Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The oldest language on earth. What is the oldest and newest language currently in existence? Russian language is the oldest on Earth

Today there are a great variety of languages, both ancient and relatively young; both artificial and natural; both living and dead. Of course, each of them has the right to exist, because if at least some number of people use them all, it means they are needed. In the end, many believe (and not without reason) that it is precisely articulate speech and the possession of one’s own language that makes a person human.

But, probably, everyone has thought at least once about what their origin is, how they have survived to this day, and which of them is the most ancient. Unfortunately, the answer to this question still does not exist.

Of course, if we talk about language as such, then the most ancient is But what about the oral version?

There is a lot on this topic interesting story about one pharaoh who, like the reader, became interested in the question of the proto-language. For the purpose of the experiment, this inquisitive ruler ordered two babies, who had never heard human speech in their lives, to be locked in a hut. This was done so that the children would “remember” the ancient languages ​​supposedly embedded in their genes. To prevent the kids from dying of hunger, a milking goat was regularly brought to them, on whose milk they grew up.

And so, one fine day, the grown-up children uttered their first word, and it sounded like this: “bekos.” Pharaoh ordered his subjects to find a people whose language contains this word. Oddly enough, it was found - in the Phrygian language, "bekos" means "bread."

Of course, this experiment clarified something only for the pharaoh, since the modern reader can easily be convinced that there were more ancient languages ​​than Phrygian.

Today, several languages ​​are recognized as the most ancient.

Thus, Sumerian was first attested in writing in 3200 BC.

The first mention of the language spoken by the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia dates back to 2800 BC.

The root Egyptian language is also very ancient. The first written evidence of its existence dates back to 3400 BC.

The Semites had their own language - once very popular, but now dead. It was called Elabian, and it has existed, at most, since 2400 BC.

In ancient Crete, the Minoan language was widely used, which flourished throughout the second century BC.

The Hittite Empire, during its period of prosperity, created its own language, called Hittite. Its origin dates back to 1650 BC.

One of the most ancient - not only in relation to but also writing, is Greek language, the first mention of which dates back to 1400 BC.

Chinese originated around the 11th century BC. Today, a huge number of people speak it.

So, from all of the above, we can conclude that many ancient languages ​​of the world exist to this day, which means that their history is constantly being updated, and they themselves are being improved.

However, there is another noteworthy language that deserves mention. This is Sanskrit.

The origin of classical Sanskrit is attributed by specialists to the 4th century AD, but epic Sanskrit was born eight centuries before it, and the related Vedic language arose in the twentieth century BC.

Despite more than advanced age, it has survived to this day in full, for which we should thank the ancient sages who defended the text of the sacred Vedas and the entire Vedic language. Thanks to the method they invented, their students could memorize the entire holy book, and then pass on their knowledge to a new generation.

Sanskrit is still spoken today, and there are people who communicate in it in everyday life.

Of course, in addition to Sanskrit, there were other ancient languages, but in none of them were so many great works written as in the language of the Vedas.

The Russian language was only recently universal remedy communication between people almost all over the world. Quite a lot of evidence has already been found for this, but the largest number of them was collected by the Russian linguist, author of several books, Alexander Dragunkin...

God spoke Russian!

We are accustomed to the fact that the main world language is English, and our native Russian did only that in Lately, that I borrowed a word from there, a word from here. But is it?

Alexander Dragunkin, a graduate of the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad State University, linguist, author of several sensational books, claims that everything was just the opposite. Moreover, he came to the conclusion that Old Russian language was the proto-language of the entire Earth!

Are the British descendants of Russians?

It all started with English, which I taught long years, - Alexander Dragunkin told MK in St. Petersburg the background of his discovery. - The further I went, the more I was dissatisfied with his teaching methods - and some new ideas appeared latently.

In 1998, I sat down to write my first book - a guide to English language. I stopped going to the office, locked myself at home, and on the most primitive computer in a month I typed something that I was stunned by. In that work, I proposed my own way of quickly memorizing English words - by analogy with Russian ones. And while developing it, I came across the obvious: English words are not just similar to Russian ones - they are of Russian origin!

-Can you prove it?

Certainly. Just remember three simple ones first basic rules philology. First: you can ignore the vowels in a word; the most important thing is the backbone of consonants. Second: consonants are very clearly grouped according to the place of formation in the mouth - for example, L, R, N are formed by different movements of the tongue, but in the same part of the palate. Try to pronounce them and see for yourself.

There are several such chains of consonants: v-m-b-p-f, l-r-s-t-d-n, h-ts-k-g-z-zh, v-r-h, s-ts-h (j). When a word is borrowed, letters can be replaced in accordance with these chains. And the third rule: when moving from one language to another, a word can only be shortened, and most often the first syllable disappears.

- And now examples.

Please. English word girl(girl - girl) has no origin in her homeland. But in Old Russian there was a wonderful word that was used to call young people - Gorlitsa! The backbone of the consonants is the same, and English word in short - so who took the floor from whom?

Another example is English revolt. Let's say you don't know what this means - now let's see who stole from whom. Any Latinist will tell you that RE is a prefix, VOL is a root and a “mysterious T”. Western philologists don’t even say where it came from. But I’m a simple person: let’s assume an idiotic option - that the British took this word from someone and distorted it over time. Then, if RE is a prefix meaning “repetition”, and the British took this prefix from someone, then over a thousand years it could only become shorter (remember the philological law).

This means that we can assume that it was originally longer. So, in the whole world there is only one prefix, which meant the same thing, but was longer - Russian PERE -! L and R are interchangeable consonants from the same chain. We rewrite the word in Russian - PERE-VOR-oT. REVOLT translated means “coup, rebellion” - so who borrowed from whom? And the “mysterious T”, on which all English linguists stumble, turns out to be the most common Russian suffix. There are incredibly many such examples.

- Why on earth should the English, living on an island far from our vast homeland, supplement themselves with Russian words - they didn’t have their own?

The British may well end up descendants of ancient Russians. There is completely official data (which, however, is often hushed up) that the Saxons - the ancestors of the English - came not from anywhere, but from the Volga River. In the scientific world this is an axiom. Saxons are plural from the word "sak". That is, on the Volga they were SACs. Further, according to the law about the shortening of a word when moving into another language, we conclude that this word could have originally been longer. I see no other explanation for the origin of the word SAKI, other than from the truncated RUSAKA.

It was not the Tatars who invented the mat.

- Okay, but what about other languages? You don't claim to know every language in the world, do you?

I don't approve. But I know many languages. I can easily communicate in English, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Polish. I know Japanese, but I don’t speak it. At the university I studied ancient Chinese, and in my youth I seriously studied Hindi. So I can compare.

Here's an example. Let's take the Latin word SECRET(secret, something hidden). The whole world is staring at this word, but its origin is unknown. In addition, it is not decomposed into components - there is no prefix or suffix. Some see the same “mysterious suffix T”. The most dashing Western philologists highlight the root CR - this is the Latin CER, “to see.”

But why on earth is the “secret”, what is hidden, based on the root “to see”? This is absurd! I do it differently - I get impudent and write the same letters in Old Russian - SъKRYT. And I get complete similarity of meaning, an obvious prefix C, a wonderful root and our native suffix. Remember that vowels are completely unimportant for philology.

Or else - the word “harem”. The fact that the Russian princes before the Romanovs had whole crowds of concubines - historical fact. Now, if I have many beautiful wives, where will I keep them? In the most best rooms, which in Rus' were called KhoRoMy - remember the chains of alternating consonants - so where did the word GaReM come from?

- So that means they borrowed everything from us, and not we from strangers?

Naturally! I even refuted the established “Tatar” theory of the origin of Russian swearing.

- There were no Tatars?

It wasn’t - it was just our invention. I can demonstrate. We have the word star - this is a star. Zvez is a distorted word for “light”. That is, a star is something that “lights.” And if you follow this word formation scheme, what will the name of what they “pee” be called? It's one word. Next, where did the word “stick” come from? Initially it was called “phalka” because it was used to puff and shove. English stick(stack, stick) - this is clearly our poke, “poke”. Let's return to the word “pkhat” - form the imperative mood, as with the word “poke”: poke - stick, phat - what? And the “p” disappeared over time. The most interesting thing with the verb is that only in Russian you can say: “I fucked her.” M and B, as you remember, alternate - replace the letter M in the word “fuck” and see what happens:

- Well, swearing is not proof that Old Russian is the proto-language of the whole world.

Okay, here’s another thing: the names of all sacred religious books are of Russian origin.

- Even the Koran?

Yes. IN Arab world it is believed that this word has no etymology. But it is there. The Koran, as you know, is the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad, collected by the scribe Zeid - and KEPT by him! The Qur'an is So-kran. With the Jewish Torah it is even simpler: this is a book about CREATION - the Torah is T (v) ora.

The Bible is a little different - you need to know that it is written on paper, and paper is made from cotton. Cotton in Slavic is called BaVeLna - BiBLe. The Bible is just a stack of paper! I’m not talking about the Indian “Vedas” at all: here the origin is obvious from the word to know. Each of these explanations can be disputed separately, but the interesting thing is that all the names have a correct interpretation only through the Russian language.

- Well, what about the names of the gods and servants?

Allah... If we assume that this word is not Arabic and has lost its first consonant over time, then only one word remains, which also corresponds to the meaning - WALLAH - Magi, and the Magi were priests. There is also the Russian root MOL, from which the word “pray” appeared. MoL is the same as MuL - MULLA, who asks God. In English, priest PRieST - in Russian letters ASK.

I don't believe there can be that many coincidences. The fact that the words are similar and have the same meaning is half the battle. But pay attention: in all cases when a word cannot find an origin in its “native” language, in Russian it acquires a completely logical etymology - and all its riddles, suffixes that come from inexplicably, which traditional philology cannot explain, become completely normal parts the words are in Russian! Our language is amazing. It brings us to the bottom of the world - I am sure that it was created artificially and the matrix of the universe is encrypted in it.

What is hell and heaven

- Were you able to decipher anything?

Very interesting things. For example, only in Russian the whole surrounding a person the world was described using one syllable with the root BL (taking into account the chain of alternating consonants). What was around ancient man? BoR, MoRe, Pole, SwampLoto, PaR (as air used to be called) and so on.

All animal world described on a geometric basis only in the Russian language: in other languages ​​these are words taken out of context, but in ours they form a system. Living things were described using three roots, which are the shapes of the body. For example, everything ROUND is described using the root KR/GL and its derivatives - Head, Eye, Throat, Knee, Shin.

Further, only in the Russian language was man separated from the rest of the animal world by the main characteristic - reason. The mind is located in the head, which used to have another name - MAN. How we were singled out from the world - we were called MAN!

- So, did our ancestors receive knowledge about the world from the language itself?

Our ancestors knew everything, because everything was described in language simply. Paradise is nothing more than a stripped-down EDGE, where everything is great and cool. Hell is simply what is BELOW us. Let's remember the word “star” - light, yes - long before telescopes, people who spoke Russian knew that stars were not just holes in the sky, but that which shines, emits light!

- You said that the language was created artificially. Why was it created at all? Love could well be expressed in the number of killed mammoths.

The Russian language also answers this question. Remember Tyutchev’s famous phrase: “A thought expressed is a lie”? What did the poet want to say? I'll show you. In the Russian language there are three verbs that mean the process of speech - to speak, to say, to utter (or expound).

But what’s interesting is that only in the Russian language three verbs meaning lies have the same roots: to speak - to lie, to lie / to lay out - to lie / LIE, to say - to distort. Language was initially created not for the exchange of information, but as a tool for its distortion, a method of influence. Now, of course, we already use it for communication. However, rest assured - of all the peoples of the world, only we speak the most direct descendant proto-language.

- And who created it?

Those who created humanity.

These words are considered borrowed from the Russian language in recent centuries. However, Alexander Dragunkin is convinced of their Russian “origin.”

Galaktika - from the Russian dialect "GaLaGa" (fog)

Dollar - from DoL


LABORATORY - from RaBot (L and R alternate)

Lady - from LaDa (ancient Russian goddess)

HoTel (hotel) - from HaTa

NeGR - from NeKrasiviy


sMoG - from MGla

GloBus - from KoLoBok (G and K alternate)

Russian language is the basis of all languages ​​(linguist Dragunkin)

The development of language is reminiscent of biological evolution - it happens every minute, generation after generation, so it is difficult to determine where one language ends and another begins, developing from it. Thus we cannot say that one language is more ancient than another; they are all the same age as humanity. And yet, each of the languages ​​described below has something special - something ancient - that sets them apart from the crowd.

Oldest of the Living


Hebrew has an interesting situation, since it almost fell out of use around 400 AD. and was used only in worship by Jews around the world. However, after the rise of Zionism in the XIV - XX centuries. Hebrew has undergone a process of revival and has become official language Israel. Even though the modern version differs from the biblical version, Hebrew speakers fully understand everything written in Old Testament and related books. Since the first speakers of Modern Hebrew were often Yiddish, Modern Hebrew has many similarities with this other Hebrew language.


Spoken by about 78 million people and the official language of India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, Tamil is the only ancient classical language that has survived into modern times. It belongs to the Dravidian family, which includes languages ​​primarily spoken in the southern and eastern states of India. Researchers have found inscriptions in Tamil that date back to the third century BC, and it has been in continuous use since then. Unlike Sanskrit, another ancient Indian language that fell out of common use around 600 BC. and almost became used only for worship, Tamil continued to develop and is now the 20th most spoken language in the world.


Most European languages ​​belong to the Indo-European language family, but they began to separate from each other around 3500 BC. They developed into dozens of other languages, including German, gradually losing the features common to them all. However, one of these languages, which belongs to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European language family, more than the others, retains the features of a language that linguists call Proto-Indo-European (PIE), which they suggest was in use around 3500 BC. It is not known why, but Lithuanian has retained more PIE sounds and grammatical rules than its other linguistic counterparts, and can therefore be called one of the most ancient languages ​​in the world.


Have you ever heard of Farsi? Farsi is spoken today mainly in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. You may have heard, and, probably, in connection with this, your imagination draws a picture of a genie emerging from a bottle. In essence, it is the same language, just under different names. Farsi is a direct descendant of Old Persian, which was the language of the Persian Empire. Modern Persian developed around 800 AD, and from many modern languages what makes it different is that it has changed relatively little since then. Today's Persian speakers can take, for example, a text written in 900 AD. and read it with even less difficulty than a native English speaker might read, say, Shakespeare.


Icelandic is another Indo-European language that belongs to the Scandinavian branch (for comparison, English also belongs to the Germanic languages, but to the West Germanic branch). Many Germanic languages ​​have, over the course of their development, lost some of the features that their other Indo-European counterparts have, but Icelandic has developed much more conservatively and has retained many of these features. The reign of Denmark in the country from the 14th to the 20th century. also had little influence on Icelandic, so it has changed little since the Vikings brought it with them when they settled the area, and Icelandic speakers can easily read sagas written centuries ago.


The Slavic language group, which includes Russian, Czech and Croatian, among others, is relatively young. They began to separate from their common ancient ancestor, the Common Slavic (or Proto-Slavic) language, when Cyril and Methodius introduced language standards, creating what is today called Old Church Slavonic, and created an alphabet for it. In the 9th century they contributed to the spread of this ancient language to the north along with the spread of Christianity among the Slavs. They came from a land slightly north of Greece, perhaps what is now Macedonia, and Macedonian (along with its closest relative) is the language closest to Old Church Slavonic.


Basque is a real linguistic mystery. Its speakers are the Basque people, who live in Spain and France, but Basque itself has nothing in common with any of the Romance languages ​​(which include Spanish), or, in fact, with any other language in the world. For several decades, linguists have tried to clarify its ancient linguistic ancestry, but none of the theories has been able to withstand criticism. The only certain fact is that it existed before the appearance of Romance languages ​​in this territory - that is, before the Romans brought Latin to this land, which eventually developed into French and Spanish.


Finnish was not used in writing until the 16th century, but it has a much deeper, ancient history. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family, which also includes Estonian, Hungarian and several languages ​​that are used by national minorities in Siberia. Despite this, Finnish contains many loanwords that have been introduced into it from other language families over many centuries. In many cases, Finnish has preserved these loanwords in a form closer to the original than the languages ​​from which they were borrowed. For example, the word aiti, meaning "mother", comes from Gothic - which, of course, is no longer used. Word kuningas(“king”) comes from the Old Germanic word * kuningaz– which no longer exists in any Germanic language.


The Caucasus region is a real find for linguists. The main languages ​​of the three South Caucasus countries: Armenia. Azerbaijan and Georgia belong to three completely different language families - Indo-European, Turkic and Kartvelian. – the most widespread among the Kartvelian languages, and is the only Caucasian language with an ancient literary tradition. Its melodic and unique alphabet is also quite ancient - it was adapted from Aramaic around the third century BC. Although it is not an isolated language in the same sense as Basque, there are only four Kartvelian languages ​​in the world, all of them used by national minorities in Georgia, and none of them is related to any language in the world.

Irish Gaelic

Although Irish Gaelic is spoken as a first language by only a small majority of Irish people today, it has a deep history. It belongs to the Celtic branch of the Indo-European language family. It existed on the islands that are today Great Britain and Ireland long before the Germanic tribes came to this territory. Irish Gaelic developed from Scots and Manx (which was formerly used on the Isle of Man), but what makes it included in this list is that it has the oldest vernacular literature in Western Europe. While the rest European countries spoke their own languages, but used Latin writing, the Irish used their native language for writing.

1) It is technically impossible to isolate the oldest language. Most modern languages ​​are grouped into families, each of which has a common ancestor. For example, English, German, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Italian and many other languages ​​developed from the Proto-Indo-European language, which linguists reconstruct from data from descendant languages. It is also impossible to say that some language has reached us without changes. For example, modern English is very different from Old English, modern Greek is very different from the language of the Iliad and Odyssey, and in China people from different regions often do not understand each other due to dialect differences, let alone over a time span of several centuries. Therefore, in words the language, for example, of Italy very old, but, nevertheless, this is not the same Latin that the Romans used.

As an exception, one can imagine a language such as Hebrew. It was recreated from the ancient Hebrew language - the first language of the Jews, which actually became extinct by III century. Many enthusiasts did this, the most famous of whom was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, who devoted his entire life to the revival of Hebrew. Of course, the language has undergone numerous changes (including because full descriptions and there are no Hebrew dictionaries), but among all the others it has greatest number ancient details that actually existed a thousand years ago. Ironically, Hebrew can be considered the newest language if you look at it in isolation from Hebrew - so modern Hebrew is about a hundred years old.

Also, despite the fact that Latin has virtually died out and is used only in worship (such as Church Slavonic) and in science; in the Vatican, Latin is the official state language.

If we talk about the languages ​​in which the most ancient texts that have survived to this day were written, then these are ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, and ancient Chinese.

2) What is the newest language? The first thing that comes to mind is artificial languages. Many artificial languages ​​are created as elements of fictional worlds for books, films and TV series; so, for the series "Game of Thrones" around 2010 it was invented Dothraki language. It has its own phonetics, grammar, syntax, and writing. The language has been developed since 2005 na"vi for the alien people of the same name from the movie "Avatar". Whether anyone speaks these languages ​​is another matter; most likely, the most devoted fans can say a few phrases, but nothing more. Yes, and it can be called languages ​​with a stretch; Usually the arsenal of such fictitious dialects contains no more than 1000 words. The exception is Klingon a language invented for the Star Trek universe in the 1980s. It is very detailed and some fans of the universe can actually speak it quite well. There is even a Klingon Institute and there used to be a Wikipedia section in this language. Of the languages ​​that are actually spoken, the most famous is Esperanto. Estimates of the number of speakers of it vary greatly - from several thousand to several million people.

When it comes to natural languages, things are a little more complicated. In general, new languages ​​naturally appear in two ways: as a result of the division of the language into two new ones or mixing two languages. However, distinguishing dialects of one language from several languages ​​can be very difficult. For example, in the 20th century, dialects Serbo-Croatian languages ​​became Serbian and Croatian. Not because they became very different, but because Croatian nationalists wanted to separate their culture and their language from the Serbs. Then 1992 happened, Yugoslavia disintegrated, and a new country appeared on the map - Bosnia and Herzegovina, which declared that it had its own Bosnian language. In 2006, Montenegro declared independence from Serbia and they now have their own Montenegrin language. The differences between all these "languages" are very subtle; they differ from each other more than the dialects of Russian in different regions, but less than, for example, Russian and Belarusian. I would say that this is a little similar to the differences in American and British English (however, I can’t say for sure, I haven’t studied Serbo-Croatian). Thus, these new languages ​​were formed for social and political reasons; if Yugoslavia had remained intact, they would have been considered dialects of the same language.

The emergence of the Russian language, like any other, is a process extended over time. How did it happen that the youngest ethnic people - the Slavs - formed the richest language in the world in a short two-thousand-year period? And why is official science so reluctant to recognize this obvious fact?

The ancient origin of the Russian language is undeniable

The role of developed speech determines a person’s self-awareness in society. It is not only speech that distinguishes humans from animals, but a developed speech apparatus is something that no other animal in the world has. Language and speech are the main factors in identifying a person as a representative of a certain linguistic group of a people. People speak, think, write, read in their native dialect - this forms a unique group of carriers of the invaluable gift of their ancestors. The richness and diversity of speech shapes the intellectual potential of human development; the more complex the speech, the more more potential, which determines the depth of human thinking.

We inherited the invaluable gift of multifaceted and polysemantic speech from our ancestors, and we must protect our native dialect from penetration into it foreign words and concepts. But something is too persistently saturating our world of communication with slang, replacing native words with incomprehensible ones in English terms or introducing distorted mutant words as super-fashionable youth slang.

Formation of the Russian language

Scientists attribute many European languages to the Indo-European language group. In such a group there is general rules, consonant pronunciation, identical sounding words. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish and Russian have always been considered related. But in reality everything is much more complicated and broader.
Traces of truth are hidden in.


Modern scientists put the Russian language first in proximity to the Russian language. ancient Sanskrit. This language has been described and partially deciphered by archaeologists and philologists studying antiquity. Thus, it was discovered that the inscriptions on burial objects in India were made in Sanskrit. However, this dialect has never sounded like a native language in India; not a single nationality inhabiting India has ever spoken Sanskrit. Servants of science believe that this language was practiced in the circles of scientists and priests ancient india, like Latin among European peoples.
It has been proven that Sanskrit was artificially introduced into the life of Hindus. It is worth wondering how it got to India.

The Legend of the Seven Teachers

An ancient Indian legend tells that a long time ago, seven white teachers came to them from the North, from behind the Himalayan inaccessible mountains. It was they who brought Sanskrit and the ancient Vedas to the Hindus. This is how the foundation of Brahmanism was laid, and today it is the most widespread religion in India. Centuries later, Buddhism emerged from Brahmanism and became an independent religion.

The legend of the seven white teachers is still alive in India today. It is even studied in theosophical universities in India. Modern Brahmans are confident that the northern part of Europe is the ancestral home of all humanity. Fans of Brahmanism today commit pilgrimage trips to the Russian North, as Muslims go to Mecca.

But for some reason such knowledge is prohibited outside of India...

Living proto-language of humanity

60% of words from Sanskrit completely coincide in meaning, meaning and pronunciation with Russian words. For the first time, ethnographer and specialist in Indian culture, N. Guseva, wrote about this. She has written more than 160 books on Hindu culture and ancient religions.

In one of her books, she writes that she was deeply struck by the words of a scientist from India, who refused the services of a translator in a conversation with residents of northern settlements, and, tearing up, said that he was glad to hear living Sanskrit. This happened on a trip along the rivers of the Russian North, when N. Guseva accompanied an Indian scientist. It was from this moment that our ethnographer N. Guseva became interested in the phenomenon of coincidence in sound of two related languages.

You can just marvel, but you need to think

An amazing thing: beyond the Himalayas, where peoples settled widely Negroid race, there are educated people who speak a dialect that is consonant with our native speech. Sanskrit, according to linguists, is as close to the dialect of Russian people as Ukrainian. But Sanskrit coincides as much as possible only with the Russian language; with no other language does it have so many words that are consonant and close in meaning.

Sanskrit and the Russian language are undoubtedly relatives, philologists are only figuring out the question - Slavic writings originated from Sanskrit, or vice versa. So what is there to find out? An ancient Indian legend says that Sanskrit came from the language of the Rus. The numbers and dates that archaeologists provide when determining the age of interesting written finds do not play any role here. Dates are given to us only to confuse and hide the truth.

Russian language is the oldest on Earth

Philologist A. Dragunkin proved that a language born from another is usually simpler in structure: words are always shorter, verbal forms are simpler. Indeed, Sanskrit is much simpler. It can be called a simplified version of the Russian language, which froze in time about 5 thousand years ago. N. Levashov is sure that Sanskrit hieroglyphs are Slavic-Aryan runes, which have undergone some transformation over time.

The Russian language is the most ancient on Earth. It is closest to the parent language, which served as the basis for a large number of dialects around the world.


Cyrillic and Glagolitic letters. Russian language.

V. Tatishchev, the author of Russian History, argued that the Slavs created writing long before Cyril and Methodius. Academician N. Levashov writes that the Slavs had several types of writing: initial letters, runes, cut lines, which are often found in many excavations. And the famous Cyril and Methodius only “modified” the Slavic initial letters, removing nine characters. Their merit in the creation of writing should not be exaggerated: having simplified the Slavic initial letter, they created the Church Slavonic alphabet based on it for translating the Bible.

This theory is confirmed by studies of Etruscan inscriptions. The Etruscans are a people who once lived in the territory of modern Southern Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula long before the birth of "". To date, archaeologists and historians have obtained almost 9 thousand inscriptions in the Etruscan alphabet during excavations and research. The inscriptions were placed on tombstones stone slabs, on household clay utensils - vases, mirrors; There were inscriptions on jewelry as well. None of the linguists could decipher the inscriptions; a saying was born among archaeologists: “etruscum non legitur,” which translates as “Etruscan is not readable.”

Reading Etruscan writings

When Russian scientists began deciphering the inscriptions, the writings began to slowly lift the veil of their secrecy. First, G. Grinevich deciphered the inscription on the world famous Phaistos disk; then V. Chudinov proved with his research that Etruscan inscriptions should not be deciphered, but simply read using the letters of the Russian alphabet. Etruscan letters and words almost completely correspond to the letters and words of our native speech. Any person who has studied the modern alphabet, not to mention experts in the Old Russian alphabet, can read them.
Why hide such a terrible secret?

During his lectures, V. Chudinov demonstrates photographs taken during the excavations of an Etruscan tomb. By looking at photographs of the inscription taken at close range, the lecture participants were able to read it themselves. On the stone structure it is written: “Here lie five thousand warriors after the great trek of the strong and glorious Slavs, we and the Antes of the Titans of Italy.”

What is surprising is not only the inscription in letters that are indistinguishable from our modern ones, but also the date of burial. Archaeologists have dated the tomb to the third or fourth millennium BC. The same dates determine the formation of writing among the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Here, a long-standing dispute between experts on the world is revealed - whose writing appeared first.

A dispute leading to the wrong path

It is clearly visible that the world scientific community refuses to recognize the primacy of the Russians. It is easier to admit that European dialects came out of the ancient Indian proto-language than to admit that the Russian language served as the basis. This hypothesis is not even given the right to exist, let alone the opportunity to begin to actively study it to refute or confirm it.

An example is the fact that the scientist D. Mendeleev was never accepted into the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, today's RAS. Scandalous event: an honored scientist is not awarded the title of academician. Scientific world of that time, making up the majority of the Academy Russian Empire, considered that one Russian scientist, M. Lomonosov, was enough at the Academy; and D. Mendeleev did not become an academician.

The world community does not like Russian scientists; the world does not need Russian discoveries. Not even that. Discoveries are needed, but if they are made by Slavic scientists, they are hidden and suppressed by any means until a similar one appears in another country. And most often, discoveries are simply stolen or appropriated during the registration process. The authorities of other countries were and are still afraid of the competition of Russian scientists. It’s easier to close your eyes to the next discovery, just not to recognize Russian superiority in anything.

That's what they're doing for now interesting questions development of the Russian language in the country are by no means professionals: geologist G. Grinevich, philosopher V. Chudinov, satirist M. Zadornov. We can only hope that Russian science will stop turning a blind eye to the facts, and will turn its scientific knowledge to the search for raw information that promises to become the next star on the slope of scientific discoveries.

There are a great many such hidden facts and knowledge. They are hidden and destroyed constantly and purposefully, and those facts that lie on the surface and cannot be hidden are distorted and presented from the “correct” point of view. You just need to look at them from a different point of view, instead of continuing to live in a world of artificially created illusion.

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