Fire Safety Encyclopedia

What time is the explanatory at work. How to write an explanatory text correctly: Sample and basic principles of drafting

In case of various violations by the employee, according to Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the head is obliged to demand an explanation from him. The request for an explanatory note can be orally or in writing. There is no norm in the law that would indicate the form of the request. It is preferable for employers that the request be made in writing.

Judicial practice shows that the judge took the side of the employee due to the fact that the employer did not draw up the requirement to write an explanatory note in writing. If the employee refuses to accept the request from the chief in writing, an act is drawn up about this. But the boss has no right to point out to the subordinate that he must accept his demand. This is considered illegal and entails a violation of the employee's labor rights.

The deadline for writing an explanatory note according to the Labor Code is 2 days. This period of time is given by the law to the employee in order for him to explain the reasons that prompted him to act in this way, violating, for example, labor discipline. The law does not require an employee to be obliged to write an explanation. The absence of this rule of law in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is possibly related to the requirement of rationality. If an employee values ​​work, he will definitely write an explanation. But it is better to create an order to provide an explanatory to the employer in the form of a written document.

How to request an explanatory note from an employee?

In the office work of the company, an explanatory note acts as an official document. This document should explain the reasons for the violation labor discipline the employee is dry and concise, obeying the rules of business correspondence. The employer can demand from the employee to provide an explanatory note only if there are circumstances indicating a violation of labor legislation.

These circumstances are indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • being late for work;
  • non-fulfillment job responsibilities provided by the employee's functionality;
  • absence from the workplace for 4 hours;
  • damage to the property of the employer;
  • intoxication (alcoholic or narcotic);
  • non-observance of labor protection rules;
  • failure to provide reliable information to the management of the enterprise.

The employer is required to write an explanatory note. He must do this, since on the basis of the document the employee is brought to justice and the degree of his guilt is determined. The employer is obliged to realistically assess the situation that happened to his subordinate. And the employee's task is to correctly state the essence of what happened so that the employer clearly understands further actions... If the employee is not satisfied with the decision made by the employer, he can apply for protection of labor rights. The first link of defense is usually the CCC (Labor Dispute Commission). But they are not always created at the enterprise, so most often citizens go to court and the Labor Inspectorate.

An employee who has received a written explanation request from the employer must answer it. And this does not depend on which of the two options he made a decision: to write a note or not to do it. If an employee does not want to write an explanation, he is obliged to tell the boss about it. But the refusal of a subordinate to write an explanation cannot be regarded by the boss as a fact of an offense committed through his fault.

Application form

There is no uniform application form. Therefore, free form is used. Some organizations issue special explanatory forms that are issued to employees on occasion. In other situations, the employee takes an A4 sheet, writes a statement by hand or on a computer. Based on the text, the employer evaluates the legality of the employee's actions. What should be indicated in the text of the explanatory note?

Talking about ideal option writing of this document by an employee, then the document should reflect the answers to the following questions:

  1. Description of the situation in which the citizen found himself.
  2. Attitude towards your actions.
  3. Admission or non-admission of guilt.
  4. The employee's opinion on his prosecution.
  5. It is imperative that the employee must sign the memorandum and the date it was drawn up. This can be explained simply: the employer must know from whom he is receiving the explanation. And the date is set in order to notify the employer that the citizen did not miss the time allotted for him to write an explanation (2 days). If the note is written after a week, then this will no longer entail legal consequences for the employee. In the absence of an explanatory note from the employee, his boss draws up an act. The punishment on the employee in case of detection of his guilty actions shall be imposed no later than six months after the incident. Except for cases related to violations in the field of finance, audits, audits. The term is postponed in these cases for another year and a half.

Explanatory letter is a document. It has no movement outside the work of the organization and is available only for internal circulation. It indicates for what reason the culprit committed this or that act.

What was the result of another negative phenomenon. The explanatory document can be either an independent document or an addition to the main one. In the latter case, it contains explanations to the main one.

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The purpose of the note: clarification of the current situation by the main person. He may or may not be guilty. It is drawn up for internal proceedings. Identify the reasons and come to finding the culprit, or, conversely, his acquittal.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the director of the organization must request an explanatory note from the accused. The employee, in turn, can refuse, in which case the employer has the right to impose a disciplinary sanction without proceeding.

It should be noted that only the employer has the right to request the writing of an explanatory note. If such an appeal followed, it is better to execute it. The requests of the department head or your manager can be ignored.

The explanatory note should inform the employer about the incident. The vision of the situation should be presented from the standpoint of the component. Sometimes it is written to clarify a project or report. In this case, it is written in free form and attached to the main documents.

How to write an explanatory note for a job

Explanatory note form:

  1. In the upper right corner, it is indicated whose name the explanatory note is being drawn up (employer).
  2. Under the indication of whom, it is written from whom it is drawn up, indicating the position.
  3. In the center we write the title: "Explanatory".
  4. In the text itself, we indicate the cause of what happened and the consequence of the act.
  5. In the lower right corner we put the signature and date.

The basic rules for drawing up an explanatory note include:

  1. Write only the truth. If false information is revealed, the consequences will negatively affect your work.
  2. Don't blame your colleagues. If several people are involved, the employer has the right to request explanations from them and they will state their vision of the situation. The result will be the identification of disagreements. Thus, you will additionally get enemies - colleagues.
  3. You shouldn't write: "I was not prompted", "I was not taught", etc. When applying for a job, you sign a job description, which contains a list of necessary knowledge and skills for the position held.

When writing an explanatory note, rely on documents (job descriptions, etc.). You can indicate that you misunderstood the wording, etc. If possible, it is better to name the document not “Explanatory Note”, but “Explanatory Note”.

If you make a serious mistake, you can rely on a large amount of work or feeling unwell. In conclusion, you can indicate that you acknowledge this error, undertake to eliminate it and not to allow it in the future.

Explanatory note presentation type:

  1. The presentation is possible only in a business style.
  2. Brevity, no additional explanations not related to the event.
  3. Explanation from the 1st person.
  4. Date and signature are required.

In case of serious disciplinary offense and the possibility of a future court session, it is better to contact a lawyer to write an explanatory note.

Refusal to write a note is allowed, but subsequently it will be treated as a plus not in your direction. Better to state your point of view in the situation. If it's not your fault, pay attention to this Special attention when explaining. You can add a magic phrase in such cases: "In the current situation, I had to act according to the circumstances."

When writing, prefer typing on a computer over handwriting. If the case is serious and your application will be considered by specialists in the shape and appearance of the letter, they will be able to draw certain conclusions.

Example of an explanatory note

An explanatory note can be drawn up according to different reasons... For example, being late for work, making mistakes in documents, gross violation of discipline, etc.

Consider an explanatory note about being late for work. It should be noted that if the employee is absent from work for more than four hours, the employer has the right to dismiss the employee.

To the manager

PJSC "Gorodbank"

in Yaroslavl

O. G. Petrov

From the controller-cashier of the department

Corporate sales

Strakhovoy D. Yu.

Explanatory letter

04/12/15, I'm Diana Yurievna Strakhova, I was late for workplace for 30 minutes for the following reason. Bus number 35 broke down at the bus station and did not arrive on schedule at the Moskovskaya stop at 7:35. This led to waiting for the next bus, which came in 30 minutes.

Subsequently, I undertake not to be late for work. Leave the house in advance. In case of an unforeseen incident, inform your immediate supervisor Popova Yu. K. about the reason for the arrest. 30 minutes, for which there was a delay, I undertake to work.

D.Yu. Strakhova (signature)

After writing an explanatory note, it is provided to the manager or his interim. On the document, he affixes his decision - a resolution.

If a penalty is determined, an order or other document is drawn up. A note is already attached to them.

Explanatory note about being late


COMPANY " Construction company"Omega"

Pavlichenko G.R.

From the secretary Zventsova O.K.

Explanatory letter

I, Zventsova Oksana Konstantinovna, was late on 06/25/14 for work at 3 o'clock. In the morning, going down the stairs from the apartment multi-storey building, witnessed a fight. The police officers who arrived in a forced form asked to witness the incident. I drove with them to the police station number 3, along Romashkina street, 1. Drawing up the protocol took 2.5 hours. After that, I went to work. Deputy Director Ivanov Oleg Viktorovich was warned about his delay. Please take into account the good reason for being late.

Zventsova O.K. (signature)

Sample of an Explanatory Note on Absenteeism

To the head of MTS OJSC

Orlov S.S.

from the seller-consultant Igrov O.V.

Explanatory letter

I, Oleg Vladimirovich Igrov, celebrated my 20th birthday with friends on May 19, 2015. As a consequence a large number alcoholic beverages, the celebration lasted until early morning. Closing my eyes for a couple of minutes, I woke up only at lunchtime on May 20. It was too late to go to work. Please take into account the valid circumstances of the holiday.

Igrov O. V. (signature)

The explanatory note plays the role of an official document and is subject to the rules of business correspondence. This means that it must be written official language, in a strict and business style. The law does not impose strict requirements on the form of the explanatory note, but in practice, it is written by hand or printed on a PC. Large companies have special forms of explanatory notes that are filled in by an employee in the event that he commits actions that violate labor discipline at the enterprise.

How to write an explanatory text correctly?

If an employee misses work, or does not comply with labor protection requirements, is in a state alcoholic intoxication at work, behaves immorally, the law requires the employer to take an explanation from the employee in article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is expressed in the form of a written document - an explanatory note. The law does not impose on the employee the obligation to write an explanatory note, it gives 2 days to execute this document. It is logical that an employee who wants to justify his behavior in front of the employer will write an explanation of what happened.

Competently writing a note is the employee's task, since a consistent presentation of the events that happened to him will help the boss make the right decision. Based on the result of considering the explanations of the subordinate, the superior makes a decision on the guilt or innocence of the employee. If he admits that the employee is guilty, disciplinary measures are applied to the latter: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal. This is why it is very important to write the explanatory text correctly at work. Of course, this process cannot be called pleasant for each of the employees. Before writing an explanatory note, you need to focus and calm down. If they require an explanatory note at work, then it is written on an A4 sheet.

When writing a note, you must indicate to whom it is intended. For this, on the top, on the right side, the name of the company, full name and position of the chief are indicated. Also, the note in mandatory must be signed by the employee, indicating the date of its preparation. If an employee of an enterprise decided to write an explanatory letter to the employer in a week, then you shouldn't do this: this document will not cause any legal consequences. The law gives two days to think over and write a note: the date indicated in the text will notify the employer that the employee has not violated the explanation period. Therefore, he is interested in continuing to work in the enterprise or organization.

What can you write in the explanatory note?

In the text of the document, it is necessary to state the reasons that led to the fact that the employee did not appear at work. These reasons form the content of the note. If an employee does not show up at work due to a sudden deterioration in health, then you need to show evidence of calling an ambulance or an ambulance. The evidence is attached to the note. In a situation where it is impossible for an employee to come to work for certain reasons, a conscientious employee, who has not previously seen such actions, can also get into. The evidence, the content of the explanatory memorandum are all reviewed by the employer.

Practice shows that not all employers make informed decisions. To protect yourself, it is better for the employee to write an explanatory note in duplicate. One should be given to the manager's secretary, and the other should be kept for himself. But on both copies there should be a mark that the document was accepted by the office. If the employer, upon consideration of the note, makes a decision that, in the opinion of the employee, will infringe upon him labor rights, the latter will be able to apply for their protection.

These issues are dealt with by state bodies within their competence. These include:

  • labor dispute commission (abbreviated KTS);
  • Labour Inspectorate;
  • the prosecutor's office;

CCC is created directly at the enterprise where the employee works. But this does not happen in all cases, since the law does not impose requirements on the mandatory creation of this body. KTS consists of employees and representatives of the chief (50 to 50%). The order issued by the CCC has the force of an executive document.

The controversial case is considered in the presence of the employee. But the controversial situation need not be brought to the CCC. If the employee competently drew up an explanatory note, convinced the employer that the situation in which he found himself was caused by reasons of a respectful nature, the management may not punish the subordinate. Thus, the purpose of writing an explanatory memorandum is to convince the employer of the employee's innocence. Of course, this does not always happen. If the employee is really guilty, then punishment is applied to him. For example, it is difficult to explain the appearance at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication. But the employer is obliged to demand an explanation for this phenomenon. This suggests that the management worked out the issue with the employee, punished him legal basis... And the explanatory note is the basis for dismissal or the application of a lighter punishment.

Explanatory options

An example of an explanatory note (being late for work):

“I, Ivan Ivanov, was one hour late for work on March 20, 2018 due to the fact that the trains of the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya metro line stopped due to the smoke that arose at the Vykhino metro station. Additional transport was organized in the form of buses, but traffic jams on the roads of Moscow (which are absent in the metro) did not allow me to profit from work on time. I believe that the smoke at Vykhino station was a force majeure, and also the reason for my delay. "

An example of an explanatory note (due to illness)

“I am Senkova Tamara Gennadievna, I could not go to work on July 6, 2018 due to an increase blood pressure provoked by stuffiness in the subway and a strong crush. In the metro, at the Arbatskaya station, they called me 003. The doctors, having arrived at the call, provided me with a complex necessary procedures, including an injection aimed at lowering the pressure. After I got a little better, I went up to the city and caught a taxi home. "

Example of an explanatory note (violation of labor discipline requirements)

“I am Genov Gennady Gennadievich, I didn’t come on time from lunchtime, because my stomach suddenly ached. I had to go to the medical center to the nurse, where she gave me intestinal fixing drugs. "

Every person must have had occasions at work when they had to write an explanatory note. At first glance, it seems that everything is simple, but when you have to write it, it is difficult to collect your thoughts and bring the essence of the problem to the management. So, in this article we will talk about how to correctly draw up such a document and consider an example of an explanatory note.

What it is?

First, let's try to answer the question of what an explanatory note is. In fact, this document explains to the managing person the point of view of its author regarding the event that happened (absenteeism or violation of the deadline for the execution of the assignment or its volume, and much more). Also, an explanatory note can be written in order to explain the content and essence of any document (reports, projects and other similar documents). At the same time, you can write it on a common letterhead used by the organization. If the employee has done something in accordance with Labor Code the employer has the right to ask the offender to explain the situation in writing. In the event that an explanatory note for work was not provided on time, the employer can draw up an act of refusal and apply disciplinary measures. Therefore, it is easier to write it.

a note to work?

First of all, the text should indicate the facts that are directly related to the situation that has arisen. After that, it is necessary to state the reasons for the unsuccessful outcome of the case (you must agree that in case of victory, the management does not require an explanatory note). Write better business language, thoughts should be expressed briefly and clearly. You should only describe the facts about the case, avoid making excuses (in this case, you clearly admit your guilt) and misrepresenting the facts. The note must be weighty and well-reasoned. It's not bad if you have the opportunity to consult with colleagues, family or friends. The explanatory note, a sample of which is presented below, can be written by hand with the indication of the details.

Types of explanatory notes

Conventionally, such notes can be divided into two types: exculpatory and explanatory. The employee provides the first option in the case when it is necessary to indicate the reasons for his own offense. Explanatory notes are drawn up by the employee to explain the reasons for the deed, indicating the circumstances and conditions that do not depend on the will of the author of the note.

Most often, explanatory documents are required in the following cases: being late for work, appearing at the workplace in alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication, committing theft of property from the workplace, committed immoral misconduct, absence from the workplace or absenteeism, labor discipline, providing false information in authorized bodies. It is, of course, easier to write it when you have an example of an explanatory note in front of your eyes.

Explanatory note form

In practice, the subordinate draws up a document in one copy on a sheet standard format(A4). As a rule, the note is drawn up in the name of the head of the company or organization. There are unified forms of such documents, but they are only advisory in nature. At the request of the head, a decree can be issued on the use of a single form of an explanatory document in the organization. If the employee wrote a note in an arbitrary form that differs from the approved one, the manager should not consider it invalid, since this does not affect the essence of the explanation.


The essence of the explanatory note is to explain to the higher management the reasons for non-fulfillment of the order, violation of technological or labor discipline. The requisites must contain: the full name of the organization, the full name of the head to whom the note is addressed, the name ("Explanatory Note"), the registration number of the document and the date of its preparation, a small subtitle to the text itself ("Regarding ...", "About ...") , Name of the originator. This is followed by an explanatory text and a personal signature. The structure of the explanatory text should be divided into two parts: factual (indicating the facts that led to the writing of the note) and explanatory (indicating the reasons explaining the situation or the fact of the violation itself). It should also be noted that the details of the service and explanatory note are similar to each other.

When do you need to require an explanatory note?

Disciplinary action and its imposition are regulated by the Labor Code. Before imposing a penalty on an employee, it is important to document the fact of the violation. Only then can the employee be required to write an explanatory note stating the reasons for his behavior.

Further, the management analyzes the reasons and makes a decision: to consider them valid or not. In the event that a written explanation is not provided after two working days, which must be signed by at least two witnesses. In the presence of such an act, the manager has the right to impose a disciplinary sanction on the employee, even without the employee's explanation. A disciplinary sanction can be imposed no later than one calendar month from the moment the violation was discovered. The countdown of this period is suspended if the employee is on vacation or sick leave. The penalty cannot be applied after six months from the date of discovery of the violation.

Example of an explanatory note

1. Registration of a note on violation of labor discipline

Head of LLC "Energosbyt"

Petrov P.P.

20.10.2010 № 23-45/12

Explanatory letter

About delayed delivery of materials

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, responsible for the supply of materials and consumables, have been in this position since 15.07.2010. On Monday, October 18, 2010, I had to deliver the materials to FE Energetik. But due to a malfunction of trucks, it was delivered only on October 19.

Personal signature

2. An example of an explanatory note with humor (details are filled in as in the first example). “I was late for work on March 19, 2013 good reason... In the morning, before going to kindergarten, my son really wanted to use the toilet (due to physiological need). The time of my arrival is exactly the same as the length of time the child was in the toilet. I believe that this case can be attributed to the number of situations (force majeure), since it did not depend on my desire to come to work on time. "

Write an explanatory note with a touch of humor only if you are sure that it will be correctly understood by your supervisor.

The explanatory note is internal document of the organization that explains certain actions or incidents.

There is no unified form for this document, but the manual, if desired, can approve it... An explanatory note is written by an employee of the organization in a single copy on a blank A4 sheet. It contains information about who is talking to whom, as well as the very explanation of the situation.

A note can be written by hand or using a printed technique, the main thing is that it be attended all names, date and signature of the employee.


Depending on its content and the reasons for its preparation, the note may be several types:

  1. Justifying- contains information that explains their own behavior, the commission of any action or, conversely, inaction.
  2. Explanatory- the employee explains the actions that are beyond his control, which have been performed by other persons, or they have developed due to certain circumstances.

How to write correctly to avoid punishment

Much of the success of writing an explanatory memorandum depends on its correct drafting , for this you need to observe a few rules:

  • do not allow a large amount of unnecessary information and lengthy narratives, the information should contain useful information explaining the situation;
  • do not use eloquent phrases that offend or, conversely, exalt the other party who took part in the situation;
  • not to hide the truth and not to shift the blame on someone else, sincere confession is more attractive to yourself;
  • not to admit grammatical and spelling mistakes and blots in the explanatory, it should be written on a clean white sheet, in a neat and legible handwriting, the document should not cause irritation by its mere appearance.

Despite the fact that the explanatory document does not have a unified form, it is drawn up according to certain rules:

In the case of drawing up a note in hard copy the signature is still handwritten.

An explanatory note can be drawn up by different reasons , most often it is:

  • absence from the workplace;
  • making a mistake in work, non-compliance job description;
  • non-fulfillment of the work plan;
  • to the tax office;
  • from the cashier;
  • to a kindergarten;
  • to university;
  • class teacher at school;
  • absence for parent meeting.

Absence from the workplace

One of gross violations, which may lead to dismissal under the article, such an act must be accompanied by an explanatory document... In the main part, the first sentence indicates the name of the employee and how many working days he missed, as well as the dates that fell on these days. After that, the reason for the absenteeism is indicated, the explanation should be logically coherent and truthful. Most often, not going to work occurs on reasons:

  • health problems;
  • caring for one of the family members;
  • emergency repairs;
  • car accident;
  • inappropriate weather conditions;
  • temporary confinement in a place of deprivation of liberty.

It is best if the note is supported by some kind of evidence, such as a medical certificate, an accident document or a certificate from the ZhKO, etc.

Making a mistake in work, non-observance of the job description

It is common for an employee to make mistakes, this is facilitated by simple human factors such as fatigue, feeling unwell, anxiety, stress, inattention, family problems or lack of professionalism.

Also, for any reason, an employee may violate the rules that he is obliged to follow according to his job description. Regardless of the nature of the error and the reason for its occurrence, the employee must explain this situation.

The explanatory note first indicates what was perfect, and then for what reason it happened. Everything written must be clear to the reader, and the explanation must be truthful.

Failure to comply with the work plan

There are situations when an employee has not coped with the volume of work established for a certain period. This situation should also be commented on by the employee. The explanatory note should indicate what the employee did not handle specifically, how much work was indicated according to the plan, what was actually completed.

Further, it is indicated for what reason this happened - lack of time, equipment, the influence of other factors or the slowness of the employee. You can also briefly state your wishes to help improve performance.

To the tax office

Each reporting period the organization be sure to submit the necessary information to the tax office, this can happen in the following cases:

  • late submission of the tax return to the service;
  • identifying errors in the declaration when writing words or numbers;
  • discrepancies between the data that are available in the tax office and those that are handed over by the organization.

The explanatory note is attached to the amended declaration and can be handed over either personally or sent by mail. In it, you need to answer in detail, but not in a very large volume, to the questions that the tax inspector has, for example, why this final figure was received, the methods for calculating taxes, or for what reason mistakes were made.

From the cashier

Cashier job very responsible, since it is carried out in close contact with money. Therefore, each erroneous action must necessarily be accompanied by an explanatory and, if possible, evidence attached to it. A note is drawn up in the following cases:

  • when the check is bounced for the wrong amount;
  • making returns on the receipt tape;
  • incorrect calculation, which led to a shortage or surplus Money at the register;
  • improper maintenance of cash documents.

In the main part of the explanatory note, the date of the mistake, the wrong amount, the difference in data, check numbers, the reason for this action are indicated. You can also indicate if it was fixed and in what way. After that, confirmation checks are attached with the signatures of the cashier, if any.

To a kindergarten

Parents explaining to kindergarten usually write in cases where the child missed several days, but not because of sick leave, or did not visit the doctor, but was treated by parents on their own.

The note is written not in the name of the educator, but in the name of the director kindergarten... It indicates the name of the child, how many days he missed, on what dates they fell out and the very reason for the absence of the child.

To university

Students can often be absent from pairs, this can happen for a good reason, or simply because they do not want to attend a lesson. Despite the situation, the student is obliged to report on his absenteeism.

The explanatory note is written on behalf of the student himself, addressed to the dean or head of the department. It indicates the number of days missed, their dates and the very reason for the omission. If there is any evidence to support what was written, such as a hospital certificate, it must be attached to the document.

To the class teacher at school

When a student misses individual lessons or whole school days, the parent must also write an explanatory note, which indicates the reason for this act. It is drawn up in the name of the class teacher, on behalf of the parents or guardians. It indicates the student's name, days or the name of the missed lessons, the date on which they fell out, and, of course, the reason for the absence.

Absent from parent meeting

Many class teachers ask the parents of their students to write explanatory notes for them when they are absent from the parent meeting. In this case, it must indicate the date of the meeting and the reason for non-attendance.

But it should be remembered that such an explanatory note is not mandatory, since attendance at the meeting is a voluntary matter, therefore the manager has no right to demand it or find out the personal reasons for which the parent did not appear.

What does refusal to write entails

Writing a good explanatory memorandum is, first of all, important for the employee himself, as it can help avoid or mitigate punishment by convincing the boss of the seriousness of the situation.

But at some points the employee refuses to give any explanation about his violation. In this case, a special act on refusal to write an explanatory note, in 2 copies, one of which goes to the personnel department, and the second remains with the employee.

The act is drawn up not only in case of refusal to provide a note, but also if it was not written within 2 days from the moment the employee committed the misconduct. It indicates the following information:

  • the title "Act of refusal to write an explanatory note";
  • information about the employee, name of the organization, position held, full name;
  • data on the witnesses of drawing up the act, which must be at least 3 people;
  • date of drawing up the act;
  • a regulatory framework that explains the employee's offense and obliges him to write an explanatory note;
  • description of the situation made by the employee;
  • the reason for refusing to give any explanation, if any;
  • explanation that the act is drawn up in 2 copies and that the employee is familiar with them;
  • positions and signatures of all witnesses and constituting this document.

In the absence of an explanatory note, the employer has every right to punish the employee in an appropriate manner, up to and including dismissal under the article.

Document storage period

Like any document, an explanatory note is signed by authorized persons and transferred for storage, most often, in Human Resources Department... Notes can be stored indefinitely... The only moment, when the limitation period for the violation expires, the need for explanations to it also becomes unnecessary.

Any misconduct must be held accountable, especially if it concerns a violation of labor discipline. The explanatory note is important document, which helps to clarify the situation and, if possible, to justify the employee and reduce the punishment. Therefore, you must always be correct and honest about its preparation.

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