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Schifllera. Description and Care for Flower Schiflore. Hepherler - your unpretentious home evergreen tree of Sheffler loves the sun

Flower of Shepherra is often found in the collections of indoor plant lovers, named the German nerd Jacob Christians of Scheffer (not everyone knows how his surname is written correctly, and add "l" as in the name of the flower, but in German, his name is written Jacob Christian Gottlieb Schäffer). This is the original trees with spectacular foliage perfectly for decorating residential premises, holls, offices. Care for reader does not cause special trouble, but some nuances know still. In this article - all about growing an amazing flower: reproduction of room challers, treatment from diseases and care at home.

A grade with white spots on the leaves looks very elegant.

Shepherr belongs to the family of Aralia, representatives of the family are found in the countries of Oceania, in Australia, in the areas of Southeast Asia. In nature, the chaffers grow to significant sizes, usually the height of trees and shrubs can reach more than 2.5 meters.

Among the reader there are not only trees and shrubs, which over time lose the leaves at the bottom of the trunk, carrying a thick cap of umbrella leaves on the top of the top hat, some representatives of the genus have a lenovoid form.

The leaves of the plant may have a dense green color, there are varieties with variety leaves (white, cream or yellow bordering of the leaves along the edge).

In room culture, sheexts have long used for the design of the premises, it should be remembered that all parts of the plant of poisonous, with their cultivation, caution should be taken.

Growing and care

Shepherra - the flower is unpretentious, but it grows best in compliance with the agrotechnical rules of culture culture. Knowledge of the basic requirements for flower care will help avoid errors in the cultivation of an umbrella tree. Care for reader can be organized with the following rules for the decorative plant content in room conditions.


At home it is very important to choose the right place to choose, do not suit this Southern and Western window sills, because the plant requires protection against direct sunlight. Bustics can be grown on the eastern and northeastern window sills, in winter gardens with bright lighting of the pots worth putting in the shade of large trees - the plants are perfectly transferred to the half.

The greatest shading exceeds the varieties with green leaves, the vibrant copies require more bright lighting.

If the plant is on the bright sun, burns may appear on the leaves that cannot be cured.


An adult plant can not be exhibited in the sun.

Hepherler does not like heat, so in a room where a pot is placed in the summer, it should be cool. If a climate technique works in the room, it is necessary to trace that the directional flow of cold air does not fall into the crown of the plant, otherwise the reader drops the leaves.

In the summer, the temperature of the optimal is the temperature from +15 to + 23 ° C, the plant should be in a coolness in the coolness, approximately + 15 ° C.

The soil

Like all representatives of the Aralia family, the reader loves a lightweight, drained, fertile soil. You can prepare the boarding substrate yourself, for which it is necessary to mix the following ingredients:

  • Sand - 1 h.
  • Fertile humus - 2 h.
  • Cherry land - 4 h.
  • Sheet land - 3 h

The soil must have a weakly acidic or neutral reaction - pH 6.

Of the finished soil mixtures, you can use the finished mixtures "palm" or "ficus".

At the bottom, the pot lay a layer of fine porous clay, which will eliminate the stagnation of water in the roots during watering.


Watering spend on top, trying to prevent strong soil waters, if the plant stands for a long time in a cup with water, the reader drops the leaves. Water for watering should be room temperature or slightly warm, well-resistant.

Shepherra is a moisture-loving room plant, so the flower care should be thorough, especially with regard to irrigation. Watering is carried out dosed, but often. You can not allow complete drying of the soil in the pot. In winter, watering chaffers cut, while maintaining high air humidity.


To maintain moisture, the plant can be put on the pallet filled with a wet clay. Air around the plant is useful to spray from the sprayer several times a day. Leather leaves can be wiped from dust with a wet sponge, in summer the plant will be grateful for a warm shower.


The plant needs regular fertilizers that are particularly effective during active growth.

Nutritional compositions are made under the root 1 time in 10 days, starting from March, they finish fertilize the plant in October. It is recommended to make feeding, alternating mineral and organic formulations. It is useful once a month to feed the microelements.

In winter, fertilizer is not required.


Pot is selected by 5 cm more in diameter.

Pereparing the grown smarters only when the roots are shown from the drain hole. It is best to carry out a transplant in the spring months, if necessary, you can perform a transshipment of the plant in a larger pot in the fall.

Do not forget about drainage - on the bottom of the pot should be putting a grainsite, gravel or small pieces of foam.

Diseases and pests

If the care is organized correctly, the plant will feel good, giving annual growths. Weak plants are attacked by pests and infectious diseases may develop.

Shield, red web tick, trips - these are the main enemies of the room chaffler. It is very important to notice pests on time to prevent the leaves' fence from the plant. To get rid of pests it is necessary to apply special insecticides.

Diseases are manifested on the leaves of the appearance of a variety of spots: dry plots, black or brown wet surfaces, all this is due to improper departure, as a result of which the plant infection begins by pathogenic microbes and viruses. It is possible to treat the diseased plants with the help of fungicides, while at the same time bringing a plant to normal.


The trunks can be braid into the braid.

Usually, in room conditions, the following types of reader are grown:

  • Schefflera Actinophylla (Schefflera Actinophylla) - in nature can grow up to 12 m. The plant has a pronounced tree shape, a powerful trunk has a gray brown color. Ovalo-pointed leaves are located on long reddish stiffs, each sheet plate consists of 14-16 separate segments. Dark green leaves with a malachite tint have a leathery surface and bright shine. The grade flowers with yellow or aluminum colors collected in the brush.
  • Sh. Octophylla (Schefflera Octophylla) - wood-octopus. The variety is named for hanging pets of dairy. Leaves in young age - yellowish. Adults - green. Flowers - yellow-green with long stamens.
  • Sh. Tree (Schefflera Arboricola) - meets in Australia and New Guinea. A low elegant plant has many stems and root offspring. Young shoots have a herbaceous color, adult stems over time acquire a brown shade. Leaves consist of 16 plates of green. This species includes varieties with yellow marks on the leaves (Gold Capella).
  • Sh. Palchata (Schefflera Digitata) - the natural range of growth is located in New Zealand, where the reader grows up to a height of 8 m. The leaf plates are separated by 10 parts, the length of the leaves - up to 35 cm, covered in edges with rare cloths.

In room conditions, the reader can be grown in the form of a tree or a bush, high originality and decorative plants are distinguished, with interlaced trunks.

How to propagate at home

The root cutting can be planted in a separate pot.

The reproduction of the smarter can be performed in several ways:

  1. Sowing seeds - choosing this way, it should be remembered that the reproduction of the seeds seeds requires the longest time. The cultivation of seeds is a very painstaking lesson who requires patience, because the adult beauty will grow very soon. If there were no colors on your plant, the seeds did not start, the sowing material can always be ordered on the Internet or buy in garden centers. The distance between the seeds is two seed lengths. It will take 1-2 dive of seedlings before planting in separate pots.
  2. Shining - To get new plants, choose mature shoots covered with wooded bark. They are cut into segments with 2 live kidneys. Large leaves are removed or half crushed. The cuttings are planted in a sand and peat mixture (1: 1). During the rooting of the cuttings, it is useful to maintain high air humidity, for which the container is placed in greenhouse, which is kept warm, in a shady spot. After the formation of the roots, the young plants are searched into separate pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm.
  3. Air chains - the reproduction of the chafflers in this way is possible only if you grow a large adult tree with powerful branches. It is necessary to choose a branch covered with a bark, make a ring incision of the cortex in the place of attachment of the leaves, wrap the branch of moss, impregnated with nutrients or biostimulants. On top of the moss you can strengthen the polyethylene film, which will protect moss from drying out. If necessary, the moss is moisturizing under the film. After the formation of the roots, the branch is cut off, planting in a separate pot.

In natural conditions it evergreen A small tree, or shrub found in a tropical strip almost all over the world. The height of them reaches 1.5-2.5 meters, while decorative species are slightly lower.

Basic external feature This plant is a finger-disseated structure of the sheet.

With their shape, the leaves resemble palm with widespread fingers, the number of which varies from 7 to 12. Very often, the Sheffler for such a structure of the leaf is called an umbrella tree.

Color leaves, depending on views Schifferramay be a homogeneous green or fly, with white-yellow divorces and stains. Lucid The location of the leaves in combination with an unusual color creates an attractive magnificent crown of the plant. Under the conditions of home dilution, the umbrella tree practically does not bloom.

Speed \u200b\u200bspecies

The main rules for the care of indoor Flowers The smarters are legitimate for the following types.

Schiflera octaliste. It has its spectacular species. On its disrupting cream cutters, 8-12 leaflets of an elongated lancing form are mounted. Leaves up to 30 long, and a width of up to 10 cm with a pointed top and lighter than the main color, residents. Young leaflets have an olive-green shade, while old are green.

Shaffler tree. This is a small tree, having a reprehensive, branching trunk. Initially green branches of a young plant with age take a light brown color. The leaves grow up to 20 cm long. This species is one of the most popular wood-shaped schofliers among the indoor crops.

The following are especially common. pepling forms:

  • "Geisha Girl" - with dark-green, rounded on the ends of the leaves;
  • "Gold Capella" - is distinguished by the presence of yellow and gas spots on dark-green leaves;
  • "Hayata" - has oval-extended leaves of light green color, narrowed at the ends;
  • "Variegata" - has yellow spots on the leaves of dark green color;
  • "Janine" is one of the "compact" species whose plants do not exceed 1-2 meters in height. It is distinguished by unusual forked and round-green leaves with cream spots and stripes.

Schiflera lean (or star) is also widely represented in cultural form. This tree, well branching plant, is usually a few trunks. Paint-complex leaves on long stiffs with 7-12 dollars reach a length of 30 cm.

Schifler Palchatka. Very compact and convenient for growing at home. The leaflets are dissected by 8 stakes having wavy edges. Very spectacular multicolored plants.

Room Schiflea Care

Flower Shefliers to care is not demanding, but still prefers comfort. It perfectly carries out in the conditions of a modern apartment, if you provide it necessary care and attention.

Where to place a pot with Schifleria

Most. suitable place For the comfortable stay of this tropical guest will windowsides of the Eastern and Western windows. The plant prefers bright places, but it is categorically not to accept direct sunlight. It is very important to provide Good air circulation In the room, but at the same time it is necessary to keep the Vazon with Sheffler away from drafts.

Air temperature and humidity

Too high indicators temperature Harmful to Schifferra. Ideally, if in the summer months it is possible to maintain the temperature at the level of + 18 + 22 degrees. This is possible if the room is equipped with air conditioning, but it is not worth placing a plant under the air flow. It is noticed that in the air-conditioned premises of the schifler grows and develops much faster.

Considering that the birthplace of this plant is the tropics, it becomes clear that the schafler must provide high humidity Environment, for which a pot with a plant put in a pallet with a wet clay. Useful will be regular spraying resistant soft water. In winter, if the temperature of the content is the same as in the summer, the spraying is not canceled.


Schifflera - a light-affilome plant, and the volatile forms are experiencing a greater need for good lighting. In winter and in the fall, the pot with a flower is desirable to rearrange on the south, creating a scattered light with a slight shading. For insufficient lighting Shrub begins to stick and fad.


One of the important conditions for successful growing Schiftorra is compliance Right irrigation regime. The plant does not tolerate the excess of moisture, the stagnation of which leads to the occurrence of rotary processes of the root system. Watering the green inhabitant should be moderate, but also to dry out the earthen coma should not.

Water for watering need soft, residual, water temperature Must match the temperature of the soil. In the winter months, watering is reduced.


Fertilize Schiefflaur during the period of active growth, that is, from spring to autumn, on average, once every 10 days. To do this, use a solution of universal fertilizer for decorative-deciduous plants, sometimes alternating it with an organic feeding.

Transplanting umbrella tree

Young plants once a year need transplant. The transplant is made with the beginning of spring, in a pot, much larger than the previous one. It is necessary to provide a good drainage plant, for which the pot is placed on the bottom of the ceramisit. The transplanting ground is used with such composition:

  • turf (2 parts);
  • sheet (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Adult plant transplant The method of transshipment every few years, trying not to disturb the earthen kom and do not damage the roots. If the schifler has grown to a very large size, you can restrict ourselves to the replacement of the upper layer of the soil.


To get a beautiful lush tree, it is necessary from time to time print The tops of Schifferra, after which the plant will release new side shoots. Thus, a ball-shaped volumetric crown, giving the plant a more decorative appearance. It is also possible to form a tree crown by cutting the side and lower escapes.

Reproduction and care for reader

Breeding Sheflfler in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • grains;
  • seeds.

Since room Plant does not give seedsTherefore, most often for reproduction at home, the first two ways are used.

Developed cuttings It is cut with a knife and processed the growth stimulant, after which it is planted into the prepared ground from peat and sand for rooting. Planted cuttings Cover with a transparent film or a can, or use ready-made greenhouses sold in specialized stores.

For high-quality rooting of cuttings, Schifferrs should be supported humidity of the soil and air temperature at +22 degrees. To obtain air chains on a developed parent plant, a shallow incision is made, which wrapped with wet moss and are covered with polyethylene film.

1.5 - 2 months Cores appearAfter which the ropes are separated from the parent plant and planted into separate containers.

Diseases and problems Schifferra

Improper care for the umbrella tree will lead to the disease of the plant. Two main problems that occur most often is pereliv and lack of lighting.

Failure to comply with light regime It leads to the fact that the leaves become black and the plant begins to stick. Pepling forms of Schifferra and can reset their outfit. At the very first signs of lack of light, the container with a plant needs to be transferred to a well-lit place.

Excessive moisture - This disaster for the green inhabitant of your apartment. The Sheffler has a small, urine root system and excess watering, as well as a dense, poorly thin substrate leads to the fact that the roots begin to rotate. The plant reacts to this appearance on dry leaves, externally resembling a plug, brown spots.

Also because of overflows can appear "dropsy" - Convex growths on the back of the leaflet. In such cases, watering should be reduced.

If the plant suddenly became dump the leavesPerhaps the room temperature is too low or too high for a comfortable stay. The conditions of the plant content should be revised.

Of all the pests to Schifler, the most not indifferent:, and. When detecting Such, the plant is isolated, treated with soap solution and increase air humidity. In the case when it does not help, resort to the help of insecticidal solutions.

A simple care and a comfortable medium of stay are able to create a real miracle, turning Schiflera into an elegant scenic tree, which will decorate any interior.

And for the most curious, we suggest familiarizing with the video about Schifleria and the peculiarities of her

Sheffler or Heflera(Schefflera) from the Araliacea family (Araliaceae) combines more than 150 species of evergreen trees, shrubs and lian. Breeders brought decorative-deciduous miniature trees and lush shrubs adapted for cultivation at home, as well as in the greenhouse, in the winter garden and in the open ground to decorate gardens or household plots. The decorative value of the plant lies in the special beauty of large leaves, the complex plates of which are dissected on the shares, diverting in different directions from one point on a long pet. A similar palphess-dissected form of a sheet plate is very similar to the revealed palm, and in some countries, Schifferru is still called the umbrella of the gnomes, an umbrella tree or an umbrella tree. The care of unpretentious reader at home is quite simple, subject to certain rules for growing housekeeping decorative and deciduous plants. Photos of popular bedroom varieties of these miniature trees or shrubs can be found below in this material.

At home Ceffler flowers it is extremely rare. But some decorative-deciduous varieties are regularly blooming in greenhouses. Small white flowers are assembled in embellished creeps or blurred inflorescences.

- Photo: Inflorescence with small flowers

Some loving plants are grown by Sheffler in the form of a magnificent bush or a village, similar to home Topiary. With the help of regular trimming, this soliter plant can be easily transformed, it is also easily forming a barrel and a crown, as well as the popular ficus of Benjamin. For example, Schhefflera Tree (Schefflera Arboricola, Heptapleurum Arboricola) will perfectly fit into the interior of the modern office, as well as residential premises, like a floor (perfeit) or even a board plant. Bonsai is easily formed from the shefliers of the tree. In addition, this miniature tree is not as whimsical as bonsai from domestic azalea or from blooming fuchsia. The unreserved shoots begin to form with a thin wire, then regularly cut off the branching shoots so that the tree trunk decorates the lush crown. In order for the bonsai barrel to look more thickened, it is formed from several interlaced stems. Phytodizainers are often used by Schiflera to create homemade floral compositions along with such popular indoor plants as the drazes of marginat, a blooming calangean, money tree (Crasus), a dollar tree (Zamiculkas), a tree-like Yucca, a hameedorian palm tree, a monster with peristrase leaves.

- Photo: Bonsai from Schiftorra

Another popular appearance for home cultivation is an octophylla (Schefflera Octophylla) with luxurious palphelterous leaves of an elliptical shape on dowry stiffs, which consist of 5-16 fractions of fingers. The coloring of the leaves can be both homogeneously green and motley - with yellowish or white streaks, divorces and stains. When forming a floral composition Against the background of these lush corruptible plants, it will be interesting to look unpretentious blooming houseplants - orchid phalaenopsis or dendrobium, homemade natpolia violets, Gerangy Pelagronia, Begonia, Bulk, Hibiscus Chinese Rose, Gerbera, Hydrangea.

♦ What is important!

Location and lighting.

The best option is to place a pot with a plant on the windowsill window from the eastern or western side. If the sfalter is already high enough, then you can put a pot next to the window on a wooden stand. Popular varieties can be placed on the windows on the south side so that the drawing on the leaves was more pronounced. But be sure to protect the plant from direct sunlight and shadow the window glass in the spring-summer period. In the fall and in winter, it is advisable to place next to the fito-lamps for artificial lighting, to keep the decorative view of the leaves.

Temperature mode.

In the fall and in winter, a comfortable temperature for Schifferra - 16-19 ° C, but also a decrease in temperature to 12 ° C will not harm the plant. In the spring-summer period, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 17-24 ° C. Small temperature differences during the day are quite admissible and even beneficial effect on the development of the room plant. But be sure to take care of the chefleru from drafts, and also hold away from the heated heating devices.

Air humidity.

Optimal air humidity - elevated (50-60%). But the reader quickly adapts to a moderate level of humidity. Spray the plant with warm dummy water once every 3-4 days, and in hot summer days - every day, additionally rubbing the leaves with a wet soft sponge. In the end of spring and in summer, you can put a pot with Schifleria on a pallet with a wet clay, and next to put the container filled with water to maintain the optimal level of humidity.


Water for watering is soft, well-distilled and warm. In the fall and winter watering the plant is very moderately, not allowing pereliva. In the spring and summer, water regularly, not allowing the drying of the earth coma, but also not overcoating the soil. All the excess water flowing into the pallet, pour out to prevent moisture stagnation around the roots.

Landfast and feeding.

The weakness of the earth can be done independently, mixing the humus, squeezing ground and pure sand in equal parts. For volatile varieties, you can make a mixture of humus, fibrous peat and river sand (3: 1: 1)

The feeding should be made once every two weeks in the growing period. It is possible to feed a solution of universal fertilizer for decorative indoor plants.


Pot for transplanting Schiftorra Choose enough spacious by adding a dreament layer of broken brick or clamzit. Until three years, transplanted the reader every year, and an adult plant - once every 2-3 years. The best time for transplant is the middle of spring.


Houses Schiflores can be multiplied by seeds, air chains and cuttings.

For seeding seeds, use a mixture of peat with sand in a wide container. Before the procedure, you can soak seeds in water with a dissolved epin drug. The optimal time for sowing is mid winter. Moisten the substrate from the pulverizer with warm water-resistant water and cover with glass container or cellophane. Spray and ventilate the substrate with water once a day. Picking in separate pots only after several leaves appear on seedlings.

For reproduction of the stalling, it is necessary to cut a slightly stigma of the stalk slightly and hold it in a solution with a stimulant of the root formation. To root in a mixture of peat with sand. The container must be covered with a translucent cellophane package.

In the interior of official institutions - hospitals, receptions, cabinets - often you can see the plant with the original name "umbrella tree". Sheflir loved, the care of which comes down to a minimum of events, and household owners. A tree or bush with a lush crown formed by large leaves similar to the palm with the fingers placed, equally decorative in winter and summer. When growing in the room, the blooming schifler is rare, but it is beautiful and without buds, whose attractiveness for many is doubtful: they resemble the tentacles in a loaf.

Types and varieties

His way to home garden, culture leads from wet tropical forests of the Australian continent, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Her closest relatives are representatives of the Araliyev family: ivy, Eleutherococcus, ginseng. Wild samples of Schifferra, which are known about 200 are diverse. They are distinguished from each other sizes, shape, length and color of leaves. Among them are lianas, shrubs, huge (up to 20 m height) trees. At home, it is grown about 10 aligned flower forms.

The most common room garden is decorated with Schiflera the following types.

  • Octophylla (SCHEFFLERA OCTOPHYLLA). Shees of her shiny leathery, elongated, lancetons. They are sharpened to the top, they have a rounded base. Because of their form, this Sheffler was nicknamed by the octopus tree. On the touch leaves rough. The length reaches 30-40 cm, in width - 10 cm. Long stuffs, strongly disrupting, milky-cream color. Each is attached from 6 to 12 leaves. While they are young, their color olive green with a bottle-yellow tide. Over time, they are painted in a rich-malachite tint, against which more pale bodies become clearly visible. Bottom leaf plate matte, her color is neuropy, pale-green.
  • Palp (Schefflera Digitata). Also known under the name of Aralia Scheflera (Araralia Schefflera). In nature is found in New Zealand. This is a tall (up to 3-6 m) wood, form of leaves resembling palm. Each of them is divided into 7-10 plates, the length of which is 15-35 cm. The leaves have the form of a strongly elongated oval, are pointed at the base and on top. They are wide - up to 6 cm. Their surface is glossy, leathery, like parchment. The edges of young leafs are perishes, as rare teeth appear on them. They are located on a long (up to 20 cm) with a tube. Flowering Palp Schiefflare produces umbrella inflorescences consisting of 4-8 buds. They are very small. In the disclosed state, the flower diameter is about 0.6 cm. There are also the voyage views of this schiflera.
  • Tree (Schefflera Arboricola). The trunk in the plant is a reprehensive, branching. The color of shoots depends on their age. While they are young, he is green. Adult shoots acquire a light brown shade. Different with a tree variety of schiflera form of leaves: they have unparallers. In length, they reach 20 cm. Flowerwoods are popular for Gold Capella (with juicy green leaves covered with small yellow spots), Gerda (with colorful lemon-green leaves resembling open outlets), amate (having increased resistance to disease and pests and pests juicy green leaves). The tree of Schifler in the home garden can grow high to 1.2 m.
  • Schefflera Actinophylla. The second name is starlist. It is grown at home most often. The trunk of her dust-brown, powerful, straight, at the base is noticeably thickened. The leaves are divided into 14-16 blades. First they are egg-shaped, then become oval-elongated, pointed to the top. Their average length is 15 cm, width - 5 cm. At the edges, they are slightly wavy, attached to the red-brown shada long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety of the plant. Some species have brilliant and rich-green, others are mustard (Green Gold) or olive-yellow, gear, similar to Oak (Nova). In the middle part of the share is wide, they can even touch the edges with neighboring. Allowers on the leaves of a lighter shade, they are clearly visible. Room flower can reach a height of 3 m.

All kinds of sfallers are unpretentious. Caring for them will not seem difficult even inexperienced flowers.

Lighting and temperature

Svetfer's light need a lot. The optimal place for it is the windowsill, located on the eastern or western side of the house. Plant with monophonic leaves will be comfortable and on the northern windows. If they are covered with fancy patterns of white and yellow (Gerda, Hong Kong, Gold Capella, Sofia, Zhann), due to insufficient lighting patterns on them they will be fastened here.

South windows Sheffler are not suitable. On them the flower will be too hot and sunny. It is better to put a tree on a well-lit table, moved it to the window. The plant patiently tolerate adverse conditions, but for a long time on the Sunfler's sun, it does not stand up - its leaves are yellow and covered with burns. Therefore, it is recommended to hide it from heat under a light curtain.

You can put the schafler and in the halftime. But placing it in the depths of the room, at a considerable distance from the light source, it is not worth it, otherwise, instead of spectacular high-trees, a stupid misunderstanding with rare leaves will grow. In winter, this room flower needs to be shown. This is especially important when it is heated in heat (at temperatures above 17 ° C).

In the warm season, the pot with Sheffler can be taken out: on the terrace, balcony or garden. The main thing is to cover it from the bright sun and protect against wind and draft.

Despite the tropical origin, the heat of the plant does not like. It is preferable for it temperature in the range of 17-22 ° C in summer and at least 12 ° C in winter. The overheating of the shefller reacts sharply, dropping leaves from itself. For this reason, the windowsills under which the battery is located, and the corners near the heating devices are bad options for its placement. Feed leaves from the flower also due to drafts and sharp temperature fluctuations.

Watering and humidity

This indoor plant loves a wet atmosphere, but the water in the pot does not tolerate. Those whose home garden is decorated with Schlumberger Truncat (more known as the Decembrist), his demands will seem familiar. In the period of active growth, Shefflere needs frequent (with an interval of 2-3 days), but moderate watering. To allow soil the soil is impossible. She should always stay a little wet. But with a short-term drought, Schifleri is easier to cope than with constant dampness, because of which the soil sweats, and the roots of the tree begin to rot. The overexposure also says the blazing and flying of the leaves. There will be no such problems if you grow the schafler on hydroponics.

When the flower is in the stage of rest, watering reduces to 1 procedure in 7-10 days. It is important to follow this rule if the plant is contained under reduced temperature. Water for watering Schiftorra defend. It is also suitable distilled or boiled. Its temperature should be indoor or higher room at 2-3 ° C.

Increased air humidity is a pledge of full-fledged Development Schiftorra. On hot days, the tree spray daily, using soft water for procedures, otherwise, after its drying, white spots will remain on the leaves. From dust, this room plant is brushing with a damp sponge or suite warm shower. In winter, a favorable microclimate for schiflera creates, filling the pallet pot of wet clay. It is possible to replace it with pebbles or moss. The roots of the flower should not come into contact with water. If in the winter it is warm (more than 17 ° C), the plant is not stopped spraying.

Reproduction with stalks

Not acquaintances with breeding Schiflera flower flowers are interested in how the tree is multiplied. You can grow in different ways:

  • from seeds;
  • from cutlets;
  • from air chain.

Most often, the flower reproduction is carried out by flashing. Choosing the most developed semi-resistant escape on an adult schafler, it is cut off with a sharp knife and divided into parts. On each cutlets there should be 2 interstices. Then shoots for 6-8 hours lowered into the solution of the root growth stimulator (heteroacexin). It is advisable to stock and root. In it, the cuttings are dipping before landing.

Root them in separate containers in a mixture of peat and sand. To prepare the substrate, both components are taken in equal volumes. Capacity with planted cuttings are placed under a polyethylene package. So that they are rooted, it is necessary to provide them with two conditions:

  • heat (about 22 ° C);
  • bright, but scattered lighting.

Care for cuttings Schiftorra at this stage is simple. It is only necessary to periodically moisten the soil from the sprayer and ventilate the greenhouse, while removing the package. When the cuttings are rooted, the temperature is reduced to 18-20 ° C, and the shelter is cleaned. Plants are left in planting tanks until their roots fully fall soil com. Then they are moved to the pots of larger diameter. As long as they do not fit in a new place, the temperature should not rise above 14-16 ° C.

Alternative breeding methods

Seeds Schiftorra at home is almost impossible to get, so you have to purchase them in the store. Sowing them early - in January-February. To increase the germination, seeds are pre-treated with growth stimulant (epinoma, zircon).

The planting container is filled with peat mixed with sand, or substrate from the following components:

  • ferrous land;
  • leaf land;
  • sand.

The recommended sealing depth is 3 seed diameters. Having finished sowing, the container is placed under the glass or tighten with the film. Seeds germinate seeds at a temperature of 20-24 ° C. Caring for crops is reduced to daily ventilation and soil moistening as needed.

Split flower by a generative way will be easier if you warm up the container with seeds from the bottom. So sprouts Schiftorra will appear faster.

When seedlings are released by 2-3 of the present sheet, they spend their picking into separate pots. They should not be large - from 7 to 9 cm in diameter. Sipplanted Schifleram needs coolness. The temperature in the room with them is maintained at 14-16 ° C. Closer to the autumn they are again transplanted, using pots, the diameter of which is 10-12 cm. Substrate they need almost the same as sowing. Only proportions change: the components are mixed in the 2: 1: 1 ratio.

To multiply adult sfalur with air grain, on its trunk make a vertical incision. It is applied with a sfagnum moss, impregnated with a nutrient solution. Prepare it from complex fertilizers or immunomodulator drugs. 1 g of substance is added to 1 liter of water. By pressing the moss to the stem of Schifferra, it is tightly wrapped with a tight film. Under it should be maintained permanent humidity, you need to carefully follow.

Soon the roots will appear on the spot. When they grow up (it will take about 2 months), the flower is cut and put in a pot. It is not worth throwing away the old schafler. It is cut off, leaving a low paste. If we water the plant, over time it will release young shoots.

Undercaming and transplant

During the period of intensive growth (March-August), Shefflere needs care in the form of feeding. Perform it once every 1.5-2 weeks. Flower complex mineral compositions intended for decorative-deciduous cultures. Liquid feeding Schiflera is preferably alternating with the introduction of organic. The plant speaks well on the chopped eggshell. 1 tbsp. l substances scatter on the surface of the soil in the pot. In winter, this room flower does not feed.

Young schifleram requires an annual transplant. Adult trees pot change less often - every 2-3 years, when their roots will become closely in the old one. To adhere to such a transfers scheme, each spring upper layer of the Earth (to a depth of 5 cm) is changed to fresh. The new container should be much more than the former in diameter - by 5-6 cm. The best time for transplantation is spring.

The bottom of the pot is covered with a thick drainage layer. The soil of Sheffler loves light, loose, with a high content of nutrient elements. From the finished substrates, it is suitable for palm trees or universal.

If the soil for the plant makes themselves, such components take such components for it:

  • compost land (3 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • coarse sand (1.5 parts).

The transplant is carried out, turning the flower from the pot into the pot and trying not to destroy the earthen com. Empties are filled with soil, comicing it. Finish with watering.


If the sfaller decorates a room flower garden, she is attached to the shape of a tree or bush. In the first case, it will be spectacular next to Benjamin Ficus. In the second - a successful neighbor for the flower will become a Skluberger Torkinat. The young schifler stems are thin. In order to get a beautiful powerful tree in the future, they are tested to the support.

Do you need a cutting flower depends on the variety. The random varieties of the plant, whose stalk is only one, it is not required. If the schifler woods, the purpose of such a care becomes saving space. When the flower breaks down, the upper parts of it can be trimmed. It stimulates their branching.

From trimming the decorativeness of the plant suffers, so many owners of Schiffer are without it. To the flower turned out to be bushy and lush, 2-3 trees are placed in one pot. Minding leaves do not touch each other, giving them to dry. When this happens, their trimming is carried out. For it, a sharp knife is used, the blade of which is disinfected with alcohol, a solution of mangartage or hardening. This will protect the indoor plant from penetration into the infection wound.

Finding on the skin and mucous meaches, the juice of Schiflera can cause irritation. Therefore, its pruning requires caution. It is recommended to conduct it in rubber gloves.

Change the color and fall leaves

Wrong care can reduce the decorativeness of the schiflorers and even destroy it. Indicator of the well-being of a tree - its appearance. The yellowing of the leaves plant talks about the overaffect of sunlight. In this case, the flower needs to be removed from the windowsill or pronounce. Insufficient level of humidity of soil and air - the main reason for the blazing of the leaf of Schiftorra at home. It begins with their tips. If you normalize watering and participating spraying, the tree will gradually restore the former beauty.

Feed the leaves from a flower due to pests or adverse conditions for it:

  • long overcooling (if the temperature in the room is below 14 ° C) or overheating (at 30 ° C);
  • chronic convergence, the consequence of the reinforcement of the roots of the shefliers;
  • insufficient lighting (more often the types of plants with motley leaves react to it).

Having found that the roots of the schiflera rot, it is necessary to escape the tree. It is removed from the pot. Roots carefully examine, cutting patients. Then they are immersed in a solution-stimulator-stimulator (epin, zircon). The next step is to disinfect the roots of the schiflores. For him, it is possible to use phytosporin or crushed coal. Processing the roots, the plant is planted into the fresh slightly moistened soil. Pot placed under a plastic bag. In such a greenhouse, Sheffler holds 5-7 days. Periodically, the package is removed to venture and pour flower.

From insects are dangerous for wood:

  • shields;
  • triples;
  • cellite ticks.

Because of their invasion, the development of the sfallers slows down, yellow on the flower, and then fall leaves. If you do not struggle with pests, the plant will wage. Get rid of them at the initial stages of the defeat easier. The detected insects are neatly removed from the leaves and the stems with a sponge, cloth or cotton swab, impregnated with soap solution.

If the pests on Schifler have formed a whole colony, you will have to use insecticides. AcTellik, phytodeter and carbofos proved well well. Working with them should be carefully, observing the safety rules and the tracking that the solution of the drug does not get into the soil. If necessary, after 2 weeks, repeated processing.

Sheflfler is truly universal room plant. It will finely let off the beauty of other colors in the home garden, but even in a single landing, it will delight the eye with his magnificent bright crown, creating an atmosphere of heat and comfort. To care for the tree is simple. It is worth ensuring the schifler with good lighting and constant humidity, and it will thank for care, quickly turning into a high spectacular flower.

Believers who believe in signs will find a lot of reasons to start this guest from the tropics. According to Fenflaw, well-developing in the house of Sheffler speaks of material well-being and spiritual equilibrium. This plant, like a sponge, absorbs negative energy. Finding next to him is eliminated from anxiety, fears and sad thoughts, soothing, cheating, and bringing a feeling of peace and harmony. If the pot with Sheffler is put in the bedroom, you can not worry about nightmares and insomnia. It will be successful to its placement in the office or classroom - Esoteric attributes a tree the ability to facilitate and improve the learning.

The Plant of Sheffler is named after the German nerd Sheffler and is part of the Aralia family. Representatives of this family are also ginseng and ivy. Sheflf Plant Tropics and SubtropicsThe homeland is considered quite aggressive, crowding out other cultures. But the reader of the reader is very beautiful.

We have it became a popular indoor plant and finds out the finger-complex leaves.

They can be from 5 to 18.

Sheet plate itself, depending on the species, can be a narrow, rounded, gear and wavy.

Observed a wide variety of shapeswhich are combined under the same name. Her species numbered several hundred.

Types of championship

Beginner flowerflower uses Schiflera Mix, that is, the mixture.

These are the most unpretentious varieties that willingly buy.

For example, a tree with elegantly intertwined trunks is the schifler compact compact. Favorites remain small in size Houseplants, such as Schifler Mondrop (Muldrop).

Shefller tree, or wood

Shefller woods in his homeland in Taiwan grows as an evergreen bush, up to 4 meters high. The leaves are from 7 to 9 plates. She is distinguished by the unpretentiousness and beauty of volatile varieties This species.

Woodeflight is grown as bonsai.

It looks good such a miniature form as Caster. If you have little space, but I want to start this plant, then the Caster variety is your option. Small in size, 20-30 cm, she declaring any interior: home or office.

One of the lowest varieties is also Schifler Melanie, graceful grade with small leaves. It does not grow above half a meter.

And Gold Capella, one of the tree varieties, is distinguished by its leaves: on a dark green background bright golden strokes and stains.

Based on Schiflera Chafflera Charlotte with bright green with white spots, leather and brilliant - litez of landscape designers was also removed.

Schiflera lean

Shefléra is leaning (or starpretyl) grows in his homeland in Australia as epiphyte, that is, on trees. It has a lot of air roots. In nature, its height is about 12 meters, and the sheet plate can reach 60 cm.

As a room, the plant grows 60-80 cm, then the growth slows down. The leaning varieties are very decorative. Its leaves can be olive, light green shade, have a fine-shaped shape.

Schiflera octaliste

Shefller octalist is known in Asia countries. There it grows as a bush or tree, height - 2-16 meters. The leaves, according to the name, are crowned with a rosette of 8 plates. They are very beautiful, leathery and glossy.

There are different shapes, depending on the variety: from oval to an ellipse, 7-15 cm long. Sometimes it is called - octalist.

Growing in Australia and New Zealand. In nature reaches 2 meters and is distinguished by a magnificent green mass with a small number of stems. In room conditions, significantly less than other types, in adulthood has a height of 50 cm.

This elegant look of the leaves of an interesting form: from elongated before oval, gear around the edge. Some varieties have a beige kant.

Known with a reddish tint of leaves at a young age. Over time, the sheet changes its painting on the usual one. This type of sheet This species is very unusual: a wavy sheet plate, gear on the edge, real decoration of the house or office.

Wair is quite rare, and thanks to its decorativeness, it is not delayed in flower shops.

Sheflfler Palchatoy

Sheffler Palchata in his homeland, in New Zealand, grows more than 3 meters in height, as a room plant - 60-70 cm. Leaves dissected, like all kinds of Schifler. Depending on the variety, it has from 7 to 14 sheet plates, a little wavy.

The edge of an interesting form: from the period - in his youth, to the juggling - in adulthood. This species applies the most shadowing of them - Schifler Amate.

His homeland is the forests of Western China. Height in nature is 2-3 meters. The leaves are very beautiful, the plate resembles a sheet of oak. As a houseplant - enough squat, about half a meter. Prefers a small blackout, otherwise this species is grown in the same way as others.


It's very easy to care for this plant. Conditions are created similar to those in the natural nature in their homeland. First, choose light side, and secondly, Protect from drafts and spray daily. The temperature should not be too high, 30 degrees are the limit.

Caution! Sheflfler is a poisonous plant. Its leaves, stems and roots in small doses contain poisonous substances.


Plant follows bare in summer from direct sunlightOtherwise, burns arise in the form of yellow spots.

And at the same time, the northern window is contraindicated.

Best option: Southeast or South-West.

When the sun is very strong, you need to remove the pot in the room.

In winter, the most optimal option will be the southern window.

Council: Sheffler loves the sun, so the northern window for it is an unacceptable option. But from direct sunlight it needs to be protected.


Temperature regime is very important for Schifferra. The most comfortable for it will be 15-20 o, in the winter you need to follow to the temperature did not fall below 12 degrees, The limit is 10 o. Otherwise, the roots begin to rot.

Immediately you will not notice this, but over time the process will turn into a terrestrial part of the plant. The stem when rotting becomes soft, the leaves can be refunded.


Watering should be moderate. The soil should not be too raw, but only - wet. The temperature and quality of water is of great importance. It is better if the water container will be ladder next to the pot.

Caution! Watering with cold water contributes to reducing the roots.


Fertilize the plant from March-April to October-November, that is, in the period of active growth. In winter, the plant needs to relax. It is best not to reinvent the bike, but to feed the mineral fertilizer 2 times a month or once every two weeks.


Replancing Schiffler as the container fills the roots.

You can learn this by reversing the wake of the earth with roots.

There is another option: Watch for an adult plant when the roots are powered by com, the earth dries faster than usual.

You need to transplant in a big pot. Moisten the earth a little, transplant, trying not to damage the roots, then shove the soil. When transplanting can be used roots.

Hepherler Winter

In winter, Sheffler should relax. So that it does not stretch, create her comfortable conditions. The temperature is 14-16 degrees, moderate watering, rather bright lighting and lack of feeding.

Attention! Despite the fact that she adores spraying, but in winter it is enough to spray the plant 1-2 times a week.


Weflight is preferably in the spring, in March-April. It is undesirable to breed it in the summer, when it is too hot and in winter, when not enough heat and light. There are several types of reproduction:

    1. For reproduction, cuttings need to cut semi-respected shoots. Then chop them so that there are 2 sheets on each. Half them cut, to dip the cuttings in Korninn and put in a slightly wet land. Cover the package to the appearance of the roots, 2 times a day to ventilate.

  1. Because at home Schiflera does not bloom, seeds are bought in specialized stores. Sit into a mixture of land with sand 1: 1, moisturized and covered with a lid or package. For germination, seeds need a temperature of about 25 o. When the second sheet appears, the plant can be transplanted into the cups.
  2. The reproduction in this way is based on the possibility of forming air roots. Choose any escape and make an incision. Corre is a bit removed and wrapped with moisturized moss, and then polyethylene are fixed on top. It turns out a comfortable environment for the formation of new roots.

In more detail how to propagate the schifler with cuttings can be viewed here:

Diseases and pests

Sheflfler can turn yellow for various reasons. If pests are attacked (ticks, notes, trips), then it is necessary to isolate a plant and a pretty wash it under the shower. Leaves wipe with a cotton swab with soap. This will give a temporary effect. For fixing, you can make a accomplish according to the instructions.

To reset the leaves of Sheffler can for several reasons:

  • in winter, when very little light;
  • when it is very hot, above 30 o;
  • when rooting roots.

If the first options are not suitable, then we are talking about faded roots. Remove the plant, inspect the roots, cut off the winding, plowing with a large number of rotten coal.

Sheffler begins to black, it appears dark spots on the leaves, - this means that you are not simply flooded, but under reduced temperature.

Enough to hold the Sheffler in the cold day or two and she begins to die slowly.

Urgent help may consist that you dry the roots, pulling the plant from the pot.

You can sprinkle with coal, which will absorb extra moisture.

Caution! Sheffler does not like drafts!

Shepherr - Signs

Schefler is associated with signs and superstitions. For example, it is considered almost a vampire. Indeed, in nature, other plants do not get along with it, it is very aggressive.

Damage on the leaves is attributed to someone's negative energy. It is enough to check the conditions of detention and the state of the roots to make sure that it is not. After all, even on Feng Shui, the plant is recommended to put in the southern part of the office.

Sheffler attracts customers to office. Let this sign be true. After all, the beauty of the plant, for example, such a versigal type as an arboricol with its overflows from pearl to yellow, cannot but attract attention.

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