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How to let big money into your life. Daria trutneva - how to put big money into your life. Daria TrutnevaHow to let big money into your life

© Daria Trutneva, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4483-1357-8

Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System

My history

Good afternoon dear friends! So I started writing my second book. Writing it is a little more difficult, I must admit. Why? The fact is that I already have certain expectations about her. The first one I wrote more for myself, the same one - for you.

This is the first reason.

The second is that this topic turned out to be much more difficult for me, although even now it is difficult for me to believe it.

The fact is that for 24 years of my life, until I systematized the methodology, which I will talk about further, I sincerely believed that the most difficult thing in this world is money. That the relationship between people and love is a rather secondary thing. Despite this, I got married early, more for show than for love, as I later realized. I was not interested in the topic of relationships, and therefore it seemed to me unimportant and completely simple.

Until the age of 24, I was looking for, collecting into a single all the elements of the method of managing reality, first of all, in order to solve my material question. I will not repeat my story here, it is fully reflected in the book "How to let big money into your life." But the result of this search was a technique for working with the subconscious, which brought me, my friends and clients incredible results.

But despite the fact that I was looking for answers in the material field, it turned out that working with this technique has pleasant additional bonuses and consequences. Our Subconscious, unlike ourselves, clearly feels the interconnections of all the criteria of happiness. And even if you start your journey by solving the money issue, using this technique, you will invariably see how all four areas of happiness are connected with you. Through the subconscious, you cannot solve only the question of money, you will solve all your questions, no matter how loud it sounds.

This is what happened to me. I never wondered about finding a relationship. Relationships were not my priority, but literally four months later, as I started working with my subconscious, I met the man of my dreams. Although, to be honest, he cannot be called the man of my dreams, because I did not even dare to dream of such an amazing person. I met my love, true love that boils blood and fills everything with meaning.

Love for me is now an absolutely sacred thing: marriages take place in heaven. And I will tell you about mine more than once.

But now…

Who am I writing for?

Indeed, this is a very interesting question. Probably, I want to immediately dot the "and" so that you can find yourself among these lines. Or not to find it. Recently, the question of masculine and feminine has become incredibly acute. We all feel it. What is a man? What is a woman? What functions and rights does each gender have? Do we owe each other something? Do you need love at all, or is it enough just a family, mutual respect? Can a woman be strong? Can a woman develop in her destiny? Is a woman a person? Why do we often meet weak men? Why do men feel weak? Should we choose between our own development and love? And the most important question for me personally: how can all this be influenced? If you are concerned about these questions, then you are welcome.

When the methodology for working with the subconscious was formed into a coherent puzzle for me, something solid appeared in my life. This solidity is something I have relied on for over three years now. This is what my students rely on, and this is what brought clarity to the understanding of the structure of the world for me. I call this "Axiom 1: 1".

So let's figure it out. If I understand correctly, you picked up this book in order to let the ideal relationship into your life. Either create an ideal relationship, or reformat existing ones so that butterflies appear in the stomach, and wings grow behind their backs. I'm right?

For whom is this method not suitable?

Very often, when we have relationship problems, the first thing we do is blame.

Myself. “I’m not like that.”

Our partner or our loved ones.

And what happens when we blame someone for our troubles? Nothing. Nothing changes. Everything remains in the same place. We often hear this phrase: a person cannot be re-educated. We must accept him as he is. But so say those who have never encountered the technique for working with the subconscious, which you can read about in this book.

These are two common, common approaches in relationships:

swear, express everything that you think about a person, accuse, take offense, blackmail;

humble. Accept everything as it is. Beats - it means he loves.

I want to introduce you to a completely different approach to relationships. This approach is called mindfulness. We will talk to you many times in this book about this interesting term. Mindfulness is responsibility without guilt.

This approach can seem daunting. In fact, it is simple, logical, and most importantly, in this case, you really start to manage your relationship, and your life in general.

Once you take the principles described in this book for yourself, you will understand that everything in this life is very clear and logical. You will not only understand the reasons for your unpleasant situations in relationships or the absence of relationships in general, but most importantly, you will be able to change them. You will sculpt your life the way you want. And there are no exceptions.

But I warn you right away. Guilt will have to be done away with once and for all. It will no longer be possible to shift responsibility onto someone. If my man does not give me gifts, I subconsciously need it for something. We are looking for reasons, transforming, bam - began to give. Recently, a friend of mine, who uses the method of working with the subconscious in her life, wrote to me that a man gave her a million rubles. And the Jaguar. The car. Well, it seems like nothing like that, someone will say. But before that, this girl was not given anything, even the ex-husband did not pay alimony. What kind of miracle happened to her? A miracle, which she now regards very calmly. She found her subconscious reasons why it is so important for her that Jaguars were not given to her and that men also did not give money. Like this.

The most important thing is to understand that if we do not have something, we ourselves do not want it subconsciously. Moreover, it is very, very important for our subconscious that we do not have this. If you are ready to accept this thought, we are on the way with you.

Every person, every woman or man has his own personal subconscious reasons. But the most interesting thing is that they can be changed. For example, a man does not give gifts to a girl, does not take care of her, she looks for a subconscious reason, and it turns out that if a man gives her gifts or money, she is a prostitute. Well, really. It is very important for the subconscious to protect it from this sensation in all conceivable and inconceivable ways. And when it weighs in its scales the refusal of gifts and prostitution, what do you think it chooses? Of course, the first one.

In relationships, we are very often emotional. Therefore, it is especially difficult for us to remain in awareness. But if we try, if we understand that the whole point is in us, we understand that it is not necessary to accept our bitter fate, but other options are possible - then everything, everything will be in our hands.

Daria Trutneva

The book "How to let big money into your life" by D. Trutneva will help you understand what prevents you from earning a lot, in what relationship you are with money and how the subconscious mind affects our financial well-being. You will get acquainted with the scientific method of working with the subconscious and learn how to translate your dreams into reality. The book outlines a method to help you tune your subconscious mind so that big money comes into your life easily!

How to let big money into your life

Daria Trutneva

© Daria Trutneva, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-1358-5

Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System

My history

My name is Daria Trutneva. I have been in business since I was 18. My first business is landscaping. But I was never completely sure that it was mine.

I am one of the founders of the Lafasade company. We organized this company when I was 21 years old, together with fellow student Antonina, with her we studied at the Faculty of Architecture. Common trials and successes became the basis of our strong friendship.

Our idea is the production of structures for vertical gardening with automatic irrigation (phytowall). This is a fantastic, exciting business.

It all started when I shared the idea of ​​vertical gardens with Antonina. And she immediately, like me, fell in love with the huge green walls of living plants.

As a result, we ourselves developed, patented and started selling phytowalls. The design development and testing process took a year. The business practically did not bring any profit. The sales were small and haphazard. The income we received did not fully cover our expenses. Despite this, we did not give up. For about two years we have been in a business that brings us NOTHING except joy and self-satisfaction. Repeatedly there were moments when we decided to give up everything - it was so difficult to be engaged in a business that takes a lot of effort and does not bring financial results. They didn't leave just because they were together and supported each other. And they loved our brainchild - phytowalls very much.

We were looking for different options for solving business problems. They understood that the product is cool, that it is definitely interesting, and therefore should be sold. But we still did not have stable sales, there were only single orders.

Of course, if not for these one-off orders, then perhaps we would have done away with this idea. But no. From time to time, the Universe threw us some easy successes, sometimes very pleasant ones. For example, orders from such large companies as Gazprom, MTS, Sberbank, LUKOIL.

But nevertheless, at that moment there was no question of some kind of stable business that brought income to its founders.

I intuitively felt: ALL PROBLEMS are in our head, business is a reflection of the owner's inner state. I read a lot about it, heard, searched. Finally, towards the end of 2012, we stumbled upon a transformation tool. I was immediately very interested in the opportunity to find answers within myself. We can say that there is a puzzle. Years of searching led to this tool, which was subsequently systematized, and a technique for working with the subconscious appeared, which I will share with you in this book.

I started, of course, with myself, since there was a specific task that I needed to solve: to finally start receiving income from the business. I am grateful to the Universe, my parents, grandparents, my sister and, of course, my man for the fact that I discovered an amazing method with which you can really control your reality, no matter how loud it sounds.

It was difficult to change. Especially because, when I applied it on myself, in parallel I was engaged in the systematization of the instrument itself. However, the result was not long in coming! Reality began to change.

They say that after working with a psychologist, the outlook on things changes, but I wanted my reality and facts to change! I wanted to easily achieve the result I dreamed of. Through easy pleasant actions, and not through "tin".

In January, we were in a non-profit business. Our income was either equal to zero, or went into negative territory. And in June, the profit increased to 500,000 rubles. At the same time, we did not change the niche we occupied, did not abandon our product!

And this did not happen in a magical way. We began to perform other actions, other thoughts appeared in our heads. Thanks to this technique, we have changed the idea of ​​many, many things. When we changed the attitudes in our subconscious mind regarding business, customers, partners, employees, and most importantly, money, absolutely amazing results appeared in reality.

Of course, I knew about the business tools that we eventually applied in business for a long time, but due to internal resistance to money, I did not implement them.

As soon as there were changes in the subconscious, life changed. We launched a landing page - a one-page website. The result is a 30% conversion! A large number of applications have appeared. Developed working conditions for the franchise. When we hired a commercial director, we had no idea whether we would be able to pay for his work at the end of the month. And he made a profit of 300,000 rubles in the first month! If anyone has come across the search and hiring of a sales manager, then you know how difficult it is usually to find a more or less acceptable candidate. After working with the subconscious, we found this person from one ad on a free site. With one call. From one interview. I got into a streaming state where everything was easy.

That was incredible! We have achieved amazing results for us - two fragile girls - in business: plus 500,000 rubles! In just two months!

Business trainings are often attended by people who subconsciously isolate themselves from a positive result. Their activity is like beating your head against a glass wall. They see that others have a result - income, but they cannot understand why they themselves do not succeed.

This is exactly what I was before the moment I started using the technique for working with the subconscious.

This technique is purely practical. To use her tools, you do not need any special knowledge in philosophy, religion, techniques, breathing exercises, yoga. I've always looked for something more practical: if there is a problem, there is a solution. This has always been a fundamental factor for me.

In addition to the fact that we got such a fantastic financial result for us, we managed to successfully delegate authority in business. We went to the office just to see the success of our team and get money. We did what we loved, and it was easy and enjoyable. They brought benefits to people, loved their work very much.

We came to the following conclusion: it is not enough to know business technologies, it is necessary to change the subconscious for their successful implementation.

Typically, thinking changes through life experience: dishonest partners, bank failures, departure of experienced employees. Thus, conditions arise that push certain

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You probably already know what consciousness is and what the subconscious is. You understand the need to love money, love yourself, have the right attitude towards money, have the right attitude towards yourself. But, unfortunately, it is not always easy to put this knowledge into practice, to bring it to life.

I intuitively felt that my idea of ​​money is terrible. At the age of 12, my work activity began, and at the age of 18, my first business appeared. But there was no money at that time.

A businessman is a person who declares to the whole world: "I carry out activities for the sake of profit." But even such a person may have an inappropriate idea of ​​money in the subconscious.

That is why I now understand how important it is to work with the subconscious.

How do you usually achieve results?

There are two fundamentally different ways to achieve results in life. They do not contradict each other, but most often we use only one of them.

The first way is to achieve results with willpower. This method assumes the need to constantly overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

The second way is streaming state. This is when success comes easily and naturally. You are in the right place at the right time. You suddenly start to think of simple and ingenious solutions that were not noticed before. And the result comes naturally. In this book, I will teach you how to enter this state.

We have been accustomed to using the first method of achieving success since childhood. We often hear: you can't easily catch a fish from the pond, the legs feed the wolf, if you like to ride - love to carry sledges, etc.

Most leaders and businessmen, striving for success, resort to strong-willed efforts. But, unfortunately, this method does not always work effectively.

For example, you talk about the desire to have a lot of money and start doing business. A lot of money is the desire of your consciousness. But several years pass, and the business still does not bring serious income. The fact is that subconsciously you ... do not want money.

What are you doing while doing this? Turn on willpower. You start to force yourself to get up early in the morning, "build" employees, shift onto yourself the lion's share of responsibilities (because you think that you will do the job better than anyone else).

All these actions can be of considerable benefit, but they do not always work for a long time. Willpower, declarations, goal-setting are resource techniques that sooner or later put you in a state of stress.

There is another way to achieve success. How - read on.

For whom is this method not suitable?

The first thing I say to people who want to get acquainted with this technology: "This method of working on yourself is not suitable for everyone."

Try right now to honestly answer one serious question: "Am I able to accept the fact that everything that happens to me, manifested in my reality, is the result of my own subconscious desires?"

For a very long time I thought how I was so lucky and I survived. He told everyone that he was born in a shirt.

But only now I realized why I subconsciously wanted to be in an accident. At that moment, I had a business with friends with whom I did not want to continue working. But I could not tell them about it. If we put on a fictional scale the fact that I will tell them this, and a head-on collision with KamAZ, I choose an accident. I didn't want to tell them about it so much. I took it as a betrayal on my part.

I understand that I created problems for myself on purpose. For half a year I was overcome by thoughts: "Why is God so angry with me?" But now the realization of this situation has come to me. "

Analyzing and understanding the causes of certain events is very important. When you learn to understand the cause of the events in your life, you will be able to control your own reality.

The most interesting thing is that if my acquaintance could transform his attitude (and it sounded something like this: "Telling my partners that I don't want to work with them anymore means betraying them"), then he would not need an accident, and he would never hit it.

You can shape your reality and manage it the way you want it. But for this it is necessary to convey to your consciousness one important thought. Everything that is present in your life is your subconscious desires. And you have reasons to want that.

If you agree with this statement, this book is for you.

What is money?

What is money for most of us? Money is a matter onto which we shift responsibility for everything that is not in our life.

For example, a person says to himself and to everyone around him: "I so dream of traveling." But at the same time, for some reason, he does not travel. The question arises: "Why?" The person himself answers this question in the following way: "I do not travel because I have no money."

But really, if travel is a dream on a conscious level, if a person really wants to travel, then first of all it is necessary to break the strong logical connection "money - travel". Why? Because this is a real self-deception: "I do not travel because I have no money." Very handy self-deception! And, what is most interesting, we surround practically all our dreams and aspirations with such self-deceptions.

Money is a universal matter, to which we, to one degree or another, shift the responsibility for our unfulfilled desires. That is why we all unanimously assert to ourselves and those around us: “I really need money, if I have no money, I can’t do anything”.

TEST: What is your image of money?

I conduct this test in every master class, because it is quite indicative.

Place a bill in front of you, preferably the largest one you have in your wallet.

Close your eyes, relax. Imagine that this is a person.

Now answer seven questions:

What is he?

What are you at the same time?

What does he do?

What are you doing?

How does he feel about you?

How do you feel about him?

And what if he disappears?

Write your answers on a piece of paper and set it aside.

At the master class, the test goes something like this:

Raise your hands now, those who earn more than a hundred thousand. Come on stage.

Is there anyone who

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is it really bad with money? Who thinks that he earns little? It really should be small, less than 10-15 thousand. There are such? Come out who thinks that he earns little.

We are now doing the exercise all together. These are just the people we will be looking at. You can do this for yourself in the same way and write down your feelings.

- What is he?

- I imagined a slender girl with long black hair in a white dress, she smiles. What am I? I feel that I am a little short of her.

- What did she do?

- She went to beauty salons.

- What did you do?

- I earned money so that I could also walk through the beauty salo-us.

- Now answer the question. If she leaves your life, what feelings will you experience?

- There will be another, the same.

And this is amazing. If your answers are similar to this, you are doing well with the perception of money. But not perfect. Now I will give a completely different example:

- What is he?

“This is a character like the hissing Gollum from the Lord of the Rings movie.

- If he disappears, I'll be glad.

What do you think, what is the financial situation of this girl? That's right, her money is much more complicated.

People with different material wealth always have different ideas about money. And more often than not, people who are doing well with money do not understand at all how this character (bill) can leave their lives. If a person regrets the money that has gone, this is already alarming. Such answers suggest that a person's subconscious is afraid of the very assumption that money can leave his life.

One of my friends once asked me: "Is everything okay with my money?" I answered her like this: “If you don’t yet have a personal plane and a personal island, then you can and should change your idea of ​​money.” It is obvious that any person always has a direction to change and where to grow.

I want to give examples of different people in order to prove that the difference in their reality is completely motivated by the difference in their thinking. In other words, if a person manages to change the idea of ​​money, success and business in his own mind, then reality itself is guaranteed to change for him. At the same time, you have no idea how quickly this happens.

For example, a person with money is all right.

He says:

- Money for me is soldiers. Newbie came, soldier.

- What are you doing? What does he do?

- I tell him: “I fell, I did push-ups,” he does push-ups.

- What will happen if he disappears?

- A new one will come ...

During the test on the perception of money, mark for yourself who you saw: a positive person or a negative person? It can be not only a person, it can be anything, absolutely any image. The most important thing is the feeling you experienced. This is nothing more than your idea of ​​money. Even if you are used to thinking that you think differently about money. Even if you assured yourself and those around you that you love money.

This image is your sincere idea of ​​money. And it is with this image that you need to work so that money appears in your reality as easily as you want it. This is the area of ​​your subconscious mind that needs to be changed, adjusted in such a way that there really is more money in your life, much more.

All of the above, I want to show you one interesting thing: your success, your results and your money (if we take money as a result of human activity) do not depend on how much you work. Your success depends primarily on whether you want it subconsciously.

What do you really want?

Do you think you want money? What do you really want? What do you need money for?

Money is needed so that our life is filled with a large number of various purchases, from the acquisition of which we become happy. And happiness (or harmony) is a combination of three elements: money, development and love.

This is the topic of the book, because no one needs money by itself.

At the moment, we have packed the methodology for working with the subconscious into an online product that can be used by absolutely everyone who has the Internet. This product is called the Master Kit. I conduct an escort once a week, where I answer people their questions about this technique in their personal account. There I often describe happiness as a combination of three elements: money, love and purpose.

I usually paint happiness as a dollar, a ladder and a heart.

The dollar is matter: a car, an apartment, clothes, physical health.

The heart is love for a man / woman, family, acceptance of you by other people, love for other people. That is, everything that you understand by love is here.

And if all this is not in our life, then no amount of money and no development will give us the feeling of real happiness. There will be no harmony as such.

And the ladder is spiritual growth. Also, this should include the second component of health - spiritual health. But, even if there is growth, but there is no money and love, there will be no happiness, unfortunately.

Think now, what do you usually choose from these three areas for yourself?

When a person cannot say to himself: “Yes, I am happy,” he purposefully abandons one of these three elements. A person can give up love for the sake of money, or money for the sake of love, or love for the sake of development (there may be other options, but the main thing is that one of the three elements is missing in a person's priorities).

For example, my business partner, my friend, quite clearly answered this question: "I gave up love and growth for the sake of money." At that moment she had a Porsche Boxter, a Porsche Cayenne and a house of 600 sq. m. But if you asked her if she is happy, she would tell you for sure that she is not.

I have always chosen the ladder (height). Why do I need love, it will distract me, I thought. I had a family, but there was no love in this family. Growth was everything to me. Spiritual development, books - all this was necessary for me. And money, love - it doesn't matter. Money generally interferes with spiritual development, I thought. These were my life attitudes, my priorities. Many people have similar priorities.

Now I think quite differently, because money in my today's understanding in no way can interfere with spiritual development.

One more example. My sister quite clearly answered this question for herself when I introduced her to this technique: “I refuse money, I refuse to grow, I do not need anything. I need Love. Family, love. So that everything is good for my family. And money in my family bothers me, and the ladder symbolizing spiritual growth, too. Because of money and development, you can lose love. "

But were any of us three happy? We personified three categories of people whose life priorities were focused on one of the three components of success.

No. None of us were happy. Because happiness is when a person has all three priorities at the same time. We were faced with the task of urgently reconsidering our life attitudes, breaking down stereotypes such as “money interferes with the family” or “money interferes spiritually

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develop ", or" spiritual growth interferes with money. " Harmonization of the three priority principles - this is the fundamental thing, the result to which it is necessary to strive.

Why do we work with our own subconscious? Not even for the ocean home. Of course, we want him, but most of all we want happiness. We just think that a big house by the ocean will give us happiness. I assert that the house does not guarantee happiness, but, most importantly, IT DOESN'T HINDER HAPPINESS.

And the fact that a luxurious house by the sea can interfere with happiness is considered by almost everyone. All people who do not have a home by the ocean think that its presence can somehow miraculously interfere with the formation of their happy life. This complex, embedded in a person at a subconscious level, is in essence nothing more than a myth.

Each person has their own excuse for not owning a home by the ocean. For one it will be the fear of being robbed, for the second - the fear of loneliness, for the third - the envy of others. The essence of my method is to find in myself and transform the position on this (or any similar) issue. Only by changing our attitude to life will we change life itself.

TEST: What is more important - soul or money?

When choosing between soul and money, think what is more important to you? Write your answer on paper.

Whatever you choose, soul or money, the answer is fundamentally wrong.

And there can be only one correct answer:

Soul and money are inseparable things, since a person is both of these components together. A person has a soul, and there is matter - his body. If we give up money (matter), we also give up the body.

When people say: “Money is not important to me,” the following analogy always pops up in my head: a mother with a child. The frost is minus 30. She was put right on the street, without clothes, without anything. And no matter how much you pray for the soul of a child, he will not survive. So don't we really need money?

No, for a full life, a person needs a balance between material and spiritual components. These are inseparable things. Unfortunately or fortunately, you and I live in Russia - in a country where spirituality is one of the fundamental values ​​for a person. We absorbed the postulate that the soul is more important than money with mother's milk and learned it for life.

I do not presume to say whether this is good or bad. We just need to understand that if God created us with bodies, then this is necessary for something. In my opinion, now the denial of matter is pseudo-spirituality.

If you asked me before what is more important for me - material wealth or spiritual, I would answer: "Of course, the soul." I would shout about it: “The main thing is the soul, what kind of money can there be ?! What does money have to do with it? Money is not needed at all! " Despite the fact that I was in business.

This is a very common misconception. The myth that money is in fact not a happiness for us, about which everyone is shouting, is deeply rooted in the minds of many Russian people. Meanwhile, the carriers of this ideology experience constant stress from the fact that the entire society and the entire surrounding reality literally shout to them the opposite.

In the Soviet Union, the situation was different than in modern Russia. The Soviet people unanimously believed that money is bad, and a gestalt was formed in the subconscious of a modern Russian: "Money is evil." Of course, there were also people in Soviet times who wanted to be rich and have money. But the majority of the population sincerely considered the pursuit of money to be the priority of greedy and thinking only about their own profit.

Modern Russian society has radically changed this idea. However, our subconscious continues to give us information that money is bad. And in this situation, there really is a need to change something.

The two main questions are: why and why?

What question do you ask yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life?

Of course, "Why did it happen?"

By asking this question, we absolve ourselves of responsibility - it is much easier to shift the blame for the situation onto invisible forces. But try asking yourself a question of a completely different order: "Why did this happen?" (remember the case with KamAZ?).

Why do you need this, and not why it happened. Why is the answer of consciousness, justification to oneself. Why is the answer of the subconscious. Why - an excuse, why - the root cause. Yes, the answer can often seem strange, funny, delusional. And that's okay. If your mind was satisfied with this answer, then there would be no unpleasant situation. Rather, you would not perceive it as unpleasant.

When we have some ideas in our consciousness, and completely different ones in our subconsciousness, cognitive dissonance arises, leading to unawareness of what is happening and stress. For example, we consciously want to go to work, we know that if we don't, we won't finish the project on time. And subconsciously, we want to rest. What are we doing? We are sick. In another way, we do not give ourselves a rest!

Only by knowing the answer and accepting it will you be able to influence the problem. Precisely to influence! And not look at her differently.


Divide the sheet into three columns and three lines.

In the second column, write down why they happened.

In the third column, write WHY did they happen? How were these situations beneficial to you?

Be as truthful as possible with yourself. When you find the answer "why", you will experience a sense of insight, accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But don't you dare blame yourself for this answer!

Mindfulness is responsibility without guilt.

Mindfulness is responsibility without guilt

When a person has responsibility for how his life develops, when he realizes that every day he lives is the result of his desires, he must learn to protect himself from feelings of guilt.

Society tells us: we must be responsible for what is in our life. But at the same time, responsibility is associated with a sense of guilt for what happened (or is happening).

The most important difference in my methodology is that I will strictly forbid you to blame yourself. Remember, I wrote that money is a universal matter on which we shift responsibility?

Why do you think? That's right, so as not to blame yourself.

It's easier for us to say that money is to blame (or rather, their absence, real or imaginary). At the same time, if we want big money, it certainly seems to us that this is not normal. We don’t think that we have our own reasons. We always have reasons.

“I don’t have money because I can’t set up the sales department, or my boss doesn’t want to raise, or even because I don’t spend much time on work, or, conversely, I spend all the time, I don’t have time to earn money.”

These excuses are very convenient for yourself, first of all, because they remove the feeling of guilt from a person.

The main thing is to understand this formula: responsibility without guilt. Society, society pushes us into guilt. All those institutions where we are told that we must ask for forgiveness from ourselves, from everyone, we must erase negative attitudes and fears from ourselves, we must pray for forgiveness from our parents - what do they want from us?

They want to prove to us that we are to blame. In fact, it does not exist. Why

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No? Our life is a choice of our own subconscious. The subconscious mind, by definition, cannot do wrong. It cannot want the wrong things. It's just that your subconscious mind has different standards.

This is what awareness is - it is responsibility without guilt.

Why no guilt? Because in fact a person immediately, as soon as he recognizes his attitude, has a feeling: “Well, why am I such a fool? Why did I think the rich were bad? "

The feeling of guilt for their own wealth works for almost all Russian people. When you see that from the point of view of consciousness you were thinking somehow incorrectly, you can say at one moment: “How do I feel about money this way? This is awful! "

Especially if you were told: “Money is good. Money is good. " Now I am going to tell you: "Money is good."

Or we will all start doing auto-training and repeat: “Money is good. Money is great. " Where will this ultimately lead? And this will lead to the fact that your guilt will grow exponentially.

Why is it bad? Because, blaming yourself and your actions, you deny and deny yourself. You say that you can't be like that, and ... you lose the ability to control reality.

Our individual qualities: why do we need them?

Each of us has a complex of traits that characterizes human individuality. This is what sets us apart from others. Very often we do not accept these qualities in ourselves.

For example, some men do not accept weakness in themselves. One young man who studied with me saw the image of his weakness as follows: he is the leader of the army, but at the same time he is weak because he does not want to put himself at risk when fighting the enemy.

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Rated reviews: 5

Good day, everyone! I strongly advise you to study with Daria. you know, this is not for those who want to sit, pick their noses, and do nothing, there is a lot of information, it is extremely interesting, applicable to everyone !!! in life !!! just do not be lazy) and devote an hour of time in the evening to yourself!) (then less!)) at times!)

To answer

Today I would have spent two hours on that, an hour later they explained to me that the info-org was no longer there and the entrance to my personal office was abolished, then another hour so that I would try to enter my personal account. As a result, the request was sent to those. Department. Three months ago I was waiting for a solution to the problem from those departments for three weeks! UPC is something interesting every five minutes a new consultant and everything in a circle !!! I can't get into my personal account, although at the same time I have already changed the password to the simulator and 1 and to the second one using the same email. He will turn to no one with an intelligible answer. It turns out that I recommend a methodology to people that I will always help them, I practically deceive them? There is no one to help!

This is the best technique for working with the subconscious mind I have ever worked with! Not for nothing - all ingenious is simple! Without any trances, hypnosis and other dances with a tambourine. I have been doing this training for two weeks now. I can say that some of the results of the studies appear on the same day! Yes, only the fact that the load leaves the shoulders within a few minutes of working out is already worth a lot! I will definitely buy this training from Daria for the full price as a token of gratitude for the opportunity to transform boring installations and blocks so gracefully and elegantly.

To answer

I am from the first stream. Sometimes I just don't want to write about specific numbers. I want all the good things that have changed to remain behind a closed door, from prying eyes. Excuse me, such people.
My specific result is an increase in income 5 times (I am sitting at home on maternity leave with 2 children, one is not yet a year old), and this is not from an affiliate program, but in general from my personal business, which is in no way connected with this technique.
When I adopted many qualities, my relationship with my mother-in-law improved. Now she herself is drawn to communicate with us, although she has not really communicated for almost 2 years. also the result.
STILL MY MAIN RESULT - a year ago (I already knew and practiced the technique with Dasha). I really wanted to move from rent to my apartment. For 6 months we looked at the apartments but they did not meet our requirements. we needed the price of a good repair and I also always said that we would buy and remove the wall between the kitchen and the living room. As a result, we were asked to vacate the rented apartment, we found our apartment in 2 days, went not to the realtor, but to the owners themselves through a simple avito. apartment with a super renovation, in the flesh they left us a built-in kitchen, a dishwasher, a built-in huge shower. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HAS ALREADY BEEN REPAIRED AND THEY HAVE ALREADY CONNECTED THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM.
WE DID THE DEAL IN LESS THAN A MONTH. our realtor was simply shocked by how smooth everything was, quickly and in general how we snatched out such an apartment. said that if he had found it, he would have sold it for 300 thousand more.

To answer

You write that you found an apartment with the owner, then write about the realtor

To answer

Trutneva Daria - How to let big money into your life

My story 10

What is money? 15

What do you really want? 17

Mindfulness - Responsibility Without Guilt 20

Our individual qualities, why do we need them? 22

Why is it important to accept EVERYTHING in yourself, and most importantly HOW? 23

Bummer, loser, greedy? 25

Rich man, what are you? 27

What are desires? 28

Craving and Creation 28

How to make dreams come true? thirty

How is your reality created? 31

Are you in control of your reality? 32

What is installation? 33

Where do the settings come from? 34

Why are emotions needed? 35

Why is it difficult to work on yourself on your own? 39

How to transform a mindset? 41

Transforming Relationships with Parents 42

Finding the reason for inaction 42

What needs to be worked out? 43

What is most important in this technique? 44

How to instill "good" attitudes in children? 44

Duality: Parents and Me 45

Transformation stages 45

Your Way and Money 47

Love and development, and self-dislike - an incentive for development 48

Life is high 49

Appendix: working out scheme Letting big money into our life 49

My story 11

How do you usually achieve results? 13

For whom is this method not suitable? fourteen

What is money? 15

What do you really want? eighteen

The two main questions are: why and why? twenty

Mindfulness - Responsibility Without Guilt 21

Our individual qualities, why do we need them? 23

Why is it important to accept EVERYTHING in yourself, and most importantly HOW? 24

Bummer, loser, greedy? 26

Rich man, what are you? 28

What are desires? 29

Craving and Creation 29

How to make dreams come true? 31

How is your reality created? 32

Are you in control of your reality? 33

What is installation? 34

Where do the settings come from? 35

Why are emotions needed? 36

Why is it difficult to work on yourself on your own? 40

How to transform a mindset? 42

Transforming Parent Relations 43

Finding the reason for inaction 43

What needs to be worked out? 44

What is most important in this technique? 45

How to instill "good" attitudes in children? 45

Duality: Parents and Me 46

Transformation stages 46

Your way and money 48

Love and development, and self-dislike - an incentive to development 49

Life is high 50

Appendix: working out scheme Letting big money into our life 50

My history

My name is Daria Trutneva.

I am the founder of the Lafa Sad company. We started this company when I was 21 years old with a classmate with whom we studied at the Faculty of Architecture. Common ordeals and successes became the basis of our strong friendship. We were engaged in a fantastically beautiful and exciting business - the production of phytowalls (structures for vertical gardening)

When I came to Antonina with this idea, she immediately, like me, fell in love with huge green walls made of living plants with automatic watering.

As a result, we ourselves developed, patented and started selling phytowalls. It took us a year. But the business practically did not bring profit. There were sales, of course, but they were not systematic. And, accordingly, they could not fully cover our expenses. But, despite this, we did not give up and confidently moved forward. For about 2 years we were engaged in a business that did not bring us ANYTHING. Except for joy and self-satisfaction.

Repeatedly there were moments when we decided to quit everything - it was so difficult to be engaged in a business that, in principle, does not bring financial results, and we have to work on it a lot! They didn't leave just because they were together and supported each other. And they loved phytowalls very much.

We were looking for different options for solving our business problems. We understood that the product was cool, that it was definitely interesting, and, therefore, should be bought. But we still did not have stable sales, there were only single orders.

Of course, if these one-off orders were not there, maybe we gave up all this. But no, from time to time the Universe threw us some easy successes, sometimes even very pleasant ones. For example, orders from GAZPROM and MTS, Sberbank and LUKOIL.

Nevertheless, at that moment there could be no question of some kind of normal stable business that brought at least a salary to its founder.

We intuitively felt: EVERYTHING IS IN THE HEAD, we read a lot about this, many talked about it, but we did not know how to put into practice what was spinning in our head ... In search of an answer to this question, we came across an amazing TECHNOLOGY.

We met a woman who changed our lives. I will not name her, I will only say that the equipment she gave us was developed for the special services.

It was difficult to change. But the result was not long in coming. For me, reality began to change. Many people say that after working with a psychologist, the outlook on things changes, but with the right work, reality itself undergoes changes!

In January, I was in a business that was not profitable. My income was either completely zero or negative. And already in June we had a plus of 500,000 rubles, while we not only did not change the niche we occupied, but also did not come up with any other product!

However, this did not happen magically. We just started to perform other actions, other thoughts appeared in our head. Success came to us only after, thanks to this technique, we changed our understanding of many, very many things. The unique technique helped us to rethink very important things, to take a fresh look at the organization of business.

Business Youth has appeared in our life. Of course, we knew about their tools for a long time, but for some reason they were not implemented. Until a technique appeared in our life.

As soon as there were changes in the head, they appeared in life. We launched a one-page website, the result is a 30% conversion! We were overwhelmed by the large number of applications and packaged the phytowalls for the franchise. When we hired the Commercial Director, we had no idea how we would pay him a salary at the end of the month. And he immediately sold our franchises!

That was incredible! We have achieved amazing results for us - two fragile girls - in business: delta plus 500,000 rubles In just 2 months

Very often, Petr Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev talk about us at coaching. And this is very nice! We are really happy that Business Youth has appeared in our lives. However, our success is primarily due to the right thoughts in our heads.

Sometimes people come to Business Youth who subconsciously isolate themselves from a positive result. The activities of these people are like beating their heads against a glass wall. They really see that many others have a delta and a result. But they do not understand why they themselves do not have a result.

This is exactly what we were until the moment when the Scientific Methodology of Working with the Subconscious appeared in our life.

Why is it scientific? I will discuss this below. For now, the most important thing for us is to understand and accept the fact that it really works!

The technique does not carry any complex philosophy, religion, techniques, breathing exercises, yoga. This is all excellent, of course, but we were always looking for something more practical: "There is a problem, and we want to solve it." This is what distinguishes this technique from all the others.

In addition to the fact that we got such a fantastic financial result for us, we managed to successfully delegate the business. We went to the office just to see the success of our team and get money. We were doing what we loved, and it was easy and enjoyable. We were useful to people, we loved phytowalls very much, and it was felt!

What we understood in the end: it is not enough to know the techniques, you need to change something in your head in order to start successfully implementing them.

You can change your thinking through life itself and its harsh reality: when partners substitute, banks go bankrupt, employees quit. A person finds himself in such conditions that he simply cannot do nothing.

You most likely already know what consciousness is and what the subconscious is. Probably everyone knows that you need to love money, love yourself, have the right attitude towards money, have the right attitude towards yourself. But, unfortunately, it is not always easy to put this knowledge into practice, to bring it to life.

I have always intuitively felt that my idea of ​​money was probably too terrible. I have been working since the age of 12, and since the age of 18 I have already started my own business. But, nevertheless, I had no money then.

A businessman is a person who declares to the whole world: I carry out activities for the sake of profit. But even such a person may have in the subconscious an inappropriate idea of ​​money. That is why I now understand how important it is to work with your head.

Daria Trutneva "How to let big money into your life" so that big money comes into your life easily

How do you usually achieve results?

There are two fundamentally different ways to achieve results in life. They do not contradict each other, but most often we use only one of them.

The first way is to achieve results with willpower. This technique implies the need to constantly overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

The second way is streaming state. This is when success comes easily and naturally. When you are in the right place

place and time. When you suddenly start to think of simple and ingenious solutions, which for some reason you have not noticed before. And the result comes as if by itself. In this book, I will teach you how to easily enter this state.

We have been accustomed to using the first method of achieving success since childhood. Even the proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and epics, on which we were brought up, vied with each other to teach us this: “You cannot easily catch a fish from the pond,” “They feed the wolf's feet,” “If you like to ride, love to carry sledges”, etc.

Most leaders and businessmen, striving for success, resort to strong-willed efforts. Men are used to achieving everything through struggle. This is not a bad thing, but, unfortunately, this method does not always work effectively.

For example, a person says that he wants a lot of money and starts doing business. A lot of money is the desire of his consciousness. But 2 years pass, and his business does not begin to bring serious income. The bottom line is that subconsciously a person ... does not want money. I know why he doesn't want them, but I'll tell you more about that later.

What does a person do while doing this? Includes willpower. He begins to force himself to get up early in the morning, trains employees, shifts the lion's share of responsibilities to himself, because, in his opinion, no one can do the job better than him.

All these actions can be of considerable benefit, they all work, but almost always do not work for long. Willpower, declarations, goal-setting are resource techniques that sooner or later bring us into a state of stress.

But there is another way to achieve success. How? Read on.

For whom is this method not suitable?

When people come to me for personal study, the first thing I tell them is that my method is not suitable for everyone.

Try right now to answer yourself honestly to one serious question: “Are you able to accept the fact that everything that happens to you, everything that manifests itself in your reality, is nothing more than the result of your own desires?

I will tell you an interesting story. In Perm, I had one friend, we worked with him using this technique. He came to our seminar and right during the exercise got up and told us his story:

Only now I realized why I deliberately wanted to be in an accident. At that moment, I was in business with people with whom I no longer wanted to cooperate. But I could not tell them about it. If we put on a fictitious scale that I tell them this and that I get into a head-on collision with a KAMAZ, I would one hundred percent choose an accident, so I didn’t want to tell them about it.

And now I clearly understand that I created problems for myself on purpose. For six months I was tormented by thoughts, for which God is so angry with me. But now I understood why I needed it. "

So, analyzing and understanding the causes of certain events is very important. Learning to understand the cause of the events that happen in your life will be a huge step towards managing your own reality and your own life.

The most interesting thing is that if my acquaintance from Perm could transform his attitude (and it sounded something like this: "Telling my partners that I don't want to work with them anymore means betraying them"), he would not need an accident and he would I would never have gotten into it.

You can sculpt, shape your reality, manipulate it the way you want it. But for this you must convey to your consciousness one single thought. Everything in your life is what you subconsciously want, and you have reasons to want it.

If you agree with this statement, this book is for you.

What is money?

What is money for most of us? Money is a matter on which we dump responsibility for everything that is not in our life.

For example, a person says to himself and to everyone around him: “I dream of traveling so much. All my life I dreamed of traveling. " But at the same time, for some reason, he does not travel.

The question is why? The person himself answers this question in this way: "I do not travel because I have no money."

But really, if travel is a dream on a conscious level, if a person really wants to travel, then first of all it is necessary to break the strong logical connection: “money - travel”. Why? Because this is a real self-deception: "I do not travel because I have no money." Very handy self-deception! And what is most interesting, we surround practically all our dreams and aspirations with such self-delusions.

Money is a universal matter onto which we, to one degree or another, shift the responsibility for our unfulfilled desires. That is why we all unanimously affirm to ourselves and those around us: "I really need money, and that is why I do not allow myself to spend it in an infinite amount."

Daria Trutneva "How to let big money into your life" TEST: what is your image of money?

I conduct this test in every master class, because it is quite indicative. I will definitely tell you why, but a little later. To get started, take the test itself right now:

Place a bill in front of you, preferably the largest one you have in your wallet.

Close your eyes, relax. Imagine that this is a person.

Now answer 7 questions:

    What is he?

    What are you like?

    What does he do?

    What are you doing?

    How does he feel about you?

    How do you feel about him?

    And what if he disappears?

Write your answers on a piece of paper and set it aside.

At the master class, the test goes something like this:

Raise your hands now, those who earn more than a hundred thousand. Come on stage. Who else? No one? Okay, more than eighty. There is? Come out. Is there anyone who is really bad with money? Who thinks that he earns little? It really should be small, less than 10-15 thousand. There are such? Come out who thinks that he earns little.

We are now doing the exercise all together. These are just the people we will be looking at. You can also do this for yourself and write down your feelings.

What is he?

I introduced a slender girl with long black hair in a white dress, smiling.

What am I? I feel that I am a little short of her.

What did she do? She went to beauty salons.

    What did you do?

    I made money to go to beauty salons the same way.

Now answer the question. If she leaves your life, what feelings will you experience?

Another will appear, the same.

And this is amazing. If your answers are similar to this, you are doing well with the perception of money. Now I will give a completely different example:

What is he?

This is a character like from the movie "The Lord of the Rings", such a hissing, Golum.

If he disappears, I'll be glad.

What do you think, what is the financial situation of this girl? That's right, her money is much more complicated.

People with different material wealth always have different ideas about money. And more often than not, people who are doing well with money do not understand at all how this character (bill) can leave their lives. If a person regrets the money that has gone, this is already alarming. Such answers suggest that a person's subconscious is afraid of the very assumption that money can leave his life.

One of my friends once asked me: "Is everything okay with my money?" I answered her like this: “If you don’t yet have a personal plane and a personal island, then you can and should change and change your idea of ​​money.” It is obvious that any person will always find in which direction to change and where to grow.

I want to show you different people here in order to prove that the difference in their reality is completely motivated by the difference in their thinking. In other words, if a person manages to change the idea of ​​money, success and business in his own mind, then for

this person is guaranteed to change the reality itself. And you have no idea how fast it happens.

Let me give you another example. The person is also all right with money.

He says:

    Money for me is a soldier. Newbie came, soldier.

    What are you doing?

    What does he do?

    I say to him: “I fell down, did push-ups,” he does push-ups.

    What if he disappears?

    A new one will come ...

When taking the money perception test, mark for yourself who you saw: a positive person or a negative person? It can be not only a person, it can be anything, absolutely any image. The most important thing is the feeling that you experienced. This is nothing more than your idea of ​​money. Even if you are used to thinking that you think differently about money. Even if you assured yourself and others that you love money.

This image is your sincere idea of ​​money. And it is with this image that you need to work so that money appears in your reality as easily as you want it. This is the area of ​​your subconscious mind that needs to be changed, adjusted in such a way that there will really be more money in your life, much more.

With all of the above, I want to explain one interesting thing to you. Your success, your results and your money (if we take money as a result of human activities) does not depend on how much you work. Your success depends primarily on how badly you want it subconsciously.

What do you really want?

Do you think you want money? What do you really want? What do you need money for?

Money is needed so that our life is filled with a large number of various purchases, from the acquisition of which we become happy. And happiness (or harmony) is a combination of three elements: money, development and love.

This is the topic of this book, because no one needs money by itself.

In my trainings and master classes, I usually draw happiness as a combination of elements: a dollar, a ladder or a heart. The dollar is matter: a car, an apartment, clothes, health (physical, body).

The heart is a family, acceptance of you by other people, love for other people. That is, everything that you understand by love is everything here.

And if all this is not in our life, then no amount of money and no development will give us a feeling of real happiness. There will be no harmony as such.

And the ladder is spiritual growth. Also, this should include the second component of health - spiritual health. But even if there is growth, but there is no money and love, there will be no happiness, unfortunately.

Now think, what do you usually choose from these three areas for yourself?

If a person cannot say to himself: "Yes, I am happy," usually he purposefully abandons one of these three elements. A person can give up love for the sake of money or money for the sake of love, or love for the sake of development (there may be other options, but the main thing is that one of the three elements is missing in a person's priorities).

For example, my business partner, my friend, answered this question quite clearly: "I give up love and growth for the sake of money." At that moment she had a Porsche Boxter, a Porsche Cayenne and a house of 600 sq. m. But if you asked her if she was happy, she would have told you quite clearly that she was not.

I have always chosen the ladder (height). Why do I need love, it will distract me, I thought. I had a family, but there was no love in this family. Growth was everything to me. Spiritual development, books - all this was necessary for me. And money, love - it doesn't matter. Money generally interferes with spiritual development. These were my life attitudes, my priorities. Many people have similar priorities.

Now I think quite differently, because money in my today's understanding can in no way interfere with spiritual development.

One more example. My sister quite clearly answered this question for herself when we began to study this method: “I refuse money, I refuse a ladder, I do not need anything. I need Love. Family, love. So that everything is good for my family. And money in my family bothers me, and the ladder, symbolizing spiritual growth, too. Because of money and development, you can lose love. "

But were any of us three happy? We personified three categories of people whose life priorities were focused on one of the three components of success.

No. None of us were happy. Because happiness is when a person has all three priorities at the same time. We were faced with the task of urgently reconsidering our life attitudes, breaking the stereotypes of the plan “money interferes with the family” or “money interferes with spiritual development” or “spiritual growth interferes with money”. Harmonization of the three priority principles - this is the fundamental thing, the result to which it is necessary to strive.

Why are we working on ourselves? Not even for the ocean home. Of course, we want him, but most of all we want happiness. We just think that a big house by the ocean will give us happiness. I assert that the house does not guarantee happiness, but the most important thing is that IT DOESN'T HINDER HAPPINESS.

And the fact that a rich house by the sea can interfere with happiness is felt by almost everyone. All people who do not have a home by the ocean have in their heads the installation that its presence can somehow miraculously interfere with the formation of their happy life. This is a complex inherent in a person at a subconscious level, in essence nothing more than a myth.

Each person has their own excuse for not owning a home by the ocean. For one it will be the fear of being robbed, for the second - the fear of loneliness, for the third - the envy of others. The essence of my method is to find in myself and transform the position on a given (or any similar) issue. Only by changing our attitude to life will we change life itself.

TEST: What is more important than the soul or money?

When choosing between soul and money, think about what is more important to you? Write your answer on paper.

Whatever you choose, soul or money, the answer is fundamentally wrong.

And there can be only one correct answer:

Soul and money are things that cannot be separated, since a person is these two components together. A person has a soul, and there is a matter of his body. If we refuse money (matter)

    we also give up the body.

When people say: “money is not important to me,” such an analogy always pops up in my head. Mother with a child. Minus 30. She was put right on the street, without clothes, without anything. And no matter how much the mother prays for the soul of her child, he will not survive. So don't we really need money?

No, for a full life, a person needs a balance between material and spiritual components. These are inseparable things. Unfortunately or fortunately, you and I live in Russia - in a country where spirituality is one of the fundamental values ​​for a person. We absorbed the postulate that the soul is more important than money with mother's milk and learned it for life.

I do not presume to say whether this is good or bad. We just need to understand that spirituality is our initial data, with which we live and will live.

(estimates: 4 , the average: 3,25 out of 5)

Title: How to let big money into your life

About the book "How to let big money into your life" Daria Trutneva

Before talking about the book How to Let Big Money into Your Life, I would like to mention a few words about its author. Daria Trutneva from an early age was engaged in entrepreneurial activity. At the age of 21, together with a friend, she organized a company that made the girls rich in a fairly short period of time. But it didn't happen overnight.

At first, the business was not profitable at all. However, six months later, the young entrepreneurs came out in a serious plus. According to Daria, such a turn was not accidental, but was the result of certain actions and thoughts. The methodology used by the aspiring business woman helped to reconsider important points and gave a new vision of the business process.

How to Let Big Money into Your Life is a practical psychology book that can help you understand the barriers to making good money, your true relationship with money, and how your subconscious mind affects your financial well-being.

Daria Trutneva will acquaint you with her method of working with the subconscious, teach you to embody the wildest dreams and achieve the highest goals. Her method is called "Master Kit". It allows you to tune your subconscious mind so that serious money can easily enter your life.

“How to let big money into your life” is a kind of pocket coach, with the help of which you can independently analyze your thinking and make it reconfigure according to your goals.

Note that this technique has already been used by thousands of people. Their feedback speaks of the high efficiency of the method used. Many people note that when they started reading the book, they thought it was just another theory. However, the application of the author's recommendations has shown that life is indeed changing for the better.

Daria Trutneva warns that working on the subconscious mind is quite laborious and requires a consistent and patient attitude. It is not so easy to take and completely change your worldview, which has been established over the years. However, the results are worth it. And they won't have to wait too long.

The How to Let Big Money into Your Life guide can be your starting point on the path to financial freedom and well-being. Here you will receive a lot of practical advice, the application of which will lead to tangible changes in your life. So, start reading right now, without wasting a second of your precious time.

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