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House with covered terrace and balcony. Houses with a terrace and a balcony. Projects of two-story houses with a balcony and a terrace

When the owners suburban areas choose house designs, they strive to maximize the living space through various techniques. It is for this reason that houses with a terrace and a balcony are especially popular, because these functional additions allow you to temporarily or permanently remove some living areas from the rooms. Design company "Svoi Dom" in Moscow offers a variety of interesting solutions for suburban construction, including a wide range of houses with a terrace and a balcony at an affordable price.

Houses with a terrace and a balcony - features

The balcony, unlike the loggia, is not in the same plane with the facade of the house, but protrudes forward, thus adding usable area. The size of the balcony depends on your preferences. For example, if you plan to equip a full-fledged work space or dining area there, you should choose a larger balcony. You can also move part of the functional premises to the terrace.

Terraces and balconies are:

  • open - suitable for use only in the warm season;
  • closed (glazed) - suitable for use all year round.

Even if the terrace is glazed, in the warm season it is able to let through a large number of natural light, and large glazed doors can always be thrown open and let into the house Fresh air. The same goes for the balcony. These elements of the building allow for a smooth transition between interior spaces and surrounding nature as if uniting them.

If you are looking for quality and current projects, completely ready for use, please contact the Svoi Dom architectural bureau in Moscow. We work for you!

Balcony - a highlight of the house or extra problems?

AT modern architecture a balcony is not just a familiar attribute, it is rather an integral part of an apartment or hotel room. Balconies are widely demanded, both in residential construction and in office buildings. Its presence greatly simplifies and decorates our lives. Each family finds its purpose for the balcony. It could be like utility room for storing vegetables in the cold season, and a rest room. Often, offices, workshops, small winter gardens are equipped on the balcony. In general, anything. On the balcony with beautiful view nice to have a cup morning coffee or have a quick dinner. But, it's in high-rise buildings. Although, recently, more and more often you can see private houses with balconies, and Russia is no exception. In such a house, it is unlikely that someone will store potatoes on the balcony, because there is a cellar in the yard. It is not needed for a bicycle either, there is a garage for this. But even in a private house there should be favorite places where you can read a book or, wrapped in a blanket, watch an interesting movie on your laptop.

A balcony is a great boon in any home. He will always find good use. But, so that this good does not turn into " headache", for its construction you need the right approach. Projects of houses with a balcony allow you to avoid many mistakes during construction, and get a high-quality and beautiful result at the end. The peculiarity of the balcony is that this structure protrudes beyond the facade and rests on beams protruding from the wall. Hence the name "balcony", which in Old High German (balko) means a beam. It is in the project that all the necessary information and calculations about how thick and what the beams should be, how they are attached to the wall, what load they must withstand. When is it being built new house, then it's even easier. It is enough to buy a ready-made house project with a balcony or order an individual one. The house will still be built “from scratch”, which means that everything is initially laid as it should, including the beams for the balcony. Worse when the balcony has to be attached to the already finished house. Here it is necessary to correctly calculate everything and masterfully do it, so that the balcony turns out to be strong and the wall does not break. The design of the house will have to be modified to match the actual buildings.

Projects of houses with a balcony will not differ much in price from projects of similar houses without a balcony. After all, this building is not large, and there will not be so many calculations and schemes relating to it. The price depends more on the overall size of the house and its complexity. So do not neglect the balcony project. There is no savings, but problems due to its absence may arise.

Project of a house with a balcony from the company DOM4M

In order for both the house and the balcony to please both the eye and the soul for a long time, projects of houses with a balcony must be bought from specialists. After all, the design of amateurs and their hack-work does not tolerate. Dom4M offers a wide selection and high quality finished projects. Employees of the company will help you choose the right project for a house with a balcony. If necessary, it can be adapted to a different soil or other Construction Materials. If none of standard projects the eye did not like, then you can order and individual design. It will cost more, but it will not be necessary to adjust your dreams to someone else's templates. In this case, the specific wishes of the customer will be embodied in reality. The ego's task is to explain in detail what he wants. And how to implement it is already the concern of the designers. Modern technologies and materials significantly expand the capabilities of architects and builders. So it will not be difficult for them to make the dream of a private house with a balcony a reality.

Projects of houses with a balcony

The balcony is a special element of the house, giving it an attractive look and comfort. But it happens that this at first glance is simple architectural detail hides serious costs, problems in construction, but it will not add comfort either. In order for the project of a house with a balcony to be successful, it is important to provide for all the details.

Projects of country houses with a balcony: what is this space for?

When thinking about building a house decorated with a balcony, it is worth considering its purpose. If you plan to use the balcony as:

  • Personal area for recreation, you should pay attention to the plan of the house with a balcony, providing access to it from the bedroom or office. At the same time, it is best to orient the wall adjacent to the balcony towards a quiet garden, and not a noisy street. On such a balcony, it is great to do exercises, yoga, indulge in reflections over a cup of tea or a cigarette, and even sunbathe. How you plan to use the balcony depends on its dimensions. So on a minimum area of ​​​​2.5 m2, you can comfortably place a pair of wicker chairs, a small table or a deck chair.
  • Spaces for general gatherings, then projects of houses with large balconies will come in handy. The best way you can organize access to a similar balcony from the hall or living room. If the lower terrace is already occupied, then you can safely organize a place for gatherings with friends on such a balcony. For this, the construction area should be sufficient (from 4.5 m2) for convenient placement of a small campaign. Arranged on the balcony comfortable furniture, available cozy corner for communication.

Projects of cottages with balconies: if you want to change something

If you have chosen a house project that you like, but do not like the compact balcony or its location in a specific part of the building, then we can make appropriate changes to the project. It is worth noting that not all desires can be realized.

Technically, cantilever balconies of various widths are not always possible. Its width is determined by calculation and takes into account the characteristics of each house individually, namely the materials of manufacture balcony slab, as well as the construction of interfloor ceilings. In some situations, the walls of the first floor or specially provided columns serve as a support for the balcony.

Excessive expansion of the balcony, a change in its position, the need for columns can cause irreparable harm to the appearance of the house. Therefore, we do not recommend making any yourself without the involvement of an architect. If it so happens that the changes you require are contrary to considerations of architectural harmony and safety, it is worth looking for another project or implementing your plan with the help of.

The Z500 projects are designed to insulate the balcony slab from all sides, which eliminates the formation of cold bridges and subsequent freezing of the building wall.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If ignored this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

Detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all necessary steps and technology in the construction of foundations, walls and roofs.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. The park has been put into operation since 2015 construction equipment. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

The mansard roof is of constant interest in private housing construction. The popularity of the design is well founded. Obtaining additional living space at a lower cost compared to a full-fledged floor is a profitable solution. Dispose of square meters in different ways: office, sleeping place or a lounge with a balcony - there are plenty of options. But the design of houses with an attic necessarily includes the modernization of the roof. Options for cottages with an attic and a balcony will allow you to choose a project suitable for your own construction.

House with an attic: what you should know in advance

The development of a housing project with an attic necessarily provides for high-quality thermal insulation due to the significant temperature difference in the upper part of the building. Another question that deserves close attention, is the waterproofing of the room. Projects of houses with an attic mainly use light materials, this applies not only to interior decoration but directly to the roof and even furniture. Overloading the foundation and walls is fraught with the appearance of cracks.

Advice! For a compact attic area in the project, it is optimal to provide a solid space. If it is necessary to install partitions, it is better to stay on light drywall, which does not create excessive load.

Depending on the installation location, difficulties and additional costs may arise when installing windows. The inclined surface complicates the arrangement of the attic with window openings. If they are provided on the balcony, work is carried out in the classical way.

Winning and negative features of the mansard roof

Projects of houses with an attic have a number of advantages compared to the arrangement of a full-fledged floor:

  • mansard roof provides economic benefit to the construction process.
  • Competent plan attic space allows you to almost double the usable area.
  • Summing up communications increases the installation estimate slightly due to their presence on the ground floor.
  • Heat loss through the attic is noticeably reduced. The project of a cottage with an attic is beneficial in terms of heating costs.
  • Settle in additional living space and a balcony is possible after settling the first floor.

The project of a house with a mansard roof is not without problematic points:

  • An illiterate project or unprofessional builders can create a number of difficulties. Among them are significant heat losses, condensation inside the cottage or freezing of the attic.
  • Roofing with windows is a costly undertaking. The specific profile and installation features increase the installation work by one and a half to two times.
  • Natural lighting of the attic in the case of inclined window openings can be severely worsened during winter rainfall. If a project with a balcony is selected, where classic vertical windows, there is no problem of lighting disturbance.

Design nuances

In order for a mansard roof with or without a balcony to become a cozy place to spend time, some nuances should be taken into account.

Advice! Optimal Height premises - 2.5 m. A decrease in the level will create inconvenience in operation, an excess will lead to an increase in the cost of construction.

The topical issue of the project is the construction of the roof. There are several options for arranging the roof, the choice of which depends on the area of ​​​​the attic:

  • Project with gable roof uses 2/3 of the existing area of ​​the second floor. In most cases, the attic is complemented by a balcony.
  • More productive to fill the space will allow broken roof. In this case, 90% of the area is used.
  • To operate the upper tier in full, it is necessary to raise the roof by at least one and a half meters.

The project necessarily includes the arrangement of the stairs. Compliance with ergonomic requirements and standards will make its operation safe and comfortable. The mansard roof with a balcony creates the conditions for contemplating the surrounding beauty from the height of the second floor. Depending on the planned costs, you can choose a house project with an attic and a terrace, an example of which is shown in the photo below:

Project Options

The choice of the project depends on the purpose of the cottage with an attic, whether it will be a compact building for country rest or a full-fledged house for year-round use.

Layout 6x6

The project of a cottage 6x6 m is usually chosen as garden house, where on total area 50 m 2 will comfortably accommodate a family. Specialized companies can offer projects of houses with an attic and a veranda photo below:

A compact cottage with a balcony looks presentable:

A significant advantage small houses- cost savings utilities during the cold period. Recommendations for competent planning provide functional space:

  • The organic decor of the hallway will successfully solve the problem of distributing things. Built-in wardrobes and mezzanines accommodate most of the wardrobe and rarely used household items.
  • The project, where the space under the stairs is used as a pantry, is a godsend for small-sized housing with an attic. Conservation or household trifles will always be at hand and at the same time not clutter up the house.
  • Combining the kitchen with the living room is another popular technique in the projects of small cottages with an attic. It is also appropriate to place the stairs to the upper floor.
  • Combining a bathroom with a toilet and installing a shower cabin helps to save free space.
  • Arrangement in front of the cottage with an attic terrace partially compensates for the lack of free space inside.

Options for cottages 8x10

For review, we offer two options for medium-sized cottages, the attic of which includes a balcony.

The first project involves the construction of expanded clay concrete or brick. The attic includes a bathroom and three rooms, the design of which the owners choose at their discretion. Living room, bedroom or children's room are popular solutions. Big windows provide sufficient natural light. Two balconies offer picturesque views from different angles. The cottage fully meets the requirements of a residential building.

The second project will appeal to adherents of eco-style. The first level is given over to a spacious living room, kitchen and separated sanitary rooms. The layout of the rooms in the attic is somewhat different. Wide stairs for comfortable climbing, correct solution subject to permanent residence.

Cottage with an attic 9x9

From the point of view of planning, projects of houses with an attic of 9x9 m are considered optimal for living. In the classic version, there is a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom below. The upper level is designed taking into account the needs of the owners. Bedrooms, office, mini gym, winter Garden or a workshop - there are many options. The difference with 8x10 projects is only in the outlines of the base, and internal arrangement very similar.

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