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Description of vanga in the year of the signs of the zodiac. Wang horoscope. You may also be interested

Vanga, in her predictions, never gave the exact date, only indicated the period in which events take place. According to indirect signs, part of the visions can be attributed to 2020. The records contain prophecies for Russia and other countries of the world, but it is difficult to call them optimistic. The whole world is in serious trouble. Find out how the clairvoyant from Bulgaria saw the future.

The veracity of Vanga's forecasts

The name of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga has long become a household name and is associated with true predictions. It's not surprising, she did a lot. Back in the year 79 of the twentieth century, a catastrophe was predicted that hit the United States on September 11, 2001.

Her vision was vague, but after the destruction of the Twin Towers, no one doubted that the words about "iron birds tormenting the innocent" referred to this event. There was also a detail about the then President of the United States - George W. Bush. The prediction sounded like this: "Wolves will howl from under the bush ...", and the name of the American guarantor is translated as "bush / bush".

In the same year, Vangelia had a vision of the collapse of the USSR. But she assured that a certain country was waiting for a revival and a “golden age” under the rule of a worthy person. Most psychics see this as the unification of Russia with Belarus, which absorbs Ukraine.

A year later, a warning appeared that Kursk would sink into the depths of the sea. Then it seemed stupid, because no one expected floods. Only in 2000, after the submarine tragedy, did everyone understand the essence of the prediction.

What will happen in the world in 2020

The seer warns the world about the danger of ethnic strife, which can lead to irreparable consequences. This warning concerns European countries to a greater extent. The risk of armed conflicts remains, particularly in Syria.

More general predictions concerned a change in the vector of economic development in the world, which would be affected by something new, comparable to a miracle.

People continue to get poorer, America will take money from other countries. There are prerequisites that 2020 will bring the prophecy about. But more predictions relate to natural disasters associated with the Sun. They can influence the emergence of new diseases.

From personal predictions for the powers that be, Vanga singled out Donald Trump in 2019, who was expecting a disease. According to her, he will be exposed to an unknown weapon and become deaf.

Technological progress and cataclysms

In the sixties of the last century, a Bulgarian clairvoyant said: “Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest. Trains will fly to the sun, and people will become like the sons of Adam.

Experts suggest that we are talking about the emergence of new types of renewable energy or fuel. This will be a boon for the ecosystem of the planet and humanity as a whole. The technological revolution will affect the means of transportation. Perhaps we should expect the invention of new forms of engines. And the revolution in biology and medicine will allow people to age more slowly and improve the quality of life.

The Bulgarian seer also touched upon climate change. She said that "the planet is tired, soon the Earth will rebel and kill many people." Experts believe that these are allusions to global warming. Many world scientists confirm that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing exponentially and no Kyoto Protocols can contain this process.

What is the future of Russia in 2020

Vanga believed that in 2020 the world would recognize the power of the Russian state, but it would become more spiritual. Something new will happen, which is compared to a miracle. It can be a breakthrough in science or a flourishing spiritual life. Or an economic breakthrough, in which India and China are also involved.

The global crisis that began in 2019, which will affect everyone, will not affect Russia too much in 2020. It is already accustomed to constant difficulties and is able to withstand any circumstances.

According to one of the interpretations of Vanga's prophecy, on the territory of Russia one should expect the negative influence of the Sun, which will shine, but not warm. But it will not bring significant troubles, but will simply be an interesting event for astronomers.

In 2020, the country will develop and carry out further cultural expansion. This will not be hindered by the intrigues of Western countries, problems with nearby neighbors and other troubles. The empire of the spirit will gradually grow.

The country is in for a difficult dry summer, a big breakthrough in international relations and positive changes in the situation with Ukraine.

Will there be an assassination attempt on Putin

The Bulgarian soothsayer spoke about the glory of Tsar Vladimir. In 2019, the British tabloid Daily Mirror cited the words of Vanga and other mediums about the attempt on the life of the President of Russia. It did not materialize, and for 2020 the question is whether or not it is not clear.

Perhaps now all these predictions sound gloomy, meaningless or too hopeful, but a couple of centuries ago, something as mundane as antibiotics or a defibrillator was considered fantastic. Therefore, you need to have a little patience and faith for the promised future to come.

In contact with

Many psychics and astrologers have already made their predictions for 2019, for example, Pavel Globa, Vlad Rossa, Mehdi Ibrahimi Vafa and others. However, all modern seers were ahead of the now deceased Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (nee Dimitrova), who became known to the whole world as Vanga. What did this woman, who lived from 1911 to 1996, predict, and is it worth believing her words?

Previous predictions

People interested in the issue of studying energy, parallel worlds and invisible spirits, of course, are familiar with Vanga's predictions that preceded the onset of 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig. So, in 1989, a Bulgarian healer predicted a catastrophe that hit the United States of America in September 2001. Although she described the visions that appeared in her head in a manner characteristic of her, for example, she later called the planes hijacked by terrorists "iron birds" designed to tear apart innocent citizens, nevertheless, on the day of the tragedy, humanity had no doubts about what exactly the woman had in mind . “Horror, horror” really swept the country on the day the twin towers fell, and “innocent blood” really flowed like a river.

Another phrase of the seer is also interesting: "Wolves howl from under the bush ...". It was in that fateful year that the 43rd president, George Walker Bush, came to power in the state, whose surname echoes the English word "bush" - "bush", "shrub".

The clairvoyant also made important predictions about her beloved country - Russia. So, long before the predictions regarding 2019, namely in 1979, Vanga stated that the Soviet Union was forced to disintegrate soon. However, in the end, a revival awaited the great power - the soothsayer promised that "old Russia", called so even under St. Sergius, would return and exalt itself over the world. Given the weight the Russian Federation has today in the international arena, it becomes obvious that Grandma Vangelia was right here too.

In 1980, the great woman also noticed that Kursk would be flooded with sea waters for millennia. This catastrophe was to shake the whole world. Some residents of the city were afraid of a large-scale flood, others called the prophecy stupidity, but no one expected what happened. In 2000, it was not a settlement that sank, but a nuclear submarine of the same name, as a result of which 118 people died. This divination once again proved that the Bulgarian had the gift of foresight, but at the same time made it clear that her words should not be taken literally.

And here is one of Vanga’s verbatim predictions of 1960, which is already closer to the present: “Trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest.” It did not come true before, but the people of the 20th century can watch it come true today. For example, it is known for sure that in 2019-2020, scientists plan to start developing projects that by 2030 will allow mankind to produce helium-3 on the Moon. This resource, which is essentially a "little Sun", should be enough for all earthlings and provide the planet with energy for 5,000 years to come. As a result, it will no longer be necessary to drill subsoil for oil production.

Facts from life

A unique woman came from a family of ordinary peasants. She lost her mother when she was 3 years old. The father, who remarried upon his return from the First World War, moved with his family to Macedonia. It was here that Vanga, then a little 12-year-old girl, acquired her gift, which the world later learned about. Returning home from a walk in the company of her cousins, Vangelia was caught in a terrible hurricane. The whirlwind dragged her hundreds of meters forward, completely deprived her of her sight and ... Gave her extrasensory abilities.

Glory came to the woman after the Second World War shocked humanity. Dimitrova knew about her offensive for a long time, because in order to tell her the news of death and grief, an ancient warrior first appeared to her. It was the spirit that punished Vanga to be a conductor between the living and the dead. By this time, the people around her, who lived with her in the same village, began to notice amazing oddities in her neighbor. For example, standing in line for benefits for the poor barefoot in the cold, Vangelia, without anyone's help, was healed of a severe form of inflammation in the pleural cavity. Gradually, people from all around began to flock to the miraculous clairvoyant - some asked for treatment, others wanted to know about the fate of relatives on the battlefield, while others insisted on predictions about the future vicissitudes of fate.

During her life, the clairvoyant hosted about 2 million people. Along with ordinary people, there were many well-known statesmen, singers, actors and businessmen among them. So, the most prominent personalities who paid a visit to Dimitrova can rightfully be considered:

  • Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria (1942);
  • theater and film actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov (1979);
  • Sergei Vlasov, correspondent for Ogonyok magazine (1982);
  • traveler, businessman and deputy from Ukraine Anatoly Lubchenko (1994);
  • writer Leonid Leonov;
  • specialist in the field of physics, professor Marin Marinov and others.

Each of the visitors had to bring the woman a few pieces of refined sugar, which were previously placed under the pillow - it was on this delicacy that the seer guessed. Surprisingly, for the entire career, about 2 tons of a sweet product have been in her hands. The woman refused to take money for her work, preferring gifts presented from the bottom of her heart.

It is interesting! Initially, they wanted to call the clairvoyant Andromache. However, the grandmother intervened in the matter, who settled on another option - "Vangelia", which means "good news" in Greek.

What awaits the world and Russia

What were Vanga's prophecies for 2019, and what do they promise the Russians? The future is not only blurry, but also ambiguous. According to forecasts, global transformations await the world: "The old order will collapse, and it will be replaced by a new one, pleasing to God and man." Of course, its formation will be impossible without serious upheavals. What will Russia do in 2019 for positive processes?

Vanga believed that this power would be assigned the role of one of the most powerful, developed and strong states, which would become a real spiritual ark for countries that had gone astray. The woman referred to the latter the entire European Commonwealth, which in 2016 was supposed to turn into a cold desert (perhaps it meant the moral decay of society, the loss of moral guidelines), and Muslim territories where “people will be divided on the basis of faith…”. This can again be observed in real time - for example, conflicts do not subside in the Middle East, and terrorists and Islamists continue to be a serious threat to ordinary citizens.

It will not be easy to survive political changes also because "the tired Earth will rebel and kill many people." Most likely, gradually depleted nature will begin to respond to man with unexpected earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and tsunamis, in connection with which researchers will hastily undertake to make discoveries and create qualitatively new technical inventions in order to stabilize the situation.

Perhaps the most favorable prophecy of Vangelia says: "Old age will pass away, and people will become like Adam's children." It is interpreted as a revolution in medicine, when earthlings will finally be able to prolong not only the years of their lives, but also their youth. It is not yet known whether the descendants of the first people will be able to live for several centuries, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures. It is quite possible that one day geneticists will amaze everyone with good news, and old age will really be defeated!

Should one fully believe the predictions of the Bulgarian healer? Here, points of view may be different, but we must remember that world progress does not stand still. Until recently, Russia could not claim a significant place in the international political hierarchy, the Internet was something from the realm of fantasy, and people could only dream of magic pills or antibiotics, which today help to cope with many previously incurable diseases. Perhaps soon the next prophecies of Vangelia will become a familiar reality for everyone.

Video: 5 Vanga predictions

Basic information

Everyone, without exception, probably knows who this Vanga is and what she is like. The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant, whose real name is Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, has already died at the moment.
Her parting words and predictions for the future are still alive. The main difference of this woman was that she was completely blind, nevertheless she was able to acquire a rather strong gift of foresight and treatment of various diseases.
When little Vanga was no more than 12 years old, she, along with her sisters, fell under a strong hurricane, which carried her many hundreds of meters from her home. From injuries, the girl lost her sight, but it could be restored surgically. It’s just that Vanga’s parents didn’t have money for the operation, because the unfortunate child remained blind for the rest of his life.

The first rumors and the clairvoyant crept during the war - supposedly already an adult Vanga could see the exact location of the missing soldiers. It was from that time that people began to come to the healer's house for help.

Until 1967, Vanga received all people for free, and already in the noted period, she was registered as a civil servant and was given a salary for such work. Despite this, Vanga had so little money that she could not save up for an operation, which is why she died of breast cancer. The clairvoyant preferred to transfer absolutely all the money she earned to charity, as well as to help the state.

During her life, this unique and complex woman was able to predict many events that have already happened, and which are still destined to come true. Nevertheless, at the moment everyone is concerned about the question of what were Vanga's predictions for 2017?


During her life, the fortuneteller told about many events that managed to come true, but now it is worth announcing only the most interesting of them.

1. By the end of the last millennium one emergency state must disappear, which will flood a large population center. As you know, Kursk did not escape such a fate.

2. In 2014 a massive epidemic of cancer will begin - almost every second will find malignant tumors and skin problems.

3. In 2017 China will become the world ruler.

4. In 2028 civilization will find a completely new source of energy.

5. In 2046 a new era in medicine will come - at this time it will be possible to transplant any required organ.

At the moment, everyone wants to believe that the most encouraging predictions of the clairvoyant will nevertheless come true. But for now, history also knows those Vanga predictions that have sunk into oblivion.
Although, to be honest, there is always a certain share of the fact that they were simply incorrectly translated into Russian.

Unfulfilled predictions

1. In 2010 a nuclear war must begin.

2. In 2011 Muslims will begin to fight against all people on the planet with the help of chemical weapons.

3. In the same year most existing plants and animals will be on the verge of extinction.

Predictions for 2017

Unfortunately, in the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant regarding 2017 there is no good word.
It’s worth starting at least with the fact that Vanga portends to our people new war which will take the lives of many people. Initially, people will simply fight for power, but very soon everything will develop into a struggle for food - a hunger strike will begin in many European countries.
People will completely forget about honesty and justice, and in order to achieve their goal, they will go into an unequal battle and win by all available means.

also in 2017 should break out religious conflicts, which will not be able to subside for a long time. For Russia, Vanga prophesied in 2017 the opportunity to become the main one among the rest of the world powers. Also, the territory of this state should unite with all other Slavic countries.
Whether her words regarding Russia will come true or not, one can only guess.

Another woman noted that the time would come when Russia would even help America, as she would ask for help. In the same year, the unification of Russia with China and India should take place. Despite the fact that so far there is not even talk about this in the press, but according to experienced economists, there are still prerequisites for such an outcome.

What will happen in 2017 with other countries?

According to the Bulgarian fortuneteller, by the beginning of 2017 in most of Europe people start dying en masse due to many wars.
The first in the list of such countries will be Latvia, and then Syria.

At the end of 2017 year, the Third World War should begin just in the European expanses, due to the escalating conflict in the Middle East. The Europeans will announce an open war against the Muslims, in which they will decide to use nuclear weapons. That is what will destroy the whole world.

At the moment, all Vanga's predictions have been translated into Russian and it is no longer possible to find the original records. Perhaps that is why some of her predictions do not come true - they are simply incorrectly translated.

All that remains for ordinary people is to decide whether to believe in such predictions. So far, we can only say with certainty that you should not trust divinations 100%. Life goes on and it is worth continuing it no matter what. And if at least some of the predictions of the clairvoyant come true in 2017, all the more you should not waste time thinking - life is not eternal. Make sure you live it well!

Luck depends on many factors, one of which is the mood of the stars. It is of particular importance due to the fact that our energy depends on the behavior of the heavenly bodies.

2017 is following a leap year. In fact, we are all very lucky, because the stars will stand in a rather favorable position for us. It remains only to set the direction of your movement. Numerologists, psychics and even Eastern sages say that the coming year may become one of the most favorable in the last 10-15 years. Ultimately, everything will depend only on ourselves, but from the very first day we can expect special support from the stars for each Sign of the Zodiac. The horoscope for 2017 will help you better understand the mood of the stars in relation to your Sign.

Eastern calendar and Zodiac signs

No wonder they say that everything in our world is interconnected. Oriental predictions about each new year are surprisingly plausible. As for 2017, the Fire Rooster will be the master of this time. He is stately, businesslike, strict, but at the same time caring. The rooster is courageous, so women will have to learn to be adamant, strong. It is very important for every person and every Sign of the Zodiac to learn this year not to cross the fine line between diplomatic flexibility and softness.

Not all Signs are given this without difficulty, but this does not mean that you will not succeed. This time can become a period of global changes in personal life. It is in the year of the Rooster that most people find their love, but not everyone can see it. It is worth noting that this year there are most weddings. It is worth tying your destinies by marriage only if the inner voice does not just speak, but shouts in your ear so that you drop everything and run to the registry office.

In love, honest and open people are lucky. These qualities are innate in Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces. This will be a very fruitful "love" year. Don't miss your opportunity to find love and keep it. Bringing existing relationships to a higher level is an ideal way to develop mutual love. Both actions and words, as well as their symbiosis, will be important in 2017. Do not let empty words go to the wind, back them up with actions. Judging by the forecasts of the eastern calendar, luck will be on the side of those who do not rest until they earn such a privilege. Here luck will smile Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Do not forget that according to the eastern calendar, the time of fire continues. People who are used to making the world around them the way they need it will be able to feel the touch of luck. This may include Leo, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries. These are the main fidgets and those who can boast of an unshakable character and an eternally good mood. Well, almost forever.

Thus, astrologers named the three most successful Zodiac Signs for 2017 - these are: Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius. However, there are other opinions as well.

Numerology and the most successful Signs

In 2017, the One will rule the ball. Here again, everything indicates that all the main theories of building luck around people are interconnected. The unit, like the Fire Rooster, is not afraid of obstacles, problems. She looks at the world with optimistic-realistic eyes, so she is not afraid.

This year can also be successful for those who wish to find something new in themselves through the search for new hobbies and hobbies. Creative individuals will be much easier to find a way out of difficult situations, because the unit loves everything non-standard and unusual.

Just like the Rooster, the One can be very aggressive. Impulsiveness, indiscretion and excessive self-love live in her. That is why all the above tips are also given by numerologists. The science of numbers and their energy does not run counter to astrology about the most successful Signs in 2017. It will Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus. This does not mean that they have nothing to worry about and nothing to worry about. They have a lot to learn. Virgos need to learn not to leave the chosen path, as Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Leo can do. Sagittarians need a little more foresight. In this they should learn from Virgo, Scorpio. Taurus will need wisdom and diplomacy. Many representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be able to become the luckiest people in 2017.

Opinion of astrologers

So we got to the opinion of the astrologers themselves, who unanimously decided that the stars were most favorably located for the following Signs: Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Leo. This does not mean that difficulties and disappointments await others in business, love and health. The fact is that all the Signs of the Zodiac in 2017 expect quite a lot of work on themselves.

The stars and other celestial bodies are beginning to emerge from the temporary state of dissonance of 2016, transforming and becoming more positive. 2017 could be a very successful year for people who hold high positions. In order for your subordinates to listen to you and respect you, be simpler and come to the call for help more often. Show everyone that you are human and intend to always be there.

Be smart like Aquarius, wise like Virgo, strong like Aries or Leo, love like Pisces, strive for heights like Capricorn, don't be afraid of difficulties like Scorpio, be irresistible like Libra and value friendship like Cancer or Gemini, then everything will be fine.

The happiest people are those who set the right goals for themselves and believe in themselves. Thoughts are material - 2017 will prove it to you once and for all. Such an auspicious time may not be around for 10 years, so use it wisely. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

I present to your attention Vanga's horoscope.

Vanga- a blind clairvoyant from the town of Petrich, Southwestern Bulgaria.

The years of Vanga's life - 01/31/1911 - 08/11/1996. No one knows the time of birth, according to my assumptions, 07 am 15 minutes.

Vanga horoscope

Vanga horoscope

  • Vanga's predictions
  • Vanga Photos
  • Vanga video
  • Wang's biography

Gilka I.N.

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Section: Astrology Horoscopes and forecasts Catalog of articles

Vanga's predictions for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac describe in which areas of a person's life luck awaits, and where he can fail. Read the forecasts of the great seer to find out which zodiac signs will get rich, who will find happiness in their personal lives or find their dream job.

It is very important to listen to your intuition in your personal life. Choose a partner not with your head, but with feelings, then happiness awaits in love.


The most favorable period of 2017 for Taurus is the first trimester. This is a great time to set important life goals. And for the rest of the year, these goals must be implemented.

Do not flatter yourself if someone outside begins to actively offer help. This man has his own selfish interests. Hiding behind a mask of compassion, he will only harm you.

Pay more attention to health - go through all kinds of examinations, go in for sports and eat right.


The priority for Gemini should be their personal life. You need to patiently solve all the problems with the current chosen one or start an active search for the second half. It is in 2017 that the most dizzying novels can happen.

But it is very important not to lose a positive attitude if events do not develop the way you want. Success in career matters is also likely, but only on the condition that the Gemini work hard.


For Cancers, not the most favorable period in life will come. If they want to alleviate their lot, it is urgent to get rid of bad habits and carefully monitor their health.

But there is every chance to increase your capital if you manage to find the right sources of investment.

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a lion

Leo in 2017 is waiting for great popularity. They will shine in society. Everything around Lviv is blooming - this is an endless white stripe and a complete idyll in all areas of life.

It is important not to become proud and gratefully accept all the gifts of Fate.


Virgo's communication skills will show themselves in all their glory. This year, representatives of this zodiac sign will acquire many useful acquaintances. There is a high probability of arranging a personal life and finding happiness, harmony in relationships with a loved one.

It is important not to succumb to the fears that will plague the Virgin even in the happiest periods of life. This sign tends to doubt and depress on insignificant things.


The year 2017 for Libra will be very calm and happy. This is the best period for spiritual development and growth. If you direct energy in the right direction, you can make life harmonious, balance all areas of activity and find long-awaited happiness.

Financial difficulties are not expected, but it is highly undesirable to take loans or borrow money from friends, because there will be no opportunity to pay off later. Because of this, you will have to experience tremendous feelings of anxiety and anxiety.


A very active year for Scorpios. Dizzying events in your personal life will capture and immerse you in a whirlpool of passions. This is a time of stormy romances, partings and reconciliations. But by the end of the year, passions will subside, and Scorpions will find happiness in love.

It is advisable to use all your cunning and resourcefulness in solving difficult situations throughout the year of the Fire Rooster, which is not at all difficult for representatives of this sign.


Active life-loving Sagittarius, this year will advance even more in the fulfillment of their cherished desires. But on the condition that they do not waste energy on empty things and get hung up on minor problems. All potential must be used to achieve global goals.

It is very important to stop trusting random people - each of them can turn out to be a secret ill-wisher and bring a lot of evil. Caution and ingenuity are the main qualities that you need to use in the year of the Fire Rooster.


Calm and rational Capricorns will have a hard time, because this year will require them to take action. You need to try to solve all the problems and improve the quality of life.

There will be a lot of gossip and rumors around Capricorn. Try to disengage from them and not take it to heart. Spend more time with loved ones - they need your care and participation more than ever.

Watch a video with other predictions:


For Aquarius, the year promises to be very successful. A lot of joy, happy events, incredible, but very pleasant surprises. If earlier you had to go through many trials, then right now Aquarius will be rewarded for his work and tremendous patience.

It is very important to work less and rest more in the summer. Otherwise, mental fatigue cannot be avoided. Try to shield yourself as much as possible from duties and responsibilities.


An incredible time for career growth. Fate will send several opportunities, using which you will ascend upward and become a successful person. It is important to notice these chances in time and grab luck by the tail.

There will be many new acquaintances. Most will be fleeting, but some people will stay with you for the rest of your life. It is important to ensure that these events do not negatively affect family life.

This year is already coming to an end, and you can understand how true Vanga's prophecies are. Share in the comments what worked and what didn't.


At midnight on January 31, 1911, a girl was born in the town of Strumica. She was so weak that she barely showed signs of life. Her parents doubted whether she would live, and therefore, according to Bulgarian customs, they did not give her a name ...

And only on March 26 did she take a deep breath and cry loudly. The father went out into the street and asked the first woman who came across what to name the girl. She said: "Vangelia!" This name, meaning "bearer of good news", turned out to be prophetic.

Her very birth was unique. After all, according to astrological concepts, the moment a child is born should coincide with four signs: the extraction of the fetus from the womb, the cutting of the umbilical cord, the first deep breath and the loud cry of the newborn. Vanga's two second signs appeared two months later. Which of the indicated days - January 31 or March 26 - is considered her birthday? An analysis of the true character traits of Vanga, which are determined by people who knew her, allows us to conclude that this is the day of her “physical” birth - January 31, and Vanga belongs to the sign of Aquarius.

Indeed, Aquarians live under the motto: "I know!", Unlike Aries, whose life motto is "I am." In addition, Aquarius, born at the end of January, is influenced by Venus, which gives a person kindness, responsiveness, a sense of duty, subordination, and hope for the best. It is these traits that her friends and acquaintances note in Vanga's character.

The moment of her birth is in Libra, which implies the desire for an even relationship with others, the search for an honest and equal partnership and friendship, good taste, the pursuit of beauty in everyday life. The position of the Sun in Vanga's horoscope allows for the influence of Mercury on her character, which gives her inspiration, drama, artistry, imagination and conviction.

The location of most planets in the elements of Air and Water informs about pronounced character traits related to the type of sanguine and melancholic.

Let's try to draw a psychological portrait of Vanga.

This is a gifted, refined, thinking, idealistic and at the same time practical, hardworking, economical, attentive and patient person. The most powerful planets of her horoscope are Uranus and Neptune (note, the planets of the highest cosmic status). The position of Uranus means that Vanga, through her activities, must contribute to the most important changes in society and wants to change the present for a better future. Her home is a meeting place for future endeavors and occult aspirations. That is why she devotes so much time and energy to the house! The position of Neptune informs that Vanga has strong religious feelings, rare intuition, a penchant for clairvoyance, parapsychology and mediumship, a real opportunity to have honors for special merits or ... to be an innocent victim.

The opposition of Mars and Pluto implies access to cosmic sources of energy, which is quite obvious, because where would Vanga replenish the colossal expenditure of physical and mental energy?

The position of Jupiter in Scorpio is also interesting. From this it follows that Vanga is likely to have an interest in the occult, the mystical side of religion, invisible fields, life after death and ... a reputation as an authority figure in the field of religion and philosophy. But I would especially like to note that such a situation gives the favor of the gods, luck in life, often at the very last moment.

Let's turn over the most interesting pages of this amazing life.

As a seven-year-old girl, Vanga was no different from her peers. Be was loved for her cheerfulness, gaiety, good heart, but at the same time some oddities began to be noticed behind her: it would seem, without any need, she hid various objects in safe places, then went far away from them, closed her eyes and tried to look for them. And found!

At the age of 12, under mysterious circumstances, she became blind. A tornado that appeared out of nowhere knocked her friends to the ground, and Vanga lifted into the air, moved several hundred meters. She was found unconscious with sandy eyes. The outwardly faded vision eventually turned into a striking inner vision.

At the age of 28 - a new trouble and a new mystery of her fate. Vanga falls ill with pleurisy and for a long eight months is literally between life and death. Doctors find her hopeless, her relatives are preparing for the funeral, and she, when no one was at home, miraculously recovers in a matter of hours and, getting out of bed, starts hard work ...

A year later - a new miracle. With an unusually developed inner vision, she “sees” a rider on a horse who tells her: “I will be with you, I will teach you what to say to people!”

The second world war begins. It was at this difficult time that Vanga “spoke”, as the rider who appeared to her wanted. As if fulfilling a higher will, she “spoke” in some strange voice. It was a prophecy of forthcoming fateful events. Here is how her relatives recall this: “Her voice was exciting, powerful, decisive. Vanga looked elated and excited, it was impossible to hide the enormous tension that fettered her body, and her face was so spiritual that it seemed to radiate light. This went on for many days. Vanga could not sleep at all for about a year. Since then, she began to amaze the world with her rare gift.

... Of course, the birth horoscope of an outstanding person can tell a lot of interesting things about him. But how did Vanga manage to communicate with the dead, to move freely in the subconscious in space and time? How to explain the uniqueness of the place where the clairvoyant lived? After all, it was not in vain that Stoyanova, Vanga's niece, said: “It was not by chance that my aunt chose the area of ​​​​Rupa, near the mountain, towering over the dry channel of the Struma, as a place for rest and holding sessions.” Probably, it was this place that was for Vanga the accumulator from which she drew reserves of internal energy and mental strength.

And, probably, the horoscope drawn up for that year, when, according to her, "a terrible fire burned here," could reveal the secret of Vanga's gift. It is possible that then the effect of the "bird route" would become clear - the flight of huge flocks of birds over this place, which replenished their energy reserves before making long-distance flights. Yes, too much in the personality of this woman is still a secret with seven seals. And yet, we can already explain something today! One thing is certain: Vanga was a completely earthly person, with her own advantages and disadvantages, like any of us, but it was her higher Mind that endowed her with unique abilities and capabilities. Isn’t this what the prophetess was talking about: “A huge eye watches over us, which watches over all our deeds. No one and nothing can hide from him? She considered herself a representative of this higher Mind and said that in her house there was a door to another world.

The formula of fate is such that the present is conditioned by the past, and the future is conditioned by the present. From this we can conclude that by changing our present, we will transform our future.

The task of the clairvoyant is not so much to predict fate, but to warn, and even better, suggest a way out of a difficult life situation.

Vanga coped with this task like no other.

Next chapter >

Recently, the world has been in a deep depression, the events in geopolitics are not encouraging at all and exacerbate the fear of a new world war. People with a special predilection want to know what awaits humanity in the future. One of the most popular names in predictions is the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova. As an astrologer, it was interesting for me to look into her birth horoscope.

Zodiac sign Aquarius in Vanga's horoscope

The first thing that caught my eye in Vanga's horoscope was, of course, the completed Aquarius zodiac sign in her chart. In addition to the Sun, in this sign Aquarius in the horoscope of Vanga are Venus and Moon. Despite the fact that the grandmother was blind, she really wanted to know what was ahead. This is a very clear Aquarius feature - to predict the future, no matter in what area and by what method. Features of the planet Venus in the sign of Aquarius produce the hormone of pleasure dopamine precisely through the search, discovery, mental thinking. The hormone of joy dopamine in such cases is produced, as in Archimedes, when he exclaimed "Eureka!". It is identically received by researchers, detectives, analysts and scientists, with some finds and discoveries. That is why "Baba Vanga" and people with Aquarius inclinations love predictions. Vangelia did not have the opportunity to build horoscopes and study the sciences. And I really wanted to predict with such a position of the planets in the birth chart. Thus, the perceptive old woman activated other possibilities of her perception for this purpose - hearing and sensory.

Mercury and Uranus in Capricorn

World popularity overtook the old woman already at a deeply respectable age, and the young years of her life do not participate in the prophecies. The sign of Capricorn, in which it stands Mercury and Uranus, gives indications of late activity.

Vanga's horoscope indicates extraordinary magnetic power

Vanga had a special magnetism, the gift of attracting people to her and influencing their psyche. Enormous willpower, fearlessness, as well as massive magnetism are due to the aspect of the most powerful planets in terms of influence - Mars in Sagittarius and Pluto in Gemini. Huge crowds of people were drawn to a woman of simple origin. But, looking at the horoscope, I can say with confidence that she also did not disdain to lie and fantasize. This is the tense aspect. Mercury (communication) and Neptune (illusions). Therefore, the assertion of many famous people, with the help of which the myth was promoted, that they did not participate in any way in the predictions, and did not hear anything like that from her, is quite justified. The fact that Vanga gave some recommendations to Yeltsin may also be a myth.

Vanga's predictions and prophecies

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. B. Alexandrov, Chairman of the Commission on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, referring to the opinion of another member of the commission Yuri Gorny, characterized the phenomenon of Vanga as follows: Vanga is a well-promoted state business, thanks to which the provincial region has turned into a place of pilgrimage crowds from all over the world. Do you know who prayed for Vanga the most? Taxi drivers, waiters in cafes, hotel staff - people who, thanks to the "clairvoyant", had an excellent stable income. All of them willingly collected preliminary information for Vanga: where the person came from, why, what he hopes for. And Vanga then laid out this information to clients as if she herself saw it. They helped with dossiers on clients and special services, under whose cover the state brand worked.

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