Encyclopedia of fire safety

What does coll. Special Rapid Response Squad

Since 2004, November 9 has been celebrated as SOBR Day. The history of police special forces begins in 1978, when, on the eve of Olympic Games In 1980, the first special police unit was created in Moscow, which was included in the structure of the Organized Crime Control Department, and in 1992, special detachments were formed under the regional Organized Crime Control Department rapid response- SOBR. In 2002, according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, SOBRs were reorganized into special police units (OMSN), and in 2012 the units again received their former name - SOBR MVD.

The main task of the SOBR of Russia is to combat various manifestations of organized crime different ways and species, however, due to the turbulent internal political situation in the North Caucasus region, special rapid reaction units successfully participated in military operations. SOBR operations in Dagestan, as well as SOBR operations in Chechnya, were distinguished by high precision and well-planned actions. Only officers serve in SOBR.

SOBR "Lynx"

The detachment was created in 1992, on February 10, in Moscow, as a department of tactical operations, its initial staff consisted of only 9 people, and in 1993 it was reorganized into a special rapid reaction detachment. Acting as an operational-combat unit, the SOBR fighters not only provided force support, their task included the development of various operations, often employees of the SOBR of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs infiltrated criminal groups.

SOBR officers work with extreme rigidity. Even in those "dashing" 90s, when Russia was literally overwhelmed by rampant criminal gangs, they were feared like the plague in criminal circles.

The fighters of the SOBR "Lynx" also had a chance to visit hot spots. In 1993, SOBR members received a baptism of fire in the conflict zone between Ossetians and Ingush in the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia. Further, from 1994 to the present, SOBR "Lynx" fighters took part in almost all major operations in the North Caucasus, including the First and Second Chechen campaigns.

To date, SOBR "Lynx" constantly performs promptly - combat missions both in Moscow and in other regions of Russia. Crime has not decreased, but its nature has changed, and with it the approach of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the development and planning of operations, which is why the detachment is permanent job on the collection, analysis and generalization of all kinds of information on the conduct of special operations both in Russia and abroad.

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SOBR "Bulat"

SOBR "Bulat" was formed in 1993, on January 1, under the Main Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. The location of SOBR "Bulat" is the city of Dolgoprudny. Since that time, not a single major special operation to identify and detain criminal groups is complete without the unit's employees.

However, the internal political situation in the country imposes its own adjustments on the use of SOBRs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the period from 1996 to 1996 alone, the personnel of the SOBR "Bulat" visited the "hot" spots in the North Caucasus eight times. Employees of the SOBR "Bulat" and the Second Chechen Company distinguished themselves. More than once they had to participate in the liquidation of militant gangs, both independently and with other special forces.

The present day of SOBR "Bulat" is operations to neutralize members of criminal groups, power support for police officers in operational search activities, the fight against terrorists of various spills, and the suppression of the activities of drug dealers and arms dealers. In addition, part of the personnel of SOBR "Bulat" performs special tasks in the North Caucasus region.

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SOBR "Granite"

SOBR "Granit" was formed in 1993, on March 14. The location of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Granit" is St. Petersburg. Over the years of its existence SOBR GU MVD "Granit" has performed various tasks of power support for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the release of hostages, the neutralization of terrorists. SOBR fighters gained a lot of experience during special operations in the North Caucasus - SOBR soldiers visited Chechnya alone more than 60 times. The accumulation of experience is also facilitated by joint exercises with special forces of foreign states.

Last year, 2013, SOBR “Granite” celebrated its 20th anniversary. On the Day of the holiday in honor of the SOBR fighters, a cannon shot was fired from the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress at exactly noon.

By the Day of SOBR, the Internet Voentorg Voenpro offers you to buy an exclusive SOBR flag "Granite".

SOBR "Viking"

SOBR "Viking" stationed in Kaliningrad was formed in 1993. The specifics of the work of this detachment of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia lies in the location of the Kaliningrad region, which is surrounded by foreign states. Thanks to the clear actions of the personnel of the SOBR of the GU MVD "Viking", over the years of the unit's existence, many criminal groups were identified and neutralized, carrying out the transportation of smuggled goods through the territory of the region, arms and drug dealers. More than once SOBR "Viking" fighters visited the North Caucasus region.

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SOBR "Vector"

The Volgograd SOBR "Vector", which also celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, 2013, in addition to its immediate duties - the fight against organized crime and anti-terrorist operations, pays great attention to educational and patriotic work with youth. For the fifth year already, on the basis of a special rapid reaction detachment, an interregional mobile military-applied sports camp “I have the honor! Vector of Courage", and in August, the military-historical camp "Stalingrad - the Frontier of Soldier's Glory" opens on the basis of the Vector SOBR.

SOBR fighters are preparing an extensive program for the opening of the camps, which includes shooting, training in hand-to-hand combat, a five-kilometer forced march, and disembarkation from the special equipment of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Vector". The opening takes place in a solemn atmosphere on Mamaev Kurgan.

On the Days of Youth Camps in the city, you can see demonstration performances of SOBR fighters.

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SOBR "Thunder"

Special Squad rapid response "Thunder" of the Republic of Chuvashia with a location in the city of Cheboksary was formed in March 1993. To date, SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Thunder" has carried out many special operations to neutralize criminal groups on the territory of the republic.

More than a dozen times the personnel of the Grom SOBR went on business trips to North Caucasus, in 1995, near Gudermes, SOBR fighters were surrounded for more than ten days, holding the defense in the building of an abandoned cold storage facility. Almost all employees of SOBR "Grom" have been combat-hardened in "hot" spots, have state awards.

On the eve of SOBR Day, you can buy only in the Voenpro online military department.

SOBR "Star"

Formed in 1993 by SOBR "Zvezda", stationed in the city of Saransk (Mordovia), fellow countrymen are not in vain proud of. In November 1995, part of the personnel of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Saransk, having gone on a planned business trip to the North Caucasus, almost immediately fell into the thick of the fighting near Gudermes. As part of the combined SOBR detachment of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SOBR Zvezda fighters repelled fierce attacks by militants for more than a month. All of them were awarded the Order of Courage.

The present day of SOBR "Zvezda" is the fulfillment of tasks for its intended purpose - the fight against organized crime on the territory of the republic, and the constant improvement of combat training.

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SOBR "Sable"

Employees of SOBR "Sobol", formed in 1993 in the Republic of Udmurtia with a location in Izhevsk, from the very first days of its existence, began to carry out active measures to detain members of criminal groups. One of the main operations of the Udmurt SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the early 90s of the twentieth century was the arrest of a gang that killed the 1st Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic along with his family.

The personnel of SOBR "Sobol" took part in the First and Second Chechen campaigns, participated in the storming of Dudayev's Palace in Grozny.

To date, SOBR fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, replacing each other, go on scheduled business trips to the North Caucasus region. It was from the call sign used by the detachment in hot spots that the name of the detachment came from - "Sable".

The SOBR flag "Sable" offered by the military trade agency Voenpro is an excellent gift for SOBR Day.

SOBR "Phoenix"

On account of the Lipetsk SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Phoenix", formed in April 1993, several dozens of successfully conducted special operations to free hostages and detain especially dangerous criminals.

Since the end of 1994, the Lipetsk SOBR has been in Chechnya. The personnel of the SOBR "Phoenix" participated in the battles against the gangs of Gelaev, Basaev, Khattab. In 1996, as part of a combined detachment of SOBRs of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Fenikovskys were surrounded on Minutka Square in Grozny. In that unequal battle, every tenth of the three hundred Russian SOBR soldiers died, including two fighters of the Phoenix SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To date, SOBR "Phoenix" continues to carry out special tasks in the North Caucasus, together with the FSB special forces.

Well, in the Lipetsk region, despite the calm situation, the fighters of the Phoenix SOBR are always on the alert, and at any moment they are ready to leave to detain especially dangerous criminal elements. And of course part Everyday life SOBR in 2013 - constant exercises, often in conjunction with special forces of other structures.

In our online military store Voenpro you can buy the Phoenix SOBR flag.

SOBR "Elbrus"

SOBR "Elbrus", stationed in Nalchik (Kabardino - Balkaria) was created in 1993, on January 18. Due to the tense situation in the region, the SOBR of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs "Elbrus" from the very first days of its creation had to literally join the battle. Increased hostage-taking in the region, increased trade in arms, ammunition and explosives, emergence of a large number gangs - the newly created SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to deal with all this.

The personnel of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Elbrus" took part in all operations in the North Caucasus, in October 2005, the SOBR fighters repelled the attack of militants on Nalchik.

An excellent gift for SOBR Day will be.


SOBR Day, along with the unit's birthday, is one of the main holidays of Russia's special rapid response units. On SOBR Day, officers of units receive congratulations; on SOBR Day, veterans are honored. Specially distinguished fighters of the SOBR on the day of the holiday are awarded state awards and memorable gifts. Also on SOBR Day, honors are given to the fallen soldiers.

For the celebration of SOBR Day, the units are preparing in advance, festive events are planned with special care. At the beginning of SOBR Day in all units there is an obligatory solemn part, after which, as a rule, a festive concert.

The online military department Voenpro congratulates you on the holiday of the SOBR Day, and offers a variety of gifts for the SOBR Day.

How riot police and SOBR zachmoril in the National Guard. November 10th, 2016

Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

We ask you to help prevent the destruction of the legendary OMON and SOBR units, which have been guarding the defense of order for many years. The members of the detachments have repeatedly turned to your trade union for help. We hope that this time we will be heard through your activities.
And the story is as follows. In April of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, by his decree, created a new law enforcement agency in the country - the National Guard. A respected, authoritative leader and professional in his field, General Viktor Vasilievich Zolotov, was appointed commander. The special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also entered the ranks of the guard.
Initially, the OMON and SOBR officers were proud that they would enter such a power structure, they perceived the transition with enthusiasm and hope for changes for the better. After all, since tsarist times, the guard has personified strength, valor and honor, protecting the interests of citizens and the state.
However, the joy from these innovations was short-lived and ended when the appointments of leaders to the territorial bodies began. AT this moment we are talking about the management of Moscow.

OMON and SOBR units have been leading their history for more than a dozen years. Of course, over the years, their own foundations and traditions have developed, which are supported not only by the personnel, but also by the leadership of the detachments.
With the appointment of Vsevolod Ovsyannikov and Vyacheslav Pytkov (OMON and SOBR) as commanders, the soldiers and officers were confident that these traditions would not only be maintained but also multiplied.
These are respected commanders who have gone through all stages of service in our special forces, who have repeatedly participated in hostilities, they a prime example courage and professionalism for all of us. But ... There is also a higher leadership in the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in Moscow, with the advent of which everything has changed.

The National Guard is being created on the basis of the Internal Troops. With great respect for the military, on what basis? Territorial? Spiritual? Which? According to the situation now taking place in our units, it is understood as follows: Soldier, forget about everything, now you are in the army !!!
Forget about what, about the spirit and traditions, about the combat path of the units? The opinion of the leadership of the Main Directorate is that we came to them and are now obliged to the end of our lives.

There are many sayings that you can not go to Tula with your own samovar or climb into the monastery with your charter. But Colonel Viktor Derkach does not know this. He decided to come to the OMON with a charter and turn the special unit into a construction battalion.
Each employee of the detachment served in the army and knows in his own skin what hardships and hardships are military service. Anyone wishing to continue serving in the Armed Forces Russian Federation signed contracts.
The rest chose a different path. We went to serve in the special forces. But, unfortunately, having worked for a dozen years, we are returning to square one. And one should not confuse a conscript soldier with a special forces soldier, behind whom there is more than one business trip to the Caucasus and more than one detention of a dangerous criminal.

Colonel Derkach, who is now acting head of the Russian Guard department for Moscow, felt himself omnipotent in this position. Instead of solving the real problems of the units that arose in connection with the transition from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a new department, he issues inadequate orders and instructions. Apparently everything that is written below is a priority task!

Any movement was prohibited along the parade ground. Only marching or running. Or as part of a division. Although the OMON officers based in Strogino have been moving around the parade ground freely for more than 15 years, this did not affect the quality of their official tasks in any way.

On all premises it is necessary to place tags of the established sample - red with bronze letters. All leaders from squad commanders to battalions are now puzzled not by the organization of the service and preparation for it, but where and how to print these tags.

All uniforms must be stored in the same cases, and shoes - in special identical bags for shoes. Each division has metal cabinets for equipment and uniforms, where employees have always neatly stored their belongings without any covers and nothing has happened to them for so many years. Do we have to buy covers at our own expense?!

Remove flowers, calendars (!!!) and equipment from office premises that are not on the balance sheet of the unit. Unfortunately, there is not enough funding for all office equipment, and some employees who have responsibly approached the fulfillment of their tasks, if possible, do work on personal computer equipment.
It never interfered, but only facilitated the work process. What calendars prevented Derkach - still no one understands, and we have not yet been taught to determine the day of the week by the sun,

AT deadlines OMON and SOBR officers were ordered to visit two museums and a concert of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops, and the commanders needed to report on the activities carried out.
In accordance with the order of Derkach, it is necessary to visit these places within 10 days from December 15 to 25, 100% of the personnel must attend excursions and a concert! That is, people for such important task must be recalled from vacation!
Not to mention the fact that employees who already work almost seven days a week will be required to attend cultural events by order on their days off. And what is the use of a culture that they are trying to impose by force?
What responsibility will follow in case of failure to comply with such an order of national importance - it’s even scary to think! And Colonel Viktor Derkach himself, along with OMON janitors, will probably carry out the service of protecting public order during the cultural recreation of the fighters.

Maybe this will seem like complete nonsense to someone, but the destruction of the national idea and spirit comes just from useless, incomprehensible innovations of incompetent leaders. By the way, the leadership of the GU is already showing its competence at mass actions in the capital.

The leadership of the OMON provided a base for the placement of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in Moscow. And probably already regretted it. Here we must pay tribute to Deinichenko. The headquarters of the OMON was evicted from the renovated offices, freeing these premises for the main control.
And where are the riot police officers? They will be comfortable in the basement, in the production building, and maybe on the roof - this is the universal special forces, according to Derkach.
Employees of the personnel department were crammed like herrings into a barrel in one office, along with personal files - about fifteen people. You come in and you are amazed - try to find your personnel officer in this mess and solve official issues! If this is how they treat the headquarters, then what can the fighters (combat soldiers, according to the new leadership) expect?

Why does Derkach need to think about personnel. The main thing is to line up in time, report and draw a map. This is a priority for him.

And here's another case. The law prohibits smoking indoors. On the territory of the base on the street there are specially designated places for smokers. But the law is not written for Derkach. He smokes in the workplace.
Some members of the detachment also do not mind smoking at their workplaces, but for them this will most likely end in dismissal.

Now we are beginning to envy the employees of the SOBR and OMON, who probably foresaw that with such authorized commanders the spirit of the police would be suppressed, and did not go to the Russian Guard, remaining in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
It seems that after everything that begins to happen in the units, the shortage will only grow, and, accordingly, people will be removed from the weekend, as it is happening now. Only how to give the weekend, or the soldiers do not need them. How long will all this go on???

With this approach to management, the Russian Guard in Moscow will soon be left without professionals from OMON and SOBR. Our units have repeatedly proved their loyalty to the oath and professionalism, fighting lawlessness and violation of order.
And if we stand on the threshold of the Ukrainian scenario, who will protect the country? Are the young conscript soldiers into whom the unbridled personnel policy any jerks? And most importantly, will a person be able to give an order?

Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

SOBR (Special Rapid Response Detachment) - federal and regional special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which were regularly (until 2003) part of the departments for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (subdivisions of more than 200 people since the late 1990s were called detachments). In 2002, SOBR detachments were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Detachment). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, the special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were again officially referred to as special rapid reaction units.
The main task of SOBRs is the fight against organized crime. However, due to the change in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military operations conducted in the North Caucasus region.

The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was the OMSN GUVD in Moscow. The OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations were underway in Moscow for the Olympics, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act. To prevent emergencies a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called the Special Purpose Police Detachment (OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and guard the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces then was the release of a girl captured by a criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow. There were not enough commandos to carry out all the operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and renamed it OMON.? There was a period of time when two OMONs existed simultaneously in Moscow. The militiamen themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, the same Little OMON was later renamed the Special Purpose Police Detachment (OMSN). In 2011, the OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. OMSN GUVD for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future.

On February 10, 1992, a department of tactical operations was created as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the fall of 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the tactical operations department was renamed the Special Rapid Response Squad (SOBR).
In September 2002, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, SOBR were renamed into special police units (OMSN).
In 2003, part of the detachments of the OMSN received proper names: "Bars", "Bulat", "Lynx", "Terek".
As of 2009, the total strength of the SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments.
In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of the "militia" into the "police", the units of the OMSN were renamed OSN (special forces).
In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid response units) was returned to all OSN units.
Quantitatively, the composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and the region of deployment. The selection is carried out in many stages and quite strictly, with many dropout criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who have served in the ranks armed forces and those with higher education).

Tasks and functions
The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a pronounced individual character. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of training is on working against an armed criminal in the city (with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, however, SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions (forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.
In the TFR, SOBRs have been successfully used not only in cooperation with the regular power formations of Russia, but also in certain areas, they have shown excellent results in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.
SOBR is constantly training by making mock captures of houses (using climbing equipment), cars and even aircraft. Their training is not inferior to the training of the Alpha special forces.

Differences from OMON
SOBR differs from OMON in the organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike riot police, all SOBR officers have special ranks of a police officer. Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (police public safety) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a division of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a division of the KM and reported directly to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or his deputy.

SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve problems:
— Ensuring the protection of public order, including:
- in places with a complex criminal situation,
- when carrying out mass events,
- in case of emergencies,
- suppression of group hooligan manifestations and riots.


Dear friend!

In this section, we want to collect unique, reliable, reference, historical data on special forces, subunits and formations and other bodies and services of various departments.

We want to find out the very details that eventually disappear from our history with you.

If you belong to those divisions that are presented in this dossier and have any information that supplements the existing data, you can always comment on the existing information by writing to the form below. We will definitely supplement or correct the current information.

SOBR "Lynx" TsSN SR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


On February 10, 1992, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation decided to create a unit in the structure of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, designed to provide power support to the operational staff of the department. It all started with 13th Tactical Operations Division(OTO) - its personnel then consisted of 9 people.

The main tasks of SOBR "Lynx"- this is the fight against organized crime, extremist groups and illegal armed groups, power support for the operational units of law enforcement agencies.

The department gathered employees who were distinguished by excellent physical training, the highest level education and rich operational experience.

The first unit commander was Alexander Ivanovich Zyryanov, who previously worked in Krasnoyarsk in the area of ​​economic crimes.

The department was created as an operational-combat unit. Its employees provided power support, carried out development, infiltrated criminal groups, and conducted surveillance.

The tactical operations department actively counteracted the intelligence activities of criminal communities. All employees had experience of operational work. UTO officers participated in all special operations.

The tactical operations department was involved in tasks in different regions Russia: in the morning the officers could be in Moscow, and a few hours later they were already “receiving” the bandits in one of the cities of Central Russia or the Urals. Until a certain time, the unit was quite secret, the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs did not disclose practically any information about it.

In 1993, the tactical operations department was reorganized into a special rapid response department of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime - (SOBR GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). It was he who actually served as the prototype of all regional SOBRs.

Since 1993, they began to be created in various regions of Russia and connected to the first SOBR, which waged a fierce fight against rampant crime.

In 2002 SOBR was reformed, new stage his history in the criminal police service: as a special police detachment (OMSN SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). In 2004, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the name of the Lynx detachment was approved.

The detachment received its own name thanks to the commander of it at that time Naumenko Vladimir Nikolaevich, who put forward the idea to designate in this way a special-purpose unit directly subordinate to the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The name was not chosen by chance: the lynx approaches gently, attacks hard and leaves quickly.

The new name was approved at a general meeting of the officers of the detachment.

In 2011, the detachment became part of the Special Forces Center for Rapid Response and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The command managed to maintain the strength, the detachment passed the stage of reform without loss. At the end of the same year, the special forces of the internal affairs bodies (OSN) were reorganized into special rapid reaction units - SOBR.

Squad battle path

At first there was a struggle with unbelted criminal gangs. The special forces worked extremely hard. Everyone understood that the bandits needed to be put in their place and shown to them that retribution for their crimes was inevitable. SOBR members were feared like the plague - there were legends about harsh forceful detentions in criminal circles. A little later, in 1993, SOBR officers went for a baptism of fire in the zone of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. There would have been much more victims if it were not for the clear, well-coordinated work of SOBR employees and military personnel internal troops, which became a living barrier between the opposing sides.

Members of the detachment were directly involved in the New Year's assault on the city of Grozny,

in 1995 - in a special operation in the city of Budennovsk, captured by the militants of Shamil Basayev.

1995 brought the first losses to the detachment. On December 20, a SOBR group, together with units of internal troops and army units, attempted to break through the ring of Dudayev's formations that surrounded Gudermes. Major Lastochkin was wounded during the battle. But he did not leave the battlefield and continued to direct the actions of his subordinates. On December 25, police major Vladimir Evgenievich Lastochkin died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. The officer was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In 1996, SOBR forces, together with the Vega detachment (the so-called Vympel after it was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs), Vityaz, units of the 22nd separate special-purpose brigade of the GRU General Staff and Alfa, were used during a special operation to liberate the city of Kizlyar and With. May Day from the bandits of Salman Raduev. It was during the assault with. The Pervomaisky detachment, which was in the first line of attackers, again suffered irreparable losses: the detachment commander, police lieutenant colonel Andrei Vladimirovich Krestyaninov, heroically died. Lieutenant Colonel a. V. Krestyaninov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, the detachment took an active part in hostilities as part of the second Chechen campaign. At the end of hostilities, SOBR is tasked with seizing weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, and vehicles from criminals.

In 2002, the officers of the detachment took part in a special operation at the Theater Center on Dubrovka in Moscow, when the militants took several hundred hostages at the performance of the now infamous musical Nord-Ost.

After the assault, the SOBR, together with their battle brothers from Alpha and Vympel, carried the unconscious bodies of the hostages in their arms. On that day, special forces saved dozens of lives.

Since the mid-2000s, the officers of the detachment have been performing tasks in Dagestan and Ingushetia: detaining active members of illegal armed groups, identifying and neutralizing extremists who went underground after the end of active hostilities.

In 2009, losses again. On July 2, in the Ingush village of Kantyshevo, police captain Oleg Grigoryevich Malochuev dies during a special operation to eliminate members of an illegal armed formation.

Covering the personnel of the assault group with a shield, the officer was the first to take on the fire of the bandits. Malochuev received a penetrating gunshot wound, but did not leave the battle, returned fire, continuing to cover the actions of his comrades. As a result of the clash, the militant was destroyed. On the way to the hospital, the commando died from his injuries. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

All the dead officers are forever enlisted in the lists of the detachment's employees.

Every year on this day, special forces gather at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery to honor the memory of their dead comrades. Honored veterans and still very young employees of the unit stand in a single formation.

Currently SOBR "Lynx" continues to carry out its tasks both in the central regions of Russia and in the North Caucasus. If necessary, the officers of the detachments in as soon as possible can be delivered to the emergency area. The mobility of the detachment is the highest. All the necessary means of transportation, including aviation, are available to the SOBR for the redeployment of personnel. The TsSN SR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has helicopters and small planes at its disposal, always ready to transfer a group of SOBR to anywhere in the country. In special cases, the aviation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is involved.

SOBR members are constantly involved in the performance of operational and combat missions. But times are changing, and with them the nature of the tasks performed and the criminals themselves are changing.

In addition to operational and combat tasks, SOBR officers, by decision of the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, are involved in ensuring security at especially important events. For example, special forces worked at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, and also took part in security activities during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.


People who go to SOBR are psychologically stable, not subject to breakdowns, doubts, capable of taking responsibility for making decisions. difficult decisions. in a matter of seconds, you need to analyze the situation around you, consider all options for solving the problem, choose the only correct one and be sure to complete the task. Increased requirements are imposed on employees: perfect health, stable mentality, high intelligence, excellent physical fitness. As for the latter, its role cannot be overestimated.

A candidate for service in the detachment must pass physical tests.

The final test is full-contact sparring according to the rules of hand-to-hand combat, very similar to that which is carried out by the special forces of the internal troops when they pass the exam for the right to wear a maroon beret. The test subject must endure 4 rounds with the current squad members - three minutes each. Another condition for admission to the detachment is that the candidate must be recommended by one of the current employees of the Lynx. After being accepted into the service, the newcomer undergoes an internship.


The training of employees is inextricably linked with the performance of operational and combat missions. Each department enters the service for a day. If there are no calls, then the employees are engaged in a combat training plan. There is a set schedule of classes, according to which instructors work with employees in their areas. The training of the Lynx employee includes possession different types firearms and cold steel, hand-to-hand combat, parachute training, mountain training (alpinism, rock climbing), work under water with various equipment, psychological preparation.

The detachment also has its own methods of training specialists. The "Lynx" has established contact with the Belarusian special unit for combating terrorism "Almaz". Joint tactical-special exercises are regularly held.

The special forces hosted representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain, Palestine, and Israel at their base. During the period when SOBR "Lynx" was entrusted with the task of protecting especially important persons, the director of the US FBI was visiting the special forces. In addition to the main one, there are advanced programs for specialized specialists: high-altitude workers, snipers, sappers, drivers, combat swimmers, negotiators.

The sniper squad, in conditions as close as possible to combat, works out the tasks that they have to face.

Lynx snipers have unique shots. On the tactical special exercises the shooter successfully hit a mock terrorist while in a hovering helicopter.

Rysi divers have permission to carry out engineering work using explosives. To carry out their activities, they have a full set of equipment and special underwater weapons. Combat swimmers "Lynx" were actively used to ensure security during mass events, such as the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Employees of the unit patrolled the water areas together with colleagues from the FSO and the FSB. In addition, divers are involved in the implementation of operational-search activities, such as searching for weapons and evidence thrown into the water. Absolutely all employees of the detachment undergo high-altitude training.

At least twice a year, a field trip of the personnel of the detachment is carried out. Typically used for this purpose training centers internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Ministry of Defense. There is a detachment and professional psychologist who is also a negotiator. Despite the seeming "peacefulness" of the profession, the psychologist in "Lynx" is a combat officer with extensive experience in participating in hostilities. In the classroom for tactical and special training the widest range of issues is studied, ranging from the individual training of an employee to the actions of a combat group in various situations.

Teaching, competition

In 2011, the command of the "Lynx" decided to hold competitions dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of the detachment. More than 20 teams from various law enforcement agencies came to participate in the competition: the Central Security Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, and the Ministry of Defense. The Lynx officers themselves took an active part - the detachment put up 4 teams.

The competition turned out to be very large, took place over several days and included the development of a variety of tasks. When developing tasks, a lot was taken from combat experience. Some stages were developed with the help and theoretical support of instructors from the practical shooting federation IPSC. The tasks were very diverse: work in a building, in a narrow space, in transport, night shooting, hostage release and much more.

Now it has already been decided that such competitions will be held regularly - once every two years and will be dedicated to the memory of the officer of the Lynx detachment, Hero of the Russian Federation Oleg Malochuev.

Squad Heroes

There are six Heroes of Russia in the detachment, three of them, unfortunately, posthumously. Andrey Krestyaninov, Vladimir Lastochkin and Oleg Malochuev are forever enlisted in the lists of the detachment. In memory of the Heroes, steles were installed above the central staircase of the detachment in such a way that the heroes who died in battles with Chechen terrorists look from bas-reliefs and photographs at all employees who are currently continuing the holy work of serving the Fatherland. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation always gives appreciated merit of the special forces. Most of the employees are holders of state awards.

Number of comments for the element: 1

SOBR (Special Rapid Response Detachment) - federal and regional special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which were regularly (until 2003) part of the departments for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (subdivisions of more than 200 people since the late 1990s were called detachments). In 2002, SOBR detachments were transformed into OMSN (Special Purpose Police Detachment). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, the special police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were again officially referred to as special rapid reaction units.
The main task of SOBRs is the fight against organized crime. However, due to the change in the internal political situation, SOBRs were successfully used, including in military operations conducted in the North Caucasus region.

The first special unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) was the OMSN GUVD in Moscow. The OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, preparations were underway in Moscow for the Olympics, and the failure of the German police operation to free Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympics showed how destructive the actions of amateurs can be where professionals should act.

To prevent emergencies, a special forces unit was created - the first police special forces. True, the unit was originally called the Special Purpose Police Detachment (OMON) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and guard the Olympic flame. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces then was the release of a girl captured by a criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment was reassigned to the criminal investigation department and made a regular unit of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow. There were not enough commandos to carry out all the operational tasks - there were only a few dozen of them. Then the PPS regiment was entrusted with the fight against riots and renamed it OMON.? There was a period of time when two OMONs existed simultaneously in Moscow. The militiamen themselves called the detachments Big and Small. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, the same Little OMON was later renamed the Special Purpose Police Detachment (OMSN). In 2011, the OMSN was renamed OSN, and subsequently SOBR. OMSN GUVD for Moscow served as a model for the beginning of the creation of other special units in the Russian militia (police) in the future.

On February 10, 1992, a department of tactical operations was created as part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the fall of 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the tactical operations department was renamed the Special Rapid Response Squad (SOBR).
In September 2002, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, SOBR were renamed into special police units (OMSN).

In 2003, part of the detachments of the OMSN received proper names: "Bars", "Bulat", "Lynx", "Terek".
As of 2009, the total strength of the SOBR was 5,200 people in 87 detachments.
In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of the "militia" into the "police", the units of the OMSN were renamed OSN (special forces).
In 2012, the name SOBR (special rapid response units) was returned to all OSN units.
Quantitatively, the composition of SOBRs is determined by the tasks and the region of deployment. The selection is carried out in many stages and quite strictly, with many dropout criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who have served in the Armed Forces and have a higher education).

Tasks and functions
The training of employees in SOBR, unlike other special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is of a pronounced individual character. There are a lot of specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is at the forefront. The emphasis of training is on working against an armed criminal in the city (with a working distance of up to 100 m) and in transport, however, SOBRs were successfully used in almost any conditions (forest, mountains, steppes). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation.
In the TFR, SOBRs have been successfully used not only in cooperation with the regular power formations of Russia, but also in certain areas, they have shown excellent results in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.
SOBR is constantly training by making mock captures of houses (using climbing equipment), cars and even aircraft. Their training is not inferior to the training of the Alpha special forces.

Differences from OMON
SOBR differs from OMON in the organizational and staffing structure and the nature of the tasks performed. Unlike riot police, all SOBR officers have special ranks of a police officer. Prior to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the police were divided into MOB (public security police) and KM (criminal police), OMON was a division of the MOB and reported to the head of the MOB, while SOBR was a division of the KM and reported directly to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or his deputy.

SOBR, unlike OMON, does not solve problems:
- ensuring the protection of public order, including:
- in places with a complex criminal situation,
- when holding mass events,
- in case of emergencies,
- suppression of group hooligan manifestations and riots.

Documentary "We are called SPETSNAZ" (watch online)

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