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What this is - to be a teacher in Russia: a short course on school science (with a task). Is it worth working as a teacher at school? The main advantages in the work of the teacher

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But the question "Why?" very useful. Therefore, difficult, like everything is useful. I even taught children to him. Want to put a comma here - explain why. You can not explain - do not put it, so we will even get rid of the misfirements of punctuation. They penetrated, so in group work this question was asked to each other. And if something is always the answer.

More difficult with other issues. Here and Doroshi my students before the first vague thinking "And by whom I want to become." And after looking around, they asked me: "Why did you become a teacher?". It was for me as a thunder among the clear sky. Before I never thought about this topic. I just knew that I would go to work in school. You can, of course, analyze my psychotype, see the roots of this desire in the family education, having studied me to sacrifice the private in the name of public and share if you have something much (in this case we are talking about knowledge in the Russian language, I love him). But still I want to write about a friend.

Then, I answered something like "because I feel like that." (By the way, I read the article that when we adopt some kind of decisions, the brain takes into account many different factors that we can at the moment and not to realize, and gives out our desire or unwillingness, why and it is necessary to listen to yourself, even if It seems you just capricious.)

But it fell firmly in the head, and finally, after many months of periodical reflections, I want to more specifically formulate the answer.

Communicate with children is cool

For me it became a real revelation. In the first months of work, I came to the next lesson of the "course of a young fighter" (there was something for young professionals, now abolished). The teacher began with an amazing question about how we spent the summer. Everyone was joyful something twitter, and one girl smiled and says: "And I missed the whole summer for children."

I wanted to turn to her and say: "Are you crazy?"

I already had some experience in communicating with these children, and the best memories for this period was how I went with friends to the nightclub and under the sounds of the music in my chest understood that if someone now collapses on the floor in the suicide convulsions, then I will not bear for it any responsibility. Happiness is what!

But it was first. The next summer I experienced something similar to what the girl described by me was said. And this summer I completely divided her thoughts. My children graduated from the ninth grade, someone went to the college, I went to work to another school, and the lesson situation would never connect us anymore. And it is sad.


But what's steep in communicating with children?

The fact that they are not adults and, as a result, look at life easier and straight. You can fight my own cosnosis and stereotype and even achieve certain success, but you don't need to do this. Even those thoughts that the family are embedded in them, have not yet managed to "harden", because the child is always interested in discussing, argue. He is ready to hear you.

I do not want to scold poor adults (to which I myself also treat), since all this is natural processes. The greater the person responsibility, the higher he climbs on his bell tower, and from there, respectively, sees the validity of increasingly distorted. The more questions in our head, the more answers on them, which then turn into an opinion that I don't want to change - because we have done such work before they came to him! Yes, and there is no particular time to think about such things, then what you need to call an electrician, pick up children from the kindergarten and somehow plan a summer vacation.

And here about such a vortex of life you come to school to speak children in the lesson of literature about Peter and Fevronia. And they are: "Well, it is clear, it is clear, why did this Peter need this Peter?".. And you say the first thing that happened, because it is impossible to be silent: "Eee, well, he is the prince." And the child to you in response (and you already understood our mistake): "Yes, Fevronia is not like that!". And you think: "But really, not so, why did he, really need it?". And you, it means, will give very uncertainly (the lesson must continue to lead): "Well, probably, it is love."

And the question in my head remained, and this is the main thing, because it is the questions that make your brain work, and not answers to them.

Or now. Go to the end the lesson dedicated to the story of TEFFI "Life and Collar". I am satisfied with the course of the lesson, all such good bunnies and deliberately discuss the literary work. And I complacently ask the question: So what feeling causes us, readers, main heroine?

And the best class students who have just so well disassembled, conclude: condemnation! I am ready to answer "sympathy", dumbfounded, after which a lively discussion begins on what you need to do with a person who stumbled. I protect the humanistic foundations of being and argue that in fact, the false person needs to sympathize and, if possible, help. And they me - so if we will help her now, it will not learn to cope with the problems, her will will not harde her strength, and she will live so all his life as the last rag! In general, we never came to consensus, but again - open questions are more importantly closed.

The story "Life and collar".

Well, another example. On the class hour I decided to discuss with them, how to act - by law or on conscience? Not only that everyone in one voice was told "by law", they also added that I taught them them - always act according to the rules. Indeed, there is something to think about.

Work in school interesting

Unfortunately, I first realized that everything you want to raise in children as a cool leader, we must do in the first year of my work. Even if I understood it before, it could hardly be done: if you compare the class teacher with the ship's captain, then in my first year I dangled somewhere overboard and tried everything to kill me.

Apparently, it is necessary to simply accept such a thought: it is useless to write yourself on the "Rules of a Good Teacher" on the leaves. You will still do the same as you have been laid for a long time. You can change your behavior, but it will take this no less than a year. Continuing marine metaphors, compare a lesson with a storm, during which you need to take many solutions every minute and take into account a large number of factors and there is no time to reason - so, what would the technique be better to apply? Apply the one that I remember better. And the maximum that you are capable of, to think about the storm after it completes and make certain conclusions, thanks to which you can now adjust the course of the vessel.

Illustrations: Maria Tolstova

"In the suburbs, the coach hit the baby to his head in his head," "Honorary Teacher beat a second-grader," "In Severodvinsk, the teacher beat the students at the skill" - this year about incidents in Russian schools appeared with frightening periodicity - so that we once started talking about meaninglessness and merciless of the Russian educational system. Without trying to give an estimate to each separately taken case, Julia Dudkina journalist at the request of Esquire talked to teachers about why the school remains an aggressive environment and amounted to a study manual for school screens. It provides tasks based on real cases from school life. Try to solve them and take a look at the above news plots the eyes of the hostage of the system.



In 2018, the fencing coach Anna Anstal decided to get to school. "I have my own fencing club, and I have long dreamed of opening a children's group in it," says Anstal. "And suddenly I thought: if I want to teach children, why should I start school teacher first?". It was appropriate to education: in the physical education university, she passed the practice in schools and received the relevant document. True, as an anneal recalls, this practice has been a very formal - teacher in schools did not want to allow trains to occupation and simply painted in the right papers.

Anna herself hated physical education at school. She did not work well to pass standards on running and jumping in length, she had a bad ball. Later, this did not prevent her from becoming a fencing sports master. "This once again proves that the classic school physical education is meaningless and teaches at all what you need," said Anstal. She had a dream: to make lessons without "obligatory". Show schoolchildren that sport is fun and useful, make them love to move.

She immediately announced to students: everyone who will come to the lessons will receive five for them. The rest will have to prepare by the end of a quarter small projects about sports and speak with them in front of the class. "It seemed to me that they were not accustomed to what they were talking to equals with them," says Anstal. "I asked them:" What do you want to do today in the lesson? ". They silent and watched me past me. " In the end, the case went to the way: the eighth, ninth and tenth grades came to the lessons with pleasure, they played the "thirty three" and in table tennis. Then they asked the teacher to teach them to serve in volleyball. She honestly admitted to them that herself was not strong in that. "We watched the video on YouTube together and began to learn. They had even better than me, "Remembers Anna.

With eleventh graders it was more difficult. They were constantly loaded by exam preparation, because of this, they were asked from the lesson. "I remember myself in the eleventh grade," says Anstal. - At this age, everything is concerned only by entering the university, there is no strength on any physical culture. " Anna quietly treated that schoolchildren sat quietly in the locker room and taught the lessons instead of running.

"Looking at school, I began to constantly remember my own childhood," says Anstal. - The school seemed to me in prison. I approached the window and looked at people with envy, who just go past the street. " Gradually, she also felt at work. In the morning, she heard the teachers in the locker room they report schoolchildren who forgot the replacement shoes. "It seemed to me so meaningless," she recalls. "Nine in the morning there is no, and on a person already scolded." And not for some bad or sublore act, but just for the fact that he forgot something at home. "

Once a methodologist came to the admission of physical culture to the eleventh grade and asked: "Why do you have children sit in the locker room?" Anstal replied that there is no heating in the hall and many of them came without a form, so she allowed them to do lessons. "Put it all two," Methodist advised. Then she announced that those who had no form should be in the hall during the lesson. "But it's very cold there," Anstal replied. Methodist went with the words: "Everyone is clear with you." Later she came again and said Anna, which cannot be asked for children than they want to do in class - the teacher should determine the plan.

"On the change, young teachers discussed among themselves that the more stricter treats children, the better," says Anstal. - I listened to this and understood that since my childhood, the school system did not change at all. In the end, I worked for several months and left. "

Anna is recognized: before to come to school, she painted in her imagination an idyllic picture of how it becomes a "unusual" teacher will change the system and builds relationships based on equality and mutual respect with students.

Young teachers often begin work precisely with such a set, but it is difficult to preserve it for a long time. "Before I came to school, I worked in educational projects built on the values \u200b\u200bof humanistic pedagogy," says the Russian language teacher and Ripoport literature. - There I got used to the teacher should interest the child. It is impossible to demand a student to be delighted with mathematics or history from the very beginning. " In the Humanistic pedagogy, the student is considered as a conscious and equal participant in the educational process. Rappoport thought it would be able to implement this approach to education. But it turned out that the school administration is not very interesting. "It turned out that it was very important to comply with a bunch of formalities - to retreat a certain number of lines and to do so that students get up when you enter the class," recalls rappoport. One day, the head came to her a lesson and began to shout on children for the fact that they are wrong - it turns out, at each lesson they must dissolve in a certain order, and not to sit with those with whom they want.

"And now, you would seem, you are a teacher, an adult," says Rappoport. - And here the head switches from the disciples on you and begins to read as a small child. And you understand that there are no equal participants in the school system. "



In November, a scandal broke out in one of the schools of the Khabarovsk Territory. The video hit the video where the primary school teacher beat the nine-year-old boy. "Who are you? Who allows you to behave? Why do you interfere with everyone? " - There is clearly visible on the record, as the teacher is thrown into the child with these words. The student falls to the floor, and the teacher continues to beat him.

Later it turned out that the heroine of the video is Tatiana Leskova, a teacher with a 25-year experience. On that day, when a conflict occurred, her student named Semyon first climbed her hand with a door, and then he launched a portfolio into her and hit her foot, saying "on, bitch, hold!". Leskov and before writing the reports on this schoolchildren - he behaved aggressively towards teachers and students, broke the lessons. The school administration was inactive.

After the video with beating seeds hit the network, the regional investigative committee opened a criminal case. Although the actions of the Leski were illegal, many parents of her students demand that the teacher would be discharged from criminal liability. About three hundred people signed an open letter to her defense, and the petition on Change.org today signed more than 3.5 thousand people. In the petition it is said that Leskov "does not beat the student, but applies educational measures."

Such stories occur throughout Russia. In Sochi, teacher Alexander Brimzhanov struck the student in his stomach. Because of what the conflict occurred is unknown. According to the students, Brimzhanov came to the lesson drunk and behaved inadequately. After this incident, he was fired. In the near Moscow Khimki, a seventh grader, having received a remark from a physics teacher, launched him in the face of the marked Petardoy. After that, a fight began in the classroom: the teacher rushed to the student, he began to fight back fire extinguisher. A teacher of obzh, Fizruk and Zagae joined the Potashka. The story ended with the arrival of the police.

One of the reasons for teacher aggression can be emotional burnout. It occurs when the work does not bring the desired results, and negative emotions continue to accumulate. The risk group includes representatives of "helping" professions and those who have to communicate with a large number of people every day. Most often, the teachers are unborn. In the EU countries, up to 60% of employees of the education system annually refer to psychologists with this problem. Almost half of British teachers are going to leave the profession in the next five years due to high loads and crowded classes. In Russia, according to the results of the study of the MGO of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, more than 90% of teachers experience emotional and nervous stress due to work. 76% of teachers adhere to the non-normalized power mode, and more than 70% suffer from lack of sleep.

However, aggression at school is shown not only by teachers. According to the results of the study of the design and educational laboratory of educational and youth journalism HSE, each second teacher once faced threats and harassment from students. 6% of the research participants said that they are confronted with these phenomena constantly. 42% of teachers became victims of bullying on the Internet.

The author of Esquire asked the acquaintances to remember whether they were ever kicked up at school teachers. It turned out that many have such stories. Artist Alena Belyakova said that her class was nicknamed by a teacher in mathematics chicken, and Kristina Safonov's journalist admits that one day they were offered by classmates to the teacher in French cake, which before this was specially fused on the floor.

"In the sixth grade, we had a new teacher in Russian and literature," recalls a journalist Victoria Charrokkin. "We didn't know her and the lessons included an application that disgustly chopped on the phones." The teacher did not understand where the sound comes from, and the disciples laughed and told her that they did not know. According to Charralkina, at her school there was a cohesive team of teachers, and they also did not like the new colleague. Therefore, they did not try to stand up for her. "On the contrary, when she traveled us from the lesson, the teachers regret us and called to their cabinet to drink tea," says Charrochkin. - When we realized that the whole school supports us in this war, we began to mock the teacher even stronger - came up with the nicknames, did not give lessons. It often seemed that she was close to cry. At the same time she was very kind - always allowed to pass debts at the end of the quarter. I still remember her, and I am ashamed for how we behaved. A year later she quit and never began to work more. "



In pedagogical universities, today the teaching methodology and age psychology are studied today. Students disassemble complex cases that may arise in communicating with students. But in practice, the teacher does not always know what to do if the student throws Petard or kicks him in him. Not everyone gets to get out of this situation without violating the law. Tasks that every day have to solve school teachers, there are much more difficult than in any textbook. Esquire has compiled its own tutorial on schools for beginners. First of all, it is intended for those who have never worked at school and want to understand what it is - to be a teacher.

  • 1. Decide the task

  1. Teacher Illarion Mironov works at the public school for one and a half bets. Its load is officially 30 hours a week. On working days, Illarion spends three extra hours to check notebooks and preparation for tomorrow's lessons. How many hours does Illarion work actually?
  2. According to the head of the Metropolitan Department of Education, Isaac Kalina, the average salary of the Moscow teacher is 107.6 thousand rubles. Ivan does not work in Moscow. He is a teacher in a rural school. His salary is 7650 rubles. How many times is the salary of the rural teacher of Ivan less than the average salary of the Moscow teacher?
  3. Moscow teacher Peter spends five lessons of mathematics per day with different classes. In each class, 30 people study, and Peter must attract the attention of each of them. How many people should attract Peter in one day?
  4. Between two lessons there is a change that lasts 10 minutes. Five minutes, Peter teacher answers the questions of students. Two minutes he pulls out a notebook table for the next class. For three minutes he spends to refresh the next lesson plan in the head. The rest of the time Peter can spend on vacation. How long does it spend on vacation teacher Peter?
  • 2. Get acquainted with the useful vocabulary and find out how it is used. Incomprehensible words write down in the dictionary

MASH - Moscow e-school.

Educational project for Moscow schools. It includes electronic textbooks and diaries; In the schools involved in the project, you establish interactive panels for lessons. MASH was launched two years ago, and today all metropolitan schools are connected to it. The MASH library consists of materials and ready-made scenarios of lessons that make up the teachers themselves.

Example of use:

"We were told at school that each teacher should lay out his developments in Mash," says Mary Leonov teacher. - If you don't do this, you can press on you: threaten that they will deprive you of stimulating payments. If you do not use Masse materials on your lessons, you can make you write an explanatory one. Some of my colleagues simply include materials from Mash on their computer with a background, and they themselves hold a lesson as they want. The main thing is that the system locks you. I myself saw the ready-made lessons on literature in Mash once in the summer, and in one of them it was written that Eugene Onegin lived in the Nikolaev era. I immediately closed this lesson and realized that Moderators (specialists from Oveom - the citywide platform of electronic educational materials. - Esquire) - do not follow the content to be qualitative. "

School rating.

From 2010 in Moscow there is a school rating. To take the first place, the school must score the highest score. Points are awarded for high appreciation of students on exams, victories in the Olympiads, participation in sports competitions. Another criterion for calculating points - work with children with disabilities. There is a so-called "inclusion coefficient". The results of children with disabilities are multiplied by this coefficient.

Example of use:

"I retired just a couple of weeks ago," said Mary Leonov teacher. - There were no defectologists in our school, and work with students who have the features of development was no one. But on the pedsovets never talked about it. They only spoke that you need to gain scores for the rating. Most of all I was shocked by the phrase: "Pupils with disabilities bring us extra points." I felt gypsy, which steals children for the sake of benefits. "

Olympiad. Competition on a specific subject between schoolchildren.

The school raises the rating if her students are successfully involved in the All-Russian or Moscow Olympiad of Schoolchildren, in the Museums City Olympiads. Parks. The estate "and" the connection of generations will not interrupt, "and in some others. At the same time, there are Olympics, participation in which does not give school rating points.

Example of use:

"I was a class teacher, and children in my class adored the competition of readers," says Maria Leonov. - But the school leadership insisted that I prepared them instead of the Competition to prepare them to other Olympiads that they were not interested. It was necessary for school to get points. "

  • 3. Take the tasks. The correct solutions for them do not exist. We give the answers that the teachers gave us.

Danar: There is a child with whom other children do not want to learn.

Find: How to include a child in the educational process and make it so that classmates do not hurt him?

  • Decision:

Maria Leonova, teacher, Moscow

In my class was the boy Andrei (the name is changed). He had a not quite stable psyche, he could not sit on the spot, was aggressive. At first, his parents of classmates were unbelievable - ambitious, active people who wanted to protect children from the "strange" boy. The students' disciples themselves have heard parental conversations and also began to bypass Andrei side.

I often spend quizzes and contests in class and usually I myself share children for the team so that no one disappoints, and the forces were treated with equal. But one day I decided to try to give them to divide themselves. As a result, Andrei, everyone refused to take into the team. He burst out and said that he would not participate at all. I was insulting for him: despite his problems, he is a very smart and well-read boy who knows many amazing facts about different inventions and historical events. I convinced one of the captains of the teams still to take Andrei to myself and said: "You will see, he will help you win." The team and the truth turned out to be strong, I almost did not have to play it.

But the relationship between the guys was not improved. The following year, Andrei accidentally inflicted a serious injury to his classmate. At once, several parents came to my office with the words: "Remove it from the class." I just refused to communicate with them. At the same time, my mother of Andrei himself almost never saw. She came to me only once. I started talking to something, and she immediately burst. It turned out that this is a very shy woman. She was afraid to go to the parent meetings, because everyone immediately began to complain to her son, raise his voice. Therefore, the teachers communicated basically grandmother.

I decided: you need to somehow help Andrei. In the fifth grade we put a play with children, and I suggested him on the main role. Other children were against: they believed that he would sill performance. But I promised them that nothing would happen. Although, of course, and the very worried.

The performance passed with a bang. It turned out that Andrei had excellent memory - he learned his role faster. And when Andrei went on stage, we saw that he was very artistic, it was not embarrassed at all and says a sonorous, beautiful voice. After that, he was called in any amateurness, and during the quiz, the guys asked Andrei to determine to them. Of course, he did not become the leader in the classroom, but he had a close buddy, and the rest of the children came to him. Yes, and mom began to appear at meetings.

Given:One of the students in your class put on a gas mask and began to distract the class from lessons.

To find: How to spend a lesson to the end and do not give a hooligan to drag attention to yourself?

  • Decision:

Peter Aldakov, Former Teacher, Moscow

Once I led a lesson of mathematics and missed the mind that the guy was doing on the back. And in the meantime he stood up, opened the cabinet in the far wall of the office and pulled out gas mask from there. His naughty, the student began to walk in the class in this form, and everyone else is to laugh. In such a situation, the teacher is experiencing a real stress: he misses control over the disciples, and they just do what they want. No one taught me what to do in such situations. Yes, and hardly someone in general teach it. I tried to regain the attention of the class, calmly said: "Look, what an interesting situation has happened." And he invited them to vote: who for ensuring that the guy remains in a gas mask, and who for him to remove it. Everyone was fascinated by the vote, and Hooligan realized that he could not respond to the class of class on himself.

Danar: You were appointed a school psychologist at school "with a complex social context."

Find: How to make pupils go to school and at the same time none of them suffered?

  • Decision:

Dmitry Bystrov, teacher, participant of the program "Teacher for Russia". Tambov Region

A few years ago, I got a job in a rural school teacher on technology and obzh. In rural schools now a terrible shortage of frames. The school psychologist was on maternity leave, and I was asked to work even for her, although I don't have psychological education. Basically, I needed tests on vocational guidance and to meet high school students who smoked at the school. But there were several difficult cases. Once the teachers complained to me on a nine-grader who did not attend school. I knew that my father had no guy, and my mother did not try to influence him. I decided to go to a teenager home and talk to him myself. When I arrived, I was horrified: in the yard November, the house is cold. The stove is half dismantled. On the bed lies the mountain of rags, some kind of vet. And under these rags, I found a student - he slept hard. It is very difficult to explain to a person who lives in such conditions why he needs to learn. I began to call him every morning by car, tried to help him with lessons. Gradually, he returned to school.

Another girl who tried to commit suicide. She had no friends, and at home she paid little attention. When she stopped appearing at school, I came to talk to her. It was a very peaceful conversation. I asked her what she was doing at home. She replied that she had communicated with friends on the Internet. Later her mother told me that the girl was not sleeping at night. Just then there was a scandal around the "blue whales", so I strained. I looked at the public who signed a girl, and found some such that seemed very strange to me. Of course, I did not claim that she was in some sect or "suicidal game." Just asked mom to try more often to communicate with the girl, find out what she is doing. For some time, everything seemed to be imprisoned, the student began to go to the lessons. But then Mom went on a business trip, and the girl disappeared again. I regularly looked to her, learned how it was. She gladly communicated with me about the books, about his future. Together with the teachers I came home to her to tighten her by study. Later, when I have already stopped replacing a school psychologist, she made several suicide attempts, she was put in the hospital. It turned out that she had serious emotional problems, and she needed a doctor. Not being a professional psychologist, I tried to help her, but the more thing that I could do is to help her with study. Fortunately, now she has already finished school and studying at the vet. The school psychologist came out of the decree, and now I work only in my profession.

Danar: Your students laugh at you, because you are not as rich as their parents.

Find: How to establish relationships with schoolchildren and save your own nerves?

  • Decision:

Maxim Petrov (name changed), teacher, Moscow

I recently began to teach in a private experimental school, where parents pay for the education of their children for one hundred thousand rubles per month. Of course, all children come with the chauffs. Some live in their own apartments with governess. Such students are difficult to surprise something. And it is still very difficult to make them recognize your authority. If you do someone's remark, they can take it very painfully or at all: "You are not fashionable" or "You have an old phone, change it." It often seems that us, teachers, perceive both attendants.

The teacher at any school is quite few ways to influence students. Neither scream, neither to drive out of the class can not, and a professional will never do that. All that can be to talk to the student, attract school administration or call parents. But often in a new school does not turn with parents. These are wealthy people who are very serious about the safety of their data. Therefore, I do not have their phone numbers, and the administration is not always ready to provide them.

Once, one of the students refused to perform the task in the lesson. He began to rude me. Asked: "What are you doing here?" I politely suggested after the lesson to go to the teacher and threesome to discuss this question. The young man immediately agreed and stated that after this conversation would be fired. I was completely confused. Theoretically, I admitted that this could happen. In such an unusual school, it is not at all the fact that the administration will fall on the side of the teacher. Before the watery, we did not react much, but the student has ceased to me. So far, I found for myself only one way to cope with such situations. I am very often, almost in every lesson I repeat the students: "I am not at all attending staff. And you are not indifferent to me, everything is very good. I will continue to try to find a common language with you. " Sometimes it seems to me that our relationship is really becoming better.

Many students of pedagogical universities, sooner or later begin to ask themselves this question. And, unfortunately, not everyone is inclined to a positive response. Someone, wandering, five years old, or more is arranged to work far from profession. If you look at statistics, this is not always a reasonable choice. In society, he prevailed stereotypical opinions about the work of the teacher, such as: it is not fashionable, not prestigious, they pay little, children are not leaving for training and other similar horror stories. But it is just "stigma." Pay attention, over the past years, many positive changes have occurred in the education system and they mainly touched young teachers.

The main advantages in the work of the teacher

  • Let's start with the most basic salary. Because whatever altruists have had young people, and to make money well in our time, it is important. If we talk about the city, then a young teacher without a category can count on salary over 16 thousand rubles, not counting the stimulating payments. In which are the surcharges for work in the profession, harmfulness, processing and many more additional trifles. And also from year to year increases from the state, the salary increases. For teachers who want to go to work in the village there is a one-time stimulating payment, its size fluctuates depending on the place where you live. In the future, if you grow as a teacher, additional courses, an increase in the category, then your salary is also growing. So, let's sum up, yes, teachers do not receive millions, but at the same time, the teacher's salary, a young specialist, is not so hard to live as they say.
  • Schedule. School is not a factory and not even an office, the total time of work per week 18, a maximum of 36 hours, not counting that one day a week is given to you as a methodical. Even if you delay at work, then come home you will be much more than other workers.
  • Official employment. Many still no long-standing students complain that they do not want to hide them without experience, or require to work at no time without work record. At school, you will immediately formally and with full social. Package, even if you are not going to work here all my life, then you will get a little experience and official work experience.
  • I will not forget and one more very significant plus after salaries, work schedules and official employment, vacation. Teachers rest 56 days a year, not counting vacation and holidays. Agree, during this time you have time to relax, remake all things, and even more bubble at work. You have exactly enough time for everything and everyone.
  • And not a small factor, after social benefits, these are children. It is their all inexperienced teachers so afraid. After all, these are not grateful "creatures" tear the lessons, they bring teachers, do not learn. That we hear from all sides, yes, it happens, but I will tell you a secret, how children behave, entirely depends on the teacher. Remember yourself how you treated long and tedious lessons on which the teachers did not disappear from the book, or were constantly shouted, instead of a quiet explanation. Or with what joy you fled to the lesson where the teacher with interest told about the subject, pulled you in the discussion, praised. Remembered? So, the children are the same, but the situations and behavior of the class are different because of the teacher. After all, to work with children requires patience and love for them, or at least to their subject. You should be able to creatively approach the development of the lesson, and then you will never have a lack of children's attention and their sincere thanks. If you find the desired key to them, then you will be tired less and with joy to go to the lesson, as children, this is a universal source of additional energy. And how great, when students begin to recognize you on the street and proudly talk to parents, this is my teacher (-th) went (-H).

Additional "gingerbread" in the work of the teacher

  • Camping and excursions. Children always attach to culture and expand their horizons. By sending in various trips with tents, trips to the cultural capital of Russia, do not bypass theaters and movies. On these trips, they are accompanied by teachers, mostly young, for them all these interests are usually free, their contribution only attentiveness and responsibility.
  • Respect. Most believes that respect for teachers has remained in the past, and now they are negligible. This is another not proven stereotypes. If you pay attention, when people say the word Teacher surrounded, the attitude immediately changes. Someone begins to treat it out of respect for the employee of mental labor, someone in habit of school. Nobody remains indifferent.
  • Elixir of eternal youth. Communicating with children and living in a permanent rhythm, you will not have age, or even grow up. You will be in the center of events every day, solving significant tasks and helping children, you will always be meaningful and needed.


As you can see, in the work teacher, there are a lot of significant advantages and not everything that some say about the horror of this work, it is worth believing. And remember the most important thing that remains unchanged ever. The teacher is a profession that directly refers to the upbringing of a new generation. Let it sometimes it seems that everything you do is goes nowhere, it's not so, whether it is a child or a teenager, he carefully absorbs everything you give to him, I don't miss anything by nor good or bad. You put in it not only knowledge, but also determine his attitude to life. These are not loud words, in the "gentle" age, we always try to imitate someone, and if you are a worthy example, you will be focused on you all my life!

For one salary of the teacher do not survive ..

Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva "Once again" to check the information about the payroll teachers.


I am often asked for teachers. This is a calling, and if you want to make money, there is a lot of excellent places where it is possible to do it faster and better. The same business.
Dmitry Medvedev

According to Vasilyeva, on average, they receive more than 33 thousand rubles per month. A survey conducted by the "interlocutor" almost did not reveal the owners of income close to this amount among them. With the exception of Moscow and several more rich regions, real payments have the teachers below, and they are not easy for them. But the supplements often receive director of schools.

"Forget about it"

At the end of the past academic year, graduates of the Pedium Institute in Irkutsk were collected for a meeting with the regional deputy. Minister of Education. Evgeny Torunov was honest with students during a conversation about the prospects of employment: "It's good to provide your family with your work you will not be able to forget about it." The only thing that the official was able to help is the advice of girls to choose their wealthy husbands.

With such salaries, our education system exists due to the weak floor. Russia is leading in the share of women engaged in education. Low salaries of teachers and educators deprive them of financial independence, "explains the public figure of Alyona Popova.

It turns out that women teachers are largely dependent on the income of husbands.

My first salary was 5 thousand rubles. During the year, the number of hours, therefore, and earnings. Now the amount reaches 20 thousand, "Victoria shares, who teaches literature in Ulan-Ude.

At the same time, the average salary in Buryatia, according to Rosstat, is more than 37 thousand. In the Ryazan region - almost 30 thousand, but at local teachers, this figure causes only bewilderment. So, at the school of the city of Spassk, teachers' revenues - depending on the trade library, they vary from 9 to 12 thousand. And the teacher of the extended day group, for example, earns less than 8 thousand per month, which is lower than the formal size of the subsistence minimum.

Unguable arithmetic

That the real salaries of teachers in Russia below recorded by Rosstat recognizes even a provoked ONF. The commissioning of the president about the boring of the salaries of teachers to the average in the region is carried out only thanks to bureaucratic techniques, and not to real work to improve the welfare of teachers, the State Duma Deputy Love Dukhanin believes.

Statistics data in terms of wage of teachers are greatly overestimated, and where the salary more or less reaches official, this is achieved at the expense of a tremendous load, "the parliamentarian notes.

I agree with this and in the trade union "Teacher". Since the salary in one bet is catastrophically small, the teachers themselves agree to lead many hours. In fact, all the money is recorded in one salary that the supernormum teacher receives, indicates the trade union co-chair Vsevolod Lukhovitsky.

Winner of the Republican Competition "Teacher of the Year of the Year of Karelia" Vitaly Menshikov admits that in order to obtain a decent salary, he has to take a training load of 40 hours instead of 18 laid and parallel with the teaching of computer science to administer the school site and combine the position of engineer.

I'm terribly tired, I sleep a little, I work a lot ... How will this affect my health?

From the point of view of physical fatigue optimal for teachers is no more than 4 lessons per day. But if you follow this norm, you will get a penny.

Menshikov experience is more than 15 years old. The young teacher after the deduction of taxes will be able to get only 8 thousand rubles at the same school. The official average salary in Karelia is more than 37 thousand.

The problem is the differentiation between salaries of directors and ordinary teachers. For example, according to the declarations of the heads of educational institutions of Moscow, they receive an average of about 200 thousand rubles. per month. In the regions - 100 thousand. In Pyatigorsk, the director of school No. 3 Oksana Perevarov, over the past year earned more than 7 million rubles (about 609 thousand per month), and the average salary of teachers here is 22 thousand.

Well, the director does not earn ten times more teachers. Especially when there are poor quality of work in schools and to pass his exam, students have to go to tutors, "says the first deputy. Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on the formation of Lilia Gumerov.

Senator is confident that it is impossible to eliminate such inequality in income into income, but law enforcement agencies sometimes take into account. In the Irkutsk region, an investigate verification on the facts of raising salary funds are organized. And in the Osinsky district, the director of the rural school has already been sentenced, which herself illegally raised the salary, assigning more than half a million rubles.

Further - worse

"You are in front of you by the salary of the teacher of the highest category with a 26-year-old experience," the teacher from Pyatigatik Ekaterina Ushakov wrote with indignation in the social network and attached a photo. - And from the TV screen, we constantly talk about raising. "

A rather low amount is really indicated in the salary sheet: 14 thousand 971 rubles. As Ushakov wrote, her together with his colleagues were deprived of stimulating payments.

The trade union "Teacher" declares: the last two years the real salary of pedagogical workers remained the same. At the same time, the load of teachers catastrophically rose, in schools from September 1, 2017 it became 1 million more children, and financing remained at about the same level. In addition, additional payments - for the experience, category, office building, checking notebooks - in the regions are gradually canceled.

In High School No. 2 of the village of Raugorsk Primorsky Krai, for the sake of savings of the Pedagogues of the Pedagogues, under any pretext, is an example in the trade union. From payment for the cool guide, fines are subtracted for the textbook for the baby's forgotten by the child. At the same time, teachers continue to actively attract unpaid work: Saturdays, creating "Multiwood" at urban events, work in elections.

During the survey conducted by the New School of Economics and Levada Center, it turned out that the proportion of teachers, satisfied with the conditions of their work, had almost doubled during the year: from 42 to 22%. And the prerequisites for improving the situation are not: in the draft federal budget for 2018, the financing of social policies, education and health care is offered ... to reduce another 54 billion rubles.


3639 Schools and kindergartens should close in Russian villages until 2018 as part of optimization.

Decree of Government.

The material came out in the publication "Interlocutor" No. 44-2017 under the title "So that you lived for two salaries!".

Russian School - the concept is very tensile. In my opinion, it is impossible to put in one series of work at the Moscow School and work in a rural school. Differences are huge, ranging from technical support (el.doski, electric, Internet, etc.) ending with the status of the teacher. If the teacher's status in Moscow is not the highest, then in the villages everything can be exactly the opposite. Often, the school teacher may be the most educated and respected resident of the village.

I work as a physician teacher for children 7-11 classes. Began his career at 18 years - then I was already studied at the third year of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University and in the first year of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education.

On the one hand, such age strongly affects the perception of you with schoolchildren as a teacher, on the other you understand quite well what they think about. And it helps a lot in work.

Since I started working part-time, I worked only six months, until I found a teacher at a complete rate. However, the demand for good teachers of physicists is so big that I was almost immediately invited to another school, at a complete rate. True, and there fate forced soon to leave - the association of schools, a new director and please write a statement on the own initiative. It took some time to find a job independently. I had to go to several schools, learn about vacancies and pass the competition in two people in place. Now I work at school near the house.

In addition to the work of the teacher at school, all these four years - and now I almost 22 - I worked as a private teacher. Basically, he helped the children to understand and catch up with the school curriculum.

But I have one student with which we are preparing for the Olympics in mathematics and physics starting from the fifth grade. She is very purposeful and her parents support it.

In my practice there was a lot of children, both just scoring for study and unable to cope with the load due to health features. They met and simply not collected, but the capable guys who need a push at the beginning of the lesson.

As such career growth in the teacher's environment there. You as a teacher, so 20 years later they will stay (if you do not consider the administrative branch). You come across problems and disadvantages of curricula and benefits, try to eliminate them. Most often independently. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating training rollers in infographics in style is born - a project that we sell together with the other, as well as a young school teacher. Recently, for this project, we were able to attract part of the necessary funds during the campaign "Make lessons brighter with the school team +!" on boomstarter.

Teachers are the happiest people, because work in school is a calling, there are no random people here. To become a teacher, it is not a diploma, but recognition from the younger generation, which at any time can arrange an unplanned exam for professional suitability for its mentors. Therefore, the teacher must have not only knowledge, but also kindness, justice, mercy. To see in each student a unique, original person, worthy of respect and recognition, is the most important quality of the school teacher, the most important criterion for his professionalism. The authority of the teacher cannot be built on authoritarianism in training. The teacher in the modern school is not afraid to admit that he was mistaken and believes that the lesson is a place for discussion. Today, there are no information borders for the younger generation, any knowledge becomes available as a result of casual movements of fingertips over a computer keyboard. Thus, in the XXI century, the teacher does not act as a source of knowledge, but the conductor of information technology.

Each generation has at least one chance to change the world for the better, the teacher converts the life of the peoples by each word facing the mind and heart of the child.

The paradox is that if a person came to school by calling, then he is almost all the same as salary and conditions. There will be a low payment - it will work on 2 bets, there are no normal benefits - will do or with colleagues, there is not enough of those. Supplement - Capture the knee benefits, and will also make it together with children as a research project. It's like a drug - to see the burning eyes of their students and live with them all the ups and falls.

The media totals that the average salary of the teacher is growing and in Moscow reaches almost 50,000, but no one suggests that all teachers work for 2 bets. When I gave me a reporting camps, I laughed a long time over the class of 900r. But the class teacher is not the one who celebrates missing and conducting parental meetings, the motivation of the class and the relationship of the guys with teachers and the choice of further life paths depends on it. And in order to work all this, you need to know each of 30 people, his habits, addiction, family relationships, friends and many more things.

Recently, the number of paper rolls and control from all whom is not too lazy. For me personally, it is terrible because it takes time from direct work with students and training lessons. They talk a lot about the installation of cameras in classes, but this is also nonsense, because the lesson is creativity both by the teacher and the parties of students, and how to create, knowing what you are constantly watching you? All this greatly reflects the change in the relationship to the profession as a whole and largely harms more than it helps. The teacher becomes attendant personnel, and not those who need to be even needed. And how can I learn from a person who do not respect and do not trust!

But all this becomes completely unimportant when, on the day of the teacher, your former disciples come with flowers with flowers, and they are already talking to the sincere "Thank you." And you understand that they carry this bouquet. Not because Mom bought or "necessary," and because you have invested the soul in them and helped in their life path.

Honorary Teacher of the Russian Federation, teacher of the highest category, the best teacher of St. Petersburg (2007), primary school teacher (experience 38 years old), teacher of pedagogical college №1 them. N.A.Nekrasova, Deputy Director for the Children's Direction of the Sports Club "Energy"

Modern school.

First lesson. Class 35 people. I'm starting a lesson.

  • Hello children. We open textbooks, read Paragraph number 5.

Do you think I'm a bad teacher? No, I am a good teacher. I am a well-deserved and experienced teacher. And I know that it is impossible to start a lesson. But the fact is that up to 90 minutes. I have to go to the catering plant website and note how many children are present in the class, how much will have breakfast and dine, and everyone has children to have money on the board, and if not, it urgently calls parents and demand to replenish the card or the child will remain hungry.

15 minutes lesson is lost. I close the power table, opening the electronic magazine - you need to urgently noted those absent (the requirement of the administration is to do this in the first lesson, not later than 9.30) and, ideally, find out the cause of the absence of the parents.

Half lesson not.

I used to say: "Children, today we will study a complex proposal", well, or "Today we will read the stories of Dragunsky" ... but no! Now it is impossible. We have GEF! Children themselves should bring the subject of the lesson and offer ways to study. Can you imagine that the elementary school children offer?! These dances are the remaining part of the lesson. And we have not yet reached the formulation of the theme!

At GEF courses for administrative school workers, Professor, Doctor of Science, one of the creators of the "Standard", told us: "Remember! There is a difference between the teacher who works well and the teacher who works correctly "

Well - these are old methods from the lesson in the lesson to teach children, give them knowledge, skills and work out them in the lessons.

That's right - this is if the check came, then you all throw and depict learning on GEF: Guess the topic, transplant children during a lesson 20 times (work in pairs and groups), get a technological card from the sleeve (the thing is mysterious and the need for it is understandable only to her Creators), turn on the presentation and urgently make a "project".

Everyone knows that, working "right", children cannot be learned. But the law is accepted, and it must be performed! Therefore, learn in the old way, but be ready!

During the lesson, you need to have time to fill the paper, electronic magazine and the student's diary. And still ten different magazines: Journal of Safety, Teaching Journal, Class Magazine, Magazine for traffic rules, log of extracurricular activities, magazine and protocols of parental meetings, etc. ...

In fact, these magazines are filled on the principle of the dummy: before checking the most responsible member of the team, which takes off.

When I started to work, there was one magazine from the documentation and the calendar-thematic plan that occupied one printed list. Now - program! This is Tom! This is "War and Peace" in 10 volumes! Who needs it?! What for?! From this will improve the learning process?!

Living in St. Petersburg, children stopped riding an excursion. Each exit from school is a month of outlet documents. Exit to the district library opposite the school - collect paper, get permission to exit.

The school has become an absurd. The default teacher is to blame. Before everyone: Administration, checks of all levels and ranks, parents, children. Traveling teacher in the media did their job. Parents, barely postponed in the first class, are ready for the fact that they are all unhappy and necessary to "write"! And at least some kind of defense of the teacher is missing in principle - people for whipping!

Before everyone is to blame and everything must be the main sense of the teacher in the modern school.

I work in the boarding school. This is like a regular school, but only many children stay overnight and they live in this place in the literal sense. So. I began to work at 20 years old in the third year, just for the sake of interest and a little for money. Small, the school was bad, the children were not giving God. After almost 3 years, I went to the army before, returned the diploma, and thought - "Now I'll keep it!", But I didn't heal .. the difference between the higher education and his absence is insignificant Mala and this, gentlemen, it's a shame, I can say with confidence for 5 years almost under the tail. I said, you want to get it up to school in school in the morning and until the evening, told you 100 lessons, walk with them, drink, sing dances, Maybe you will start to live normally .. I only like that. Yes, and everywhere we still have 60 children in the hall. So live. But the calling .. But the teacher is proud of.

I live in the Kemerovo Region, the city of Novokuznetsk. We are in 2015-2016. This class is paid only 500 rubles for class management! When they talk about big salaries to teachers ... In my school they receive below 20,000 rubles. The administration and some teachers.

I happened to learn in a provincial pedagogical university at a short-term specialty. During that time I got a sufficient number of friends who gathered her further future to tie with the school. But alas, just a few people from a big crowd remained teaching. And at what these people are divided into just two types: 1) Residents of the villages, which in their locality, thanks to the nursery, can live on the salary of the teacher. 2) primary school teachers who are still writing with errors. Without allowing young specialists, the salary of my more ambitious friends was 16 TR (for one rate), those who went to St. Petersburg - 19 TR. This is despite the fact that the work of the teacher is incredibly difficult. Naturally, they understood that in a couple of years, the conditionally normal salary will end and hell will begin, so they quickly moved to tutors, coaches, teachers in courses. You will not be called one call.

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