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Summary of extracurricular activities on the theme "day of the Russian language". Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech "International Day of the Russian language

Extracurricular activity.


1) show the development and improvement of the Russian language as a reflection of changes in the complex and diverse life of the people and society;

2) to form the ability to compose a monologue speech, speak in front of an audience, defend one's position;

3) foster love and respect for the Russian language, the desire to study it.

“Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture ... That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need ... The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious ".

A.I. Kuprin



If you want to argue fate
If you are looking for a flower garden,
If you need a firm footing
Learn Russian language!

He is your mentor, great, mighty,
He is a translator, he is a conductor.
If you storm the knowledge of the steep
Learn Russian language!

Bitter vigilance, the boundlessness of Tolstoy,
A pure spring of Pushkin's lyrics.
Shine with the mirroring of the Russian word
Learn Russian language!

Hello guys! Today we have a very interesting lesson with you. It will be dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language.

Day of the Russian language- Russian and international public holiday dedicated to. It is celebrated on the birthday: in the Russian Federation, the holiday was established in 2011; c was founded in 2010.

Today we will all talk about the Russian language, explore it. We will also do an interesting job: all of you will be involved in compiling a newspaper dedicated to the day of the Russian language. You have colored paper, scissors, glue. As your classmates speak, you will need to write down the most interesting or necessary information on sheets of colored paper and stick it on whatman paper. You can choose the shape of the sticker, such as chamomile. You can draw a hand on colored paper, cut it out, stick it on a Whatman paper and write information in it. On separate sheets of paper (you can also on colored paper) write the answer to the question: why is it necessary to learn Russian? Don't forget to sign your names. (You can start with the words "You need to learn the Russian language in order to ...")

Pupil (1). Russian writers, masters of the word admired the Russian language, noted its peculiarities, originality, uniqueness.

The famous writer K.G. Paustovsky, referring to his contemporaries, reminds us: "We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language" ( Slide 4)

Pupil (2) .Great critic V.G. Belinsky noted: “The Russian language is extremely rich. flexible and picturesque for expressing simple natural concepts. "

Disciple (1). “We must protect the language from clogging, remembering that the words that we use now will serve for many centuries after us to express ideas and thoughts unknown to us, to create new poetic creations that defy our foresight. And we should be deeply grateful to the previous generations who brought this heritage to us - a figurative, capacious, intelligent language " (S. Marshak).

Disciple (2). "With respect to the attitude of each person to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value." (K.G. Paustovsky).

Teacher. But what happens to our “great, powerful, free language? People began to forget his power and majesty. And this threatens disaster, catastrophe. You can shout "SOS". The tongue is in danger!

"Historical Chronicle" (speaking ______________)

The Russian language is, first of all, the language of the Russian people. It belongs to the Slavic languages. The relationship of the Slavic languages ​​is due to the fact that they arose from a single language in the distant past - the common Slavic, which disintegrated in the 5th-6th centuries of our era. All modern Slavic languages ​​are divided into 3 groups: South Slavic, West Slavic and East Slavic. To the East Slavic group formed inXIV-Xvcenturies, together with the Ukrainian and Belarusian, the Russian language also belongs. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the dialects of Moscow and its environs. The creator of the modern Russian literary language is A.S. Pushkin, who combined the literary Russian language of previous eras with the common spoken language. The great Russian poet completed what M.V. Lomonosov, N.M. Karamzin, I.A. Krylov, A.S. Griboyedov. At the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev said: "There is no doubt that he created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius ...". And N.V. Gogol said about Pushkin: “In him, as if in a lexicon, was all the wealth, strength and flexibility of our language. He is more than anyone, he further pushed his boundaries and more showed all of his space. "

Teacher Supplement:

So, usually the history of the Russian literary language is divided into 3 periods:

    Old Russian (East Slavic) language - from about the 6th to the 14th century;

    The language of the Russian (Great Russian) nationality - from the 14th to the 17th century;

    Russian national language (from the 14th century to the present day).

Did you know that our language has preserved in its composition the common Slavic words: head, hand, tooth, side, nose, hair - words denoting the name of body parts; words denoting kinship: son, daughter, mother, grandfather; time intervals: day, night, spring, winter; abstract nouns: will, anger, truth, work, honor. The verbs go, sit, sleep, eat; adjectives blue, yellow, strong, old, young, big are also from the common Slavic language.

Many Old Slavonic words have also survived in the modern language: brave, harm, hello, captivity, time, thirst, good, leader.

"Russian language in the modern world" (speaking ______________)

Back in 1934, the Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy said: "The time will come (and it is not far off) - the Russian language will begin to be studied along all the meridians of the globe." And that time has come. The Russian language is used by the peoples of the CIS as a means of interethnic communication. In all spheres of public life: political (meetings, summits, conferences), economic (business contacts, joint ventures, agreements), cultural (science, media, fiction) - the Russian language is used. Nowadays, more than 2000 languages ​​are known, and only 6 languages ​​are world languages: French, English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. Any official UN document is distributed in these six languages. It is believed that over 250 million people speak Russian. Nowadays, the Russian language is very popular in the world, it is studied in more than ninety countries around the world. To organize and manage this work, the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature was created back in 1967, and from the same year the journal "Russian Language Abroad" began to be published. The world famous public figure of India Jawaharlal Nehru noted: “The Russian language is one of the greatest languages ​​in the world. Today it plays an important role not only in the political, but also in the cultural, scientific life of peoples. "

What will you write on whatman paper? Let's summarize the information.

Teacher Supplement:

Did you know that the Russian language is constantly enriched with words from other languages? Once the number of foreign words in Russian was 10%. Basically, these are words denoting concepts, phenomena from the field of politics, culture, science, technology, art. From the Greek and Latin languages, words came to us: grammar, morphology, epithet, physics, circus, museum, atom. Many words from the field of music are of Italian origin: duet, trio, quartet, serenade, opera. Russian borrowed a lot of words from French: coat, broth, passenger, landscape, piano, conductor, seance. There are many words of English origin in our language: football, basketball, champion, sports, leader.

"Alive as life" (N.V. Gogol)(speaking ______________)

The Russian language, like other languages, is constantly developing, improving, changing, because it is a repository of human thought. The great Russian teacher KD Ushinsky said well about this: "Language is the most lively, most abundant and strong connection, uniting the outdated, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole ...". The most stable is the syntactic structure of the language, and the most changeable is the lexical composition. It is the vocabulary that responds especially quickly to everything new that appears in public life, science, technology, art, and everyday life. IN 20-om century, words such ascosmonaut, nuclear-powered ship, TV, felt-tip pen, sneakers, jeans, design, manager, printer, fax and many others. Many words have new meanings. For example, the wordcornfield before it mattered - a field cultivated for sowing or sown with bread. Now we boldly use such expressions in speech:cornfield of education, taiga cornfield, blue cornfield ... Returned to our vocabulary and such forgotten words aslyceum, gymnasium, mercy, charity ... Did you know that in the days of Pushkin it was considered the norm to pronounce the words: music, passport, climate, English? Even the gender of some nouns can be reversed, for example: the wordpiano was feminine, now we say:"Concert grand piano", used to say"Hall" and now -"Hall", it is a masculine word. Morphemes, i.e. parts of a word can also change over time: instead ofanswer We are speakingreply , instead offisherman - fisherman .

What will you write on whatman paper? Let's summarize the information.

Teacher Supplement:

Do you know that once upon a time in the Russian language there were not 2, but 3 numbers: singular, plural and dual? The remains of the dual number have survived to this day, namely:eyes, ears, shoulders, horns, sleeves, eyes. As you already understood, these words mean paired objects. Did you know that in the Old Russian language there were not 6 cases, as now, but 7? The seventh case was called vocative and was used in circulation. In A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", the vocative case is used -older ... In epics we can find words -rataushko, prince, friend ... In SRLYA, the vocative case has been preserved only in interjections:God, God.

"Great people about the wealth of the Russian language" (speaking ______________)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, a writer of the 20th century, said: "We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language." Indeed, the richness of the Russian language allows us not only to accurately name a particular object, its signs and actions, but also to express the most diverse shades of meaning, to show our assessment of what or whom we are talking about. We can call a connoisseur of our craft with the words: master, craftsman, virtuoso, artist, artisan, specialist. We can say about a faithful friend: reliable, devoted, unchanging, ready for fire and water. And how many words are there to denote an action to laugh: quietly, surreptitiously - he giggled, suddenly - burst out laughing, loudly - burst out laughing, burst out laughing, burst into laughter, burst into laughter and even cackled.

Russian proverbs and sayings are very expressive and marks - the treasures of folk wisdom. For almost every life situation in the Russian language there is a figurative, apt expression, phraseological unit. "Patience and work will grind everything", "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness", "The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet" - these proverbs help us in a difficult school life. The great critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky noted: "The Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque for expressing simple natural concepts." The classic of French literature Prosper Mérimée, who lived in the 19th century and learned Russian, wrote: "Rich, sonorous, lively, ... capable of conveying the finest shades, endowed with almost limitless creative thought, the Russian language seems to us created for poetry." And the Russian writer of the same 19th century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who called the Russian language “great, mighty, truthful and free,” urged: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful tool with respect: in the hands of the skilled, it can perform miracles! "

What will you write on whatman paper? Let's summarize the information.

Teacher: Do we know how to protect the language, do we know how to treat it respectfully? Do we always observe the culture of speech? This is what our next section is about.

"Culture of speech and speech etiquette" (speaking ______________)

Speech etiquette - these are the rules of speech behavior, a system of speech formulas adopted in society. We need verbal etiquette to maintain goodwill. Knowledge and observance of the rules of speech etiquette allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not to feel awkward because of wrong actions, to avoid ridicule from others. We use words in speech every dayhello thank you sorry ... Thus, we adhere to the rules of communication that have developed in our society. Sometimes we react painfully to the fact that one of our acquaintances did not greet us, did not thank us for something, did not congratulate us, did not apologize. In this case, we can talk about non-compliance with the norms of speech etiquette. When addressing a person, we sometimes use different forms of address, because one and the same person can be addressed as a colleague, as a son, husband, father. The choice of address depends on our relationship with the addressee, on the environment of communication.

A student prepared in advance recites M. Chervinsky's poem "What is his name?"

Friends, here's just in case

Poems about one schoolboy

His name is ... but better

We will not name him here.

"Thank you", "hello", "sorry"

He was not used to pronouncing.

The simple word "sorry"

His tongue did not overcome ...

He is often lazy

Say at the meeting: "Good afternoon!"

It would seem a simple word,

And he is shy, silent,

And at best "great"

He mumbles instead of "hello".

And instead of the word "goodbye"

He doesn't say anything

Or say goodbye:

“Well, I went ... Bye! Total!"

He will not tell his friends at school:

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya,

He only calls his friends:

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

Guys, we can’t be here

Tell you what his name is.

But honestly we warn you,

That we don't know his name.

But what is the name? After all, the point is not in him -

Don't you know this student?

Teacher Supplement:

Unfortunately, a lot of verbal rubbish has taken root in our spoken language. Many people, not having the skill to think logically and clearly express their thoughts, fill the pauses with weed words: in theory, in general, so to speak, so, as they say, this means, in fact, others. It is sad when a person finds rather meager answers to a wide variety of questions: cool, what is needed, normal, cool. A "disservice" to the Russian language is rendered by the simplified, distorted language that is used by modern youth, communicating via the Internet, spending hours "hanging" in the "agent". Over time, such young people will generally forget how to write and speak correctly. The salvation of the language is that the fashion for such words comes and goes, they quickly get bored and die off.

"Poetic page".

2 trained students read by heart the poems "Language of consent" by A. Kupchishin and "Two languages".

Language of consent

Let's shake hands tightly with each other

And enjoy the joy of conversations.

We communicate in Russian,

He, like air, is needed by all people.

Diverse, unique, slender,

Rushing against eternal problems,

Unites destinies and peoples

And it creates confidence, peace ...

Adversity is easier to bear with him,

He will be our friend forever.

He helps us race through the years

Dream about happiness, believe and love.

In beautiful moments, on a rainy day

In the soul and heart of everyone lives.

The reliability of the rear, our future,

And pride and moving forward!

Two languages

Native language!

He is familiar to me since childhood,

On it for the first time I said "mom"

On it I swore allegiance to the stubborn,

And every breath is clear to me on it.

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in our foothills,

For the first time I had a chance to hear on it

Birds babble to me in green spring ...

But, as a native, I love the Russian language,

I need him like heaven, every moment,

It has lively, quivering feelings

Opened to me.

And the world opened up in them.

I understood the word "happiness" in Russian,

It is a great happiness to live in a big country.

With him I'm not afraid of grief and bad weather,

With him I will not burn in any fire ...

Two rivers flow in the heart, not shallow,

Become one river ...

Forgetting my native language -

I'm going to be numb.

Having lost Russian -

I will become deaf.

Summarizing. Viewing the poster, correcting.

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Annotation to the presentation

The presentation serves as a popularizer of the Russian language, in a concise form tells children about the emergence of different language groups and about the unifying role of the Russian language in modern conditions. The author supports his theses with illustrations, which simplifies the process of understanding and accepting information by a child.

  • The role of the Russian language in the modern world
  • Classics about language
  • Tasks for knowing the native language


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Degtyareva A.N.


    The words




    • To teach a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

GBS (K) OU boarding school VIII type with. Vorontsovka Krasnodar Territory

Russian language teacher - Degtyareva Alena Nikolaevna

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7


Slide 8

Adyghe people

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11


Slide 12

K. G. Paustovsky

"Our language is our sword, our light, our love, our pride"

N. G. Chernyshevsky

“Learning your native language is necessary ... to be able to use it to express your thoughts”

Slide 13

Complete the proverbs

Live a century -

Strong friendship with an ax ...

Easily …

The sun paints the earth, and man - ...

There is no friend - look, ...

A man without a homeland, like a nightingale ...

In a hurry ...

My tongue is ...

Seven one ...

Do you want to eat rolls - ...

Business time ...

Friends are known ...

century learn.

you will not cut it.

you can't get a fish out of the pond either.

without a song.

but found take care.

make people laugh.

my enemy.

do not sit on the stove.

fun hour.

Slide 14

Slide 15


(to be deceived)

(shut up)



(nothing to be left with)





(about an extra person)

(free, for nothing, just like that)

In full spirit.

Sit in a puddle.

Bite your tongue.

Know by mouth.

Find yourself in a broken trough.

A teaspoon per hour.

Lead by the nose.

Nick down.

Scratch your tongue.

To make mountains out of molehills.

White crow.

For beautiful eyes.

Slide 16

Slide 17

Rich vocabulary

Slide 18


Slide 19

Commandments of speech behavior

  1. Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking.
  2. Remember that politeness is the basis of speech behavior.
  3. Respect the interlocutor, do not interrupt him.
  4. If your interlocutor makes speech errors, try very tactfully to help him get rid of them.
  5. Speak simply, clearly, clearly.
  6. Do not think that using harsh words makes you seem more mature.
  7. Use only those words whose meaning is completely clear to you.
  • Slide 20

  • Slide 21

    • Sapozhnikov, V. Zolotov: Sacred history of the Old Testament; Second-hand edition, 1990
  • View all slides


    Event progress

    (Competition poem)

    Native language

    There are many large countries in the world,
    And there are many small ones,
    And for any nationality
    Your language is an honor.

    You have the right to be proud, French,
    You always say, Hindu,
    About your language.

    Chinese, Turk, Serb il Czech,
    Dane, Greek il Finn, -
    Of course, you are dearer than all
    The native language is one.

    And I thank fate,
    There is no higher happiness for me,
    What do I say in Russian?
    For thirteen years now.

    Calm, cheerful and melodious,
    Mocking and stern,
    And merciless and mighty,
    And formidable for enemies.

    Suvorov approved of the soldiers
    In Russian!
    Immortal Pushkin composed
    In Russian!
    Mendeleev gave laws
    In Russian!
    "Down with the Tsar!" - people said
    In Russian!

    Main part

    You cannot live without them!

    They are great helpers

    And new friends in life.

    Sometimes they instruct us

    The wise give advice,

    Sometimes they teach something

    And they take care of us from trouble.

    Live and learn).

    My tongue is my enemy).

    Seven one ... (do not wait).

    Business time ... (fun hour).

    A friend in need is a friend indeed).

    • What does our speech consist of?

    In full spirit. (quickly)

    Bite your tongue. (shut up)

    Know by mouth. (learn)

    Lead by the nose. (Cheat)

    Nick down. (remember)

    Scratch your tongue. (chatter)

    (Competition poem)

    About native language

    Without it, you will be stumped.

    You are no longer you without him.

    Your tongue is like a mother

    Love him for being powerful.

    Your tongue is a shield, your communication

    Flower - … ,

    iron - … ,

    cotton - … ,

    eye - … ,

    Lake - … ,

    beast - … ,

    young people - … .

    (Competition poem)

    Poems about a man and his words

    Words are different

    There are all kinds of words

    Words are clear

    Hard and soft

    Words are bold

    Stubborn, harsh,

    But certainly the case

    Behind every word.

    Many words in the world

    There are many things in the world

    If there is no business -

    The word is the wind.

    The word flies away

    Can't be caught again ...

    A man with nothing to do -

    A man without a word!

    (Competition poem)

    Russian language


    I love my mother tongue!

    As our country, powerful.

    If you want - write songs, hymns,

    Do you want to express the pain of the soul.

    Like rye bread, it smells

    As if the flesh of the earth is tenacious.

    He is the language of the moon and the planet,

    Our satellites and missiles

    At school, at home and on board

    Speak it:

    Unambiguous and straightforward,

    It is like the truth itself.

    Insert the missing letters.

    • plain
    • physical Culture
    • library
    • Column
    • distance
    • Hello
    • diploma
    • salesman
    • ice cream
    • state
    • medicine
    • insect
    • electricity
    • bike
    • subscription
    • bulletin
    • operation
    • territory
    • sanatorium
    • a patient
    • subscription
    • piano
    • the festival
    • education
    • art
    • nationality
    • receipt
    • aviation
    • government
    • the colony
    • biography
    • ventilation
    • catastrophe
    • neighborhood
    • diameter
    • company
    • insurrection
    • accountant
    • garrison
    • commission
    • duty

    Commandments of speech etiquette

    (Competition poem)

    On the day of the mother tongue

    His fate was not easy

    Our great-grandfathers and our fathers

    We were given unearthly beauty

    We congratulate and boldly wish

    Lesson summary


    • Davydova T .: Friend: Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases; Dragonfly publishing house, 2009
    • I. V. Klyukhina Proverbs, sayings and catchphrases; publishing house FGOS, 2008
    • Romashkina N.F. : Extracurricular activities in a playful way; GLOBUS publishing house, 2005

    State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities; general education boarding school of type VIII c. Vorontsovka Krasnodar Territory

    Extracurricular activity in the Russian language

    "International Mother Language Day"

    Russian language teacher Degtyareva Alena Nikolaevna

    Topic: International Mother Language Day

    Purpose: to acquaint students with the holiday - International Mother Language Day.

    • Help students see and feel the inexhaustible possibilities of their native language; to acquaint the children with the biblical legend about the Babylonian pandemonium.
    • Continue to develop and correct oral coherent speech of pupils, mental activity, memory, imagination, attention; enrich the vocabulary of students; broaden their horizons.
    • To instill love and interest in the native language, to foster a culture of speech.

    Equipment: multimedia presentation; cards with tasks for contests - "Add a proverb", "Diplomas"; spelling dictionaries; tokens.

    Form of holding: Contest "Connoisseurs of the native language".

    Preliminary work: an exhibition of folk costumes; exhibition of dictionaries; During the event, there is also a competition for the best reader, and students who wish to take part in this competition are given poems on the topic in advance.

    Event progress

    Introduction. Lesson topic message

    1st presenter (slide 1) Every year on January 21, International Mother Language Day is celebrated. And this is no coincidence. The world would not exist without language. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without a language. In the language we think, communicate, create. People around the world speak 6,000 languages ​​today. Has it always been this way?

    2nd presenter (slide 2) There is a biblical legend that once upon a time all people spoke the same language. The descendants of the sons of Noah (Noah is a biblical character who was saved by the Lord during the Flood due to the piety of him and his family) at first all lived in one place, and everyone spoke the same language. But when they multiplied so much that it was already necessary to disperse in different directions, then, in order to leave a monument about themselves forever, they decided to build a city and a tower that would reach the sky with its peak. (slide 3) The Lord did not like this business. (Slide 4) As a punishment for such a vain and proud enterprise, I mixed their languages ​​so that they ceased to understand each other and inevitably had to scatter, leaving the unfinished city with the name "Babylon", which means "confusion". (slide 5) These events are called "Babylonian pandemonium". So there were different nations speaking different languages ​​(from the "Holy History of the Old Testament")

    Moderator 1 (slide 6) On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal, because each of them is uniquely suited to the purpose of a person and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

    2nd leading Russia is a multinational state. Each nation is a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages ​​are spoken in our country. What languages ​​can we hear in our region?

    1st presenter (slides 7-11) We can hear the Ukrainian language, the language of the Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, etc. In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but the means of interethnic communication is the Russian language.

    (N.Banko's poem "Native Language" is read by students ……………………)

    (Competition poem)

    Native language

    There are many large countries in the world,
    And there are many small ones,
    And for any nationality
    Your language is an honor.

    You have the right to be proud, French,
    You always say, Hindu,
    About your language.

    Chinese, Turk, Serb il Czech,
    Dane, Greek il Finn, -
    Of course, you are dearer than all
    The native language is one.

    And I thank fate,
    There is no higher happiness for me,
    What do I say in Russian?
    For thirteen years now.

    Calm, cheerful and melodious,
    Mocking and stern,
    And merciless and mighty,
    And formidable for enemies.

    Suvorov approved of the soldiers
    In Russian!
    Immortal Pushkin composed
    In Russian!
    Mendeleev gave laws
    In Russian!
    "Down with the Tsar!" - people said
    In Russian!

    2nd presenter (slide 12) My native language is Russian. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said “Our language is our sword, our light, our love, our pride”.

    1st presenter (slide 12) A. N.G. Chernyshevsky said "It is necessary to study your native language ... in order to be able to use it to express your thoughts." Everyone is obliged to know their language. Now we will check what kind of experts in your native language you are. The competition “Connoisseurs of the native language” is announced, in which representatives of each class take part ……. (introduction of the participants of the competition)

    2nd presenter The participation in the competitions will be assessed by a jury consisting of ... ...

    Main part

    1st Host Our mother tongue is rich in proverbs. -What is a proverb? (A proverb is a short, wise saying that has an instructive meaning and contains worldly wisdom).

    What are proverbs for? (Proverbs adorn our speech, make it bright and convincing).

    2nd presenter

    You cannot live without them!

    They are great helpers

    And new friends in life.

    Sometimes they instruct us

    The wise give advice,

    Sometimes they teach something

    And they take care of us from trouble.

    1st presenter (slide 13) The 1st competition "Add the proverb" is announced

    Remember the proverbs at the beginning of the phrase and continue them:

    Live and learn).

    Strong friendship with an ax ... (you can't cut it).

    Without labor ... (you can't even get a fish out of the pond).

    The sun paints the earth, and man - ... (labor).

    If you don't have a friend, look for it ... (but you have found it).

    A man without a homeland, ... (like a nightingale without a song).

    In a hurry ... (make people laugh).

    My tongue is my enemy).

    Seven one ... (do not wait).

    Do you want to eat rolls ... (do not sit on the stove).

    Business time ... (fun hour).

    A friend in need is a friend indeed).

    2nd presenter While the participants are completing the task, a competition for viewers "Question-Answer" is announced. For correct answers, you will receive tokens, and then we will identify the best Russian language expert from the audience.

    • Words that represent objects and answer the questions: who? what?
    • How many cases are there in Russian?
    • What questions does the genitive case have?
    • What questions does the accusative have?
    • Words that denote the action of an object and answer the questions: what to do? what to do, etc.
    • What does our speech consist of?
    • Words that denote a feature of an object and answer the questions: what? which? which? which?
    • What tense can a verb be in?
    • Which verbs belong to the 1st division, which to the 2nd division?
    • What are the pronouns 1 (2,3) persons?

    1st moderator Let's check the completed tasks of the participants.

    2nd presenter (slide 14) I propose to listen to the song ... .. ... .. performed by ...……

    1st presenter (slide 15) Competition "Winged expressions"

    What are catchwords? (Winged expressions got into our speech from literary sources, short quotes, figurative expressions. They give our speech special accuracy and expressiveness).

    2nd Leader Expand the meaning of these expressions.

    In full spirit. (quickly)

    Sit in a puddle. (to be deceived)

    Bite your tongue. (shut up)

    Know by mouth. (learn)

    Find yourself in a broken trough. (nothing to be left with)

    A teaspoon per hour. (slowly)

    Lead by the nose. (Cheat)

    Nick down. (remember)

    Scratch your tongue. (chatter)

    To make mountains out of molehills. (exaggerate)

    White crow. (about an extra person)

    For beautiful eyes. (free, for nothing, just like that)

    (The poem by Galina Purga "About the native language" is read by a student ... ... ....)

    (Competition poem)

    About native language

    The tongue is your guide to the mind and heart,

    Without it, you will be stumped.

    Your language is your life, your dreams,

    You are no longer you without him.

    Your tongue is like a mother

    Which is impossible not to humiliate, not to offend.

    You must thank him, friend

    For being able to speak correctly.

    Mother tongue is your soul, your world, your ray,

    Love him for being powerful.

    Your tongue is a shield, your communication

    Do not let him be neglected.

    Don't let someone else label your native language.

    Your legacy is your land and your language

    And don't let the ignorant distort it,

    Do not forget about this, my friend.

    2nd presenter Game for attention. If I call a noun in sing. h. You clap your hands if in the plural. - raise your hands up and shake your fingers. (Notebook, pencils, bucket, children, coat, man, tigers, etc.)

    And now I name the word in singular. number, and you must name it in the plural.

    Flower - … ,

    iron - … ,

    cotton - … ,

    eye - … ,

    Lake - … ,

    beast - … ,

    young people - … .

    2nd presenter (slide 16) The dance group is performing with the dance "Ivushki"

    1st presenter A modern cultured person has an average vocabulary of 3 to 6 thousand words.

    2nd presenter (The poem by Sergei Baruzdin "Poems about a man and his words" reads studying ...)

    (Competition poem)

    Poems about a man and his words

    Words are different

    There are all kinds of words

    Words are clear

    Hard and soft

    Words are bold

    Stubborn, harsh,

    But certainly the case

    Behind every word.

    Many words in the world

    There are many things in the world

    If there is no business -

    The word is the wind.

    The word flies away

    Can't be caught again ...

    A man with nothing to do -

    A man without a word!

    1st presenter (slide 17) Let's check the vocabulary of our participants. The competition "Rich vocabulary" is announced

    Assignment: Say as many adjectives as possible, describing the subject offered to you.

    2nd presenter (Alexander Yashin's poem "Russian language" is read by students ....)

    (Competition poem)

    Russian language


    I love my mother tongue!

    He is understandable for everyone, he is melodious,

    He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

    As our country, powerful.

    If you want - write songs, hymns,

    Do you want to express the pain of the soul.

    Like rye bread, it smells

    As if the flesh of the earth is tenacious.

    He is the language of the moon and the planet,

    Our satellites and missiles

    At school, at home and on board

    Speak it:

    Unambiguous and straightforward,

    It is like the truth itself.

    1st Leader The word is an amazing gift that only a person possesses. There are a great many words in the Russian language. But how many are there? More than one specialist cannot answer this question in the affirmative. The rich and varied vocabulary of the Russian language is collected in dictionaries. Dictionaries are collections of words arranged in alphabetical order.

    The competition "Gramoteev" is announced. (Slide 18)

    Participants are offered the opportunity to show their literacy. You will work with spelling dictionaries.

    Insert the missing letters.

    • plain
    • physical Culture
    • library
    • Column
    • distance
    • Hello
    • diploma
    • salesman
    • ice cream
    • state
    • medicine
    • insect
    • electricity
    • bike
    • subscription
    • bulletin
    • operation
    • territory
    • sanatorium
    • a patient
    • subscription
    • piano
    • the festival
    • education
    • art
    • nationality
    • receipt
    • aviation
    • government
    • the colony
    • biography
    • ventilation
    • catastrophe
    • neighborhood
    • diameter
    • company
    • insurrection
    • accountant
    • garrison
    • commission
    • duty

    2nd leading Contest for viewers "Funny Questions"

    • How many vowels are there in the root of the words: family, forty? (2,3)
    • How many peas can fit in a glass? (They can't walk)
    • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)
    • What kind of comb can you comb your head? (Petushin)
    • What is the very first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)
    • When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
    • Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (It is better to stir tea with a spoon)
    • What happened on February 31st? (February 31st doesn’t happen)
    • What is the tongue behind the mouth? (Behind the teeth)
    • Why buy a hat? (Because they don’t give for free)
    • What is the name of the first female pilot? (Baba Yaga)
    • Without what you can't bake bread? (No crust)
    • Who has a hat without a head and a leg without boots? (At the mushroom)
    • How does day and night end? (With a soft sign)
    • What is in front of Boris and in the back of Gleb? (Letter b)

    1st presenter We will check the correctness of the task of the competition "Gramoteev"

    2nd presenter Did you know that in the 17th century, according to the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the death penalty was imposed for obscene words spoken in public? We have no power over the speech of others, but we can change our own speech.

    1st presenter What needs to be done to make our speech competent, polite? (Slide 19)

    Commandments of speech etiquette

    1. Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking.

    2. Remember that politeness is the basis of speech behavior.

    3. Respect the interlocutor, do not interrupt him.

    4. If your interlocutor makes speech errors, try very tactfully to help him get rid of them

    5. Speak simply, clearly, clearly.

    6. Do not think that using harsh words makes you seem more mature.

    7. Use only those words, the meaning of which is completely clear to you.

    2nd presenter (The poem "On the day of the mother tongue" is read by a student ....)

    (Competition poem)

    On the day of the mother tongue

    We will appreciate every word

    His fate was not easy

    But we will keep the legacy alive!

    Our great-grandfathers and our fathers

    We were given unearthly beauty

    The Russian word from the Russian soul,

    What hurts all of us for a living.

    Happy holiday to you, all Russian people

    We congratulate and boldly wish

    Free yourself from mortal worries.

    And let the country bloom, prosper!

    Lesson summary

    1st presenter The word for summing up the results of the competition "Experts of the native language" (participant of the competition, spectator, reader) is provided by the jury. (Slide 20)

    2nd presenter Today, we had a very important meeting. We came to the conclusion that we must fight for the purity of our native language.

    1st presenter To be a worthy citizen of your country, you need to preserve its culture and traditions, you must be fluent in your native word.

    We will cherish and love our Russian word, because the Motherland begins with it.


    • Davydova T .: Friend: Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases; Dragonfly publishing house, 2009
    • I. V. Klyukhina Proverbs, sayings and catchphrases; publishing house FGOS, 2008
    • Sapozhnikov, V. Zolotov: Sacred history of the Old Testament; Second-hand edition, 1990
    • Romashkina N.F. : Extracurricular activities in a playful way; GLOBUS publishing house, 2005
    Download abstract

    Municipal state educational institution
    "Secondary school number 1" with. Divnoe Apanasenkovsky district of the Stavropol Territory
    Primary school teacher
    Kryachko Svetlana Nikolaevna
    2015 year
    The work took 1st place in the All-Russian pedagogical competition timed to coincide with the Day of the Russian Language, held at the All-Russian General Education Portal “Extension. org " from May 15, 2015 to July 28, 2015.
    The work was published on the author's site
    Abstract of an open lesson in Russian
    in grade 3 (EMC "School 2100")
    Topic: "Repetition of knowledge about the text, sentence, parts of speech" (lesson number 156)
    The lesson is held as part of the Russian Language Week, dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language. This is a lesson in consolidating what has been learned, built on the basis of working with the texts of A.S. Pushkin.
    Goals. 1. To generalize and deepen knowledge about the text, sentence, parts of speech. Show the beauty of Pushkin's poetry. To convey to the consciousness of children the significance of A.S. Pushkin for the formation of the literary Russian language.
    2. Develop attention, observation, thinking.
    3. To cultivate interest in the subject, love for the native language, a sense of pride in their country, love and respect for the work of Pushkin.
    Formed UUD
    Cognitive: Process the information received: draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge.
    Subject: Know: the main characteristics of texts, types of sentences, the main members of the sentence.
    Be able to: identify sentences by the purpose of the statement, by intonation, by the presence of secondary members; find a grammatical basis in a sentence; parse words as part of speech.
    Regulatory: Draw up a plan for solving the problem (task) with the teacher.
    Working according to the plan, check your actions against the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes with the help of a teacher. In dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success in the performance of their work and the work of everyone, based on the available criteria.
    Personal: To independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people.
    Communicative: Communicate your position to others: formalize your thoughts in oral speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations. Negotiate with people: performing different roles in the group, cooperate in jointly solving a problem (task).
    Equipment: interactive whiteboard; magnetic board; poster "Oak"; oak leaves cards, cards for group work; author's presentation "Consolidation of knowledge about the text ...", author's presentation "Physical minutes on the fairy tales of Pushkin."
    This lesson is conducted under the section "Consolidation of what was learned in grade 3", in order to deepen knowledge about the text, sentence, parts of speech, as well as to foster interest in learning Russian.
    During the classes
    Organizing time
    The bell has already rung. The lesson is beginning. We will go on a journey. We will get into the land of fairy tales. Listen, think, observe, guess our fairy tale. Close your eyes. Let the fairy tale go into your soul.
    Formulation of the problem. Definition to activity.
    Teacher. Who is the author of these lines? Slide 2
    "Lukomorye has a green oak,
    Golden chain on tom oak:
    And day and night, the cat is a scientist
    Everything goes around in a chain ... "
    Esenin S.A.
    Balmont K.D.
    Pushkin A.S.
    Marshak S.Ya.
    Children. Pushkin.
    Teacher. What did Alexander Sergeevich write?
    Children. Poems, fairy tales, stories.
    Teacher. And how can all this be called in one word: poems, fairy tales, stories?
    Children. These are texts.
    Teacher. And what are the texts made of?
    Children. The texts are made up of sentences.
    Teacher. And what are the proposals made of?
    Children. Sentences are made up of words.
    Teacher. What do we call words in speech?
    Children. Parts of speech.
    Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
    Teacher. So, you guessed what we are going to talk about today? The topic of our lesson today:
    Repetition of knowledge about text, sentence, parts
    Teacher. Let's formulate the goals of our lesson. Slide 3
    Children. Recall everything we know about a sentence, about parts of speech, about texts.
    Exercise in parsing sentences, in identifying parts of speech.
    Teacher. Guys. Why do you think at the beginning of the lesson we remembered A.S. Pushkin?
    Children. (Children's assumptions)
    Teacher. Yes, today we will repeat this knowledge, based on the texts of Pushkin.
    Learning new material.
    Introductory speech of the teacher.
    2015 is declared the Year of Literature in Russia. June 6 - Day of the Russian language. This is a Russian and international holiday. And it is celebrated on the birthday of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich was born on June 6, 1799. Slide 4.
    - Why do you think this day was chosen for this holiday?
    Children. Because Pushkin wrote many interesting works (etc.).
    Teacher. Quite right. Pushkin was recognized as a genius during his lifetime. In philology, this is the science of language, he is regarded as the creator of the Russian literary language. Here. What the Russian writer Turgenev I.S. wrote about him: (Slide 5)
    "He gave the final processing to our language, which is now, in its richness, strength, logic and beauty of form, is recognized even by foreign philologists almost the first after the ancient Greek ..."
    Ancient Greek and Latin are considered classical, i.e. the most important. The Bible was written on them. This is how highly foreign philologists (these are scientists studying languages) have given our language, thanks to Alexander Sergeevich.
    Spelling minute.
    Teacher. Write down the date, class work.
    Write down the sentence, underline all known spelling. (Slide 6)
    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian poet. (Work in notebooks, commenting)
    Repetition of knowledge about the text.
    Teacher. What do we call text?
    Children. This is a group of sentences that are related in meaning.
    Teacher. What kinds of texts do you know?
    Children. Narrative text, reasoning text, description text.
    Teacher. Here we also have a magic oak, and we will decorate it with leaves. (There is a drawing of an oak on the magnetic board. The teacher attaches sheets with the words: narrative text, description text, reasoning text.) Describe each type of text.
    Children. They answer.
    Repetition of knowledge about the proposal.
    Teacher. What does the text consist of?
    Children. The text consists of sentences.
    Teacher. What do you know about the offer?
    Children. The sentence expresses a complete thought.
    Group work.
    Teacher. Now you will complete the assignments in groups.
    1 group.


    Describe each species.


    Define the known members of the proposal.
    Children's answers. Children write terms with a marker and attach to the "oak". (Narrative, interrogative, incentive, exclamation, non-exclamation, common, uncommon, subject, predicate)
    Development of spelling vigilance.
    Teacher. Now we will turn to the work of Pushkin. Guys, what fairy tales did Alexander Sergeevich write?
    Children. They answer.
    Teacher. Many children get acquainted with Pushkin's fairy tales even before school. Now you will guess the magic objects and heroes from Pushkin's fairy tales.
    Children write down answers, explain spelling, and name fairy tales. Slide 7.
    The fish is not simple
    It sparkles with scales
    Swims, dives,
    Fulfills desires. (Goldfish. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
    The interlocutor is not simple.
    Not alive, but talking
    Tell the real truth. (Mirror. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes") A cloud goes through the sky,
    Something is floating on the sea
    There is a queen and a child in it.
    Well, don't yawn
    Guess this transport! (Barrel. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") A little danger lurks -
    Faithful Guardian on a Fine Spoke
    It will move, it will start,
    To the other side will turn. (Golden Cockerel. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel") A farm laborer lives in a priest's house,
    Usually sleeps on straw.
    Eats spelled for four,
    Works for seven. (Balda. "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda") Teacher. Now is the time to rest. We will perform the exercises together with the heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales.
    Physical minute. Performed against the background of a melody while visiting a fairy tale. Children are doing exercises.
    Consolidation of knowledge.
    Teacher. And now we will go to the wonderful world of Pushkin poetry.
    (Pictures from fairy tales, tasks for each fairy tale.)
    "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" Slide 8
    “I asked, you fool, a trough!
    Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
    Go back, you fool, you go to the fish;
    Bow to her, beg for a hut already "
    Teacher. Who do these words belong to? Give a description of each sentence for the purpose of the statement. (Children answer)
    - Write down the incentive sentence.
    "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" Slide 9
    “Oh, you disgusting glass!
    This is you lying to me for evil.
    How can she compete with me?
    I’ll calm the foolishness in her.
    See how grown up! "
    Teacher. Who do these words belong to? Describe these intonation suggestions.
    "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" Slide 10
    "In the blue sky, the stars shine, In the blue sea, waves whip; A cloud goes across the sky, A barrel floats on the sea"
    Write off the sentence, underline the main terms.
    - What can you say about the proposal?
    Children. This sentence is complex and has four grammatical foundations.
    Teacher. Draw a diagram of this proposal. (Checking through the camera on the interactive whiteboard)
    "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" Slide 11
    "... The faithful watchman, as if from a dream, Stir, wake up, Turn to the other side"
    Teacher. Who are these lines about? (About the cockerel)
    - Explain the placement of punctuation marks.
    Children. This is a sentence with homogeneous predicates.
    Teacher. Write this sentence down. Define a grammatical base, draw a diagram.
    "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" Slide 12.
    Teacher. Finally, we are in "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"
    What parts of speech do you know?
    Write off sentences, designate parts of speech.
    Option I.
    "Balda lives in a priest's house ..."
    Option II.
    "Balda went to the nearest forest ..."
    Disassemble as parts of speech: lives, (in) neighbor
    Checking with comments.
    Reflection. Slide 13
    Such wonderful tales were written by A.S. Pushkin.
    - What topic did we work on today?
    - What have you learned about Pushkin?
    - What knowledge did we improve?
    - Now paint the oak leaves, each leaf can be multi-colored: (Slide 14)
    Learned new
    It was interesting
    I wanted to learn new things about Pushkin
    The leaves are attached to the magnetic board.
    - That's what we got a beautiful oak! I see a lot of red.
    Guys, what do you want to know about Alexander Sergeevich?
    (About his family, about creativity, how and where he studied, what he liked to do)
    - Where can you find out about this?
    (In the library, on the Internet)
    Homework. (Slide 15)
    From the texts of poems or fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, write out three sentences you like, emphasize the grammatical basis.
    Resources used. Texts of A.S. Pushkin
    Annex 1
    What suggestions are there for the purpose of the statement? (Write terms on sheets)
    Give orally a description of each type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement.
    What suggestions are there for intonation? (Write terms on sheets)
    Describe each species.
    What proposals are there for the presence of secondary members of the proposal? (Write terms on sheets)
    Describe these types of proposals.
    Group 4.
    What is the grammatical base of a sentence? (Write terms on sheets)
    Give definitions to famous members of the proposal
    Appendix 2

    1. Organizational issues. Topic message.

    Purpose: to acquaint with the events of the life of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the compilers of the Slavic alphabet.

    Equipment: a portrait of Cyril and Methodius, an alphabet, the words are written on the board: "Glory, brothers to you, the Slavs are enlighteners", the children are wearing sundresses, shirt-blouses, the costume of "History", "Clergyman".

    During the classes

    Lesson topic message.

    Teacher: Read the lesson topic on the chalkboard. What do you think our lesson is about?

    (Student Answers)

    Teacher: Our lesson is dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing. Many years ago, our Bulgarian brothers laid the foundation for this wonderful tradition. On the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, May 24, school studies are coming to an end in Bulgaria. Teachers, students and their parents take to the streets of Sofia with a magnificent bright procession. Children and adults carry banners, banners and homemade flags with Slavic letters. Poems and prayers are heard glorifying the enlighteners of the Slavs:

    Brothers! Holy double

    We will joyfully honor this day!

    Honest educators

    Let's make the memory lightly.

    With a song of praise, great voice

    Let us praise them:

    Rejoice, Kirill,

    Rejoice, Methodius,

    Rejoice, Slovenian countries apostles!

    Lesson topic message.

    The wonderful tradition of celebrating the Days of Slavic Written Language has been revived in Russia as well. We weave into this Slavic wreath and our Russian flower - the Holiday of the Russian language. We are preparing for this big and very important spiritual and educational holiday in advance, learning and repeating poems, odes to the glory of the great Slavic teachers!

    (A knock on the door, a girl enters with a "History" sign on her head)

    Story: Good afternoon. Who am I? I came to you in a time machine from the distant past, from the 9th century. With me is a history tape with dates, names, words, concepts. (Hangs the alphabet on the board). I see the following words on the blackboard: "Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs"

    Who are the brothers? Who are the Slavs?

    How do you understand the word enlighteners?

    Teacher: The memory of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Equal to the Apostles, is celebrated throughout the Christian world - on May 24.

    Saints Cyril and Methodius are before us

    We honor their great and glorious holiday.

    Their simple letters - aren't they sparks?

    Is it not a splash of heavenly rays?

    Sheaves of Great Eternal Light

    They shone over people's lives.

    North Slavic from the bright south

    They carried those holy sparks,

    And they were not blown out by a severe blizzard,

    They flared up in the bosom of the earth.

    You are clean, young, lovely children!

    Love the saints of these saints!

    And let before you in a mysterious light

    Their faces shine in golden crowns.

    In heavy doubt, in everyday adversity.

    In trouble, you repeat their names.

    Our teachers, Cyril and Methodius

    They keep us with prayer for all time.

    History: There are many versions about the origin of the word SLAVS, one of them is that it came from the words HEAR, FORCE, that is, to become famous, to be famous or glorified. The scientist wrote that by the names of their heroes, the people were first called so within their country, and then the "glorious" name was established throughout the world.

    Teacher: So who are the enlighteners of the Slavs, what are they famous for? Let's listen to a historical song written by the Dyakov family.


    Many years have passed since those distant times,

    Many waters are glass in the sea-ocean,

    And that feat is alive, passed through the centuries

    And he was embodied in the sound of letters.

    Oh, a long time ago, 1000 years ago

    To the emperor, yes great,

    The man came from Moravia

    With pain, with a request for the people for their own -

    Preach a sermon, but understandable,

    So that with Christ he could have a message of conversation.

    It was no coincidence that the choice fell then -

    On Cyril-light and Methodius,

    The Solunski brothers from Macedonia.

    Betrothed to Kirill from childhood with Wisdom,

    He learned important secrets of sciences,

    The experience was rich and the soul is pure.

    And Methodius the brother was very modest,

    Taking care of the younger brother in everything,

    Younger brother and beloved.

    And Kirill created in a short time

    The letters of the Slavs, to teach from them,

    I took the ancient letters as a basis,

    The letters are ancient, Phoenician.

    He took both the Gospel and the Psalter,

    He translated everything from the Greek language,

    Methodius the brother helped him.

    Saying goodbye to your mother,

    And having prayed diligently,

    The bright brothers set off,

    We went on a difficult path, to a foreign place.

    They carried to the city of Velehrad

    Your knowledge and invaluable work.

    The people met them with great joy,

    Rostislav honored them.

    And they all listened with amazement

    To the wonderful sounds of familiar and understandable words.

    People are messengers and chosen ones,

    Gifted, illuminated,

    They go on a difficult path, carry a heavy cross,

    But their deeds live for centuries.

    Teacher: From the "Tale of Bygone Years" - we learn that once the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk, and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Mikhail with the following words: "Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and teach us, and explained the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; some teach us this way, while others teach us otherwise, from this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about the book words and their meaning. "

    Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine and Methodius and sent them to the Slavic land. The first teachers of the Slavs Cyril and Methodius were born and lived in Greece in the city of Soluni in the 9th century. They were famous for their learning and education, deep faith in God and good knowledge of the Slavic language. Therefore, the Greek patriarch Photius and Tsar Michael directed them to preach the Words of God to the Slavic peoples in a language they understand, which is why we call them Equal-to-the-Apostles, since, like Christ's disciples, they carried the word of God to other peoples.

    It happened in 863. The holy brothers folded the letters, invented the Slavic alphabet, specially adapted for the accurate transmission of Slavic speech, and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. Together with their disciples, they translated all the Holy Scriptures from Greek into a language understandable to every Slav. The Church Slavonic language came to us in Russia in 988. after Prince Vladimir accepted holy baptism, and then all of Russia was baptized. "And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language."

    History: And how do you understand this expression “Start from scratch”, “Az and beeches - that's all sciences”, “Don't bother, beeches, start from scratch”. All this was said by the Slavic people about letters. And what proverbs and sayings about the word, letters do you know? (Give out tokens)

    (Children call proverbs, and history distributes tokens).

    With the advent of the national writing system, each nation marks a special milestone in its history, but it is not always possible to set such a milestone with accuracy even in several centuries. Slavic, and therefore our Russian, writing has an amazing origin. We not only can determine the time of its appearance with an accuracy of up to a year, but we also know the names of its creators - these are the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius.

    Teacher: In ancient Russia, children were taught to read and write by clergy-priests or deacons. Children were not given marks, and for unlearned lessons they flogged the children with rods, put them in a corner, and left them without lunch. In the old days, they wrote with goose pens, scribes at monasteries copied books by hand, and it took a year or more to make one book. The letters were not as clumsy as those of some of our students, but even, straight, clear. They also painted the capital letters with a brush, and these letters looked more like different objects and people. The capital letters were called LETTER. And they used to write with ink, which was made from ink nuts, cherry glue, tannins. The first books were made of parchment - specially processed pork or calf skin. In Russia they were called CHARATY SCROLLS / Church Slavonic alphabet - "Cyrillic" unchanged to this day is used by our Russian Orthodox Church.

    History: I invite everyone to go to the distant past. Close all eyes ... 1,2,3.

    (A disciple comes out in the clothes of a clergyman)

    Apprentice Priest: Sit down, my children.

    Children! You should

    Wake up early

    Wash your face white

    To gather in God's church,

    For the alphabet to be taken!

    Pray to God!

    And then everything will be all right for you. So, we repeat the letters.

    Az, beeches - take the pointer in your hands,

    Az, beeches, verendei - flies flew into kvass,

    Er, ery - grandfather fell from the mountain,

    Az, beeches - that's all science.

    May 24 - Day of Remembrance of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing. Russia traditionally celebrates the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture. This holiday, after many decades of oblivion, was revived in our country in 1986, and in 1991 it was given the status of a state one. Today we will talk about the current state of the Russian language and its place in the world.

    2. Task ... Write down the beginning of the phrase and compose its continuation: "For me, the Russian language is ..." Make it so that you get a complex sentence, part of which is complicated by homogeneous members. Explain the setting of the dash in the sentence.

    3. Exercise 13 ... Read the poem out loud.

    How can you call the experience, intonation, living in a poem?

    How do you think, how would the author of this poem continue the sentence about the Russian language?

    The teacher's word about (the largest writer of the twentieth century, the Nobel laureate, who emigrated to France in 1920 at the age of 50, wrote there only about Russia, which he took with him in his heart, and only in Russian, although he lived in a foreign land for more than 30 years and fluent in French)

    And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears,
    And the azure, and the midday heat ...
    The time will come - the Lord of the prodigal son will ask:
    "Have you been happy in earthly life?"

    And I will forget everything - I will only remember these
    Field paths between ears and grasses -
    And I won't have time to answer from sweet tears,
    Sinking to the merciful knees.

    This poem, written by him in 1918 in the south of Russia, where he was forced to "retreat" with the White Army, is a farewell to his homeland.

    Let's see what opportunities the native language provided the poet for expressing a complex range of feelings?

    Determine the speech style of this text.

    Let's turn to the text of a different style.

    Saints Cyril and Methodius

    Brothers Cyril and Methodius grew up in a noble family who lived in the Greek city of Soluni. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, Constantine was the youngest. Methodius had a military rank and was the ruler of one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to the Byzantine Empire, Bulgarian, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language.

    Future Slavic educators received an excellent upbringing and education. Constantine discovered extraordinary mental gifts from infancy. Studying at the Solunskaya school and not yet reaching fifteen years of age, he had already read the books of the most profound of the Church Fathers of the IV century - Gregory the Theologian. The rumor about the talent of Constantine reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the son of the emperor under the best teachers of the capital of Byzantium. Constantine studied ancient literature with the famous scientist Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople. Constantine studied with the best teachers of Constantinople and perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages, having received the nickname Philosopher for his intelligence and outstanding knowledge. He also comprehended philosophy, rhetoric, mathematics, astronomy and music. Constantine awaited a brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble beautiful girl. But he preferred to retire to a monastery on Mount Olympus to see Methodius, his brother, - tells his biography, in order to constantly pray and engage in pious reflections.

    However, Constantine did not manage to spend time in solitude for a long time. As the best preacher of the faith, defender of Orthodoxy, he was often sent to neighboring countries to participate in disputes. These trips were very successful for Constantine. Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Constantine's whole life was filled with frequent difficult, difficult trials and hard work. This undermined his strength, and at 42 he became very ill. Shortly before his death, he accepted monasticism with the name Cyril and died quietly in 869. It happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek support from the Pope in their main business - the spread of Slavic writing. Before his death, Cyril said to his brother: “You and I, like two oxen, led the same furrow. I was exhausted, but do not think to leave the labors of teaching and retire to your mountain again ”. Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. Enduring hardships and vilification, he continued the great work - the translation of the Holy Books into the Slavic language, the preaching of the Orthodox faith, the baptism of the Slavic people. As his successor, he left the best of his students, the Archbishop of Gorazd, and about two hundred priests trained by him - Slavs.

    We learn about the beginning of Slavic writing from the main Russian chronicle - "The Tale of Bygone Years". It tells how one day the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Mikhail with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and teach us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; some teach us this way, and others differently, from this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who can tell us about the words of the book and the meaning of them. " Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Constantine and Methodius, and "the tsar persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic land ... When these brothers came, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel."

    This happened in 863. From here the Slavic writing originates. "And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language." Then the brothers translated the Psalter, Octoechos and other church books.

    With the adoption of Christianity, the Slavic alphabet also came to Russia. And in Kiev, and in Novgorod, and in other cities, schools began to be created for teaching Slavic literacy. Teachers from Bulgaria appeared in the Russian land - the successors of the work of Cyril and Methodius.

    The new alphabet was named "Cyrillic" after the monastic name of Constantine. The Slavic alphabet was compiled on the basis of the Greek, significantly changing it to convey the Slavic sound system. Two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Initially, there was a strong belief that only three languages ​​are worthy for worship and writing church books (Hebrew, Greek and Latin). The Pope, after the brothers introduced the new alphabet, approved the divine service in the Slavic language, and ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in Roman churches and to perform the liturgy in the Slavic language.

    4. Exercise 9 ... Read the text. What style of speech does he belong to?

    Complete the tasks from the exercise.

    5. Exercise 1 ... From this exercise, select 2 questions that you would like to answer. Write the answers in a notebook and read them in small groups.

    6. Read the texts exercise 2,6,8 and formulate several reasons why it is now important and necessary to learn Russian for both Russian citizens and foreigners.

    (Additional information is offered in the form of a computer presentation, the slides of which contain data published on the Internet in connection with the celebration of the "Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture")

    7. Generalization.

    What new have you learned about the place and role of the Russian language in the modern world? What made you worry and what made you proud as native speakers of this language? What conclusions have you made about your native language that are important for yourself?

    Abstract of the Russian language lesson,

    dedicated to the Day of the Russian language

    Grade 10

    Russian language and literature teacher

    MAOU SOSH №38, Kaliningrad

    Voitenko Elena Petrovna

    2018 Nov.


    Topic: "Language-keeper of the spiritual culture of the nation."

    Integrated lesson of speech development in grade 10

    (Russian language, literature).

    Target: education of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people.
    ... Educational

    Raising love for the native word, the Russian language as a symbol of the state;

    Fostering a sense of pride in the strength and beauty of the Russian word as an exponent of the mentality of the Russian nation;

    Fostering a respect for the word.

    2 ... Educational

    Improving the skill of multidimensional text analysis;

    Creation of your own artistic text as an emotional response to the raised topic.

    3. Developing

    Development of students' critical thinking when working with text;

    Development of emotional responsiveness and sensitivity to the wealth and beauty of the Russian word;

    Development of the creative abilities of students.

    Methods and technologies used in the lesson: - dialogue technology, polylogue;

    Person-centered learning;

    Critical thinking technology elements;

    Productive and creative method (essay writing).

    "Preservation of the Russian language, literature and culture

    - these are issues of national security,

    preserving their identity in the global world ”,

    Vladimir Putin at the congress of the Society of Russian Literature.

    Lesson structure I stage

    Challenge (creating creative motivation for a speech development lesson).

    1. The word of the teacher.

    Russian language! What a storm of feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences will rush over each of us with the thoughtful pronunciation of this phrase! For many of us, Russian is our native language.

    But the native language for a person's personality is about the same as air for his body. In language we think, communicate, create, make decisions, and if unfree breathing is a threat to life, then unfree language skills are a threat to the individual. Yes, the most important communication tool isword. Correct speech is indispensable. Business is the ability to speak persuasively. Politics is the ability to convince and win sympathy. And ordinary human relationships - friendship, cooperation, love - are permeated through and through with words. A person's ideas about the world and his country in this world are reflected in word usage: after all, everything begins with a word and ends in a word.

    Language is the foundation of spiritual culture. This is the beautiful thing that we inherited from our ancestors. Language is a connection between times and peoples. Everyone should love, respect and value their language, no matter what language group they belong to.

    Respect for one's language is respect for oneself, for one's Motherland.

    The topic of today's lesson is one of the stages of an important dialogue about the spiritual traditions of our Fatherland, which you can continue in the lessons of literature, history, social studies, and a foreign language.

    2. Comprehension of the epigraph.

    Let's turn to the epigraph of the lesson. Find your keywords.

    Composing a cluster

    Russian language

    Saving, saving

    National security

    Your identity

    Global world

    Group work (students use explanatory dictionaries)

    Give an interpretation of the keywords.

    Discussion of lexical meanings.

    How do you understand the main idea of ​​the epigraph?

    Preserving the Russian language is not only preserving the culture of the people, its spiritual component, but preservingnation.

    II stage



    Reading text

    Multidimensional analysis

    Working in pairs

    Title text


    This is what the historical responsibility lies with each generation for the transmission of the language in safety and purity, which means that the same responsibility lies with every person.The great Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky pointed out that the native language is the best expression of the spiritual properties of the people.

    1. Reading and comprehending the text.

    “The language of the people is the best, never fading and eternally blossoming color of all their spiritual life, which begins far beyond the boundaries of history. The whole people and their whole homeland are spiritualized in the language; in it, the creative force of the people's spirit transforms into thought, into a picture and sound of the sky of the motherland, its air, its physical phenomena, its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, its forests and rivers, its storms and thunderstorms - all that deep, full of thought and feelings are the voice of native nature, which speaks so loudly about man's love for his sometimes harsh homeland, which is expressed so clearly in native songs and native tunes, in the mouths of folk poets. But in the light, transparent depths of the folk language, not only the nature of the native country is reflected, but the whole history of the spiritual life of the people ... Language is the most lively, most abundant and strong connection, uniting the outdated, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole. He not only expresses the vitality of the people, but is precisely this very life. When the national language disappears, there is no more people! " (K. D. Ushinsky "Native Word").

    Questions and tasks:

      Read the text to yourself, head it.

      Read the text expressively out loud.

      What is this text about? What is its theme?

      How does he prove his point? What are the arguments?

      What conclusion does it make?

      What means of artistic expression help the author to convincingly state his position?

    2. Reflection on what you have read (creating your own text).

    Do you share the author's point of view? Answer the question in writing.

    3. Solution of the linguoculturological problem.

    Teacher. Cyril and Methodius are the creators of Slavic writing. Russia traditionally celebrates the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture on May 24. In 863, they created the alphabet for the Slavic peoples converted to Christianity, from that time the Slavic writing and book-writing originated.It must be remembered that each word has its own historical root, its own deep spiritual meaning.

    Exercise: write your associations with the wordgratitude.

    (check the records).

    I suggest you study what the word "gratitude" means. When and how did it appear in the language?

    To understand the meaning of the word "gratitude", let us turn to the materials of etymological, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries, to the works of philosophers and publicists.In this work, we use materials from the following sources: "Dictionary of the Russian language" by SI Ozhegov, "Etymological dictionary" by M. Fasmer, "Etymological dictionary" by NM Shansky, "Etymological dictionary of the Russian language" by A.V. Semenov, "Etymological dictionary of the Russian language "I.A. Krylov," Explanatory dictionary "V.I. Dahland etc.

    Group work: with handouts.

    Group number 1. Lexicography of the word.

    1.Explanatory Dictionary of V.I.Dahl:

    To thank or thank someone, on what, for what, to give in word or deed, or to wish someone good, good; express gratitude, appreciation; declare himself a debtor for a service, recognize a favor; thank someone, say thank you. Not to the host's guests, but to the host to thank the guests. Thanksgiving is the act of a person giving thanks, an expression of thanks, gratitude; gratitude - a feeling of gratitude, a desire to repay someone for a favor, service, good deed; the very execution of this in practice. Giving or grateful - capable. Grace is the gifts of the Holy Spirit; help, sending from above, to fulfill the will of God; mercy, good deed, beneficence, help, advantage, benefit, abundance, abundance, contentment.

    2.Explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova :

    GRATITUDE - Feeling grateful to someone. for the kindness rendered, attention, service. Accept with gratitude something. Bring b. someone Do something. as a token of gratitude or b. for something. 2. only plural. Words expressing these feelings (colloquial). Scatter in gratitude. 4. Formal action. Declare b. in the order. Get B. from the directorate.

    3. Explanatory Dictionary of D.N. Ushakova:

    Gratitude - 1) a feeling of gratitude for the good rendered. 2) the expression of this feeling. Scatter in gratitude. 3) a bribe.

    Output: common in the interpretation of the word "gratitude" in the explanatory dictionaries of D.N. Ushakov, V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegova is that gratitude is interpreted as a feeling or its expression. But in D.N. Ushakov also mentions the meaning of gratitude as a bribe, and in S.I. Ozhegova as an official action.

    Group number 2. Etymology of the word.

    1.Etymological dictionary of the Russian language I.A. Krylova:

    Borrowing from Old Church Slavonic, where the noun good ("good, happiness") arose on the basis of the neuter adjective good - "good". The original Russian form of this word was preserved only in the name of the city of Bologoye between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    2. :


    Old Russian is a swamp.

    Old Church Slavonic is a blessing.

    Common Slavic - bolgo (good).

    The word "good" in the meaning of "good, benefit" has been known since the Old Russian era (XI-XII centuries).

    In the full-voiced form of "bologo" it is borrowed from Church Slavonic, where a close modern form of "good" was used.

    The word goes back to the common Slavic substantive neuter adjective bolgo from bolgъ (-а, -о) - "good, kind, good."

    Related are:

    Ukrainian is good.

    Czech - blaho.

    Derivatives: beneficent, charitable, prosperity, beneficent, benefactor, grace, noble, ennoble.

    3. Etymological dictionary by A. Sitnikova :.


    From Art. lang. Art. - sl. good - "good, happiness" arose on the basis of the addendum. Wed R. good - "good" as a result of the morphological and syntactic way of word formation.

    This word, like many words with the first part good (grace, prosperity, benefactor, complacency, etc.), came from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it was a tracing of the Greek word meaning the parts “good, good” and “give, present”.

    Give thanks, gratitude, thanksgiving, appreciation.

    4.Etymological Dictionary of M. Vasmer :

    good blessing - cer. glory. borrowing instead of primordial Russian. * bolog; see big.

    It is very commonly used blessings as the correspondence of the Greek. εὑ-e.g .: pious εὑσεβής, well-meaning εὑήθης, noble εὑγενής, etc..

    5.Etymological dictionary of N.M. Shansky:

    Thanks to. Icons.Arose from the participle thanks to - from thanking, borrowing. from st. lang., derivational tracing paper, Greek. eucharisteīn (eu "good, good", charisteīn "to give, to present").

    Output: Comparison of dictionary entries of various etymological dictionaries about the word "thank you" allows us to conclude that all authors of etymological dictionaries believe: the word "thank you" comes from the Old Slavonic "good", which came from the ancient Greek language.

    Group number 3. Interpretation of a word in other dictionaries and encyclopedias.

    1. Bezrukova V.S. Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture:

    GRATITUDE is the attitude of a person to a person who has rendered him a good deed in the past, a service to a person (group, organization), expressed in a special feeling of readiness to respond with mutual good deeds and in appropriate practical actions.

    2. Letyagova T.V. A thousand states of mind: a short psychological and philological dictionary:

    Gratitude is an emotional and sensory state of gratitude, a high assessment of the significance of someone's actions, relationships. It is expressed as love, respect for a person or a team of an organization, as a willingness to do reciprocal good.

    3. Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical terminological dictionary:

    Gratitude is a feeling of approval or love for another person for a good deed. As a moral feeling and obligation B. goes back to the ancient relations of ceremonial exchange of gifts, as well as to the relationship of reciprocity of services. In the history of thought, many moralists saw b. the fundamental manifestation of the goodness of human activity. Initially b. understood as a response by service to service, as reciprocity, characterizing selfish relationships (Aristotle, Seneca, I. Kant. explain B. as a special kind of donation, namely, disinterested, voluntary, valuable in itself, is conceptualized gradually. as a virtue Christianity understands b as a duty.

    Output: the above dictionaries consider gratitude as a moral quality of a person, characterized by gratitude and a willingness to respond with mutual action.

    Group No. 4. The interpretation of the word in the Bible.

    “To give thanks, gratitude, thanksgiving, gratitude ... Both the verb and the noun in the Old Testament are represented by the word"Yadhah" , and in the New Testament - the Greek word"Euchariste" ... And the word"Eucharisteo" - usually in Greek it is used in the direct meaning "to thank", while the word"Yadhah" is one of the synonyms for such concepts as "glorify", "praise", "bless". Therefore, in the Old Testament, this word is often translated as praise, glorification, chanting, praise, praise.

    In the New Testament, Gratitude to God is the praise and glorification of our Creator for who He is and for His great deeds. " This is Gratitude to God for his sacrifice for the salvation of man.And according to Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko): “The holiday of Easter is a holidaythanks because it is gratitude that lies at the foundation of Christianity. "

    Old Testament

    New Testament







    Same as

    "Glorify", "praise", "bless"



    praise, glorification, chanting of God

    gratitude to God for his sacrifice for the salvation of man

    Output: the word "thank you" comes from the Old Slavonic "good", which came from the ancient Greek language. - a common Slavic word meaning "good", a verbpresent like a noun , are also common Slavic. The curious thing is: the word is formedthank just like the Greek word eucharistein with the same meaning in Greek for "good", charistein - "to give", "to offer." In this case, the Russian language borrowed not the word itself, but the method of its formation. This method is called tracing paper.Eucharist , according to Christian doctrine, - a sacrament in which, under the guise of bread and wineChristians partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This Sacrament forms the basis of the main Christian worship, the Divine Liturgy.. In this regard, we can talk about the enormous importance of this moral category for the worldview of the Russian person - the bearer of Christian, namely Orthodox culture.

    Teacher. As you can see, comprehension of the secret of the word reveals its depth and true meaning. Every Russian word has a soul.Vladimir Ivanovich Dal wrote:"You can't joke with language: human speech is a visible connection, a link between soul and body, spirit and flesh."

    The Russian language is our national treasure. Our task is to pass on this jewel to subsequent generations in beauty, wealth and purity. Ivan Bunin wrote about the high purpose of the word. Expressive reading of the poem "Word":

    Tombs, mummies and bones are silent,

    Life is given only to a word:

    From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

    Only letters sound.

    And we have no other property!

    Know how to protect

    Though to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

    Our immortal gift is speech.


    Creation of creative works.

      Creative work : Remember the topic of the lesson, the meaning of the epigraph and finish the sentence"In relation to each person's attitude to their language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also about .....". (K.G. Paustovsky).

      Reading creative works. Comparison with the original source.

    “With respect to the attitude of each person to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also aboutits civic value ) ". (K.G. Paustovsky).



    What new did you learn about Russian in the lesson today?

    What have you learned about yourself after today's lesson?

    I propose to finish our lesson with the words of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov: “The native word, learned and comprehended in childhood, nourishes the soul with poetry, born of history, culture, traditions of the people, awakens in a person the sources of national pride. The native language is a repository of spiritual values. A person who refuses his native language is cut off from the roots of his ancestors, he cannot be a patriot of his small homeland. Any language is one of the main conditions for the unity and successful development of a nation. In this case, the Russian language is the greatest treasury of the national spiritual culture of the Russian people, the repository of its spiritual and moral ideas and ideals. Linguistic education provides a familiarization of a person with the spiritual heritage of previous generations and is the basis for the formation of ethnic and civic identity of the individual. "

    Homework: write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of M.A. Sholokhov.

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