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Summary of the lesson “Formation of the syllabic structure of words. Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the formation of the syllable structure of words Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the syllable structure

Annotation. The material is addressed to speech therapists. Speech therapists are offered a summary of the final lesson on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word.

Software content:

  • to consolidate the ability of children to divide words into syllables.
  • exercise in converting syllables.
  • exercise in the selection of syllables for schemes.
  • exercise in the selection of words for schemes.
  • to teach to select words-relatives to the noun "Forest".
  • learn to make words from letters.
  • exercise in composing new words from the letters of the given word "Photography".
  • develop thinking when solving puzzles.
  • develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment:

"The one who says the opposite syllable will sit down"

sa-as po-op ho-oh af-fa
in-ni tu-ut zu-uz tsu-uts
ka-a-yb ha-ag mo-oh

2. Acquaintance with the topic:

“Once the fairytale hero went to a forest school. And what is his name, you will now guess. The word is encrypted, it must be guessed by the reference numbers. "


a) In order for him to enter the forest, you need to choose the words-relatives for the word "Forest"
(forest, forester, forest, forest belt). Find relatives words using puzzles.

Dunno entered the forest, whether he walked for a long time, or for a short time, suddenly, he sees a FREQUENCY in front of him.

What is a picket fence? (fence, which stakes are often to each other)

In order for Dunno to get inside, it is necessary to divide the word "palisade" into syllables.

Let's help him!

b) Dunno passed and saw a forest school. The teacher there was a wise owl. She handed out pictures to the animals, they need to be resettled on steamers. How many windows - so many syllables should be in the name of the pictures. Let's and we will try to expand the pictures.

c) Then the owl asked the animals to determine if their scheme was suitable for the words that she would call them. Come on and we'll try. I will name the words, and you will go to the board if the word fits your scheme.


Now let's lay out the syllables for the diagrams.

Schemes: SG (ma, no, zu), GS (er, it, osh), SGS (hwa, ft, sku), SGS (mit, ball, dock)

Physical education.

The owl offered to play.

You will squat when you hear words that include the sounds of "ShK"

(cat, mask, frog, tower, note, potatoes)

Now nodo stomp if you hear words in which there are nearby sounds: "TR"

(mole, bed, citro, triple, notebook, red, cheesecake, cake, meter)

d) Work on stress.

While everyone was playing:

An evil wizard came to the forest.
He's awful and big.
He waved his hands
The accent bewitched.

So what happened? There was a word `` mug '', and now there was a mug. All the water splashed, all splashed. There was a word I will sink, but now I will sink. All the animals almost drowned. There was the word of the arrow, there was the arrow, which directed the guns at the animals. The animals became agitated, and began to beg the wizard to return the emphasis to its place. The wizard agreed if the animals would help him back up the mountain. And for this it is necessary to determine which word was conceived of the following syllables: TA - VO - RO (gate)

Make way for the mountain, and behind it the gate! And the wizard left.

e) Everyone was delighted and decided to collect words from letters (a-r-k, i-r-m, a-sh-r).

Then the owl suggested forming new words from the letters of the word "Photo".

(photo, mountain, mouth, count, tiger, game, shooting gallery, horns, company, weight)

3. Lesson summary:

“Well done! All have coped with different tasks. What task did you like to complete the most? "

E.V. Rebrova,
teacher speech therapist

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

«"" Syllabic analysis and synthesis of words

Purpose: development of skills in syllabic analysis and synthesis.



To consolidate the knowledge of children about the role of vowel sounds in the syllable section;

Practice the skill of separating vowel sounds from words;

Develop the ability to determine the number and sequence of syllables in words;

Learn to differentiate words of different syllable structures;

To activate the vocabulary of students.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop auditory comprehension and word memorization skills;

Develop logical thinking in exercises for analytical and synthetic activities;

Develop hand-eye coordination.

Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to work in a team;

To cultivate the desire for the result of the activity;

Foster interest in learning by increasing motivation.


Use the elements of physical activity;

Use eye movement exercises.

in cl

ogah, words, sentence ".

Course of the lesson:

I .Org. moment. Greetings.

1.2. NS preparatory


On the table is a gnome figure

- Hello guys!


The long-awaited call is given

The lesson begins.

Let's repeat the rules:

    Our ears carefully

    Our eyes carefully

    Our heads

    We say

Today a fairytale hero has come to our class.

See who it is?

He brought us something in a box. Let's open the box. What is this?

Children greet those present




Clear and loud.

This is a gnome

These are pictures

At- shl



No point


Yes, these cards have different objects drawn,

you needhighlight in the name of each itemfirst syllable ... And from these syllables to compose a new word.

prizes - for;
key - key;
turtle - che;
thread - not;
the lizard is me.

What the dwarf came up with for us
Guess by the syllables?
On the table, we put the syllables into a word.


So, the Gnome invites us to take part in the adventure.

The speech therapist shows the children a picture and names the depicted object, the students slap the word, dividing it into syllables and highlight the first syllable in the words

prizes - for; key - key; turtle - che; thread - not; the lizard is me.


1.3. Development of articulatory motor skills. Articulatory gymnastics.

On the table are cards depicting articulation exercises.

The gnome came to our class to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, make syllables and words, because he does not always succeed. Let's practice with him.

Performing articulation exercises

1.4. Development of speech exhalation.

To pronounce the sounds of speech well, you must be good at doing breathing exercises. Here is the Gnome and invites us to do some breathing exercises.

Doing breathing exercises

II. Main part.

2.1. Message of the topic of the lesson.

2.2. Vowel sounds.

Guessing vowel sounds articulation and word selection for thissound .

Today we will deal with sounds and letters, we will add syllables and words from letters. And also we will show our guest how well you can divide words into syllables.

The gnome wants to know:

"What is the difference between sounds and letters?"

Who will know whichthe sound i wanna say .

I'll show you, and you try to guess the sound by articulation.

You just named the sounds: A, O, U, I, E

What sounds are they?How to call these in one wordthe sounds ?

vowels or consonants ?

Who can tell why they are vowels?

Now let's try to surprise our Gnome andpick up the word that begins one of these vowels sounds... So...

What the sounds are we looking for words now?

The sounds we listen to and speak

We read and write letters

Children guess the sounds from the speech therapist's articulation:

A, O, U, I, E

These are vowel sounds.

Children name words and select pictures:A IST, O SLIK, Have TKA, AND HEADS, NS MU, ....? .....

- A, O, U, I, E

2.3. Work onhighlighting vowel sounds from words.

Definitionvowel sound by ear in words"Which vowel sound hidden in a word? »

And now the Gnome wants to put things in order in his things and asks you to help him do it. You need to definevowel in the middle of each word and put the picture in the desired house:

Pictures: NSa p, hat b, DO m, toand t, land st, Ma k, lat k, fat k, kO t, CNS P, MNS shh.

Children take a picture and name a word, definevowel that is in the word and put the picture in the desired house.

3. Consonant sounds.

3.1. Characteristics of consonants.

3.2. Determination workvowel sounds at the beginning of words.

Determination of co vowel sound by ear in words

3.3. Differentiating vowels and consonants ... Consolidation of the skill of highlighting the "extra fourth" on the basis of a vowel-consonant.

Our guest did not go to school and does not know the characteristicsconsonants ... Let's tell himabout consonants .

What happens in our mouth when we sayconsonants ?.

What obstacle can there be?

The Gnome has many fabulous friends, he wanted to invite them to ride the train. Let’s help them to position themselves correctly. A consonant is written on each carriage, with which the name of his friend begins.

We'll take the train
We will take all our friends with us.
We'll seat everyone in the cars,
We will find a place for everyone!

While the friends were on the train, they decided to play the game "Four extra". We can also play with them. Let's try.

I give you cards on which letters are written, you need to determine which lettersuperfluous in each line and why.

A - U - K - I

M - T - P - O

S - O - E - M

B - T - P - O

Children characterizeconsonants .

An obstruction forms in the mouth and air does not pass freely.

Lips, teeth and tongue create a barrier

Students cross out the extra letter and explain their choice.

(K because he consonant and the rest vowels )

(Oh because he vowel and the rest consonants )

(M because he consonant and the rest vowels )

(Oh because he vowel and the rest consonants )

Children are doing exercises.

Guys post pictures with images of animals in parts of the house

Children arrange syllables (words) in the right order.

4. Physical education.

5. Determination of the number of syllables in a word.

Dictionary activation.

Practicing the skills of determining the number of syllables in words.

6. Working with deformed words. Determination of the order of syllables in a word.

We conclude that it is necessary to observe the order of the syllables in the word.

While the friends were on the train, they sat down a bit and want to warm up.

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up in unison.

Trampled with their feet

They patted their hands.

Spun, spun

And they all sat down at their desks.

We close our eyes tightly

Together we count up to 5.

We open, blink

And we continue to work.

Meanwhile, friends drove up to the house in which the Dwarf lives and now they want to be accommodated in rooms so that there is enough space for everyone.

We need to help him.If the name of the Gnome's friend has one syllable, we will settle him in that part of the house where there is one window), two syllables - in the part of the house where there are two windows, three syllables - where there are three windows ...


The animals had a good time with their friend Gnome, and when they returned to their home they wrote a letter. But the words in the letter crumbled into syllables. Let's help the Dwarf read the words.

Here are the words written
It is impossible to understand them immediately.
We will turn the syllables
And we will find the meaning of the word.

We have made a fascinatinghum about NS.

The gnome has prepared for usgift on Ki.

It wasfunny.

Goodwere playing .

7. Lesson summary.Summing up children receive a sticker with a picture of gnomes.


Who came to visit us?

We did a great job, I hope you enjoyed our lesson? Thank you bye.

Analysis of a speech therapy lesson

The lesson was conducted with children who have systemic speech underdevelopment against the background of intellectual disability caused by RDA. A lesson on the topic "Differentiation of vowels and sogals sounds and letters, violation of the syllable structure in syllables, words, sentences occupies an important place in the system of lessons on the topic under study, organized in accordance with the long-term plan of individual correctional and developmental work.

The following tasks were set in the lesson:

1. Correctional: Development of auditory memory.

2. Educational :.

3. Educational:Cultivate interest in the lesson.

The goal and objectives are set in accordance with the content of the lesson. The goals were fulfilled in the unity of correctional, developmental, educational and upbringing tasks. Problem solving is achieved by various methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

The main stages are built sequentially and are interconnected. The transition from one stage to another was observed. Each stage of the lesson prepared the children for the subsequent work. The time between each stage of the lesson is distributed expediently, in accordance with the child's capabilities and the tasks of the lesson. The lesson lasted no more than 20 minutes.

All material is selected in accordance with the speech and age capabilities of children. Speech material corresponds to the goals and objectives of the lesson. In the lesson, practical, visual, verbal methods of work were used. The following didactic principles were taken into account: the principle of visualization of teaching, the principle of consciousness and activity of learning, the principle of the availability of communicated knowledge, the principle of a differentiated and individual approach. All these principles were implemented in the lesson.

In the lesson, an exercise for the development of speech exhalation, an exercise for the development of fine motor skills, and an exercise for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere were used. Speech material was selected taking into account the child's capabilities, the level of his speech development, age characteristics. In the lesson, the child worked actively. The result has been achieved.


THEME. Bisyllabic words with one closed syllable.

GOAL. Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce two-syllable words with one closed syllable.

    Correct phonemic hearing, logical thinking.

    Develop the motor sphere through teaching certain motor skills (work
    with a ball).

    Form discipline, composure, student activity, positive
    motivation for speech therapy.


Figures: the girl Masha, doctor Sylogov, a picture of Santa Claus.

    Plates with syllables, words.

    Word outline.

    Graph - a map of the movement of Santa Claus.

    Hoop with figurines for the development of breathing.

    Spiked balls.

7. Tape recorder, cassette with the recording of the storm and the crunch of snow.
8.Photos of children.

Org. Moment.

    Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Articulatory gymnastics.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. Syllables, words escaped from her, because she did not want it right
talk. Masha went to doctor Slogov for help, and doctor Slogov lived in the forest.
Masha is walking through the forest. INTAKE.
Past the firs and birches. WATCHES.

The path is narrow and wide. PUSSY PAINKS MILK.
Now it will rise up a hill, then it will go down from a hill. SWING.

Masha looks - Baba Yaga is sitting on a hill, cleaning her stupa. CLEANING TEETH WITH


She gave Masha a ball. NEEDLE.

A ball rolls, bounces. HORSE.

Masha saw the fence, the Gnome painted it. BOY.

Masha came to the door and knocked. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d

Doctor Sylogov came out and looked around. DELICIOUS JAM.

I began to enjoy the fresh, frosty air. LONG INHALATION THROUGH THE NOSE, EXHALATION

Masha saw Doctor Slogov and was delighted. INTAKE.

He invited Masha into the house and began to teach her to speak correctly. We will also visit the school
Doctor Slogov and together with Masha we will learn to correctly speak words consisting of two

Introductory conversation.

    Guys, what time of year is it? (This is winter).

    What kind of holiday happens in winter? (In winter there is New Year).

    Who are the children waiting for? (Children are waiting for Santa Claus.)

SPEECH THERAPIST. Doctor Sylogov invited us to the musical theater, where many miracles are prepared,
secrets, riddles.

Main part.
Syllabic track.

SPEECH THERAPIST. He invited us to wander along the syllable paths.

Reading syllables.

Boo - hurray - run - blizzard

Mo -oro - roses - frost

Me - ete - tel - blizzard

Be - ete-tel-blizzard

    Reading words on tablets: blizzard, frost, blizzard, wind, sweeping, buzzing, blowing, cracking.

    Ball game.

Dr. Slogov has many different games and toys. So he invited us to play with balls.

Pronunciation in chorus of words under the impact of the ball on the floor for each syllable.
A blizzard is sweeping.
Buran is buzzing.
The wind blows.
The frost is bursting.

Frost, storm, wind, blizzard - what is it?
CHILDREN. These are natural phenomena.

SPEECH THERAPIST. Let's match words for objects, words for actions.

The frost is buzzing

Buran is bursting

Blizzard blows

5. The game "The fourth extra" What is superfluous.
Words: storm, blizzard, wind, frost.

6. Game "Who is stronger?"
Development of physiological respiration.

Game "Who is stronger?"

Guys, choose one of the natural phenomena. Who wants to be the wind, the storm, the blizzard? Tasya, you
storm. Lida, you are a blizzard. Sasha, you are the wind.

We know that winter is full of storms, blizzards, winds. Let's show how it happens in winter. (Children
blowing on figurines of trees, animals, snowflakes that are suspended

to the hoop. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.)

An audio recording sounds with the howl of a winter wind, a storm, and a crunch of snow.
Speech therapist.

Relaxation exercise.
Imagine yourself in a forest where it blows hard, buzzes, sweeps.

Show how cold you are, you are frozen, your hands are numb, your fingers are blue. A
now let's warm our fingers and hands with our breath. Now you feel warm, even


    Oh guys, what have we done!

During a blizzard and blizzard

All the paths and spruce have drifted into the forest.
Our long-awaited guest got lost in this forest.

Having guessed the riddle, you will find out - who is it?

“Syllabic structure. The concepts of "sound, syllable, word".

Topic: Sounds "C-C"

Objectives: - to fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds "s, sm"

Develop visual memory

Develop skills in reproducing syllabic rows and words of different syllable structures

The development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills.

Equipment: -object pictures,animal toys, drawing for coloring.

The course of the lesson.


Speech therapist: - Let's remember the sounds, syllables and words. Answer what I have just said. "S" Child: - Sound.

Speech therapist: - "Sb" Child: - Sound.

Speech therapist: - "SA" Child: - Syllable.

Speech therapist: - "SI" Child: - Syllable.

Speech therapist: - "SALAD" Child: - Word.

Speech therapist: - "NETWORK" Child: - Word.

Speech therapist: - Repeat the words. What sounds are found more often than others in these words?

Child: - Sounds "s, s"

2. The main part.

Speech therapist: - And now we clearly pronounce syllables and words.

Sa-sa-sa - here is the fox running.

Su-su-su - I see a fox.

Se-se-se - do not catch the hare to the fox.

Sy-sy-sy - I don't see the fox anymore.

(The child repeats after the speech therapist)

Speech therapist: - Who were we talking about?Child: - we talked about the fox.

Speech therapist: - Now name her affectionately.Child: - Chanterelle.

Speech therapist: - Which word is longer? Child: - Chanterelle.

(Child slaps words)

Speech therapist: - How many syllables are in the word "fox"?Child: - Two syllables.

Speech therapist: - How many syllables are in the word "chanterelle"?Child: - Three syllables.

Speech therapist: - Fox - dad, fox - mom, fox - son.Repeat. Which of these words is the shortest? Child: - Fox.

Speech therapist: - Why?Child: - Because the word consists of one syllable.

Physical education.

We will clap our hands -

Sa-sa-sa-sa - here is a wasp flying.

We will stomp our feet -

Sy-sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps.

Speech therapist: - Look at the pictures, choose the ones with 1 syllable in the name (2 syllables, 3 syllables).

(The child lays out the pictures into three piles, then, together with the speech therapist, they check the correctness of the task)

Finger gymnastics.

We chop cabbage, different movements of the hands

We are three cabbage, fist movements towards ourselves - from ourselves

We salt the cabbage, finger movements

We are harvesting cabbage. clenching the fingers into fists

Speech therapist: - Look at the picture. What time of year is shown here?

Child: - Winter.

Speech therapist: - Name the objects in the picture with the sounds "s, s".

Child: - Icicle, snow, sleigh, snowflakes, snowman.

Speech therapist: - Check how many syllables are in each word and

Color the item with 2 syllables in its name.

3. Outcome. Speech therapist: - What sounds did we repeat? What I liked about the lesson.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of an open speech therapy individual-subgroup lesson "Working out the syllable structure of one-, two-, three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants"

Summary of the lesson on the correction of the syllable structure of the word ...

FIXING WORDS OF THE 1ST TYPE SYLLABLE STRUCTURE IN SUGGESTIONS (NS Chetverushkina's system for correcting violations of the syllable structure of a word) - illustrative material.

FIXING WORDS OF THE 1ST TYPE OF WORDS IN SUGGESTIONS For each sentence, a separate picture is created in the table. The order of the pictures in the table corresponds to the order of the sentences in the manual ...

Business game "For the title of a specialist in the syllable structure of words"

The business game "For the title of a specialist in the syllabic structure of words" is an addition to the presentation "Formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with general speech underdevelopment" ...

THEME. Bisyllabic words with one closed syllable.

GOAL. Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce two-syllable words with one closed syllable.

Correct phonemic hearing, logical thinking. Develop the motor sphere through teaching certain motor skills (work

With a ball). Form discipline, composure, student activity, positive

Motivation for speech therapy.


Figures: the girl Masha, doctor Sylogov, a picture of Santa Claus.

Plates with syllables, words. Word outline. Graph - a map of the movement of Santa Claus. Hoop with figurines for the development of breathing. Spiked balls.

7. Tape recorder, cassette with the recording of the storm and the crunch of snow.

8.Photos of children.

Org. Moment.

Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Articulatory gymnastics.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. Syllables, words escaped from her, because she did not want it right

Talk. Masha went to doctor Slogov for help, and doctor Slogov lived in the forest.

Masha is walking through the forest. INTAKE.

Past the firs and birches. WATCHES.

The path is narrow and wide. PUSSY PAINKS MILK.

Now it will rise up a hill, then it will go down from a hill. SWING.

Masha looks - Baba Yaga is sitting on a hill, cleaning her stupa. CLEANING TEETH WITH


She gave Masha a ball. NEEDLE.

A ball rolls, bounces. HORSE.

Masha saw the fence, the Gnome painted it. BOY.

Masha came to the door and knocked. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d

Doctor Sylogov came out and looked around. DELICIOUS JAM.

I began to enjoy the fresh, frosty air. LONG INHALATION THROUGH THE NOSE, EXHALATION


Masha saw Doctor Slogov and was delighted. INTAKE.

He invited Masha into the house and began to teach her to speak correctly. We will also visit the school

Doctor Slogov and together with Masha we will learn to correctly speak words consisting of two

Introductory conversation.

Guys, what time of year is it? (This is winter). What kind of holiday happens in winter? (In winter there is New Year). Who are the children waiting for? (Children are waiting for Santa Claus.)

SPEECH THERAPIST. Doctor Sylogov invited us to the musical theater, where many miracles are prepared,

Secrets, mysteries.

Main part.

Syllabic track.

SPEECH THERAPIST. He invited us to wander along the syllable paths.

Reading syllables.

Boo - hurray - run - blizzard

Mo - oro - roses - frost

Me - ete - tel - blizzard

Be - ete-tel-blizzard

Reading words on tablets: blizzard, frost, blizzard, wind, sweeping, buzzing, blowing, cracking. Ball game.

Dr. Slogov has many different games and toys. So he invited us to play with balls.

Pronunciation in chorus of words under the impact of the ball on the floor for each syllable.

A blizzard is sweeping.

Buran is buzzing.

The wind blows.

The frost is bursting.

Frost, storm, wind, blizzard - what is it?

CHILDREN. These are natural phenomena.

SPEECH THERAPIST. Let's match the words for

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