Fire Safety Encyclopedia

"I like to eat up bread for others, so happy." Eating for others. About food and not only Is it possible to eat someone else's food

Those who know me personally can hardly imagine me insanely capricious, screaming and, for unknown reasons, turning into an irresponsible balbeska. I understand what can happen to anyone, but such states in myself are extremely unpleasant for me, especially when they are practically uncontrollable.

Where are such charms from, you ask. I finished eating for the children. You heard right, I pecked out of children's dishes. By the way, this did not happen after eating, if the food was consecrated. Here it is, the magic. The worst thing in these states is that some small problems seem insoluble and cause a storm of emotions, and constructive criticism forces the whole world to take up arms, I even noticed that close people begin to seem "bad and evil." (everything is like in childhood, in moments when everything is bad)

The advantages that I took from this situation - I felt my children. Sometimes even both at once. How difficult it is for them. They don't know how to control their emotions. This is not how they perceive reality. I realized that they do not want any explanation, they basically want to be pitied. And they hugged and stroked.

And also, what I realized is that such strange crises happen after a meal is only due to information about consecrated food. Otherwise, this thought would never have come to me. I began to understand that blessed food is ennobled at the expense of the person, in front of whose image you bless this food. In simple terms, everything bad leaves it, for example, the remnants of the bad mood of a person who cooked it on a farm or factory (dairy, Belevskaya marshmallow, etc.) or transported it, or loaded it .. and it includes wisdom and goodness from icons, images of saints. By the way, today, in the neighboring church, right in front of the entrance, there was a table with sweets and sweets. My daughter treated herself to it, took six (!) Sweets. I asked the consecrated ones or not, they answered yes.

These are the discoveries that happen. This world is permeated through and through with amazing things. It is a pity that sometimes we are in the belief that nothing can be done about it. You can do it and the reason manifests itself and everything is simple and easy, there would be a desire to find answers.

P.S. The same goes for bitten off apples, treats from other people's plates ... we adopt the traits of the owner of the plate. Such traits as the original eater.

P.S-2: My grandmother, who did not know what I know, did not like that one of her relatives tried food while cooking. She winced as she ate. Apparently, she sensed what was happening. Grandma and Mom - while cooking, did not try. But they didn't know to consecrate then (in those days).

P.S-3: Of course, it's important who cooks and in what mood, if it's interesting, we'll touch on a separate topic, ok?

If you are sausage and covered, remember if you are eating after people who cannot cope with themselves, if you finish drinking after them, if you are trying a piece from their bowl. Such pies, friends.

It seems to me that aggressiveness, irresponsibility, laziness and bad habits are transmitted in the same way.
If you have a similar experience, tell us, especially about cases from your life. I want to collect in a piggy bank.

Review from a young woman, mom.

After I found out about this, I decided that I would not finish up after my little daughter. But sometimes it was so sorry to throw it away, or I myself really wanted to eat that I still finished eating.
And then one day my child wanted to eat cottage cheese before going to bed, ate 3 spoons and left. I decided to finish eating, I really wanted to. We ended up reading bedtime stories and going to bed. Everything seems to be as usual. The day was spent calmly, at home without quarrels, the child was wonderful, obedient all day. And then everything that was happening began to annoy me. Any little thing - I got one fairy tale, Nastya wanted another, and I decided to insist on my own - Nastya burst into tears. Then I was impatient to put her on a pot - we also did not agree with her in desires. I wanted to do one thing, and she another, while I was angry at everything that was not my way. As a result, I could not put her to bed for about 2 hours. After long tears, hysterics, mine and my daughter, she still fell asleep. I went into the kitchen, sat down, and there was one question in my head - what is wrong with me? After this incident, I forbade myself to finish eating, well, only if it cannot negatively affect me :) for example, before our walk - on the contrary, I want to have fun and play with her :)

Thank you for such useful information!
I would write it on the site, but I have to register there, it's me some other time.
Best wishes,
Review of another young woman, mom
I want to share about eating :) I read your reflective little article and how straight I put together a puzzle! My story for your piggy bank:
The husband always eats up after his daughter - he is just waiting for her to eat and does not finish, the shop "graciously help out the child" in such a difficult situation when the mother was cooking, trying, but she (daughter) did not master the dose. Millien once I said that if you haven't finished eating, don't worry, you can throw it out, they say, I won't be offended even once! NO! My husband has a direct sport like this (in his family it is customary to feed everyone a lot and strongly, it is desirable that everyone at the same time eats up and wipes their plates with bread). And so, it happens that we eat food, talk about some business-plans, discuss some common matter, while I listen with delight to my husband's arguments or proposed options for solving problems in the near future. But SUDDENLY: the daughter's request that she, they say, is full and can she leave our feast "with a compote under her arm for reading a book" and ... the husband's eyes light up, he cheers up, allows her, lets her go from the table, shifts daughter's food to his plate and eats ................ AND HERE! If almost immediately after this action you try to return the previous topic of conversation, you can run into a whiny request for food calmly, they say, your head no longer boils, they say, they have been deciding something all day, planning, tired, solutions and problems on my women's hangers. She even rolls her eyes like SHE :)
NOW I'll just put less food for my daughter, hahaha! Better to ask for a supplement, maybe he won't lose weight :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):):):):):):):):):):)

There has long been a huge number of signs from observant people. They relate to many areas of life and all of them are difficult to remember. In the signs, there are a large number of prohibitions on something. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common signs.

When visiting, you do not need to wash the dishes, as the washer will wash away the energy from the dishes and from the family living in this house. It was believed that this could lead to setbacks and discord in communication with the family. If a person with magical abilities asked to wash the dishes, in this way he could spoil money luck. When there was at least one unmarried girl in the family, the guests were forbidden to participate in washing the dishes, because the one who washed it could take away all the suitors from the unmarried. On the ethical side, your urges to help the owners of the house deal with dirty dishes are understandable, but every woman is a hostess in her kitchen. Better help clear the table.

Signs of what not to do on Sunday

  • Clean up the rooms, so you can sweep away the good energy. It was also believed to be sinful. The sign has gone from the times when it was customary to devote to prayer on Sunday. People tried to do household chores on Saturday, and were in church on Sunday until lunchtime.
  • Also, you can not iron, cook food. Not for the same reason as in the case of cleaning.
  • Trim your nails - so as not to lose strength.
  • Cutting hair. Lose wealth.
  • Argue. Avoid quarrels so you don't get into trouble.
  • Exclude TV viewing and gambling on this day.

Signs of what not to do on Palm Sunday

  • Argue.
  • Have fun.
  • Drinking too much alcohol.
  • Eat fatty foods and cook hot meals.
  • Dye your hair and comb it so as not to confuse your fate.
  • Cleaning and housekeeping, knitting.
  • Do not do garden work.
  • Celebrate a memorial dinner.
  • You cannot refuse those who ask.
  • You cannot cut branches from those trees that grow near the cemetery or have a hollow.

Signs of what not to do in the Annunciation

  • Work physically.
  • Drink alcohol (some wine is allowed).
  • Intimacy is prohibited.
  • You can't have fun.
  • Wash.
  • Kill animals. Accordingly, fishing and hunting are prohibited.

Signs of what not to do for Easter

  • Commit adultery.
  • Swear.
  • To be sad and sad.
  • Throwing out consecrated Easter dishes in the trash.
  • Go to the cemetery.

Signs of what not to do on Krasnaya Gorka

  • Work physically.
  • Lonely young guys and girls stay at home in the evening.
  • Couples cannot spend this day separately, otherwise the union will fall apart.
  • Swearing.
  • Get a haircut, wash, wash your hair.
  • Respect for the dead cannot be ignored. On Krasnaya Gorka it is supposed to visit the graves of the dead. If this is not possible, you should remember them in the family circle at home by preparing your favorite dishes.

Signs of what not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • You cannot cook Easter meals until the house is cleaned.
  • You cannot give away valuables from home and borrow money before Easter.
  • On this day, you cannot ask the god for wealth.
  • Break fasting (for fasting people).

Signs for pregnant women what not to do

Pregnancy is associated with a lot of various superstitions and the largest number of prohibitions. So, you can't:

  • Raise your hands up. This sign is scientifically substantiated - such a situation can temporarily block the access of oxygen to the child. If you do something with your hands raised up, then for a short time.
  • Sit on the doorstep.
  • Play with the cat. Scientifically based sign, since the cat is a carrier of toxoplasmosis.
  • Sit cross-legged.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • There are red berries.
  • Tell family and outsiders the preliminary date of birth.
  • Cut and dye your hair.
  • Knit, sew, so that the entanglement of the umbilical cord does not occur.
  • Buy things for your child in advance.
  • Go to the cemetery.
  • Look at the fire, deformities and sores of other people.
  • Get scared.
  • Take pictures. But nowadays a lot of girls are doing a "pregnant" photo session. In this case, before the baby is born, you do not need to flaunt it.
  • Beat animals so that the child does not have mental problems.
  • Steal.
  • Baptize the child.
  • To cross the fruits that grew in the ground.
  • Sleep on your back. The omen is justified, a pregnant woman can transmit the vena cava, which will slow down the blood supply to the child.

Signs why you can't cut your husband's hair

A wife cannot cut her own husband's hair, because the omen says that you can quarrel or your husband will stop loving. Another version of the sign says that in this case, the husband will live less than the wife.

Signs why you can't cut your wife

It was believed that if the husband himself cut his wife's hair, her feminine beauty would begin to dry out or the wife would fall ill.

Good Friday signs of what not to do

  • It is forbidden to do housework, on the ground. Household business ends on Maundy Thursday. Only baking Easter cakes is allowed.
  • Sewing and knitting is prohibited.
  • You cannot hammer in nails.
  • To plant plants.
  • Have fun, dance, sing songs.

Lazarev saturday signs customs what not

  • Hard work and house cleaning is prohibited.
  • You cannot bring the willow branches home until that day.
  • Celebrate weddings and celebrate birthday.

Signs for a wedding what is possible what not

It is forbidden:

  • drop rings. Such a marriage will not be strong.
  • so that the wedding bouquet has thorns or thorns.
  • buy open shoes for the bride.
  • give someone else to measure rings.
  • walk the wedding when there is fasting.
  • that the witnesses are married or divorced.
  • take my sister as a witness.
  • walking wedding in a thunderstorm.
  • sell a wedding dress less than a year after the wedding.
  • sell the veil.
  • before registering a marriage, look at yourself in the mirror in full dress.
  • give someone a wedding bouquet.
  • Allowing guests to straighten your clothes.
  • you can't have people passing between you.


  • celebrate a wedding in rainy weather.
  • beat glasses.
  • invite pregnant women to a wedding.
  • pin a pin to the dress to protect yourself from the evil eye.

Signs at a funeral what not to do

  • Under the prohibition to cross the road of the funeral procession.
  • You cannot leave your things in the coffin, including dressing the deceased in things that were previously worn by a person who is still alive.
  • Do not leave mirrors open, cover them with a cloth for up to 40 days.
  • Blood relatives should not carry the coffin with the deceased.
  • No need to sit on benches or stools on which the coffin stood. They need to be turned over, let them stand for a day.
  • After washing the deceased, water should not be poured into a place where people can pass. Pouring under trees and plants is also prohibited.
  • You cannot clean the room while the deceased is in it.
  • One should not be very sad and cry for the deceased, so that his soul does not turn into a ghost.
  • Do not take children under 7 to funerals.

Signs of what not to do on your birthday

  • Borrow money.
  • Borrow a sum of money.
  • Communicate with the sick.
  • Celebrate the holiday in advance.

A sign why you can't take out the trash in the evening

So that the witch cannot steal people's things at night and damage them. It is also believed that evil spirits appear on the streets in the evening, which can affect luck and life.

Sign when you can not lend money

  • After the sun went down.
  • For church holidays.
  • Sunday and Monday.
  • On your birthday.

Why you can't beat eggs on the table is a sign

The table has long been considered the throne of God and it was considered disrespectful to beat eggs on it.

Why you can't cut yourself a sign

One cannot cut oneself, so as not to deform the biofield and not to bring illness.

Flowers that cannot be kept at home signs

  • Fern - steals good energy from a person.
  • Lily - takes health.
  • Ivy - drives men out of the house.
  • Cactus - negatively affects the fate of unmarried girls.
  • Lilac - attracts negativity.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue - brings bad luck to unmarried ladies.
  • Dieffenbachia - steals health from residents.
  • Sansevieria - destroys family life.

Omen can not sit on the table

The table was considered the throne of God, to sit on the table is to offend the Lord.

Why you can't walk barefoot at home is a sign

Previously, only wealthy people wore shoes. Therefore, it is now believed that walking barefoot will lead to poverty. The second interpretation is the loss of health.

Signs that you cannot give for a birthday

  1. Stitching objects.
  2. A married couple should not be given books.
  3. A watch is not given to an elderly person.
  4. Dishes as it could lead to bankruptcy. To neutralize omens, put a coin in the dish.
  5. Handkerchiefs.
  6. Purse.
  7. Pearl.
  8. Mirror.

Why it is impossible to put a bag on the table omen

A sign promises a lack of money for those who put a bag on the table. “Dirty” substances (money) are carried in the bag, and the table was considered a divine throne, which cannot be defiled with anything dirty.

Why you can't leave keys in the doorway

Keys left in the door promise trouble. A person with magical abilities can damage the house, having at his disposal the keys to the house.

Folk omens when you can't plant and sow

Why you can't eat with a knife

Whoever eats from the knife will become angry and jealous, since the knife was endowed with negative energy.

Why you can't put bags on the floor omen

The money will go "under the floor" and there will be no prosperity in the house.

A sign why it is impossible to plant Christmas trees near the house

Spruce at home will lead to childlessness or death.

Sign you can not give a watch

The sign came from China. The hieroglyph for hours is similar to the hieroglyph for "death". It was also considered tactless to give a watch to an elderly person, as if reminding him that the watch had already measured a lot of time for him.

Why it is impossible to keep folk signs in the house of orchids

An orchid is equated to an energy vampire and can take energy from people.

Why it is impossible to wash the floor in the evening signs

Thus, you can wash well-being from home.

Why it is impossible to give omens knives

Objects with sharp corners are the embodiment of the spirits of evil. If you give such a thing to someone, you can convey bad energy with it. Families will have quarrels and problems.

Why you can't paint your nails in the kitchen signs

Those who paint their nails in the kitchen will oversalt all the dishes.

Signs why you can't celebrate 40 years

At 40, a person's energy is weakened, and the birthday person can easily be exposed to the evil eye.

What can not be done in the cemetery signs

  • Dress brightly.
  • Take objects from the coffin.
  • To be photographed during the funeral.
  • Have fun and talk about non-deceased topics.
  • Children under 12 years old and women during pregnancy are not allowed to visit the cemetery.

Why you can't eat up for a child

The child will not eat well and be ill.

What trees can not be planted on the site of signs

  • Oak - the head of the family may die.
  • Willow - brings grief.
  • Birch - should only grow behind a fence to protect the house from negative energy.
  • Poplar - can be harmful to health.
  • Pine - to the death of the harvest.
  • Spruce - can bring loneliness.

Why it is impossible to leave unfinished tea omens

Do not leave unfinished tea in the cup, this will lead to dependence on other people and poverty.

You can not kill omens spiders

First, murder is a sin. So you can send yourself into trouble. Secondly, it is believed that the web "catches" happiness. And without a spider, the cobweb will no longer be, as well as happiness in the house.

You can not take pictures of sleeping signs

A sleeping person is energetically unprotected and the aura can be damaged during photography. Previously, there was a tradition of photographing the dead, in the photo they looked asleep. So that a living person does not resemble a dead person, you should not take pictures of sleeping people.

When it is impossible to repay debts omens

  • Sunday to Tuesday.
  • In the evening.
  • On the first day of your paycheck.

Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery signs

The child does not yet have his own angel, so he is not protected from evil forces. If you are pregnant and must attend a funeral, tie a red thread around your left arm.

Why you can't give a mirror of signs

The mirror perfectly accumulates energy. The donated mirror could accumulate negative feedback from the donors.

Why you can't cut your son

It is believed that a mother can take away her child's happiness.

Currently, there are signs that are scientifically grounded and must be followed. Many have lost their meaning, because the reasons were misinterpreted, or outdated. We advise you to find a scientific justification for each sign, then it will be easier for you to understand whether the signs are worth believing.

The common people have many signs about food. Our ancestors were sure that if you follow all the signs and follow superstitions, you can avoid trouble and attract good luck. Signs about food are found in modern society, but their meaning has already been lost. We will reveal the secret of beliefs that people used in the past, and the secrets of signs that have already closely entered our everyday life.

The first pancake is lumpy. Those who like to bake pancakes always know that often the first pancake turns out to be not so beautiful, or it may even go bad. Such a pancake is either quickly eaten "for trial", or given to pets. But few people know that in ancient times the first pancake was intended for the funeral. It was placed separately on the windowsill in order to honor deceased relatives.

Throwing away bread is a disaster. Many people from childhood know that half-eaten pieces of bread cannot be thrown away, it is a sin. In ancient times, bread was of great importance to people. It was grown by the powers of the sun god, and it took a lot of time and effort to grow it. Poverty awaits the one who does not honor bread and throws it away.

You cannot eat when crossing the threshold. Previously, the thresholds were a symbol of the border between an alien world, inhabited by different creatures, and their own world, home. Crossing the threshold, and even chewing food, evil spirits can enter a person through an open mouth. Today this belief can be interpreted differently: while eating food on the go, you can stumble over the threshold and choke.

You can not finish drinks after another person. In a large family or during a feast it often becomes unimportant where whose glass is and who drinks after whom. However, according to our ancestors, if you drink the rest of the drink for someone, then you can take on some of the sins of this person or take on his energy.

At the end and beginning of the meal, you need to eat a piece of black bread with salt, then prosperity, money and love will not leave the house. Bread and salt were considered symbols of hospitality and goodness. It was a kind of magic talisman that drove away evil forces and protected from all misfortunes.

The apple fell from the table - to love and a meeting with the betrothed. Since ancient times, an apple has been considered a symbol of love. The falling apple meant the approach of matchmaking and marriage for a young girl.

You cannot eat with a knife, otherwise you will be angry. This sign has a fairly understandable rationale. All sharp objects and corners are considered negative energy sources. Tasting food from a knife, a person runs the risk of charging negative energy, becoming irritable and aggressive.

If the girl oversalted the food while cooking, then she fell in love. In ancient times, salt was considered an expensive product, a delicacy. Only wealthy people could afford to buy salt. The salt was handled very carefully and economically. And if, while cooking, the girl suddenly overpassed the food, it means that something was wrong with her. It was believed that falling in love affects her, and from this she cannot concentrate on cooking. Indeed it is. A person in love, as a rule, hovers in the clouds and forgets about everything in the world. There's nothing you can do about it: the soup will be salty and the tea oversweetened.

Whoever eats stale bread will swim well and will not be afraid of thunderstorms. This sign is most likely based on simple slyness. This sign was used in poor families, when parents gave their children stale bread, and, so that they would not be capricious, told them how well they could swim during a thunderstorm. And swimming during a thunderstorm was considered a very useful activity. During this procedure, a person was in complete unity with nature and was charged with positive energy. Today, few people would think to swim in a thunderstorm, but nevertheless, stale bread and crackers are good for our body.

All these folk signs were born in the days of paganism. But surprisingly, most of them have survived to our times and are actively used in everyday life. If the article turned out to be useful to you, click on and

08.11.2013 14:58

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina spoke about a simple way to lose weight. It is completely different from traditional methods, ...

Signs about bread were formed in ancient times and almost all of them are associated with the fate of a person. Those who honored bread, treated it with due respect, had both prosperity and good health, and luck always accompanied such a person. Therefore, they tried to follow the signs about bread unswervingly. This has been taught since childhood. Here are the most common signs about bread.

Bread as sacred food

In the cultural traditions of many peoples, bread is more than just food. It is a sacred food that is used in certain religious activities. In the Eastern peoples, when swearing an oath, one must hold a holy book in one's hands and eat a piece of bread - cakes. However, traditions and signs associated with bread have similarities among many peoples.

Even bread crumbs have a special value - those who eats them to the end will be rich, and if you shake the crumbs off the table, you will soon have to beg for alms yourself. And guests should first of all serve bread as a sign of respect. At the same time, in no case should one break it off with one hand, and throw it on the ground and even more so step over - and completely sacrilege.

The round shape of the bread or tortilla is of particular importance. The circle symbolizes the disk of the sun, and its light is the source of life.

The Kazakhs have a sign of bread associated with travel. Anyone who has a long journey ahead of him must eat a loaf of bread. The remaining bread is kept in the house until the traveler's return. It is believed that higher powers will keep him on the way, and when he returns home, he must finish this bread as a sign of respect. In the place where you set off, you should definitely buy bread home. You cannot pass bread over the threshold - money will flow out of the house.

You cannot stick a knife into a loaf or a loaf of bread, only cut it into pieces, but it is better to break it with both hands

There are also special signs. For example, among Uzbeks, in no case should you cut the cakes with a knife or turn them over and put them with their top side (cap) down - this is a big trouble, it is believed that luck can turn away for a long time. Any important event preceded the breaking of bread. This mission was entrusted to the elder or the head of the family, from his hands everyone else received their portion of bread.

In the tradition of the peoples of the Middle East, as well as in Egypt, bread was carried as an offering to the gods, and the breaking of bread was associated with the nourishment of souls who had left the manifested world. In those days, it was believed that the god Anu in Heaven keeps bread, as well as the water of immortal life. In Ancient Egypt, up to 40 types of bread were baked.

In the Slavic tradition, bread is a symbol of mutual exchange between deity and people, as well as between living people and deceased relatives. This is a kind of connection between generations. It was believed that the ancestors themselves invisibly take part in baking bread, and then receive their share in the form of steam or a specially selected part of a loaf of bread or a loaf.

It was customary among the Slavs to keep bread on the table in the red corner. It was also customary to keep bread in front of icons as a sign of loyalty to God. It is believed that God in return takes care of the welfare of the family so that there is always fresh bread on the table.

Wedding signs

The wedding celebration also has its own characteristics about bread. So, even on matchmaking, they must take bread with them. By ancient times, the hands of the young were laid on the loaf as a sign of union and an agreement on the wedding. Already at the wedding, the loaf appears with the blessing of the young parents, and after the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt. The peoples of Central Asia still have a tradition of breaking bread over the bride's head, as the keeper of the hearth.

There is also such a romantic sign about bread: if a guy and a girl bite off one piece of bread, they will be united by love, and after that, possibly eternal love.

Of course, the traditional attribute of a wedding feast, both in ancient times and today, is a loaf. In its manufacture, every detail counts. As a rule, in the old days, the dough for the loaf had to be kneaded by a married woman who has children and is happy in marriage - so she will transfer good luck to the bride. During the preparation of the dough, prayers were read without fail. But the finished loaf was put in the oven by the husband of this woman. The loaf was decorated with branches of viburnum, symbolizing love. In addition to a large loaf, small pies were baked, which were handed out to children during the solemn feast.

The wedding loaf after the newlyweds have tasted it, the godparents should share for the guests

The finished loaf, if baked and turned out without flaws, promised family happiness. It was not considered a very good omen if the wedding loaf cracked, if on one side the dough burned during the baking process - this was a sign that the spouses would quarrel from time to time. The girls who wanted, after the loaf was taken out of the oven, rolled out the tub in the courtyard, and the guys had to jump on the spot three times. In the center of the loaf, as a rule, there was a depression for a salt shaker. They carried the loaf on a new embroidered towel. It was considered a bad omen to drop the wedding loaf, since it is sacred food.

And now such wedding signs are considered true: the groom and the bride must bite off a piece of the loaf, whoever has more of it will be the true head of the family. You can break the loaf, then the one who got the larger half will dominate. In this case, salt should never be spilled.

Household beliefs

All signs associated with bread are called to honor this sacred food. It is believed that if you feed the dogs with bread from the table, you will be poor for the owner. You cannot leave uneaten pieces of bread on the table - this is a disease. There is also such a special sign - it is not recommended to finish a piece of bread that another person has begun to eat, because this way you will take away his strength and luck. For the same reason, you cannot eat bread behind someone's back.

In no case should you throw away the remnants of bread, it is better to dry crackers and eat

You need to eat bread slowly, and making sure that the crumbs do not fall out of your mouth - it is believed that this is a premature death. Among the Caucasian peoples, it is considered an insult to reject a treat offered by the owners, especially if it is bread. In some cultural traditions, it is not customary even to simply lean your elbow on a bag of flour. And if the bread or a piece of it falls on the floor, you need to pick it up, kiss it and put it on a raised platform, for example, on a windowsill.

And in general, in Russia it was believed that the fate of a person can be influenced - they brought either good luck or misfortune - the way he handles bread.

Bread not only gives strength, but also promotes harmony in all spheres of life. For example, two people can become loyal friends if they break bread at the same time and then eat it. “I ate a piece of bread with him,” - until now, this expression reflects a trusting relationship and spiritual closeness between people. By the way, if you want to please the owners by going on a visit, buy and give cakes only in a clear amount.

If you accidentally bought or baked and brought an odd number of cakes or other bread products to your friends' house, break one into two parts. But an odd amount of pastries or bread is usually carried to the commemoration: it is believed that no one else will leave the house in the near future. Bread making certainly has its own characteristics, for example, a woman cannot start baking bread on the days of her period, immediately after childbirth, and also after intercourse. They did not bake bread during major holidays and on Sundays.

Bread, which they forgot to take out from the oven, had special properties. Magical properties were attributed to such bread: if a person tastes it without measure, yearning for a deceased relative or a loved one and wishing to start a new life, then the bread will cleanse him of all negative emotions. It was also used as a healing agent.

Love and respect for bread were instilled from childhood

Thus, bread in all cultural traditions is considered a sacred food that requires special treatment. It was believed that if parents taught their child to treat bread with due respect, it means that he was raised correctly and his life would be successful.

According to signs, parents or other relatives who eat up food for a child take away his strength, happiness or life time. This sign arose in ancient times - even when food was considered sacred, and its extraction was often very difficult. People believed that a person eats not only physically, but also energetically. Therefore, they tried to calculate the portion so that it could give the necessary charge of energy only to one specific person. To eat more - to feel heaviness in the stomach, less - to receive less something very important. If someone else eats up the "lost energy" - he takes away your vitality. It doesn't matter who does it - close friends, loved ones, enemies or parents.

Folk omen number 2

The child, who was in the womb, ate for a long time strictly from the mother - he received food through the umbilical cord. After he was born and began to grow up, he fed on breast milk, which means that he continued to feel an especially strong connection with a loved one. And he will continue to do so until he becomes completely "autonomous". On the one hand, of course, this is good, but on the other, it is not very good. Almost completely depending on the parents, the child will not be able to establish social ties with others around him and begin to make independent decisions. And you drag out the time of his socialization, finishing his food after him. Do not do that!

Folk omen number 3

But if there are few of the above reasons why you cannot finish eating food for children, pay attention to the third sign - the most frightening. Astrologers claim that each portion contains the energy of a certain star. The child absorbs it along with food and is, as it were, programmed for a better future - excellent studies, a happy marriage, the birth of healthy children, etc. So, parents who finish writing after him, as if "eat up" the life of their own child, dooming him to misfortunes and failures ...

The opinion of specialists - psychologists and nutritionists

Of course, you can say that all this is fiction, in reality it cannot be verified. However, "Thomas the Unbelievers" should listen to the opinion of psychologists. According to these experts, a child who sees how his parents finish eating for him forms a wrong value system. He begins to shift his responsibilities onto others, tries to choose only the best pieces - which means that he becomes too selective (this is also not very good). Since he sees that you are always giving in, he tries to demand his own in everything - hence the whims, strong resentments, etc.

Nutritionists argue that eating for a child is not good for the parents themselves. Doing this, moms and dads imperceptibly increase their own portion, and then wonder where the extra pounds came from and why the heart pounds so much when walking up the stairs. And all because there is the usual overeating and stretching of the stomach. So stop eating after the baby, but remember that you don't need to overfeed it either. If you do not know how much a child should eat at one time of the same porridge, seek advice from a pediatrician - he will tell you.

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