hints of Victorian England.

Rule 2. Competent selection of jewelry. It depends on the length of time during which the arch must remain decorative. It should be remembered that annuals will have to be replaced soon enough, lamps - to be protected from moisture, and furniture - to be removed for the winter.

Traditional roses create the fragrance of cozy antiquity in the garden

Rule 3. Sense of proportion. You should not overload the arch with a large number of details, it is enough to choose two or three original ones that blend well with each other.

Materials for decorating arches and design options

Before starting work, it is recommended to take a picture of the existing structure against the backdrop of the garden or the area where it is planned to be installed. The planned decorations for the garden arch with your own hands can be drawn right on this photo. This approach will avoid extra spending and save time.

For decoration, you can use any available materials and suitable objects: wood, stones, ceramics, casting, lamps, figurines, driftwood and, of course, climbing plants. It is undesirable to choose plastic, as it will become unusable very quickly, and metal unprotected from corrosion. As for plants, they must be selected taking into account climatic features specific area and the degree of shading.

Even one small detail brings new notes to the decoration of the arch.

Permanent exhibition of arched decor

Most often, the arch is designed in such a way as to delight with its appearance during the season or even the whole year. In this case, its stylistic unity with the general solution of the garden and the durability of the selected decorations are especially important. The options below can and should be modified based on taste preferences and budget.

  • the romance of floral frames is a win-win way to give the arch an unobtrusive summer charm. Range suitable plants wide enough: bindweed, morning glory, nasturtium are suitable for quick gardening; long-term decoration will create climbing roses, clematis, wisteria, hops, parthenocissus;
  • good old country - a freshly painted picket fence, honeysuckle over the gate, a pair of planters with petunias will evoke associations with a European province. Help enhance the impression wooden decoration near the gate: a birdhouse or a stylized mailbox;
  • a quiet corner for relaxation is simply necessary for those who come to the country to recover from tiring work. To create a cozy place in the opening of the arch, you can install garden bench, tea table or swing, hang a lamp. Nearby you can place a large stone or a ceramic jug.

Skillful selection of materials and details make you want to come back here again and again

Transformation of the arch for the holiday

Sometimes you need to decorate a garden arch with your own hands for literally one or two days, for example, for a certain holiday. In this case, it is important to choose materials that emphasize the flavor of the upcoming celebration.

TO children's day birth arch can be covered bright colors and animal figurines made of balloons in the technique of twisting. To meet the newlyweds good decision are draperies of white organza and bouquets of roses. New Year's decoration of the arch may include fir branches and conspicuous unbreakable balls.

If you plan to spend part of the holiday near the arch at night, then homemade lanterns will be useful. They are made as follows: a candle from an aroma lamp is placed in a small jar, which is fixed to the arch with a wire handle.

A dense bouquet-ball against the background of a translucent fabric emphasizes the triumph wedding ceremony

It is not difficult to decorate a garden arch on your own, but in case of difficulty, you can contact a landscape design specialist who will suggest the right solution, skillfully combining the features of a particular site, your imagination and the financial capabilities of the owners.

All gardeners know that it is almost impossible to grow climbing flowers without support. For this purpose, any props are chosen: stretched ropes, fences, posts, etc. But the use of such materials will not be enough to create a spectacular spectacle. To make your garden beautiful and fascinating look, use special architectural elements.

The most popular of them is an arched building on two supports or an arch. Despite the fact that it has the highest decorative qualities, the design itself is rather primitive. Therefore, it is within the power of everyone to build it. One has only to find out what types there are, how they differ and what is necessary for work. This article is about how to make a garden arch with your own hands from various materials(metal, wood, plastic pipes).

Selecting the type of structure

Today there is a wide range of different garden arches. All of them differ in their shape and material. Such designs can be:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • trellis.

All of them are similar in purpose. There are special arches for grapes, decorative arches for climbing plants, as well as arches for a recreation area. There are many destinations - the choice is yours.

Making a metal structure

The classic and most popular is the metal arch. let's consider simple model, having a height of 2130 mm and a width of 1830 mm. It is made from two bars of reinforcement, which will be bent into arcs. Metal rings will connect them. A feature of this design is that it can be performed without using welding machine, all parts will be connected with a thin wire.

The distance between the arched sections is 31–32 cm. To keep the arch in place, it must be dug into the ground at least 40–50 cm. The connecting rings-crossbars should be 30 cm in diameter, and the distance between them should be 15 cm.

List of required materials

To perform the work, first prepare the following materials:

  • reinforcement bar, diameter (hereinafter in the text this icon will be used - Ø) 10 mm, 6 m long - 2 pcs.;
  • reinforcement bar (Ø mm), 0.94 m long - 9 pcs.;
  • strong wire, soft;
  • enamel for painting and primer;
  • fittings (Ø 10 mm), 0.25 m long, like pins for a template - 10 pcs.;
  • a rope 1 m long.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to bend the reinforcement bars d = 10 mm so as to get the perfect arched opening. To do this, use a simple rebar pin template. Insert pins 0.25 m long into the ground so as to obtain the calculated contour of the arch.

The outline must be drawn directly on the ground. To complete a perfect circle, drive a rod into the ground and tie a rope to it. Take the free end in your hand and draw a semicircle with chalk or paint. Then drive the pins into the ground starting from highest point semicircle. You now have a template that is easy to use. It remains to bend the reinforcement bars, giving them a semicircular shape. It will be difficult to do it yourself, so ask a friend or neighbor to help you. Directed efforts are needed on both sides to get an arched opening of an ideal shape.

Be especially careful when performing this step. The rebar could come off and cause injury to you or your helper.

For this arch model, metal rings will serve as a connection for the reinforcing sections. They are made of thin reinforcement Ø 6 mm. To do this, you need to cut 9 pieces of reinforcing bars 94 cm long. Using a pipe bender, you need to form rings from them.

If you do not have this tool or simply do not want to complicate the work, the design can be simplified: use straight rods instead of rings. Such an arch will look simpler, but in terms of functionality it will not be inferior to the original version.

The finished main sections must be installed in the ground. To do this, the ends of the reinforcement should be deepened inward by 40–50 cm. Measure 40 cm from the end of the reinforcement that will be deepened into the ground and wrap this place with electrical tape. Do this with all 4 ends. So, you will know when to stop.

We connect the main frames with rings. From the bottom of the arch, measure 61 cm and secure the first ring. To hold it, you can use a construction clamp. Now wrap the connections with flexible wire so that the ring is securely fixed and holds the structure. We fix the following rings according to the same method, maintaining a distance of 15–20 cm.

After finishing work, coat all metal parts with a primer. After it dries, apply a layer oil paint. That's it, your arch is ready to use.

Other types of arches

Other arches are made according to exactly the same principle. For example, wooden arches are made from timber. This is a simple and inexpensive construction. Thanks to natural material, it fits well into the design of any garden. To build such an arch, you need 2 vertical frames, 2 inclined and 1 horizontal part. All this is connected with wooden crossbars using nails. Finished construction dug into the ground, primed and varnished.

Plastic arches are a structure made of plastic pipes. Such arches are considered the easiest to manufacture, they are easy to assemble and disassemble. If you want to make yourself a structure of this type, then you need to consider that plastic is not able to transfer low temperatures, therefore, such structures are often made collapsible. Decorate such an arch with annual plants.

Wrought iron is very popular. arched structures and pergolas. Such arches look very elegant and will decorate your country cottage area all year round. Moreover, they are durable and resistant to different weather conditions. To make your stay in the garden more comfortable, you can make an arch with a bench. In this case, you can enjoy the beauty of your garden while sitting under the arch. As you can see, there are a lot of options, you just need to make an effort and imagination, then your garden will look like a real embodiment of your ideas.

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You can learn how to make a strong arch for a rose by watching the video material we have proposed:


There are many ways to decorate your suburban areas. Someone prefers to plant plots with flower beds with perennials, someone likes garden figurines and figurines, while others spare no time and money to create landscape design. But there is a decoration that everyone will like. This decoration is a garden arch, which gives any area a corner of romance and some sophistication.

As a rule, climbing plants with dense greenery are used for arches.

For some, flower arches are associated with a solemn ceremony, but this does not mean that this design cannot be present in summer cottages or garden plots. A garden arch, curled with lush greenery or flowers, can be used not only as a decoration of the territory, but as a way of some kind of zoning of the site. For example, a garden arch can be a kind of entrance if you use it to highlight some area of ​​the garden. If you install a garden arch in front of the entrance to garden plot, it will turn into a decorative gate.

Also, some landscape designers often use an arch for climbing perennials when creating a separate relaxation area. You can install a bench or a small table inside the structure. Sometimes garden arches, entwined with charming flowers, are installed along the path or garden path, thanks to which the path turns into a beautiful flower tunnel.

Modern arches are made from a variety of materials, the most common being wood, plastic and metal. Metal structures look very beautiful if forged elements are used to create them. Also, garden arches made of wood fit well into various landscape styles, becoming a coordinated addition to natural beauties.

Plastic arches are very popular due to the ease of construction. Arches can be made of brick, stone or even concrete.

Metal garden arches

When choosing a garden arch, remember that the material from which it will be made will depend on its appearance and reliability. For example, metal garden arches are the most reliable, because they are not afraid of precipitation and temperature changes. But in winter metal structure may damage some types of perennial flowering plants.

Wooden garden arches

The tree does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, but is also vulnerable to pests. You need to install a wooden arch only in moderate climate zone. It is best to choose structures made of solid wood - larch, cedar, oak. Before how to plant wooden arch climbing plants, it must be treated with antiseptic agents.

Plastic garden arches

Garden arches made of plastic are also poorly tolerated. climatic conditions with high rainfall and leaps and bounds temperature. But plastic structures are made in a prefabricated version, therefore, in winter, the garden arch can be removed into the room, and the plants can be covered with a canopy.

Plant garden arches don't have to be a stereotypical form. Currently on sale you can find garden arches with rectangular ceilings or gable roof. If you dream of decorating your garden original decor, you will surely like pergola arches or round arches created from standard arches.

Choosing plants for a garden arch

To design a garden arch, you can use absolutely any climbing plants. It all depends on the desired result. If you want your arch to "bloom" quickly, plant annual climbing plants. Bindweed, beans, nasturtium, kobeya, "mad cucumber" perfectly cope with this task. If you want a garden arch to please you for several seasons, choose perennials such as honeysuckle, wild grapes, clematis and charming roses.

Making a garden arch

There is nothing complicated in the design of a garden arch. After installing the garden arch, two plants that belong to the same species are fixed to the arch frame on the sides. As they grow, you will need to bend their tops so that they form an arch that will repeat the shape of the garden arch. In this case, the main thing is not to miss the moment. If the top is bent too early, its side branches will grow upwards to become the center shoot. If you bend too late, hardened branches will not be able to wrap around the arch.

But some plants almost do not need such a "direction". To decorate a garden arch with grapes or ivy, it is enough to plant plants at the edge of the garden arch, and the plant will wrap around this structure on its own.

If you want to decorate a flowering arch using clematis or roses, then as the plants grow, they will need to be tied up. Also remember that flowering plants need proper care. For example, roses are recommended to be warmed in winter, and clematis require regular fertilization.

TO undemanding plants for the design of a garden arch, morning glory, kobe and honeysuckle can be attributed. They will decorate the garden arch with bright flowers and fill your garden with a pleasant aroma.

You can decorate garden arches in different ways. Of course, the arch looks attractive if it is entwined with dense vegetation and flowers; you can also decorate only the arch arch and side parts.

An arch of curly flowers is a bright decoration for any garden. To decorate the arch, you can choose your favorite plants, turning your site into a prototype of the gardens of Eden.

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