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Class hour "December 1 - day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Class hour on the topic: "The first president of Kazakhstan - the leader of the nation leader of the nation class hour

Class hour "Leader of the Nation - N.A.Nazarbayev"

Purpose: expand the knowledge of the leader kazakh people, first President RK N. A.



    formation of students in Kazakhstani patriotism, peacefulness, national consent, active civil position;

    develop cognitive abilities;

    bring up a sense of patriotism, pride for their country

Classroom time

I. Organizational moment

Teacher's introductory word

- Tomorrow, our entire country will celebrate such a holiday that no one has celebrated. What is this holiday?

- Today is our class day dedicated to this day?


- What do you think this holiday is dedicated to our president? (This is a worthy person, respected by everyone.)

- What is our state called?

- Do you know how it was formed?

2. Work on the theme of the class hour

- There is an amazing legend about the creation of Kazakhstan. She says: "In the days of the creation of the world, God created the sky and land, the sea and oceans, all countries, all the continents, and about Kazakhstan forgot. I remembered the last minute, and there is no longer the material. From different places quickly grabbed a piece - the edges of America, the edge of Italy, the segment of the desert of Africa, the strip of the Caucasus, folded and stuck where to be Kazakhstan. " It is impossible not to believe this legend, because on our amazing land you can find everything: and eternally bare spaces of anhydrous salt chamber, and the most picturesque contrast of the mountains, and the blue sky, and the vast ferry of the seas, and magnificent forests.

Chakenes Baimbet:
Oh Kazakhstan, my republic -
Favorite, what is the happiness,
That you are native - my homeland
And on sunny days and in the days of bad weather.

Shugaev Temirlan:
I love the steppe spaces yours,
Love and high mountains your
Lakes, rivers, sea,
After all, it is you native land.

Poems about Motherland

Baigabulov Sultan
Otan Degen Atameken!
Otan Degen Touran Zhere!
Otan Ana, Otan үlken!
Kazakhstan Tuang ate!

Sabyak Nurgali :
Otan Menің - Ata - Anam,
Othan Dos, Bauyrym!
Otan өLken - Astana.
Othan Tuang - Auyl!

Martynyuk Leonid:
In our region you do not consider big lakes,
In our region you do not find woody mountains.
In our region, there is no brave people
Inhabited from a long time steppe space.

Lucky people of Kazakhstan, which is in such a significant historical time and in its historical fate to the political arena, such a leader came out as Nursultan Nazarbaev. He wears the honorary title "Leader of the Nation" - Kaz. "Elabasy"

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is the founder of a new independent state. Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Adopted amendments to the draft law "On the Holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan", adding to the already existing holidays the day of the first president of Kazakhstan, which will be celebrated on December 1.

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev (Kaz. Nұrsұltan әB) Nazarbayev; r. July 6, 1940, with. Cheolang, Kasklansky district, Alma-Ata region) - Soviet and Kazakhstani state and political figure.

Senate Parliament Republic of Kazakhstan (Kaz. Kazkstan Republic Dassensң Parliament Senata) - Upper Chamber of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The achievements of the first president are of great respect and confidence from the people.

- Why exactly December 1? (December 1, 1991 was the first election of the president)

Official Status N. A. Nazarbayev

- Is it easy to be president? Look, where you need to be the first and carry more responsible for it. (I read two lines) - and difficult, and honorably

Symbols and signs of presidential power

The president Republic of Kazakhstan as higher official States have their own personal symbols and signs of differences.

One of them is breast sign of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan (Kaz. Kazakhstan), officially Republic of Kazakhstan (Abbreviation of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is the state in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, less to Europe. Population - 17,994,200 people.

Official - a person who is engaged in appointment or by the results of elections of the function of the representative of the authorities, constantly, temporarily or in accordance with special powers in government agencies, enterprises, organizations, parties, public institutions, organizations and formations of positions related to the implementation of organizational and administrative or administrative duties.

The breast name of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a sign of the honors from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The place of constant storage of the president's sign was determined by the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana, where he was put up for everyone to review in the hall of the state awards, which Nursultan Nazarbayev was awarded.

This sign is put on president of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the occasion of inauguration, during public holidays, when conducting military parades and receptions of officials of foreign states.

HOLIDAY - Time segment allocated in the calendar in honor of something or anyone having a sacred (not domestic, mythical) value and related to cultural or religious tradition. The word is also used in other, similar in meaning, values: official day of rest, established due to the calendar event, the opposite of everyday life; massive entertainment events, a funny transmission of free time; day of any joyful event; The general state of the mental lift (usually in phrases: "Holiday of life", etc.).

Childhood . On July 6, 1940, the long-awaited boy, whom the parents called Nursultan were born to Zhailu Ushkonõh in Zailia Alatau.

Youth . At school, Nursultan studied very diligently and with interest. Then he graduated with honors vocational school And became a metallurgist.

Vocational school (abbreviated PU) is a secondary professional (earlier primary vocational education) educational institution in Russia and the countries of the former USSR on the preparation of skilled workers by professions requiring an increased educational level.

Youth . Youth N.A.Nazarbayeva was held by the city of Temitau, where he met his wife Sarah Alpovsu.

Mature years. Since 1972, he occupies senior posts.

December 1, 1991 The first elections of the President of the Kazakh SSR took place.

December 10, 1991 The Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopts the Law on Raming the Kazakh SSR to the Republic of Kazakhstan and conducts the inauguration of the President of Kazakhstan.

December 16, 1991 The independence of the Republic and Nursultan Nazarbayev became proclaimed President of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kaz. Kazatskan Republic Dassena) - Head of State, Higher Official and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. His powers are determined by the special section of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A family . As with all ordinary people, N.Nazarbayev has a family. Sarah Alpisovna Nazarbayev's wife and 3 daughters: Dariga, Dinara and Alia. He has 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandfathers. This is a loving father and grandfather.

International recognition. Kazakhstan was recognized world communityThanks to his leader.

The world community (international community) is a political term, often used in the work on political science, speeches of statesmen and in the media to indicate the interrelated system of the states of the world.

People's President with the people

"He came out of the people" - so they say about the president of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev grew up in a simple rural family and is familiar with the needs of ordinary people.

All socio-economic reforms in the country are held for the benefit of the people.
- How do we see the fulfillment of these reforms in your city? (Schools are built, kindergartens, houses, hospitals, improve roads, cleanliness, comfort in the city.

Kindergarten is an institution for public education of preschool children. Kindergartens as a type of institution exist in most countries and are usually the first link in the national education system (not counting the formation received from parents).

In each working visit to the Regions of N. Nazarbayev, it is time to communicate with citizens of the country.

Hobby. Rare pauses in the work of N. Nazarbayev devotes to the favorite classes that are and relaxing for him and entertainment.

This is a communication with nature, sports, music and reading books.

Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the former residence of the head of state, N. Nazarbayev is located the museum. It stores more than 60 thousand exhibits that reveal the most important stages of the formation of sovereign Kazakhstan, talk about the life and activities of the president.

Astana is the city of the future, the main symbol of independent Kazakhstan

- What is the category of the capital of our state?

N. Nazarbayev is considered to be the main architect of the city.

Today Astana is a political, economic, cultural and spiritual center of the republic.

- What is the name of the president's residence? (Akord)

Monumental-sculptural composition "Kazakhstan"

In Almaty, in the Park named after the first president of Kazakhstan, on November 11, 2011, this monument was opened on the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Unified Statement - Independent Kazakhstan

We are Kazakhstanis, and talk about it with great pride.
Love a debris - the first sign of civil maturity.

- How can you now show your civil maturity? (Love the Motherland, to be the owner of His Earth, honor the memory of ancestors, to be educated, healthy, bold, believe in the future, ...)

The unity of the people is the highest virtue

- What symbol says that all people of our state live one friendly family? (Shanyrak)

- Where did you meet this sign? (on the coat of arms of the country)

Native language - nation mirror

- What language is the state?

- What the language of interethnic communication?

The language of interethnic communication is a mediator language used by the peoples of a multinational state for mutual communication. For example, in most cases, Russian language is used as a means of communication between representatives of different ethnic groups in Russia.

- Who are forbidden to speak in their native language? So we have the right to speak in any language.

- Why is it important to know, study official language?

Kazakh language (KazA. Kazak Tіlі, Kazakhstan; قازاق ٴتىلى, قازاقشا ,,) - state language of Kazakhstan.

So, it is necessary to accommodively approach the lessons of the Kazakh language.

"Know, appreciate and respect the native language - the Sons of every citizen"

Independence - a lot of breath

Our country is sovereign, it means independent.

History lessons

N. Nazarbayev wrote the book "Lessons of History and Modernity." No story there is no future. "The wisdom of the past is the invaluable wealth of the present"

The fate of land is the fate of the country

- Name the capital of our state.

- Name the symbol of Astana. (Baiterek)

Person of Nursultan Nazarbayev on time

N. Nazarbayev became the laureate of the National Award "Man of the Year"
N.A.Nazarbayev leads people to a bright future.
Let this path be light and joyful.

Books N. Nazarbayev

- We are familiar with the book "Leader" about our president. New book came out about him. With her, we will meet at the next lesson of the club in the city library.


- What new have you learned about the president?

- Do you think this person is that the holiday is dedicated to him?

- What would you wish him?

- Who is the main wealth of any country? (Human)

- It is you, the younger generation is the future of Kazakhstan. You build it and protect it, strengthen peace and friendship between nations. We must preserve the world on ancient and beautiful land - this is the most important condition for prosperity. Each person living on the planet is feeling pride for his people, for their country, their land and history. And today we must remember the past, to know the present to build the future and devote yourself to serving the Motherland to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Self-reflection in the form of questionnaire

On leaves, you need to finish the proposals, answering at your discretion and civil approval. (Calm music sounds)

1.Ma Kazakhstan is the most ...

2. I am proud of my homeland because she ...

3. In a patriot, it means ...

4. I want to live in ...

5. I think that being president is ...

Creative activity

Group work - draw up a collage "My Homeland"

(Song sounds "I, you, he, she - together, friendly family")

Speech from groups: What was depicted in their work?

Pood Denis:
His fate forever with your weaving,
In love sons, I want to admit:
I am happy Kazakhstan,
What am I your child.
And in that you do not need to doubt!


North-Kazakhstan region

Ayrtau district

KSU "Akanskaya SS"

(6th grade)

Prepared: Class Manager

Bokubayeva I.S.


Class hour

"The leader of the nation - the support of the country!"

Purpose: Deepen knowledge about the biography and activities of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan; and the significance of its role in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; develop cognitive interest, expand the horizons about the vital activity of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Rise up with students respectful and careful attitude to the state symbols of Kazakhstan, to the historical past and traditions of the peoples of our country, the upbringing of the feelings of patriotism and love for their homeland, respectful relations to the activities of the first president.

Equipment: interactive board, slides, presentation of the president, sheets with tasks.

Class hour time:

Teacher's word:
Hello invited guests and participants of the event! ! Our festive event is dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan! On December 1, there is a country, the entire people of Kazakhstan will proudly celebrate the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Sounds the Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(In the course of the execution of the anthem on the ID go slides about the republic, a multinational peoples, government symbols)

My homeland is Kazakhstan! There is the azure sky and snowy mountains,Painless fields Golden expanses.Sunsets as in fairy tale and star nights,Dawns are clear as beautiful eyes.

There are free winds and quick rivers,Bright sun, wide steppes,Mounted by the secret of the Saints Lakes,And vines of grape twisted patterns.

There are sacred to the traditions of ancestors,And people are rarely bad.There's joy as joy! The trouble is not trouble.Guests in each house are always happy.

There are different nations in the world live,There are eternal values \u200b\u200b- knowledge and work.The best you are on earthMother's motherland - Glory to you!

You ask where it is, I will answer you!A brief but convincing speech:"Oska Magan Ul Otan,Casietti Zhere Kazakhstan! "

Today I suggest you to get acquainted with the biography and the identity of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev. After all, his interests and reflections regarding the internal and foreign policy of the state are comprehensive, or can be said multifaceted.

Nursultan Nazarbayev - Leader of the Nation

Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on July 6, 1940 in the village of Cheatgan Kaskelensky district of the Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR in the family of Abysh and Alzhan, who worked in the field of agriculture.In 1960, Nursultan Nazarbayev graduated from PTU No. 22 Dneprodzerzhinsk. In 1967 he graduated from the Sausage under the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine. The labor route began in 1960 by the working stress management of the Kazmetlurgstroy trust in Temirtau of the Karaganda region. Then he worked as a cast iron of the casting machines, a mining blast furnace on the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, the further journey was associated with public and party work. As a result, on December 1, 1991, Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected president of the Republic of Kazakhstan."He came out of the people," they say about the president of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev grew up in a simple rural family and is familiar with the needs of ordinary people. It is safe to say that for all the years of independence, the activities of the president, all socio-economic reforms are carried out exclusively for the benefit of the people of our country. New educational institutions of all levels, hospitals are being built in Kazakhstan, a number of social programs are being implemented, which are aimed at improving the quality of life and improving the welfare of Kazakhstanis. Conducting regular meetings with the population, Nursultan Nazarbayev "holds a pulse" on the life of the population, does not disregard every region of the country, knows about all the problematic issues of the republic.All the years of independence, the citizens of our country had confidence in the head of our state. So, at extraordinary elections in 2011, Nursultan Nazarbayev won a convincing victory by typing more than 95% of voters. Moreover, due to such powerful folk support and confidence, the President successfully embodies all its ideas and initiatives, brings the country to the cohort of leading states with a developed economy, social guarantees and stability in society.

The first president of Kazakhstan.

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev) has a special position enshrined in the Constitution and the legislation of the country.Clause 5 of Article 42 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan determines the condition that one person cannot be elected president more than 2 times in a row, while making an exception for the first president.Clause 4 of Article 46 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulates the special provision of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (N.A.Nazarbayev), its status and powers are determined not only by the Constitution, but also by a separate constitutional law.According to this law, the first president has full, unconditional and indefinite inviolability of all actions committed by him while in office. He also keeps the status of a statesman, the right to appeal to the people of Kazakhstan, security, communication, transportation, government agency and cottage, with state support and maintenance. In honor of the first president, the State Order and the State Prize establishment, a fund, a personal library and archive are created.

Nursultan Nazarbayev - Capital of Kazakhstan - Astana

Nursultan Nazarbayev is the initiator of many ideas and projects. One of his "children" is the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana.Among the steppes of Sary-Arch, a new capital of our Motherland grew, a symbol of prosperous Kazakhstan - Astana. The initiative to create the capital was first announced by the President of Kazakhstan. Then, in the middle of the nineties, few people believed in the implementation of this idea, there were those who believed that the relocation and construction of a new city would delay for many decades. However, they were mistaken. Astana was built in the shortest possible time and became the personification of the success of the whole country.The head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev is considered the chief architect of the city. Thanks to its ideas and suggestions, Astana acquired an irresistible, unique view, connecting the culture of the West and the traditions of the East. Many buildings, the sculptures of the city were conceived by the president in the form of drawings, schemes, outline. Famous architects from all over the world managed to realize the intention of Nursultan Nazarbayev. At the same time, most of these buildings became the main attractions of Astana and the symbols of the city.

Nursultan Nazarbayev - a healthy lifestyle and sport

Head of state with a personal example actively promotes a healthy lifestyle and sports. One of the favorite sports are tennis. Nursultan Nazarbayev confidently owns a racket and regularly goes to the court. In addition, the tennis tournament for the President of the Country Cup is held annually in Kazakhstan.Another passion for the president - golf. Often, the head of state takes part in various international tournaments, along with other well-known global politicians and businessmen. According to his own recognition, the head of state first stood on the mountain skiing at the age of 55.Kazakhstan offers new sports complexes, swimming pools, tennis courts, ice palaces, cycloshes. All of them serve for the benefit and health of Kazakhstanis. Thanks to the consistent state policy, Kazakhstanis has become more sporting, pay attention to their health. After all, a healthy nation is the main key to the success of Kazakhstan.In January-February 2011, 7-Winter Asian games were held in Astana and Almaty, in which _____ of the country took part. Games were held in 11 sports. The Kazakhstani national team took 1 team place with the following results: 32 gold medals, 21 silver medals, 17 bronze medals.Of course, it is impossible not to say about the XXX Summer Olympiad in London, where our Kazakhstan athletes have achieved high results."For the first time in its 20-year-old history, Kazakhstan took the 12th place in the team competition at the end of the XXX Summer Olympic Games in London. The past Olympiad became the most successful and effective for our republic, Kazakhstan athletes won 7 gold, 1 silver and five bronze medals. "

Teacher's word:

What's new you learned about the livelihoods of our president from the presentation shown (discussion of the viewed presentation of the most active invite for the participation in the competitive program, but not more than 4 students)

Friends, we live in the most beautiful republic in which you live friendly, hardworking, energetic people.

Kazakhstan - the heart of Eurasia Kazakhstan is a single multinational state. The development and prosperity of Kazakhstan is the colossal investment of labor and the energy of our President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev - global political leader. Kazakhstan's development over the years of independence has become possible due to the leadership of the president.

And we begin the competitive program dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan.

1 Tour: "Weakly link"

The features of the tour to the question must be obtained a quick response.

Tour questions:

2. Who did the first elections of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place? (December 1)

3. What is the name of the film dedicated to childhood N.A.Nazarbayev? (Sky of my childhood)

4. Day of the birth of president of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

5. For their merits, N.A.Nazarbayev received status- (Elabasi, leader of the nation)

7. The city where the work of N.A.Nazarbayev's work began? (Temirtau)

8. Name the capital of Turkey where is the monument to our president? (Ankara)

9. Favorite sport of the president? (Tennis)

10. The village of which comes from our president? (Chawgangan)

2TU: "You can not be a dancer, well, and therefore be obliged to be."

We give a set of words that must be present in the poem or essay (not all words may be present, the more the better):Elbasi, president, pride, leader, Kazakhstan, road, path, first, prosperity. (You can change your choice).


Teacher's word:

At the initiative of our president, a new capital of the state of Kazakhstan, Astana, was created. Astana is a center of large political and cultural events, a place where not only political and religious figures are found, but also a meeting place for world-famous cultural figures. It is symbolic that day the birth of our president will coincide with the celebration of the Day of the capital (the slide show under the song "My City").

1. What means from the Kazakh language "Astana"? (Capital)
2. Monument in the capital of Kazakhstan, one of the main attractions of the city with a height of 97 meters. (Baiterek)
3 What is the title of the capital from 1992-1997? (Akmola)
4. One of the former names of Astana. (Tselinograd)

5. What universities in the capital are preparing specialists?

(Eurasian University named after L. Gumileva, Agrarian University. S. Seifullina)

6.Ak Hood What is it? (President's residence).

7. Watch which flows in Astana? ( Esil (Ishim)

8. A large shopping and entertainment center in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana. Opened on July 6, 2010. Is the biggest tent in the world (Khan Shatyr)

9. What shape hasPalace of Peace and Accord? (Pyramid)

4 Tour: "Wish"

On a large white paper, every child in the group outlines his palm and writes the wishes of his country on it.

5 Tour: Reflection "Circle of love and respect": Students holding hands to express the wishes of their country and their president.

· Good health and long life N.A.Nazarbayev!

· I love my state and thank you talking to the president!

· I am proud of my republic, my city, my school!

· We are a young generation of state will contribute to his prosperity!

· Thank you for youth programs!

· We are waiting for a new next message!

· Thank you for our president, you think about us! etc.

Class hour "The leader of the nation - the support of the country"

- deepen knowledge about the leader of the Kazakhstan people - the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevice Nazarbayev;

formation of students in Kazakhstani patriotism, peacefulness, national consent, active civil position; develop cognitive abilities; bring up a sense of patriotism, pride for their country
Class hour time:

We are good".

In Kazakhstan, we live, (hands on the parties)
Everyone has his own home, (hands house)
There is a job, (fist about the cam)
There are friends, (clap in your hands)
Mom, dad, there is me! (Hug yourself)

Definition of the theme of the class hour.

Classroom teacher:We decide crosswords and determine the topic of the class hour.

1 group

    Kazakh warrior - hero.

    The symbol of Kazakhstan.

    The symbol of Kazakhstan.

    National currency.

    Capital of Kazakhstan.

    Aquins contest.

2 groups

    The main law of the state.

    Kazakh warrior - hero.

    Kazakh folk instrument.

    Aquins contest.

    What is the name of a person who loves his homeland?

    The symbol of Kazakhstan.

    A place that is expensive to every person.

    National currency.

    How is the word Kөstendeler translated?

Classroom teacher: Who will formulate the topic of our class hour?

Right. We were lucky, the people of Kazakhstan, that in such a significant historical time and in his historical fate to the political arena, such a leader was published as Nursultan Nazarbayev. He wears the honorary title "Leader of the Nation" - Kaz. "Elabasy". The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is the founder of a new independent state. The Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan accepted the amendments to the draft law "On the Holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan", adding the day of the first president of Kazakhstan to the existing holidays, which is celebrated on December 1. The achievements of the first president are of great respect and confidence from the people.

Presentation of the first President (biography)

What does the world talk about our president?
Margarattether. Today you create a foundation for the best life of all future generations. Whatever obstacles did not expect ahead. Stick up this task and you win!
Mikhail Gorbachev. With his actions, he filed by other leaders an example of a responsible, courageous approach to solving large problems related to international security.
Pope John Paul II. The world and the consent of the Great Steppe pleasantly surprise and prove that the world in a multinational state can be preserved.
J. Wolfeenson, President of the World Bank. I am amazed by ambitiousness and scale of plans for President Nazarbayev, his distinguished and innovative mind is distinguished.

Nikita Mikhalkov. Nazarbayev - father of the nation. He knows how to not only listen, but also hear that, in my opinion, one of the rare qualities for many who touched the head of heaven. But little hear. We must make decisions. To endure. Compassionate.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:
The leadership of Kazakhstan and the President of Kazakhstan, in essence, are a driving force, leaders in terms of integration in the post-Soviet space. A lot of what was achieved in the field of integration was made on the initiative of President Nazarbayev.

Same moment "Working Day of the RK".
The list of duties of the president is offered. Find inconsistencies, the actions that the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan are not prerogative of the president.

Responsibilities of President RK
1. Determines the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of the state;
2. Provides the agreed functioning of all branches of state power and the responsibility of the authorities in front of the people;
3. Personally makes the selection of candidates in the Bolashak educational program; (commission)
4. Signs a government disposal;
5. Determines the size of pensions and social benefits; (Ministry of Social Protection)
6. Takes credentials of ambassadors;
7. Personally removes directors of commercial banks; (Board of Directors)
8. issues decrees and orders that are binding on the entire territory of the republic;
9. Decides what tie and costume to wear to the meeting;
10. Approves the republican budget and government reports. (Parliament)

11. Drawn with an annual message to the people of Kazakhstan on the achievements of Kazakhstan and further actions;

12. Approves state programs of the republic in the field of education, health care, etc.

13. Heads negotiations and signs the international treaties of the Republic (you have seen everything on television, as our President meets with the presidents of other countries and they are not just found, but they decide important issues, contracts are concluded)

14. The President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Republic, appoints a senior command of the Armed Forces from office;

15. Awards by state awards of the republic.

Reception "Yes - no-ka"

1. Capital of RK - Moscow. -

2. On the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the eagle and the sun are depicted. -

3. Our flag of green color. -

4. In the coat of arms there are images of a deer. -

5. In the image of the coat of arms there is Shanyrak and Wyki.

8. President of RK - N.A.Nazarbayev. -

9. In the hymn of 2 purchasing. -

Brainstorming (group work)
Write associations to the word "president" (from English - charming, leading, carrying out control): power, state, stability, image, owner, .... Reliability.

Reflection "If I were president ...."

It is you, the younger generation is the future of Kazakhstan. You build it and protect it, strengthen peace and friendship between nations. We must preserve the world on ancient and beautiful land - this is the most important condition for prosperity. Each person living on the planet is feeling pride for his people, for their country, their land and history. And today we must remember the past, to know the present to build the future and devote yourself to serving the Motherland to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Class hour "First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - leader of the nation." Purpose: Present an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva N.A. - Guarantor of stability, consent, strengthening interethnic unity. Tasks: Development of cognitive activity, expanding knowledge of the presidentContribute to the formation of ideas about our state, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Develop thinking, speech, creative abilities. Rise love to the homeland, respect for state symbols, patriotism, consent and friendly relationships between students. Travel course:

    Organizing time.
    Slideshow "Nature of Kazakhstan"

    What picture arose before you.

Was something familiar in this picture, native?

How can you call the place that is very expensive for you? (Motherland).

2. Talk about homeland.
- Guys, what does the word "homeland mean" mean for you? Motherland is a great country with a great history and the people.

Motherland - This is the place where we were born, grew, we live, where we are talking in our native language and all for us here are relatives.

What else is the word - Synonym we can choose to the word "homeland"? (stepback, Fatherland, Mother)

What is the name of a person who loves his homeland? (patriot)

What proverbs about the homeland do you know?

What is the name of the country where we live?

3. Reading poem.

What is the poem?
I love Kazakhstan, my country.I love to travel by country,Want through different villages, cities.But no matter how well in foreign countries,I hurry back to my me Kazakhstan.I walked according to the Swiss Alps,It is beautiful, their forest seaside is apparent.But never compareWith a foothold of the Zaili Mountains.BUB Channels are trembling meGondolas are bright in Venice name.But the steppes are Kazakhstani, relatives,To yourself is stronger and mounted, and enthusiastically.Was in London I, in the Royal Park,I was in the park I am French kings,But that in the world can be more beautiful,What kind of blooming in the spring steppes.Beautiful and removed the forest is Germanic,It sparkles sterile purity.But how beautiful is Kazakhstani,Our protected forest, native.In Europe, step is chapped, already the border,And the eye wants to have a space.And Kazakhstan is not married to you,Bescroy and great he.

4. Flags of the USSR .

Teacher: Our Kazakhstan is a very young state. Which of you know how old the Independent Republic of Kazakhstan? Another 23 years ago, our homeland was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR counted 15 friendly republics. Running Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan. (Slide comes to each republic - the flag when I call)Even now, when each state has become independent, this friendship does not stop.In 1991, the whole world had the news about the birth of an independent state, the name of which is the Republic of Kazakhstan. Through considerable tests, the Kazakh people passed before conquer the right to their state symbolism - anthem, coat of arms and flag. State coat of arms and flag - symbols of our lives, accompany each of us on the whole life path. They are depicted on state seals, monetary signs, government papers, etc.

5. Presentation "My Rodina Kazakhstan".
So, you viewed a presentation about the homeland.

How and what will you tell about your country?

6. The leader of the nation.

Listen to quit!

Our president, give him health,

Higher hard work! Raised the country from the knee on the basis, Well, behind him, others go to rhythm!

What is the name of our president? (Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev)

President Nazarbayev - Guarantor of stability, consent, strengthening interethnic unity, which has a positive effect on the dynamic development of Kazakhstan, entering into the number of highly developed states of the world, as evidenced by the OSCE summit in Astana, as well as international sports competitions in Astana and Almaty. Achievements of Kazakhstan both in domestic politics and in the international arena are rightly connected with the identity of the president. On his initiative, a number of global reforms were carried out on the improvement of education and science. Over the past years, students have the opportunity to receive European education under the Bolashak presidential program to apply the knowledge gained in native land. (brief biography Slide film)

Thinking and activity of the head of Kazakhstan, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayeva - a reliable pledge of the rapid development of the country.ON THE. Nazarbayev- Leader Nation

Finish the proposal: "I love my homeland or my city, because ...".

7. Wishes.

On a large white paper, every child in the group outlines his palm and writes the wishes of his country on it.

8. Reflection.

1. If you are happy to go to school in the morning, you can enjoy your right hand. 2. If you appreciate honesty and decency in people, take a step forward. 3. If you are confident in your abilities, go foot. 4. If you think that we must respect the rights of people, regardless of their national and social affiliation, take a step back. 5. If the fate of your country is worried, slap your hands. 6. If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up. 7. If you believe that your country will take a worthy place in the world, stretch both hands forward. 8. If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, take your hands.

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