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Fortune-telling on coffee number 6. Tatyana Anatolyevna Radchenko fortune-telling on coffee and tea. Interpretation of figures, objects, animals


Nowadays, more and more people are turning to magicians, psychics, fortune-tellers. When a person knows what awaits him, he has the opportunity and time to adjust his actions according to the circumstances. Fortune-telling techniques not only give clear answers to questions of interest, but also help to understand the development of a situation in a certain direction. "Forewarned is forearmed". Taking into account fortune-telling predictions, a person goes beyond the framework of cognitive reality and begins to use in life such opportunities that were previously hidden from his consciousness.
The life of any person is like an iceberg, most of which is submerged in water and hidden from view. The upper part of it is the life that is visible and really appreciated. Fortune-telling is designed to clarify the hidden part of our essence, our capabilities and reveal such moments that a person in everyday life may not notice. Fortune-telling can reveal the chance behind which well-being lies, and which one must be able to recognize in time. It makes it possible to find out the various ways to resolve the situation, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each option, and how to direct your efforts in the right direction.
With the help of the correct reading of the signs, you can find out the problems of today, the near future, news in your personal life; clarify business issues, find out the ulterior motives that affect life; analyze the surrounding reality; get a hint on how to quickly overcome a crisis situation.
The fortune-telling techniques provided in this book, despite their age, are applicable in modern life. In various textbooks on this topic, you can find different interpretations (the same difference can be traced in the Dream Interpretations). Having chosen any technique, you must read the explanations provided from beginning to end. Thus, your subconscious mind will have information that it will follow. In the subconscious, in a simplified state, there are four main blocks: emotional, visual(visual), kinesthetic(tactile) and program... In the programmatic, the lowest block, our further actions, opportunities and those tasks that we are destined to solve in this life are coded. The fortune-telling process establishes a connection between the subconscious and consciousness: both fortune-telling signs and their interpretation follow a tip from the subconscious, which has caught a question or a desire to find out what is hidden. Since the fortune-telling sphere is the realm of the subconscious, you will strengthen a harmonious connection with it and a new interesting vision of the world may appear. Everything that was previously mysterious will open a veil of secrecy for you.
All recommended interpretations of oracle signs are universal, easy, simple and accessible; and at the same time, given their importance, try to trust your own intuition. In magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, prophecy, along with well-established techniques and general rules of application, intuition plays an important role. Your inner voice will tell you the most suitable interpretation of the visible, the opportunity to highlight the main thing and stop attention on what is more consistent with the state of mind of the fortuneteller. If you have divination abilities, it would be unfair not to use them. If, in your opinion, there are no abilities, but there is an inclination and desire, you have chosen an excellent opportunity to develop something new in yourself - an inner vision, the ability to combine the past, present and future and, using prompts from “above”, become the master of your life path.
For women, communication with other people through fortune-telling techniques gives natural charm, special "charm" and mysterious attractiveness, regardless of age and appearance. You will become a witness of plans, hopes, joys, experiences, you will begin to feel more subtly the soul of another person and understand the hidden mechanisms of mutual trust.
For truthful fortune-telling, additional knowledge and personal experience are required. It is impossible to convey in printed words what can be gained by experience.
During fortune-telling, be extremely attentive to your own thoughts and feelings. Fortune telling is a creative process. Allocating more time for practice, you will feel a change in yourself, since fortune-telling not only develops intuition, but also sharpens the mind, promotes telepathy and clairvoyance. Thus, the art of fortune-telling is a good opportunity for individual spiritual development. Further practice will reveal your personality, your own inner strength. You will notice that you have become more confident, sociable and have the opportunity to achieve success where you previously did not expect.
During fortune telling, it is very important for another person to establish individual emotional contact and tune in to his wave of perception. Try to keep your personal opinion about the facts that you will predict to yourself. Be neutral in your judgment.

Chapter 1. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is quite popular and is very successful in obtaining the necessary information.
The countries of the East are considered the homeland of this fortune-telling, then it migrated to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia. This practice is now flourishing around the world.

Preparing for fortune telling

It is best to use a medium-sized, round, non-kinked coffee cup for fortune telling with a white or light inner surface, without any decorations or ornaments (this is very important for clear recognition of signs). Sometimes the thick pours out of the inner surface of the cup and flows down the outside - such signs predict interesting unexpected surprises; therefore, if the outside of the cup is brightly painted, it can be difficult to interpret the event in question.
Coffee can be taken ready-made or ground by yourself, in which case it must be sifted through a strainer. The smaller the grind, the better the markings will be. Clots from coarse grinding can quickly crumble and disrupt the composition of signs.
Before brewing coffee, you should check with the person who wants to guess what kind of coffee he prefers: with sugar, slightly sweet or without sugar at all, since the process of drinking coffee in itself should be pleasant.
Usually one full teaspoon of coffee is recommended per cup, sugar - to taste, everything is thoroughly mixed and filled with water. The coffee is brought to a boil, "until the chaff." After stirring the coffee well, pour it into a cup and let it brew slightly. Before drinking coffee, it is advisable to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the questions of interest. Sometimes it is enough to think: “Let what will appear”.
After drinking coffee, turn the cup sideways, bottom to the left palm, and twist it slowly away from you so that the thick spreads on all sides of the cup. Then turn the cup over on the saucer.
On a saucer shows events that have occurred in the past, but still have an impact on life processes. Signs in the cup show the present and the future.
When interpreting, not only individual signs are taken into account, but also their combination. Sometimes on coffee there are complete pictures in actions, for example: a tree, a dog under a tree, a bird on a tree, a sun next to the crown, etc. In such cases, an explanation of all the scattered small signs is given first: dots, dashes, then individual drawings, and at the end - a figurative explanation of the totality of signs and the whole picture.

Visual division of a coffee cup into sectors

For a more specific divination, the inner surface of the cup is divided into four equal sectors (Fig. 1):
1 sector- the inside of the cup from the side of the handle;
2 sector- the surface to the right of the handle;
3 sector- the surface opposite the handle;
4 sector- the surface to the left of the handle;
The bottom of the cup is an individual sector.

The main importance of the sectors

Signs located in the first sector, show the near future ranging from several days to several weeks.

Rice. 1

Signs located to the right of the handle (second sector), show everyday and everyday affairs of a certain duration.
Signs located in the third sector show personal and family life.
Signs located in the fourth sector give information about all strangers: friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues.
Signs located at the bottom of the cup, symbolize cordiality and those feelings that are very important to a person.

Significance of sectors by seasons

In the same way, the cup is divided, if you need to find out the events occurring in a particular season: winter, spring, summer, autumn (Fig. 2).
First sector- near the handle - shows the current season (for example, summer); then looks from left to right clockwise - second sector- to the right of the handle shows the events of the next season (autumn). Third sector- opposite the handle - denotes, in this case, the winter season: the last fourth sector in a circle to the left of the handle - the season of spring. This is how events throughout the year are displayed.

Signs located at the bottom of the cup, are considered summing up the year; they show how a person will be satisfied with the events that he will witness during the year.

Distribution of events throughout the month

Events during the month are also divided in time into four parts:
1 sector- events of the current week;
2 sector- events of the next week;
3 sector- events of the third week;
4 sector- events of the fourth week.
Signs at the bottom of the cup show personal events and emotional experiences throughout the month.
The time and period of the determined events are negotiated before the start of the fortune-telling.
If you want the most important events to appear without specifying a specific time, the signs in four sectors are interpreted as follows:
1 sector- what happened;
2 sector- what is;
3 sector- What will happen;
4 sector- how everything will end (the result of fortune-telling);
at the bottom of the cup- personal attitude to events.
Before starting fortune-telling, you should find out the client's year of birth. This is necessary for the following: for example, the sign of the snake symbolizes boredom, coldness, cunning or jealousy, depending on which sector of the cup and near which figures it is located, carries one or another meaning. However, if a person was born in the year of the snake (1953, 1977, etc.), then in this case the sign of the snake may reflect this person personally.
The name of the year can be specified in the table.

Eastern Calendar Table

Zodiac signs can show the time of the month (unless these signs are on the bottom of the cup). For example, Libra is the center of autumn, the month of October, more precisely from September 23 to October 23.

Year of the Rat

1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996

Year of the Ox

1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997

Year of the Tiger

1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998

Year of the Cat (Rabbit)

1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999

Dragon Year

1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000

Year of the Snake

1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001

Year of the Horse

1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
Year of the Goat (Sheep)

1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Year of the Monkey

1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
Year of the Rooster

1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Year of the Dog

1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
Year of the Pig

1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007

Clarification of time by the signs of the zodiac

The signs of the Zodiac, indicated not by drawings, but by symbols adopted in astrological practice, have a different meaning.

Chapter 2. Meaning of numbers

Basic meaning of numbers

1 - someone loves you;
2 - illness, failure;
3 - purchases, trade deals;
4 - you still hope;
5 - talk, gossip;
6 - wedding; there will be problems;
7 - family happiness;
8 - a quarrel with a loved one;
9 - new acquaintance;
10 - successful circumstances;
100 - happy circumstances, long life.

Additional meaning of numbers

Number 1
In the first sector- love occupies an important place in your life.
In the second sector- love of convenience.
In the third sector- true love.
In the fourth sector- love is combined with common work - office romance.
At the bottom of the cup- first love for oneself, then - for others. Large figure (more than 2 cm)- because of you they suffer or yearn.
Small unit- sympathy, emotional disposition. Two units- pride prevents you from opening your feelings. Reverse unit- hidden love.
Two units in the opposite direction- you are loved by two people who do not know each other.
Inverted unit- loneliness without love.
Two inverted units- "the crown of celibacy." Horizontal unit- the love of a married man.
Number 2
In the first sector- a bad day in the morning.
In the second sector- poor health.
In the third sector- failure in love.
In the fourth sector- will let the employees down.
At the bottom of the cup- weakening of immunity, if the number in the center is heart disease.
Big number 2- exaggeration of their troubles. Small number- minor mischief.
Two deuces- Today is bad, tomorrow it will be worse.
Deuce in the opposite direction- temporary deterioration of the situation.
Two deuces in the opposite direction- there is no end in sight to the problems.
Inverted deuce- bad things with a loved one. Two inverted deuces- someone from the inner circle will come under investigation.
Deuce in horizontal position- dangerous forgetfulness.
Number 3
In the first sector- a large purchase.
In the second sector- profitable trade deals.
In the third sector- a gift from a loved one.
In the fourth sector- clubbing with colleagues.
At the bottom of the cup- successful trade, your money attracts more money.
Big figure- large trade turnover.
Small number- debt repayment.
Two threes- a reliable companion will appear.
Reverse three- hidden purchase.
Two threes in the opposite direction- secret acquisition of a large item.
Three of a kind in a horizontal position- Trade fatigue.
Number 4
In the first sector- news of the performance of the expected.
In the second sector- hope for high patronage.
In the third sector- hope for mutual love.
In the fourth sector- the hope for a wonderful vacation will come true.
At the bottom of the cup- you know how to anticipate events and you know what to hope for.
Big figure- everything you need will be done for you, and in the best way.
Small number- execution of small orders.
Two fours- you are surrounded by noble people, you can count on them.
Reverse fours- hope is slipping away.
Two fours in the opposite direction- leave all hopes, think over new options for opportunities.
Inverted four- count on and rely on you (if next to the letter D - what will you lend).
Two inverted fours- your naivety will be used for their own purposes.
Foursome in a horizontal position- lack of action to fulfill the hope.
Number 5
In the first sector- cases related to constant negotiations.
In the second sector- a lot of conversations with useless people.
In the third sector- discussion of your "other half" with a girlfriend or friend.
In the fourth sector- business conversation with superiors and colleagues.
At the bottom of the cup- your advice is convincing, they listen to you.
Big figure- convincing eloquence.
Small number- more people talk about you than you think.
Two fives- gossip.
Five in the opposite direction- you yourself dissolve the rumor.
Two fives in the opposite direction- the spread rumors in the company will turn against you.
Inverted five- you have a special opinion on everything and you will prove it.
Two inverted fives- questioning of witnesses.
Five in a horizontal position- a conversation with a lawyer.
Number 6
In the first sector- partial spending on a wedding that will not take place.
In the second sector- matchmaking is postponed due to some problems (near the letter D - due to material problems, near the letter В - due to unforeseen grief, etc.).
In the third sector- wedding by deception.
In the fourth sector- re-registration of former spouses after divorce.
At the bottom of the cup- a good matchmaker.
Big figure- the intervention of strangers or close people in order to upset the wedding.
Small number- minor contentions due to wedding troubles.
Two sixes- simultaneous wedding of two friends or girlfriends.
Six in the opposite direction- the partner changed his mind about getting married.
Two sixes in the opposite direction- the wedding was destroyed by a rival.
Six in a horizontal position- registration without a wedding.
Number 7
In the first sector- constant help of her husband in family affairs.
In the second sector- you and your half are a perfect match.
In the third sector- unquenchable love between spouses.
In the fourth sector- a successful business in which the whole family is involved.
At the bottom of the cup- great family happiness.
Big figure- a big happy family.
Small number- anxiety of spouses for each other.
Seven in the opposite direction- the appearance of family happiness.
Two sevens in the opposite direction- you endure treason, because you are afraid to be left alone.
Inverted seven- your treason.
Two inverted sevens- family relationships can be destroyed because of your flirting.
Seven in a horizontal position- a familiar family life without complications.
Number 8
In the first sector- on purpose pretend that you are offended.
In the second sector- disputes in the family to which you are involved.
In the third sector- discord of lovers over a trifle and mutual experience.
In the fourth sector- hot business disputes.
At the bottom of the cup- the desire to insist on one's own ends in a big scandal and discord.
Big figure- the bad consequences of a quarrel.
Little eight- spoiled mood with stinging words.
Two eights- protracted conflict.
Figure eight in a horizontal position- demonstrative silence and coldness.
Number 9
In the first sector- meeting with a person whom they are familiar with in absentia (via the Internet, etc.).
In the second sector- acquaintance with friends of close people.
In the third sector- romantic love acquaintance.
In the fourth sector- acquaintance with employees at a new job.
At the bottom of the cup- your coquetry attracts more and more fans.
Big figure- an acquaintance that will turn your whole life.
Small number- a new acquaintance will not make a big impression on you.
Two nines- a friend of your partner wants to get to know you better.
Three nines- recruitment to a sect; acquaintance with religious fanatics.
Nine in the opposite direction- acquaintance with foreign partners.
Two nines in the opposite direction- secret acquaintances.

The meaning of double digits

1 2 - trouble because of love.
1 3 - love for trading shenanigans.
1 4 - hope for a meeting with the "prince on a white horse".
1 5 - gossipers.
1 6 - joy because of other people's failures.
1 7 - love in the family.
1 8 - curiosity about other people's scandals.
1 9 - I like to constantly change partners.
2 0 - a few more tests, and everything will be fine.
2 1 - such difficulties that there is no time for love.
2 3 - stagnation in trade.
2 4 - proposal, not supported by anyone.
2 5 - obscene language.
2 6 - all acquaintances do not lead to the wedding.
2 7 - disputes in the family because of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law.
2 8 - fight and bodily harm.
2 9 - it would be better not to get acquainted.
3 0 - a prestigious business lady.
3 1 - love of hoarding.
3 2 - fight with companions.
3 4 - expansion of the scope of activity.
3 5 - exaggeration of their income.
3 6 - purchases for the wedding.
3 7 - a rich family.
3 8 - a quarrel with a companion.
3 9 - attracting new people to a pyramid-type enterprise.
4 0 is a fluke.
4 1 - you can count on the help of your beloved.
4 2 - red tape with government papers.
4 3 - hope for good revenue.
4 5 - agitation.
4 6 - the hope that the wedding with a rival will fail.
4 7 - reliable family rear.
4 8 - special provocations for a quarrel.
4 9 - new company.
5 0 - the ability to convince customers.
5 1 - interest in gossip and intrigue.
5 2 - panic due to disturbing news.
5 3 - premature calculation of income.
5 4 - agitation.
5 6 - different opinions about why the wedding did not take place.
5 7 - negotiations of the quarreling spouses through an intermediary.
5 8 - anonymous.
5 9 - a promise to introduce.
6 0 - rupture of relations for the better.
6 1 - loves, but does not intend to marry.
6 2 - born bachelor.
6 3 - organization of a wedding, toastmaster, agreements on payment.
6 4 - defamation of a rival.
6 5 - negotiation of matchmaking.
6 6 - the groom will not appear at the wedding.
6 7 - parents are against marriage or marriage.
6 8 - a dispute over inviting guests.
6 0 - acquaintance on the eve of the wedding.
7 1 - the family loves children very much.
7 2 - anxiety about the illness of one of the family members.
7 3 - gifts for the whole family.
7 4 - in the family they trust each other and mutually care.
7 5 - discussion of neighbors.
7 6 - children do not make parents' weddings.
7 8 - discord in the family due to the temporary settlement of a relative.
7 9 - lodgers.
8 0 - a demonstration of resentment.
8 1 - moody character.
8 2 - a scandal and a call to the police.
8 3 - disputes with service personnel.
8 4 - incitement.
8 5 - accidentally overheard gossip.
8 6 - hesitation: spend money on a big wedding or just get by with registration.
8 7 - the arrival of a guest will disrupt family plans.
8 9 - quarrels due to the infidelity of the spouse.
9 0 - acquaintance of parents with their future son-in-law.
9 1 - meeting new friends while traveling.
9 2 - acquaintance in the hospital (clinic).
9 3 - meeting a businessman.
9 4 - holiday romance.
9 5 - meeting new neighbors.
9 6 - cunning pimping.
9 7 - acquaintance of rivals with each other.
9 8 - a painful impression of acquaintance.
The numbers located in the fourth sector closer to the handle indicate time: years and months. For example: 2 8 - two years and 8 months; 9 - nine months; 9 0 - nine years, etc.

Chapter 3. Meaning of letters

Basic meaning of letters

A - victory over circumstances.
B - the power is in your hands.
B - chagrin.
G - put a candle to St. George.
D - money problems.
E is a clear conscience.
F - life circumstances.
3 - worries.
And - you will be alarmed.

We decided to take up fortune-telling on coffee - the interpretation of symbols is what they get to know first. Without correct decoding of the signs that appear on the surface, you will not be able to find out what the higher powers answered to the question asked.
The content of the article

Fortune telling on coffee - interpretation of symbols

Guessing on the coffee grounds simply. Brew natural coffee, enjoy the drink, and then leave the grounds in the cup.

There are a number of methods of divination. One of the common ones involves turning the container over on a saucer, after 7 times, turn the cup clockwise.

It is believed that a woman does it with her left hand counterclockwise, and a man does it vice versa. There are those who think that coffee is sprinkled on the sides of the cup, and then turned over.

The ritual must be taken seriously. Anyone who guesses for the sake of pampering will not know the answer to the question asked.

Anything in the thick of it matters. The appearance of a light, without clots of ornament on the walls of the container says that neither now nor in the future, difficult situations that will turn out to be dangerous to health or material well-being are not expected.

The appearance of a large clot of thickets indicates a failure, a problem. By examining the shape of the spots, it is possible to find out what the nature of the trouble will be. Depending on the location of the situation, it is determined when such will appear.

Letters and numbers - decoding

When divining, it is important to know the meaning of each symbol. Pay attention to the numbers.

  • 0 - prophesies the completion of unpleasant situations and started cases. There will be an opportunity to get rid of what weighed down.
  • 1 - have fallen in love with you, take a closer look, a person from your inner circle.
  • 2 - get ready for various household chores that will poison your life. Remember, keep yourself in control, and you will be able to bypass any troubles.
  • 3 - the situation will develop harmoniously. You will be able to emerge victorious from any dispute.
  • 4 - frequent problems are likely, serious troubles are not excluded, it is difficult to implement the plan.
  • 5 - gossip, be careful, ill-wishers know a lot about you.
  • 6 - frequent problems, try not to perceive the words of other people.
  • 7 - harmony, success awaits, everything will work out, take time for your family, loved ones need you.
  • 8 - refrain from scandals and overly stubborn defense of your own point of view. Silently do what you see fit and you will succeed.
  • 9 - the possibility of a fateful meeting, everything will change for the better.
  • 10 - well-being, success.
  • 101 - positive sign. Prophesies material wealth, the realization of all desires.

When letters appear in the thick of fortune-telling, do not ignore the sign. They will indicate a specific personality. This is important when asked a question "Who and when?".

The letters will indicate a specific month. But when the question did not concern either names or months, and the letters appeared, they have a certain meaning.

  • D, M- warn about a change in the financial situation for the better. There will be an opportunity to earn extra money or change your occupation.
  • A, C- you will be able to overcome ill-wishers. The letters predict a quick rise in the career ladder.
  • L, T, X- favorable changes in love. A fateful meeting, a strong union awaits, a wedding is not excluded.
  • Z, R, O- travel, joy, meeting with friends.
  • B- light flirting.
  • NS- a truce with a partner after a quarrel.
  • F- probable problems at work, conflicts with employees.
  • NS- be careful, one of your acquaintances is insincere with you.
  • B- no matter what problems arise on the way, you will be able to overcome everything.
  • C, Y- quarrels, troubles.
  • E- doing the right thing.
  • V- trouble, tears.
  • H- serious experiences.
  • NS- frequent ailments.
  • H- health problems of loved ones.
  • G- the cause of failure will be a negative magic program.
  • TO- perhaps they are trying to bewitch you or spoil you.
  • NS- watch the property, theft is not excluded.
  • AND- to make a definite decision, be sure to weigh the pros and cons.
  • F- dreams will come true.
  • I AM- happy future.

Coffee geometric shapes

The appearance of such will help to decipher important information from the Higher powers. Do not neglect such symbols.

  • Square- minor problems are possible, but the situation will be favorable, everything will work out, but you will have to make some efforts.
  • Triangle- Fortune is with you.
  • Oval or circle- life with a partner will be happy, full of joyful events. You know how to hear each other and support in a difficult situation.
  • One straight line- constancy.
  • Two parallel lines- good health.
  • Zigzag- travel, sudden changes, meeting interesting people.
  • Oblique lines- possible danger, be careful with your health.
  • Wavy line- do not worry, everything will happen as it should.
  • Star- happy future. Prophesies a wedding or a meeting with someone who will change your life.

The appearance of several geometric shapes is not uncommon. In this situation, everything will come true, but with a time interval. It is difficult to say which will happen first. There are those fortune-tellers who believe that a small dot above the symbol says that this will happen in a month or in a year.

Other symbols and interpretation

There are many different symbols. The faces of real people also appear, just silhouettes of men, women, animals. Creatures and fabulous appear.

But there are symbols, the meaning of which is important to know for everyone who has decided to practice fortune telling on coffee. It .

Pay attention to both large shapes and small dots. This is an important symbol. A single dot next to a large symbol enhances its meaning.

A lot of those in one place speaks of receiving a large monetary reward. The familiar colon indicates that the next symbol will tell you how the situation will develop. When there are three dots in front of the figure, it describes how everything will end.

When fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need to know the meaning of the symbols. Experienced fortune-tellers believe that intuition and experience are also important. This helps to fully reveal the mysterious figures. Remember, to master this art, you need to train hard.

Has it ever occurred to you, every day, when you pour a cup of fragrant freshly brewed coffee in the morning, that you can use the leftover grounds in your ritual, which came to us from our ancestors. To do this, you just need to make out the symbols that have formed and correctly interpret their meaning. Especially among young girls who want to know their future or tell fortunes about their betrothed. Are gaining more and more popularity fortune telling and interpretation values ​​that we have tried to collect in this article based on multiple matches that confirm the symbols seen in a small cup of coffee.

It turns out that on Christmas Day one can not only guess at the narrowed one seen in a dream, but also the magical silhouettes seen in a coffee cup. They are powerful on Christmas Eve.

This is due to the popularity and availability of this drink. Therefore, it is increasingly being used as an element to predict one's future. Signs can be very different. You can see dragon, flower, animals, trees, and more. All of them have their own meaning.

When is the right time to start enchanting

It is believed that it is best to bewitch during the period when the clock shows a multiple of three. For example, it can be twelve, six, three hours, and so on. Carrying out will not require any exceptional items.

Everything you need is sure to be found in your home:

  • cup and saucer. Better if they are light;
  • coffee. Take fine and coarse grinding in a 1: 2 ratio;
  • glass of water;
  • Turk. If it is absent, you can prepare a drink in a regular saucepan.

After enjoying the aromatic and tasty coffee, you can start enchanting.

How to predict fate with coffee

When you are tormented by the unknown, and you want to know how to act under certain circumstances, coffee grounds will help you get the right answer. But the thought that worries you needs to be clearly formulated.

You are familiar with the process of making coffee.


  • Coffee is brewed over low heat, stirring slightly.
  • Then it is poured into a cup and allowed to cool.
  • It is better to choose dishes of pure white color, without any patterns.
  • When interpreted, they may interfere with you to see the resulting image well. The cooled drink is drunk by a person who wants to get an answer to his question.
  • In this case, you should focus on your problem completely, other thoughts should not be spinning in your head.
  • You should not drink to the end, you need to leave a little drink (about a tablespoon) and thick at the bottom.

Now let's get down to the most unusual.

The process of divination itself

  • Rotating clockwise with your left hand, twist the cup three times.
  • Do not forget that thoughts are exclusively about the topic that worries us!
  • Then quickly turn over onto a prepared white saucer.
  • We count to ourselves to seven and remove the cup.

The coffee grounds on the saucer have formed into a certain image, which must be carefully studied and correctly interpreted. This procedure also has its own recommendations and advice.

  • The signs on the saucer will tell us about the past, and on the cup - about the future.
  • The importance and location of these figures plays a role.
  • Closer to the center, symbols are concentrated that tell about certain moments that may happen to us in the distant future.

How to read the symbols of coffee grounds

The order of study is also determined by strict rules.

  1. First, we try to determine the resulting images from left to right, only then - vice versa.
  2. Finally, we examine the figures from the very edge, then we move closer to the center, having previously carefully studied what is located at the very bottom.
  3. At the bottom there is always information that was in your past.
  4. On the sides and on the saucer - what awaits.
  5. But, if the figure is close enough to the bottom, then expect the execution of this event soon.

You managed to make out five images, you did it, you can study the table of interpretation of each figure.

The shapes that you can see will be very different. These can be parts of the human body, living and inanimate nature, simple ordinary lines, and others. Highlight those, the outlines of which seemed to you the clearest, and study their interpretation in the table. Do not worry, fortune telling on the coffee grounds is not a complicated procedure at all. You can easily figure out all the actions you perform on your own.

Line images - how to interpret

You saw on the walls of the cup and on the silver platter a certain set of drawings, consisting of lines. It remains only to look at their meaning in the table, and you will find out what to expect, what your plans are destined to come true, and the execution of which will be postponed indefinitely.

What do the lines mean

Line type Meaning
Oblique You are facing some kind of illness
Straight long Your life is meaningless and useless
Several oblique Failure in business
Broken The financial situation will be shaken
Two straight lines: short and long Luck and success
Line at the bottom of the cup The ride you've been waiting for
Several straight lines Long years of life
Straight line slightly curved An unexpected illness or unpleasant event
Curve The enemy in your environment
Multiple curves The enemy is not alone
Undulating Long exciting trip
Crossed curves Broken heart

Figures of coffee grounds objects meaning

The elements that you saw resemble certain parts of the body, various animals, figures, trees or flowers, they should also be understood in a certain way.

Therefore, after fortune-telling on the coffee grounds, carry out the interpretation in accordance with the proposed table.

Interpretation of figures, objects, animals

Figure Meaning
Certain parts of the body
Lips Good news
Head A person you know can change your life for the better.
Hand Troubles, troubles, grief
Eyes Changes in the usual course of life
A clear outline of the heart Good luck in love affairs
Blurred view of the heart Take care of your health
Figure of a woman Love relationships, fast wedding
Outlines of animals, insects, birds
The Dragon Happy life and good luck in everything
Buffalo Unpleasant unexpected turns of fate
Butterfly Love message
Camel Successful and successful business management
Pigeon Loyal friend
Crow Illness, quarrels, failures
Dolphin Solving problems with someone's help
Hare Lack of courage
Snake Ill-wisher, enemy
Cat Loss in everything
Cow Fortune is on your side
Hen Helping a friend
Swan Happiness is coming soon
a lion Strength and might
Fox Your attention to everything that happens should be increased.
Frog Good luck and getting it
Bear Minor hazard
ant Bustle
Fly Monetary prospects
Deer The sincere attitude of others
Eagle Triumph and triumph
Spider Unexpected presentation, perhaps good, but perhaps not very
Cockerel Quiet family life
A fish Good news
Elephant Well-being and success
Dog Good friend
Owl Bad luck, illness, trouble
Tiger Keep your emotions in check, otherwise you will be in trouble
Lizard Calm and serenity
Trees and flowers
Forest Your lover will take the wrong step
Violet Wedding with a rich
Chrysanthemum Unexpected meeting
Wood Everything will go as it should, you just need to push up
Flowers Bliss and grace
Oak Win Win, Win Win
Willow Tears, stress, troubles
Clover Solution of your plans in the near future
Bush Hopeless idea and dreams
Lily Faith in loved ones
the Rose Successful marriage, marriage
Auto Business trip
Diamond The marriage will be successful, love
Angel Get unexpected information to help resolve the issue
Fork Wealth and luck in money matters
Coffin Illness, grief, failure
Door Successful completion of business
House Calm, happy, prosperous and harmonious life
Dagger Quarrel with a friend or loved one, loss
Key Your dreams are not destined to come true
Wheel Travel, unexpected news
Ring An early wedding that will be successful
Box Happy acquisition, joyful gift
Hammer You need pressure and the ability to wait
Knife Treason, loss of a friend, betrayal of a loved one
Scissors Unexpected cash prize
Shoes Vigilance will help the danger pass by
Folder Happy completion of plans
A loop Failures, troubles and health problems
Glove Accidentally see the ex (ex)
Horseshoe Good sign
Dishes Significant event, unexpected date
Candle Hopes and Mirage
Chair Success, prosperity, prosperity
Flag If fortune-telling on the coffee grounds shows the interpretation of the flag, this means risk, money spending
Hat Significance in society, your opinion will be appreciated
Anchor Peace and quiet on the front of love
Math figures
Curved line Adventure
Straight line Peaceful existence
Interrupted Losses
Quadrangle Victories on the love front
Triangle An unexpected acquaintance that will determine the further development of events
Dashes Job-related changes: shift, career, salary increase
Oval Wedding celebration or happy family life
Circle Unexpected acquaintance
Cross A marriage proposal or good luck in the family
Square Monetary well-being and a dignified existence
Star Problems and enemies will remain outside your ship of life
Arc Foe, dangerous relationship

The meanings of numbers and letters when fortune-telling on coffee

So, you clearly presented the problem that worries you and turned the cherished cup. And what did you see at the bottom? Did you manage to see certain outlines? When fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you can see the interpretation of the letters of the alphabet or numbers familiar to everyone.

What do the numbers mean

Image What promises
0 From the very infancy, the star of luck has been on your heels.
1 Your image to settle in someone else's thoughts and feelings
2 Expect serious illness
3 A money deal promises to be profitable
4 Your hopes and wishes are in vain
5 Bad thoughts of people around you
6 Problems in preparing for the wedding
7 Happiness in family relationships
8 Discord with friends
9 Meet a nice person soon
10 Happiness and luck
101 Long life will develop qualitatively
A The plans will be successful
B Strength and power in everything
V Grief and misfortune
G Go to church
D Monetary troubles
E You have nothing to be ashamed of
F Intrigue in your environment
Z Fun and well-fed life
AND Beware of getting into trouble after decisions you make lightly
TO Get a cross
L Joy, happiness, love
M You will not know you need anything
H Anxiety and doubt
O Unforeseen trip
NS Beware of overly outspoken people
R You will be drinking too much
WITH Disputes and quarrels
T Unlimited dating
Have Serious quarrel
F Don't give up hope
NS Expect wedding chores
C Career growth
H Loss of a loved one
NS Reconciliation after a serious quarrel
B Flirtation and coquetry
B Random guests
NS A loss
NS Complicated unsuccessful disease
I AM Expect changes for the better

Remember that all the images that you see during the ritual are just the work of your general imagination. Therefore, your attitude will help you see the figures and signs that are needed at the moment. So, relax, put aside all worries and troubles, focus on only one thing - the problem that worries you. In this case, you will definitely wait for a positive result.

It is very simple to carry out fortune telling on the coffee grounds at home and the interpretation of what you see should not cause you any questions or doubts. Just follow the tips and you will succeed.

You will be interested.

Of the many fortune-telling and predictions, fortune-telling on the coffee grounds always remains relevant. The interpretation of symbols is a sacrament that will reveal the turning points of your life. The popularity of this type of fortune telling is determined by its ingredient - coffee, and the very procedure for obtaining information. Indeed, in order to get an answer to an important request, you need to enjoy the aroma of fresh coffee, drink it to the bottom and listen to your heart, looking at the contents of the cup.

Probably because this fortune-telling is sometimes perceived as fun... However, fortune telling on coffee grounds at home carries very powerful information inherent in each sign.

Fortune telling is a simple and versatile way to get an answer to an important question. The difficulty of this fortune-telling lies only in the interpretation of the symbols. To be able to recognize signs and symbols, you need to connect your imagination and focus on the first vivid images that are visible at the bottom of the mug.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds at home requires special preparation. As with any fortune telling procedure, you need to prepare for this ritual. Required attributes for divination:

  • Light cup,
  • Brewed coffee,
  • Turk,
  • saucer.

To understand how to read the tea leaves correctly at home, just remember the basic rules:

  • concentrate;
  • do not let anything distract you;
  • devote an hour or more to the fortune-telling procedure, and the interpretation of symbols;
  • calm down and focus on inner feelings.

How to read tea leaves correctly?

If you are used to drinking sweet coffee, then for correct fortune-telling, you should sacrifice the habit. Coffee must be prepared without sugar. This has a magical meaning. Correct proportions and correct combination of ingredients are the main conditions for obtaining accurate information.

Important! Do not repeat divination often. Helpers in the subtle world do not welcome a frivolous attitude towards receiving predictions. In order not to anger fate, be extremely careful and use the fortune-telling procedure on coffee gruel when the answer to the question has a fateful decision.

Preparing for fortune telling on coffee grounds

  1. Before starting the fortune-telling, make coffee. At the rate of one teaspoon of ground coffee per glass of boiling water. You need to brew coffee over low heat. At this stage of preparation, calm down and focus. It is especially important to concentrate if the question is related to the exact choice. Do not let phone calls, uninvited guests distract you from fortune telling.
  2. For fortune-telling, you definitely need a mug and a saucer. The fortune-telling mug should be round and solid inside. When choosing between several circles, give preference to the light one, as it will be easier to see the patterns in it. A clear understanding of the symbols in the coffee grounds is one of the prerequisites for correct interpretation.
  3. Any movements and emotions determine the accuracy of fortune-telling. Be sure to follow the basic steps correctly. Pouring coffee from a Turk into a cup, mentally ask a question. And devote the entire process of drinking coffee to concentrating on the topic of interest. Turn off all distractions and try not to communicate with anyone.
  4. Fortune telling on coffee grounds requires the correct use of the drink. An important condition for correct fortune-telling is the correct position of the pen. Take the cup in your right hand with the handle on the right side.
  5. Drinking coffee should be thoughtful and leisurely. Drinking coffee in small sips will not allow the thicker to rise and the drink can be finished to the end. You need to leave about two teaspoons of liquid at the bottom in order to make fortune-telling.
  6. A simple combination of movements will help you get the most accurate symbols. When the coffee is finished, and a little liquid and thick will remain at the bottom, take the cup in your left hand... In a clockwise circular motion, ask an exciting question and turn the mug over on the saucer. The mug does not need to be lifted immediately. Let the magical ritual take place.
  7. After a couple of minutes, when the coffee grounds are slightly dry and the liquid finally drains down the walls of the mug, open the cup. Take your time to interpret the signs, carefully study the location of the figures. Each area of ​​the inside of the circle has its own meaning.

How to interpret the position of the figures correctly?

When the mug is upside down, you need to examine all areas of the mug. To correctly understand the meaning of symbols, remember the main features:

  • first you should pay attention to the edge of the cup and its center;
  • you need to study the location of the figures from left to right, and from right to left;
  • special attention is paid to the bottom and center of the cup.

General principles of interpretation

The signs located on the inside of the cup are distinguished not only by their shape and location, but also by their size. It is important to remember that the larger the symbol, the more significant its influence on the fortuneteller. Groups of symbols located together carry a single semantic load and are interpreted together.

A peculiarity of the interpretation is that the signs near the pen relate directly to the fortuneteller, and symbolize the events taking place at the given moment. First of all, it is necessary to note the number of dark spots.

It is generally accepted that the more coffee grounds in a mug, the more problems and obstacles in a person's life, and the lighter and more airy the patterns from coffee grounds, the more joyful a person's life. However, the fortune-telling should be repeated if the coffee grounds are completely poured out of the cup.

Interpretation of symbols

All over the world they know how to read tea leaves. The meanings of symbols and signs are interpreted differently, but basic signs are read the same.


Doug is an enemy, a dangerous rival.

The star symbolizes freedom. You will be able to avoid unpleasant relationships and free yourself from hardships.

The square is stability, happiness.

The cross (solid) is a bad sign.

Cross (outline with white inside) - a successful family life, happiness.

The circle predicts a pleasant acquaintance, is a symbol of sociability and understanding. This sign refers to the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Circle (light inside) - money;

Circles (with spots) - children;

Several triangles are profit.

A uniform dark spot is misfortune;

Oval is the most auspicious sign in the interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds. The sign symbolizes a wedding. This sign is interpreted in the same way for both men and women.

Dots are an auspicious sign symbolizing happiness and success.

Triangle - new perspectives in work;

Triangle (with clear outlines) - unexpected success, good luck in business.

Dashes - portend change.

The quadrangle is a symbol of good luck. Auspicious sign if your question concerns your personal life.

Line interpretation

Lines have many different interpretation variations, it is taken into account, and the shape and length and division of the line into parts. The meaning of the lines in the coffee grounds should be interpreted as follows:

line (zigzag) - trip, adventure;

a line that crosses other lines - problems and grievances, unresolved problem situations;

long and (or) straight line - carefree life, happiness;

a dashed line portends losses, illnesses, minor troubles. This symbol symbolizes indecision and uncertainty, which can negatively affect the realization of your desire.

oblique lines - danger. Do not ignore this warning;

broken lines portend material difficulties;

short lines (dashes) predict changes in the professional field. One option might be to change jobs.


Car - trip, road.

Angel is an astral sign that predicts help from the subtle world.

A fork is a luxury, success in the material sphere.

The coffin is misfortune, misfortune.

Door - you will find the right way out, good luck.

Home - well-being, family idyll.

The dagger is evil, the enemy.

The key is getting started.

Wheel - road, path, trip.

Ring - marriage, engagement.

A hammer is an action that portends good luck.

Shoes are a warning about danger.

Weapons - coldness, rupture, quarrels.

The folder is good luck in business.

The loop is death.

The glove is the renewal of old relationships.

Horseshoe is a success.

Dishes are a pleasant meeting, a surprise.

A candle is a dream.

The chair is a quick implementation in the professional field.

The flag is a warning.

Hat - power, recognition, glory.

Anchor (clear image) - happiness.

Anchor (blurry pattern) - minor issues.

Animals and Birds

The stork is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and successful changes. The stork portends good luck in trade and money matters. If you are planning a large purchase and saw a stork, then your purchase will be successful.

Stork (bottom of the cup) - imminent birth of a child. This sign can be interpreted as a success for your children.

Stork (on the roof) - a successful purchase of a new home, a change of residence.

Stork (in the nest) family well-being, family creation.

Stork (in flight) - new place of residence.

Shark is the enemy, disease, misfortune. The sign is a warning, beware of envious people.

Butterfly is love.

Squirrel - cunning, the desire to rise in the eyes of others.

Squirrel (on a tree) - demanded creativity, well-deserved reward.

The bull is a symbol of danger, brute strength.

Bull (on a hill) - improvement of the material condition.

Bull (in the lowlands) - good health, absence of chronic diseases.

Camel - wealth, success in money matters.

The raven is a misfortune in the family. This is one of the most powerful harbingers of trouble.

A dove is a pure person in your environment;

Hare - fear of analyzing the future, cowardice.

- an ill-wisher, an insidious friend, a liar.

Cow - luck, prosperity.

The cat is a big financial problem.

Chicken - Someone Needs Help.

Swan - cash receipts.

Leo - power, power, breadth of the soul.

Fox - cunning, flattery, deception.

The frog is good news.

- danger warning.

Ant - chores, anxiety, vanity.

Fly - cash injection, wealth.

Deer - sociability, openness, gullibility.

Eagle is a victory in a conceived business.

- present.

The rooster is a deceitful friend.

- unrequited love.

Fish is good news.

Elephant - material stability, power, power.

The dog is a friend.

Owl - disease, death.

Tiger - rage, aggression.

The lizard is a pleasant surprise.


Oak is a confident victory.

Willow - tears, disappointment, sadness.

Clover - all problems are resolved in your favor.

Bush - business will end in failure.

The forest is the wrong way.

Lily (at the bottom) - a spat.

Lily (on the wall) - loyalty, devotion.

Rose - marriage, wedding.

Violet is a profitable marriage union.

Chrysanthemum is love.

The apple tree is a vibrant eventful life.

People and body parts

The girl is a meeting with great love.

Guy - separation is ahead.

Child - the likelihood of a newborn, chores with children.

They predict change.

The head portends the appearance of a man who can have a beneficial effect on your life.

The head in profile signals the presence of a powerful defense.

Woman's head - predicts love and relationships.

The head of a man is a negative symbol, which is interpreted as separation from a loved one.

Head (turned up) - the appearance or presence of a powerful patron in your environment. This sign indicates help from a superior.

Head (turned down) - warns of danger. You should consider the issue and try to avoid risks.

They have several meanings. If you see lips at the bottom of the cup, then this sign portends good news. The lips at the edge of the cup indicate the support of friends.

Two heads - unity, wedding.

Two heads (looking at each other) - portend good luck in love, mutual understanding and long-term relationships.

Two heads (with a vertical line) - is a negative sign. It should be interpreted as a quarrel, separation or divorce.

Several heads seen in the coffee grounds predict the help of friends or relatives.

An elderly woman is a symbol of family life, love, strong family ties.

The hand portends disappointment, rethinking.

Man with an animal - keep a close eye on your surroundings. A person who is ready to take care of you is in your environment. Don't neglect help.

Any character can be interpreted in different ways. To find out more precisely what fate has in store for you, listen to yourself. Feel what associations and emotions arise in front of you when you look at a drawing of coffee gruel. The negative meaning of the figure presented in modern interpretations will not necessarily be negative in your particular case. This is easy to explain. because each pattern and sign can be something special, iconic or just familiar to you. If we consider in detail the interpretation of numbers, then numbers, like visual images, carry important predictions.

What do the numbers mean in fortune telling on coffee grounds?

The number 0 speaks of your security. You are guarded by higher powers.

Number 1 is a symbol of love.

The number 2 is dangerous. This is a symbol of the fact that the question that was asked carries the danger and the likelihood of betrayal or collapse in financial affairs. It may be worth refraining from undertakings if the question was related to the business sphere.

Number 3 portends success and the absence of material difficulties.

Number 4 indicates hope and desire to implement our plans.

The number 5 symbolizes the ill-wishers in the immediate environment. You should take a closer look at family and friends.

Number 6 portends harmony in relationships. This number can mean an imminent wedding.

Number 7 symbolizes success. If you saw this figure, then there is no need to worry about resolving your question. If your asked question was related to the professional field, it's time to try your hand. Number seven indicates that luck is on your side in any business.

Number 8 - disagreements with loved ones, quarrels. The number eight warns of possible conflicts.

Number 9 is a new acquaintance that can successfully reflect on your destiny.

Number 10 portends success in the professional field.

The interpretation of numbers is suitable for both Roman and Arabic characters.

The relationship of numbers, their combination and combination is easy to interpret, knowing their meaning. Nevertheless, each result is individual, and each number carries a hidden meaning that only a fortuneteller can understand. A digit can mean a date or time, the numbers should be interpreted strictly based on the question asked.

One of the simplest magic rituals is fortune telling on the coffee grounds, which will allow you to find out the events of the future. The main thing is to understand what the symbols and numbers on the coffee grounds mean.

Features of fortune-telling

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an easy and interesting way to find out your own future, to get an answer to an exciting question. Everyone is capable of learning this, it is worth following all the steps according to the instructions. To guess, you need to brew coffee in a Turk. At the same time, they mentally formulate a question.

It is forbidden to add milk and sugar to the cup.

Then they sit down at the table and leisurely drink the prepared coffee, holding the cup in their right hand. It is not completely drunk, leaving 1-2 teaspoons of liquid. Then they take the cup in the left hand, twist it slightly clockwise and turn it over on a saucer. After 2-3 minutes, they look at the symbols and numbers formed in the coffee grounds.

Interpretation of numbers

Even a trifle must not be overlooked, because this will affect the result of fortune-telling. The resulting drawing is examined from left to right in order to comprehend the past and present, from right to left in order to know the future.

The bottom of the cup usually has one or more symbols, letters and even numbers, both Roman and Arabic. The numbers on the coffee grounds have a general interpretation, but it opens up to each person in a different way. Their location, size and clarity make the prediction the most accurate.

In fortune telling, it is worth paying attention to individual meanings. They indicate a specific time or date of a fateful event. The meanings will be clear to the fortuneteller when he correlates what he saw and the question posed.


Simple numbers in coffee grounds have different meanings. Sometimes even 0 appears in the cup, for a fortuneteller it is not a symbol of trouble. He speaks of the patronage of the Higher Forces, the protection of a person. Such a person always achieves its goals, is happy and successful.


The meaning of the number 1 on the coffee grounds depends on the position in the cup.

In fortune telling, 1 can be large or small, located vertically or horizontally, and sometimes it turns out to be inverted. Each position has its own meaning:

  • the unit is small, located in the center of the container - it is worth learning to love yourself;
  • large - someone is very in love with a fortuneteller;
  • small - sympathy towards the fortuneteller;
  • the number 1 on the coffee grounds, which is turned in the other direction, is a secret admirer;
  • inverted - loneliness;
  • in a horizontal position - a relationship with a married man.

If there are 2 units at the bottom of the container, this means pride, which interferes with the manifestation of feelings. If they are inverted, the interpretation of the number will indicate two men showing tender feelings towards the fortuneteller.


The appearance of the number 2 on the coffee grounds promises health problems, as well as possible troubles and troubles. If, in fortune-telling, it forms at the bottom of the container, this means a weak immunity. If the deuce is in the center, there are heart problems. The appearance of a big two promises big trouble, but if it is small, then the trouble will be minor. Other meanings:

  • located horizontally - the fortuneteller is a victim of his own forgetfulness;
  • 2 deuces - trouble;
  • turned upside down - troubles will accompany a person for a long time;
  • one deuce in the other direction - temporary difficulties;
  • an inverted deuce - problems for the close ones of the fortuneteller.

2 inverted deuces have a separate meaning. In fortune telling on coffee, such numbers speak of problems associated with the law.


If the number 3 appeared during fortune-telling, the interpretation will relate to money. Both profit and waste are possible, as well as profitable investments and debts. A straight and clear three promises a good investment. Other meanings:

  • large - financial profit;
  • small - debt repayment;
  • directed in the other direction - a secret purchase;
  • horizontal - loss of concentration on business;
  • two threes are a reliable companion.

If two triplets fell out, facing the other direction, it is better for a person to make a purchase of something important, but it is not worth telling anyone.


The appeared 4 personifies hope, help and mutual assistance. Such interpretations relate to any spheres of life and will be individual, related to the request of the fortuneteller. In fortune-telling, the four that appeared at the bottom speaks of self-confidence and righteousness. If it is small, then it is better for a person to do small things. If the four is large, then it is worth taking on big things, this will lead to success. Other meanings:

  • mirror figure - fulfillment of desires;
  • inverted - hope for a fortuneteller;
  • horizontal - inaction;
  • two fours - help from others;
  • two mirror fours - unrealizable hopes;

If the fours are upside down, there is a risk of becoming a victim of manipulation. You should be careful in your hopes.


The one that appeared on Day 5 predicts discussion and gossip. They relate to the fortuneteller or the people around him. The appearance of the number 5 on the coffee grounds in an upright position indicates the person's ability to give advice to others. If the five is small, they gossip about the fortuneteller, a large number speaks of eloquence. Other interpretations of the five:

  • mirror - the fortuneteller dissolves gossip;
  • inverted - personal opinion;
  • horizontal - protection of a fortuneteller, the help of a lawyer is possible;
  • two fives - gossip;
  • two mirror fives are rumors at work.

When the two fives are turned upside down, there is a discussion of important matters with others. This also applies to problems with the law.


The number 6 in fortune telling means changes in family life. In the upright position, the six promises a good relationship with the matchmaker. If the six is ​​large, they are trying to prevent the creation of a family, but if it is small, problems will arise when planning a wedding. Other interpretations:

  • mirror - the partner changed his mind about getting married;
  • horizontal - the wedding will be, but the celebration will not;
  • two sixes - marriage of acquaintances or close friends.

If two sixes appear in a mirrored position, the wedding is in jeopardy. A rival is capable of interfering with the marriage.


The number 7 during fortune-telling is a harbinger of changes in life. They relate to family ties and are both good and bad. Straight 7 at the bottom promises family happiness. If the seven is small, the relations between the spouses are tense, and if the seven is large, complete mutual understanding reigns in the family. Other meanings:

  • mirror - happiness in the family is only a mask;
  • inverted - treason;
  • horizontal - quiet family life;
  • two mirror sevens - treason.

If the sevens are upside down, you should be careful with new acquaintances. Even a simple flirtation with a stranger will lead to the destruction of the marriage.


Eight promises trouble with friends and family. Quarrels and partings are possible. The number 8, which appears at the bottom of the cup, indicates stubbornness, for which you will have to pay with your own happiness. The larger the eight, the more dangerous the consequences of such troubles will be. A doubled number indicates that the conflict will drag on, and if it is reversed, it will quickly resolve.

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