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Goddess of the Pravda Ancient Egypt: History, Name and Interesting Facts. Maat: character history

From the height of modern achievements, religious views of the ancient Egyptians may seem primitive fantasies. But when you read the principles of Mat, unwittingly understand that Egyptian mythology is something more than an empty collection of fairy tales. What is this goddess and what were her principles?

The literal translation of the name Maat is "True" or "Justice". This ancient Egyptian goddess, the daughter of the God of the Sun, personified the truth, justice and morality. She symbolized the divine order and dismemberment laws, the Universe. Maat determined everything, ranging from the movement of the planets and ending with the relationship in society and the family.

In the original times, the Goddess of Truth was among the people. But the sinful essence of mankind forced her to go after the father of RA on the sky. The goddess also wore the title "Eye of RA". Most likely, because the God of Ra followed the proper execution of laws. Maat was the wife of the God of Wisdom Tota. Thus, the Egyptians believed that the truth and wisdom would always go around.

Mat was important acting person Mail court. The hall, in which, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, was determined by the measure of the sins of the deceased, was called the "parser of the Mat". The court over each soul was individually.

To determine the further fate of the deceased, on one side of the scales that Anubis held, the human heart was placed, and the Other is a feather Maat. If, because of sins, the heart of the deceased out of the feather of the goddess, the monster Amut devoured a soul of man, which symbolized the final death. Without the blessing of the goddess, no one could be in the afterlime world.

Principles of Mat

These principles were the ethical basis of the worldview of the ancient Egyptians. They emphasized the responsibility of a person for their actions. In many ceremonial inscriptions, the restoration of MAAT is presented as the highest benefit committed by the king.

The fact that these principles were represented, you can learn from Papyrus Ani (13th century BC. Er). In this ancient document, substantive negative recognitions, condemning false, murder, theft, increasing, adultery, homosexuality, slander, arrogance, uncleanness, unfortunate anger and much more. Part of these prohibitions coincides with the commandments of the Old Testament.

A man living in harmony with the principles of Maat could hope for success in Earth and in afterlife. In one of the ancient papyrus, the author encourages "speaks and maat", which, in fact, is promoting to good words and actions.

But the main rule is the inviolability of the world order. The Egyptians believed that "Maat" is that without which the Universe would turn into chaos. The main reason Break and troubles in the country have always been violation of the principles of the goddess. It was because of them that she turned away from the ruler and from the country as a whole.

The rules of the MAAT allowed different layers of society to live in equilibrium: the slave had to honor his master, while the latter should have taken care of the servants. At the same time, faith in forever a certain order made Egyptians extremely conservative.

How did you portray the goddess?

The most common was the image of the Mat in the form of a woman with an ostrich feather in her hair. Sometimes its image was complemented by wings. Usually the goddess is dressed in red or white dressAnd her skin has a yellow shade. Often she sits on Earth, holding a cross in his hands (ANKH) or scales.

In many drawings, the presence of the MAAT is expressed by its attributes - pen, elbow or flat hill with a beveled side. The last attribute was often depicted under the footsteps of other gods. Maat in the form of the elbow marked conscience.

The classic image of the Maat can be seen in the tomb of Ramses Xi. On one of the reliefs, Pharaoh adhesions before the goddess, the figure of which is much more than the figures of the ruler. According to Egyptologists, thus the artist wanted to emphasize the greatness of the goddess.

How did the MAAT read?

Image of Maat can be seen hardly in every Egyptian temple, which indicates the widespread prevalence of its cult. Nevertheless, only a few small sanctuits were devoted directly. To date, the sanctuary was discovered in Deir Al-Medino and the Temple near the carnacius. In antiquity, Necropolis Deir El Medino was called Set-Maat, which is literally translated as "the place of truth."

The title "Priest Mat" was considered very honorary. He was worn by great viziers and supreme judges. To emphasize this, the dignitaries when they could have decorated their chest goddess. The sacred insect of the goddess - bee. She was also devoted to wax.

There were special rituals aimed at maintaining Mat. In addition, it was believed that the ruler supports it through victorious wars, rituals and personal piety. There is no data on the existence of a separate holiday dedicated to the goddess. But many written sources encourage the Egyptians every day to live with "Mat in the heart."

Maat is more abstract than other gods of ancient Egypt. In a sense, this concept that determines moral, religious and legal principles, in accordance with which the Egyptians should live.

To the question of the goddess of the truth. What is her name? Posted by the author N @ DEGH @ The best answer is Mat.
- Goddess, personification of truth and justice in ancient Egypt. Pictured in the form of a woman with a hieroglyph of truth - an ostrich feather on the head, and sometimes symbolically, in the form of one ostrich pen. Attended at terrible court, Introducing the dead day. Maat was often raised in touch with RA, called his daughter, and Tom, called his wife sometimes. Images made from gemstone and hanged on gold chains, put on with the judges in the performance of their responsibilities; Posted on the dish, they were considered the most use of the boginer: Link

Answer from European[guru]

Answer from Anastasia Goloborodko[guru]
As far as I remember, the femis is the Goddess of Truth and Justice or Maat

Answer from Exist[guru]
Dick is the goddess of the truth in ancient Greek mythology.

Answer from silia[guru]
Ancient Greek goddesses:
Four name Goddesses - goddesses of justice. The fact is that they are so similar to each other on features and attributes, which is even unknown, how many of them - maybe four, maybe three, or it different names two or even one goddess.
* Nemesis
* Adracy
* Dick
* Astrey
- Nemesis
Winged daughter in Nick's night goddess. Justice for Nemesis is the inevitability of punishment for the crimes of the law, it is more goddess revenge than just justice. The attribute of it was the scales associated with heavenly scales.
- Adracy
Daughter of themis and Zeus. The goddess "laws of cosmic, supraosmic and intracosmic". In late mythology, the epithet of Nemesis. An independent role in the formation of the type of star sky is not caring.
- Dick
Again, the daughter of Zeus and Femids. The Goddess of Truth and Fair Retribution, one of the three ors, who themselves - the goddess of the age of the year and the keeper of the Heavenly Gate. Unlike nemesides, the goddess of the inevitable retribution of fate, she embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal moral responsibility. However, in the wild there are so few living features that it looks more like a literary and philosophical illustration than a natural goddess. Dick was on Olympornia near Zeus, watching the observance of justice in the world of people and reporting to his father about every manifestation of the retreat from the truth.
- Astrey
It lived on Earth during the Golden Century, and then, who was disappointed with the fall of the morals at the beginning of the Iron Age, ascended to the sky. Maybe more precisely say: "The last of the gods ascended to the sky" (excluding, of course, demigods!). Perhaps in the image of the constellation Virgo.
Egyptian mythology:
Maat ("Ostrich Pen"), in the Egyptian mythology Goddess of Truth, justice and harmony, the daughter of the God of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, the participant of the creation of the world, when chaos was destroyed and the order was restored. She played a prominent role in the afterlife of Osiris. Since the ancient Egyptians believed that each deceased had to appear before 42 judges and recognize himself innocent or guilty of sins, the soul of the deceased was weighed in the bowls of the scales balanced by the goddess's ostrich. The scales kept Anubis, God from the head of Shakala, and the sentence endured the husband of Maat, God God. If the heart was aggravated by crimes, the monster AMTU, the lion with a crocodile head, devoured the deceased. If the deceased lived life "With Mat in the Heart," was clean and sinless, he came to life for happy life In the fields of Paradise, Iaru. Maate was usually depicted with a pen in her hairstyle, which on the court she pinned on the scales. It was believed that people live "thanks to Maat, in Maat and for Maat."
Genealogy. Ra daughter, wife Tota or Ptah.
Names name. "The one who is true."
Iconography. Pictured in the form of a feather of ostrich or in the form of a woman sitting on the ground with a kneel pressed to the body, with a pen of ostrich on her head.
Symbol. Ostrich feather.
Center of Cult Necropolis in philas, later - everywhere.
Pagan mythology:
The truth is the goddess of the truth, truth, honesty, loyalty to the oath. Daughter of the Court and Shares. Senior sister of krivda.

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Study 3.
Guess - sin

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Melted on the shoulders with his fragile daughter's unbearable wear - Maat, as one of the older deities, is obliged to follow the order and compliance with justice in Egypt. However, judging by mythology, the wise girl with ease coped with the tasks set. The goddess of the truth has time to finish justice, punish the violators, as well as give advice to the priests and pharaohs.

History of creation

The cult dedicated to Maat, originated about 2700 BC, in times Ancient kingdom. Because of the unprecedented speed of spreading the influence of the goddess, it is impossible to accurately establish where the worship of the "Mrs. Gods and Goddesses originates.

It is known for certain that, despite the popularity of the image, the beauty has only been established by two personal temples: in Deir El Medina on the West Bank Nile in the philas and not far from the Montu sanctuary in Karnak. It should be mentioned that the image of Mat is found in the sanctuations that glorify other gods Ancient Egypt.

If, in the original version, the Maat existed in the beliefs of people as an abstract phenomenon, then by the beginning of the new kingdom of the goddess of Truth acquired the family, received a well-established appearance and was expanding its own duties.

Now the girl portrayed sitting on an elevation. The goddess kept the back smoothly, dressed in a red dress and was often decorated with powerful wings. In the hands of Mat kept Scepter and Anh, symbolizing eternal life And the Eternal Board.

Myths and legends

Own birth, Maat is obliged to the Supreme Divine of the Republic of Armenia. About mother goddess justice is not known. At the same time, the girl's brother was born with MAT - God Nong. Both babe was born to help RA create a world as he knew the ancient Egyptians.

The first creation of Maat was the seasons of the year who later divided the girl for months and day. Meal to monitor compliance with the temporary balance of the goddess shifted to the moon. Supreme RA, who watched own daughter, I called Mat "Eye of the Republic of Armenia" and laid the duty on the girl to follow the truth, laws and order.

Beauty with yellow skin traveled with his beloved father on the chariot, intently watched the behavior of ordinary mortals and pharaohs. Often, the heavenly crew stayed in the territory of the afterlife, where the rules.

The girl attended the court sessions in which the fate of the dead Egyptians was solved. Special attention The goddess of justice paid the pharaohs. Ra daughter put the heart of the defendant on the scales of Anubis. On the other cup, Maat has a pen of ostrich, which always wore in her hair as a symbol of power and justice. If the heart turned the pen, then the defendant received a chance for rebirth in a new body. If the feather turned out to be harder, then the heart of a person was given to the congregation of the monster Ammut.

Soon after the start of the Board, Maat also knit herself with a marriage with Tom - the God of Wisdom and Knowledge. Divine spouses spent a lot of time together. Quite quickly the couple acquired offspring. Maat and that became the parents of eight children, the so-called major gods of the Hermopolis.

Even becoming a mother, Maat did not leave his sacred duties. The goddess, together with his spouse, solved the fate of people, led the chronicle of Pharaoh and helped the father to control the heavenly chariot. However, sometimes the solutions of Maat plunged the pharaohs and residents of Egypt in shock and trepidation. So it was with the great ruler of Mencar.

Pharaoh came to the Board after Tirana Hofu. With the advent of the new lord, the abandoned lands of Egypt were blooming. But soon Mencar saw a dream in which the gods reported to Pharaoh a simple thought - a man remained to live 6 years.

Puzzled by the news received by the news, Pharaoh appealed to the Priests Mat with a request to clarify what the ruler's fault. After all, the previous pharaoh, which was distinguished by misfortune, lived to old age. Maat answered a man's prayer. Mencara simply did not recognize the promise of the gods. The city in which the rules of the hero should suffer. And the newly made Vladyka broke the will of the Gods, for which he paid.

In response to the reproaches of Maat Mencar, ordered the fires of fire at night and arrange feasts. So Pharaoh increased its own life for another 6 years. For the manifested Mascolo, Maat did not punish a cunning lord.

  • In the anime "Fun of the Gods", Maat is the second name of the Lord of the Dead, which is close to Tom.

  • Residents of the ancient Egypt believed that the three goddesses were Maat, and Hathor - represent the basis of the existence of the whole earthly. Later, the cults of three characters merged into a single integer, combined with the name Hathor.
  • Maate's priests wore the appearance of the goddess, poured out of pure gold. Pharaohs and representatives of the judicial system were considered the main fans of the beauties.
  • During the weighing of the heart, Maat forced the defendants to pronounce the "Confession of denial", which contained 42 theses confirming the purity of human thoughts.

Maat Goddess of Justice

Maat (Ammaat) is an ancient Egyptian goddess, personifying truth, justice, universal harmony, divine establishment and ethical norm. Maat was depicted in the form of a sitting woman with an ostrich pen on his head, sometimes a winged; Also could be depicted only by means of its attribute - a pen or a flat sandy eccentric hill with a beveled one side, on which she often sends, and which can be depicted under the footsteps and thrones of many other gods. The most famous relief dedicated to this goddess is in the tomb of Ramses xi. It depicts Pharaoh himself, dressed in royal robes, with a headdress, decorated with urey (Snake, who had an Egyptian symbol of wisdom and initiation). Ramses Xi is depicted in the worship of the great goddess of justice with her palms outstretched to it. The goddess Maat is riveted in a long dress, with a squeake of eternal youth in his hands. Ostrich pen, which once decorated the hairstyle of the goddess, unfortunately, was not preserved to the present day.

The ancient Egyptian goddess of Truth and Justice Maat took part in court above the souls of the dead. With her, there was always an ostrich pen. The heart of the dead was placed on one basis of the scales, and the feather Maat - to another, so the judges could see, heavily heart from sins or not. If the sins outweigh the feather Maat, then the heart was sent to the excitement of the monster Ammat. If a person lived life with "Mat in the heart", that is, it was good, fair, he became a spirit and went to the gods. The scales kept the anubis God, and the court decision was recorded by God, Maat's husband. The goddess never parted with the pen, it was sticking into her hair.

There is a small number of mythological plots with the participation of the goddess of justice, due to the fact that it is mostly abstract, unlike other Egyptian gods. Maat is more presented in the form of moral and legal norms, ethical laws and religious signsFor which Pharaoh is obliged to rule Egypt, and submitted to live.
But despite this, all the ancient Egyptian society is permeated by the Spirit of Maat. The Egyptians believed that people live because of Maat, in Maat and for Mat. And the goddess itself is one of the most interesting personalities in the entire pantheon of the Egyptian gods.
Today, despite the fact that many centuries have passed since the existence of ancient Egyptian civilization, Maat is still reflected in our lives. Her image was based on the goddess of the femmid justice, symbols, which are also scales. And its principles are based on the 12 commandments of Christianity.

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