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The lesson is a discipline. The abstract of the lesson on social science "What is a discipline". How do you usually justify your desection

Plan-abstract lesson in grade 7 in social science.

Topic: "What is a discipline"

Purpose: aware of the social and personal significance of the discipline, the role of discipline in a person's life.


Educational: to give theoretical explanation of the concept of "discipline", to acquaint with its various kinds, show the attractiveness of self-discipline (internal discipline), to ensure self-education motivation.

Developing: Teach students to distinguish between the generally binding and special discipline, continue to develop the skills of working with the training text, be able to allocate the main thing, draw conclusions.

Educational: rail in students, the desire to realize their capabilities and abilities, the desire to gain knowledge, to self-education and self-control, development of the force of will, respect for law and laws, emphasize the attention of students for liability for non-compliance with discipline.

MetaPered: Formation of the mental operation "Generalization".

    Org. moment.

    Actualization of reference knowledge on the topic "Defense of the Fatherland"

    Preparation of an orally deployed response on cards: №1, №2.

    Working with class. Check your homework.

Frontal survey.

Who are the debt and the obligation to protect the Fatherland? (Debt and obligation to protect Fatherland apply to any citizen of Russia.)

How can you avoid big losses when defending the Fatherland? (The protection of the fatherland needs to be preparing in advance. The army must maintain its high combat capability, and citizens be prepared for the fulfillment of debt and duties.)

At what age, a citizen of Russia should stand up for military registration? (For military registration, a citizen of Russia should rise upon reaching 17 years.)

What types of responsibilities are fulfilled by military personnel? (Common Responsibilities of military personnel, duties, special duties.)

Give the definition of concepts: mortar Commissioner, Agenda, Military Oath, Contract, Regular Army. (Approximate answer. Mortar Committee - Military Commissariat, where citizens who can be intended for military service are consistent at the place of residence. Agenda - a written notice with a proposal to appear in a military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, a meeting of the draft commissions or to send to the military unit for the passage of military service. Contract -Adroll arrival for military service for a certain period and conditions of service. Regular army - Driving a permanent army. Military oath - Citizen's oath when joining the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to fulfill the responsibility of the protection of the Fatherland in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.)

Deployed responses of students on cards.

II.1. Studying a new material:

Slide 1.

    Introductory conversation:

Teacher's story. "A major plane crash in Egypt reported leading information agencies in the world. Airbus A321 Airplane Kogalymavia is gone from radar screens in the Cyprus area or the Sinai Peninsula. "Flight 9268 flew to 6.21 in Moscow and disappeared from radar screens after 23 minutes," Rosaviation reports officially. According to various sources, on board it was from 200 to 224 people, mostly Russians.

Later In the center of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, fragments of the Russian civil aircraft were found. This is written by the Egyptian media to which TV Center refers. There were 17 children on board, 7 crew members and 200 passengers.

The cause of the aircraft crash was the bomb that exploded on board the airliner, which the terrorists were attached.

Tell me. Guys, was it possible to avoid this terrible catastrophe? " (If the airport workers observed all the rules of luggage inspection, then there would be a labor discipline, the terrorist attack would not happen.)

What are the rules of the life of people in society today? (PDD, PP in the lessons, PP in the theater, PP in transport, ..)

Why is it important to comply with these rules? (they regulate relations between people, serve as a model of behavior, help to protect order, ..)

What is the topic of our lesson today?

Slide 2.

We continue to study the rules of the life of people in society and today the topic of our lesson: "What is a discipline."

Slide 3.

Lesson plan:

1. What is discipline.

2. The discipline is generally binding and special.

3. External and internal discipline.

2. Term Discussion:Slide 4.5

Working with class:

Let's discuss how you understand the concept of "discipline"? What is it? What associations you have with the word discipline (rules of behavior, order)

Working with a group of students:

And now let's read the definition of this term from the dictionary.

The meaning of the word discipline in the infreum dictionary:
1. Discipline - submission firmly established rules mandatory for all members of this team.

2. Sector of scientific knowledge.

The meaning of the word discipline according to the regions of Ozhegov:
1. Discipline - compulsory for all members of some team subordination of the established procedure, rules.

2. Independent industry, section of some science.

Discipline in the encyclopedic dictionary:
1. Discipline - (lat. Disciplina) - a certain procedure for the behavior of people who have established the laws and morality standards in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization.

2. Sector of scientific knowledge, educational item.

The meaning of the word discipline according to the word Ushakov:
1. Compulsory for all members of some team subordination firmly established procedure. Military discipline. Labor discipline. Party discipline. Iron discipline. Trade union discipline. Chuck discipline. 2. Restore, habit of strict order (book.). Discipline Mind.

Find a common in all definitions.

Let's formulate the definition.

Slide 6.

Discipline- This is a certain procedure for the behavior of people responsible for the norms of law and morality in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization.

What are the rules of morality? What do they differ from the rules of law?

Give examples of legal and moral norms.

How do you understand the phrase: "... also the requirements of a particular organization"? Give examples. (School uniform, hairstyle, sports form ..)

Record definition in a notebook.

Slide 7.

The discipline is very necessary, since - discipline is an internal restrictions aimed at developing behavior.

Discipline should include:


    a warning


It helps a person to systematize his life, grow a responsible citizen who is able to distinguish bad from the good.

3. The discipline is generally obligatory and special.

Discipline is a necessary condition for the existence of society. It allows us to provide an ordered character of a person's life, will give him the opportunity to control his actions, desires and feelings. Compliance with the main requirements of the discipline allows a person to separate its actions from offenses, thereby abide by the public order.

In case of compliance with public order, a person performs the rules established by the state. Thus, all his deeds fall under the control of state bodies. In turn, state bodies themselves and officials must carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned to them. This type of discipline in which everyone must comply with the rules established by the state is considered generally obligatory. There are two main types of discipline. Working with a textbook on page 97 We will start filling out the scheme. We read the text, we allocate a common and special discipline.


Community special

What is a common discipline? Give examples.

What is a special discipline?

Working with a textbook, we define the types of special discipline.

Slides 8-13.

(Recall the fragment from the film "Officers", an example of school discipline, working with a poster on page 105, traveling to the past on page 9, ..)

Let's check.

What consequences can the non-compliance with special discipline?

Is it possible to allocate general features for all types of discipline that we considered?

4. External and internal discipline.

Slides 14-16.

- What does people encourage people to be disciplined?

Now on the board you will see a list of rules. They will need to be distributed in two groups. Think like, and distribute.

A) do in the morning charging.

B) keep learning discipline

C) brush your teeth every day

D) abide by labor discipline

E) help seniors

E) comply with safety

Check which groups you have turned out.

Why did these rules be divided just that?

Working with a textbook. P. 100.

What is an external discipline? Give examples.

Discipline components:

1. Availability of rules.

2. Availability of sanctions. Pains and penalties.

3. bringing rules and sanctions to all.

4. Personal consent of each member of the team with rules and sanctions.

5. The presence of a control system for the execution of rules and the application of sanctions. Justice, inevitability and continuity.

6. Periodic briefing - reminder, since the execution should be accurate.

What is internal discipline? Give examples.

What helps a person to comply with internal discipline?

Let's sign up the rules columns:

Outdoor internal


III. Summarizing.

What topic did we work on the lesson today?

To secure the studied, let's do a small test:

1. A certain procedure for the behavior of people, the necessary condition for the normal existence of society and a person is:

but. Right. b. Discipline. in. Morality.

2. In accordance with this discipline, all government agencies, organizations, officials and citizens must carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned to them.

but. Labor. b. Special. in. Community.

3. If the established rules are respected only due to control from the part, then in this case discipline is manifested:

but. Outdoor. b. Internal.

4. If a person complies with the rules for himself, according to his will, in its inner motivation, without external sanctions and forced measures, we can talk about:

but. External discipline. b. Internal discipline.

5. Internal discipline is based:

but. On moral norms. b. On self-control. in. Special rules.


What can non-compliance with the discipline?

IV. D / s.

§9, questions on page 107-108.

Prepare a message on the role of discipline in various professions (firefighter, accountant, teacher, security guard, veterinarian, etc.). Optional.

Summing up, assessments.

What is the discipline for?

(Textbook "Social Studies" ed. A. Bogolyubova, Grade 7)

Activity goal: Develop reading and writing skills, search for the necessary information, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

Educational goal: To define the word "discipline", examine the types of special discipline, explain the difference between the external and internal discipline.

Didactic and technical support: Video projector, presentation with tasks

Hello. Check if you have on your desks ... Today we have guests at the lesson, let's look at them, we will greet our guests. Sit down.

Slide 1.

What topic are we studied at the last lesson?

Defense of the Fatherland ..

Attention to the board. Before you, the results of online tests in the system diary.ru. In 7 minutes you had to answer 5 questions on the home paragraph. You already know your points and you know the assessment for the work done, 5 correct answers - 5 points, 4 points - rating "4", etc.

Slide 2.

Our task is with you, performing such a job at home to learn how to read the paragraph carefully in order to secure, heard in the lesson. So, we will analyze frequent errors. ( the slide shows the question and the number of people who made this error).

So, we again worked the home paragraph, worked on errors. Evaluations I will put in magazine. Children who received the "2" rating can correct the situation in the fact that they increase their scores by their work at the lesson, or take an additional task on the topic.Slide 3.

- And now attention to the board - we define the topic of our lesson today.

(Fragment of the film "Welcome or Login is prohibited")

Suppose what we will talk about today?

On the procedure, about discipline ...

Quite right. We will talk about discipline. Slide 4.

What problem should we decide today?

What is the discipline for?

That's right (I write down on the board). This question will become our new topic. I will write it onto the board, and you are in working sheets.

What do we need to find out to solve the problem of the lesson?

- find out what kind of discipline?

- Determine the types or types of discipline ...

- What happens for non-compliance with the discipline ...

Well done! Almost all lesson tasks you determined (lesson plan on an interactive board: Slide 5.

1. What is discipline?

2. Types of discipline

3. Consequences of discipline disorders

4. Why do you need discipline?

In order for us to answer the first point of our plan, I will spend with youbrainstorm (I write on the board) there were questions, and what is a brainstorm? This is an appointment when you offer me your understanding of the term "discipline". Look around, remember life situations and offer the hypothesis regarding the concept of "discipline". What is a discipline? (I write on the board) very briefly, keyword.Slide 6. But now our task is to check who closely approached the scientific definition of discipline. Now now we will look into the philosophical encyclopedia(I bring the term on the board ), Read the definition of the term "discipline" and think about whose hypothesis approached the answer.

So, with the help of an additional source of information, we expanded the concept of discipline.

I propose to write down the definition in your working sheets.

Have we got the answer to the first point of our plan?

Yes.Slide 7.

The next thing you suggested, to determine the "types of discipline". The discipline is generally obligatory and special. (slide on the board). We work with textbook set. 39-40 and fix the information to the table on the working sheets.

(The table is duplicated on an interactive board).Let us define each type of discipline. To perform work 2 minutes.

Uche: finish work. So discipline is a common and special (slide on the board) Give the definition of generally suitable discipline - this is a certain order of people in society, which is subject to all citizens or organizations.

Well, the next is a special discipline. Give the definition of this type of discipline.

Slide 8.

Special discipline is divided into a number of subspecies of disciplines . Consider the labor, military discipline using the textbook information on page 40-41. Guys who have brown eyes give a characteristic of military discipline, guys with blond eyes Consider labor discipline.

5 minutes are allocated to work.

Fix the received information in the "Special Discipline" table on the work sheets.

So, give a detailed answer of military discipline ...

Now let's talk about labor discipline ....

Why are the requirements of military discipline strictly educational and labor?

- The combat capability of the troops, the clarity of the management of them depend on it, and the main thing is the lives of people.

Slide 9.

4. Turn to the story. Attention to the board. Fragment of the documentary "The largest Catastrophe of the USSR catastrophe at the Ash - Ulu - TV, Bashkortostan, June 4, 1989" Answer the questions.

Questions on an interactive board

A) What caused this catastrophe?

B) How can you avoid such tragic events?

C) What requirements should be the discipline of people working with a gas pipeline?

I see a little tired, Let's spend fizminutka.

The discipline is closely related to the power of will. Give examples of the manifestation of the wills of the Will in people

- diet in girls, sport always requires the power of will, as it requires constant training.

- dependence on drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. There are people who helped specialists and the power of will.

About how the power of will contributes to the achievement of high positive results will tell ... (a message about Sergey Istomine - the winner of the international award. A.P. Mareseva "For the will for life")Slide 12.

Do you agree guys that the power of will need to raise?


It is necessary to comply with certain rules not from the case towards the case, but regularly, somewhere even through "I do not want."

Quite right. It is in regular and strict compliance of the rules that the main meaning of the coupling of discipline, will and self-education is. Do you think it is difficult to educate yourself?

Yes, it is difficult because you do not immediately see.

What a rule we work out today so that the way to upbringing themselves led to real results.

- Do not lower your hands, but continue to go to the goal.

- make a promise to yourself. Slide 12.

Quite right. And then in life you will achieve success, nor looking at difficulties.

So, back to our question:What is the need for discipline first for you?

To raise yourself, to achieve positive results in studies, in labor, etc.

Why do you need a discipline to society?

For proper formation of the behavior of people, which must comply with the norms of morality and law.

Quite right. Have we achieved the purpose of the lesson?


Did you solve all the tasks?

Sly d.

It's time to generalize. Make it this will allow the reception - "Sinwen". We work according to the word "discipline".


You have emoticons on your tables. If you choose a red smiley - the lesson you understand, there are no questions, if you are yellow - there are questions, you need to approach the teacher, ask. And the green smiley means - I did not understand anything. I fix the chosen smile to your cover notebook, and show me. I want to see how you assessed your understanding of the lesson.Slide 13.

And now the mandatory homework on the table in the working sheets is the characteristic of the external and internally disiniplines (§5)

Home task for choosing:

    Prepare a project-presentation on the topic of "subspecies of special discipline" that you would like to consider additionally (training, sanitary, etc.)

    MicroSterns in the form of a table. Rate your segment from 3 to 30 years old, look into the future and past and determine the types of discipline with which you have already met or have to meet.

    Write a poem on the topic "Why do you need discipline?"

In the working sheets, write down d / s. Well, last: Discover your diaries and put this evaluation that you consider your work in a pencil lesson.

Discussion of estimates.

Who do you think today deserves a positive assessment for work in the lesson?

Grade 7 "What is a discipline"

Purpose: aware of the social and personal significance of the discipline, the role of discipline in a person's life.


Educational:to give theoretical explanation of the concept of "discipline", show the attractiveness of self-discipline (internal discipline), to ensure self-education motivation.

Developing: Teach students to distinguish between the generally binding and special discipline, continue to develop the skills of working with the training text.

Educational: teach to respect the right to law, emphasize the attention of students for responsibility for non-compliance with discipline.

MetaPered: Formation of the mental operation "Generalization".

I. Org. moment.

II. Studying a new material:

1. Introductory conversation:

What are the rules of the life of people in society today? (PDD, PP in the lessons, PP in the theater, PP in transport, ..)

Why is it important to comply with these instigated? (they regulate relations between people, serve as a model of behavior, help to protect order, ..)

We continue to study the rules of the life of people in society and today the topic of our lesson: "What is a discipline."

What is the purpose of our lesson today?

Lesson plan:

1. What is discipline.

2. The discipline is generally binding and special.

3. External and internal discipline.

2. Term Discussion:

Work in pairs:

Discuss with a neighbor in the desk, how do you understand the concept of "discipline"? What is it? (rules of behavior, order)

Working with a group of students:

And now let's read the definition of this term from the dictionary.

The meaning of the word discipline in the infreum dictionary:
1. Discipline -Subordinationfirmly established rules required for all members of this team.

2. Sector of scientific knowledge.

The meaning of the word discipline according to the regions of Ozhegov:
1. Discipline - mandatory for all members of any team subordination established procedure, rules.

2. Independent industry, section of some science.

Discipline in the encyclopedic dictionary:
1. Discipline - (Lat. Disciplina) -certain orderrights other Organizations.

2. Sector of scientific knowledge, educational item.

The meaning of the word discipline according to the word Ushakov:
1. Mandatory for all members of some teamsubordination firmly established order. Militarydiscipline. Labor discipline. Partydiscipline. Iron discipline. Trade union discipline. Warm discipline. 2. Resistant habit To rigorous order (book.)Discipline of the mind.

Find a common in all definitions.

Let's formulate the definition.

Discipline is certain order The behavior of people responsible in society standardsrights and morality, as well as the requirements of this orother Organizations.

What are the rules of morality? What do they differ from the rules of law?

Give examples of legal and moral norms.

As you understand the phrase: "... also the requirements of this orother Organizations "? Give examples. (School uniform, hairstyles, ..)

Record definition in a notebook.

3. Discipline is generally binding and special.

There are two main types of discipline. Working with a textbook on page 97 We will start filling out the scheme. We read the text, we allocate a common and special discipline.


Community special

What is a common discipline? Give examples.

What is a special discipline?

Working with video phrases, we define the types of special discipline.

(fragment from the film "Officers", a roller about school discipline, working with a poster on page 105, traveling to the past on page 9, ..)

Let's check.

What consequences can the non-compliance with special discipline?

Is it possible to allocate general features for all types of discipline that we considered?

4. External and internal discipline.

- What does people encourage people to be disciplined?

Now on the board you will see a list of rules. They will need to be distributed into two groups. Think like, and distribute.

A) do in the morning charging.

B) keep learning discipline

C) brush your teeth every day

D) abide by labor discipline

E) help seniors

E) comply with safety

Check which groups you have turned out.

Why did these rules be divided just that?

Working with a textbook. P. 100.

What is an external discipline? Give examples.

What is internal discipline? Give examples.

What helps a person to comply with internal discipline?

Let's sign up the rules columns:

Outdoor internal


III. Summarizing.

What topic did we work on the lesson today?

To secure the studied, let's do a small test:

1. A certain procedure for the behavior of people, the necessary condition for the normal existence of society and a person is:

but. Right. b. Discipline. in. Morality.

2. In accordance with this discipline, all government agencies, organizations, officials and citizens must carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned to them.

but. Labor. b. Special. in. Community.

3. If the established rules are respected only due to control from the part, then in this case discipline is manifested:

but. Outdoor. b. Internal.

4. If a person complies with the rules for himself, according to his will, in its inner motivation, without external sanctions and forced measures, we can talk about:

but. External discipline. b. Internal discipline.

5. Internal discipline is based:

but. On moral norms. b. On self-control. in. Special rules.


What can non-compliance with the discipline?

IV. D / s.

§9, questions on page 107-108.

Prepare a message on the role of discipline in various professions (firefighter, accountant, teacher, security guard, veterinarian, etc.). Optional.

Sections: History and social studies

Purpose: aware of the social and personal significance of the discipline, the role of discipline in a person's life.

Tasks: to give theoretical explanation of the concept of "discipline", show the attractiveness of self-discipline (internal discipline), to ensure self-education motivation.

Materials for lesson: Tutorial: social studies, grade 7, edited by editors Bogolyum.n., Ivanova L.F..- Enlightenment, 2009; Workbook Kotov about A., Liskova i.e.. Workers sheets for each.

On the board: the date, theme of the lesson, the skipping scheme:

Lesson plan:
Survey homework:

Studying a new material:

2. Discipline, will and self-education.

During the classes

Explanation of the purpose of the lesson:

At the beginning of the lesson, we define what we know about discipline, and then we define its features and importance for a person's life. We will work according to §9, which is called "What is a discipline?". Perform tasks will be on working sheets (Attachment 1)that I give you to you.

Write on them a date and your last name and name, at the end of the lesson you will surrender them, and everyone will have an assessment for work in the lesson. Let's start work.

1. Checking homework.

The discipline is generally obligatory and special.

Answer questions: 1. What is such a discipline? Why is it needed? (Answers to questions work with the concept.)

You have on the table Work leaf. Perform task 1.

Task 1. Fill in the skipping. (The same table on the board.) The student works at the board.

Task 2. Determine which cell data includes examples, write down the response with numbers in the desired cell.

Examples: 1. Move the road to the green light of the traffic light, 2. Help the elders, 3. Take care of the younger, 4. Take part in the presidential elections, 5. Perform the Charter of the school, 6. When visiting the patients, to wear replacement shoes, 7. In conscientiously study , carefully refer to school property.

Come up with your examples. A few examples.

Working with students:

Special discipline species: Military, Labor, Educational, Professional, Sanitary.

Now I will name the type of special discipline, and you define its value:

Payment discipline What is it?

- This is the order of payments, providing for timely payments. Municipal payments - the work of power plants, gas stations - the salary of the workers. Provides order.

Executive discipline - what is it?

This is the implementation of decisions and orders adopted in the organization. The work of the enterprise is ensured.

Answer the questions:

What discipline is called generally binding?

Why is military, labor, school discipline consider special discipline?

What is military discipline? What does it differ from labor? Why is the order of the commander is not discussed, and immediately executed?

Who is called labor discipline violators?

Why is an educational discipline?

Give examples about which consequences may not be compared with special discipline?

Violation of discipline can lead to irreparable consequences! And everyone needs to learn to abide by discipline.

Studying a new material:

1. External and internal discipline.

What does people encourage people to be disciplined?

Who follows the disciplined people or not?

Children should say themselves:

Compliance with legal obligatory discipline is controlled by the state.

Compliance with special discipline is provided by the relevant organization.

Compliance with moral norms is based on public opinion and conscience of each person.

Let's turn to the tip to the textbook, as he answers the question about What does people encourage people to be disciplined?

Work on the textbook with the concepts of external and internal discipline.

Then work on questions:

Why did the philosopher Cant called the external discipline of coercion?

What is the difference in external and internal discipline?


Let's return to work with the work list, will consolidate knowledge of external and internal discipline.

Task 3. Fill in the table using the examples below (write down the number table).

  1. Control from other people.
  2. Conscience.
  3. The desire to win the prize.
  4. Fear of getting a reprimand.
  5. Guilt.
  6. Dismissal from work.
  7. Requirement to yourself.

Discussion of the task.

2. Discipline, will and self-education.

Why is internal discipline call conscious discipline and self-discipline? (Children's responses.)

Perform the task in the work sheet.

Task 4. Choose from the list the rule that can be your requirement to yourself and put next to V, add some rule to an empty cell that you would like to perform.

Conversation with students:

What is needed in order to realize? So that it does not work for several days, but has become permanent?

Consider an example in the working notebook task 4 pp. 32-33. Conversation in the text.

Practical work is organized to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Worklist Task 5. Choose the right answer:

1. A certain procedure for the behavior of people, the necessary condition for the normal existence of society and a person is:

but. Right.
b. Discipline.
in. Morality.

2. In accordance with this discipline, all government agencies, organizations, officials and citizens must carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned to them.

but. Labor.
b. Special.
in. Community.

3. What kind of discipline is in the following example: "Strict and accurate compliance with all servicemen of the order and rules established by law and military charter."

but. Military.
b. Moral.
in. Educational.

4. If the established rules are complied with only due to control from the part, then in this case discipline is manifested:

but. Outdoor.
b. Internal.

5. If a person complies with the rules for himself, in its will, in its inner motivation, without external sanctions and forced measures, then we can talk about:

but. External discipline.
b. Internal discipline.

6. Interior discipline is based:

but. On moral norms.
b. On self-control.
in. Special rules.

7. Pledge of successful self-education:

but. Conscience.
b. Will.
in. A wish.

Several tests to answer together, the rest on their own. You can organize a joint test of tests after independent work on the task.

Pass workers sheets.


§9, questions on page 107-108, tasks in the working notebook p. 31-35.

Prepare a message on the role of discipline in various professions (firefighter, accountant, teacher, security guard, veterinarian, etc.).

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