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What firm polycarbonate is better for greenhouses. We choose polycarbonate for greenhouse - which is better to use. Snow load and temperature regime

Polycarbonate greenhouses have long established itself as the most durable, comfortable and functional. It is not surprising that the demand for them is only increasing. And people not only buy ready-made greenhouses made from cellular polycarbonate, but they also construct them.

However, in front of inexperienced masters there is always a problem that the thickness of the polycarbonate is better to use for the greenhouse. It is for these questions that we will reply today.

To understand the basic properties of polycarbonate, you should get acquainted with this material closer. So, he was open in the XIX century, but then was considered a side effect of certain chemical reactions. Again created it and began to use only in the middle of the XX century.

Polycarbonate is a colorless plastic, a thermoplastic polymer, very durable, light, not afraid of temperature drops is optically transparent. Also one of its main properties is durability. From an ecological point of view, this material is also very good - the spent polycarbonate is perfectly processed into a new material.

On a note! Such properties of polycarbonate gives the special structure of its molecules. And the plasters themselves, which we used to see on the greenhouses are created from special granules. The spectrum of the use of polycarbonate is very wide: the facade is separated from it, it is roofing, barriers, etc.

Polycarbonate is monolithic and cellular. The first is a dense sheet that does not have internal voids, and the second is the whole familiar material that has a certain internal structure - honeycombs created by jumpers between two layers of material.

Types of polycarbonate - cellular and monolithic

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Of course, cellular polycarbonate is much easier than monolithic, but it is different by weight. It is from weight that often depends and - than he is heavier, the stronger and rushing, which means it is better resisting the impact of winds, the pressure of the snow. Its mass increases due to the thickness of two sheets bonded by jumpers.

On a note! High-quality polycarbonate will be not only harder, but also more durable. It serves 2-3 times longer than the economy class material.

However, it is impossible to say that for the construction of greenhouses is used some particular thickness. Choice criteria are often dependent on the climatic conditions of a particular region. In addition, each type of material has its pros and cons.

Criteria affecting the choice of polycarbonate.

  1. Region of residence. This is one of the most important criteria, since the wind and snow load will depend on the need to choose a more dense or, on the contrary, more subtle material.
  2. Material for the carcass greenhouse. More dense and heavy polycarbonate should be installed on a metal frame, while the light can be placed on wooden.
  3. Seasonality of the operation of the structure. The smaller the greenhouse is used, the less durable polycarbonate is needed. For example, for structures that are operated only in spring or autumn, there is no need to buy fat material.
  4. The roof shape also affects the correct choice of material. For example, if the snow can roll from it in winter on their own, then the material can be taken a fond.

Table. The main types of polycarbonate used for the construction of greenhouses and differing in the thickness of the sheet.

ThicknessPros and cons
4 mm thickness
Polycarbonate It is with such a thickness most often used for the construction of greenhouses. The fact is that it is very easy to sleep, thanks to this property from it you can create arched structures with your own hands. It is also easy to process and has excellent transparency compared to thicker counterparts. Another plus is the low cost of the material, so it is even available to a dacket with a low income.

One of its main drawbacks is the need to install a large number of rigidity ribs when mounting a frame, otherwise the risk is the risk that the greenhouse will simply collapse in winter under the pressure of snow cover. That is why, if you still decided to make a greenhouse from a polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 mm, it should be regularly (after every abundant snowfall) to consider snow from it. Yes, and from cold and frosts such a material is well protected. In general, to create a small country greenhouse, this polycarbonate is quite suitable.

Thickness 8-10 mmThis type of polycarbonate is already considered more professional and is suitable not only for lovers-lovers, but also for those who live by income from the garden and consider it not just a hobby. Such material is much better than the previous one, keeps heat in the greenhouse created from it, can be operated even in winter under certain conditions. The lighting ability is quite good, albeit lower than that of thinner coatings. Yes, and the ribs when mounting the frame will need less, and the designs from it can be made of much large sizes than from 4 mm of material. By the way, the average life of such polycarbonate is about 10 years. But the price of this type is higher, and not everyone can afford it to purchase it.
Thickness 15 mmPolycarbonate with the highest strength among those described. He is frosty, is not afraid of high pressure creating snow. It perfectly holds heat, and therefore is often used to create winter gardens. But the price of such polycarbonate is much higher than that of the first option.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the optimal price-quality ratio can be considered a 8 mm thick polycarbonate. It is from it that can be created quite durable, warm and durable greenhouse on the usual garden plot.

Prices for monolithic polycarbonate

monolithic polycarbonate

Color and cells matter

When choosing a cellular polycarbonate, attention should be paid to its structure - it also has a significant effect on its strength, light-resistant ability and quality as a whole.

On a note! In fact, the cells present in the structure of the material are very important. The fact is that they create an air layer, which allows the greenhouse much better to maintain heat.

There are three types of cells.

  1. Rectangular. The type of polycarbonate with such cells is used most often. This polycarbonate has low strength, but at the same time perfectly misses the light and is perfect for creating small greenhouses.

  • Square. Polycarbonate with this type of cells are stronger than the previous view. Usually used for sufficient large structures.
  • Hexagonal. Material having a honeycomb of such a form is the strongest, not afraid of winds and snowfalls. But he misses light much worse. Usually used in the construction of the roofs, rarely applied as a coating for greenhouses.
  • In order not to spend extra funds, it is worth it to weigh all the requirements for the future construction. It makes no sense in a warm and windless region to put a greenhouse from polycarbonate with hexagonal cells - it will be unjustified costs. Yes, and the light of such a material misses worse, and therefore plants, especially light-loving, it does not fit, so you have to spend on extra lighting.

    The color of the cellular polycarbonate is of great importance. In pursuit of fashion, manufacturers now offer material almost any color - not only yellow, green, red, but even black. But, choosing polycarbonate in color, it is, first of all, to think about the design, but about plants that will dwell in the greenhouse. It is worth carefully familiar with the indicator of the lighting ability of each species, and the lighting should be as close as possible to the natural level - only in this case, representatives of the flora in the greenhouse will be comfortable.

    Attention! Light polycarbonate for plants should be at least 80%.

    Not all colored sheets comply with this requirement. For example, a blue polycarbonate absorbs 40% of solar radiation, and bronze - all 60%. It is also worth remembering that the colored polycarbonate often misses only a certain part of the spectrum, and there is no guarantee that it will delay only a dangerous type of radiation.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the optimal polycarbonate should be transparent and with square cells. This will be an optimal solution in combination with a material thickness of 8 mm.

    Do I need protection from UV rays?

    Choosing polycarbonate, it is important to think about whether it will be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

    On a note! By the way, the coating material against this part of the spectrum serves as much longer than polycarbonate that does not have such protection.

    With the constant effects of UV radiation on plastic, microcracks are gradually formed - the so-called photoelectric destruction begins. Gradually, these cracks increase in size, they grow together and thus destroy the polycarbonate sheet.

    To prevent this destruction and increase the service life of the material, the polycarbonate is covered with a special layer protecting from UV rays. A coating on one side is applied, on which there will be a mark denoting that the material is not afraid of such a type of influence. It is this label to the outside and mounted by a sheet in assembly work on the shelter of the greenhouse.

    Attention! Polycarbonate without a protective coating begins to collapse in the first year of operation. That is why it is not suitable for greenhouses in principle.

    By the way, on some types of polycarbonate such a coating can be on both sides. But for greenhouses it will be an excessive waste of money.

    We choose polycarbonate

    How to choose the right polycarbonate for greenhouses, which will meet all the necessary requirements and becomes optimal? Everything is very simple.

    Step 2. Think out the shape and size of the design you want to build on your summer cottage. Remember that for arched greenhouses or structures with steep ropes, polycarbonate can be taken a thorough.

    Step 4. Think what kind of crops you will grow in a greenhouse. One need a lot of light and heat, other enough and small illumination. From this, too, the choice of polycarbonate both in the thickness and the ability to retain heat will be cooled.

    Step 5. Going to the store, be prepared to make some measurements yourself. Real sellers can slip you a more subtle material than what you need. Take a ruler.

    Step 6. Thoroughly inspect the sheet you chosen: it must be integer, have a protective film, rigidity ribs should be even (not bent or broken).

    Step 7. Ask the seller certificates for products. Each polycarbonate must have accompanying documents confirming its quality.

    Step 8. Check if there is a mark on the protective film that the sheet has protection against ultraviolet.

    On a note! Buying polycarbonate without this protection does not make sense - it will be a waste of money, since the greenhouse will last for a long time.

    If you are afraid to be mistaken with the choice of polycarbonate, contact the specialists who accurately calculate the necessary density and the thickness of the material in accordance with the claimed requirements. True, their services are not cheap.

    Video - choose polycarbonate

    Polycarbonate manufacturers

    Now the buyer is offered a large range of polycarbonate from various manufacturers.

    Table. Characteristics of cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 mm from various manufacturers.

    Brand nameDescriptionLight traffic,%Specific, kg / m2

    This is one of the largest polycarbonate producers in Russia. Products are in sustainable demand, as it has long established itself as one of the best. The greenhouse from this polycarbonate serves more than 12 years.84-87 0,75

    Polycarbonate has excellent characteristics. The average life is 8 years.81 0,8

    Releases polycarbonate with the same name. This is a Russian-Israeli company. Their polycarbonate is durable, inexpensive, and serves for a very long time. With proper operation, the greenhouse retains its properties for about 10 years.82 0,65

    The Chinese brand produces one of the cheapest cellular polycarbonates. Therefore, it is also popular with the consumer. Serves 3-4 years.86 0,79

    The appearance of polycarbonate has significantly simplified the life of dacnis and owners of large agricultural companies. This material in many respects exceeds its closest competitors, and glass, but the expansion of its range has led to the difficulty of choice and raising the risk of buying a low-quality product. Today, both those who build a greenhouse with their own hands, and those who prefer to buy a finished design equally concerns the question of how to choose a polycarbonate for greenhouses so that the material serves more than one year and ensured normal conditions inside the construction. Rating in advance, we note that it is worth considering the mass of the nuancesBut a thorough approach will be rewarded with high greenhouse durability and minimal spending for repairs.

    №1. The main advantages of polycarbonate

    Why did this relatively new material have instantly conquered dachanks across the country and with seven-mile steps displaces the film and glass from the plots? Causes of popularity should be sought in features of the structure of the material. On an industrial scale, the polycarbonate began to be released in the 60s of the last century, it was used in many areas of construction and industry, and the material suitable for the greenhouse appeared somewhat later with the filing of Israeli scientists.

    For the arrangement of greenhouses use only cellular polycarbonate - The monolithic analogue is heavier, does not have sufficient strength and qualities. The material is two or three parallel to each other plates connected by jumpers. The latter play the role of rigidity, and the space between them filled with air increases the thermal insulation quality of the material. The structure of the sheet can be single-chamber, two-chamber, etc.

    The main advantages of cellular polycarbonate for greenhouses:

    Durability High-quality polycarbonate exceeds 10 years, and conscientious manufacturers give a guarantee up to 15 years. Among minuses The material is instability to the solar rays, like any plastic, but thanks to the special film coating and from this minus it was possible to get rid of. There are no other substantial deficiencies in cellular polycarbonate, especially in comparison with other underfloor materials for greenhouses - the main thing, to buy high-quality material, and not a handicraft product.

    Typically, cellular polycarbonate is produced in sheets with dimensions of 2.1 * 6 m and 2.1 * 12 m, less often 2.1 * 2 m, but the thickness can fluctuate in wider limits (3.5-16 mm), and it is from The main parameters of the material are mostly dependent.

    №2. Choose a thickness of a cellular polycarbonate

    Thickness is a determining factor when choosing a polycarbonate for greenhouses. In this matter it is important take into account the mass of factors And choose the material is not too thin, but not too fat: in the first case, the strength is reduced, in the second - the light will deteriorate.

    The main factors that affect the choice of polycarbonate thickness:

    • climate region, especially the height of the snow cover and its weight, which determines the maximum load on the material;
    • in the region;
    • material carcass. Metal frame has better bearing capacity and is able to withstand a higher load than wooden;
    • sTEP of the crate. The closer to each other there are elements of the carcass of the greenhouse, the more durable there will be a design and the less thick can be needed polycarbonate;
    • seasonality use. If the greenhouse will be operated only in the autumn-spring period, then the polycarbonate can be chosen to choose. For year-round greenhouses, the material is chosen significantly thicker, because it must withstand not only the snow and wind, but also to keep warm;
    • type of construction. If there are plans to build the greenhouse of arched, dome or drop-like form, you must think in advance whether it is possible to bend polycarbonate to a certain way. The material thinner, the higher the bending radius.

    How to choose the optimal thickness with all these factors? To get the most accurate value, you can contact professionals. The second option is to buy, the optimal thickness polycarbonate is already included (the type of construction and climatic features is taken into account). An alternative solution is to try to independently choose the necessary polycarbonate: difficult calculations will not be needed, as it is necessary to be guided by the practice of using the material, the main parameters of polycarbonate sheets of different thicknesses (in the table below) and the climate data of the region, which also get the network is easy.

    Number 3. Sota geometry and polycarbonate strength

    Partitions inside the polycarbonate form cells, the shape of which largely affects the strength of the material and its bearing abilities. The most common options:

    №4. Color polycarbonate

    Deciding with the necessary thickness of the material and coming to the store, it can be found that the polycarbonate is produced as a whole spectrum of colors. What of them are better? Of course, transparent, because it allows for plants as close as possible to natural lighting, and besides, it skips maximum sunlight. Sadders who want to get the maximum harvest and not spend money on additional lighting, select transparent polycarbonate.

    The painted polycarbonate is not capable of providing a sufficient level of light: bronze, opal, yellow and green sheets are missing only 40-60% of light, so it is difficult to talk about normal crops. Some daches choose a red and orange tint polycarbonate, motivating this by the fact that the most useful plant growth is an orange and red solar radiation range. It is difficult to argue with this statement if you recall the school course of biology and physics, but there is one "but": useful rays will be less, and their quantities will not be enough for normal growth in most cultures, therefore best choice - Transparent polycarbonate.

    №5. Protection of polycarbonate from ultraviolet rays

    Reading about the positive properties of polycarbonate, you might think that this is the perfect material that does not have flaws. Naturally it is not. The main minus is a tendency destruction under ultraviolet rayswhich run on the surface the process of photovoltaic degradation, leading to the formation of small cracks. Gradually, they grow up, causing panel fragility and their destruction. That is why the material needs additional protection. Hard ultraviolet (in the spectrum up to 280 nm) is harmful to plants, so the protective coating protects not only polycarbonate, but also grown cultures.

    Responsible manufacturers are used to protect material special filmthat is applied byextrusion methodTherefore, during operation, it does not peel. Such high-quality polycarbonate can easily serve for about 10 years. There is a material on sale to which the protective film is applied on both sides, but it does not make sense for the greenhouses. When installing sheets, it is important to pay attention to the labeling and install polycarbonate with a protective layer outward.

    Unfair manufacturers (often Chinese) produce polycarbonate at all without a protective coating or make it symbolic. It is understood that instead of using the film, the simplest additives are introduced into the mass, which must protect the material from solar radiation. "Lives" such a polycarbonate for a maximum of 2-3 years, then it will have to be changed, and this is again embarrassed. Buying initially cheap material, it is worth thinking about the consequences three times. Information on the presence of a protective coating must be specified on the package and in the accompanying documentation, since it is impossible to look at it (the thickness is 0.0035-0.006 mm).

    №6. What does the "Light" prefix mean in the labeling of polycarbonate?

    Clear manufacturers and sellers sometimes enlighten buyers using the Light designation in the marking. Choose such a polycarbonate for greenhouses - means overpaying and obtaining material with reduced strength. Often under a lightweight version sell more subtle polycarbonate, and the price remains standard. Instead of a 4-millimeter, a material with a thickness of 3.5 mm can serve, instead of 6 mm - 5.5, 8 mm - 7.5 mm, etc. It seems, and the difference is small, but when the thickness is reduced (and therefore, durability and durability) the price does not fall - not the most profitable purchase. In addition, to take polycarbonate for greenhouse with a thickness of less than 4 mm is not very recommended.

    №7. Polycarbonate sheets and features of work with material

    With a width of 2.1 m, polycarbonate sheets are sold mainly by 6 and 12 m long, a deviation of 3 mm is allowed in width and 10 mm in length. The accumulated experience of many dacms allows you to form a number tips for the most rational use of the material:

    • if the greenhouse has an arched shape, then the length of the power structures is recommended to do 6 and 12 m in order to avoid transverse joints;
    • the distance between the carrier elements of the frame is better to do so that the stakes of sheets accounted for the profile, which increases the strength of the structure;
    • when building two-tie greenhouses, it is better to make walls and roofs such that polycarbonate sheets shared without residues.

    Polycarbonate in the heat increases in size, and in the cold - decreases. An increase in temperature for each degree causes an expansion of a material by 0.065 mm / m. This should be taken into account during the attachment of polycarbonate to the frame, leaving small gaps between the material sheet and the supporting structure.

    Polycarbonate care is as simple as possible: it is necessary to wash it several times a year, you can use a weak soap solution, but not aggressive means. The main goal of such care is to maintain a high level of transparency.

    №8. Manufacturers Polycarbonate: Who can be trusted?

    To choose the right polycarbonate and further count on its durability, it is important: the fame of his name and duration warranty (the longer, the better, ideally 10-15 years old). When buying does not interfere with pay attention to certificates, and it is not recommended to go for the polycarbonate to the market - there are unlikely to adhere to the necessary storage conditions.

    Purchase material from the NO-NAME company is not very recommended - the consequences of such an act are clear without clarification. Given all the described nuances of the choice of polycarbonate, you can find exactly the material that will be the perfect solution in each case.


    One of the most frequently asked questions from customers of a cellular polycarbonate sheet is: "What is the difference between polycarbonate of different manufacturers?" And "how to distinguish good from bad, and where to buy good?"
    Various sellers respond differently to these questions, often pursuing their mercenary interests. Company ............, having an adequate experience (19 years old) sales and installation of polycarbonate sheet and not obscure the technological processes of production of sheet, ready to express several tips to the buyer.
    The culture of world production of SEC sheet is kept on four fundamental facts:
    1. Quality of raw materials.
    2. Weight 1M square products.
    3. The presence and thickness of coextruded UV protection.
    4. Equipment and manufacturer experience.
    Axioma 1.
    In the world of about 10 companies in the process of deep oil refining, several varieties of granulated polycarbonate raw materials are produced: for extrusion, injection casting, injection molding and foaming. These varieties are, in turn, are divided into another 10 species depending on the final purpose: optical, not filled with multipurpose, for lighting equipment, glass-filled, linear, branched, etc., respectively, depending on the final purpose, these characteristics differ in them. Like the yield strength, the elastic module, the relative elongation, which, in turn, determine the rigidity of the part, the strength of the part, behavior with prolonged exposure, creep and wear resistance.
    In our case, we are talking about the granular applied to extrusion.
    The world leaders of the granulate manufacturers recognized in quality, stability and volumes of deliveries of raw materials are Bayer AG - Brand Makrolon, "Sabic" (former GE Plastics) -T.M. Lexan, "Dow Chemical" - T. M Calibre. Russian Kazanorgsintez on a global scale is a very low value, but this is the only manufacturer of polycarbonate granulate in Russia.
    In the future, the granulate enters the plants manufacturers of polycarbonate sheet, which in the world more than 100.
    A good quality sheet is made only from 100% primary raw materials. Any addition of secondary raw materials (secondary raw materials - the raw material obtained in the process of collecting waste, its sorting, crushing sometimes granulation) changes the properties of the sheet for the worse, since varieties are mixed with different characteristics and microparticles of foreign materials.
    Some sheet manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of products are added in the process of production uncontrolled number of secondary.
    What makes this saving. Any foreign microparticle, air bubble in the future is the source and beginning of microcracks and destruction. The greater the secondary sheet - the worse, the unpredictable sheet. As a result, a crack may appear on a sheet on any of the steps: shifting, carrying, transportation, installation and operation. The result is the opposite process of manufacturing minced meat for the kitlet, the more ingredients of those (cutlet) are tastier.
    Availability (but, not quality and quantity) Secondary seconds are determined visually. The lumen in the sheet is visible fine plugs, air bubbles. The surface of the sheet is not perfectly smooth, but with microisyans.
    Axioma 2.
    In the process of 35 years of summer, weight standards of products were formed in the process of 35 years of production and operation of a cellular polycarbonate sheet. So 1m.kv. a sheet of 4mm thick weighs -800 grams, 6mm - 1300grams, 8mm - 1500grams, 10mm - 1700grams, etc., respectively, the thickness of vertical and horizontal walls in such sheets should be 4mm - 0.3 mm, 6mm - 0.35mm, 8mm- 0.4mm, 10mm - 0.5mm (data obtained from Breyer). During these characteristics, the sheet must withstand the load declared by the manufacturer.
    Some manufacturers of the sheet with the purpose of cheaper reduce the weight of 1 mq. Products. The market research confirms the presence of a lightweight network for 10-15% and more sheets. As a rule, this option is not advertised.
    What are the consequences of such savings. With a decrease in weight by 10-15% and the proportionate thinning of vertical and horizontal walls occurs. Any technically competent specialist will say that a decrease in the wall thickness of the beams, an intercessor, a chapeller (and a cellular sheet is a microsinkle of these elements) entails the deterioration of carrier characteristics. That is why European manufacturers of cellular sheets (and they, too, sometimes "under the order" make lightweight sheets) never give methods and programs for calculating loads and limit the guarantee of 5 years.
    How to distinguish a standard sheet from lightweight.
    Responsible, civilized manufacturers celebrate this sheet in the word Light-light (for example, Polylight, CarBoglass Light), any letter (for example, Makrolon B-Line), or another brand (for example, Actual - Safaplast). In all other cases, it all depends on the decency of the manufacturer, the seller and your eater, the charming and electronic scales.

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    Polycarbonate. Tips for customers. 2.

    Axioma 3.
    Our shine, acting on polymers in visible and especially ultraviolet spectrum, initiates the development of the destruction reaction and the structuring of macromolecules, which leads to a change in the energy state of individual electrons and molecules as a whole. The energy of the UV quantum - radiation exceeds the energy C \u003d C-communication of the macromolecule and they are destroyed. In simple language, the polymer becomes fragile and destroyed. Photochemical destruction is a radical chain process and, due to the small ability of UV radiation, is mainly in the surface layers of the polymer. To protect the polycarbonate sheet to the surface facing the Sun method by coextrusion (during the leaf manufacturing process), a thin (35-60 micron) layer of the light stabilizer is applied. It is this thickness of the light stabilizer that is considered sufficient for long-term (10 or more years) of the exploitation of a polycarbonate sheet (in the trading network of the largest construction hypermarket in Ukraine give a guarantee for a polycarbonate sheet 2 years). Check for, thickness and uniformity of the distribution of the light stabilizer without laboratory studies are not possible. You have to believe the word. The leaf without UV protection will simply, without destruction, not more than one year. Sheet with UV protection is less regulatory - no more than 5 years. On such destruction sheets in the form of holes appear from any mechanical exposure: hail, rain, birds, etc.
    Axioma 4.
    Insofar as. As we see, the production of sheet is the most difficult process, it is necessary to implement it a consistently working hard equipment with a huge number of settings and adjustments. The process of extrusion of polymers itself, and polycarbonate is the most difficult polymer for these purposes, is not fully studied, there is a mass of various factors and nuances. One of the most experienced manufacturers of equipment for extrusion of polycarbonate cellular sheet is considered to be the company Omipa (Italy), Kuhne, Breyer (Germany). So far, unfortunately, no manufacturer of equipment from the countries of the developing world even closely approached these companies. Naturally, specialists who have many years of experience should provide quality. Examples are known when young, ambitious companies that have built new plants, mounted high-class equipment and could not produce a sheet with the test of time. Undoubted leaders and patriarchs of the production of high-quality polycarbonate sheet are Polygal trademarks, Lexan, Makrolon.
    Unfortunately, any deviation from standards may be reflected on the quality of the sheet, even one of the above factors. The total aggregate of savings in all 4th leads to the production of products, no relation to cellular polycarbonate does not have and risking will fall apart at any time. As a result, the sheets manufactured by European standards are operated 10 years or more, and any economy version from 1 to 3 years.
    The most powerful factor of impact on these four whales is the 5th element - the consumer. It is a conscious consumer who declares readiness to acquire high-quality goods for a reasonable price, and the irresponsible consumer is sometimes paid the same price for a sheet that removes cellular polycarbonate.

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    Polycarbonate. Tips for customers. 3.

    As a rule, the seller is present in the chain between the manufacturer of the sheet and the consumer, who, having pursued its goals, is valid for three possible scenarios:
    A) comes to the consumer an objective, truthful information, providing him with the right to make a final decision.
    B) he does not know anything and does not understand.
    C) deliberately hides, it does not lead or gives false information.
    For the sake of justice, we note that the conscious guilt of manufacturers plants in the release of a cheap, which means there is no low-quality sheet. They produce that product that orders them and pays for the seller. There is an excellent high-quality sheet of Chinese manufacturers (not economy version), but when transporting to Ukraine it will cost more than European, and therefore it will be unsold.
    What ultimately do to the consumer?
    Try to penetrate and figure out the subject of the conversation, find the seller "A", make a conscious choice.
    Draw a "group" generalized protecta of this seller.
    1. Legally existing on the market under this name of 10 years or more (confirmed by a document on the state registration) an enterprise operating on this profile.
    2. Official distributor, dealer of 1-2, factories of sheet manufacturers, confirmed on the manufacturer's website. If you did not find the manufacturer's website of the manufacturer of the trading brand of polycarbonate sheet, it is better not to buy this sheet at all, its quality, pedigree, warranty is impossible. In the current development of computer and printing equipment, it is not always possible to believe numerous diplomas in offices and on the sites of sales companies.
    3. Managers ready on the basis of programs, methods Calculate wind, snow loads, optimal sheet cutting, components directly for your design.
    4. If the seller argues that he is an exclusive (only) dealer-distributor, a manufacturer, be careful, follows the first lie further. No plant manufacturer can afford such luxury - the only (exclusive) consumer.
    If you find the seller "A" - to ask 4 of the most important questions, from now on you take all responsibility for the purchase.
    It will not be very superfluous when buying getting a document from the seller confirming the fact of purchase and sale indicating: dates, brand, thickness, colors, element and amounts. This is the only document on the basis of which it will be possible to make a claim after an expiry of any time.

  • Polycarbonate. Types of buyers.1

    First, thank you very much for such a common excursion to the life of polycarbonate. More such. But there is a question. How important is the use of the branded thermo-washers, when attaching to the frame? Mostly use selflessness for the professional leaf. And what is the difference between the fastening of sheets of the mustache, from the use of the special profile specials for connecting sheets? Sincerely.

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    Hi Irkutsk!
    1. Washers. Coefficient of temperature expansion of polycarbonate 0.068 mm * meter / degree. Ie when the ambient temperature changes by 1 degree Celsius dimensions of 1 meter of polycarbonate will change by 0.068 mm. It seems to be negligible, but. In terms of temperature difference, suppose -20 (and in you in Irkutsk is somewhat more) in winter and +30 in summer (and the roof is heated to +50), t. There is a delta 50, a polycarbonate sheet on a 6-meter long changed in sizes by 34 mm . Thus, the self-tapping screw, which practically stands on the spot because of the metal coeff. Temperature expansion is significantly less, the oval hole in the polycarbonate. Branded washers in which diameter is usually more than 40 mm are designed for: 1-increasing contact area and clamp, 2-in the presence of seals, to ensure the sealing of the hole.
    With this task on the household level, any self-tape recorder with an enlarged plan-washer can cope.
    When buying plastic thermoses, be careful: Polypropylene washers are impossible for a long time to light stabilize from UV1-2 years, they become fragile and scattered. Buy polycarbonate or metal with a rubberized surface.
    2. The junction in the backstage. Partially the answer coincides with the washers on the temperature expansion. In the back of Nelza to achieve a long-term hermetic compound. Purpose Profiles-to give the ability to breathe polycarbonate, ensure its mounting to the supporting structure and tightness of the joints and connections.
    Although in unbearable designs, the greenhouses often ignore these rules.
  • Registration: 02/21/08 Messages: 983 Gratitude: 618

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    Manufacturers of the washers are a huge number of some kind of washers I can not say.
    I repeat: 1. Do not buy polypropylene, polystyrene and PVC, sink washers (they are muddy, not transparent) - only polycarbonate. 2. The sealing ring should be from EPDM, neoprene or elastomer not containing chlorine. This concerns compatibility with polycarbonate. And in the structure of the ring, on the foam-based basis, absorbs dirt with moisture, sintering and does not work. Better monolithic with multi-mounted swing seals.
    Very cleverly said!
  • Registration: 03/24/10 Messages: 381 Gratitude: 185

    It is a pity that you are not a specialist in the field of building greenhouses. But we will use, with your permission of what is. What step in the crate (greenhouse frame) advise you to do, on the roof (duple), and on the walls? And which thickness is polycarbonate to choose respectively on the roof and on the walls. The gabaris of the greenhouse I have already voiced. Sincerely.
  • Registration: 07/11/11 Messages: 11.791 Gratitude: 14.784

    Practicing Electric

    Registration: 07/11/11 Messages: 11.791 Gratitude: 14.784 Address: Belgorod-Moscow

    And what is the difference between the fastening of sheets of the mustache, from the use of the special profile specials for connecting sheets?

    When using specials. The inlets of internal channels are closed. If they leave them open, then a dust will flush there after some time. In the city, you can often see all sorts of carports from polycarbonate. It is very clearly seen that the canvas consists of dirty stripes. I think the plants will not be very happy.

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    It is a pity that you are not a specialist in the field of building greenhouses. But we will use, with your permission of what is. What step in the crate (greenhouse frame) advise you to do, on the roof (duple), and on the walls? And which thickness is polycarbonate to choose respectively on the roof and on the walls. The gabaris of the greenhouse I have already voiced. Sincerely.

    It will be very irresponsible to give advice on polycarbonate roof without taking into account the regional and individual features of the customer. Polycarbonate roofing is a piece product. In this, by the way, the error "will" and similar greenhouse firms. And the greenhouses can be operated for years somewhere in Belgorod and Vinnitsa and shoals Fall near Moscow and in Irkutsk.
    According to its objects, I can give the most specified information. At your request, I will limit the common phrases: 1. On a flat roof (and the polycarbonate works better on the arch) at a step of a rafted 700 mm, it is impossible to save less than 8mm. You can save-put 6mm, but at a step rafters already 520 mm on the axes. The sheets should always be Lying on a support. Don't forget: hypotenuse is always more category. Highup a standard length of a sheet of 6 or 12 meters, the optimal cut 3.0 or 4.0 meters, Sveta is 100 mm (no more), skim joints - consider the width and height of the greenhouse ( Geometry 5th grade) 2.The vertical walls do not carry the snow load, but I do not see the point of making a differential design - the principle of the same: the thickness of the polycarbonate is less than the jumpers and vice versa.
    By the way, for fans of four-limeter polycarbonate. Although one European producer of polycarbonate does not give methods and programs for calculating loads for 4 milieth sheets, not to mention the lightweight and other economies. What would it be, what do you think?

  • Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130


    Registration: 07/05/11 Messages: 3.422 Gratitude: 5.130

    If you do the arched greenhouse, I recommend to stop on the width of 3.6 meters-long arc 6.0 meters. Hasha arcs 1.05 (depending on the method of connecting sheets to the profile or "in the nasty") with a PC thickness. Sheet 6 mm will provide snow load 60 kg / m.kv (memory). Construction. Do from the square pipe 25 * 25, the wall thickness of 1.8-2.0 mm. If the framugues will be embedded at the top point (with a plastic overlap) none There will be no problems. I will not support your namesake from the next branch-reload at the bottom right in the plastic. Purchased ventilation lattices with closing blinds, few ventilation does not happen: Wanted discovered, wanted closed. The top framugues are discharged by hot air, through the bottom shutters - the cooler fresh . How close all-arrange the bath. The field for experiments is huge.
    Fibrolite fiberglass, fiberglass, glass flops impregnated with polymer resin A la epoxy. According to many indicators, it is not suitable for greenhouses. Wishing-advice with facts.
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