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Causes of infidelity, why adultery occurs and what effect they have. Decreased critical thinking. The main reason for cheating

01/28/2012 If a person gets everything he needs in marriage, he will not go to the left, sexopathologists say. Is it often the case that everyone gets it?

According to researchers, about 60% of men cheat on their wives, among Muscovites this figure has reached 76%.

At the same time, only 40% of women enter into extramarital affairs, moreover, most of them only once. And this is not because men are "more immoral" than women. It's just that men share love and sex, and for a woman who is not spoiled by society, sex without love is impossible.

Husbands make mistresses different reasons.

In the first place are some subconscious impulses. (He met a woman who matches his current inner subconscious needs.)

For a woman, perhaps, the only reason why she can cheat on her husband is love.
But! If the betrayal is repeated, then this means that the woman is deeply unhappy in marriage and is subconsciously looking for someone, and not for momentary "joy", but, paradoxically, for further life together.
It is believed that male infidelity do not occur without the help of wives.

You can say this: the husband fired, but the wife loaded the gun, doctors say.
Affirming in space family life, giving birth to children and arranging life, the wife often does not try to be sensitive, gentle, attentive and careful about her husband’s personality, because she has a “document” for the possession of a spouse, he will not go anywhere, and according to the law, he is obliged to love.

And a man seeks to fill this void with another woman. After all, men are very vulnerable and vulnerable. They need to constantly receive confirmation of their exclusivity. In addition, many wives do not know how, and do not try to learn how to be artistic and liberated in bed, to be that sexual partner for her husband that he needs.

In these cases, betrayal is not the cause, but rather a consequence of disagreements in family life.
There are, of course, cheating simply as a result of a combination of circumstances, when the sexual attractiveness of a random partner or partner for a moment eclipses constant feeling and overcome moral barriers.

With men, and especially with women, it can happen that a light flirtation suddenly develops into a deep feeling, since the sexual experience with a new partner is so strong that it drowns out the voice of reason.
Some men generally tend to have a lot of extramarital affairs without staying long with anyone.
Most often, in this way they try to assert themselves.

One of the most difficult questions - for many unsolvable - how to respond to the infidelity of a spouse?
The difference between male and female infidelity (in terms of the prospect of continuing marriage) is colossal.

A woman can forgive, the main thing for her is that HE says: "Honey, yes, it was, but I still love only you!"
For a man, these words will not ease the torment, because on a subconscious level he knows that this is not true.

The most common reaction is denunciation, an angry protest. Constant scenes and reproaches cut off the guilty way back. In this case, the unfaithful husband may seek solace from his mistress, or the wife from her lover.

If the spouses cannot figure out the situation themselves, then they need to visit a psychologist, seek help from a specialist.
But as life shows, after treason was "opened", broken dishes entitled " happy marriage"You can glue it, you can put it in a sideboard. But for its intended purpose, it's already difficult to use it! So it's more honest and better to disperse.

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The article will tell men how to detect signs of female infidelity and accurately determine the wife's infidelity.

It is equally unpleasant for both women and men to be in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if they are actively discussed, and wives do not hesitate to share the details of love affairs "on the side" of their unfaithful "halves", then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes to the last.

If a man doubts the fidelity of his wife, he will have to watch her for some time, and only after that draw conclusions.

How to understand that the wife is cheating? Obvious signs of cheating wife

The most indisputable and irrefutable evidence of a wife's infidelity can be straight Talk in which she herself confesses what happened. After such a recognition, you no longer have to look for some hidden signs and suffer from conjectures.

However, according to statistics, less than 2% of wives who at least once had sex “on the side” admitted this to their spouse.

IMPORTANT: A man who suspects his wife of cheating needs to be patient and in no case blame her spouse for anything and not try to figure out the relationship ahead of time.

A sharp change in the wife's mood, both for the better and for the worse, should alert. And if, in addition, the spouse began to actively update her wardrobe and experiment with her appearance, carefully read the article below.

The first sign of female infidelity

Periodic “jumps” of mood can happen even to the most faithful wives. Also, a sudden desire to change her appearance can occur in a woman who does not even think about treason.

What is the very first sign that will tell the husband that family happiness is in jeopardy?

First of all, in such a familiar and dear woman a mystery emerges. A look, a smile, words or deeds will sooner or later betray her. And she will be far away. Thoughts about another man will come first, so her dreamy expression and deep thought are also some of the signs of infidelity.

How to recognize a cheating wife by behavior?

It is possible to understand that the spouse is unfaithful by the changed behavior. Often a woman, starting a romantic relationship "on the side", quickly loses interest in what is happening in her own family, from household chores and hobbies to sex with her husband.

All thoughts of the lady are occupied by the new man. They are distracted by the need to cook food, maintain order in the house, and deal with children. All this begins to noticeably annoy, the woman tries to avoid doing the usual household chores, avoiding the company of household members, preferring to retire with her phone or tablet.

However, some family ladies, subconsciously trying to make amends and hide the fact of infidelity, begin to behave unnaturally friendly and caring. This is the second common extreme behavior of women who have broken their promise to be faithful spouses.

IMPORTANT: Any obvious change in the wife's behavior may be the "first call". But that doesn't mean the betrayal has already happened. Perhaps, tired of everyday life and a more uninteresting spouse, the woman only decided to add bright colors to her own life.

Signs of female infidelity: 15 points

An unexpected change in the appearance and behavior of a wife is far from all that can hint to her husband about her infidelity. There are many other signs, and here are the most obvious ones:

  1. The phone is always with her, messages in the social. networks are hidden. Even if the outwardly changed wife does not give herself away, then the phone will be kept as far as possible from the eyes of her husband. If a woman corresponds with her lover on the network, then she will probably change the passwords from the pages.
  2. Diet, fitness, pool. The wife suddenly began to actively care for herself She cares a lot about how she looks. For no reason, she went on a diet or signed up for a gym. Well, you can’t even talk about the fact that a woman who has lost weight and pumped up urgently needed new dresses and several sets of openwork underwear. Of course, she will also change her hair and make a manicure. Everything is simple. She needs to impress a new partner.
  3. Her best friend needs more and more help. Today she tearfully asks to sit a day with the children, and on next week- help with wallpapering. A few days later, there is an urgent matter again, with which a friend is not able to handle herself. In general, this very friend has somehow become too often appear in your life. But only she herself may not be aware of this, and all the stories about her friend in fact may turn out to be a cover. When the spouse once again goes "to help", it will be enough to surprise the women and visit them. Perhaps no more evidence is needed.
  4. The wife began to linger at work, attend corporate parties, spend free time in a new company. From such meetings, she returns in high spirits, but it quickly deteriorates at home.
  5. The wife began to criticize and compare, set as an example other men, although everything suited her before.
  6. A woman no longer seeks to spend time together. There are no more cozy family evening gatherings in the kitchen over a cup of tea, she does not ask her husband about work, does not talk about her affairs.
  7. The wife stopped arguing and asking. She no longer proves her case. She silently steps over the socks scattered around the apartment, and gently silently puts the door of the kitchen cabinet hanging on one hinge into place.
  8. She now prefers to visit friends and relatives on her own.. She explains this to her husband in different ways, but there are always reasons not to go together. He also does not allow meeting himself in the evening.
  9. She started missing calls.. Then suddenly it turns out that the phone is “glitched”, discharged or even left at home. Of course, all this is not true.
  10. Refresher courses, trainings, blockage at work- all these are reasons to linger. Well, the phone, of course, will turn on only after the end of the "training".
  11. The woman began to avoid looking. And if suddenly she accidentally meets her husband's eyes, she hurries to turn away or leave the room with a preoccupied look.
  12. She is irritated by any physical contact.. Gentle hugs and kisses are a thing of the past. If the husband expresses his dissatisfaction, the wife offers to have a mistress.
  13. She complains about the lack of communication. She blames her husband for this, although she herself pushes him away at the first attempt of a man to improve relations.
  14. She no longer goes along in conversations and actions. All actions of the husband are severely criticized or ridiculed. It seems that it no longer matters to her whether the family will survive.
  15. Changes in sex. Marital sex will not remain the same. The wife may completely lose interest in the once desired man, or, on the contrary, may suddenly take the initiative and offer a new position or game in bed. But this is worth talking about separately.

One of the signs of female infidelity is indifference to her husband.

Sexual signs of cheating wife

Sexual sign of female infidelity can be considered the wife's attempts in all ways avoid sex. She either falls asleep before her husband, or finds herself “urgent” chores around the house and finishes them when her husband is already asleep. This can go on for quite a long time, and when the deceived husband still manages to get sex from his legal wife, surprises can await him in bed:

  • She became cold and indifferent. Passion, mutual caresses and hugs, kisses and games - all this seemed to have never happened. It seems that she tolerates sex with her husband, and does not enjoy him.
  • The wife unexpectedly asked to diversify sex. Perhaps she has new tricks, she has become more relaxed or demanding. Such behavior can be perceived as an attempt to compare a husband with a lover - who can give more in sex?
  • In a fit of passion, the name of another man flew out of the lips of his beloved wife. Here you can not comment.

One of the signs of female infidelity is unwillingness to have sex with her husband.

Physiological signs of female infidelity

The female body can also tell about infidelity. Evidence of infidelity can be:

  • Foreign odors. Whether it is the smell of men's perfume, sweat, or, conversely, the smell of the body after a shower. Many men will be able to accurately determine by smell whether their spouse had sex "on the side." By the way, if after sex with her lover she managed to swim, then she probably updated her makeup and hair.
  • Irritation on the skin of the face. After a passionate meeting on the cheeks and chin of a woman, irritation and redness from male stubble may remain.
  • Bruises of unknown origin. On the chest, legs, arms, thighs. Yes, and you never know where else. It is desirable that the wife explain their origin.

Bruises of unknown origin on the body of a woman - one of the signs of infidelity

How to recognize the betrayal of his wife in shorts?

Those who are looking for a way to recognize the betrayal of a wife by her underpants will be surprised a lot. Such a sign is not any marks left on the underwear during sex, but the underwear itself.

If buying a new set at least once a week has recently become a pattern, most likely a woman quite often has sexual contact with the one she wants to impress. If this lucky man is not a husband, then any other signs of infidelity become secondary.

Wife can get sexy underwear before a new betrayal

Those men who are looking for a way to bring their wife "to clean water”In fact, you need to start from a completely different side, namely, from yourself. While the missus is once again "delayed at work", it is worth considering why everything happened this way.

Maybe the accomplished female betrayal was preceded by her requests to be heard, loved and desired? After all, it is often the husbands who push women into the arms of other people's men.

In many cases, female infidelity occurs already at the moment when the husband turns away in difficult times, instead of turning his shoulder. The woman needs male attention, and if she does not receive it in the family, then she will definitely get it on the side.

Perhaps now is the time to “gather the stones”? And if this is true, it would be right not to look for signs of a wife's infidelity, but to have a frank conversation with his wife, who, perhaps, can still save the family.

Video: Does a girl cheat? Signs and how to check

Cheating wife is a fairly common reason for divorce. And the point here is not so much in hurt male pride, but in the lack of feelings for your spouse, the desire to stop the endless struggle for love and finally find simple female happiness. Well, let it be in the arms of another man. It does not matter with whom and where - if only not with her husband, relations with whom have already become obsolete.

Cheating itself is a rather capacious concept, and for each of us it has a certain sacred meaning. Change is both spiritual and physical. And each of these reasons serves as a reason to turn to a family psychologist or end the relationship. In Wikipedia, treason is interpreted as a violation of allegiance to someone or something, and in the Bible it is considered a fairly serious sin.

Of course, self-flagellation, accusing your spouse of debauchery, threatening her with a divorce is not the best thing. The best decision such a delicate issue. But leaving everything as it is is also not a way out of this situation. One thing remains - to understand why the wife is cheating and try to correct the situation.

Causes and origins of cheating wife

Family psychologists complain about the increased number of cheating women, their number is growing in geometric progression. The older generation will say that gender equality and the increase in women's freedom have not led to anything good, others will argue that now is an immoral and vicious time, and some believe that modern ladies have an instinct for preservation and procreation. It is up to you to decide how plausible and worthy of attention it is.

However, we must not forget that adultery has always been, even on a larger scale. They are now trying to disguise ordinary treason with beautiful and complex terms - “ increased fertility”,“ nymphomania ”and so on.

Modern life, full of vices and sexual perversions - a complete lack of knowledge of history and literature (if in doubt, I advise you to read "120 days of Sodom" by the Marquis de Sade). For these reasons, one cannot so confidently believe in the realities of reality or in the indulgence of instincts, but it is logical to understand the situation.

So what if your wife is cheating? To be or to be? Divorce or forgive?

Why the wife is cheating: the main reasons

Spouse indifference

Do you remember the last time you told your wife beautiful words or just confessed their love? Do you pay attention to how she looks or what she is wearing? Are you interested in her life, hobbies, feelings? Do you still treat her as a woman, and not as a matter of course - a friend, companion, partner, housewife? Women love with their ears - a truth as old as life itself ... Wives need constant moral "doping", proof of love, appreciation and respect for their spouse. And what the second halves see instead of words of adoration - he came, ate, watched TV, went to bed early - tomorrow with friends for fishing.

So every day, every month, every year. Dear representatives of the stronger sex, what would you do if your wife fed you exclusively with porridge for several years? That's right - you would have dinner in a restaurant or somewhere on the side. So the wife is looking for someone who will listen to her, appreciate, praise, be delighted with her appearance, begin to idolize her. Remember that a strange man will give her what her own husband refused - this is the first of the reasons for female adultery.

Revenge for baseless jealousy

Cheating on a husband on the basis of groundless jealousy of a spouse is also common and can be explained from a psychological point of view. Daily scandals with suspicious coloring, constant calls to find out where she was, with whom she was, why she did not pick up the phone for so long, interrogations and surveillance. Some will think that this is footage from a detective television series. No, it's even cooler - this is our life. Some will say that he is jealous - it means he loves. He loves, though only his person, because he cannot learn the most important truth in family life - to trust his companion.

Meanwhile, women who hear about their imaginary infidelity for 24 hours in a row begin to believe in it themselves (worst case scenario) or tune in, or rather, they are set up and pushed by their husbands to have sex with another. If every day you inspire a person that he is a loser, then in a month or two his affairs will sharply decline. If you constantly tell your beloved that she is cheating, then after a while she will definitely change. No need to provoke.

Family problems

If the wife is cheating on her husband, then this may be the result of financial trouble, aggression in the family, if the first option is a temporary inconvenience, then here is the despotism, tyranny of the spouse in relation to his other half - absolute disrespect for himself and his chosen one. Moreover, this is a good reason to change a partner and go to another man who will take care of his betrothed, and not engage in assault.

This reason for the betrayal of the wife is a consequence of the obscene attitude of the spouse. Some will say about women's self-esteem (as one of the reasons for infidelity). By no means, much more radical and essential - the banal instinct of self-preservation.


Spousal duty. It is a duty, and not one's own will, as some men or women believe. Perhaps sex is frequent enough, but does not satisfy partners. Maybe the wife dreams of affection and tenderness, and in return she receives the realities of our life - a five-minute puff under the covers. It is possible that the spouse has problems of an intimate nature and flatly refuses to be treated, or the lady wants variety in bed with another man. There can be many reasons and in all cases both he and she are guilty. Only now, instead of their decision, a woman chooses more easy way- makes a lover.

No love

My wife cheated… How often psychologists hear this when a very young husband or a mature spouse comes for a consultation. Often, a newly-made wife, faced with the reality of married life, understands that she has not “worked up” yet, and a woman who has kept a family hearth for years meets “the love of her life”. In some cases, the girl is somewhat frivolous and constantly switches from one object to another. And someone simply does not have enough money, so they switch to a more profitable party.

How to recognize deception - signs of treason

Every man can understand the signs of a wife's infidelity. The great ones said that men leave betrayal outside the door, women bring it into the house. New underwear, hobbies, hobbies, conversations hidden from the eyes and ears of her husband, a sharp change in mood or constant anxiety. Let's talk about the changes that are taking place in the family of the traitor.

Expensive things

The appearance of new and expensive things - jewelry, clothes, perfumes does not always indicate that the spouse won the lottery, borrowed from a friend, or bought at a sale. Most often, such presents are given to her by a strange man with whom she sleeps or will sleep. Take a closer look at your sweetheart - maybe she has a brand new seventh iPhone or a ring ...


Realizing her guilt before her husband, especially when the wife cheated on her husband not for the first time, she tries in every possible way to make amends for her erotic crime. Increased concern for the spouse - what he ate, when he ate, put on a hat or not, maybe you need new discs or a radio tape recorder ... Such attentiveness, unusual for a husband, suggests not quite good thoughts - changed.

Urgent departures or business trips

Unexpected, really unreasonable business trips can take place in life. However, in some cases, in a similar way, wives cheat on their husbands, hanging noodles on their ears, constantly absent from family life. If business trips become more frequent. Why not offer your fair half a job change? I wonder how she will react to the proposal?


Downcast and lifeless - this is what an unhappy woman looks like. Happy and spiritual - the most obvious type of lady who has taken a lover. If nothing extraordinary has happened in your relationship, and your wife has been walking in high spirits for a month now, ask what has changed in her life? Perhaps the reason is the potential increase wages, upcoming career, success in the service, or maybe something else?


remote numbers and telephone conversations, unexpected calls to which she answers, constantly carrying a phone with her. Is she hiding something? Perhaps, because female infidelity is often revealed by an accidentally overheard conversation.

How to make your wife your soul mate

Destroying the established cell of society over the years is the easiest way to resolve a conflict situation. Much more difficult - to understand the problem and joint efforts to find a solution.
The first thing to do if you have been touched by your wife's betrayal is to understand yourself - can you live with such a burden on your soul, forgive her or quietly begin to remind you of what you have done? It is worth ending the relationship immediately and filing for divorce if you feel or know that you will never forget about the betrayal. Otherwise, both partners will suffer - she from guilt, he from anger and indignation.

And anyway, sooner or later, the relationship will end in divorce, so why torment yourself and her?

If you have made the decision to save the family and forgive your soul mate (most often happens if the family has children or a married couple for more than twenty years together), then you need to reconsider your attitude towards your spouse. Perhaps you deprive her of affectionate and gentle words, perceive her not as a woman, but as a life partner, devoid of sexuality and attractiveness, or do not suit her in bed. Maybe you need to update the old coil of relationships and bring novelty to them? Or do you need the help of a family psychologist, a sexologist? Everything is in your hands, so take action immediately.

What not to do:

  • make scandals and tantrums (this is also typical for men);
  • constantly remind her of treason (she already punished herself);
  • threaten;
  • revenge, similarly, by cheating on her with another.

Why do couples cheat?

Why do men cheat, why do women cheat? We will talk about this in our article.

Before publishing this article, we conducted a survey at the Persona partnership center. We asked men why men cheat and why women cheat. And women were asked why, in their opinion, men cheat and why women cheat. The results of this survey and my comments on your answers are presented in two videos, links to which you will find at the end of the article.

Why does change happen?

Today we will analyze from a deep, psychological point of view why betrayal occurs.

Based on my eight years of experience in couples therapy, I can broadly divide cheating into two groups:

  • The first group is situational, random betrayals, which are more common among men, but sometimes happen among women. After situational infidelity, a person usually returns to the relationship. He may feel guilty and ashamed, sometimes he tells, sometimes he does not tell his partner about the betrayal. But at the same time, he, as a rule, is interested in maintaining relations. Therefore, after situational changes, as experience shows, quite often relations are getting better again.
  • A completely different situation is observed with the second type of betrayal - when love takes place, when a person falls in love. In this case there are two options further development events. A person stays in a marriage because for some reason he cannot end it. The reason may be in children, housing, other material or moral aspects. The person remains married, but the relationship, in fact, has already broken up, people simply cohabit in the same living space. Or the person leaves the marriage for a new relationship. And the marriage, accordingly, also breaks up formally.

What is the real reason for the change?

The most common answer you gave during the survey, and the same answer that appears most often in various studies, is that one of the spouses no longer feels loved. In such a relationship intimate life almost at zero or reduced to mechanical procedures. There is no romance in the relationship, and there is no understanding between the spouses. But there are constant conflicts, as a rule, on the same topics, as if in a vicious circle. Spouses can literally enrage each other, and then scandals and quarrels flare up at the slightest pretext. Or an evil silence is established between them, when they simply tolerate each other and live side by side. In such situations, cheating usually occurs. However, quarrels or lack of sex are not the true reason for cheating. We need to go deeper.

How does systemic family therapy look at infidelity?

From the point of view of family therapy, cheating means that the relationship has already ended. That is, the fact of infidelity puts an end to the relationship of the couple. The breakup of the couple began much earlier, the couple began to disperse in different sides much earlier. Just at some point, the tension reaches a critical point and there is a break in relations, there is a betrayal.

Cheating is the point that puts an end to this couple and this relationship.

Since the breakdown of relationships began a long time ago, it often turns out that we confuse cause with effect. Therefore, it is important to understand that it is not a relationship that breaks up due to infidelity. This betrayal is just a consequence of the fact that the relationship ended long ago.

And when did they end? Relationships usually end when spouses can't handle a relationship crisis. Crisis is the transition of relations to new level. As my experience as a family therapist shows, few couples know that relationships need to be taken to a new level. And you need to not only make efforts to maintain relationships, you need to know when crises arise and how to deal with them correctly.

The first major crisis that most couples do not experience is the transition from falling in love to love. Falling in love lasts from a year to three, after that it passes and love should come to replace it. If the couple can't handle this crisis, if they haven't been able to make that transition, after a while the relationship will end. For example, because of treason. Which, as we have already found out, will only be a consequence of the fact that the couple has already broken up.

What other crises await the couple? What crises lead to the fact that the relationship ends and betrayal can happen? It can be any significant change in the status or living conditions of the couple. A crisis is always a new level of relations, new obligations and new conflicts.

For example, a crisis occurs when a couple decides to get married. Before they were just lovers, but now they have become husband and wife. And if before marriage they had no special responsibility, then after marriage they need to share everything, they need to decide everything together, they need to take on many new obligations. And this one new format relationships, new obligations and new status– this is the crisis.

The next crisis is pregnancy and the birth of a child. When a couple is no longer just husband and wife, but also parents. And again, you need to re-allocate roles, finances, obligations, time, and so on.

It turns out that each new stage development of relations leads to a crisis. And if the couple does not cope with the crisis, this leads to a cooling of relations, and then to their collapse. And, as a result, after some time, when the couple in fact broke up a long time ago, betrayals happen.

There are very, very many “formal reasons” for betrayal, each couple has its own story and its own tragedy. It is important to remember that the true cause of all betrayals are crises that the couple could not cope with.

An example from psychotherapeutic practice to illustrate

Ruslan and Anya met a year before marriage, after 3 years of family life, the long-awaited first-born was born. Anya, like many mothers, went on maternity leave and stayed at home with her child. Husband spent all his time at work to earn money more money for family.

Outcome - love affair at work, she is 5 years older than him, beautiful, successful, self-confident. It would seem that the reason for the betrayal is obvious. On the one hand - an experienced beautiful colleague, always well-groomed and in a good mood, on the other hand - plump Anya, who meets her husband at home in a dressing gown with a screaming baby in her arms. All men are males, they only need one thing.

However, in the course of psychotherapy, it turned out that their relationship actually fell apart about a year after marriage. Just think about it: a couple has a baby, but at the same time, there is no relationship as such in the couple itself. And it turns out that it was not even the crisis of the appearance of the child that caused the betrayal, but the earlier crisis - the transition from falling in love to the relationship of husband and wife. And Ruslan and Anya did not cope with this crisis.

There were two reasons for the crisis. Bed problems are the first of them. It so happened that both Ruslana and Anya sex life did not satisfy 100%, but they could not openly discuss this. Because it’s a shame, because if I don’t like something, it’s only my problem and my fault, because maybe somehow everything will work itself out. And while they were in the status of lovers, love and hormones did their job and compensated for the inconsistency of partners in bed. But as husband and wife, Ruslan and Anya had to learn to openly and with mutual respect discuss each other's needs for sex. But they didn't.

The second point is different ideas about the duties of a husband and a wife in marriage. Who owes what to whom, who is responsible for what, who does what. And again it turned out that the conflicts that arose on this basis, Ruslan and Anya did not resolve and did not even discuss. They walked away from these conflicts, somehow extinguished them, endured and were silent, hoping again that somehow everything would work out by itself.

And so it all piled up and piled up like a snowball. childbirth and related another crisis became the last straw, the tension reached its peak. And there was a betrayal.

Fortunately, Ruslan and Anya had a desire to save the marriage. After family therapy, they are back together. But - and this is very important to understand - their previous relationship "died". Ruslan and Anya started a new relationship, which is based on other principles and is developing according to a different dynamic. The relationship that they had initially did not stand the test of the crisis. Of course, in order to build new relationships with the same partner “on the ashes of the old ones”, decisiveness, readiness and desire to change and overcome crises together are necessary. Ruslan and Anya had this desire.

I hope that now Ruslan and Anya will be able to cope with the crises that inevitably accompany any couple in their life together.

So, crises are a regularity, they cannot be avoided. To save a relationship, you need to be prepared for crises, know why they arise and how to deal with them. And then you will have a strong, harmonious and happy relationship.

Very soon I will have a new article "How to heal a marriage if there has been a betrayal." In it, I will tell you what can be done to return relationships and restore marriage, even after infidelity has occurred. Watch for announcements.

Video with the results of the poll “Why cheating happens”

Male infidelity is hardly surprising, and in some cultures, polygamy is even considered acceptable. Fewer and fewer representatives of the weaker half of humanity believe in the devotion of their spouses. Society treats female adultery in a completely different way, and yet today this phenomenon is gaining momentum. Why do wives cheat on their husbands? We will analyze the reasons for this in this article.

Sex and love

So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what makes them commit such immoral acts? There are two main reasons for this: new love and the desire to take revenge on her husband. Moreover, in most cases, female infidelity occurs precisely in dysfunctional families, while men tend to “go to the left” even when they consider their marriage to be quite successful. For a man, love and sex are not the same thing, but for the fair sex, these concepts are inseparable.

By by and large women cannot imagine sex without love and commitment. Married ladies, all the more, will not behave inappropriately, unless they have a good enough reason. Sex for a woman is not just a process of intercourse, but something very significant, one might even say spiritual.

What is cheating for a woman

Female infidelities rarely occur spontaneously. Most often, ladies decide on this only after they carefully consider and weigh everything. At the same time, we can say that cheating on her husband for the fairer sex is, in a sense, a desperate step. Usually only when you can't see family well-being and there is no faith in a happy marriage, a woman is able to decide on treason. That is why wives cheat, because sometimes such a scenario seems to a woman the only way out of this situation.

And if a man who has acted in a similar way can, as if nothing had happened, return home to his family, then for a woman there is, as a rule, no return back. From the moment of betrayal, new feelings capture her, and there may no longer be room in her heart for her once beloved husband. The world familiar to her is collapsing, everything becomes different, different - for real.

Lack of attention from husband

The answer to the question of why wives begin to cheat on their husbands can be found in the depths of female psychology. One of the reasons for unsuccessful marriages can be cooling in the relationship of the spouses. This often happens when, over time, they get bored with each other and begin to move away. In the case when the husband does not pay due attention to his wife, she feels abandoned, unhappy and unloved.

Loss of mutual interest, unwillingness to concede, find a compromise - this is not all possible options deteriorating relationship in a couple. Over time, in such a family, the situation may escalate, the spouses will quarrel and conflict over various little things. In the end, the husband becomes so distant from his wife that he simply stops noticing her. He does not pay attention to her, spends more and more time with friends, prefers to engage in a car or play games. computer games. Unfortunately, a man simply ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. It is understandable why wives cheat when they are in such an environment.

Is the woman to blame?

Many women, having married, forget about their belonging to the beautiful half of humanity. Previously, they tried to be beautiful and charming, but now, when the marriage has already taken place, they turn into nondescript housewives, and aprons and dressing gowns become their outfits. However, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since family life requires its victims, but nevertheless, a man can be little attracted to curlers on the head of his chosen one. As a result, a woman becomes less desirable for her man, which results in many disagreements that occur in married couples.

In fact, all of the above, rather, can be the cause of male betrayal or even leaving the family. But if you are looking for an answer to the question of why wives cheat on their husbands, these factors should also be considered. The prerequisites for such female behavior lie precisely in insufficient attention husbands to their halves.

Permanent absence of husband

Sometimes it happens that a woman seems to take care of herself and look attractive enough, and her man loves her and idolizes her. But even in such families, things don't always go smoothly. So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what is the reason for this behavior? In this case, a woman may lack the attention of her beloved husband due to the fact that he is constantly absent from home. He tries to provide for his family, earns a living and often has to go on business trips, attend business negotiations or just stay late at work. A woman understands that this is how it should be, and appreciates her caring husband, but she still feels lonely.

At such moments, another man may appear in a woman's life, one who can be there, will be able to give what she lacks: warmth, care and love. Cheating happens because this other man is there and with him the woman feels needed by someone.

Revenge for cheating husband

IN modern world women quite often betray their husbands in retaliation for their betrayal. They act on the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", thinking that this is the most The best way punish the traitor. It often happens that an offended lady can cheat on her husband with the first man she comes across.

Revenge is a dish best served chilled. But why do wives cheat on their husbands in response to their betrayal, if by doing so they only aggravate the situation and, in addition to their spouses, also harm themselves? Of course, not everyone will take such a step, because a man is able to forgive his soulmate anything, but not treason. Even if he says that everything is fine, or does not know about the betrayal at all, the woman will no longer be able to remain the same. She will always remember her betrayal, in which she will blame her husband, and also despise both him and herself for it.

Looking for new sensations

Unfortunately, the relationships of many married couples eventually come to a standstill, become somehow gray and monotonous. Both men and women may lack drive, this feeling that captured them at the very beginning, when they first met and realized that they fell in love with each other. But each new day becomes more and more like the previous one, and the fire of their feelings gradually fades away. Such a family is held together by children, the spouses are already accustomed to each other and are even sure that their love is mutual. But here's something missing.

A woman who knows her husband like her own five fingers, when her husband becomes predictable, is looking for new sensations. This is the answer to the question of why wives cheat. The opinions of scientists on this subject are reduced to elementary physiology. As the senses subside, so does the body's production of certain hormones, the presence of which makes a person happy and contented. Sometimes in search thrill a woman can cheat on her husband.

Sexual dissatisfaction

Often the reason for female infidelity lies in the inability of the husband to satisfy her sexually. However, this may be due to other factors. For example, certain living conditions do not allow spouses to be alone when they want to. Also, a similar problem may arise in a large family. In the end, a woman may decide to cheat in order to diversify her sexual life and fulfill unrealized sexual fantasies. It's trite, but it happens.

What is the point of looking for the culprit in such cases? It is more correct to think not about why wives cheat, but about how to prevent it. If sexually, a married couple has some difficulties, then you need to look for ways to solve them, because betrayal of these problems will not solve, but will only aggravate and add new ones.

A woman who thinks she deserves better

This reason for betrayal is perhaps the most inexplicable. However, here, rather, all of the above factors take place - a little of everything. These are cases in which a woman, for various reasons, is not satisfied with marriage, but she is also not ready to divorce. A woman can have a psychological attitude that she deserves better, consider herself free in some sense, so she provides herself with almost unlimited opportunities for maneuvers. For her, marriage is just a social status. Trying to understand why wives cheat on their husbands on vacation or on a business trip, this factor should not be overlooked.

Having changed, such a woman does not feel guilty about herself and even considers her behavior quite natural. Like emotional mood initially dangerous, because a man, feeling that he is not appreciated, can also begin to behave accordingly.

Why do wives cheat on their husbands. Opinions of scientists

Finally, it is worth giving here a few excerpts from the results of various studies on the topic of change. So, it is quite obvious that women who are unhappy in marriage are more likely to cheat - compared to prosperous families, in such couples, intrigues on the side occur 2.6 times more often. The probability that a husband will be betrayed by a sexually unsatisfied wife increases by 2.9 times. These statistics show why wives cheat on their husbands, the reasons are always the same. And here are the statistics about those men with whom unfaithful wives have affairs:

  • 12% - a guy who rolled up in a public place;
  • 20% - a longtime friend;
  • 13% - former;
  • 10% - colleague;
  • 1% - one of her man's friends;
  • 44% is someone else.

British scientists were completely surprised by saying that women cheat more often than men. However, the representatives of the weaker sex value the reputation of a “good wife”, and also prefer not to brag about their adventures. They are much more careful and sophisticated both in the betrayals themselves and in hiding traces.


Unfortunately, all kinds of difficulties happen in the family life of people. Husbands and their soul mates cheat. But if everything is more or less clear with men, then why do wives cheat? The psychology of human relations, which has been formed over the centuries, has established a woman as a faithful keeper of the family hearth. The betrayal itself contradicts her essence, because by betraying her husband, she betrays her family, her children and even herself.

After the betrayal for a woman, there will be no turning back. She will always remember her act and is unlikely to be able, as before, to look her husband in the eye. Obviously, both men and women need to work on marriage and relationships. For couples it is necessary to solve all the problems and difficulties that have arisen together, together, and then, perhaps, no one will have a reason for treason.

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