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How to eliminate conflicts in the team. How to resolve a conflict in a team. How conflicts are managed in a team

Sometimes in teams it happens that there are employees, each on his own, but there is no team. As a rule, frequent conflicts hinder the cohesion of workers. I think the topic of interpersonal relationships in a team is one of the main ones. Let's dwell on it in detail.

Problems associated with the opposition of one person to another or groups of people with each other are not immediately resolved. Both the boss and the subordinates have to do a lot of work.

Since managers have broad functionality, and they have a great responsibility, there is often no time to deal with the interpersonal relations of subordinates. A guest psychologist who specializes in conflict can fix the situation, but let's talk about the role of a top manager in resolving disagreements.

Most often, conflicts arise when the usual working and living conditions change, which is relevant today. The success of the work of the company largely depends on how the relations in the team develop.

Is the conflict so terrible?

Note that there is no need to be afraid of conflicts, confrontations are even useful. If employees sort things out, it means that the opposing parties are not indifferent to what they do, how they do the work. As a rule, they want to work in the company and develop it, they are afraid of losing their jobs. This means that the leader has every chance to create an effective team.

Plus, conflict is a good way to get rid of negativity. Every psychologist knows that it is by no means possible to keep negative emotions in oneself. This is not about deliberately offending someone, it is enough to just speak out, tell a psychologist or a loved one about your problems.

Conflict resolution

What to do if the employee has not coped with emotions? There are several ways to build relationships:

    Reducing the likelihood of inconsistencies

To prevent disagreement in your team, choose your staff wisely. The manager should think carefully about what kind of employees he wants to see in his office. The characteristics of the character and behavior of the applicant for the position are revealed during the interview using tests and the formulation of hypothetical situations.

It is equally important to find out whether the potential employee shares the values ​​of the company, whether he is ready to fulfill the mission of the enterprise, whether he can be on the same wavelength with other members of the team.

Ask how the interlocutor presents his future work, what he plans to do for the company. Compare the candidate's answers with your views on the company's activities and strategy for its development.

Immediately familiarize the specialist with job responsibilities in detail. If the employee's ideas about them are superficial, disagreements cannot be avoided. The fewer abstractions, the less often conflicts arise.

    Overcoming obstacles

I distinguish two types of barriers: communication and perception. Communication barriers arise due to a lack of understanding of the goals and motives of specialists from other departments. Ignorance of the peculiarities of the work of the neighboring department leads to the appearance of speculation and gossip. People do not bother figuring out the functionality of their colleagues, they are not interested in what problems other employees are solving, whether there are difficulties, whether help is needed. As a result, distorted information spreads around the office.

Many workers have a hidden mindset to fight. People do not always remember the need to work in a team in order to achieve goals together, therefore, rivalry is preferred to constructive dialogue.

The barrier of perception is the inability to listen to the interlocutor. In most cases, this behavior is determined by the properties of temperament and the thinking of a particular person. Someone is focused on doing work, so they do not want to waste time on "idle chatter", while for someone, on the contrary, it is important to "talk for life." During the conversation, the discussion, the parties do not understand each other, so a conflict flares up. Differences in social status, education, vocabulary, and the level of knowledge of employees do not contribute to understanding. A person does not always take into account the needs of the opponent.

The manager removes communication barriers. It defines the terms of reference for each employee, identifies areas of responsibility. The main thing is to stimulate the team to achieve a result. To form the team spirit, planning meetings, meetings, individual meetings, corporate parties are held. Financial incentives for subordinates play an important role in preventing conflicts.

With perceptual barriers, everything is much easier. If with the help of leadership it is possible to destroy the communication barrier, then people will gradually learn to listen and hear each other.

    Neutralization of the conflict

Let's say the staff is staffed, everyone is working diligently, the barriers have been removed, but from time to time the life of the office ceases to be calm. To end a spontaneously arisen quarrel, it is necessary to talk with its participants, find out what the conflict is about and whether reconciliation is planned. This is the responsibility of the leader, since it can be difficult for the conflicting parties to agree to a truce and objectively assess the situation over which the conflict has flared up. He sets up the participants in the dispute to be positive, explains the importance of effective interaction. Setting a common goal motivates well to build relationships.

It is equally important to take into account the individual characteristics of people, strive to understand and accept each member of the team, be able to find an approach to any employee, be he a manager, colleague or subordinate. Personality orientation of each participant in the discussion is the basis for conflict resolution.


The ways out of the conflict for bosses and subordinates are the same. It:

  • Taking responsibility for the quarrel and its consequences, apologizing, regretting misconduct.
  • Search for mutually beneficial solutions to the problem, concessions, compromises.
  • Understanding and accepting the interlocutor, establishing feedback (“the other person has the right to a point of view different from mine”), expressing good feelings.
  • Explaining personal motivation, telling about your own needs, thoughts and experiences.

What should the boss do in case of a conflict? First of all, try to find out the objective reason for the confrontation, listen to each of the parties. You can organize a dialogue between the parties to the conflict, ask them to state their claims in a civilized manner, and take part in the conversation yourself.

If the situation does not change, clearly delineate the official duties and areas of responsibility of the conflicting. Treat conflicts with wisdom and irony. "Switch" subordinates to positive.

Confrontations will arise infrequently, if you allow people to "throw out" everything that "has accumulated". This can be done during a conversation. There will be no unnecessary concern for the psychological well-being of employees in the long term: organizing quests, team games, bowling, etc.

It must be remembered that each of us is a person, a person with different desires, needs, character traits, motives and ambitions. Realizing this, we are taking a broad step towards positive relations, even if the opposition is still in force.

Anger, aggression, anger are normal mental reactions, protection from "attack" from the outside. It happens that the interlocutor is mistaken, and the opponent defends his position, which seems to be logical. In fact, if the one who is truly right takes the lead in reconciliation, both win.

Each of us makes mistakes from time to time, but not everyone can admit them. People tend to defend their position, even if it is wrong, while even negative opponents react to a decisive statement about their own wrong.

Daria Pantyukh

We all like some people more, others less, and we have to communicate with both. How to build communication in order to avoid conflict situations largely depends on ourselves. There are many classifications and varieties of conflict, including in the workplace. Quite often, there are and are sharp and unpleasant conflicts between two colleagues.

A conflict is not a simple dispute between people who have different opinions on some issue; it is a serious disagreement or even a clash of opposing interests. It is always characterized by the emotional behavior of the parties. A scandal can mature for a long time, and then, having received some kind of spark - a formal reason, it breaks out like a bolt from the blue. Sometimes it happens between people who have worked side by side for many years, but have accumulated irritation, not wanting to express it. And it happens that a newcomer comes to work, whose aspirations run counter to the interests of one of his colleagues.

Conflicts in the work collective can be divided into groups depending on who initiates them: a boss with a subordinate, a subordinate with a boss, colleagues among themselves. In addition, there is a classification according to the number of people involved: interpersonal conflict, conflict between one person and a group, between two groups. Let's take a look at several of the most common types of collisions that arise between two workers.


Oh, this spiritual simplicity! How many quarrels occur over her! For example, one employee complains to another about an oversight made by the manager’s secretary: “I couldn’t give my report to the boss on time, but I got it! It’s true they say that all secretaries do not differ in intelligence!” And without realizing it, he, perhaps, creates the prerequisites for a collision. What if someone close to his colleague works as a secretary? Then he risks making an enemy. If a person has a habit of constantly expressing harsh, generalizing nationalistic, sexist, racist judgments, it should not be surprising that fewer and fewer colleagues treat him with sympathy.

Do not be too categorical in your judgments - your words can hurt someone. Make specific complaints about a specific person. Criticize to the point, not generalizing or transferring your grievances from one object to another. You cannot use words with derogatory intonation that indicate, say, a person's origin, nationality, or some qualities that are not related to the conversation. It is not worth talking about something "this is bad!"

Delicacy and tact in communication is the best prevention of conflict situations.

Manufacturing disagreements

Your colleague does not approve of the boss's innovations, is he completely sincerely sure that all this is complete nonsense and is scolding the new idea with his last words? Suppose you do not share his position and, on the contrary, think that the innovation will greatly help in further work. If the current contradiction does not affect your activity in any way and is only a matter of his personal preference, you can simply ignore this situation. Or give the interlocutor the opportunity to figure it out for himself, to feel the advantage of the new technique. Maybe he didn't know something or didn't understand, maybe he is just conservative by nature. Do not criticize his position in response to attacks. It is enough to answer that you are interested in innovation. Especially if you put your ideas or your work into it. Realizing that this is important to you, a colleague, if he is a well-mannered person, will most likely apologize to you.

I am always right!

Very often, disputes occur due to the fact that we cannot or do not want to explain our point of view. It is necessary to insist reasonably. If there is no reason other than "It has always been this way!" or "I want it so much!"

Do not be afraid to give in, apologize if you are wrong. Many managers, especially middle managers, feel that they will lose their credibility if they admit they are wrong. This is not true. A person who admits a mistake shows the ability to develop, a flexible mind and an open mind.

Conflict inevitably

It happens that an employee for some reason let you down by not fulfilling his work or a given promise on time. Before blaming and getting into conflict, it's worth understanding the situation.

If objective circumstances, accident or elementary forgetfulness really prevented the fulfillment of the promise, if a colleague sincerely regrets what happened and is even ready to take the blame on himself before the leadership, do not judge him too harshly. If you are unintentionally offended, if a person is dear to you and you are ready to forgive him - forgive without hesitation.


And if in the previous example you feel the malicious intent of the act, if this colleague is not the first time setting you up, you need to find out the reason for his negative attitude. No matter how hard we tried to prove even to ourselves: “I don’t know why he got mad at me!”, The reason for the hostility is most likely known. Perhaps you yourself have hurt yourself - it means that you should apologize or just show the person that you do not feel hostility towards him.

If they want to sit around you, compromise in front of the team or management in order to take your place, treat such an employee with extreme caution. It is better to stay away from him and, if possible, organize your work so as not to depend on him. In any case, it is not worth taking revenge, trying to inflict evil in return - there are more important and interesting things in life. Performing your work efficiently and on time, you will recommend yourself much better than starting to intrigue ill-wishers.

Consider your temperament

Each of us knows our character very well. Someone, for example, will quickly boil, but will easily forget and forgive, while the other, on the contrary, will better keep silent, but will carry a resentment in his soul for a long time. Therefore, if you feel an imminent conflict, do not forget to adjust for your own temperament. If you have already happened to speak harshly about someone or something in an argument, and then regret it, it is better not to go too far.

You are annoyed by the slowness of a colleague - you should not immediately tell him everything that you think about him. Wait a little, maybe after a while you will find a way out of the situation. Or you will understand that this is not slowness at all, but thoroughness and a serious approach to work.

But if an unpleasant conversation is unavoidable, prepare in advance for it. Try to plan what you want to say. All your words should be to the point, harsh and rude statements should not be allowed, intonation should be calm. No need to shout and get nervous.

Accumulating irritation

Irritation can build up due to a variety of circumstances and, at some point, cause conflict. Therefore, it is better to deal with many problems "on the spot", without waiting until there is a reason to express everything at once. Reasonable doses of criticism are much more effective than a list of sins in all the years of working together.

If you don’t like someone’s hairstyle or dressing style, you probably don’t have the power to change anything. Yes, and talking about these topics, if you are not friendly with each other, is hardly appropriate. Therefore, in order not to accumulate hostility, which over time can greatly spoil your relationship, you must try to change your view of the problem. Rather, one must learn to understand that, in fact, there is no problem. It is worth evaluating only the business qualities of an employee.

But sometimes more serious things are annoying - for example, sloppiness or negligence, manifested in anything. A colleague constantly shoves the documents that you use somewhere, or arranges a "Mamai invasion" in a common locker.

In this case, it is better to calmly express your complaints to him. Often negligence does not mean a complete lack of business qualities, but simply serves as a sign of a creative nature. Perhaps he is perfectly oriented in this chaos, but put everything on the shelves - he will not be able to find anything. So if it is impossible to remake it, strictly separate the compartments of the cabinet and enjoy cleanliness and order in your half.


Unfortunately, in almost every team there is a person who provokes others into a collision. He is not personally your ill-wisher, he can harm everyone. Such a person enjoys the conflict - in fact, for this he starts it. He likes to evoke emotions such as anger, irritation, even rage in those around him. Perhaps he believes that in this way he will force his neighbor to "open up", to show his weaknesses, and then it will be easier for him to control. For such, any scandal is not just a joy, but also an opportunity to manipulate people for their own benefit.

Knowing that there is a person in your team with such abilities, try to insure against his attacks. It's like in school - they tease the one who reacts. Therefore, if you do not respond or begin to react in exactly the opposite way, the provocateur will most likely be wary of contacting you.

Most disputable situations can be resolved peacefully without entering into open confrontation. To do this, first assess whether it is so important for you to resolve the situation in your favor, how much it concerns you personally. Often people try to convince the other that they are right and even go into a quarrel without any serious reason. Respect a co-worker's right to their own opinion, even if you stick with it. They say whoever is smarter will yield. There are many much more interesting things in life than to prove to everyone and everyone that they are right, especially with the help of such an unpleasant and unpredictable thing as a conflict.

Comment on the article "Conflicts between colleagues: how to prevent them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention"

Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention. A conflict is not a simple dispute between people with different opinions on ... A personal question. We build relationships with the boss. Of course, in this situation they can ...

Check out other discussions on the topic "Hysterical boss": Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Sometimes leaders do not clearly formulate for themselves the tasks that they set for subordinates.

One person does not like another so much that he cannot control himself. Anger tears to pieces and he begins to do nasty things, to cling to Conflicts between colleagues: how to prevent them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention. Team bullying.

Conflicts in the work collective can be divided into groups depending on who initiates them: a boss with a subordinate, a subordinate with a boss, colleagues among themselves.

There is a conflict. It is not "both" who are to blame for him, but one, and he does not feel guilty either in his soul or formally. The friend believes that he should be forgiven simply based on Christian values. But as I understand it, in Christianity "God will forgive" if there was repentance or even ...

And the subordinates (as well as the management, other colleagues, friends and acquaintances) are totally awesome. While I was working in a team, I changed five bosses and a boss. It does not seem. This is a common thing in work teams. And there is nothing outstanding or unique about it.

The chief is paid, among other things, to handle domestic conflicts (including the most idiotic ones, such as open-close windows) between subordinates. Not to mention limiting personal phone calls during business hours.

At work, I am sitting in the same office with a colleague, a whistle-blower. I have been working in this team for only a year. Constantly complains and whines. Check out other whistle-blower discussions: Colleague Conflicts: How to Avoid and Get Out of Them.

Team bullying. Situation. Work and education. This is not how I work - I don’t be rude to the management, I don’t get into conflicts with other departments, I don’t criticize the organization of work. Well, at lunchtime, if only for a walk. But you still have to eat at the workplace and run away. Conflict with a colleague. for the boss, the atmosphere in the team should be important. and here it is ...

Working question. Work and education. About building relationships with colleagues / subordinates. It so happened that in the company where I work, I am the youngest of all in terms of And so this general conceived a global reshuffle in the team: to throw on me ...

Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention. Realizing that this is important to you, a colleague, if he is a well-mannered person, will most likely apologize to you. If you are unintentionally offended ...

Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention. Conflict is not a simple dispute between people who have different opinions on some A, sometimes a newcomer comes to work, whose aspirations are contrary to interests ...

Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Part 1. Prevention. To the content. I am always right! Very often, disputes occur due to the fact that we cannot or do not want to explain our point of view.

Conflicts with colleagues at work. Disagreements and quarrels between employees. The truth is that all secretaries are no different! "I think to bring a cake on the last working day and tell the reason for leaving. Personal life. Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, on ...

boss-subordinate relationship. Serious question. About her, about the girl's. Good evening everyone! Girls, help! I read so much about the "increased attention" from the authorities to the female half of the company, but so far it will not affect you personally ...

About the distance between the boss and the subordinates. About the distance between the boss and the subordinates. What does not prevent him - to be on "you" with the whole team (he is, however, a foreigner, but Firstly: when the wife begins to interfere in the working relationship of her husband with ...

Conflicts between colleagues: how to avoid them and how to get out of them. Part 2. The price of victory. It’s best to show that you feel the incident is over and to help your colleague get out of the situation with dignity. But my husband is like that ...

Conflict between girlfriends. Brief background: after graduation from the institute, wonderful friendly relations, very close and trusting, remained between me and my classmates. For many years we constantly gathered for common holidays and just without ...

Conflict with a colleague. for the boss, the atmosphere in the team should be important. but here it seems that he likes to push his subordinates with their foreheads. It is not enough to find a good job - it is important to gain a foothold in the team. He is already familiar with the atmosphere in which he will have to ...

Conflict at work is common. According to research, disputes take up about 15% of working hours. The most common reason is the complete incompatibility of employees due to a mismatch in outlook on life or a certain situation. What is absurd for one person is an acceptable thing for another.

But sometimes conflicts at work can be helpful. Help to come up with a single solution. In such a stressful situation, employees can see the true "face" of each other. But the main positive result is to find a solution to the problem and end the quarrel.

Causes of conflicts

The work collective is selected spontaneously. First of all, the professional skills of the employee are important. Personal qualities are in second place. That is why employees cannot always find a common language and maintain normal relations.

The main reasons for the appearance of disputes at work:

  • differences in culture, status, level of power;
  • illiterate and unclear tasks;
  • violations of the principles of management by leaders;
  • poor attitude of superiors to subordinates;
  • psychological incompatibility of employees;
  • lack of an objective system for assessing the success of work;
  • differences in professional goals;
  • different salary levels;
  • the importance of each employee to a different degree;
  • distortion of information (rumors, gossip), etc.

To a large extent, the microclimate in the working group depends on the leader. His task is to create a cohesive team built on trust and respect.

Otherwise, there will be tension and misunderstanding in any work situation.

Types of conflicts

The parties to conflicts at work can be different. The most common tandem is a quarrel between 2 employees. And also often a conflict at work arises between one employee and the team or with the boss. The main thing is to stop in time.

Between 2 workers

The main reason is the difference in views on labor activity. One believes that it is enough to do his job well, for the other, self-development, improvement of skills is also important. It happens that one employee is underperforming, in another - overfulfilling the plan. The first considers his colleague to be a lazy person and a bad employee, the second calls the enemy a despot, fixated on work.

Conflict between two workers

Another popular cause of conflict is the cleanliness of the workplace. For some, it is important that everything around is tidy and neatly folded. For others, the norm is chaos and easy confusion. In this case, it is better to create separate workplaces for workers and set them apart from each other.

Between the employee and the team

Occurs when a new employee appears in a formed team. It is difficult for him to establish contact. Any violation of the norms of behavior is the reason for the conflict.

Another typical situation is a newly arrived boss. People often react negatively to changes, so at first they may not perceive the new leader.

Between the employee and the boss

Competent bosses are sane people. For nothing, conflict situations will not be created. Most often, a quarrel arises from professional unsuitability. The employee did not cope with the sales plan, made a serious mistake in the report, submits all the work after the deadline - the reasons are very different.

In this case, the positive sides of the conflict:

  • desire to make an employee a professional;
  • employee training;
  • elimination of a systematic problem;
  • clarification of relations with the boss with a positive outcome, etc.

But there is another popular reason for conflict with leaders - personal animosity. If the boss is tolerant, he will not attach any importance to this. Otherwise, he will not hide his irritation from being near such an employee. His comments will relate to appearance, gait, demeanor, pronunciation and other things.

Conflict with the head of work

The solution to conflict situations in this case is dismissal. The boss himself may not do this, but he will push the employee to this step in every possible way. If an employee loves his job and wants to stay, you need to know how to behave in times of conflict.

Fundamental rules:

  • respond to reproaches with dignity and courtesy;
  • keep a distance (do not lose your temper, restrain emotions);
  • ask for a specific reason for the conflict;
  • offer to resolve the conflict;
  • listen carefully to the leader.

If a person with a higher position controls the work of the boss, you can contact him. Personal dislike is an indicator of poor competence, because the leader must be tolerant of each employee. The only remark is that the employee must have counterarguments and evidence of the boss's guilt.

Between groups in a team

In this case, conflicts arise in a team with an unhealthy microclimate. Personal dislikes are very vivid and negatively reflected in the relationship between employees. They begin to divide into small warring groups. Most often they are united by the same views on professional activity.

Subsequently, the race for the title of the "best group" begins in the form of increased productivity, successfully completed projects, etc. This is a positive aspect for the bosses, because there is an opportunity to increase profits. But such competition will negatively affect other, less successful groups.

Group conflict

Another situation is the presence of an informal leader. He gathers around him active, enterprising people who are ready to work for an idea.

But there will always be those who are categorically opposed to such an outcome. For them, getting out of their comfort zone, working in a stressful situation is an unacceptable option. Therefore, animosity arises between activists and passive workers.

Types of behavior in conflict situations

Some people keep their distance in communication. They practically do not make contact, and accordingly, in conflict situations, they can take a neutral position. Such employees do not understand why to spend time and energy on others, so they send it to work. Any conflicts are considered meaningless.

Another strategy of behavior is the aggressors. Most often, it is they who provoke conflicts, fiercely defending their interests. Completely refuse to take into account the reasoning of others. By the type of temperament, the aggressors are choleric. For them, conflicts, quarrels, scandals are an energy boost.

Characteristics of the aggressors:

  • they do not get pleasure from work;
  • the main goal is to receive a salary and increase personal income;
  • productivity is low, because they are often distracted by extraneous matters.

Other participants in conflicts at work are schemers. They compare their wages to the wages of others. If their income is lower, envy manifests itself. The victim is ridiculed and rebuked. Any manifestation of humiliation on their part brings great pleasure. Promotion, transfer to a better office, a separate office and other successes among colleagues cause irritation and hatred.

Professional conflict due to jealousy

The oppositionist is the favorite of the bosses. Few people notice him, but he follows everyone. Knows all the details of his personal life, working moments, and informs the management about it. Such a person is not liked in the team and they are trying to "survive". He does not build friendly relations with anyone. He does not enter into conflict situations; otherwise, he remains silent and neutral.

Consequences of conflicts

Most often, the conflict has negative consequences. But there are situations when he has a positive effect on all parties to the dispute. First, it allows you to reveal a variety of views, to know the peculiarities of thinking and opinions of colleagues. It provides useful additional information regarding the cause of the conflict.

Consequences of conflicts that were promptly resolved and eliminated:

  1. Employees feel their involvement in the team and in the discussion of important work topics. They feel important. In the process of solving the problem, hostility and injustice are eliminated.
  2. Workers become cooperative. Develop their own position and strategy of behavior. They understand how they should not behave in order not to become the initiator of another quarrel.
  3. The likelihood of groupthink decreases. Employees learn to express their opinions in a tolerant and competent manner. In the process of discussing a conflict situation, they learn to respect each other.
  4. But if the conflict is not resolved immediately, then the outcome will not be very happy. A person will form a definite opinion about the other participant in the dispute, as an enemy and adversary. He will perceive his decisions as correct and logical, and the actions of the other side as absurd and stupid. Subsequently, such an employee will become egocentric and will react negatively to other people's suggestions and ideas. It is especially dangerous if this person is the boss.

Ways to resolve conflicts

The first correct decision is to find out the source of the deterioration of relations with colleagues. This is done during the discussion. Gather all the participants in the dispute or conspiracy together. The disputing parties explain their positions. They analyze what exactly does not suit them in the current work situation.

Resolving a quarrel only happens if every dissatisfied employee is actively involved. Further, possible options for resolving the conflict are proposed and the one that suits everyone is selected.

Chief position

It is necessary to own only reliable information. Rumors, gossip - something that you can never rely on. The second rule is not to reward denunciations! This significantly lowers the image and worsens the reputation of the boss in the eyes of subordinates.

If some adversity has been noticed in the conflict, it is better to observe the workers. This will allow you to determine the initiator of the quarrels and the reason for the next dispute.

  • Do not arrange public showdowns. If the problems are with only 1 or a few employees, it is better to have a one-to-one interview.
  • Do not take sides in a conflict. Have your own position and correctly explain it to the team.
  • Don't put yourself above others. Despite the high position, you need to know your place and not cross the border. It is better to follow the collective rules (if the room does not smoke, then the manager should not do this either).
  • Initially, you need to realize that a conflict is brewing. In this case, you need to be able to control emotions and think about the consequences. If the situation permits, it is better to leave the office or get away from the aggressor.
  • Another effective technique is touch switch manipulation. The bottom line is to distract colleagues from the conflict so that it does not reach the goal.
  • If the conflict is provoked by 2 people, you need to analyze the strengths of the enemy. You can ask to evaluate the work from the point of view of a professional or find out his opinion about a certain working moment (if this was not the cause of the quarrel). Remember, a compliment is the best weapon.

Conflict resolution is mandatory

Other ways to resolve conflict with employees:

  • Sniper technique. Pretend not to hear the provocative phrase.
  • You can ask again indifferently. In most cases, the initiator of the conflict is lost, and the dispute does not develop further.
  • Intimate talk. Ask your opponent directly what is annoying him. So the argument turns into a constructive conversation. Most often, the conflict exhausts itself, and people learn to analyze their own mistakes and behavior.
  • Ignoring. If the hostility is not reasoned in any way, then it is better to simply ignore it and react neutrally to the aggressor. He will see that he does not interest the enemy, and will calm down.
  • Admitting a mistake. If the cause of the conflict is poorly performed work, the employee should apologize and redo the work.

Remember, in any conflict situation, you need to remain calm.

Confident intonation, moderate tempo of speech, low timbre of voice, straight back are the main instruments.


Conflict situations at work can arise at any time and for various reasons. The main thing is to prevent their development in time or completely eliminate them.

Remember to be human in any situation. People are different, and this should be taken into account. Learn to remain calm in any situation, and conflicts will not take up valuable work time. Channel your energy to increase productivity.

09:50 14.12.2015

Any conflict at work can be neutralized with the help of certain speech techniques that will not only extinguish the negativity, but also lead to fruitful cooperation. Techniques for resolving conflict situations are offered by the psychologist Marina Prepotenskaya.

Life without conflicts, alas, is impossible: in the business sphere, in everyday life, in personal relationships. Conflict (translated from Latin - "collision") is almost inevitable between people and its cause is often mutually opposite, incompatible, needs, goals, attitudes, values ​​...

Someone eagerly gets involved in a communication war and is trying with all their might to prove the truth and win the conflict. Someone tries to bypass sharp corners and sincerely wonders why the conflict does not die out. And someone calmly neutralizes the problem, without aggravating it and not wasting energy, strength, health.

We should take it for granted: conflicts were, are and will be, but either they control us, or we control them.

Otherwise, even an insignificant situational conflict can develop into a protracted war, poisoning life every day ... Most often, the conflict manifests itself in speech aggression, since experiences and emotions are always a strong muscle clamp, and especially in the larynx region.

As a result - a cry, an inadequate reaction, severe stress, emotional involvement of an increasing number of people in the conflict.

Learn to resolve conflicts using simple situational speech techniques. In relation to the boss and a colleague of the same rank, different strategies are chosen, but it is necessary to act exclusively according to the situation. Remember the suggested methods.


  • Conflict awareness:the first and most important stage of neutralization. Learn to assess the situation rationally. At the moment when you realize that it is precisely the conflict that is brewing, in no case connect emotions, leave the line of attack. If the situation permits, leave the premises for a while, even if you are in the boss's office. If etiquette allows, you can calmly add: "Sorry, I don't speak in that tone" or "Let's talk, when you calm down, I'm sorry." Walk along the corridor, if possible, wash yourself with cold water - in order to neutralize the aggression within yourself, at least for a couple of minutes switch to a series of abstract physical actions.


  • Pattern break: eIf a colleague or boss is showing aggression towards you, use a simple manipulation of sensory switching. "Accidentally" drop your pen, cough, you can say something absolutely abstract, for example: "It's so stuffy in our room ..." So aggression does not reach its goal.
  • Agree and ... attack with questions! This is one of the ways to disrupt the conflict template, when accusations are poured into your address from the mouth of the authorities, and, alas, it is not groundless. Agree on all counts (here it is important not to overplay and control your emotions). And then ... ask for help. Say: "It's hard for me, because ...", "I'm very worried, tell me what I need to fix", "give advice", etc. Ask clarifying open-ended questions that require a detailed answer - they save the situation.
  • Complementarity works wonders. Is the person opposed to you for one reason or another? Consult with him on work issues, calling on his competence, professionalism (look for all his strengths). It is quite possible that the incident will be settled very soon.
  • Sniper technique:pretend not to hear and ask indifferently. Use inif one of your colleagues deliberately provokes you and frankly hurts you with some phrases. As a rule, a person starts to get lost. Say: "You see, you can't even clearly formulate your claims, explain. When you have the words, then we'll talk tete-a-tete."
  • Time to drink tea! Really,many conflicts can really be reduced to naught through a conversation over a cup of tea. The best thing to do with a colleague who you think hates you is to be honest and ask a series of questions. For example: "What about me annoys you? Voice? How to speak? Clothes? Weight? Let'sLet's figure it out. "So the conflict is translated into a constructive channel and, in the opinion of psychologists, this is the most civilized way of behavior. In that situation, if we feel that they dislike us, it is useful to find a convenient moment and have a heart-to-heart talk. exhaust themselves, and in some cases we also learn to analyze our mistakes.

  • Hit the enemy with his own weapon.You can explode in response and win a visible victory. But the result will be the same: instead of neutralization - a chronic protracted war: you hardly need to spend time and energy on this. They can be directed towards resolving the conflict.

Do not provoke and warn!

It's no secret that often we ourselves are to blame for conflicts. For example, you missed submitting an important report on time. In this case, it is best to approach your boss at the beginning of the day and say: "I understand that a conflict may occur, but I had such and such a situation." And explain the reasons.

Such rhetoric can prevent the outbreak of a "war." Since the cause of each conflict is some incident or annoying factor, try to figure out what is happening, and in any situations (whether it is relationships with management, "ordinary" employees or subordinates) adhere to the golden rule of conflictology "I-statement".

  • Instead of blaming, convey your feelings. For example, say: "I feel uncomfortable" instead of: "You find fault with me, you interfere with me, you gossip, etc."
  • If this is a showdown, say: "I am worried, it is difficult for me", "I feel discomfort", "I want to understand the situation", "I want to find out."
  • It is very important to adjust to the experience of the person who initiates the conflict. If this is the boss, say the phrases: "Yes, I understand you", "This is a common problem", "Yes, it upsets me too", "Yes, unfortunately, this is a mistake, I think so too."

It is extremely important to be able to listen and put yourself in the person's place, to hear not so much what the person says, but to think why he speaks that way.

In a boss-subordinate situation, a person can be brought to a rational level of communication by clarifying questions. This should be done if you are being nagged too much.

Are you unfairly accused of being a bad worker? Confidently begin the attack with questions: "If I am a bad worker, why are you telling me about this right now?", "Why am I a bad worker, explain to me."

They tell you that you did a poor job - ask what exactly you did not do, specify: "What exactly I did not do, I want to figure it out, I ask you: answer my question." Remember that the one who asks the questions is in control of the conflict.

We complement the image

Remember the main thing: in any conflict situation, you must radiate calmness. This will help you:

  • confident intonation; avoid notes of arrogance and irritation in your voice - this intonation itself is conflicting. With those colleagues with whom you, for one reason or another, do not maintain friendly relations, choose a neutral-distance way of communication and a cold tone without deceitful sincerity (and without challenge);
  • a moderate tempo of speech and a low timbre of the voice are most pleasing to the ear. In the event that you are talking with a person who does not have sympathy for you, make adjustments to his intonation and manner of speaking - this disposes and neutralizes the desire to conflict;
  • a glance into the eyebrow zone in a conflict situation discourages the "attacker". This optical focus suppresses aggression;
  • a straight (but not tense) back always sets in a positive mood, gives confidence. Psychologists say that upright posture boosts self-esteem!

... It's no secret that a conflict can be provoked by behavior, manner of speaking, dressing, lifestyle - the list goes on and on. It all depends on the worldview, upbringing of a person, his tastes, attitudes and ... internal problems.

In addition, there are words and topics that can inflame a chronic conflict: politics, social status, religion, nationality, even age ... Try not to touch on "sensitive" topics on fertile conflict soil. For example, in the society of women with problems in their personal life, it is desirable to brag less about the ideal husband ...

You can make a list of cautions yourself, carefully assessing the atmosphere in the team. By the way, if you hear harsh phrases in relation to yourself, put your emotions aside, do not connect to the aggressor's energy - just ignore him.

Do you hear outright rudeness? Go away or neutralize by breaking the template.

Criticism on the case? Join in, say words of support, if the situation permits, go on to complementarity.

Excessive nit-picking? Go on the attack with clarifying open-ended questions.

But the most important thing is to achieve inner peace. And, of course, never allow yourself to be drawn into "friendship against someone." Demonstrate confidence, increase self-esteem, work on yourself - and you will be able to neutralize any negative directed at yourself. Moreover, you will be able to get daily pleasure from your work!

Read at your leisure

  • Anatoly Nekrasov "Egregors"
  • Eric Berne "Games People Play"
  • Viktor Sheinov "Conflicts in our life and their resolution"
  • Valentina Sergeecheva "Verbal karate. Strategy and tactics of communication"
  • Lillian Glass "Verbal Self-Defense Step by Step"

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The head of the company must understand that not all conflicts in the team need to be resolved independently. It is necessary to intervene only in those conflicts in the work collective that impede the normal operation of the company or affect it personally.

In this article, you will read:

  • Why conflicts arise in the team
  • How leaders, without realizing it, can provoke conflicts in the team
  • Because of what conflicts flare up in the women's team
  • What are the ways to resolve conflicts in the team
  • How to turn conflicts in the team for the good of the company
  • Is it possible to prevent conflicts in the team
  • What are the options for preventing conflicts in the team

What are the types of conflicts

Intrapersonal conflict. The most common type of conflict in a team is the so-called role conflict. Usually it is associated with a discrepancy between the internal expectations and life priorities of the employee with his work responsibilities or ambiguous requirements for the quality and result of the work he performs. Role conflict can also be caused by dissatisfaction with one's job, lack of confidence in oneself, in the company, and stressful work situations.

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If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time trouble.

We published a delegation algorithm in this article that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task to complete it, and how to control personnel.

Interpersonal conflict. Most common case. Interpersonal conflict in a team can manifest itself in different ways, but most often it occurs between leaders. They can compete for employees, cash infusions, the use of technical means, project coordination, any allocated resources. It is the desire to get them at their disposal and the desire to prove to the management their superiority over colleagues that lead to clashes. People with opposite attitudes, principles and attitudes cannot interact normally either.

Conflict between an individual and a group... Sometimes a person appears in a team who expresses a position that is fundamentally different from that generally accepted in the team. Even if this employee is guided by concern for the good of the company, opposing his opinion to the public will generate disputes and misunderstandings, and these are the main causes of conflicts in the team.

Intergroup conflict... There are frequent cases when whole departments, structural divisions and informal groups that arise in any team are in conflict with each other. For example, a conflict between a trade union and representatives of the administration.

Why conflicts occur in the team: 4 reasons

The first reason is the excess of free time among the employees of the company. They spend their unoccupied time on sorting things out, spreading gossip. Ways to resolve the issue suggest themselves.

The second reason is the wrong division of responsibilities and authorities. Often, it is enough to reduce the cases of intersection of interests of employees in order to eliminate many of the causes of conflicts in the team.

The third reason is interpersonal relationships between employees. Of course, a competent leader must have a talent for resolving such conflicts.

The fourth reason is the internal conflict of the employee associated with the mismatch of his requests and expectations, excessive ambitions. The promotion of one of the professionals can create feelings of envy and injustice in other colleagues. Employees who believe that their merits are underestimated can question the competence of the leader and overthrow his authority in the eyes of other colleagues. Often, by participating in a conflict in a team, a person satisfies a lack of communication or attention to his personality.

How leaders, without realizing it, can provoke conflict

Misalignment of goals. It is difficult for employees with opposing values ​​and views to communicate effectively with each other. A leader who attracts incompatible personalities to the solution of a common task runs the risk of igniting a new conflict in the team.

Inconsistency of role and circumstances. An employee with high qualifications and a level of competence in submission to a non-professional will feel uncomfortable.

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Inconsistency between task and resource. Excessive levels and requirements put forward by the manager, or lack of working tools, lack of normal working conditions.

Risk response. An employee who is convinced of the future failure of his efforts will resist in advance the fulfillment of the task assigned to him.

Inconsistency of characters. Sometimes in teams there are employees whose characters are, by definition, incompatible. The method of preventing conflict in the team in this case will be the maximum distance between them.

Because of what conflicts flare up in the women's team

Conflicts in the women's collective are of a specific nature. Most often they are caused by:

- Competition. A zealous attitude towards other people's success, beauty, happy family life, financial well-being - competition manifests itself in various spheres of life. There is a category of women who find it difficult to calmly accept someone else's superiority.

- Intrigue. The kindness of your female colleagues should never be taken at face value. Do not rush to reveal your soul in front of those who nicely communicate with you, invite you to dinner and are interested in your life. All your secrets can be used in the future against you in the course of intrigue and even harassment by the team.

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- Gossip. Not a single female collective can do without this phenomenon. Each news is passed along a chain from one lady to another, overgrown with additional details. The resulting information is so distorted that it should not be trusted. But there will certainly be an employee who will pick up this greatly changed story, develop it and spread it throughout the company, discrediting all its participants.

- Envy. A terrible personal quality that harms not only the object of envy, but also the envious person himself. Long legs, a wealthy husband, a supportive attitude of management - there can be any number of reasons for envy. The most innocent manifestations of this disgusting feeling can be discussions, whispering and laughing behind your back.

- Emotionality is one of the main causes of conflicts in the women's team. Restraint, as a rule, is not characteristic of ladies. Male self-control and endurance are beyond their control. It is sometimes unbearable for a woman to keep feelings and emotions in herself. Consequently, the more representatives of the fairer sex in the team, the higher the intensity of passions.

What will happen if you do not pay attention to conflicts in the team

Functional implications. There can be several such consequences. First, the resolution of conflicts in a team can be organized in such a way that all participants will be satisfied with the result and feel their own involvement in their settlement. Accordingly, confrontation and enmity disappear. Secondly, in the future, the parties to the conflict will avoid such situations and strive for normal cooperation. In addition, conflicts increase the level of critical thinking of employees and teach them to avoid submission to the opinion of the majority.

Dysfunctional consequences. The consequences of poor management that adversely affect the work of the company:

  • discontent;
  • decrease in productivity;
  • low level of cooperation;
  • high competition within the company;
  • hostile attitude towards opponents;
  • approval of one's goals and condemnation of others;
  • substitution of the true goal: the achievement of success in confrontation is placed above the success of the common cause.

How conflicts are managed in a team

1) Avoiding resolving the situation. One of the parties to the conflict constantly moves away from the accusations brought to her, shifting the conversation to another topic, and explains this by a lack of time, inappropriate conditions for discussion and avoids a dispute.

2) Anti-aliasing. The participant in the conflict tries to justify himself or creates the appearance of agreement with the charges brought against him. In fact, the internal conflict is further exacerbated.

3) Compromise. Overcoming conflict in a team through constructive dialogue with the active participation of both parties. When all participants are interested in resolving the situation as soon as possible, the discussion is reasoned, without emphasizing their point of view, and the decision is made voluntarily. This way of resolving conflicts in a team does not infringe on anyone's interests and allows the parties to openly express their position. Compromise helps to defuse the situation and find a way out that suits all parties.

4) None of the participants takes into account the position of the other. Neither side is willing to accept the charges against it. The parties to the conflict get the opportunity to understand the essence of each other's claims and requirements, perhaps this is the only thing that can be called the positive side of such a situation.

How a leader should behave during a conflict in a team

Tatiana Endovitskaya, business coach, head of the sales department of the corporation "Business Master", Moscow

Most often, the real causes of conflicts in the organization's team are hidden or not fully understood. So, behind the protection of the interests of the company and uncompromising personal goals, hidden grievances, hurt feelings and the desire to change another employee to his position are often masked. Such cover is necessary to keep the collective calm. At first, the initiator of the conflict thus justifies himself in the eyes of the rest of the employees, and then he himself begins to believe in it. Justifying one's not-too-noble actions is a variant of psychological defense.

The leader must, first of all, find out the reason for the confrontation. The intervention of the bosses in the conflict of employees in the team is necessary if it was caused by the incorrect organization of interaction. When communicating with participants in a disputable situation, adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Be tactful and restrained, do not let yourself be drawn into conflict;
  2. Give both parties the opportunity to express everything that is painful, to complain;
  3. Find out all opinions, check everything stated before drawing your conclusions;
  4. You cannot be categorically confident in your awareness, usually only 10 percent of the information reaches from the team to the management.

A short plan for resolving a conflict in a team

1. Identification of the problem from the point of view of the goal, not the solution.

2. The choice of ways and means of resolving the conflict, satisfying both sides.

3. The main emphasis is on the problem itself, and not on the personalities of the participants in the confrontation.

4. Increase the level of trust, interaction, information exchange.

5. Try to show respect for all points of view, thereby establishing a friendly attitude in the communication process.

3 effective ways to resolve conflict in the workforce

1. "Solomon's judgment"

The resolution of the conflict of employees in the team is completely transferred to the hands of the bosses. Taking on the role of a judge, the leader assesses the situation, listens to all points of view and makes a verdict. The perpetrators appointed by management must be justly punished. In order to avoid the occurrence of such situations from now on, clear instructions for employees are prescribed in an internal order.

Advantages of the method: speed and clarity of decision making.

Cons of the method:

- the management is not immune from mistakes due to insufficient awareness of the cause of the conflict;

- the order cannot take into account all the variety of controversial issues that arise;

- even minor issues will be resolved only with the participation of the head;

Commentary: in this case, the cause of the conflict in the work collective has not been identified, but only a quick way to resolve it has been found. If we draw an analogy with the treatment of a disease, a fast-acting medicine has been adopted that relieves the main symptoms. Unfortunately, this type of therapy has many side effects and is addictive to the drug.

2. "Witch hunt"

Often, when the intensity of the struggle in the team takes serious turns, the transition to personalities begins, the leader has to dismiss one of the employees. In this case, the most scandalous employees with complex personalities, regardless of their professional competence, fall under the hot hand.

Advantages of the method: there are none.

Cons of the method:

- there will always be those who will regret or condemn the appointed "extreme", again a split occurs in the team;

- the company may lose a competent specialist;

- what happened is discussed for a long time after the employee leaves;

- the cause of the confrontation has not been eliminated.

Commentary: this method of resolving the conflict is more likely not like therapy, but like a conspiracy and "removing the evil eye". The source of the ailment was not found, instead the culprit of all problems was assigned.

3. "Modern gingerbread"

Let's consider what other ways of resolving conflicts in the team are available to the manager. First, these are measures taken to reduce the risks of disputable situations. Secondly, correcting the behavioral characteristics of employees, introducing the principles of conflict-free interaction in the company.

A few more tips for eliminating various types of conflicts in the team:

  1. Forget about emotions when coming to work.
  2. Explain to the team that the real reason for the disputable situation is the wrong organization of the process, and not themselves.
  3. Resolve emerging confrontations through discussion and discussion.
  4. Call on an independent specialist or employee to conduct the initial stage of negotiations.

What measures will help to minimize conflicts in the work collective:

- Competent work of the recruiting department or recruiters. The team should initially have similar principles, preferences, and follow the internal corporate norms of behavior.

  1. Clearly defined job responsibilities, motivation system, spheres of influence and level of authority of each participant in the work process.
  2. The motivation system itself minimizes controversial situations.
  3. Uniting the team to effectively solve a common problem.
  4. Carrying out various corporate events aimed at team building based on common hobbies.

Psychologists emphasize the positive function of conflicts in the work collective, believing that they raise all hidden problems to the surface. Naturally, the problem can be eliminated by punishing the perpetrators, but it is better not to bring the situation to an open confrontation and carry out preventive work in this direction. Such measures include all kinds of trainings, where employees are taught the principles of conflict-free communication.

How to solve the problem of conflicts in the female team

Andrey Beloedov, Sales and Marketing Director, REHAU Eurasia Region, Moscow

First, we organized every week staff meetings, where each of them in turn could try on the functions of a leader, preparing the topic of the meeting and proposing their ideas for the implementation of a particular project. So, for example, one of the ideas was to arrange a personal meeting with representatives of the purchasing departments of key customers to discuss ways to optimize the shipping process.

We have introduced material incentives for employees who took part in the implementation of the SAP system. In each department, trained employees helped other colleagues to master the program. There was no need to appoint anyone - thanks to the system of monetary incentives, those willing were found themselves.

On Fridays, we held women's “gatherings” on topics of interest to our employees, such as: how to organize a work process in order to have time to pick up a child from kindergarten; delicious and quick breakfast for my husband; how to keep up with everything and never be late. These meetings were a great success.

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A game of "Mafia" was organized for the entire department in a cafe. We used the game as a team-building event. It should be borne in mind that participants in a possible conflict should not be opponents at the gaming table. In discussing the course and results of the game, we were able to draw analogies with work situations.

The cost of all the activities to rally the team amounted to 7 thousand rubles (the host of "Mafia" and a light dinner in a cafe), but the effectiveness of these meetings was obvious. The team has rallied, relations within it have become better, the number of layoffs has decreased.

The positive function of the conflict in the work collective

Some leaders try to use conflict management in the team to stimulate employees, thus increasing internal competition. Of course, sometimes work conflicts unite the team, but more often than not, personal motives come to the fore. In this regard, not all managers use this method. to motivate employees.

If the confrontation develops naturally against the background of disputes over work issues, the manager can safely take advantage of this situation. To illustrate this method of management, you can give an illustrative example of conflict in a team. Two employees tried to prove to the director the effectiveness of their particular method of solving the problem. The dispute was so emotional that the working confrontation could turn into a personal conflict. The manager proposed the following solution to the dispute: each of these specialists took on the responsibility of solving the problem in their own way, but if their plan failed, they had to quit. Only one of the disputants agreed to such a condition. Thanks to this situation, the director identified an employee who is ready to make decisions and be responsible for them, and appointed him to the head of the department.

Prevention of conflicts in the organization: 8 rules

Rule 1. Do not mix the areas of responsibility of subordinates. If the task assigned to one of the employees is part of the task of another colleague, it is possible that a conflict may arise. It is advisable to discuss the responsibilities of all participants in the workflow at general meetings, where the functionality, areas of responsibility and the level of independence in decision-making for each are also stipulated.

Rule 2. Keep the team informed. Often, managers believe that the competence of their employees is at the same level as their own, they expect from them a similar line of thought and ways of solving problems. In fact, this is far from the case, sometimes subordinates are not even able to formulate a question that would help them in solving emerging problems. In order to prevent conflicts in the team, organize weekly informal meetings with your immediate subordinates (heads of departments), and those, in turn, with their own. Discuss at them, including, and issues related to work. Twice a year, hold meetings with the team, tell employees about the problems and achievements of the company, answer questions, including provocative ones, be open to communication.

Rule 3. Explain the decisions you make. Your actions should be clear and logical for employees, try to reason your decisions.

Rule 4. Include feedback. Often in the company there is no feedback between the manager and subordinates. In such a situation, it is even difficult for employees to understand whether the management is satisfied with the quality of the work they perform. In these cases, the following ways of preventing conflicts in the team are practiced: "breakfast with the top manager", when the subordinate gets the opportunity to personally communicate with the boss, to discuss the problems that concern him; Friday informal tea-drinking meetings.

Rule 5. Praise in public, speak in private. The motivating power of praise cannot be overemphasized. Public gratitude expressed personally by the manager is always pleasant to the employee. Do not constantly praise the same employees, try to highlight the successes of all members of the team.

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Rule 6. Tell employees about the results of their colleagues. Respect for colleagues and recognition of merit and value are very important to the employee.

Rule 7. Organize a mentoring system. Many employees are ready to help their colleagues learn and learn new skills and functions, and support them in this endeavor. They can oversee the projects of other employees. Effectively, from the point of view of managing conflicts in a team, attracting people with complex relationships to joint work on projects.

Rule 8. Any innovation you must "sell" to employees. Try to get approval from the team for all innovations introduced into the work.

Prevention of conflict in the team: what should the manager pay attention to

First. There are several signs that speak of a tense situation within the team: the use of hints and hidden subtexts in communication; excessive emotionality when discussing any issue or personality; isolation of a person or group of people due to discussion; tense, cold communication; long showdown, etc. If possible, the leader should notice these markers and look for ways to prevent conflict in the team.

Second. A comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the team is the key to stable, conflict-free relationships between employees. Basic postulates such as: mutual respect, authority of bosses, conscientious attitude to work, self-criticism are appreciated by all participants in the work process and are protected by them. Such a comfortable climate becomes familiar to every employee, which is reflected in friendly relations between colleagues. It is the result of a fruitful work of leadership in tandem with community leaders. An important role in building such a model of interaction in a team is played by the communication style of the leader and his deputies.

Third. The personality of the leader plays one of the decisive roles in shaping the style of behavior within the company. For subordinates, every seemingly insignificant detail of the boss's behavior is important. A positive personal example will be the best way to prevent conflicts in a team.

Fourth. The work collective is a complex mechanism within an even more complex system. Sudden breakdowns in the form of troubles and problems in it are inevitable. Any leader, faced with unexpected difficulties, can show excessive emotionality, exactingness and categoricalness in striving to resolve them as soon as possible. Restraint, professionalism and respect for others are the best way to prevent conflict in the team and maintain the working spirit of the team.

Fifth. In times of crisis, in times of need staff reduction, the psychological climate in the company is sharply deteriorating. First of all, collectives with hidden omissions, insufficiently clearly spelled out job responsibilities, unequal treatment of employees, and the priority opinion of any group within the team suffer from this. The leader himself can provoke excitement if he singles out someone from the employees or, on the contrary, overestimates the requirements for someone, neglects the sense of tact in dealing with subordinates, etc. All this causes rumors, anxiety, and disapproval of the team ...

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Sixth. Often, in the team and in communication with the management, the employee is revealed differently, which allows the boss to give only a subjective assessment of the personality of this subordinate. The assessment of the team is formed over a long time, on the basis of close interaction and observation. You should not ignore the opinion of the team, it is an important resource in managing conflicts in the team. Colleagues can characterize any employee according to the manner of communication with colleagues, the level of dedication in work, life principles and priorities.

Seventh. The behavior of one of the employees can provoke conflict and harm the entire work process. Of course, it is not always possible to correct character, but admitting one's own mistakes in behavior is already one of the first steps to correction and self-control. The measures taken by the initiator to reduce the degree of tension in communication with colleagues, the desire to correct their mistakes can be considered the same act of goodwill and a sign of work on oneself. It so happens that an employee quickly goes through functional adaptation, joining the workflow, but because of disappointed expectations or unfulfilled ambitions, an intrapersonal role conflict arises.

Eighth. As for role positions, they tend to change. The new boss is usually not familiar with the roles in the team and is forced to figure them out empirically. If the manager ignores these roles, unnecessary conflicts may arise that harm the effective functioning of the work team.

Experience has shown that leaders with excellent professional communication skills make gross errors in interpersonal interactions when trying to overcome conflict in a team, thereby exacerbating and exacerbating it.

Information about authors and companies

Tatiana Endovitskaya, business coach, head of the sales department of the corporation "Business Master", Moscow. Corporation "Business Master" is a training and consulting center. Founded in 1996. The main activities are business trainings, recruiting, personnel appraisal, organization of corporate events and conferences, consulting. Conducts trainings aimed at developing leadership skills and intuition among top managers. Clients: OJSC VimpelCom, OJSC Confectionery Association SladKo, Soyuz-Victan companies, McDonald’s, etc.

Andrey Beloedov, Sales and Marketing Director of REHAU, Eurasia Region, Moscow. LLC "REHAU". Business profile: development and implementation of polymer-based technologies for construction, automotive and industry. Territory: 170 representative offices. Number of employees: over 15,000. Annual turnover: over 2.5 billion euros.

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