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With whom the bull is friends according to the eastern horoscope. Year of the bull horoscope. Ox and Snake Compatibility

Even in youth, a person born in the year of the Ox looks much older than his peers, but here it is not so much the external image that plays a role, but prudence and. In all companies, the Ox does not act as a leader who leads others to unknown horizons, but his word always carries great weight, and his authority is never questioned. He does not agree to be second and it is much easier for him to leave quietly at once than to take rides to adapt to someone.

Monkey Compatibility

In combination, where a man is under the sign of the Ox, everything is much simpler. After all, he is a reliable support for his family, who is ready to work the night away. And she, as a woman, is looking for just such qualities in her partner. The main thing is that the woman herself should not be a disharmonious nature, unable to create comfort. The fact is that the Bull really appreciates these qualities in women. In its positive manifestation, such a woman can simultaneously achieve success in her career and in the family. The ability to support will allow her to inspire her man to new achievements and go easier ways. At her expense, he will be able to experience new emotions and sensations that he had not experienced at all before. The main thing for the bull is to understand, accept and love his woman for who she is and not try to remake her.

If the Ox is a woman in a pair, then everything is somewhat more complicated, and the union itself becomes tense. A woman wants stability from a man and a feeling of a strong shoulder, but the Monkey will not be able to give it to her to the extent that she needs. Constant shake-ups and adventures are not something she is ready to go for. Unless as for the purpose of gaining new experience. Despite the fact that they are unlikely to succeed in marriage, the romance can be wonderful.

In general, regardless of the gender of the Zodiacs, this union is very interesting for its dissimilarity of the two. The bull is a calm and reliable person who can move towards his intended goal for a very long time and without haste. The monkey is an eccentric intellectual who likes to live a fun and active life. With the right alignment of forces, this union has great potential, where everyone will complement each other. Therefore, it is quite possible to try, the main thing is to show respect for your partner and not try to change his established views on life, but accept him as he is.

Rooster Compatibility

This is a great combination for marriage and. They are initially aimed not only at the creation of life, but also at its material support. Each of them is distinguished by responsibility and seriousness. They have many common interests and many similar views, which can create a wonderful base for a joint future.

The Ox is a large-scale personality and with great pleasure will be engaged in the implementation of his plans, which are mainly related to his career. He loves to earn money and fully provide for his life, while very rarely limited to one salary, constantly finding new ways to earn money and increase income. By its nature, the Ox is a conservative and acts according to a pre-planned plan, without moving a millimeter from him. He will not feel calm until he has a reliable rear behind him, a well-functioning life and a decent income. The presence of a strong family, a roof over his head gives him a sense of psychological comfort. He is generally more concerned about these issues than others.

The Rooster has similar desires and views on what a happy and cloudless family life should be like. But his character is not the most balanced, and attacking anxiety interferes with the vision of goals. It is common for him to spray himself a lot and spend a lot of energy on absolutely useless disputes in order to prove his case. He is always critical and wants to put things in order everywhere, which makes him very attentive to various little things and details, which ultimately absorb him completely.

Given their similarities, it is not surprising that each of them will realize that they have met a very suitable person. They will give each other not only support, but also help to expand the horizons of visibility. This is a wonderful prospect in creating a friendly and financially secure family.

Dog Compatibility

If you choose a strange combination in the Chinese horoscope, then the Bull and the Dog will take one of the leading positions. On the one hand, they have a lot in common, but on the other hand, the differences, which are present in a minimal amount, are very problematic to correct. Therefore, even in small things it is difficult for them to adapt to a partner.

Helpers in building relationships will be a sense of loyalty, responsibility and devotion, with which both partners are endowed. In this pair, most likely the Ox will be the first to be carried away by the Dog, as he will see in her a reliable partner and protector of interests. He has possessive instincts and conservative views on the family, he craves and strives for a stable relationship. For the role of a friend in life, the Dog fits perfectly. But this is only half of what can be said about them.

Initially, the Ox notices only positive qualities in the Dog, but after a while he begins to see how independent the Dog is. Yes, she has a tendency to sacrifice herself and shows a lot of patience, but her inner life is hidden from prying eyes. She can quickly change according to circumstances, is able to compromise, but does not seek to change her mind. Conceding in the main thing is not about the Dog, she strives to decide everything that can infuriate the Bull. The bull, on the other hand, can significantly put pressure on his partner and show stubbornness, which does not have the best effect on the quality of the relationship. But the dog can see in the Ox the excellent abilities of the organizer and accept his rules of life. They have every chance of being happy, so it's worth trying.

Boar Compatibility

If they are interested in each other in something, then this will definitely be a romantic sphere. Here, love at first sight is quite possible, and the further the matter goes, the more likely it is that everything will develop into a fatal passion. Here the main problem lies in feelings and everything connected with it. The Pig is “to blame” for everything, which is used to living with feelings and its inherent sincerity, and thus can pull out the hidden emotions of the Ox, who himself did not know that he could be so sensitive. Carried away by the Pig, the Ox does not recognize himself, this will confuse him, but in most cases he still gives up.

For a long time they enjoy each other, they are pleased together, because every day is accompanied by the discovery of new qualities in a partner. It is also worth noting that these qualities will be positive. A stormy romance will come to the point that friends and relatives can lose each of these two, because the outside world will not be up to them. They are sweet and warm alone with each other.

Of course, as the relationship develops, passions will subside somewhat and some instability will arise. The main role will begin to stick out the characteristics of each. The Ox will be inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig, and with all this, she will appreciate his strong spirit and reliability. The Ox will make a lot of efforts to put things in order in the life of his partner. The Pig will find in him a reliable support and core, the Ox will give her feelings and emotions that will give new sensations in relationships and allow them to develop them.

Rat Compatibility

At first glance, this combination may seem far from the best and most harmonious, but for some reason practice shows something completely different. Some astrologers believe that in such a pair, the Bull is more useful, since the Rat, unlike him, is forced to adapt. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the Rat, with all its love for communication and the desire to please, from a partner, it receives material stability and a reliable rear, as well as a mountain of opportunities for development.

As a rule, the Ox Rat is attracted by her sharpness of mind, practical approach to life, the ability to inspire and the ease with which she goes through life. It is not common for a rat to lose heart and it never divides the world into white and black, on occasion it will simply change its goal and adapt to new conditions. She is constantly in search of prey and the Bull likes all this.

The dynamic nature of the Rat and the organizational habits of the Ox - all this together gives a huge potential for organizing joint activities. The Ox tends to get carried away with very large-scale projects, and the Rat can help implement them and make decisions in everyday tasks. The Ox cements the base, which favors a long and reliable relationship, and it is in the power of the Rat to create a unique charm and give zest to the tandem, bringing diversity and creativity to everyday life.

In the field of sex, it is also good for them to be together. The Ox has the endurance to keep up the momentum that constantly comes from the Rat, he will also pick up and gladly join the experimental game. Each of them will be able to realize the most sexual without shame. In these relations, in all spheres, everyone will find their own creative realization, and here everyone has more freedom than restrictions.

Ox Compatibility

The phenomenon in which these two signs meet is very rare, and, of course, there are reasons for this. Everything is due to the fact that they are very hardy and strong and it is problematic to move them. Until each of them evaluates the prospects, no one will do anything. They see the world realistically and practically. That's even why they are not supposed to be together, but there is no categorical "impossible". There are romances between them and even marriage, which is quite normal. It’s just that in the eastern horoscope there are a lot of signs that need a strong shoulder more than a serious and strong Ox in itself.

Yes, the Ox by nature strives to create a family and a reliable rear, but at the same time he himself has the whole set of qualities that a person needs to achieve success. They are easily excitable and passionate, but at the same time they know how to keep their desires under control. These are two overly rational natures, distinguished by increased practicality. And it is these qualities that can become an obstacle to living together. A huge "portion" of stubbornness and an unshakable unwillingness to give in to a partner - the Bulls are also endowed with this. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that novels only in the most rare cases develop into marital relations. Still, this power needs to be somehow diluted, so the Bulls are not advised to rely on something serious.

Even if everything is in order in sex, the domestic side of the issue will quickly get bored by both. They can find a reason for a dispute even in doing household chores, so it’s better to initially clearly allocate responsibilities so that at least here they don’t clash foreheads. Demandingness and criticism will not leave the Bulls and will not let them relax. To be together, they have to do a lot of work. But organizing a joint business is a much more realistic task. Common interests will help them get along, so you need to take care of this in advance.

Tiger Compatibility

Contrary to the fact that many speak of the current union as not the most successful, the Tiger and the Ox can make a good couple. Yes, they are very different, but this can be an addition to everyone, but also a hindrance. A serious threat to the path to happiness can be that according to the structural horoscope this is a type of relationship, and the Ox acts as the owner.

The complexity of the union is primarily due to the fact that in any situation the Bull seeks to prevail over the Tiger. On the one hand, this is good and to some extent correct, but the Tiger is unlikely to be satisfied with this situation. The bull is a very strong, hardy and strong-willed person compared to other representatives of the eastern zodiac. He feels his enormous potential, seeks to control his passions, can harmonize himself and adjust to external circumstances. Being next to the Tiger, he will not allow himself anything superfluous, no matter how much he would like it.

He has a feeling that the Tiger is woven from a completely different material, so he will make a lot of effort in order to stay close. The Tiger, in turn, is able to give the Bull balance and even push him to further development. He will rebuild his outlook on life and contribute to the acquisition of new habits by the Ox. The tiger will make efforts to ensure that the partner becomes more flexible and loyal, learns to use different circumstances for good.

The Bull will act as a reliable support for the Tiger, on which you can always lean. He can establish a life that the Tiger needs, since he himself does not seek to follow this. The respect that comes from the Tiger to the Ox will allow the first to learn from the second to show their potential in all its glory. This will instill confidence in the future, teach you to be responsible and to show perseverance even in the most difficult life situations.

Cat Compatibility

Their compatibility leaves no doubt, because from the bottom you get a wonderful couple in which harmonious relations and mutual understanding reign. The cat is by nature very timid and in dire need of a strong shoulder that will provide support and protection. All this and more can be given to him by the powerful Ox. Most of the representatives born under the sign of the Cat in the depths of their souls are Don Juan, but they will leave all their romantic throwing behind after they meet the Ox.

This is a wonderful compatibility of signs, in which strong and stable relationships are formed, which have every chance of creating a strong and prosperous family. The only thing that the Ox may not like is the excessive timidity of the Cat, but it is easy for them to find a compromise, so even on this basis, conflicts are unlikely.

The best option is when a man is under the sign of the Cat. Here the woman tends to act more decisively, which the man will not object to. But he may not like it when a woman tries to pressure and tries to impose her point of view. She will be able to create for him a cozy environment and a life that will give him a sense of security. She is very caring and courteous, which also plays into her hands.

He will become a breadwinner, feeling powerful support from his woman. Therefore, in this union, everything will work out very quickly without much effort from its participants. This is such a long strong and devoted friendship.

In the opposite situation, everything is fine too. A woman will feel a strong male shoulder and will be able to devote herself completely to her family and home, and he will make sure that his family does not need anything.

Dragon Compatibility

At first glance, it may seem that with the difference in the characters of these two, it is difficult to achieve mutual understanding. The Ox is used to building complex systems, while the Dragon is not inclined to structure his life and engage in self-organization. For him, diversity is much more important, and friction is already arising in this field.

These are the two most powerful signs in the eastern zodiac, they are self-sufficient and everyone clearly sees their goal and the way to achieve it. Personal success can develop in the field of the ability to achieve internal balance. Yes, it will be difficult for them to connect, since they have a different system of values ​​and priorities, and no one wants to change.

Their love and relationship in terms of sex is a wave of emotions that can pierce through them. For everyone, this romance, even if it does not last long, will make an indelible impression.

The most difficult thing will be for the Dragon, which will be more difficult to accept the rigidity of the Ox, because he is more organized and has a strong character and a considerable supply of physical strength. The Dragon has a holiday all his life and, naturally, he needs a more responsible person, the Ox is perfect for this role. Feeling his reliable shoulder, he can be much calmer and this will help him change. The prospects for a favorable outcome, although not great, are still there, so you can still try.

Snake Compatibility

Classically, this is a rather pleasant zodiac combination for love. But it is unnecessary to think that it will be life like a fairy tale; here, too, there are some adjustments. Their relationship is stable, but, alas, not at all breathtaking.

The most favorable outcome awaits the Ox man and the Snake woman. She uses the opportunity that a worthy partner is nearby and devotes herself to her favorite things. Most likely, she will completely devote herself to housekeeping, keep the hearth and raise children. If the betrothed does not have enough strength to earn enough money, which is very unlikely, then she herself will go to work without hesitation. This approach will make the family financially secure and reliable. To maintain the flame of love, the Ox needs at least from time to time to admire and praise his lady, and she must recognize the power of her beloved.

But the combination, on the contrary, is more problematic, since a lot of responsibility falls on the shoulders of a woman. But at the same time, she is unlikely to resist this, she likes to lead and she really does not like to listen to others. Moreover, if necessary, she will pull not only work, but also the household. A man will be focused exclusively on personal growth, in order for him to start making good money, he needs powerful motivation. He is a more creative person who seeks to hide from the routine as much as possible and spend less energy on it. If a woman is ready to endure this next to her, then everything can become prosperous.

Horse Compatibility

This combination can be very unexpected for both. Such an alliance will allow each of its participants to better understand themselves, since the most unexpected internal features can surface.

The most favorable union is expected between the Ox man and the Horse woman. He is the creator of the material base for the family, she is the inspirer for her beloved, who will push him to reach new heights. He will be charged with her optimism and cheerfulness. With her, he will feel young and attractive for a long time and this is a big plus. She will give him a sense of satisfaction with life, which will give him even more strength to work.

It is in her power to develop his best qualities. But he will pay for all this in that he will have to close his eyes to many of her actions and traits. For example, the talents of the Horse woman very rarely include culinary skills and the ability to lead a home. Here it is a matter of choice, as they say, not everything in life is as you want.

But there are more difficulties with the Horse man and the Ox woman, as there are many disagreements on the topic of marriage and children. This woman will be pleased to have fun with such a man, but after a while she will realize that he is not one to rely on, for all her seriousness, she is not ready to waste her life on him.

The Ox Woman is distinguished by increased demands, and if she does not get her own, then she becomes very picky and does not compromise. The union is complicated from many sides, so its expediency is a big question.

Goat Compatibility

The combination is very ambiguous and for the most part not the most pleasant for both. Astrologers themselves are not very positive about this combination, as they believe that nothing good will come of such a relationship. It is very difficult for a practical and hoarding Ox to get along with a wasteful Goat, whose expenses often exceed the level of her earnings. It is difficult for her to live according to the difficult rules and schemes that are built by the Ox. The best thing about this couple is sex. It is likely that it is through the bed that some inconsistencies in ordinary life will be resolved. But even with quality sex, troubles will not leave them.

If we consider a couple from the position of the sexes, then the combination of the Ox man and the Goat woman is more harmonious. She needs a strong patron who will provide her on all fronts, including material ones. The bull is just the right one for this role. She, with positive aspects, will take care of him and the house. The Goat can become a good partner for the Ox, who will provide moral support and inspire new business.

And, no matter how sad it may be, everything is very gloomy for the Ox woman and the Goat man. There is much less chance of happiness. She cannot stand the frivolity of a man and his irresponsibility. And he, even if he is the most worthy of all representatives, can do everything in defiance of her, thereby provoking her to anger and discontent.

Of course, as adults, they can agree and share their areas of responsibility, someone somewhere will give in, but this option is unlikely, since emotions can completely absorb common sense. Again, it all depends on the desire of each participant to stay in the relationship and make it strong and productive.

The Bull is one of the strongest signs of the Eastern horoscope. He stands confidently on his feet, and absolutely does not want to get off the ground. The Ox man is the personification of masculinity and reliability, because such a person will not let you down. The woman of this sign is pragmatic, but always good-natured, has the innate qualities of a leader.

Their family is developing very well, because both love the same activities, are fond of approximately the same hobbies.

In love, they are ready to teach everyone a lesson in passion, ardor and romance. Such a family will be strong if both are willing to compromise with each other. Good compatibility is sometimes overshadowed by excessive stubbornness, and if we are talking about Two Bulls, multiply stubbornness by two.

Eastern horoscope sign

If you or your partner were born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, then you should know that this is the year of the Ox. Not the easiest sign to communicate with others, but quite understanding. Bulls are not perfectionists, but they like things to be up to their own high standards. They do not tolerate lies and betrayal, they themselves will not commit adultery if everything is fine in the family.

The compatibility of the Ox with other signs of the zodiac is good, in some places even perfect. A pair of two Bulls is always of interest to astrologers, because invariably she succeeds in everything: love, friendship, business. Of course, there are combinations that are completely unsuccessful for the Bull, which are better to simply avoid if you do not want it to come to fists.

The sign is easy-going, although it prefers to stay at home. With friends, he is frank, cheerful, does not like to shift his problems onto them. The representative of this sign is easily related to money, but this does not mean that your loved one is a spendthrift. No, they know the value of money, they earn it with joy, but they spend it even more. Having spent today, he will have an incentive to earn several times more tomorrow.

They value their work, because they invest in full without a second thought. It's best to live there. where it is necessary to use calculation, exact sciences, mathematical thinking. There, the sign feels at ease.

Ox Man

A man under the sign of the Bull is of interest to many women. He is so thorough, reliable, always self-confident. I want to be with him. This man loves to eat well, laugh and tinker with technology. If you have something broken - this is a great reason to invite him home. And then - according to the situation.

The compatibility of the Ox with female signs is high - 60% of cases. If passionate love does not work out, then you can always keep a good relationship. Friendship with the Ox is no worse, because he will not let you down, even if the situation is very difficult.

The Ox man is responsible for his work. This is an important part of life, so do not interfere with his career development, even to the detriment of relationships. He will be grateful to a woman who understands his aspirations. In love and marriage, he is very open to the new, but not ready to adapt.

This is one of the main disadvantages of such a wonderful man. He is stubborn, stubborn, insists on his own. Not out of ignorance, but out of absolute conviction - the truth is on his side. Many women cannot stand this, although it would seem that all horoscopes say that they have good compatibility.

Ox Woman

A practical person, this woman is a Bull. She knows her worth, because, most likely, she achieved everything herself. Like a man, a woman of this sign loves technology, accurate calculation and numbers. She is "at home" in this world. Do not think that she does not want romance, compliments, beautiful courtship. Simply, if this woman fell in love with you, then the main thing for her is to be closer to her lover.

She will not play "closer further" just to provoke a partner. If you are together, then together. These are very open, friendly people who appreciate good humor and an intelligent interlocutor. They hate to lose. If the Ox woman made a mistake, she was scolded at work, then it is better to lie low for a while, because she will give vent to her anger.

Will not tolerate betrayal of a partner. Her compatibility with others is high in love, but marriage does not come so often. The Ox woman is picky in relationships. The older she gets, the harder it is to convince her of the sincerity of feelings. You have to work hard for her.

When a man and a woman Ox meet, they immediately notice each other

Possesses stubbornness, perseverance and inflexibility. Did he put something in his head? So it will be. Don't even try to convince. Can build harmonious relationships based on love only with strong signs. Supports the weaker, befriends them.

Union in Love

This is a pleasant meeting, because their compatibility is visible to the naked eye. They try to be closer to each other, which eventually develops into a romance. Their love is very stormy:

  • sudden travel;
  • chic restaurants;
  • gifts;
  • serenade under the window.

Both bathe in love when it is a pair of two Bulls. A beautiful couple in a bit of a hurry. In the first months of acquaintance, they do not care about anything. Just not both. Such a period can last even longer, until one of them feels a pang of jealousy. Then comes the hasty marriage proposal. It happens suddenly, spontaneously, so that the second partner did not expect.

In love, they know how to share, be honest, open

It may take some time from proposal to marriage, sometimes a year or two. The main thing here is that they declared their rights to each other in front of everyone. Problems are better discussed than hidden - so they think.

couple in marriage

Difficulties in marriage can begin when Oxens share territory and household responsibilities. Each of them knows what is best. No wonder astrologers say:

“In order to fulfill their plans, the bulls need calmness and a peaceful environment around them. If they have made a decision, then it will be simply impossible to change it, because. to convince the bull that he is wrong is unlikely.

How can we find a common language here without killing each other? Everything comes with time.

The grinding of characters will take several months, because life in marriage is different from ordinary love relationships.

The Ox woman does not lag behind her lover in ardor and indomitability. It looks like it's hard for them, but it's not.

When there is love in a couple, then problems in love and marriage are solved. Be patient. Although, a woman is more ready for compromises in marriage than her partner. She is the first to understand that without this simply nothing will come of it, but she wants to maintain such a spiritual union.

They have every chance to live a long happy life. Without quarrels and conflicts, as soon as they learn to stop in time. This is the hardest thing for a couple to say "stop". Otherwise, the fight of the Bulls will be deadly. No one will help you here if you find yourself between them.

Moreover, they do not see their disagreements as a problem. This is something like the normal course of life, in which there is a place for light and dark stripes. After such conflicts and disagreements, you can reconcile in bed, laugh at past problems.

The Ox is a great partner for family life, whether male or female. True, change will not be tolerated. If you want to build a strong alliance with the Ox based on mutual love, then be prepared to accept him as he is:

  • with an explosive character;
  • the desire to insist on being right;
  • focus on work.

If you are a pair of two Bulls, then first recognize these qualities in yourself, and then look at your partner with different eyes. The compatibility of this sign with its own kind - for love, marriage and family life, success awaits you.

People born in the year of the Ox (Ox) differ from the rest in that they have inexhaustible optimism. They very rarely turn their attention to trouble, so it is quite easy for them to cope with difficulties. The compatibility of the Ox and the Ox is very rare. This is justified by the fact that each of the partners has its own perseverance, so they will never make concessions to each other.

Ox and Ox Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Characteristics of the Ox woman

Such women have a masculine character, but at the same time, they have a feminine cunning. This helps her achieve her goal within a short amount of time. At first glance, it may seem that she is defenseless and needs help. That's just a deceptive opinion, because inside she has a core and an unshakable character. Such women value their own freedom very much, and need independence. Therefore, in love and friendship, he can take the reins of government.

Her man will never face such situations as the girl's constant depression, tears, or an unusual style of clothing. The Ox woman will never allow herself weakness, because she is an adherent of the classics. Like any other person, such girls are characterized by weakness and tears. But, they will never show their weakness to others, and accept difficulties with a calm expression on their faces.

Characteristics of the Ox man

As soon as a girl thinks about building a relationship with a male Ox, she must understand several of the main features of his character. Firstly, such guys have internal self-doubt. Secondly, he needs a companion who will constantly support him in difficult situations and guide him on the right path.

They are distinguished from the rest of the signs of the horoscope by the fact that they love to be alone and read philosophical books. Therefore, such men will look for a girl who will normally perceive their love of privacy.

The influence of natural elements on the sign

The year of birth affects the nature of the sign

In order to understand why Bulls are rarely compatible with each other, one should consider the influence of the elements on their character. It will also allow you to look for a partner that would satisfy all your requirements.

  1. Wood Ox, born in 1925 and 1985, is characterized by a desire to lead and gain the respect of others. He always knows how to do the right thing in a given situation.
  2. Metal Ox, born in 1901 and 1961, has charm, a sense of concern for others, and straightforwardness. He always has many friends that he can forget about if he has to work on an interesting case.
  3. Fiery Ox, born in 1937 and 1997, has hard work and assertiveness in his character. He never stops half way, and tries to quickly reach his goal.
  4. The Water Ox, who was born in 1913 and 1973, is characterized by talent, fairness and is very difficult to bribe. Such people often occupy leadership positions.
  5. Earth Ox, born in 1949 and 2009, is characterized by determination and always achieves his goal.

Ox union in love

The compatibility of the Ox with the Ox in love is quite rare. But, there are certain reasons for this, due to the eastern horoscope. The thing is that people born in the same year always have similar character traits. At first, everything will be fine, but after just a few years of relationship, their love will begin to fade. The thing is that they want variety, and something new. After all, each of them will be bored from the monotony. At such moments, love fades into the background.

Ox women know who suits them for a life together, and prefer to start relationships with strong boys. Only hooligans can arouse love in her. It is the male Ox who has a strong and wayward character. Of course, initially it may seem that everything is perfect in this pair. But that's just not the case.

But, the rationality that is present in both partners can become a problem for love and further relationships. Moreover, all this is “seasoned” with stubbornness, willfulness and steadfastness in making a decision. As a result, it will be difficult for them to achieve harmony and understanding in love. Both a man and a woman will fight for leadership in relationships, which will cause the search for love with other symbols of the eastern horoscope. Even sincere love cannot keep their relationship.

Oxen compatibility in marriage

The Ox man and the Ox woman, being married, remain with their own preferences in life. These zodiac signs have their own preferences in a partner. The girl is trying to evoke a feeling of love in the guy, and he wants to find a good mistress who would love him without memory. Despite this, a man will never demand unusual food from his wife, or complete order in the house. He is satisfied with life, even with a mess in the room.

Ox and Ox find it difficult to get along in the same house. Of course, if they can agree among themselves on the distribution of responsibilities, then there is every chance for a good life in marriage. If each of them will have a strong character, and will begin to try to gain supremacy in the family, then compatibility in marriage is doomed to failure. If you believe the Chinese horoscope, then these are two strong people who very rarely make concessions to each other.

Ox compatibility in bed

The compatibility of the Ox woman and the Ox man is interesting, they achieve complete harmony in bed. Firstly, it is justified by the appearance of partners. Secondly, each of them is trying to bring something new into the sex life. The compatibility of the Ox and the Ox in bed is so high that it amazes with its result. After all, a guy and a girl will never have sex with other characters if they do not have feelings for them. Therefore, they are especially serious about finding a partner, and as soon as the Ox woman and the Ox man find each other, they are doomed to a happy sex life. It is very difficult for such people to readjust and look for a new partner for sex. It is better for them to step over themselves and their principles than to again expose their body and soul to another person.

These animals of the Chinese horoscope do not belong to the activists, so their joint pastime can become monotonous, which can eventually bother both partners. They need a shake-up from time to time, the so-called "whip", without which it is difficult for them to move in the right direction. Bulls are sometimes looking for such a “whip” on the side, thereby bringing contention into their relationship.

People born in the year of the Ox, regardless of whether it is a wooden, water, metal, earth or fire sign, should pay attention to the signs of the elements of water, earth and air. Most often, people born under these signs have a balanced character and healthy ambitions. It is difficult to say who suits the Ox woman the most according to the horoscope, it largely depends on the upbringing and rhythm of life of each person. Regardless of which sign a woman born this year chooses for herself, it is worth paying attention to the person, and not to compatibility according to the horoscope of different years.

Ox woman compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

The couple has a happy future

For representatives of these signs of different years, family, home values ​​and children are important. The Rat man has some fussiness, but this quality is perfectly offset by the solidity of his partner. Such relationships will be happy and lasting. The wife will for many years control the house, the husband, manage the household and undoubtedly become the head of the family. All domestic issues will fall on her shoulders. But home improvement is her calling. At the same time, the Rat man does not object to this approach at all and will completely focus on obtaining material wealth, and after returning to a comfortable home after a hard day, he will arrange romantic evenings for his companion.

If you study the horoscope, then such similar signs are well compatible in terms of career. They are a great team, but not lovers. People born this year are responsible and hardworking, conservative in their views and ready to plow to achieve the goal. They need to create not a family, but a labor union. Together they will collect a solid capital and ensure material well-being. But the main problem with these relationships is that partners can get bored. Both Bulls are conservative, live on schedule and cannot entertain themselves. They just get tired of each other. Then perhaps there will be entertainment on the side. But both will keep the union, no matter what. In these relationships, beautiful and happy children grow up, feeling the love of their parents.

Given the characteristics of these two signs and the horoscope, then such a pair is not very compatible. The temperaments of the spouses are too different, which gives rise to constant misunderstandings. The wife is conservative and does not want to accept the adventurism of her companion. The Tiger man is too active, cannot wait for a slow partner. Both are stubborn and not ready to make concessions. The wife is too strong-willed and strives to dominate the family, and in these relations only a man should become the head. If the partner is wise enough to give in, then he will give her a wonderful life for this humility.

Ox-Rabbit (Cat)

If the spouse trusts the partner more, then such an alliance will be very successful. Starting with friendship, the relationship in this couple develops into love. If the representative of the sign does not throw away his jealousy, then this relationship is doomed to failure. One day, a wife may get tired of being tormented by suspicions. Such signs have a very different idea of ​​\u200b\u200blove. For a wife, this is primarily a family, and a Rabbit man needs romance without obligations. Therefore, the initiator of the creation of such a union is most often a woman. The partner only needs to show that she is the best and unique. Perhaps, when total control is weakened on her part and more trust appears, then such an alliance will have a bright future.

Ox woman and Dragon man are not very compatible. The Ox needs a serious stable relationship and reliable support, and the Tiger loves entertainment. Even the friends of this couple are different and therefore they do not rest together. At the same time, both partners are stubborn and not ready to change for each other. The wife wants to subdue the man to her will and this will be her main mistake. To maintain such an alliance, it is very important to simply accept each other, and not try to change for yourself.

Ox and Snake form an almost perfect union

This is an almost perfect couple. Each of the partners turns a blind eye to small flaws. They have similar temperaments, both value family and traditions. Such relationships are not exciting, but very stable. There will be few bright moments in their lives, but this is not the main thing. Stormy emotions, mood swings, new impressions - this is not typical for the temperament of this union. Together they will reach the maximum heights in their careers, achieve material well-being, and create a strong family. But a man needs to take some of the responsibility on himself, otherwise his partner will soon get tired of dragging everything on himself.

These two signs are poorly compatible with each other due to the difference in temperaments. The Horse man is a too freedom-loving person, and the Ox woman, in turn, is domineering and stubborn. If partners want to be together, then a lot will depend on the spouse. She must accept her partner and learn to understand him. Partners live in different rhythms. The couple does not need to bring their life together to conflict and confrontation. After all, both spouses are too proud and it will be difficult for them to meet each other halfway.

The relationship of the couple is very difficult throughout the years they lived together. Due to different temperaments, such people simply cannot be together for a long time. A man feels a lack of praise and attention. And the wife cannot give them to her man, because she does not know how to express emotions and has a restrained character. She is an excellent wife and mother, but the irresponsibility of a man just annoys her. To create comfort in the house, the Ox woman needs a certain material wealth, which such a man cannot give. The wife expects reliability and support, and he just enjoys life.

The bull is rational, smart, used to standing firmly on the ground and achieving its goals. He is devoid of a certain romanticism, which is why he approaches the foundation of his family very seriously and responsibly. Usually, representatives of this sign get a fairly strong union, but who is more suitable for the Bull, and who is less, what is the compatibility of the Bull with other signs, we will learn from this article.

Characteristics of male Bulls

Inveterate conservatives - that's how you can characterize these representatives of the sign. They love constancy in life, some experiments are alien to them, and for years they do not want to change anything in their lives.

It is quite difficult for them to decide on marriage, but if this happens, then such a man is ready to do a lot for his family. Bulls are faithful companions in life that you can rely on in any difficult situation.

If the head of the house is a Bull man, then soon true prosperity will come to the family, representatives of this sign know how to achieve goals, while Aries and Lions try hardest of all.

Characteristics of women Bulls

The bull woman is a rather pragmatic person who prefers reality to romantic dreams. At the same time, this is a sensitive and kind creature that you can always rely on. She also strives for comfort in her own home; for her, the family hearth always comes first.

Such a woman is a little closed in herself, and her interests are slightly limited. But for her husband and children, she will do everything possible, if only they were happy.

It is still difficult to find such a faithful and devoted partner as such women, especially for female representatives who are Pisces, Virgo or Taurus according to the horoscope.

Bull Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

Ox Compatibility with Rat

This couple can make a pretty good union. The Rat needs a serious attitude towards her, which the Ox can give her in full, in addition, he will provide her with a comfortable life. Representatives of these signs are strong personalities, and therefore, if both of them correctly relate to the freedom of a partner, then everything will be smooth in their pair.

The compatibility of the Ox with Cancer, born in the year of the Rat, is difficult, all because such a representative of the sign is very emotional and he will lack romance in his partner. But due to the fact that the Ox always remains faithful to his soulmate, he will undoubtedly become a big plus for family life with the Rat.

Ox Compatibility with Tiger

Such an alliance is not very favorable. All because for the Tiger such a partner is a potential prey, he will constantly suppress and oppress his soul mate. But the Ox is not used to obeying everything, he is an independent person, so such a couple can often have problems because of this.

Partners need to learn to meet each other halfway, respect and appreciate their soul mate. In principle, the restless Tiger always needs a cozy and calm place where he can relax, and his partner will just be able to provide him with such a quiet corner and help solve the accumulated problems.

Ox Compatibility with Ox

Such representatives of the sign perfectly understand each other, they have a well-established life and everything goes like clockwork. They do not have to expect any unpleasant surprises and shocks from each other, life passes clearly and measuredly. But this regularity can sometimes fail: sometimes they are simply bored with each other.

Representatives of this sign need to periodically spur each other, to please with something unusual, otherwise they will simply fall into hibernation. If such a family union can be very successful, then it is better for them not to conduct business together.

Ox Compatibility with Rabbit

A very good union. Both representatives of such signs value their home most of all, for them it is a real fortress, therefore they will try to harmoniously build their relationship with each other. Such a union means protection and comfort for the Rabbit, which the representative of this sign needs very much.

The only thing that the Ox may not like is some uncertainty of the Rabbit, as well as the fact that the Rabbit loves to be in public and communicate with members of the opposite sex. But if the Rabbit shows what an exemplary family man he is (and most often he really is), then the other half will calm down and begin to trust his partner.

Bull Compatibility with Dragon

For the Ox, the Dragon will become another shake-up in life: after all, he loves an ordinary life without adventures, and the Dragon only needs new emotions and bright events. Having met, they will be able to survive a joint passionate romance, but their relationship is unlikely to go further.

For some time, the fiery Dragon will be able to rest near a stable, peaceful stalls. And he, in turn, will gain life experience from the Dragon. But then, most likely, the Dragon will simply get bored, and he will fly away and further conquer new peaks.

Ox Compatibility with Snake

The snake will be able to surround the partner with care and attention and at first provide him with the opportunity to be the head of the house, but then make her opinion more meaningful. At the same time, both partners are quite strongly united on a spiritual level: the devotion and reliability of the second half are very important for them.

If such a representative of the sign allows the Snake to realize himself in the profession, and does not force him to sit at home on the Internet on the forum, then the union will be quite successful. In this case, her imperiousness and stubbornness will not touch family relations so much, and everything will be calm at home. This is especially true of the Ox man and Aquarius woman.

Ox Compatibility with Horse

Representatives of these signs have a different pace of life, so their union can hardly be called successful. So, a horse is sometimes difficult to stop at a gallop, but her partner likes to do everything slowly. The horse is very passionate, so the Ox, with his non-recognition of romance and vivid emotions, wooden in a relationship, simply cannot fulfill the desires of his partner. Most likely, the relationship will end with the fact that the Horse will begin to communicate more and more in the circle of strangers and in this way will move away from the partner. The couple will break up especially quickly if the representative of the Horse according to the horoscope is Sagittarius or Scorpio.

Ox Compatibility with Sheep

The dreamer Sheep is not used to thinking rationally, and her partner, on the contrary, does not know the word "romance". But in their dissimilarity, they are drawn to each other - so to speak, to fill in some gaps. They are not recommended to be together, but for some time they will be able to enjoy their partner: the Sheep will learn the prudence of the second half, and he will shake himself up and move away for some time from the gray everyday life.

Ox Compatibility with Monkey

Their union is favorable, although it can be very difficult for a partner to keep up with the nimble and fidgety Monkey. Representatives of these signs are not sentimental, so they can create strong relationships built on mutual trust. The monkey in life lacks precisely the poise and calmness that she can just find in family life with a partner born in the year of the Ox.

Ox Compatibility with Rooster

Representatives of these signs will be able to create a good alliance if they make concessions to each other from time to time. So, the Rooster is a lover to communicate in a company, so from time to time his partner needs to provide him with such an opportunity. In this pair, the Bull will mainly make money, and the Rooster will give advice and guide the partner in the right direction. Quarrels are not uncommon in such a family, but thanks to the diplomacy of the Rooster and the good nature of the second partner, they will cope with them without any problems.

Ox Compatibility with Dog

Such partners will appreciate each other: Ox Dog for the depth of her mind, and the Dog for the rationality and poise of his partner. It’s great when in such a union the Dog is a man, and the Ox is a woman, then the partners will be able to give each other a lot, for example, the Dog will finally find the long-awaited balance and tranquility.

If in such an alliance the Dog is a woman, then difficulties cannot be dispensed with. The fair sex, born in such a year, is characterized by vanity and excessive sociability, which can periodically anger a partner. This is especially pronounced if the woman's zodiac sign is Leo, Libra or Gemini.

Ox Compatibility with Pig

These representatives of the signs really like each other, but without disagreements in such an alliance it will not work to live. So, the Pig is very wasteful and prefers to live in great comfort, and her partner, on the contrary, knows how to count money and often saves them in reserve. This is the main cause of all quarrels. At the same time, the Pig is well aware of her weaknesses, and if she learns to control them, then there will be no special problems, both partners will appreciate each other's honesty and live peacefully.

year of birth: 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009

The ox belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the second sign of the Chinese horoscope and it rules from 1 am to 3 am. The season that brings Ox good luck is winter, and the period of its climax is January. According to the European Zodiac, Ox corresponds to the sign of Capricorn. The color that brings them happiness is green. Flowers and plants that bring them good luck are peony, violet, thyme, hops and sage. The countries most favorable for Ox to live in are Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, New Zealand, Nigeria, Argentina, Venezuela.

The ox is happy when he is born in winter, because lecho brings a lot of difficulties associated with hard work. And, as a rule, summer Oxen live a hard life full of troubles until the end of their days.

Vol's childhood and youth pass without any complications. They are busy studying, working, and they don't have time to do stupid things. The ox is a dreamy animal, and therefore often in his mature years he is haunted by disappointments. They can not be called touchy, but they do not know how to handle the feelings of others. Perhaps, therefore, the outpourings of others are alien to them, sometimes even causing them to laugh,

In the second half of life, they have difficulties in marriage. Often partners are offended by their indifference and begin to look on the side for the romance that is missing in their house. If the Ox does not have time to settle these issues with his common sense, he can destroy his well-being in life.

In old age, they will also face difficulties, and if they overcome them, the winter of life will be very calm. But, as a rule, Oxen live a monotonous, stable life, living to an advanced age in “material well-being. By the end of their lives, they completely calm the raging passions and know how to be indulgent.


Oxen are calm and patient. When a goal is chosen, they move towards its achievement slowly, but always follow it accurately and confidently. These people have an original and intelligent nature, which is usually hidden behind a dull appearance. Oxen have the gift of inspiring confidence, which is a big trump card. Oxen cannot stand aggression, therefore, going to them with some kind of unpleasant mission, you need to stock up on maximum diplomacy. For security purposes, you can lie. But if these measures do not help and the Ox breaks loose, then Luchin will simply kill him.

They are contemplative by nature and often like to be alone! According to Hippocrates, Volov is classified as a choleric temperament, so after a calm state they are easily prone to outbursts of anger. They are able to work for a long time. Their house is always in perfect order, they are neat, practical and always ready to help. This is even very envied by others. But if something starts to interfere with these people, they explode and sweep everything out of their way.

Although they are secretive, if necessary, they can show exceptional eloquence. Those born under this sign absolutely cannot stand the news that can disrupt the course of their lives. They are born conservatives who do not tolerate innovation, so they impose their views not only on their family, but also on those around them.

Representatives of this sign are diligent, hardworking workers, so they are often given all responsibility, and they really like it. Oxen are stubborn, hardy and never violate their moral ideals. They are shocked by obscene manners and untidy clothes, with cheeky behavior they feel uncomfortable, although they cannot be called scrupulous either. They just know when, where and what to say. Oxen have strong principles, but you can't deny them originality. These people are incredible individualists, characterized by absolute independence. However, they also have disadvantages.

Oxen absolutely do not know how to compare and weigh. All this is due to their inner perfection, which does not tolerate nuance. For such people, there is only black and white.

Ox cannot be accused of being overly sociable, but he is a devoted friend who never backs down from his duties. Starting from early childhood, Oxen acquire a true friend and never part with him again. If, by coincidence, such friends disappear, Oxen feel devastated and cannot make new friends. This is due to their sedentary and constancy. If they doubt something, they never say it out loud. But these people react instantly, believing that one cannot be a weakling. Oxen love to act, to create, and not to rant about everyday nonsense.

Such people can be trusted and you can always rely on them. It is very rare to see a smile on their face, probably because they do not understand humor well. Sometimes a bad joke can easily piss them off. But in conversations about real matters, they behave solidly. In such cases, they do not enter into discussions at all. Often Oxen pretend that they absolutely do not hear the nuances of what is said. But sometimes they begin to persist, refusing useful advice. Oxens are not accustomed to admit their mistakes. But they are honest and do not take bribes.

Oxen are often judged too harshly, because they do not stick out their virtues in people, they believe that they should be perceived as they are. And they deserve attention, because Oxen are modest, kind and always like those who love reliability.

Their main virtue is poise, patience and diligence. But in a negative combination of circumstances, Ox does not understand the inner world of a partner, which makes him a bad player.


Oxen are the most secure and prudent animals. They love money, but do not become their slaves, like Rats. Oxen do not litter with funds, they are economical and reasonable, sometimes even too much. The only thing they can't deny themselves is decoration.

Own home. In other cases, they are extremely stingy.

Of course, other signs treat finances a little differently, but Oxen prefer to keep money in the bank, receiving good interest. Their family hearth is well maintained, their property is treated incredibly carefully. Their accounts are always in perfect order. Oxen women systematically conduct their household, in which they do not miss any trifles.

Each Ox in his life is trying to leave something behind, and, as a rule, their capital is significant. And they don't really need it, they just want to secure the future of their children. Usually they achieve this in the second half of life. As a rule, what Oxen get is earned honestly, without any speculation and loans.


People of this sign are quite ambitious, power-hungry and overly stubborn. But you don't need to trust the Oxen to anyone. Although they like to work quietly, in no case should their work balance be disturbed. Of course, they do not openly strive for power, but all the same, in the depths of their souls, the Oxen are waiting for the moment when they are offered a responsible post. Real Oxen will always prefer high responsibility to quiet work. They have an incredible ability to work and therefore they always do better in a leadership position. Oxen will never accept the role of an ordinary employee, and if this somehow happens, they risk simply dying.

It also happens that they put too heavy a burden on their shoulders, but this cannot unsettle them. They can do everything themselves, but with deliberate intervention, the Oxen lose their balance. Therefore, they simply need rest and walks in the fresh air. If they don't, they definitely need to be reminded of it.

Oxen, like exemplary students, taking on something, always bring it to the end. Their decisions are always fair and specific. Oxen are respected by superiors, because they are very demanding of subordinates. You can always count on their honesty. But because of their inability to enter into the position of others, Oxen are sometimes unfair and cruel. They make excellent surgeons. They can also excel in the arts and in the management of a technical enterprise, such as a car service, in the conclusion of contracts and administration of the state.

Often they can be seen in political circles, as they are excellent leaders and follow their own conscience. They prefer real activity, not castles in the air. But still, their vocation is agriculture.

They need to avoid professions related to trade, since in this area their communication with people is very difficult. Travel related professions are also not recommended because they can affect their health.

Oxen - Fine military men, architects, designers, photographers, hotel employees, medical workers, dentists, hairdressers, directors, economists, farmers, gardeners, farmers, skilled workers, as well as dictators and police officers.


As we noted, Oxen are great realists and cannot stand any kind of romance. Therefore, for them there are only specific ones. goals: work, getting food, protecting their own interests and the interests of the family. This is not to say that love and sex do not exist for them, they just treat this more coolly than other people. Oxen are sexy, but they cannot stand flowery phrases and lengthy declarations of love. They can be gentle, devoted, and even sensitive. For them, flirting is a waste of time, and passion sometimes aggravates them. Therefore, sometimes they look a little inattentive, as Oxen forget to grab a bouquet of flowers for a date or compliment their beloved.

Although they value their freedom, they still cannot live without love. This feeling often compels them to create their own life according to their own original plan. They frantically try to implement this plan, making life together sometimes unacceptable for their partner. Oxen will not be able to be malicious, rather, by some fatal accident or due to their busyness, they forget about the promise.

If you love Vol, you will not lose by taking him as a wife, because there is no more faithful and responsible family man. They have no equal in the kitchen, they are excellent hosts and cooks. Oxen women also have a quick reaction to men, but they are used to fighting immorality, preferring the marital bed to casual meetings.

Oxen always claims to be exclusive. They don't like suspicion because they are always too busy and don't have time to play detective. If the Ox marries, then he trusts his partner.

When they cheat, they behave rather strangely, because they do not make a tragedy out of it. For them, the big tragedy is the overspending of money. But having lost trust once, they will never be able to regain it again. If they love a person, memories of mistakes will remain in their life and will gradually poison it. This rational attitude towards love is often reflected in Ox's love affairs and marriages.


We have already said that there is no better family man than Ox. Having married, they instantly turn into old and familiar spouses. In the Ox family, everyone must fulfill their duties, as they themselves perform them. They make excellent parents, they are honest with themselves and with their children. Oxen are able to set a positive example and follow the actions of their children. These people are a bit dogmatic and are always proud of the success of their children. Oxen demand complete submission from them and therefore often arrange severe tests for their children. Their word is law! But in return, they are ready for any sacrifice for the sake of the family.

People born in the year of the Ox are not jealous of their husbands and wives, but they jealously retain their marital rights, and fidelity is part of them. Oxen are sentimentally loyal and don't pay much attention to it. Such parents are very happy if they have children born in such flexible years as Boar, Hare and Sheep. These offspring follow the example of worthy parents and will always be resistant to any adversity. monkey; and the Snakes only give the impression that they are obeying, on the sly doing all sorts of dirty tricks. The rat is the enemy of education, Titr and the Dragon will create great difficulties for them, because they cannot stand strictness and puritanism. Probably, the same can be said about the Horse, which will run away at the first opportunity. And the Oxen are very worried when the children leave the house early. In addition, it is very difficult for Oxen with adult children who are eager for freedom. Ox mothers will not like the rapid maturation of their daughters, probably because the Ox does not like it when children grow up quickly.


Oxen are very sensitive to their surroundings, and as long as their movements are not enslaved, they behave naturally. But if someone invades their world, they turn any little thing into a tragedy, They are a little retrograde in their thinking, Oxen love old things, memorable photographs, conversations with old friends about the past. Their house is filled with comfort and practicality, often decorated in a pseudo-rural style. Always and in everything Oxen love order, they do not have dust on furniture. Oxen love to warm themselves by the fireplace.

Still, their inner world is virgin nature. Near their country house you can always see a small garden and well-groomed lawns. Thinking over their earthly concerns, they take walks in their possession, and nothing can cancel their habits - neither cold nor bad weather. In their environment, they are also not very talkative, but you will be very surprised when you talk to them about a topic related to land or agriculture. Women - Ox love to spend a lot of time in the market among the gifts of nature. After they carefully prepare them, turning them into masterpieces of culinary art. Look into their pantry and you will see how much stock is stashed away for a rainy day. The tables of the Oxen are bursting with food. If they live in a village, their yard is like Noah's ark, which is full of all living creatures. And often the city-dweller Ox lacks a vast barn with piles of garden tools.


In sexual relationships, Oxen experience deep feelings. They are capable of being happier than others. .In sex, they are not too impulsive, but quite seductive and suitable for people with different temperaments, because they know how to control themselves.

True, they are not always disposed to courtship, and Oxen can not always be completely conquered. These people always know what a partner expects from them, but at the same time they are never sure if he is satisfied. Being in connection with someone, those born under this sign reserve the right to meet with others. They are not accustomed to flaunt their feelings, but they always know how to attract attention to themselves.

If they feel that they like someone, they become very attentive and pay in kind.

They quickly ignite, even at the first meeting they can be excited even by one gesture or glance. At the same time, a real fire flares up inside the Oxen. In sex, they always prefer the leading role. And you can expect any surprises from them. Oxen are very hardy and expect the same from their partner.


Oxen have one distinguishing feature. At first they observe, then they begin to talk reluctantly, and then, if they find their hobby worthy, they abruptly rush into battle. But if Ox is a woman, she peacefully expects, counting on her partner, that he himself will take the first decisive step. If Oxen love, they prefer not to talk about their feelings. But in life this is often necessary, and, exhausted by passion, they usually loosen their tongues. They expect fidelity and respect for their person from a partner.

If they feel that they cannot keep a partner, Oxen will try to fork out. If the Ox deceives you, he will not see anything wrong in this, but this happens extremely rarely, only if the lie is needed for a good cause. Oxen absolutely do not tolerate someone else's deception, and if they discover this, they will definitely leave forever. In the event of a break, they will not make spectacular scandals. The oxen will silently pack up their things and slip away unnoticed when you go to the store.

If you want to make Oxen happy, give them a practical thing that will help in everyday life. This is sure to win them over. Keep them company on a long walk. But you don't need to be forced to talk. They themselves know when to start a conversation and they need a pause to put their thoughts in order. But if you are tired of the Ox and there is nothing more to talk about, make him an offer of marriage, and you will see how his heels sparkle.


Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Burton, Barbara Bush, King Carlos of Spain, Charlie Chaplin, Jane Fonda, Handel, Dustin Hrffman, Robert Redford, Jean Sibelius, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Madame Pompadour, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana, Vincent van Gogh , Niccolò Machiavelli, Peter Rubens, Aristotle, Dante Alighieri, Auguste Renoir, Walt Disney, Richard Bertan, Hans Christian Andersen, Albert Camus, Chagall, Willy Brandt, Benjamin Britten, Peter Brook, El Greco, Mark Donskoy, Sergey Zalygin, Igor Ilyinsky , Vivien Leigh, Makarios III, Sergei Mikhalkov, Valentina Tereshkova, Maya Plisetskaya, Alexander Pokryshkin, Ivan Pyryev, Irina Rodnina, Viktor Rozov, Evgeny Simonov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Yulia Solntseva, Sukarno, Mikis Theodorakis, Antonin Dvorak, Rudyard Kipling, Adolf Hitler , Clemenceau, Napoleon Bonaparte, Lafayette, Jawaharlal Nehru, Louis XIII, Richard the Lionheart.


Ox and Ox

They do not have any problems in everyday life, everything goes like clockwork. Life is built, as it were, according to a schedule, everything is on time: both lunch and rest. But sometimes they get bored together, because Oxen need a shake from time to time, otherwise they will fall asleep on the way. Perhaps that is why it is undesirable to have a partner of the same sign, since the second Ox in a harness can contribute to the manifestation of excessive laziness. If no one whips them, they will go into hibernation together. It is unlikely that they will succeed in a common business, because friendship between them is favorable, but an alliance is impossible.

Ox and Rat

They understand each other, because both are bright individuals. Both the Ox and the Rat are very correct about the freedom of a partner. The Rat needs a serious relationship, and for this purpose the Ox is ideal for her. He respects his partner's secrets. It is much worse when the Rat cannot keep his mouth shut and begins to chat about the intimate details of the relationship with the Ox. And there is nothing hidden that does not become clear. If Ox finds out something, it will act on him like a red rag, and he will definitely get furious. But there are other difficulties, since the Ox cannot fully satisfy the sexual needs of the Rat. He is too precise, and his pedantry annoys the Rat a little, but he is always faithful and will never change the Rat. The Rat will be very pleased with this, and the Ox too.

Ox and Tiger

For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat in his life. The ox is not too accustomed to being attacked or urged on, he will not let himself be swallowed. Oxen are too freedom-loving, and the one who manages to eat it will definitely spoil the stomach. The ox cannot prevent the Tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but still tries to somehow dominate, remind him of caution and warn against rudeness. They cannot see a common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But women - Oxen are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign.

And they get used to the silent role if the Tiger can satisfy all their needs. But subsequently they will definitely show impatience, the Tiger Woman will definitely pay attention to the majestic Ox, because in her eyes he is a model of a pure conscience,

Ox and Hare

This is the perfect union. The hare needs security and harmony, which only an alliance with the Ox can give him. The hare is a potential Don Juan, but if you look deeper, you can see the features of a family man who loves his home. The ox knows how to be loyal to this type of people, but he cannot leave his suspicion. In any case, he will never spy in his life. Both animals are afraid of life changes, so the house is considered their fortress. It would be better if Ox took over the active side in this union, because he is more suitable for the role of a fighter. And the Hare will show maximum diplomacy to smooth out all the sharp fragility of delicate situations. The only thing that Ox cannot like is blurriness and. veiled answers of the Hare. In this case, the Hare should be more decisive and self-confident. All other difficulties Ox will solve himself. This union is great for love, but not for business, because both do not like to take risks and they will need a third.

Ox and Dragon

The Ox is ideal for normal everyday life, he knows how to avoid unnecessary risks, and the Dragon rushes into any unusual adventures both in work and in everyday life. Therefore, the Dragon often rushes through the life of the Ox like a speeding express train. But for Ox, such shakes are very useful: although it will tire him very much, it will do him good. The dragon will help the Ox become more mature, wiser experience, in turn, enjoying the stability of the Ox. The dragon will rest for a while near the Ox. They will feel peace from each other, but not for long. The dragon cannot stay in one place for a long time and therefore will soon wish to unwind. In joint work, they feel great. When the Dragon travels on business trips, the Ox will definitely do the calculations.

Ox and snake

A snake is an animal that can adapt to absolutely everything. In this alliance, Vol will feel that he can take the lead. Of course, at first the Snake will not show visible resistance, it will surround the Ox with care and understanding and will pour balm on his soul. The snake loves comfort, and the Ox can provide it for her. Of course, she can achieve everything in life herself, although she will never refuse to climb on a pack animal that can work for two. She will never give up the temptation to devote more time to herself than to spend it on useless chores in the house. The snake will try to swallow the Ox, and this can give him pleasure. In this case, it turns out that everyone is satisfied. When the Snake sees that the Ox is showing selfless devotion, she will crawl out of her time to look for other entertainment, but he should not know about it. In their work, they complement each other. And together they can put together a pretty decent fortune.

Ox and Horse

This is not a very good combination, because both are selfish and want to understand each other. The Prancing Horse is difficult to keep in place, and the Ox is used to slowly trailing along the beaten path. They just have a different rhythm of life, so it is very difficult for their paths to cross. But if, nevertheless, they get to know each other, only the good will of Vol can keep them. From this union, the Horse will not become happy, she is very selfish, passionate and needs passionate love and proof of her affection. And Ox with his slow reaction will be colder than ice for her. Without noticing it, he will start to scare away a beautiful animal. The tragedy will end with the Horse wishing to communicate with someone, because she loves society, and the Ox is used to loneliness and does not wish her to keep company. All he hears is the sound of the door closing.

Ox and Sheep

They are very different from each other, but, probably, their opposites and complement each other. It is very useful for the Ox to breathe the air that surrounds the Sheep. The two only benefit from this. Because the dreamer Sheep is not used to thinking rationally, and often even makes a mistake. But next to the reasonable, smart Ox, she will be able to acquire what she did not find with others. According to the classical Chinese horoscope, they are not recommended to linger together, but we would like these two signs to fall in love with each other and remain in the same harness.

Ox and Monkey

The monkey is too dynamic and fidgety, and therefore it is very difficult for the Ox to keep up with her. Most likely, he will fall behind very quickly. He will lose his vigilance and forget about his incredulity, watching the charming dance of his tailed girlfriend. The Monkey is the most original sign of the Chinese horoscope and she will be able to notice a balanced and interesting partner in Will, which she lacks so much in life. The only thing that their characters agree on is that they are both not sentimental, love does not take the first place in their lives, and therefore they will be very happy when they meet a partner who does not know jealousy and does not speak such incomprehensible words about love. Their union is favorable for both marriage and business. In tandem, they will be very dangerous and no one wants to cheat with them.

Ox and Rooster

These partners get along absolutely without difficulty. The ox allows the Rooster to straighten his beautiful feathers, because he knows that the Rooster really needs sociability. Ox himself is not at all able to maintain small talk. The rooster leaves the worker Ox to earn a piece of bread, but he himself prefers to sing when the Ox earns his bread. The rooster is not the most industrious animal, but still it is very diplomatic and can anticipate the irritation of a partner. They will always be able to achieve harmony. True, in this union it is impossible to do without friction, for example, if the Ox invites his friends to dinner and does not inform about it in time. But these are trifles in comparison with all life. They are ideal for business, because they contain two driving forces: the Ox is the performer, the Rooster is the guide.

Ox and Dog

It is better if in this union the Dog is a man, and the Ox is a woman. The dog will find the desired balance, which will be given to him by a calm and respectable woman - Ox. Only in this case Dog

He will begin to sleep peacefully at night, not to run around the fence in search of the desired enemy. In business, they are also suitable for each other, because the Dog is an excellent administrator, the Ox is a wonderful financier, and in this duet they will never fail. If a woman is born in the year of the Dog, things are different. Because the Dogs are very vain and cannot live without entertainment, and the Ox cannot wait forever. But in any case, these partners appreciate each other. The Ox likes the depth of the Dog's mind, and the Dog cannot resist the Ox's poise. The union between them is very happy and not without prospects, but it does not happen without difficulties.

Ox and Boar

The boar wants to be the most cunning, but in reality it turns out to be completely different: he can only shine with his frivolity. Therefore, the Ox must always be on the alert. They really like each other and especially appreciate honesty in a partner. The boar always acts as a fighter, and the Ox is distinguished by exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But in such an alliance it is impossible to do without disagreements, because the Boar is a glutton by nature, and the Ox cannot allow such waste. After all, they are pleased with different things - one is satisfied with a little, and the other is tempted by abundance. The Ox is an excellent economist, and the Boar is wasteful and cannot live without comfort. As a rule, this becomes the cause of mutual reproaches. But on this, one might say, their disagreements end, since the Boar has a well-developed sense of proportion. And if he realizes that he is tired of Ox, he will instantly shut up.

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