Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Lunar eclipse of the year. Dates of solar eclipses. Nearest solar eclipse

Useful tips

It is not entirely correct to talk about the influence of astrological factors on events and people’s behavior; some astrologers generally avoid such formulations, because there is an opinion thatplanets and stars do not affect us , so to speak, physically, but only give instructions, proving the rule“as above, so below.”

However, when it comes to the Moon, it is probably difficult to deny that the Moon is the mostnearest celestial body to us, really has an impact on all living and nonliving things on our planet.

Read also:Large general astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for AUGUST 2017

There are always three people involved in eclipses: this is directly our planet Earth, from which, in fact, the observation is carried out, as well as the Sun and Moon. Atlunar eclipsewe see the Earth's shadow covering full moon. Atsunny– The Moon covers the Sun. In both cases, all three celestial bodies line up in one line. Only In the first In the second case, the Earth finds itself between the Moon and the Sun, and in the second case, on the edge of them.

Eclipses are one of the forecasting methods that shows changes, changes, as well as events that may occur duringa month, six months, a year or as long as 18 years.

An astrologer can tell you the subtleties of exactly how an eclipse can affect you personally during a personal consultation. It often happens that eclipses “don’t touch” personal cards , then they pass unnoticed by humans. Sometimes, on the contrary, they give indications of very serious events and changes.

Read also: Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage

However, today I would like to generalize the prognosis and talk about what events are more likely to take place in lifeZodiac signs, based on the degree of eclipses, as well as the movement of the planets in this month.

Astrological forecast by zodiac signs


Eclipses of August 2017 will occur on the symbolic axis of the 5th and 11th houses, thereby affecting your sign’s relationship with lovers, children and friends. This may indicate not entirely favorable events in your personal life, for example, your love relationship may not seem the most ideal to you now, and you will seriously think about changing something about them.

But even without your participation, situations in the near future may develop in such a way that you will not be able to influence the development of events. Since eclipse points will not make negative aspects to planets in your home sign, there is a high probability that even the most unpleasant events will turn out to be a plus for you.

In general, August 2017 promises to be pretty for you eventful month. You'll have a lot of fun creative people will feel a surge of strength and new emotions that will give inspiration.

You will have a desire to change something in life, and if you move in the right direction, you will not have any difficulties with this. The main thing now is notice all the signs, which you will receive along the way. If there are obstacles in business, then you should somehow change your tactics. If everything goes like clockwork, then there is nothing to worry about and you are moving in the right direction.

Attention those who were born during the period from April 3 to April 7, but especially April 17 to 19 any year. This eclipse may bring you new interesting events that will change your life next 6 months. Or you may be expected unexpected events of a pleasant nature in August, but also in other months until the next solar eclipse (until February 2018).

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : love relationships, relationships with children, creativity.


The axis of eclipses falls into your houses family and career. This means that you will now think about what you would like to change in your work. If you are not happy with your job right now, you should consider changing it. A solar eclipse gives you an indication that you may be experiencing housing-related changes in the near future.

Your home may need major renovation , or you might want to change your place of residence altogether, completely change your surroundings and neighbors. There is a possibility of relocation. Remember that the bookmark of events may take place already this month, and the development and consequences may last longer, until the next eclipse in February 2018.

Active planet Mars in your symbolic 4th house may also indicate that you want to change something in your home. Now you can do renovation work, change something, buy furniture. The home planet - Venus - will make many negative aspects, which can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones, relatives or neighbors. Now you should be careful when communicating with other people, since even minor grievances can lead to serious consequences, including a break in relationships.

Attention those who were born during the period from 4 to 8 May and with 17 to 20 May any year. August eclipses will make negative aspects to the Sun in your chart. In your life, this eclipse will especially bring changes that you may find quite painful. In the next six months, you may feel changes related to your sense of self, confidence, and appearance.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : house, family, land.


Eclipses on axis symbolic houses 3/9 may include events that relate to travel, travel, relocation or education. In the next six months, events in these areas will probably occupy your thoughts; you may go somewhere to study, or you will go on trips, most likely with partners. During these months, you will also make serious decisions based on partners' opinions and advice or other people.

However, we advise you not to take too much advantage of other people's kindness and trust, because over time this can lead to quarrels and disputes with these people. It is likely that there will be some matters related to brothers or sisters; you may be asked to resolve some of their issues.

This month you will especially have to use your intellectual abilities, ingenuity and logic to solve some issues. You may have to do several things at once. The best thing use old connections, you will actively seek information on any issues.

However, already in the middle of the month, your home planet Mercury will turn back, and many things may slow down. You will find it difficult to move forward and find it harder to concentrate. IN unfavorable days For months, we especially do not recommend going on trips or drafting or signing important documents.

Attention those who were born during the period from 18 to 21 June any year. August and the next six months can bring many opportunities into your life. Perhaps you should learn something new. Your usual social circle may also change: some people will disappear from your horizon, others will appear.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with close relatives and neighbors, affairs of brothers/sisters, education.


The August 2017 solar eclipse in your house of money may bring up money-related issues. For example, you can lose money, or vice versa, will help increase income.

In your life in the next 6 months, as well as in August, events may occur that will entail changes in the way you earn money: someone will find new job, someone will retire, etc.

Due to the fact that eclipses will take place on the axis 2/8 at home, questions may also arise not only of your personal, but also of other people’s money. It is quite possible that you will no longer be able to rely on your partners in the future, and you will have to look for work on your own.

You should be especially careful on busy days of the month, especially during a lunar eclipse ( August 5-8), since you are very sensitive to this kind of events. They may trigger your subconscious impulses and you may behave in very unexpected ways. Take care of your health and do not take risks at this time.

This month your activity may also be closely related to money and earnings. You may be looking for a new job or seriously thinking about how you can make money in the future.

This is not the best time to start your own business. However after August 21 you may try to start a completely different activity. It is better to change your job also after eclipses, and preferably at the very end of the month. Your activities this month can bring the desired profit.

Attention those who were born during the period from 9 to 15 July any year. This month will not be particularly favorable for you. A negative aspect of Jupiter to your Sun can bring various troubles that can undermine your self-esteem and even your reputation in society. Now it's important not to behave too arrogant and do not try to put yourself above others: this may affect your relationships with others. Can be extra expenses and unforeseen expenses.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : money, earnings.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


The solar eclipse in your sign this month will have quite an impact on all Leos. big influence. It will give you the opportunity to look at yourself and those around you under completely different angle. You will become more sensitive and spend more time on yourself and your desires. This is a good month to start rebuilding yourself, to set new goals and make new wishes. Your life promises to change somewhat from this month. Changes in your personal life are also possible.

This month will be quite active; you will have a lot of things to do. To you it will be difficult to sit still, you will constantly want to run and do something useful. If you take a vacation, it will be an active vacation. You will have to think about a lot and make important decisions on your own. However, this, of course, will not be a problem for you.

Now it is important to show care and attention to yourself, your appearance and your health. If you have been planning to visit a cosmetologist, a doctor, or undergo some tests for a long time, but you always did not have enough time for this, now is the time to address these issues.

Attention those who were born during the period from 18 to 22 August any year. It is more likely that some changes will take place in your life, and the effect of the eclipse will be felt all year until your next birthday. This year we are waiting for you serious changes in the areas for which the Sun is responsible for you. But in any case, these changes will affect your personality and sense of self. The events that began this month could have far-reaching consequences.

Bad days : No

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal achievements, health, appearance.


Events this month may be related to visiting hospitals or clinics Moreover, it is not at all necessary that you will be concerned about your health; it is quite likely that you will have to visit sick friends or relatives. In general, events related to medical institutions, may also play out in other months before the next eclipse, but for the most part they should be expected right now.

In August you will be more in touch with yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. You won't want to share this with anyone and you'll want more spend time alone. To prevent gloomy thoughts from overpowering you, we advise you to find some activity, for example, reading or some kind of creative activity, or maybe you will be interested in some philosophical or secret sciences that can distract you from thoughts about loneliness or other sad things.

This month you should not start new important things: your planet Mercury will be static, and then will turn in the opposite direction, and this can affect and negatively affect the progress of various cases. It will be very difficult for you to make any personal decisions now, so we advise you to wait for a more favorable time.

Attention those who were born during the period from 2 to 4 September any year. Mercury will be unfolding exactly in the place where your Sun is located, so you will now feel its retrograde effect with particular force. This month everything will fall out of your hands, there may be delays, annoying mistakes, unsuccessful purchases, etc. Also, people from the past may return to you, or you will hear news from them.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : health, secret knowledge, creativity.


This month may give you the opportunity to be involved in group activities. Perhaps you will be working on something with friends or a group of like-minded people, or want to attend some meetings, meetings or courses. On the other hand, family and close people may not bring the desired joy; you will feel that one of them has become a stranger to you, moving away from you.

This month's activities will also be related to friendly groups. You may see friends more often, or you will have joint projects or activities. If you have any interesting ideas , friends can help you implement them. This month can also bring favorable new friendships.

On the other hand, it will be more difficult for you escape from stress now. The negative aspects of Jupiter, who is visiting your sign, can cause obstacles and will not allow you to become popular among like-minded people. Friends will not approve of your actions and will not share your opinion on some issues. This is not the best month for implementation personal ambitions, new business or new important projects. To do this, it is better to wait for a better time.

Attention those who were born during the period from 10 to 16 October any year. This month promises to be more successful for you than for other representatives of your sign. You may have the support of influential people, or you will simply lead in some areas(especially where your Sun is).

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : groups of friends and like-minded people, relationships with friends.

Eclipse August 2017 impact


This month's eclipses in your symbolic house of career and personal achievements and goals will include events and situations in these particular areas. Are you seriously thinking about what do you want to achieve, perhaps you will have new goals that you will actively strive for. This month and in the next six months you will be actively working on specific purpose. It may not only be work and professional achievements, but also some personal moments, large purchases, etc.

Perhaps it is at this time that you will strive harder for your goal than ever before. If you work for a company, questions may arise about some changes in work. It is also possible that you will want to change jobs and find a better paying one. Remember: everything is in your hands!

In August, most of your energy will be focused on work. It is better not to go on long journeys now and not to communicate particularly closely with foreigners, since there will be no success in this activity. The month is more suitable for work, you can achieve a lot.

Attention those who were born during the period from November 6 to 9 and from November 19 to 22 any year. This month the eclipses will not be the most in the best possible way aspect your Sun. This means that you will harder to work and it is more difficult to achieve your goals due to personal reasons, problems with self-esteem or self-confidence. You may seriously reconsider your attitude towards certain things related to your work or some other areas for which the Sun is responsible in your horoscope. Psychologically, this month will be difficult for you.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : work, career, goals.

Astrological forecast for the sign


This time the eclipses will activate your native homehome of travel and education. The events of this month or the next 6 months may change your attitude towards certain things, change your worldview. You will most likely learn a lot during this time, you may meet people from other cultures, people with completely different values, which will most likely influence you a lot.

You are planning a long trip, or maybe even several. Your prospects will be expanded, which is important to you. Even if some not-so-positive events take place, there is still a greater chance that they will ultimately turn out to be positive for you and your development.

A rare and colorful phenomenon, visible throughout the CIS and Georgia, will occur on the evening of August 7 from 21:24 to 23:19 Tbilisi time - in almost two hours the Moon will pass through the northern part of the earth's shadow, plunging its southern edge into it by a quarter disk.

The shadow will pass along the lower part, but the eclipse can be observed with the naked eye, and if you want to observe a brighter and more colorful picture, experts advise leaving the city limits. There you will be able to see the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 more clearly if the weather is clear.

Russians, with the exception of residents of Chukotka and Kamchatka, where morning will already come and the Moon will disappear below the horizon, will be able to observe this rare natural phenomenon from 20:24 to 22:19 Moscow time, according to the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

The Moscow Planetarium invites everyone to see a rare astronomical phenomenon in the Sky Park from 20:00 Moscow time - astronomers promise that it will be possible to see the celestial performance, and even notice the color change of part of the lunar disk to burgundy-red, which usually happens during lunar eclipses, although The moon will be located quite low above the horizon.

Several telescopes will be operating at the astronomical site to observe the phenomenon; in addition, astronomers will talk about celestial objects and the phases of the eclipse - the event will take place only if clear weather, which will be announced additionally on the day of observations.

You can purchase tickets for the event on August 7 from 19:00 to 22:00 at the Moscow Planetarium box office.

Don't miss the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017, as it is quite a rare and colorful phenomenon that can be seen with the naked eye.

At the same time, astrologers warn that the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 coincides with the full moon, so you should try to spend the day calmly - without quarreling or swearing, so as not to spoil your mood and, most importantly, not to scare away your luck.

Concerning positive points- lunar the eclipse will pass in Aquarius, which means that the Moon on August 7 gives a chance to decide on changes in life, which is sometimes so necessary for everyone. The day is also good for introspection and spiritual searches.

An eclipse is a dark time, so there is a risk that bad desires and thoughts may visit you, so make every effort to prevent them from coming true. On the day there is also a high probability of quarrels and conflicts, betrayal and infidelity may occur. Therefore, astrologers advise showing attention and understanding to your loved ones and showing how dear they are to you.

Most people will feel fairly stable, although many may not be in a particularly positive mood. On this day you will want privacy, but you should not completely isolate yourself from loved ones and avoid communication.

On the day of the lunar eclipse, you will need to be active in your work, but be attentive and careful when resolving important issues.

Lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipses occur at the moments of the full moon, when three celestial bodies - the Sun, Earth and Moon - are located on the same straight line. During lunar eclipses, the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Lunar eclipses can be total or partial, depending on whether the shadow covers the entire lunar disk or part of it.

If the Earth's shadow covers only part of the Moon, then this is a partial shadow lunar eclipse. If the earth's shadow does not touch the lunar disk at all, but passes close to it, a penumbral lunar eclipse occurs. They say that the Earth's "penumbra" falls on the Moon. If the earth's penumbra covers only part of the Moon, then this is a partial penumbral lunar eclipse (it is very difficult to notice it with the eye).

The next lunar eclipse will be total and will occur on January 31, 2018. It will be visible throughout Russia, except for the western and southwestern regions, where the Moon will appear in the evening only at the end of the eclipse.

In August, earthlings will see two more beautiful natural phenomena— the total eclipse of the Sun, which is called the Great American Eclipse, will take place on August 21, and the peak activity of the most beautiful starfall of the year - the Perseids - is expected from August 12 to 13.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Back in the 7th century BC, the priests of Mesopotamia calculated the cyclicity with which eclipses occur. The period between the phenomena was called saros and they were predicted with absolute accuracy. From time immemorial, cataclysms, catastrophes and troubles in human destiny have been associated with them.

The impact of an eclipse on our planet has been proven by science. These days there is an acceleration of the movement of the pendulum, an increase in the activity of the World Ocean, and a deterioration in human well-being. What solar and lunar eclipses will the inhabitants of the Earth have to experience in 2017 and how to prepare for these events?

The nature of a solar eclipse

The 2017 calendar includes: two solar and two lunar eclipses. Solar eclipses occur only during the new moon. Between the Earth and the Sun is the only satellite of our planet - the Moon, which covers sunlight. Residents can observe the phenomenon in full only in the area where the cone-shaped shadow from the Moon falls. The sizes of the two objects (the Moon and the Sun) differ by approximately 400 times. But due to the greater distance from the Earth to the Sun, the diameters are visually compared.

An annular lunar eclipse will take place in 2017 on February 26th. The Earth's satellite will be too far from our planet. Therefore, the Moon will not completely block the solar disk. The area of ​​maximum visibility is forecast for southern Argentina and Chile. But even there, the thin visible rim of the Sun will not allow you to enjoy the spectacle of the crown, stars and surrounding planets.

You will be able to see this picture during a total eclipse, which is expected in 2017 on August 21. According to calculations, the diameter of the Moon will exceed the diameter of the Sun by 1.03 times and will overlap the solar disk. The area of ​​best visibility will be in the US zone: from South Carolina to Oregon. The maximum duration will reach 2.38 minutes. The American city of Carbondale will be lucky twice: it is preparing to welcome crowds of tourists next year and in 2024, when the phenomenon will repeat.

Partial phases of the August solar eclipse of 2017 in Russia can only be studied in the extreme northeast and Chukotka. Maximum visibility is expected in the villages of Berengovsky and Provideniya. The eclipse will begin at these points at 16:31 world time, ending at 18:03.

Lunar eclipses 2017 in Russia

This astronomical phenomenon occurs only during the full moon. The Moon plunges into the penumbra or shadow of the Earth. Our planet is located between the luminary and the satellite, shielding the Moon from the Sun. Depending on whether the Moon is completely in the Earth's shadow, there are different types of eclipses:

  • full;
  • private;
  • penumbra.

On February 11, 2017, astrologers expect a penumbral eclipse of the Moon. At 3:45 Moscow time the maximum phase will begin. The brightness of the earth's satellite will decrease, but these changes are noticeable only when using instruments: binoculars, telescopes, photo exposure meters. Only residents of Japan and the Pacific Coast countries will not be able to observe the phenomenon.

A partial lunar eclipse will occur on August 7, 2017. The disk of the Earth's satellite will plunge into shadow by a quarter. Even at its maximum phase (21:20 Moscow time), the Moon will be partially illuminated by the Sun. Residents of all continents except America will be able to see the phenomenon.

A few days before and after the eclipse, doctors advise weather-dependent patients, hypertensive patients, people with problems in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In Chinese medicine and astrology, it is not recommended to start serious business during this period. Maintaining mental balance, positive attitude will help you survive natural disasters.

An eclipse is one of those amazing and rare cosmic phenomena that have excited the consciousness of mankind since primitive times. On days of eclipse of the Sun and Moon, gods were worshiped, sacrifices were made and curses were fulfilled. Even though today eclipses are perceived less horrifyingly and with dark connotations, they still have a very great importance, as they have a huge impact on the life and destiny of a person as a whole. In 2017, which will be held under the sensitive auspices of Fire Rooster, astronomers predict 4 eclipses of luminaries - a pair of lunar and solar. When will each eclipse occur and what role will they play in our lives? Modern stargazers will tell you about this and more.

Eclipse in astrological aspect

Every inhabitant of our planet has had the opportunity to observe a lunar or solar eclipse at least once. But not everyone knows what exactly is happening in space and why on Earth we see an inherently unique phenomenon when the solar or lunar disk is covered by a dark curtain. In ancient times, people could not objectively explain how an eclipse occurs, so they often called it “the dragon devouring the sun/moon.” But is this really so?

Let's start, perhaps, with what both heavenly bodies mean for humans. In astrological language, the Sun is a symbol of self-expression, creativity and source vital energy. The moon reflects on a person’s emotions and habits, and is also associated with the perception of the existence of all life on earth. During the new moon period, every inhabitant of our planet feels the influence of the Moon and the Sun. But it is precisely on the days of eclipses, at the moment when the orbits of the luminaries intersect, that all living organisms on the planet are under their strong influence.

To make it more clear what exactly happens during an eclipse, we can draw an analogy with a common storage medium – a compact disc, where the Earth will occupy its central part, and the plane of the Sun’s movement around the Earth will be the remaining surface of the disk. During the new moon period, when the Moon is not visible at all in the night sky, the following happens: three celestial bodies - the Sun, Moon and Earth - are located in one line, thereby formatting our disk, building for us a completely new formation of perception and behavior. And when the Sun and Moon not only line up with the Earth, but also find themselves in the plane of its orbit, an eclipse occurs, which is reflected on an emotional and behavioral level on a larger scale.

When will there be eclipses in 2017?

As has already been scientifically established, solar eclipse occurs during the new moon, but astronomers call a lunar eclipse a “side” phenomenon of a solar eclipse, since it always occurs 10 days before or after a solar eclipse. In 2017, people on our planet will be able to see the eclipse not once, but four times:

Now let's see exactly what time the eclipses will occur:

  1. In Russia, the first penumbral eclipse of the Moon can be observed on February 11 at 03:43 Moscow time (00:43 GMT) in almost all regions, with the exception of the Far East.
  2. On February 26 at 17:58 Moscow time (14:58 GMT), the inhabitants of the planet will witness the most difficult eclipse by cosmic standards - an annular solar eclipse. Unfortunately, for residents of Russia this spectacle will be inaccessible - it can only be observed from the territory of the South and West Africa, South America and Antarctica.
  3. Residents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, America and Australia, as well as most of Russia, will be able to enjoy the second partial lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 at 21:20 Moscow time (18:20 GMT).
  4. A total solar eclipse falls on August 21, at 21:21 Moscow time (18:21 GMT). Unlike the first, Russians will still be able to enjoy the second solar eclipse in 2017: some partial phases can be seen from the north-east of the country, namely in Chukotka and the Kamchatka Territory. The picture of the total eclipse of the Sun will be available to residents of the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa.

In general, all four eclipses of celestial bodies will have a beneficial effect on the psychological state and behavior of a person, unlike previous eclipses occurring in 2016. In 2017, each of them will bring emotional uplift and a charge of energy; in individual cases, if there is a tendency, cases of hypertensive abnormalities may occur, bringing with them headache, rapid heartbeat and bouts of irritability.

In 2017, we will see four eclipses - two solar and two lunar. By their nature they are paired. The first pair of eclipses will be in February, and the second will occur in August. In both cases, the eclipse cycle begins with a Lunar eclipse, followed by a Solar eclipse. Let's take a closer look at what they will bring into your life.

Solar and Lunar eclipses in February 2017

Moon eclipse February 11 coincides with the Full Moon in the sign of Leo, near the North (Ascending) Node and in trine with Jupiter. Such an eclipse will make visible those possibilities that for a long time, perhaps for years, remained hidden to you. You will see new perspectives. The outside world will make you an offer that is difficult to refuse. Events during an eclipse will occur not because you felt an internal impulse and wanted to do something, but on the initiative of the outside world. This eclipse will be especially successful for politicians, businessmen, actors and public people. Then for two weeks, until the Solar Eclipse, you will experience an emotional storm. You will feel how you are changing, how new skills and desires are maturing within you, which are necessary for you to successfully take advantage of the opportunities that appear during the eclipse. The solar eclipse on February 26 (and the New Moon falling on this day) will occur in the sign of Pisces. During the Solar Eclipse, your own actions and your initiatives will be of great importance. On the day of the eclipse, the most important themes will be those symbolized by the sign of Pisces: secrets, spirituality, charity, the intangible, invisible part of the world. Since the eclipse is associated with the South Node, on the day of the Eclipse you can free yourself from unnecessary secrets and get rid of illusions and spiritual seductions. By doing this, you will clear the way for yourself to the benefits that the previous Lunar Eclipse promised you.

Eclipses in August 2017

The Lunar Eclipse on August 7 will be at the Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, near the South (Descending) Lunar Node. This Lunar Eclipse symbolizes the return of people from the past into your life. Situations that have already happened in the past can also be repeated, but only with other people. The initiative for the event will not belong to you, but to someone else. An eclipse in Aquarius signals that the people and situations you will be dealing with are friends, like-minded people, group activities. You will encounter them, already having some experience, and you will be able to use it or, conversely, abandon your usual behavior, and even see your mistakes in relationships with friends caused by past negative experiences.

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