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Choleric is unbalanced. Who is a choleric person? Description of the type of temperament, features and interesting facts. I am unrestrained and irascible

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Who are they - phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine? Have you met these words often? In fact, the person used in most of the currently available theories (Pavlova, Eysenck).

It is interesting to know who is who? How does a phlegmatic person differ from a choleric person and who, for example, is better to be - a melancholic or a sanguine person? And it’s even more interesting to understand who you are. After that, you start looking at the world with different eyes.

Temperament, after all, determines the characteristics of a person's behavior. It's a bit like a horoscope when you read about your zodiac sign and find similarities. But here the opposite is true. You need to read the description of all temperaments and understand which one you are closest to (pass the simplest logical test).

Today we will just talk about the psychological characteristics of people with different temperaments, about their capabilities and purpose. We will also find out how to understand which type your personality is closest to(according to the simplest test) and we will give a visual psychological portrait of each of these temperaments, in which you will definitely find the features inherent in you personally.

Types of temperament according to Hans Eysenck (test)

Hans Eysenck's classification is currently the most famous. This scientist is for to carry a person to one of the 4 main types of temperament (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic) used only two scales:

  1. Neuratism(emotionality) - it characterizes the degree of emotional instability of a given person, his inherent anxiety and a tendency to depressive states. In simple terms, this indicator indicates whether this person is self-possessed or, on the contrary, extremely nervous and inclined to go to extremes. A person with a high level of neuroticism will be impressionable, anxious and insecure. Moreover, all these features are manifested not only in stressful situations, but also in everyday life. High neuroticism does not mean that this person is neurotic, but his chances of becoming one are very high with prolonged stress.
  2. Extraversion and introversion... A high indicator for extraversion implies that this person is aimed at the outside world, at other people and at interacting with them (always with the people). Extroverts are impulsive, optimistic, take risks easily and are not afraid to interact with other people, while introversion, on the contrary, characterizes people who are withdrawn, immersed in their thoughts or emotions. However, introverts themselves are emotionally reserved, have a small circle of friends, and prefer to keep their distance from those around them. If you have already read my publication, then you know that introverts never take risks, they think everything over.

That is, according to Hans Eysenck temperament is formed from just two variables- the degree of neuratism and the degree of extraversion inherent in each individual person. As a result, the whole thing can be represented in the form of a graph, when neurathism (psyche excitability) is deposited along the vertical axis, and extraversion (the degree of unsociability) along the horizontal axis:

Different people have different degrees of these parameters, but already from their combination, the temperament of a particular personality (person) is formed.

Enough it will be difficult to find sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic in pure form but this is usually not required. It is enough just to understand which signs in a person are more and to which of these 4 types of temperament it will be more likely to be attributed.

Just by looking at the above graph, it's safe to say that:

- this is a person who is characterized by high degrees of both neuratism and extraversion (a kind of "city madman", if you approach this with humor). He has the highest level of excitability and the lowest level of mental inhibition.

This makes him active, hot-tempered(sometimes even aggressive) with a constantly changing mood. The choleric person speaks quickly and, as a rule, with active gestures and facial expressions. At the same time, he is not able to control his emotions.

- this is a person who is characterized by a high degree of neuroticism, but low extraversion (such people are not very sociable).

Melancholic people are extremely susceptible and sensitive in relation to the external environment. Because of this, they, unlike choleric people, do not show their emotions (of which they have a lot due to high neuratism), but keep them in themselves (they often have problems with that). They closed and conservative.

- this is a balanced person who is able to control his emotions (calm choleric). He can quickly change his plans and adapt quickly to external circumstances. If some activity is interesting to him, then he is able to show very great activity.

A sanguine person is a sociable and cheerful person, but to some extent frivolous and incapable of any long occupation (work or relationship).

- this is a person who is distinguished by excellent calmness. Its very hard to piss off and disturb his inner emotional balance. Associated with this are his changes and the difficulty in switching the type of activity. From the outside it seems that phlegmatic people are slow and very restrained.

Everything is the same, but in the format of a video medley on entertaining psychology:

This is precisely the classification given in the theory of Hans Eysenck and I like it, because it is easier to apply it in everyday life. In this case Eysenck temperament test will look utterly simple:

There are other versions of the theory of temperaments. For example, as many as sixteen types of them are considered, but this is already a topic for a separate article.

Sanguine - who is he and what are his characteristics

This type of temperament is, in fact, average representative of humanity and, as it were, an unofficial norm (in any case, Academician Pavlov thought so, considering all other types of temperament to be deviations from this norm).

Choleric - who is this

Phlegmatic - his personality characteristics

Melancholic - who is he

There is only one type of temperament left to consider.

  1. The melancholic has a rather weak nervous system (prone to emotional outbursts). This means that he is incapable of long-term stress and has a high distraction. In this regard, they, by the way, do not lend themselves very well to hypnosis - they are too distracted and unable to concentrate.
  2. In this case, the nervous system of the melancholic is stuck. Therefore, know that if you offend such a person with something, he will remember this for you for the rest of your life.
  3. It would seem that such a nervous system should allow one to counter on any target (stick), but the problem is that with any failure, the melancholic gives up and does not make any more attempts.
  4. people are the most sensitive of all personality types to the external environment, so they see subtleties that no other person (with a different temperament) will never notice. Including subtleties in the behavior of other people.
  5. The melancholic is much better than others at distinguishing the shades of emotions and the behavior of people, although at the same time he himself sometimes seems unemotional and he is often confused with a phlegmatic person.
  6. The speed of the nervous system in a melancholic is quite high, which, however, does not particularly manifest itself outside (all emotions are seething inside a person).
  7. Outwardly, the melancholic looks inhibited, but unlike the phlegmatic, he is also emotionally loaded.
  8. Thought processes in a melancholic proceed rapidly and one thought quickly replaces another.
  9. A melancholic is an introvert (an internal idea is more important than external stimuli), but he is already for the most part immersed in his emotions, and not thoughts, like a phlegmatic person. At the same time, his facial expressions and gestures are not expressive, for he tries not to show his feelings outside (and, as a rule, there are many of these feelings).
  10. Such people have a rather weak ego. They, in principle, are able to restrain their expression, but they are not able to restrain their urges and emotions. For example, it is very difficult for such a person to get up in the morning on an alarm clock.
  11. Melancholic is the most maladaptive personality type. He, as a rule, cannot find a common language with anyone and practically does not adhere to social norms and rules.
  12. A person with such a temperament takes a very long time to adapt to this or that activity or environment. This is connected again with a weak nervous system and the anxiety that gives rise to this weakness.
  13. That is, the melancholic is at the same time a very disturbing type. Any insignificant external stimulus already causes tension in him. In this regard, it is these people most often.
  14. He is not interested in communicating with other people (he is an introvert), and he does not accept splashing out his emotions like a choleric. There are exceptions, though. A melancholic can communicate for a long time on a topic that is interesting to him. If the topic is not his, then he will be silent. In this regard, silence and shyness are not deservedly attributed to this temperament, which in fact is completely wrong.
  15. Melancholic people are more rational than choleric people, because they suppress their emotions. In this regard, a person with such a temperament is best suited for individual work (not in a team), but where some hard tension is not required (this is a battlefield for phlegmatic people) and clear deadlines.
  16. And, of course, creative work is well suited, and not acting like a choleric, but the creation of something new, such as a designer, director, scientist.
  17. Melancholic people are the most trainable personality type. That is, they learn the fastest and their skills remain for a long time. At the same time, melancholic people teach others quite well, for they always delve deeply into the topic. And it is this type of people that is the main engine of science. Genius is most often inherent in melancholic, well, phlegmatic as well.
  18. The melancholic converges with people for a very long time, but he can part almost instantly. That is, such people are sometimes characterized by a sharp change in opinion.
  19. People belonging to this type of temperament communicate most often with phlegmatic people (they are the least burdensome for them). They hate choleric people, unless it is a being of the opposite sex (options are possible here). However, they are monogamous and capable of long-term relationships.
  20. It is very difficult to say about the leadership qualities of melancholic people. He has all the data for this (intelligence, the ability to quickly grasp everything), but communication overstrains their nervous system, and often it is simply not interesting. Therefore, he quickly burns out all the motivation for some kind of leadership.
  21. Melancholic people react to conflicts in different ways. Basically, they slow down and fall into a stupor, not allowing emotions to come out.

Conclusions on determining the type of temperament

It is important to understand that although temperament is a certain innate structure of the psyche, one should not take the above description as a dogma. There are types that are pure enough to distinguish one from the other. But any temperament is always refracted through social constructs in which a person lives.

And in general, the more adult a person becomes, the more socially adapted he becomes and the more certain boundaries between temperaments are blurred.

On the other hand, I do not believe in initial equality and the ability to become who you want to be. You need to understand that, for example, from a melancholic, the same work with people will require much greater mental costs than from a sanguine person. And at the same time, the sanguine person will be much happier due to his natural social adaptation.

Well, in conclusion I can't resist showing a picture from my childhood (there was Bidstrup's album at home), which perfectly shows the relationship of diametrically opposed temperaments (in this case, phlegmatic and choleric):

P.S. I am a phlegmatic person, so I always liked this drawing. We can say that he became 🙂

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The division of people by types of temperament in ancient times was a purely medical subject, but in the modern world it has become firmly established in popular culture. Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic - everyone is trying to know himself and better understand the people around him, relying on the accepted typology. About who a choleric person is and how to get along with him - in the material below.

The theory of temperaments began to be developed in antiquity. The first to suggest it was the great ancient Greek healer and philosopher, the "father of medicine" Hippocrates, who lived in the IV-III centuries BC. It is he who owns the terms denoting the types of temperaments.

According to Hippocrates, human behavior is regulated by a mixture of neurohumoral fluids in the body - the so-called "life juices". He identified four components, from the ratio of which one or another type of temperament is formed:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • yellow bile;
  • black bile.

The predominance of one component or another gives us one of four types - choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic. In more detail, this typology was developed by the ancient Roman surgeon Galen. According to the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen, yellow bile predominates in the body of a choleric person.

At different times, many scientists have dealt with the problem of the relationship between bodily and emotional qualities of a person. Kretschmer, Sheldon, Eysenck, Jung and even Immanuel Kant offered their models. The most curious practical research in this area was carried out by our famous physiologist I. Pavlov.

Observing the interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition, Pavlov identified three properties of the nervous system:

  • strength;
  • equilibrium;
  • mobility.

Thus, the general brief description of a choleric person is as follows: a strong, mobile, but unbalanced type, excitation processes, in the cerebral cortex of which prevail over inhibition processes.

How to define choleric?

Surely many remember the famous French comedian Louis de Funes and his characters - impetuous, impetuous, angry, with active facial expressions and gestures, with expressive emotions and loud speech. These characters are a somewhat grotesque, but quite accurate illustration of the owners of a choleric temperament.

It is so interesting to watch choleric people that an anecdote was even born about this:

- How to distinguish a phlegmatic person from a choleric person?

- Very simple. The phlegmatic thinks that twice two is equal to five, and is absolutely calm. The choleric knows for sure that twice two is four, but he is terribly nervous.

By this characteristic trait - constant nervousness and readiness to explode - it is easy to recognize a choleric person in any company.

Even in a calm state, a person of this type of temperament resembles a dormant volcano.


The connection between temperament and a person's appearance was the subject of reflection, for example, by E. Kretschmer. At the beginning of the 20th century, this German psychiatrist released his famous work "Body structure and character", in which he proposed a model of constitutional typology. A little later in the USA, W. Sheldon picked up the idea and developed his own concept.

Both models have been criticized. The choleric temperament, of course, leaves an imprint on his appearance. However, one cannot directly link any constitutional features or facial features with a choleric temperament. Much more about a person's character is told by his facial expressions or manner of speaking and moving.

From this point of view, choleric people are quite recognizable:

  • have sharp, clear, impulsive movements;
  • speak vividly, loudly and confidently, often raise their voice or "chatter";
  • accompany speech with expressive gestures.

According to the manner of movement, a choleric person is a whirlwind.

Emotional background of choleric

All his life, the choleric person seems to be swinging on a swing - his emotions are constantly changing from one extreme point to another. A person of this kind always feels either at the top of Everest, or at the bottom of the deepest gorge. The strength of his emotions is so great that even the rain that spoiled the picnic, the choleric is able to survive like a Shakespearean tragedy.

Since the processes of arousal in a person of choleric temperament are poorly balanced by the processes of inhibition, it is extremely difficult for him to control his feelings. The choleric person reacts to everything instantly, violently, but quickly cools down. "Hot-tempered, but easy-going" is about him.

It is vitally important for a choleric person to always move somewhere and overcome obstacles. If life suddenly becomes too stable, the choleric person will quickly create a problem for himself, get angry with it and immediately begin to solve it.

Another characteristic that governs the behavior of this type of person is the desire for recognition. The choleric believes in himself and his abilities, but it is important for him to receive confirmation from the outside. For this reason, people with a choleric temperament cannot stand loneliness at all.

Positive aspects of the character of choleric

You can summarize the positive character traits of a choleric person in this way:

  • high energy;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to ignite others with an idea;
  • leadership skills;
  • the ability to overcome obstacles;
  • the ability to switch without focusing on the negative aspects of life.

All these qualities allow the choleric person to win the attention of people and lead them.

Negative sides

Among the negative aspects of the character of choleric are:

  • irritability and irascibility;
  • excessive straightforwardness and incontinence;
  • a tendency to reckless acts;
  • inability to calculate their strengths and capabilities;
  • the tendency to leave things incomplete;
  • talkativeness;
  • conflicts.

It is curious that a smart choleric person with age becomes more balanced and stable, more like a sanguine person.

Friendship and relationships

Unfortunately, people of this personality type hardly distinguish between shades and halftones. For this reason, it is quite difficult for them to understand the emotions of other people. Psychology with its reflection is not for the choleric. The speed of his inner and outer life is too high to delve into other people's feelings and problems.

It is not easy to be in a close relationship with a choleric person. It will still not work to remake its nature, so the most correct strategy would be a philosophical attitude towards all flashes and explosions.

The easiest way to get along with a choleric person is a good-natured and lively sanguine person. He reacts to everything just as quickly and brightly, will not let his partner get bored, and will respond to choleric riots with his best weapon - humor. A sanguine person knows how to smooth out conflicts and make compromises, while not allowing himself to sit on his neck. And on occasion, it can provide the choleric with some of the difficulties necessary for how the air is.

A little more complicated, but an alliance of a choleric with a phlegmatic is possible. A balanced and slightly slow phlegmatic person can irritate the choleric person and seem like a bore to him. Phlegmatic, in turn, is often tired by the excessive activity and noise of the choleric. Such relationships become promising if the partners leave enough personal space for each other and do not seek to reshape in their own way. In any case, it is the phlegmatic person who can allow the choleric person to shine without claiming leadership.

Two choleric people have a bright and stormy relationship. It could be an “Italian family” - with regular smashing of dishes and throwing things out of the balcony. Unfortunately, all of this often ends in divorce. Friendship between two choleric people is more promising than a love affair.

The most difficult and often tragic scenario is the relationship between the choleric and the melancholic. An overly sensitive, gentle and timid melancholic is often left mentally wounded by the choleric, calling him “smear”.

Choice of profession

The modern world provides choleric people with great opportunities for professional self-realization. The main enemy of choleric people is routine and boredom, therefore, when choosing a profession, they need to be guided by the principle "so that tomorrow is not the same as today."

The following professions can be considered suitable for choleric people:

  • tour guide;
  • journalist, reporter or TV presenter;
  • character actor;
  • athlete;
  • designer;
  • PR manager;
  • advertising specialist;
  • animator.

Choleric people need to avoid any monotonous work that does not allow them to throw out their inner tension. It is quite difficult for choleric people to realize themselves in the service sector.

Choleric life

Perfect order in a choleric's house is as rare a guest as a polar bear in the Sahara. From time to time, the choleric person, with his characteristic enthusiasm, proceeds to general cleaning, bringing his home to a radiant state. But in a couple of days the owner of the house will again be annoyed that "nothing can be found on the spot." And this is not surprising, because the choleric himself constantly changes the place for each thing.

The boho style is most suitable for the choleric temperament. This is a bohemian interior - chaotic, eclectic, extravagant, with a mass of original gizmos, bright textiles, books, lamps, pillows - everything that a witty choleric loves. A big plus of this style is that the disorder in it is difficult to distinguish from the order.

Features of a choleric man

The main characteristic of a man's choleric is domination. A choleric man will never be henpecked. He will gladly take responsibility for the family and will never shy away from it if the woman allows him to feel like the master of the situation.

A woman next to a choleric man needs to be prepared for the fact that her partner from time to time will "bring home" work problems. If something goes wrong with him, he will by no means leave his bad mood outside the threshold of the house, but throw it out on his family.

A man of choleric temperament has a large circle of friends and many friends. The choleric's wife should be able to set the table very quickly and treat the company that the choleric husband can bring without warning in the middle of the night.

Choleric people are quite despotic parents. A choleric father can yell at a child. However, it will not rage for a long time. Having come to his senses and cooled down, he will be ashamed of his outburst and will begin to pamper the child with the same passion and energy.

Features of a choleric woman

The characteristic of a choleric woman is described in detail in the novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Scarlett O'Hara is a typical choleric.

Brightness and self-sufficiency are the main features of this type of women. In addition, ambition and great willpower are applied. It is unlikely that someone will be able to force a choleric woman to become a housewife and dissolve in a man. She herself can subjugate anyone.

The choleric woman has many traits that gender tradition considers masculine. She knows how to achieve her goals, does not like to give in, strives for constant self-development. You will not get bored with such a woman.

However, this also has a downside - the anger of a choleric woman. Like a man of this type of temperament, she easily shouts and is quite capable of throwing a tantrum. Such emotional instability can complicate the life of not only the woman herself, but also her children.

Features of a child's choleric

"He must run and jump, grab everything, kick his legs, otherwise he will explode - bang-bang - and he is gone!" The words of this song absolutely accurately describe the choleric child. These are fidget children and tomboy - they are the first to walk through the puddles, climb a tree and pull the tablecloth off the table.

A child is choleric even more than an adult, he does not know how to control himself. The peculiarities of the course of mental processes in this case are multiplied by age-related immaturity, and parents can observe a record number of various emotions experienced per unit of time.

A child with this type of temperament strives to constantly feel like the center of the universe. There are many ways to attract the attention of adults, and if you can't do it with "good" behavior, "bad" is used. The little choleric cannot be stopped by fear of punishment. This must be taken into account in education and other methods of pedagogical influence must be found.

Choleric people study well at school, thanks to their ability to "catch on the fly." They are not too accurate in fulfilling school requirements, they often play pranks, and can disrupt the lesson. However, mostly, teachers are in good standing, famous for their intelligence and ingenuity.

A child of choleric temperament often comes into conflict with other children. The task of the parents is to teach him to communicate, taking into account the interests of other people. In such a child, it is necessary to cultivate sensitivity from an early age, otherwise he can easily grow up to be rude.

If you help a choleric child to improve relationships with peers, he will quickly become overgrown with a great many friends. The enthusiasm and energy of little choleric people allows them to become leaders in any team.


Choleric people are not easy, but interesting and extravagant people. Often it is they who, with their enthusiasm, move progress, master new lands, and make discoveries. If a choleric person learns to listen to the people around him and translate negative energy into a peaceful channel, he can be called an ideal person.

An energetic choleric person is distinguished by assertiveness, purposefulness and decisiveness, allowing him to achieve dominant positions among others. But is everything so simple and unambiguous? Who is a choleric person and how to get along with him? Is it easy to recognize? Is there a universal characteristic of a choleric person? Or is this type of temperament expressed individually in each person? What if the child is choleric? How to educate him correctly? How is life for choleric people when they grow up? How difficult is it to build a relationship with them? It is better to read this article to the end in order to know exactly how not to fall under the "hot hand".

Who is a choleric person?

Choleric is an emotionally quick-tempered and extremely active type of temperament, prone to leadership and domination. The very word "choleric" is of ancient Greek origin. According to the ideas of Hippocrates, who, according to the prevailing "life juice", identified four types of temperament, "yellow bile" dominates among choleric people. It is called "chole" in the original language. This is where the name comes from.

If we are talking about another person, it is necessary to analyze his behavior. First of all - to pay attention to the speed of occurrence of certain emotional reactions, especially. If a person “gets turned on from a half turn”, then most likely, it is the choleric person who dominates in him.

Some authors argue that you can determine choleric and in appearance... According to their opinion, people with this type of temperament are distinguished by a thin physique and other signs. But the proportions of the human body depend on a number of physiological processes. Likewise, his temper or nervousness. So, it is worth distinguishing between the innate characteristics of a person and his health.

It is better to identify choleric, based on at least a few criteria.

Choleric symptoms.

  1. Emotional instability;
  2. Accelerated and loud speech;
  3. Sharp movements;
  4. Unwillingness to sit in one place;
  5. Active gestures;
  6. Striving for leadership;
  7. Social activity;
  8. Ability to defend your opinion;
  9. Hyperreactivity and vigor;
  10. Rejection of routine and monotony.

If the bulk of these points coincides with the characteristics of a particular person, then it can be argued that he has a choleric temperament.

What does it mean to be choleric?

The advantages of this type of temperament include high social activity and the prospect of taking a dominant position. Choleric people are born leaders who know how to achieve success on their own, and bring others to him. They are so selflessly able to go towards the intended goal that they "infect" everyone around them. Choleric people are different, Carl Jung made a division by 8. You can find out yours using the test.

Choleric people know how and love to lead... Their irascibility also has a positive side, because such people never accumulate negativity and. They instantly express their emotions on others, but also quickly and calm down. This helps not to delay the "debriefing", promptly solving production problems.

In the case of the melancholic, the union will succeed if he accepts the position of power of the choleric, and he, in turn, takes care of and takes care of the melancholic.

If temperaments match, then it is fraught with "fireworks" of feelings and emotions. For such a couple, the daily "storm in the teapot" is guaranteed. But a strong relationship will turn out only in the case of periodic rest from each other.

Sanguine and choleric there will always be something to do. Both types of temperament are active and open to communication. will allow you to cushion emotional outbursts, smoothing out sharp corners.

Have phlegmatic most likely to create a strong relationship with a choleric person. Here everyday wisdom works, according to which opposites attract. The main thing is the mutual relationship of each member of this union, the observance of his personal space.

How to bring up a choleric person?

The little choleric person gives the most trouble to those around him. The characteristic of this type of temperament clearly demonstrates his quarrelsomeness with others. If an adult learns to control his emotions, then it is difficult for a child to do this. Punishment will only make the situation worse. Choleric parents should have truly "iron" nerves that will help them to adequately perceive the behavior of their child. No one says that it is worth pampering him, but excessive severity will not help.

The best thing become an authority in the eyes of a child, gain his respect, channel unbridled energy into a constructive channel: sports, etc. Choleric is a born leader. If he is not “broken” in childhood, then such a child will grow into a strong and charismatic person who will definitely find his place in society.

Among all types of temperament, choleric people have the greatest success in achieving success. This is due to their determination and passion. If a choleric person really wants something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. This quality is inherent in leaders and winners. But the “fee” for this is not small either. The hot temper of choleric people very often turns against themselves. Knowing this, others should be more tolerant of people with this type of temperament, and they themselves should learn to control their emotions without inflating the "elephant from a fly."

Impulsive, passionate, hot, unbalanced, reacting to a situation rapidly - this is how one can characterize a person whose temperament type is choleric. Despite the fact that often such people have to “blow off steam”, they can be restrained and judicious.

Character traits

The choleric person is an unbalanced, but strong type, he can cope with significant mental stress, but such a person has an increased level of irritability and instability. Representatives of this type are easy to turn on, they are aggressive, often throw out emotions on others, but if you go to meet them, they can quickly calm down and cool down. Inborn leadership qualities contribute to the fact that choleric people strive to be winners in everything, it is important for them to attract attention, they are in constant motion. You can notice a choleric person by expressive facial expressions and sharp feverish gestures, they often chatter and consider an attack to be the best defense.

Simple test

There is a simple procedure for determining the type of temperament choleric, just mark your inherent qualities from the following.

  1. Active.
  2. Angry.
  3. Initiator.
  4. Stubborn.
  5. Leader.
  6. Noisy.
  7. Dominant.
  8. Hardy.
  9. Rival.
  10. Forgetful.
  11. Vigorous.
  12. Active.
  13. Intolerant.
  14. Excitable.
  15. Impulsive.
  16. Impatient.
  17. Hot-tempered.
  18. Restless.
  19. Aggressive.

Do not expect a complete coincidence, because often in one person there are traits from at least two temperaments. If more than half of these qualities are inherent in you, then the type of temperament is choleric.


By nature, choleric people are sociable and make contact easily, but at the same time they want to remain leaders.

Choleric child

A choleric child is often naughty, trying to get what he wants, he often becomes the center of the family, and the rest of its members revolve around him. Despite this, for the manifestation of the slightest attention, such children become grateful, they are sympathetic and affectionate when they are satisfied with everything. It is typical for such a kid to violently express any reactions to the surrounding events, he will be delighted with going to the circus, and screaming and crying will be the reaction to any prohibition. In collective games, he prefers to be the leader. In adolescence, hyperactive expression of emotions will prevail, so an aggressive teenage bully can be considered a typical choleric.

Choleric woman

Ambitious, strong, strong-willed, this is how a choleric woman can be described. She is not afraid of everything new, which is easy to learn, loves to lead, regardless of whether she is in the family or at work. An ideal housewife will not come out of her, such women rarely sit at home, they strive to conquer the peaks and are ready to take on any interesting job. A pliable, calm, patient and softer man should be next to a choleric woman, a phlegmatic type of temperament will be an ideal husband's option, since only he can withstand such high activity.

Choleric man

A choleric man will dominate the family and will not give his wife the opportunity to command him. He is a representative of the stronger sex and behaves accordingly, cares about the welfare and safety of the family. A choleric father can become a despot, he will demand unquestioning obedience from children, but he is also characterized by a manifestation of sensitivity, love and care.

A choleric man can become a tyrant in the family, then the child will suffer the most. You can't change the character, but you can try to correct it.

A representative of this type needs followers whom he can command, therefore, at school, such individuals often gather a large company around them, which is ready to follow and obey. They are not lonely, so they are sociable and often have many friends. Thanks to their organization and speed of reaction, choleric men quickly move up the career ladder and often become successful in business.

Choleric extrovert

An extrovert can be characterized by the predominant process of arousal over inhibition. And choleric people are typical unstable extroverts, since they are aimed at the outside world, they always strive to be in the spotlight, therefore they are extremely sociable, but at the same time uncompromising and often throw out their negative emotions on others.

Choleric introvert

An introvert is a secretive person, he is not inclined to share experiences and thoughts with others, he does not openly show emotions. Such people avoid large and noisy companies, they never go first to contact. Based on this characteristic, it can be assumed that an introvert and a choleric are something so incompatible that it is extremely rare to meet such a person.

The pluses of temperament

The choleric always pre-analyzes the situation before inserting his “five cents” and this can be attributed to the advantages of this type. This type of temperament is punchy, it can even be called an innovator, since excessive activity makes you strive for more. Such individuals are able to quickly make important decisions due to their high concentration of attention. A creative approach to work makes it possible to expand activities.

Cons of temperament

As for the disadvantages of this type, such people often do not finish the work they have begun, since it is difficult for them to do one thing for a long time, and the range of interests is wide. The choleric person is active, but being in constant motion, he often gets tired and sometimes does not understand this, because of this, emotional breakdowns occur.

Choleric temperament is a strong but unbalanced type of the higher nervous system.

The most striking feature of a choleric person is an explosive nature and problems with controlling their emotions. This is an impulsive, active, energetic person. But the processes of excitation prevail over inhibition.

A choleric person needs a lot of work to "pull himself together", or not to express aggressiveness if he experiences it in relation to something, or someone.

Hot-tempered and impatient, he tends to withdraw quickly. This happens the faster, the sooner the annoying factor disappears.

It is not recommended to enter into hot disputes with choleric people, in which he becomes very inflamed, trying to prove his case. The sooner you give in to him, the faster he will come to his senses and return to adequate behavior.

Despite their irritability, these people are very hardy and easily overcome any obstacles. They are easily recognizable by their determined gait and abrupt, impulsive movements. Sometimes these people resemble a stretched string that can burst at any moment.

  • Types of human temperament
  • Sanguine: characteristic

Choleric people in the outside world

Choleric people find friends easily, but not so much for the sake of communication, as for the crowd. They need a team in which they take on the role of leader and commander of the parade. Choleric is very jealous of his leadership, does not tolerate a number of rivals and those who do not agree with his opinion.

He loves to control his environment and impose his point of view and his value system on him. It is difficult to befriend him, but those who have earned his sincere affection can count on a loyal and strong friendship.

Such people are self-confident, proud and sometimes in love with themselves. Choleric people do not complex and do not belittle their merits. On the contrary, they are often confident in their exclusivity and have high self-esteem.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In relations with the opposite sex, a choleric person shows all those unpleasant traits as in communication with others. He is intolerant, categorical, unrestrained, confident in his righteousness. As in the circle of friends, in the family he will gravitate towards dominance and authoritarianism.

In the heat of anger, he is able to sever relationships for many times, after which he usually tries to stick them together. It is not easy to have such a life partner, but if you try to give in to him (or pretend that you are giving in), then the choleric person will turn out to be a good family man. Representatives of this temperament are very sensitive to blood ties. They are a strong support for a spouse and good educators for their children.

Working rhythm among choleric people

As workers, choleric people are valuable for their ability to quickly recuperate and work hard. Their ability to work, however, is unstable and depends on many factors.

But, if the business really fascinates him, he is able to move mountains. In a fit of enthusiasm, this person can work all night long without experiencing any discomfort. By the way, choleric people generally have less need for sleep than representatives of other types of temperament.

When the ardor is wasted and the interest in work has faded away, the person quickly cools down to his activity and continues to work formally, without a “spark”.

Raising a choleric child

A choleric child begins to grow into a problem for parents from the moment they are born. These children, even in infancy, do not sleep well and sleep little. In order to lull such a child, you have to carry it in your arms for hours.

These children are like little pandas. They literally grow, hugging their parents' necks, like the trunk of a tree.

A child of choleric temperament is capricious, scandalous with or without. He has a lot of requirements that must be satisfied.

If his whims are not in a hurry to indulge, the baby will still achieve his roar and tantrums. But the choleric man knows not only hysteria. He is capable of showing the deepest emotions to his family members and is very sensitive to affectionate treatment.

Parents should be very careful about raising such a baby. A lack of attention in the future can turn into uncontrolled aggression and cruelty. Failure to keep attention on something for a long time will lead to the fact that the choleric person will not finish any business.

If you direct the child's aggression in the right direction in time, then he can turn out to be an excellent athlete. And work on perseverance and attention will help you achieve your goals in adulthood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Choleric, whose temperament characteristics can be summed up in two words: strong and impulsive, has its pluses and minuses.

The undoubted advantages of a choleric person include: the seething energy in him and the ability to devote himself headlong to his beloved business. The ability to lead people, to captivate them with your ideas is another fat plus of this temperament. Choleric is a born leader and initiator of new ideas.

People of this type of temperament are distinguished by increased stress resistance and the ability to quickly make serious decisions.

It is difficult to communicate with choleric people and maintain friendly relations. They rarely complete their undertakings and do not know how to calculate their own strengths, which quickly deplete their energy.

If you have chosen a representative of the choleric type of temperament as a friend, or as a life partner, be tolerant and do not pay attention to sudden changes in his mood. Take it for granted that you will have to constantly make concessions, put up with his harshness and put up with him himself with the world around him.

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