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What are the benefits on land plots for labor veterans. Does a labor veteran have land tax benefits? Who is included in the category of labor veterans

The title of "Veteran of Labor" in Russia has been awarded for more than twenty years for special labor or service merits. For citizens who have received such a status, there are certain benefits, and the state also provides them with a small material assistance.

In 2019, benefits for labor veterans, including tax benefits, at the federal level will remain the same as in the previous year. But in the Russian regions there may be changes, since the issues of granting or not granting certain benefits are under consideration exclusively by regional authorities.

Who is awarded this title and how to get it

The decision to award the title is made by the social security authorities. Citizens must apply with the appropriate application. In addition to a civil passport, you need to bring documents that would confirm his labor merits, experience.

Who can apply:

  1. Pensioners who received work experience during the Great Patriotic War, if in the period 1941-1945. they are not yet of age. At the same time, the overall work experience is also important. For men, it must be at least 40 years old, for women - at least 35.
  2. Citizens who have received honorary Russian titles at the official level (as well as titles of the USSR), awarded orders, medals, presidential commendations and certificates of honor, departmental insignia in labor or service.

The conditions for assignment are approved by the subjects of the country, so it is better to check with the social security authorities which documents may be needed. In many regions, local veteran titles have also been established, for example, in the Lipetsk Region and the Altai Territory. Accordingly, the requirements for candidates may differ. Some of the benefits and tax breaks are provided for by federal legislation, some - only by regional ones.

What tax benefits can be

Tax incentives can significantly improve the quality of life of veterans, and also contribute to the employment and mobility of citizens who receive this honorary title.

What tax incentives are provided to labor veterans (in 2019):

  • exemption from payment of property tax;
  • transport tax benefits;
  • land tax benefits;
  • cash rewards, up to a certain amount, are not taxable.

Property tax

Veterans of labor are completely exempt from property taxes (this includes any capital buildings and shares in common property). Since 2016, a quantitative factor has been in effect, that is, a citizen can choose one house or one apartment, for which they will not have to pay fees. Thus, the state intends to fight those cases when people re-register their property to relatives who have a preferential status in order to get rid of the tax burden.

If you are the owner of several objects, it is necessary to notify the executive bodies which of the structures you consider necessary to exempt from paying fees, otherwise the tax office may make an independent choice and not always in favor of the citizen: most likely, the tax will be levied on property with the highest amount of tax deduction.

Transport tax

In 2016, the changes also affected the benefits related to vehicles. There was also a quantitative factor. Now, a reduced rate or full tax exemption can only be granted to one vehicle. Usually, you can use the benefit only if the power of the car does not exceed one hundred horsepower.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that benefits for this tax are considered at the regional level. The authorities of the regions can independently determine the list of persons entitled to concessions, the conditions for granting such benefits, the requirements for cars, and independently regulate the terms of payment. For example, in the Sakhalin Region, Moscow and many other regions, transport benefits are not provided to this category of citizens, but in Bashkortostan and the Irkutsk Region, the benefits are 100%.

The transport tax is always calculated based on the power of the car.

If veterans in your area receive reduced rate assistance, and if your vehicle is eligible, you must apply to the IRS for benefits. You need to take a civil passport, documents for a car and a veteran's certificate with you.

What is important, if the veteran is legally entitled to benefits, and he previously paid taxes not at a reduced rate, the citizen will be able to recover part of the overspent funds by indicating the account for the refund when drawing up the application.

Land tax

The federal law does not exempt this category of citizens from paying land tax, however, in a number of regions there are also some “tax discounts” for labor veterans. The amount of tax is determined on the basis of local characteristics, economic factors. The rate depends on the cadastral value of the land. The federal law provides for a tax-free amount of 10,000 rubles. The amount of tax deduction in the regions can be increased, but not reduced. Also in the regions lists of categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit are approved.

First you need to find out if your subject provides relief on land tax for labor veterans, and after that, if the answer is positive, contact the tax office by writing an application for a benefit, which is exclusively declarative in nature, that is, it does not work automatically, but in case of an appeal.

personal income tax

With regard to income, in this regard, labor veterans are given preferences at the federal level. The following income is not subject to taxation:

  • pension payments;
  • cash benefits;
  • financial assistance in an amount not exceeding 4 thousand rubles (or monthly receipts, the amount of which does not exceed 4 thousand per year).

In addition, taxes will not be levied on the amount that a labor veteran spends on sanatorium treatment or medical rehabilitation recommended by medical indications.

Well, one more thing, labor veterans may require the balance of tax deductions for purchased real estate to be transferred to past tax periods (not earlier than three previous calendar years). The deduction can be a maximum of 2 million rubles if the property was purchased without credit funds, and 3 million - if with credit. What does this benefit give by example? Let's say a labor veteran bought an apartment in 2019. In this case, he will be able to count on the deduction for the period 2016-2018. However, remember that this benefit will only be available to those veterans of the labor force who earned taxable income during this period. If a citizen's only income during these years was a pension, it will not be possible to take advantage of such a preference.

Based on the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, a labor veteran does not have the legal opportunity to reduce the base amount of the land tax, as well as to completely eliminate tax contributions. In Russian legislation, these benefits are not fixed, however, local administration authorities have the right to do this.

Preferential conditions for land tax for a labor veteran of the Russian Federation are possible by providing him with a deduction from the tax base (this is a more profitable action) or by withdrawing payment of land tax.

In that situation, if the local authorities decide to introduce these tax breaks for labor veterans of the Russian Federation, then compensation for these expenses will come from the local budget of this region. In a situation where the regional budget can allocate additional finance to pay the tax amount for this category of persons, appropriate preferential conditions for pensioners will be provided.

What tax benefits do retired labor veterans have?

Benefits for the payment of tax collection on a plot of land of federal significance for labor veterans of the Russian Federation are enshrined in the law, namely the Russian Federation. The essence of this law is the possibility of providing tax deductions from the base price of a land object.

The amount of the deduction is established in the law of the Russian Federation, it is equal to 10,000 rubles. It should be borne in mind that at the federal level there are no land tax benefits for labor veterans.

But besides land tax benefits (which will be indicated later in the article), what other benefits are provided to persons of retirement age who are, moreover, labor veterans? There are two main points to note here:

First These are tax breaks. Specifically, what they are, decide regional laws and regulations. Such a right and, at the same time, an obligation, are assigned to municipalities at the federal level. However, it should be noted that any transportation tax benefits apply only to those labor veterans who own one unit of transport. In all other cases, they must make the corresponding payments in full.

Second The moment concerns the benefits of property taxes. Here in 2019 there were some changes, including the following:

  • Benefits now apply to only one unit of real estate (house or apartment), regardless of their total number.
  • The veteran undertakes to submit an application to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service, where he indicates which object the tax discount will apply to. This must be done before the grace period begins.
  • If a pensioner owns several units of real estate and has not indicated which one is not to be taxed, then the Federal Tax Service chooses the unit that is subject to tax with the largest amount.

Well, the third point is the land tax benefit, which is discussed in more detail later in the article.

Land tax benefits for labor veterans

Land tax relief for labor veterans is not fixed in the laws of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides a legal opportunity for the municipal authorities of each region. They can set the amount of payments for these citizens. But, based on practice, local authorities do not use this right to benefits and distribute the budget for other needs of the region.

But what are the land tax incentives for pensioners of labor veterans? Some categories of persons have the legal opportunity to receive a tax deduction from the cadastral price of the land, this value is the tax base.

Benefits for labor veterans of federal significance for land tax amount to 10 thousand rubles. But regional authorities have the opportunity to increase the list of preferential applicants, as well as raise the amount of land and transport deductions. Reducing this amount in this case is not possible.

The list of preferential conditions for a piece of land for citizens has been established. In addition, there are laws of the Russian Federation that are in force in a certain area, they may relate to the possibility of expanding the list of privileged representatives, as well as increasing the amount of compensation provided in this region.

The procedure for applying for benefits

In order for labor veterans to be granted benefits, a certain procedure is required. Unfortunately, state institutions do not always fulfill all their obligations without influence from citizens. The solution to the problem is to contact the local social security authority.

The procedure for applying for benefits for labor veterans includes the following steps:

  1. Application for subsidies, benefits or discounts.
  2. Collection of documents (the full list is given later in the article).
  3. Appeal to the social security authorities with a statement.
  4. Waiting for the decision of the authority.

Required documents

The need to collect a certain package of documents was mentioned above. What should this list include?

A labor veteran applying for his benefits must have the following documents with him:

  • Statement.
  • General passport of the Russian Federation.
  • A document that confirms the status of a labor veteran.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Receipts of utility payments, which confirm the absence of debts.
  • Any honorary state signs for outstanding labor activity (medals, certificates).
  • A work book or any documents that can replace it (if the length of service has not been officially registered), for example, a certificate from places of work or from the archive.

After applying, the citizen can only wait for the result. At this time, social workers check the information provided and calculate the amount of payments or discounts for a labor veteran (each case is considered and evaluated individually).

Features of granting land tax benefits in the Moscow Region

The possibility of establishing a land tax exemption in the Moscow Region is regulated. This law provides for citizens who have the opportunity to use preferential terms for paying a fee for a piece of land. According to the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, benefits such as full exemption from payment are provided only to sparsely populated areas, for example, in the Far North.

The government of Moscow and the region established a complete exemption for the heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as for the heroes of labor activity and full holders of the Order of Glory.
These land tax benefits for labor veterans are provided for payment only for one piece of land, which is the personal property of a pensioner. For certain categories of persons, a tax deduction of one million rubles has been established.

Groups of privileged citizens who can receive the corresponding privilege established in the law of the Russian Federation include the category of a large family. It follows that either parent can claim a deduction for the land that is owned by that family. Benefits for labor veterans of this region are not established in this law.

In the Russian Federation, there are laws according to which it is possible to obtain a privilege when paying tax fees. However, you should be aware that this benefit only applies to certain categories of citizens.

Who else can be exempt from paying land tax?

But besides labor veterans, what other categories of citizens can count on exemption from tax payments for land?

Only eligible pensioners of the federal category can count on the deduction, such as:

  • Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR, hero of labor activity, full cavalier of the Order of Glory;
  • A person affected by radioactive exposure, a soldier and a citizen who took part in the elimination of such accidents;
  • Retired, poor citizen (disabled person).

In addition to these persons, no one can receive exemption from land tax (exceptions do occur, but are extremely rare).

Land tax is a financial obligation imposed on the owner of the site. It is charged from the moment when the updated Tax Code (1999) appeared. Funds paid by citizens are received by the regional budget.

Many citizens of the Russian Federation are interested in whether there is a federal land tax benefit for labor veterans. Veterans of labor, when paying the corresponding tax, are guided by the rules common to all owners. But benefits are often set by regional authorities.

Benefits in land taxation provided to labor veterans can be expressed in deductions from the tax base (the most likely option) or complete exemption from this duty. Not every regional budget has the necessary amount of free funds to compensate for such tax breaks.

Title "Veteran of Labor"

The concept of "Veteran of Labor" began to appear in Russian legislation relatively recently. Of course, the citizens of the USSR were awarded a medal with this wording, but this title did not entail materially tangible incentives or the granting of special rights. The Law "On Veterans" (No. 5-FZ) introduced the definition of "veteran of labor", which was reinforced by remuneration of employees for long-term exemplary work. A list of relevant benefits has been established. Now the process of conferring the titles of "Veteran of Labor" has practically stopped.

When such an individual retires in the Russian Federation, he is entitled to assistance, compensation payments, and other types of social security. Social support for this category of persons is carried out entirely at the expense of the regional budget. Labor veterans can receive land tax benefits if the local authorities propose to allocate additional money for this purpose.

Regional legislation often puts forward requirements for obtaining benefits: so that the veteran does not conduct economic activities, has a permanent registration, sometimes so that he does not work.

More detailed information for labor veterans will be provided by the tax service of a certain region / region. It also specifies the procedure for filing documents and other aspects.

The leadership of the local administration is authorized to increase the amount of the deduction, but cannot reduce it.

Grounds for awarding the title

The title of "Veteran of Labor" in the Russian Federation is awarded to a citizen who has many years of work experience. So they mark a person who conscientiously fulfilled his duties.

You can get the corresponding title:

  1. a man whose work experience exceeds 40 years;
  2. a woman with over 35 years of work experience.

Labor veterans are also considered to be persons who began their professional activities during the Second World War, being under 18 years of age.

The documentary grounds for assigning a person to this category are records from the work book, archival records. Material evidence is the presence of various awards, medals, marking the fact that honorary titles were awarded by the authorities of the USSR, the RSFSR, and the Russian Federation. A prerequisite for obtaining the status of "Veteran of Labor" is the residence of citizens and their work in a certain region for the required number of years.

Is it possible for a labor veteran to become the owner of a land plot free of charge? It is difficult to find a definite answer to such a question.

At the expense of the federal budget, land allotments are not provided to veterans of this category.

On a general basis, a labor veteran can receive a land plot for development. It is necessary to provide a package of documents. It is accepted by the relevant housing commission. The main criteria for a positive resolution of this issue are as follows:

  • insufficient housing conditions;
  • absence of real estate in the possession of a person;
  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation, the period of which is 5-10 years.

Additionally, a veteran of labor who wants to receive a plot of land must be guided by local legislation - the subject in whose department the land is located. There is an algorithm of actions that must be followed. First, you need to study the regional laws relating to social support for labor veterans. Then you need to choose among the proposed options a building plot. The next stage is paperwork; need to submit:

  • statement;
  • details of the selected item;
  • documents justifying the right to receive a plot of land.

After that, it remains only to wait for the decision of the commission. If it is positive, construction can begin.

If it is not possible to bring the application to the tax office on time, use the help of a trustee or send the required papers by mail via registered letter.

The procedure for calculating and paying taxes in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Tax Code. Previously, there was also the Law “On Tax on the Property of Individuals”; it was canceled in 2015. All changes, additions, amendments are made to the federal legislative base. Land tax is also paid in accordance with the provisions of the Land Code.

The Tax Code provides that taxes on land, property (including real estate) are directed to local budgets. Accordingly, the procedure for their payment is regulated at the local level (by the laws of the region). Local tax services regularly carry out the function of informing citizens, explaining, among other things, what relief they are entitled to.

Real estate tax is calculated using the sum of the cadastral value.

The tax period for which payment is made corresponds to the calendar year. For example, for the past year 2016 labor veterans will pay land and real estate tax from 01.01. 2017 The amount of local taxes is also determined by the regional authorities.

Land tax benefits for Moscow residents

In accordance with the federal legislative framework, a 100% "land" tax benefit is granted only to the peoples of the sparsely populated Far North.

The Moscow government also exempted from paying the corresponding tax:

  • Heroes of the USSR, Socialist Labor;
  • full cavaliers of the following orders: "For Service to the Homeland in the USSR Armed Forces", Glory, Labor Glory;
  • heroes of the Russian Federation.

This benefit applies only to one plot of land, the owners of which are persons of this category.

Some categories of residents of the capital are also eligible to receive such a benefit. In Moscow, the amount of the tax deduction does not correspond to the amount specified in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (10,000 rubles); it is 1 million rubles. The list of beneficiaries coincides with the categories indicated in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but large families have become an additional item on the initiative of the Moscow Government. One of the parents in such a family is entitled to a deduction relating to the joint property.

Now many citizens, especially those of retirement age, own land plots of various sizes and purposes. However, one should not forget that a citizen is obliged to pay a certain tax for each such object.

General information

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For many years of fruitful labor activity in Russia, you can get the title of Veteran of Labor. At the same time, it is important:

the citizen has at least 40 years of work experience;

availability of state awards and honorary titles of the USSR and the Russian Federation;

work experience and residence in a certain region for the number of years established by law.

To support the category of citizens, local authorities allocate funds. They are provided from the regional budget. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a reduction in the amount of land tax for labor veterans in 2019 is not provided. However, such a decision takes place only at the federal level.

In fact, local authorities often adopt certain laws that allow either to completely exempt this category of citizens from paying taxes or to reduce its amount. You should also be aware that if the regional authorities took such a step to compensate for the money lost to the budget, they will have to come from the funds of the municipalities. This scenario does not suit every subject of the Russian Federation.

In addition to labor veterans at the regional level, they can also be at the federal level. These include citizens:

  • who have worked for more than 40 years;
  • who started working before the age of 18 during the Second World War.

The legislative framework

The collection of all taxes in the Russian Federation is regulated. Operations related to land plots are regulated by the land code. The provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens is prescribed in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Directly tax breaks are established in the administration of the administration of the region or cities of federal significance. Directly or indirectly, various federal laws and regulations deal with this topic. Property taxes are regulated by the Housing Code.

Land tax for labor veterans

Veterans of labor can count on concessions on land tax or avoid it altogether. However, this is possible only if the budget of the municipality has a certain amount allocated in advance for such purposes.

As a rule, labor veterans have the right to expect to receive a certain deduction from the cadastral value and land plots that they own.

It depends on the size of the object that a citizen will have to pay to the regional budget as a land tax.

Federal legislation establishes that such a deduction cannot exceed 10,000 rubles. The legislation provides that local authorities can increase this amount, but they do not have the right to lower it.

In some cases, a labor veteran is completely exempt from paying land tax. However, a citizen should not rely heavily on such relief, since in this case the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation almost completely assumes all the costs associated with the payment of land tax.

Clarify what land tax benefits for labor veterans are possible when contacting any department of the tax service.

Do they pay?

It is possible to find out information of interest to a person when:

  • Personal appeal to the tax office. Here the veteran will be given detailed information on many issues of interest to him. To do this, you will need to present an identity document and a document confirming the social status of a citizen.
  • Every year, a person receives a notification from the Federal Tax Service by mail with a warning that the tax repayment period will soon come to an end.
  • If the person claiming the benefit nevertheless missed the tax deadline, he must apply to the tax office with an application for recalculation of the payment.

In the event that a citizen repays the land tax, with the already existing possibility of making this financial transaction on favorable terms, the person has the right to claim the return of overpaid funds.

It is also possible, on the basis of a written application of a citizen, to redistribute the amount for an advance payment for the next payment or for other taxes.

There is an easier way to get information. A citizen will need to visit the personal account of the official website of the tax service of Russia. Any taxpayer in the country has the right to log in to the electronic resource.

The site contains detailed information about the funds that must be paid as land tax, as well as other financial costs that a citizen must pay. There is also similar information about all the benefits that a person can apply for.

If the budget of the district or region is sufficiently stable, then a labor veteran may well qualify for a full tax exemption.

Who else is exempt from paying?

The following categories of citizens partially or completely from the payment of land tax:

  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • Combat cavaliers of the Order of Glory of all degrees;
  • participants in the liquidation of the consequences of accidents with atomic and nuclear components;
  • participants in the testing of nuclear and atomic weapons;
  • combatants;
  • poor families.

The procedure for applying for benefits

To receive benefits, a veteran needs to apply for a tax break and submit documents confirming his social status to the tax office.

If a citizen for various reasons could not apply for a benefit within the prescribed period, he must apply to the tax service with an application for recalculation of the amount of tax. The action can only be completed in the last three years.

If a citizen was exempted from paying land tax, but the funds have already been transferred to him, he cannot claim a refund. At the same time, the money will be fully distributed among other tax payments, from which the citizen is not exempt.

List of required documents

To receive benefits, a labor veteran will need to provide the following documents to the tax office:

  • passport;
  • a certificate confirming that a citizen has a special social status;
  • confirmation of land ownership rights;
  • application for a benefit.

Features for residents of the Moscow region

In Moscow, full exemption from taxes can be granted to Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, as well as Socialist Labor, Cavaliers of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory and "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" This benefit applies only to one land plot owned by a citizen.

Some residents of the capital can receive a deduction from the cadastral value of the site in the amount of 1 million rubles. In Moscow, to the main list of tax

This article will touch upon issues related to subsidies for labor veterans. Who are labor veterans, what benefits exist and how to apply for them - more on that later.

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Pensioners are the most vulnerable segment of the population. They survive only on pensions, which are minimal for many. People with a long work experience can apply for the status of a labor veteran.

Citizens with this title deserve benefits. But they do not always know that they have the right to do so. Where to start, where to apply and how to issue them - we will consider in the article.

Basic moments

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have the title of "Veteran of Labor" are entitled to benefits and allowances. This is enshrined in legislation. It is necessary to understand the rules for issuing benefits, their types.


Benefit - benefits to persons with a certain status. It happens:

  • social;
  • tax;
  • pension.

A benefit of a social type is a benefit that has a property character. It is provided in case of acquisition by citizens of a well-deserved status.

This benefit provides for a reduction for them of expenses related to payment of utilities, use of public transport.

Who are labor veterans

Veteran of Labor is a title that is awarded to people for any merit. There are several categories for conferring this title:

Federal law allows the award of the title to the following categories:

A prerequisite for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labor" is medals or certificates of honor. Beneficiaries of the federal category have specific requirements.

For regionals, it is a little more difficult to get this title. Criteria:

  1. Work experience for women is 35 years, for men - 40.
  2. Representatives of the weaker sex who have given birth to more than 5 children and have an experience of about 10 years.
  3. Availability of work incentives.

This title is awarded free of charge. This is carried out by officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Support of the Population.

After the candidate submits the necessary documents, the employees start a case against him. This must be done at the place of residence.

After that, the case is transferred to the Ministry of the Region, where the commission decides whether to award the title or not.

If approved, the person must personally come and sign. Then he is issued a certificate of labor veteran. Having received it, the person has the right to benefits.

To apply for a title, you need:

  1. Examine the grounds for its assignment and select the category under which the person falls. Review all requirements for candidates.
  2. Prepare documents for opening a case and submit them to the district department for the protection of people.
  3. Wait for the committee's decision.

If you have questions or doubts, you can contact the staff of the local department of social support for people. There will be advice.

Attention must be paid to certificates or medals that can confirm the title. If it is approved, then no later than 10 days to come to the Ministry and pick up the case.

If the commission rejected the application, then their decision is documented and drawn up in several copies. One for the applicant and one for social support workers.

The decision can be appealed in court. If there are no reasons for assigning the status of "veteran of labor" at the national level, then you can apply for a title of a regional nature.


  • candidate's written statement;
  • passport;
  • photo size 3*4;
  • documents or certificates that confirm the presence of awards. Both the original and a photocopy are required;
  • employment history.

Other documents are possible, their list must be obtained from social security officers. The term for consideration of the application is no more than a month.

The procedure for obtaining the status is simple. By following all the instructions, a certificate can be obtained quickly. The main thing is the availability of documents that indicate the status.

Normative base

Veterans of labor have the right to registration from the price of the allotment for the land. This benefit can only be used if you have a certificate of the title of a labor veteran.

If a citizen with the status of "veteran of labor" has health problems, then he has the right to treatment.

Spa services are provided free of charge. All train and travel expenses are also paid. Monetization is a benefit for labor veterans of the federal type.

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