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"Straight uniform movement. "Uniform straightforward movement." Plan-abstract lesson in physics (grade 10) on the topic of a uniform straight movement of the lesson

Subject. Straight uniform movement.



form knowledge of uniform motion, speed and movement of a straightforward uniform movement, solving the main problem of mechanics for a straight uniform movement;


instilling the desire to master new knowledge;


develop the mental skills of students, the ability to work independently.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, task cards.

During the classes.

I. . Orgmoment.

II. Checking the learned material learned.

Independent work (short-term).



1. The ball fell from a height of 4 m, bounced off the floor and was caught at half height. What are the way and moving the ball?

1. The boy threw the ball up and caught him again. Find the path and moving the ball, if it rose to a height of 2.5 m.

2. The figure shows the trajectory of the body movement from A in B. Find projections of moving on the axis of the coordinates, move.

1 D. BUT

0 1 3 5 7 x, m

3. The figure shows the trajectory of the body movement from A to D. Find the traveled path, movement, projections of moving on the axis of coordinates.

1 In A.

0 1 3 5 7 x, m

III. Motivation of educational activities.

The easiest type of mechanical movement is a uniform straight line.

Uniformly straightly moves the car along the straight line of the road without acceleration and braking, a parachute after the disclosure of the parachute into the windless weather.

Since the trajectory of motion is straight line, it is enough to choose a one-dimensional coordinate system to describe movement.

To solve the main task of mechanics, you need to know how to find travel

uniform rectilinear movement.

IV. . Message Topics lesson.

(recorded in the notebook theme lesson)

V. Studying a new material.

Uniformly called a movement in which the body for any Equal intervals make the same movement.

Let it take 120 km for every 2 h. But it is impossible to argue that the bus is not moving evenly, as in 1 hour it takes 57 km, and for the next 1 hour - 63 km. In this sense of the word "Any" .

Characteristic motion speed.

The speed of uniform movement was taught in the 7th grade, equal to the attitude of the way to the time for which the body was passed.

By entering the physical amount of movement, we formulate the determination of the speed so: the rate is equal to the ratio of the time to perform this movement.


c. bACK = -------


But from the point of view of mathematics, the vector (movement) multiply into scalar (1 / time) we get a vector.

So, speed- Vector magnitude.Since time cannot be a negative value, velocity and movement vectors are directed in one direction.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

Speed \u200b\u200b- vector : =

and one way.

In si: [ ๐‘ฃ ] =

The speed of uniform rectilinear movement is the value of constant and module, and in the direction.

Graphic time dependence on time:

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

๐’— X. ,

๐’— X. 0 ("Right")

0 t. ,from

๐’— X.

Move the uniform straight line Equally: \u003d t.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

Move \u003d t.

Graph addiction S. = v. t.by analogy with y. = k. H.where v. and the K- permanent straight line passing through the origin of the coordinates.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

S. , m 1 1; 2- "Right": ๐’— 1 ๐’— 2


0 t. ,from

3 3- "Left"

The coordinate of uniform rectilinear movement:x \u003d x โ‚€ + ๐’— x t.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

Coordinate x \u003d x โ‚€ + ๐’— X. t. - Decision RAK.

Chart of dependence by analogy with y \u003d b + k x. If b \u003d 0, then the direct passes through the origin of the coordinates.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

x, M 1 1; 2; 3- "Right": ๐’— 1 ๐’— 2; ๐’— 2 = ๐’— 3




4 4- "Left"

3; 4: H. 0 equal to 0.

one; 2: H. 0 Not equal to 0.

We write to the notebook (see on the screen).

Geometric meaning of moving.

๐’— X. ,

0 t. t. , from

moving \u003d Square figures (rectangle) under the schedule

Vi. Fastening the material studied.

1. What movement is called uniform straightforward?

2. The physical meaning of the speed of uniform rectilinear movement.

3. How is the speed vector directed?

4. What is the speed schedule of a uniform rectilinear movement?

4. What is the schedule of moving uniform straight movement?

5. What is the schedule of the coordinate of a uniform straight line movement?

VII. Homework.

Lesson number 2 9 class

Subject: Uniform rectilinear movement.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material

Objectives lesson:

Generate students with characteristic features of a straight uniform movement. Formulate the concept of speed as one of the characteristics of the uniform body movement.

Teach students to calculate moving with uniform rectilinear movement.

Lesson plan

Stages lesson


1. Org.Moment

Readiness class to lesson

2. Receiving the previous material

Repetition of the previous material

3. Increased new material

Studying a new material

4. Reflowing material

Fastening material

5. Maximum task


During the classes


(Greeting students)

2. Repetition of previous material and checking homework

At the beginning of the lesson, knowledge of students is checked:writing test work on the theory of studied material:

I. option

    What is called material point?

    1. the train moves from Barnaul to Biysk;

      passenger landing is carried out.

    What coordinate system

    1. the plane commits a flight;

      the person moves in the elevator;

      football player on the field.

    What trajectory, Path, Move?

    In what cases is the projection of moving on the axis positive, in which negative?

    What traffic is called uniform?

II. option

    What report System?

    In which cases a person can count material point? Explain why.

    1. engine repair is performed;

      car makes moving.

    What coordinate system You select when solving the following tasks:

    1. tram movement;

      submarine in the ocean;

      car racing.

    What is the difference path from movement?

    Give definition speed \u200b\u200bof uniform rectilinear movement.

    In which cases, the projection of the speed of uniform movement on the axis is positive, in which negative?

    Studying a new material

Uniform straight movement A movement occurring in a rectilinear trajectory is called, in which the body (material point) in any equal intervals makes the same movement.

The movement of the body in straight movement is usually denoteds. . If the body moves in a straight line in one direction, the module of its movement is equal to the path traveled, i.e.| S | \u003d s . In order to find the movement of the bodys. Over timet. It is necessary to know his movement for a single time. For this purpose, the concept of speed is introducedv. This movement.

Speed \u200b\u200bof uniform rectilinear movement They call a constant vector value equal to the ratio of the movement of the body to the period of time during which this movement was made:

v \u003d S / T. (one)

The direction of speed in the straight movement coincides with the direction of movement.

Since in a uniform straightforward movement for any equal intervals, the body makes equal movements, the speed of such a movement is the value of constant (v \u003d cons ). By module

v \u003d S / T. (2)

Formula (2) establish a speed unit.

Unit speed in si is1 m / s (meter per second); 1 m / s is the rate of such a uniform straight movement, in which the material point for 1 s makes moving 1 m.

Speed \u200b\u200b- vector magnitude - has a direction. The direction of speed coincides with the direction of movement. The speed may be permanent, and maybe variable

Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement units

In S. : [ v. ] =

Multiple: 1 km / h \u003d 3.6 m / s; 1 km / s \u003d 1000 m / s

Dolly: 1 cm / c \u003d 0.1 m / s; 1 dm / s \u003d 0.1 m / s

Let the axis Oh The coordinate systems associated with the body of reference coincides with the straight, along which the body moves, andx. 0 It is the coordinate of the initial point of the body movement. Along the axisOh Directed and movings. , and speed v. moving body. From formula (1.1) it follows thats \u003d VT. . According to this formula, vectorss. and v * T. equal, so equal and their projections on the axisOh :



s. x. \u003d V. x. ยท T. (3)

Now you can establish the kinematic law of a uniform straight line, i.e., find an expression for the coordinate of a moving body at any time. Insofar asx \u003d X. 0 + S. x. , taking into account (3) we have

x \u003d X. 0 + V. x. ยท T. (four)

By formula (4), knowing the coordinatex. 0 starting point of the body and body speedv. (its projection v. x. on the axis Oh ) At any time you can determine the position of the moving body. The right side of formula (4) is an algebraic amount, sinceh. 0 , I. v. x. Can be positive and negative.

Graphic Speed \u200b\u200bProjection:

V. x. , m / S.

t. , c.


S. x. \u003d V. x. * T.

V. x. , m / S.

t. , c.


S. x. \u003d V. x. * T.

V. x. >0

V. x. <0

S. x. >0

S. x. <0

x m.

Graphic representation of the equation of movement:

x \u003d X. 0 + V. x. ยท T.

x. 0

t, C.

x \u003d X. 0 - V. x. ยท T.

    Fastening the material.

Vx kM / C.



t. ,from

Construct graphs of the dependence of the projection of the velocity vectors from time for two cars, moving straight and evenly, ate one moves at a speed of 50 km / h, and the other moves in the opposite direction at a speed of 70 km / h.

Questions for fixing the material:

    What movement is called uniform?

    How to find a projection of the body movement vector if the projection of the speed is known?

    What sign can have a projection of the velocity vector, and what does this sign depends on?

5. Homework.

Abstract lesson


Integrated physics lesson + mathematics "Movement schedule. Speed \u200b\u200bchart. "

The solution of many tasks in physics requires students deep mathematical knowledge. Linear function takes a class of one class algebra one of the central places. In this lesson, such physical objectives are considered, in which the decision is based on the use of knowledge related to the linear function.

Objectives lesson:

Summarize knowledge on the topic "Linear function" and "Uniform straightforward movement."



    To summarize knowledge on the topic "Linear function" and "uniform straight-line" movement. "

    The formation of the ability to solve applied tasks:

    Learn to transition from a real situation to the construction of a mathematical model;

    Learning to search for a suitable method for solving a mathematical problem;

    Learning to identify compliance with the results to the initial situation.


    Building a holistic knowledge system through the interdisciplinary connections of mathematics and physics.

    The development of cognitive interest of students.


    Formation of interest in mathematics and physics through the establishment of causal relationships between sciences.

Type of lesson:




Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Creating a problem situation.

    Actualization of knowledge, skills.

    Studying a new material.

    Primary consolidation of knowledge.

    Control and self-test.

    Summing up the lesson.

    Information about the homework.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    The topic of the lesson, goals and objectives (slide 1,2).

    Creating a problem situation.

The solution of the problem:

(Slide 3)

    Actualization of reference knowledge:

To solve this task, let us recall the theory (Slide 4):

Slide questions:

    Give the definition of a linear function.

function of the form y \u003d kx + b, where k and b is the number

    What value is a function? Argument?

y - dependent variable - function

x - independent variable - argument

    Independent solution of the problem (slide 5).

Which of the functions are linear:

Check: the second, fourth, fifth, sixth

    Recall the properties of the linear function (slide 6-8);

    What is a graph of a linear function?

straight line

    How to build a straight?

by two points

    What kind of function will take if k or b are equal to 0?

y \u003d b y \u003d kx

    How does the schedule go through in this case?

if k \u003d 0 is parallel to the axis of the ordinate OH, if b \u003d 0 - through the origin of the coordinates

    Practical work (slide 8-11).

    Build a graph of the function y \u003d x-3

    Construct a graph of the function y \u003d 2x

    Build a graph of the function y \u003d 5

    Independent solution of tasks on schedules (slide 12).

Check for solving problems (slide 12).

    Let us return to our task about the tourist, but before you recall the physics (slide 13):

    What is a mechanical movement?

Change body position in space relative to other bodies over time.

    What determines the position of the body?


    As designated in physics, in which units are measured in the system system, the distance, time and speed are measured?

S - distance traveled, [m] ส‹ -Score [m / s] T - Time [s]

    Let's draw an analogy (slide 14):

y \u003d x-3 y \u003d 2x y \u003d 5

S \u003d T-3 S \u003d 2T S \u003d 5

What values \u200b\u200bare the functions that are an argument?

y and s - functions, x and t - arguments

What is the speed?

    Task (slide15):

The tourist drove 15 kilometers by bus from point A to point in, and then continued to move from point in the same direction, but already on foot at a speed of 4 km / h. At what distance (y) from the point and there will be a tourist in a walk of hours?

Make an expression to solve this task, denoting the distance traveled through w.and time through h.

Calculate the value of y, if x \u003d 2; 3. X value if y \u003d 35

Build a tourist movement schedule (slide16).

S, km

t, C.

    Building a speed schedule.

To describe the movement, use only a chart of movement, but also a speed chart. We construct a chart of the speed of the tourist in the coordinates (ส‹; T) (Slide17):

t, C.

    Practical work.Build charts movement bodies, describe movement (Slide 18-20):

S \u003d T -3 speed is 3, movement uniform

S \u003d 2T Speed \u200b\u200bis 2, movement uniform

S \u003d 5 The body is located at rest, the speed is equal to 0

    Solving tasks for fixing a new material (slides 21-23).

    Control and self-test.

    Physics. We will solve the task (Slide 24):

The equation of the dependence of the coordinate x moving along the rectilinear section of the car highway has the form: x \u003d 200-20t.

    Picture a drawing explaining the movement of this body.

    What is the type of car movement?

    Find the initial coordinate of the car.

    Build a graph of the velocity of the vehicle from time to time and write it down its equation.

    Build a schedule for the dependence of the coordinates from time to time.

    At what point of time the coordinate will be 0?

The solution of the problem (Slide 25)

    Mathematics. Dana functions (slide 27):

y \u003d 0.8x + 2 y \u003d 15-1.5x y \u003d -3 / 2x + 6

y \u003d 4 / 5x-19 y \u003d 1.5x-15 y \u003d 0.8x

    Call those of them whose graphs are parallel, intersect.

    Name for each function the point of intersection of the schedule with the Y axis.

The solution of the problem (Slide 28).


Objectives lesson : Formulate signs of uniform movement.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework

What is called moving point?

What is called a reference body?

What way can you set the position of the point?

What is called radius - vector?

III. Studying a new material.

Speed \u200b\u200b- vector magnitude. It is considered specified if its module and direction is known. Let's give a definition of speed.

With rectilinear movement, the speed does not change in direction. Movement is called uniform straightforward if the trajectory is a straight line and a point for any equal periods of time passes equal movements.


Output: per



Plan - Abstract of the lesson in physics in the 10th grade

Theme lesson:

"Uniform straightforward movement."

Objectives lesson: formulate signs of uniform movement.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Checking homework

What is called moving point?

What is called a reference body?

What way can you set the position of the point?

What is called radius - vector?

  1. Studying a new material.

Speed \u200b\u200b- vector magnitude. It is considered specified if its module and direction is known. Let's give a definition of speed.

The speed of uniform rectilinear movement is the value equal to the ratio of its movement to the period of time during which this movement occurred.

With rectilinear movement, the speed does not change in direction. Movement is called uniform straightforward if the trajectory is a straight line and a point for any equal periods of time passes equal movements.

Uniform straightforward movement - a movement, in which any equal intervals of the body makes equal movements.


Conclusion: for equal intervals of the body makes equal movements.

Move with uniform straightforward movement of the body along the X axis during T T Time can be calculated:

Equation of uniform rectilinear movement in coordinate form.

- Equation of uniform rectilinear movement in vector form.

V x \u003d (x - x 0) / T - speed.

  1. Solving tasks

1. The movement of the cargo car is described by the equation x1 \u003d -270 + 12t, and the movement of the pedestrian on the side of the same highway - the x2 \u003d -1.5t equation. Make an explanatory drawing (axis x to send to the right) on which to specify the position of the car and pedestrian to the initial meth. What speeds and in what direction did they move? When and where did they meet?

2. According to the specified graphics to find the initial coordinates of the bodies and the projection of the speeds of their movement. Write equations x (t). According to the schedule to find time and place of the meeting.

  1. homework

ยง7-8, p.22 UPR.1 (1)

Lesson 2/4.

Subject. Straight uniform traffic

The purpose of the lesson: familiarize students with the characteristic signs of the rectilinear movement of the Rivan-crystal

Type of lesson: Combined

Lesson plan

Knowledge control

Independent work "The reference system, trajectory, path and movement"


Straight uniform traffic

Studying a new material

1. Speed \u200b\u200bof straight uniform movement.

2. Move in the case of a straight uniform movement.

3. Equation for the coordinate in the case of a straight uniform movement

Fixing the material studied

1. Solving tasks.

2. Control questions

Studying a new material

The simplest type of mechanical movement is a uniform rectilinear movement. With this type of movement, students are already familiar from the course of physics and mathematics of previous classes.

ร˜ Straight uniform movement is such a move when the material point for any equal intervals makes the same movement.

One of the main kinematic characteristics of the movement is the speed:

ร˜ The speed of a straight line uniform movement is a physical value equal to the ratio of movement to the time of time T, for which this movement occurred.

As we see from the definition, the speed is a vector value: the direction of the speed coincides with the direction of movement. In the case of a straight uniform movement, the movement module S coincides with the path L, so in this case you can write down that

Speed \u200b\u200bunit in SI - 1 m / s.

ร˜ 1 m / s is equal to the rate of such a straight uniform movement, in which the material point for 1 s is moving at a distance of 1 m.

Question to students during the presentation of a new material

1. Give examples of straight uniform movement.

2. Shows body speed in the case of a straight uniform movement?

3. Is it possible to say that the body moves straightly uniformly if it is:

a) every second runs the path equal to 1 m;

b) Moves along the straight in one direction and the way 2 m passes for each second?

4. What speed is more: 1 m / s or 3 km / h.?

Fixing the material studied


G1) - 3.10; 3.12; 3.13; 3.16;

p2) - 3.26; 3.27; 3.28, 3.31;

g3) - 3.73, 3.74; 3.76; 3.77.

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