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How to issue a sports corner at home. Install at home sports corner for children. Views of sports complexes

All children are necessary for the development to run, jump and show activity. A wonderful solution for the design of the children's room will be a sports corner for children in the apartment. Such a device will help to direct the irrepressible energy of the child in the right direction. In addition, it is an excellent means to ensure the useful leisure of children. Let's find out which varieties of corners exist how to ensure their safety, and how to make an attractive design.

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Why do you need a sports corner for children in an apartment?

First find out what the benefits of children's sports corners for home. Such a complex will help children interest in active movements and exercises. With regular classes, endurance is training, an interest in motor activity appears and balance is formed.

Many children neuropathologists are diagnosed with hypendine. At the same time, doctors argue that if you do not satisfy the needs of the child in motion, cardiovascular problems can develop. In addition, motor activity from an early age is useful not only for physical development, but also for mental.

Sports shells at home are always available. They allow you to enrich any game movements.

It is believed that classes at the complex contribute to the development of the skills of proper fall and jumping, which further reduce the risk of injury.

The kid will become more hardy and strong. The muscles of the shoulder belt, chest, back, spine and press will become stronger.

Let's summarize why such a complex is needed:

  • The ability to actively move, for example, to charge or interrupt when performing domestic lessons;
  • you can carry out cheerful classes together with family;
  • preparation for further physical exercise and training in sections;
  • the vestibular apparatus develops, remarkable coordination of movements appears and the cardiovascular system is trained.

You can find information about the benefits and risks of the design:

Models of children's sports walls in the room

There are certain requirements for sports corners for children in an apartment. The choice of component parts depends on age. For example, a slide with a mat and a small ladder can be purchased from year. For children, 4-7 years will complete the range of rings for gymnastics, from wood, as well as rope and trapezium. For adolescents, you can buy a ringer for basketball, a boxing pear, and a bench for the swing press.

When buying a specific model, you need to consider for what weight it is designed. If the weight limit is up to 150 kg, the complex can also use adults for classes.

According to the fastener method, the corners are two types. Some are mounted to the wall, and the second - between the ceiling and floor.

Wall-mounted models are used for any premises, and the complexes in space are suitable for rooms with and. Complexes can be metallic and wooden. Wood products are remarkably suitable for, and metal structures are distinguished by great practicality and durability.

Different options for complexes can be seen in the photo. For children in the apartment is represented by such options:

  • standard wall - a universal solution for any room;
  • T. - shaped option Suitable for a family with several children;
  • P - figurativerecommended for mounting in the courtyard of a private house or for an apartment;
  • M-shaped structures An ideal option for small-sized premises.

Material for structures

A sports corner for children in the apartment can be from different materials. Wood is an environmentally friendly material. She is warm and pleasant to the touch.

Metal complexes are able to withstand heavy loads, they are more durable and cheap compared to wood.

In the manufacture of complexes, such materials are used:

  • for a plurality of elements, the base material is an array of wood, and carriers are performed from a metal having a special coating;
  • drapery are made from reliable leatherette or natural fabric;
  • additional shells and accessories are often made of plastic.

For many elements, beech, as well as wood linden and birch. The crossbars, steps and horizontal bars are polished with varnish.

For your information! The diameter of the crossbar, steps and horizontal scores varies within 10-15 mm, which ensures the optimal degree of rigidity.

Popular designs

Sports children's corner in the room can be different. Consider the most popular designs:

  • mobile complexes Suitable for children from 1 to 4 years. They have a small functionality and they do not require hard. They can be simply put on the floor;

  • in demand fast-mass designs. They can also be reinstalling in different places, disassembled individual elements;
  • picky corners Characterized by considerable rigidity and functionality. The most important attribute is the Swedish Wall. In this case, the frame is mounted on the wall using anchor bolts. The mount is designed for weight up to 200 kg;
  • complex Transformer Can be used in two variations. In the assembled state, it has the form of a Swedish wall, and in the disassembled turns into a circuit with additional shells;
  • combined structures Remarkably suitable for small and premises. Some complexes have a database in the form of a two-story.

Some models include a basket for playing, a porch for boxing and a tarzan.

Important! To strengthen and fasten the racks in the racks are used tallies and screw streamers. Fasteners can be performed between the floor and the ceiling.

Functional configuration nuances

For the sports corner for children in the apartment there are different options for functional configuration. Consider the following elements:

  • the basis of the complex is the Swedish wall;
  • the horizontal rings and ladies will be a useful additions;
  • even for the smallest can be used;
  • remarkably act on all muscle groups all sorts of rope devices;
  • the ball and the basketball ring contribute to the development of motility and coordination of movements;
  • suitable for a complete set of boxing pears and mats.

For your information! If there are no mats, then under the horizontal students you can lay mattresses. This will ensure the safety of your children. In addition, it is worth taking care of the rounding of sharp corners, as well as put the plugs on the fasteners.

Secrets of the Master: Creating a Children's Sports Corner do it yourself

You can build a sports corner on your own. To do this, decide which items will consist of design. First you need to choose the right place under its placement. Most often requires about two squares of the area and free meter around the design.

So, consider how to make elements such as a Swedish wall and a rope staircase:

Picture Stages of work

To make a similar design, the bars will need, 10-15 cm wide, and a thickness of 2 cm. You also need to prepare round rakes, joinery glue, and coating varnish.
On the sidewalls of the blanks, there are places for drilling holes.

Prepared Rakes Mix with adhesive composition, and then tear into the grooves. So the whole design is going. Additionally, the steps can be fixed using self-tapping screws.

In a few days, the design should be covered with varnish.
Picture Work

To make a rope staircase prepare round-section rails. You can use handles from shovels. The rope, the length of which meters 6. For fasteners of the rings from brass.

Cut sticks to separate parts. It will be steps.

Each element grind, and then do the holes along the edges.

All details .

Start all the details to rope. From one big rope, two sidewalls are made. One piece at the end is tied by a node and is riveted into the hole. Do the same with another piece. Then you need to retreat the gap of 30 cm to tie a node on two parts of the rope.

All rails are put on the rope and firmly fastened with nodes. At the end of the product there should be a piece of rope for mounting the design. With the help of a drill, holes are done in the projectile, and then it is attached to the rope to the design.

You can add a Swedish wall with a rings

Photo Work

Mark on a sheet of 6 squares and drink them.

Six squares need to be connected by glue.

Two elements need to be shy at the corners and leave for several days.

Draw on each side of the ring. In this case, their inner diameter should be 18, and external 21 cm.

Cut the rings with the help. Then products need to be seized and coat them with varnish. Then the rings are suspended at the height.

After making the stairs, it must be put on the struts. These elements are screwed into the upper and lower parts of the design, and then the struts are twisted to the limit.


The prototype of the Swedish wall is the usual economic staircase. Invented her Finnish peasants, and she received her name because Finland was under the rule of Sweden. But this is not the essence as important. It is important that the simplest exercises in the Swedish wall (see Figure below) make it possible to completely avoid health disorders due to a sitting lifestyle. Only Scandinavians could think to such use of the stairs: winter in Fennoscandia long, harsh. The land is little fertile, the range of agricultural works is short, and here are also exorbitant grant. Without winter utility crafts, do not survive at all. To lie down in winter on the furnace, and in the spring for a long time to yawning and squeeze, before harming Sivka-Burku in the hust, it was not possible.

Simplest exercises on the Swedish wall

The conditions of modern urban life are imposed on the physical state of people about the same requirements, but for other reasons. And the Swedish wall do it yourself - the product is not complicated; There are options that can be made at home in 2-3 hours, see below. But the Swedish wall is still a sports projectile, not a worker or home apparer, so it is necessary to make it necessary with respect to certain, albeit simple, rules. What - about this and says this publication.

Primary requirements

For simple exercises on the Swedish wall, you can bind the usual staircase to the straggment or ceiling beam, as the fines of the old time did. But the Swedish wall for an extended and complete complex of physical exercises arranged in another one.

The dimensions of the sports and wellness of the Swedish wall must be as follows:

  1. The span on the crossbar (the length of the crossbar) is 800-900 mm;
  2. For home and children's Swedish walls, with a lack of place indoors, it is allowed to reduce the length of the crossbar to 600 mm;
  3. The distance between the axes of the crossbar in height is 150 mm;
  4. If only the limited circle of adults on the wall will be engaged on the wall, the distance between the axes of the crossbar in height is allowed to be increased to 220-260 mm in accordance with the use of users. Range of 150-220 mm anatomically and physiologically "deaf", it will be inconvenient;
  5. The diameter of the crossbar is 40 mm for adults and 24-30 mm for children of different ages (for details, see the materials about the device of a home sports corner);
  6. The distance of the lower crossbar from the floor is 150-220 mm;
  7. Number of crossbars - 12-18 for adults and 10-15 for children;

Even with the most simple exercises at a slow pace on sports shells, dynamic loads occur, many exceeding weight engaged in. Static loads from children are less, and dynamic relative to the weight of the child's body is greater than that of adults. Therefore, the Swedish wall for a complete complex of adult exercises must withstand over 20 minutes without disturbing its own design and fastening to building structures. Cargo suspended to the middle of any of the crossbar (or, when taking into operation and annual survey, all alternately) weight in weight:

  • 180 kg - for a complete set of regular exercises with adults in 2-3 and more shifts of hiev.
  • 150 kg - home or for children's sports competitions.
  • 120 kg - children's homemade.

Almost like ancestor

Technologically, the Swedish wall can be made of wood, metal and durable plastic. For a wooden pleasant to take. Steel is more suitable for an enhanced set of exercise with emphasis, see below. Plastic - for preschool children and younger school age. Let's start with the Swedish wall made of wood, as the least time consuming and universal.

Drawings of a typical wooden swedish wall date on pos. 1 Fig. The crossbars will go cuttings for garden tools from oak, beech, grab, etc. solid dense small-layer wood without defects. Since they are far from always exactly the round section, it is necessary in any carpentry workshop with a turning machine or in the turning metal to push the ends of the cuttings of the cuttings to a diameter of 35 mm (pos. 2). The length of the groove is 20 mm; This is the depth of the wells. This will allow you to choose the holes under the cuttings in the most common furniture drill of the forstner, T. Naz. looped (but see also Next).

On the theettes (sidewalls) of the home Swedish wall will be a common building board without defects, weakening its total strength. Allowed by blades without rot and mold, small misunderstanding knots. The attachment of the crossbar is in the end of a self-tapping screw or confirmation (furniture screw) 6x80 (pos. 3). It is very desirable immediately after the drilling holes for metal fasteners, but before installing it, glue the PVA parts without excerpt to the low-speed, this will increase the overall strength and reliability of the wall, see below. Those: we collect the wall so much, we are tightened by something, the rope for example, drill the installation holes for hardware, we all disassemble, we collect on the joints of the PVA, we collect steel. While the glue is not drying, check and correct overall evenness and horizons (so that the "propeller" does not work).

Talk about the attachment of the projectile Next, but in fact, the typical Swedish wall is strong enough by itself and with the help of the hooks of steel 40x4 or 30x6 (pos. 4) can be suspended to the stretched traverse (bar, pos. 5) or low (flat) P-shaped bracket from the pipe from 40x2. To the bracket you need to fight the pyataki pyataks each under 3-4 screws at 6-8 mm in propylene dowels. To stir up the ends of the carrier bracket in the wall is impossible! Overlifted! The assembly is lying on the backups with alignment into the plane and the horizon on the dry or, better, on the plaza - flat, shining surface of the surface. Blowing the steel part of hardware to the carrier wall (in addition to the thickness of the finish):

  • In concrete - from 60 mm.
  • In a brick - from 70 mm.
  • In a tree - from 90 mm.

Note: How to make a simple Swedish wall like a wooden staircase, see also the video below.

Video: An example of the manufacturer of a simple wall

Details and options

The most, it would seem, not a home operation - a flow of the ends of the crossbar - in fact, it is usually difficult not to cause difficulties. In any instrumental store or at the Iron Bazaar, you will be prompted, where there is a turning place nearby, where you have inexpensive crossbars in your eyes. Perhaps the seller himself will do it. Much more difficulties arise when searching for material for the guilty and choosing a method for fastening a projectile to carrying structures. Also - how to put on the wall mounted gymnastic crossbar (horizontal bar) and handrails for exercises at the end of their hands (they are often referred to as the focus, manual focus or, less often, half-breeds). Emphasis and horizontal bar became the indispensable accessories of the home Swedish wall; often make it an integral part.


The usual injection board on the gardens of the Swedish wall without a choice will not fit: it is not calculated on such a large number of points of concentrated load. Choose the seller whether it will allow, or there is no, and choose, most likely, it will not be from anything: the lumber of the highest condition (and this is needed on sports shells) is selected by sawing by the manufacturer and goes for sale at a price more expensive. To glue the tents from plywood? It is time for laborious and no cheaper - plywood is comparatively with business wood, too, the road.

However, there is a way to strengthen the desired degree cheap packaging fan. It allows you to make the guards of the Swedish wall from the rolling waste at all. Labor on the latch will have to spend no less, but the costs will hardly be more than on the purchase of ordinary boards. And the strength of the finished product will be greater than from the selected high condition.

This method is a preliminary impregnation of plywood harvesting by water-polymer emulsion (VPE). This inexpensive, harmless, safe and easy-to-use material perfectly eliminates the smelling of the drain plywood itself and increases its strength several times. In addition, there is no need for an expensive and narrowly specialized drilling of the forstner - all holes through, they can be drilled at least with a manual cornurotch with a conventional feathery tree drill. There are enough 3-4 liters in the Swedish wall with excess.

For the wall on which adults are regularly engaged, the thickness of the internal parts of the tent must be increased to 28-32 mm; Then all the layers can be chosen from pieces, fitted jack. Complete "Tehkarta" assembly is:

  1. Prepare crossbars (see above);
  2. Prepare plas
  3. Cooked cargo for the oppression;
  4. Cut and customize pieces for the inner parts. Do not forget to numbered or noted which what is joined;
  5. All billets impregnate VPE from 2 sides;
  6. The workpieces immediately, without waiting for complete drying, layers lay on the plas and glue;
  7. Putting and lining the pieces of the first layer, they are applied to the peasants of the next PVA;
  8. Without waiting for the leakage of glue to rot, laid the 2nd layer on the first;
  9. Repeat PP. 7 and 8 until the workpiece of the desired thickness is scored;
  10. Put on the workpiece the oppression - at least 5-6 cargoes from 2 kg evenly in length;
  11. Metallic coal hang the ends of the fins of the workpiece, correlated "crashes" pieces;
  12. PP. 4-11 overlap the workpiece of the second theater;
  13. After 3-4 days (on the drying of the workpieces), cross-cutting holes for crossbars are drilled;
  14. The external lining of the guards are preparing (impregnate VPE), stick under the oppression of the internal parts and fasten the entire package with small self-testers (indent from the edges of the TETIV - 20-25 mm);
  15. Collect the projectile dry and drill the mounting holes under the fastener of the crossbar;
  16. Loss of nests under the crossbar of the PVA and collect the shell on the plaza, without waiting for the leaning of the glue;
  17. Align the design on the plane (eliminate the "propeller", if it was found) and fastened with 16x45 screws for the children's wall in Fig. or 6x60 for adult;
  18. Dry the wall lying on the plaza 5-7 days. It is highly desirable to cheer up the corners so as not to be led.

Dialing option

Another option is convenient and rather economical, although quite time-consuming Swedish wall in the apartment - a set-collapsible combined in the doorway: the greenery from a conventional crawled board or 15 mm plywood, steel crossbars from pipes, crossbad earrings - oak, beech, ram.

Drawings of the collapsible Swedish wall in the doorway are given in Fig.:

Since the point of attachment to the supporting structure is already 32, the fastener is small, screw 3 mm; Their plug in the door jamb - from 20 mm. The crossbars are definitely steel: wooden, not included in the total power scheme, will not stand. Fixing Seryog on the crossbars - M4-M6 screws with heads wishes. The diameter of the parts of the crossbar should be increased by adults, putting on them plastic shells, for example. Of the 2-3 layers of the heat-suite tube (here); It will increase the roughness of the crossbar to the "wooden".

The advantage of this Swedish wall is to remove part of the crossbar, you can exercise with a wide firing feet. Disadvantages - for the exercise, the passage is overlapped, the door jamb and the appearance of the opening is spoiled. In addition, the optimal step of the crossbar at a height of 150 mm is not possible, and 240 mm is close to the maximum permissible.

Hospitality and emphasis

Simple crossbinding for pulling and holding the angle with legs on weight significantly expands the functionality of the Swedish wall. Children's Swedish wall without a horizontalist loses most of its developing qualities. A simple wall-ladder is easy to add the hinged holder of the crossbar for pulling and other static exercises (without sharp movements).

The drawings of the Swedish wall with a wooden hinged holder of the horizontal bar are given in fig. (The top bracket of the holder on the right above; the bottom is there at the bottom).

Other options for the execution of the hincer and manual stop for the Swedish wall are shown on the trail. Fig.:

Manual emphasis allows you to engage in the Swedish wall already extremely experienced and physically developed users, pos. 4 and 5. For a wooden attachment, you need to take perfectly homogeneous without defects, the tree of particularly durable breeds: teak, etc. The dimensions of the mounted on the Swedish wall of the hands are given to the right in fig.

However, the most functional manual stops combined with the crossbar, see another Fig.:

The main structural materials of the carrier parts pipe 40x2, Profiter 60x60x2. For Ukusin, screeds and blades of precipitated grippers - ProfTrub 60x (20-30) x1,5 or (right) pipe 20x1.5. For hooks, there is a band 30x6. "Cape" to the Swedish wall on the right in fig. The most functional is the most functional, but the general use of general use is not certified: hooks in the action zone of engaging are intelligent.

Note: Reaching the horizontal bar forward - 60-65 cm.

Stationary (attached thawed) The horizontal bar on the Swedish wall is required for the average degree of tension or enhanced adult classes, especially since it does not interfere with the children to use the hinged horizontal bar, and adults are emphasis for hands. However, in this case, the horizontal scroll consoles (hold the bracket crossbar) of 3 or 4 bolts (pos. 1 and 2 below in Fig.) - a rough error, like parts made of clearly defective wood (shown by red arrows on the pos . 2). Fastening the square is permissible if the nests under the bolts through screw, and the part of the projectile from a high-quality disheveled solid tree, pos. 3. In any other case, the central symmetric attachment when exceeding the permissible load or from fatigue, "everything suddenly" can collapse.

It is more correct to attach a stationary horizontal bar to the Swedish wall on a shuffle from plywood with a thickness of 24-32 mm. Kosinki are attached to increases of at least 4 through bolts M10-M12, pos. 4. Kosinki can be seal from plywood as described above. If the layers of the workpiece of at least 4 (plywood 6 mm), then pieces on the assembly of the layers are suitable from approx. 100x150 mm. The main thing is that the seams in the layers do not coincide into the parallel converged not closer than 5 plywood thicknesses.

Slightly less reliably fastening direct consoles from high-quality wood with a 5-bolted Wedge. It is loosened rather than a cake, but it is not capable of sudden destruction: first it turns out that it will be noticeable.

Metal Swedish Wall

On the Swedish wall made of metal it is recommended to engage in people strong and mastered quite complex exercises (see at the end). Their palms are more grabs than that of beginners, and the loads are advanced users create large. The setting step in height in this case is taken closer to the maximum possible in accordance with its anthropometry.

Drawings of 2 versions of the Swedish wall made of metal (premie. Male and female) are given in rice; The dimensions of the "female" on the right - in cm.

The guards and console of the crossbar there and there - ProfTrub 80x40x3. The crossbar is a pipe 40x2. Spaking - "legs" for fastening to the wall - Profdrub 40x40x2. It would not hinder the same pipe to make a pitch for consoles of the right option: then cook can be conventional welding with a melting electrode from the portable welding machine.

Note: How to do at home the Swedish wall made of metal, also see Roller:

Video: Metal Swedish wall with horizontal bar and bars

Fastening to the wall

Fasten the Swedish wall to the wall with steel corners and self-drawing, as masters of amateurs do, incorrectly. It is standing in one corner to pass on the fatigue of the metal (which most likely just during classes), as all the mount can break away. Fastening the adult Swedish wall to the bearing wall is possible in 4 or 6-points. Children's desirable to secure in 2-points, see below.

In 4 points, the Swedish wall is attached by the spyers on 3-4 screws in dowels each, see above. This fastening is mainly for people of small weight (up to 70 kg). The lower pair of the grooves is located in the middle between the first and second crossbars, and the top - between the 2nd and 3rd.

When attached to 6 points, the lower two are located closer to the floor, but not less than 0.75 the widths of the lads from its lower edge. If, say, a valuation of 150 mm wide, then the distance of the lower point of the floor mounting is 100 mm. The upper points are outlined in the middle between the latter and the penultimate crossbars, and the average is in the middle between the lower and the upper, but so that they come to the middle of the distance between the crossbars.

The Swedish wall on 6 points is attached, as a rule, anchor bolts from M10, but a diameter of the body of a bolt is not more than 1/3 of the thickness of the gasts and no more than 1/2 of its thickness under the head with a washer. Under the bolts with washers in wooden assets drilled step-through holes. The depth of the larger hole (under the head) - half the width of the taper. In steel asserts, smooth holes under the body of the bolt. Blowing anchors to the bearing wall (in addition to the thickness of the finish):

  • In concrete - from 100 mm.
  • In brick - from 110 mm.
  • In a tree - from 130 mm.

For kids

It is already mentioned above that static loads from children to the Swedish wall are low, but the dynamic rate is capable of creating incredible. And they will be climbed onto the wall with all the scope, and they will also take it on it. At the same time, the height of the children's Swedish wall is sufficient small, 140-160 cm. Accordingly, there will be less and the shoulder of the lever seeking to tear off the wall from the wall

Second - children grow. When the kid turns the children's wall, it will need to be replaced with "merchant" or remove. It is very desirable that at the same time the repair of the children's room does not need or needed minimal. And at the same time, the children's Swedish wall is still used, it should stand in its place as it bothered, whatever her owners do neither.

Based on all this, the Swedish wall for children should be attached to the bearing wall tightly in 2-points. How to ensure stability? In two ways: in the spacer between the wall and the upper fastener or focus on the dead point between the wall and the floor. In the latter case, the upper fasteners serves only by retainers (stoppers), holding the projectile from tipping. That does not reduce the requirements for its reliability.

Note: Alternative - children's Swedish wall, actively absorbing dynamic loads, see below.

In space

For fastening the children's Swedish wall, the elasticity of the design is used. In this case, the lands should be straight, durable and resistant in transverse directions, i.e. Fully enough: Wooden thickness from 30 mm; Plywood washes - from 24 mm.

The installation procedure in place is as follows:

  1. tighteners are temporarily attached to the heels of the guys with a thickness of 3-4 mm;
  2. the projectile is tightly placed on the floor at the installation site;
  3. on the bearing wall at the place there are holes under the self-tapping screw in dowels, see above;
  4. pads with heels are removed and the wall is attached to the wall. Her heels will be hanging in the air;
  5. preparing bias from microporous rubber rinse for 2 mm thick are more than the thickness of the temporary gaskets;
  6. one person pair of mounts is facing the lower crossbar of the most theory and shaves the projectile up (pos. 4 in Fig.);
  7. the assistant lubricates the rubber tips with the mounting glue and fits the guys to the hanging heels;
  8. the first worker removes pressure from the mounts.

After an hour and a half, move it or disrupt the projectile is unlikely to succeed and physically strong adult.

Point blank

The fastening of the children's Swedish wall in the stop at 2 points showed itself more reliable fastening into space. It does not require an assistant to perform, less spoils the carrier wall and the floor, and also allows you to give a playful look. The fastening in the emphasis is valid on the principle of the lever, jammed in a dead point. Therefore, its upper attachment points should be absolutely rigid in all 3 planes, and the tents are somewhat curved. The thickness of the pavement is 24 mm; plywood impregnated VPE from 16 mm, i.e. Plywood instruments can be solid not flocked.

The terms of the reliability of such a fastening method, firstly, the support surfaces should fit into a straight angle (highlighted in red in Fig. Below). In order for the wall and gender less, thin silicone gaskets stick to the supporting surfaces (rubber leaves tracks). Secondly, the toes of heels the tents must act in no less than the distance equal to the distance of the axes of the crossbar of the bearing wall. If novice athletes are very chests and abrupt, it is better to bring heels forward to half the rejection of the horizontal bar or more, i.e. By 25-30 cm. Third: Fastening to the wall - anchor bolts from M8. The imposition of anchors into the wall from 80 mm, from 90 mm and from 100 mm for concrete, brick and wood countertop.

However, consider closer and what is right in Fig. The similarity is only external, and the power scheme turns out completely different. Because of the inevitably emerging backlats on the fasteners of the brackets, the "ears" to assemble the assets to attach such a shell to the wall in 4 points, which is less reliable and spoils its appearance.

On self-absorption

Swedish plastic wall for adults The question is very and very dubious. Household plastics do not hold static loads and quickly get tired of them. Special (for example, carbonistics "Carbon") are very roads and overloaded prone to sudden destruction. But the children's Swedish wall of polyisopropylene (simply - propylene) is a very good solution, because Propylene perfectly absorbs dynamic loads. Only fixing the propylene children's Swedish wall to the wall needed as an adult, in 3 or 4-points on the anchors of M6-M8 with the embedding in the wall 90, 100 or 120 mm for concrete, brick and wood. How to collect a Swedish wall from parts of propylene water supply on a soldering, see the next. plot.

Especially relevant for families in which children grow up. The intellectual formation of the kid is of great importance, but it should not prevent physical development. Full physical training is, above all, health, providing normal brain activity.

In other words, without physical development it is impossible to achieve the correct work of the brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to give their children into sports sections and circles. This is a very correct solution, but your own sports corner of the house is the perfect option for constant physical improvement of a young organism.

It is quite difficult to organize space for sports in sports in rather difficult, but still really. This is facilitated by a wide range of modern designs and simulators commercially available. All these devices are different by:

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. method of placement;
  4. cost.

Main types of home sports corners

If the apartment owner plans to make a sports corner (see the photo below), he must first familiarize himself with the views of such structures and explore the range offered by different manufacturers.

The choice of sports complex depends on:

  • apartment size;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amounts owned by the apartment is ready to donate to the acquisition of sports equipment.

The ideas of the design of the gym at home

Unfortunately, most modern apartments are infringed in square meters, and, as a rule, it has no more than 10 m 2. But this should not be a reason for refusing to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room you can build a miniature sports corner.

  • Option first. The Swedish wall is installed, in ceiling Rings are mounted, a basketball ring is mounted on the wall. Additionally, you can hang a boxing pear. Such a composition will take no more than 1 m 2, which will in no way affect the rest of the children's area.
  • The second option is more improved and is to use transforming furniturewhich simultaneously can be a sports element and perform a function ,,. Such furniture saves the space well, and modern execution contributes to the fact that it fits perfectly into any interior.

Owners of the apartment with a large children's room are much easier to make the design of a sports corner with their own hands. The lack of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of a whole sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal stairs, horizons, barriers, obstacles, various simulators (treadmill, bike, etc.) are placed here.

Of course, such a sports corner will require essential financial investments, but the remuneration for parents of parents will be health and fun laughter of their children.

Council. By connecting your own imagination or inviting the home of a professional designer, you can arrange a children's sports corner in a certain topic, for example, the jungle or a pirate ship.

Home Gym Adults

Adults no less children love to play sports. Moreover, classes in sports shells are necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthening muscles and skeleton bones. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles are atrophy, and a person feels impotence. Hence all age diseases and poor well-being.

The advantage of the metal complex is that in the assembly it is much easier than the wooden sports corner. And on the hands will never be the head.

Interior features and decor

The sports room in the house, as well as any other, requires the relevant interior and scenery. When making this zone, designers are recommended and trying to use as much as possible. Since everything symbolizes health here, the presence of synthetic finishing materials will be inappropriate.

Gym walls are better separated cork panels, And the floor make a natural tree or eliminate. In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of the simulators and constant dynamic loads, installing sports equipment follows special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

Between the walls and sports shells (except for the Swedish wall), the distance is 30 cm. If we are talking about a big sports corner, it is rational here to put a locker for clothes and towels, outdoor scales.

Gymnastic exercises and exercises on the simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of the acquisition of the player. But replacing it quite can a portable player with headphones. Those who do not consider themselves to music lovers may want to listen to literary works during classes or study a foreign language, master any training.

What should be in the home sport? Light should be enough, but at the same time he should not annoy his eyes. Too bright lamps will act on the body fatigue.

It is possible to equip a sports corner not only in the apartment, for this suitable.

This article will be interesting to everyone who is interested in sports. Almost every person seeks to support itself in the form. A visit to the gym is a good way to achieve this goal. But it requires constant costs.

It is believed that a sports corner cannot replace all the charms of a full-fledged gym. In fact, for regular training, all muscle groups need not so much, and the sports corner can be equipped with their own hands.

It is enough to have a horizontal bar, a bars, a rack for the rod and an oblique bench, on which you can do the exercises with a barbell and download the press. If you add a set dumbbell and running track to this list, you can safely stop spending money on visiting the gym.

All listed sports shells are sold in sports stores. They are made high quality and beautiful, but it is not suiced.

Fortunately, we are talking about things that can be easily made independently, especially in our time the abundance of construction tools and materials. Let's talk about how you can make a sports corner with your own hands (except dumbbells and rods).

Children's sports corner takes an important place in the child's room. It is there that your baby will spend most of his free time. The opportunity to take the opportunity to take a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible - the natural desire of each parent.

The presence of such a corner at your home will help dramatically change the style of life of your child, he will independently do there, who do not take your time. The kid who since childhood climbs on the rope and hangs on the rings, will not be afraid of the tourists and crossbars.

So, when you decide to give your stay home mini-gym, the question arose: how to make a children's corner? However, only you can know how to make a sports corner, which perfectly fit into the dimensions and the interior of the room, what form it should be and what sports equipment is equipped with. Your baby probably has some wishes about the future sports complex to which you will also need to listen.

What do you need?

First of all, you need to decide on the components of the elements. No sports corner costs without a Swedish wall. For its manufacture you will need:

Two vessels from wood 5x14x300 cm. According to standards, the length of BRUSEV is equal to three meters. But if your ceilings of other sizes, appropriate bars are selected.

5 or 6 cuttings under the shovel. They can be bought in construction stores or in the same place where you will buy a bar. When buying, pay attention to the fact that they are smooth and smooth and did not have bitch.

4 or 6 iron corners and screws for fastening to the wall of the Swedish wall.

Follow glue, many choose the common "moment".

Prepare your tools: saw, drill with a nozzle under round holes, sandpaper of different types of rudeness


Gymnastic mats

Getting to work

1. To begin with, pick a bar under the height of your ceiling.

2. Treat the timber with the plane and sandpaper for smoothness. In each bar, do 10 holes in which the crossbars will then come. If the height of the ceilings is approximately equal to three meters, then the holes should be 11 or 12. The second crossbar must be made a little deeper than everyone else. The diameter of the holes must correspond to the diameter of the cuttings so that they are tight and not scrolled. Cuttings are cut in half.

4. After put the wall on the floor and glue the crossbar. When the glue dries, attach
Construction to the wall. What is the Swedish wall without a horizontalist? The horizontal bar do easily. You need two small timber bars and two crossbars that are fastened by the scheme considered above. The horizontal bar must perform ahead of 60 cm. To the Swedish wall, the horizontal bar is attached by screws.

Gymnastic rings Easy to make rings and suspension from belts and cable, with the help of which they are fastened from carrier barcass crossbar. The rope staircase can be built of two ropes or ropes with a diameter of up to 10 mm with the steps from the tree with a length of 45 cm and a diameter of 35 mm. The distance between the steps is 20 cm.

Stairs. For the manufacture of stairs, the struts are needed wooden brown-sidewalls with a length of at least 2 m and a width 5 and 2 cm thick. At their ends (at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends) we drill the holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm for fastening pins. In addition to the holes for fastening pins, drill holes in them with a diameter of 25 mm every

15 cm over the entire length of bars. After that, on the woodworking machine, we pull 10 round wooden plates with a length of 45 and diameter 2, 5 cm insert into the holes-sidelines located against each other. The strut staircase can be suspended between two housings. If you take 2 housings of the same height, it will be parallel to the floor, but you can make it and inclined. The strut staircase is connected to the housing with the help of fastening pins with a length of 60 cm and a diameter of 10-12 mm made from a steel bar or tube and inserted in such a way that they pass through the holes in the sidewalls of the stairs and holes in the housing walls.

Rope-ladderconsists of two ropes or ropes with a diameter

up to 10 mm. With wooden steps with wooden steps with a long 45 cm, with a diameter of 35 mm each. The distance between the steps is 20 cm, the width of the working part of the stairs (steps between the ropes - 38-40 cm, and the length is determined by the frame height of the frame and is equal to about 1.8-2m. In each step at a distance of 24 mm from both of its ends, holes in diameter 10 are drilled on both ends. Mm. Then it is stripped on the ropes and on top and bottom is fixed by nodes (necessarily at one level!) To exclude the possibility of moving. So that during operation, the steps are not crackdown, the metal rings of the corresponding diameter should be placed on their ends (from steel or duralum tube) . The children's corner may also have a sports rope. It is recommended to lay a soft mat that will prevent possible bruises on the floor.

And so, a children's corner, made by their own hands, adorns the child's room. How much joy and happiness in the kid from such a wonderful gift! Children's sports corner is the best acquisition for the health and full development of the child. Movement, tone and muscular activity will positively affect the immunity and forming a growing children's body. Let your kid grow healthy and sports!

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