Encyclopedia of fire safety

decisive direction. Define the concept *-fire. Decisive Direction Correction

Firefighting involves more than just technical means and precise actions of personnel. For a successful outcome and minimal losses, a special approach is required. Fire extinguishing analytics show that good choice decisive direction allows you to concentrate on priority tasks, as well as save people, save property.

Check and apply appropriate electrical system protection. In containers with solvents, gasoline, paints, etc. - you have a bomb that is enough to ignite it! Prepare your family for possible evacuation: - Identify apartments, houses and farms in the evacuation routes and familiarize yourself with them with family members, teach the family how to evacuate. At least two escape routes must be installed. - teach the family how to move into smoky rooms.

Where possible: - Install smoke detectors in your home, home and farm and use them as instructed. Provide shelter, home and walk around with hand held fire extinguishers and teach them how to use them. Observe the dates of fire extinguishers and their legalization.

How is the choice

The decisive direction is the concentration of forces and means for effective solution combat mission. To determine it, 5 basic principles are used. The head of fire extinguishing or the person who replaces him according to the charter determines the decisive direction.

The decisive direction provides for the concentration of personnel, equipment and fire extinguishing equipment that were employed in other places, in a specific area or sector. The main goals of such actions are the prevention of further development of fire, the evacuation and rescue of people, the safety of their lives and material values, and the elimination of combustion sources.

Save and save 998 in the fire brigade and teach your kids how to report a fire by phone. In case of fire If you notice a fire, you have a legal and moral obligation to notify the victim, the fire brigade or other emergency services.

Use simple ways extinguishing a fire in a mail fire extinguisher, water, fire blanket: - If your clothes are burning on you - stop, lean on the ground and turn until the fire goes out, escaping will only increase the fire - Kitchen - wash it with kitchen salt or just cover with a tight lid.

All actions in this direction should be carried out in short time, and the result meets the specified requirements. The decisive direction is the basis of the fighting of the fire department. When it is changed, the tactical extinguishing plan is also adjusted.

Incorrect definition of the situation on the fire will lead to negative consequences and possible casualties. Therefore, these officials must have extensive knowledge, have rich work experience, be able to analyze and organize personnel.

Do not extinguish electrical appliances with water - they may be live, try disconnecting the power source. Do not try to put out a fire that you cannot control, move all people to a safe place and, if necessary, provide first aid. If the fire and the smell of smoke wake you up from sleep - know that the door is warm if you do not open it, but use other ways to leave the room or urgently seek help by waving the window over a white tablecloth: - if you need to walk around the room Gut it, cover your mouth and nose thick cloth, cover yourself with something barely flammable and moving just below the floor - smoke and hot air rise and the air gets cooler and cooler.

The training of firefighters includes lectures and seminars that are dedicated to the choice of a decisive direction. The tasks for its definition are designed in such a way that the student can choose the right direction for the concentration of forces. The qualification of an official must be high, otherwise, an erroneous determination of the decisive direction in the performance of the main task is possible.

After leaving the apartment, bring the whole family with you - children can hide from fire in places where they cannot see them: in the closet, under the bed, under the bed. After a fire If you are going to enter a building after a fire, you must: - make sure that the competent authority has determined that the building is safe - be careful of signs of smoke and heat - do not turn on electrical system in a building after a fire, before it is checked by an electrician. - if the main gas switch is off, turn off the gas supply from the mains to the building - call a qualified technician for maintenance And gas service, if it is turned on again - be vigilant and attentive, as fire can damage building components. may require repair.

The numbering of combat areas starts from the decisive direction. That is, the closest to it will be the first. Firefighters from the commanding staff (not lower than the middle level) supervise such areas.

The determination of the decisive direction is facilitated by data on the situation on the fire, obtained in the course of reconnaissance work. At the same time, the ways for the introduction of forces, the laying of hose lines, the intensity of combustion, the location of water sources, and the speed of fire spread are clarified.

If you find that the building is dangerous after a fire, you must leave the house: - Get out of the house, ask the police to take it and keep it under protection. - Take your ID card and other important documents, necessary and valuable items with you. Contact your insurance company if your property, your home, agricultural buildings and other property has been insured against fire. Avoid foods, drinks, and medicines that are exposed to high temperatures, smoke, and flames.

This also applies to the contents of the refrigerator and freezer. Do not freeze thawed food again. If a safe or metal chest is exposed to fire, do not attempt to open it. Their interiors can maintain high temperatures for long periods of time. If you open a safety door or door chest before cooling outside air in combination with high temperature inside the safe may ignite the contents.

In determining the decisive direction responsible person must know the characteristics of combat equipment, the possibility of using other fire extinguishing means, and also take into account possible changes in the situation on the fire.

Principles and parameters

The decisive direction in a fire corresponds to the conditions of one of the 5 principles. It is important to be aware of the impact and availability dangerous factors. The dynamics of the development of a fire and the spread of its consequences makes the extinguishing manager change tactics and be on the alert all the time.

Floods are most likely to occur in autumn, winter, and winter-spring due to prolonged or intense rainfall or snowmelt. Learn the basics of flood risk. A flood emergency service is introduced when the water level in the river rises to the warning level and continues to rise. A flood alert is announced when the water level approaches an alarm condition.

If the danger of flooding becomes real, provide you with the following equipment: - flashlights, batteries; - other sources of light. Prepare for self-sufficiency for 3 days and be able to help yourself and others. Ask relatives or friends who live in safe areas to serve as a point of contact for your family. Make sure that all participants know the addresses and phone numbers of contacts. Learn how to keep your home, home, bypass and flood safe.

List of core principles:

  1. life threatening;
  2. bomb threats;
  3. damage prevention;
  4. intense burning;
  5. protection of neighboring objects (buildings).

The first principle implies a clear threat to human life. In this case, self-evacuation is excluded due to various reasons. Then all forces are concentrated on rescue work or evacuation with the help of equipment and firefighters.

They will check the valves installed in sewer networks your home to prevent reverse flow from drainage system. Finally, use large plugs or stoppers to clog leaks, pipes, and tanks. In case of danger, immediately move to a higher platform. If the local authorities announce an evacuation from a threatened area, prepare it for your family. Also be mindful of your pets. Protect your home, your home, i.e. move valuable appliances to the upper floors and secure your first floor if time permits.

The second principle of choosing the decisive direction provides for a high probability of explosion and collapse of building structures of objects due to the development of a fire. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the elimination or minimization of such threats.

The third principle is that a fire at an object contributes to the spread of flame and other factors to neighboring buildings or structures. To prevent such a development scenario, the point of the most probable fire transfer to another object is chosen as a decisive direction.

To do this, use sandbags, foil, or other hand-held materials. From the property, put all things in a building or tie them to something stable so they don't leak. Turn off electrical appliances during floods, but do not touch them when they are wet or standing in water. Turn off the gas and water supply. Do not use The groundwater in the house, they can be poisoned. Do not drive in flooded areas if the water is moving quickly. A wave of depths of tens of centimeters can turn over and be moved by an adult.

If you need to cross a flooded area, use a column to test the ground in front of you. For the transition, select places without floods. After warning that a major flood is expected, ensure free flow of water to your basement or fill it clean water. Thus, you risk damaging the foundation of your home under the influence of floods. Children and people with limited awareness must attach a prominent card with first name, last name and place of residence.

The fourth factor considers cases of fire at the facility, but without the possibility of moving to another building in the near future. Forces and means are concentrated on extinguishing fires where the intensity is greatest.

The fifth factor is cast from the previous one by the fact that the object is not of particular value, then they provide protection for neighboring buildings. In particular, wall cooling, and the like.

If possible, prevent the formation of a panic atmosphere, be reasonable, keep a sober mind - this is half the battle. After floods Do not leave flood waters for as long as possible, as they may be contaminated, for example, with petroleum products, untreated sewage, pathogenic bacteria, etc. they may also be live from damaged overhead or underground power lines. Be careful when entering affected areas. Roads may be weakened and cannot support the weight of your car or other vehicle.

During the execution of the main task, the decisive direction periodically changes. This is due to the fact that the situation on the fire is dynamic. As you know, on large-scale fires there are several extinguishing leaders. They make the decision to change. This happens in clearly defined situations:

  1. for each of the leaders of fire fighting;
  2. at the time of the arrival of the fire extinguishing service;
  3. at the time of localization of the fire during the supply of trunks.

A change in the situation entails new introductory instructions for personnel on the alignment of forces and the involvement of additional fire extinguishing equipment.

Always turn on your radio for local assistance information such as food and water supplies for drinking and general use. Pay attention to the health and safety of you and your family. Wash your hands frequently with soap clean water if you have been in contact with flood waters. Remember to help your neighbors who may need special assistance for small children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.

Discard food that has been in contact with flood waters. Report faulty power lines, gas line leaks, or other hazards in your area to the appropriate service. Fluid and all equipment suitable for further use must be disinfected, since the applied mulch contains a large number of fungi and pathogenic bacteria that threaten human and animal health. Get ready to replace the floor and walls that the floods have inundated. Make sure there are no cracks at the base of your home to ensure that the building cannot collapse.

The nuances of choosing actions

In the alignment of forces in the decisive direction, the parameters of the fire matter. It is customary to separate them according to their form. As the fire develops separate sections differently, it is necessary to determine the shape of the sections where they will act first. The alignment of forces is different for circular, angular and rectangular shapes. Schematic diagrams eat in guidelines By .

Watch for loose plasters, ceilings. Make sure that Appliances; Electricity, gas and plumbing have been checked by experts and possibly repaired before being reused. When inspecting buildings, use sturdy boots and rechargeable lamps or flashlights. If you have been insured against floods, contact your insurance company to avoid misunderstandings. Photograph existing damage - both building and equipment.

The occurrence of hurricanes is mainly due to fast-moving active lowlands. The most dangerous form they take in spring and autumn. Before a hurricane: - Make sure all your family members know how to deal with a hurricane and teach them how to turn off gas, electricity and water. - Develop a communication plan in times of danger when family members will be separated. - Teach kids how and when they call the police or fire service, and which radio is set to receive emergency information.

During combat deployment, the first barrels are fed in a decisive direction. Extinguishing is possible over the entire surface or part of it, the volume of the fire. The management staff must provide a supply of fire nozzles for use in a decisive direction.

During a hurricane. The radio turned on the regional radio frequencies - or the city's program - to get a message about the danger and how to proceed. Secure your apartment: - Close windows, secure gutters and other parts of the building. - make sure that the roof structure is firmly attached to building structure; - protect lamps and other equipment that may be damaged; - remove items from window sills and balconies that may endanger passers-by; - get rid of objects that can harm you; Provide sufficient light sources such as electric torches, candles; - check the status of the first aid kit and provide necessary materials and medicines; - Prepare items that may be needed during the evacuation: documents, clothing, food, valuables; - Do not park cars near trees, poles and electric traction.

The first barrel helps to reduce the rate of fire spread by up to 50%. This is proved by calculations of fire parameters. It will be activated so that the rest of the forces have time to turn around or additional funds arrive.

In the schematic representations of fire extinguishing, a black three-dimensional arrow indicates the decisive direction. Its sharp end indicates the zone where the primary deployment of combat forces has been made.

Turn off main switch gas and electricity - this will reduce the risk of fire. Hide the middle and lower parts of the building from glazed windows, ceilings and doors. When you are away from home, stay there until the hurricane. Do not stop under electric trains, billboards, trees, etc.

If emergency services recommend evacuation: - start as soon as possible; - leaving the apartment from electricity, and the main valve - water and gas. Put out the fire in the stoves and secure the house; - tell someone, out of the storm's reach, where you are evacuating; - Take pre-made luggage and warm clothes.

Mistakes in the choice lead to excessive expenditure of fire extinguishing means, an increase in threats to people's lives. It is also possible for the fire to spread to neighboring objects if the intensity of burning is estimated incorrectly.

In case of forest fires, the decisive direction is often from the side of villages, cities and other settlements. However, practice shows that sometimes it is expedient to concentrate forces and means on the part of peat fields and other objects.

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4. Rear on fire.

1. Fire localization - a stage (stage) of extinguishing a fire, at which there is no or eliminated threat to people and (or) animals, the spread of fire is stopped and conditions are created for its elimination by the available forces and means.

2.Fire elimination - the stage (stage) of extinguishing a fire, at which combustion is stopped and the conditions for its spontaneous occurrence are eliminated.

3. The decisive direction is the direction of hostilities in which the use of forces and means fire brigade V this moment time provides best conditions solution of the main combat mission.

4. Rear on fire - forces and means of fire protection, ensuring the conduct of hostilities in combat positions.

3. What means are used to perform combat missions?

1. Fire trucks.

2. Fire-technical equipment, including RPE.

H. Fire extinguishing agents.

4. Emergency - rescue equipment and machinery.

5.Systems and equipment fire protection enterprises.

6.Systems and devices for special communication and control.

7. Medicines for first aid.

4. What does firefighting combat include?

1.Call processing.

2. Departure and following to the place of the call.

3. Intelligence.

4. Rescue of people and property.

5. Combat deployment.

6. Elimination of combustion.

7.Performance of special works.

8. Collection and return to the unit.

5. What should the dispatcher install when reporting a fire?

1. Address of the fire or other information about the place of the fire.

2. The presence and nature of the danger to human life and health.

3. Features of the object where the fire occurred.

4. Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant.

5. Send an "Alarm" signal.

6.Fill out and issue an exit ticket for each car.

7. Issue operational documentation on this object to the senior officer.

6. What are the general responsibilities of intelligence?

1. The presence and nature of the threat to people, their location, ways, methods and means of rescue.

2. Presence and possibility of manifestation of fire hazards.

3. Place and area of ​​burning, what burns, as well as ways of spreading fire.

4. Availability and possibility of using fire protection equipment.

5. Availability of nearby water sources and possible ways out of use.

6. The presence of electrical installations under voltage and the feasibility of turning them off.

7. Places of opening and dismantling of building structures.

8. Possible ways of introduction of forces and means.

9. Sufficiency of forces and means for extinguishing a fire.

7. What are the duties of personnel conducting reconnaissance?

1. Have the necessary equipment with you. 2. Carry out work to save people. 3. Provide first aid. 4. Take measures to extinguish and protect property. 5. Observe security measures. 6. Use the shortest routes. 7. Timely report on the information received to the manager.

8. What are the basic principles for determining the decisive direction of hostilities?

1. Hazardous fire factors threaten people's lives and their rescue is impossible without the use of technical means of rescue and the introduction of fire extinguishing agents - forces and means are concentrated and introduced to ensure rescue operations;

2. An explosion threat is created - forces and means are concentrated and introduced in places where the actions of units ensure the prevention of an explosion;

3. A part of the object is engulfed in fire, and it spreads to other parts of it or to neighboring buildings - forces and means are concentrated and introduced into areas where further spread of fire can lead to the greatest damage;

4. A building of no value is engulfed in fire and a threat has been created to a nearby object - the main forces and means are concentrated on a non-burning building;

5. A separate building is engulfed in fire and there is no threat of fire spreading to neighboring objects - the main forces and means are concentrated and introduced in places of the most intense burning.

9. In what cases is the rescue of people in a fire organized and carried out?

1.People are in danger of fire, high temperature, danger of explosion or collapse of structures, or the premises where they are filled with smoke or other dangerous gases.

2.People cannot leave dangerous places on their own.

3. There is a threat of fire and smoke spreading along escape routes.

4. The use of life-threatening people is envisaged extinguishing agents and compositions.

10. What are the main ways to save people and property?

1. Moving them, including descent or ascent using special technical means, to a safe place.

2. Protecting them from exposure to dangerous fire factors.

3. The specified protection must be carried out using as much as possible effective means and practices, including:

The use of respiratory protection equipment;

Supply of fire extinguishing agents for cooling structures, equipment of facilities;

Lowering the temperature in the rooms;

Smoke removal;

Prevention of explosion or ignition of substances and materials.

11. What determines the time of fire localization?

1. Rapid collection of units on alert. 2. The right choice of route. 3. Timely call for additional forces. 4. Fast combat deployment. 5. Correct organization of interaction l / s. 6. Competent decision RTP. 7. Type of fire extinguishing agent. 8. Type of trunks. 9. Actual consumption of fire extinguishing agent.

12. What determines the time for extinguishing a fire?

1.Sizes and area of ​​the fire. 2. Extinguishing method.

3. The tactical and technical data of the unit. 4. Places and type of combustion.

5. Properties of burning materials and fire extinguishing agents.

13. What types of work are carried out during the fire containment period?

1. Introduction in all directions of the spread of fire, the forces and means of basic and special purposes necessary for extinguishing a fire.

2. Uninterrupted supply of fire extinguishing agents to extinguish a fire and protect objects.

3. Evacuation of people, property and animals.

4. Opening and dismantling of structures, implementation of measures to combat smoke, high temperature, spilled water.

5. Regrouping of forces and means caused by a change in the situation on the fire.

14. What types of work are carried out during the period of fire elimination?

1. Concentration and introduction of additional forces and means to ensure the elimination of combustion in a shorter time.

2. Opening and disassembly of structures.

3. Anti-smoke and high temperature work.

4. Elimination of the threat of deformation and collapse of structures.

5. Regrouping of forces and means and their gradual curtailment.

6. Actions initiated during the period of fire localization (reconnaissance, evacuation, rescue ...).

7. Cleaning water, clearing the place of fire.

8. Extinguishing smoldering fires.

9. Collection of data and material evidence about the causes of the fire.

10. Drawing up an act on a fire.

15. Define what a combat deployment is, name the stages and what types of work are carried out?

Combat deployment - the actions of personnel to bring the fire engines that arrived at the place of call to a state of combat readiness to solve combat missions of extinguishing fires. 1.Preparation for combat deployment: -installation of the vehicle on the water source; - bringing the pump into working condition; - detachment of weapons; - connection of the hose line with the trunk.

2. Pre-combat deployment:
- the first stage is being carried out;

Laying of main hose lines; - installation of branches; - a tray of technical weapons.

3. Full combat deployment:
- the first two stages are carried out;
-determine the combat positions of the barrelmen;
-supply fire extinguishing agents to the main

work lines.

16. What are the main means of saving people and property?

1. Car ladders, car lifts. 2. Stationary and manual fire escapes. 3.Rescue devices. 4. Respiratory protection devices. 5. Emergency rescue equipment and devices.

6. Inflatable and shock-absorbing devices. 7. Aircraft. 8.Adjusted means of rescue.

17. What are the features of laying hose lines?

1. The shortest, most convenient paths to the positions of the barrelmen are selected, without cluttering up the evacuation routes for people and property.

2. Their safety and protection from damage are ensured, including by installing sleeve bridges and using sleeve delays.

3. Branchings are installed outside the carriageway.

4. Reserves of pressure hoses are being created for use in the decisive direction of hostilities.

18. What applies to special work on fire?

1. Organization of fire communication.

2. Illumination of the place of fire.

3. Opening and disassembly of structures.

4. Rise (descent) to a height.

5. Implementation of protective measures.

6. Providing first aid to the victims.

7. Restoration of working capacity of technical means.

19. What does fire fighting management involve?

1.Assessment of the situation on the fire.

2. Establishment of the competence of operational officials.

3.Planirovanie action to extinguish the fire.

4. Providing control over changes in the situation on the fire.

5. Setting tasks for the participants of fire extinguishing.

6. Ensuring control over the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

7. Registration necessary information on fire.

20. What are the reasons for changing firefighting leaders in a fire?

1. The first RTP does not cope with its duties.

2. The second RTP gives orders, bypassing the first RTP.

3. The first RTP failed for some reason.

4. When a fire broke out in the garrison, it was more difficult to organize extinguishing.

21. In what cases is an operational firefighting headquarters created?

1. By decision of the RTP.

2.When creating 3 or more combat areas at the site of a fire.

Z. By an increased call number.

4. If necessary, detailed coordination with the administration of the enterprise of actions to extinguish the fire.

5.On special facilities defined by joint interaction instructions.

22. What are the main tasks of the headquarters?

1. Collection, processing and analysis of data on the situation on fire and transfer of the necessary information to the RTP and the garrison dispatcher.

2. Determination of the need for forces and means, preparation of appropriate proposals for the RTP.

3.Obespechenie control over the implementation of tasks.

4.Organization of training and ensuring the conduct of hostilities to extinguish a fire.

5. Accounting for forces and means on fire, their placement in combat areas.

6. Maintaining the documentation provided for by BUPO-95.

7. Creation of a reserve of forces and means in case of fire.

8. Ensuring the operation of the GDZS.

9. Ensuring communication work.

10. Ensuring work on labor protection and safety measures for personnel in a fire.

11. Implementation of measures to maintain the combat readiness of forces and means involved in extinguishing a fire.

23. What should an RTP know?

3. Tactical capabilities of units, patterns of localization and elimination of fires.

4. Methods of operational management of units.

24. What should RTP be able to do?

1. Timely and correctly determine the decisive direction of combat operations of units.

2. Calculate the forces and means to extinguish the fire and plan their use.

3. Qualified to put combat missions in front of departments.

4. Organize and ensure the implementation of the decisions made to extinguish the fire.

25. What should an NS know?

1. Operational and technical documents and characteristics of objects.

2. Patterns of development of fires, means, methods and techniques for extinguishing them.

26. What should an NS be able to do?

1. Organize the work of the fire headquarters as a body of operational management at the RTP.

2. Timely prepare the initial data and preliminary decisions necessary for the RTP to develop a tactical fire extinguishing plan.

3. Qualified to set combat missions for units on the instructions of the RTP or independently.

4. Organize and ensure the fulfillment of the combat missions assigned to the subunits.

27. What should an NT know?

1. Operational and technical documents and characteristics of objects.

2. Patterns of development of fires, means, methods and techniques for extinguishing them.

H. Tactical capabilities of units, patterns of localization and elimination of fires.

4. Methods of operational management of units.

28. What should an NT be able to do?

1. To study, predict and evaluate the possibilities of material - technical support fire extinguishing.

2. Timely and correctly organize a meeting and placement of arriving equipment at water sources using it at full capacity.

3. Provide an uninterrupted supply of water and other fire extinguishing agents to extinguish the fire.

4. Keep a record of the operation of equipment, hoses and other weapons, draw up a scheme for arranging equipment and laying main hose lines.

29. What are combat areas, on what grounds are they created?

Combat area - a part of the territory at the site of a fire, on which forces and means are concentrated, united by the assigned combat mission and a single leadership.

They are created according to: 1. The perimeter of the fire; 2. Floors;

Z.Stairwells; 4. Fire barriers; 5. By type of work.

30. What are the main responsibilities of the NBU?

1. To be constantly on their territory of the combat area.

2. Conduct fire reconnaissance and report its results to the headquarters.

3. Ensure the rescue of people and property at the rig.

4. Carry out the alignment of forces and means at the control unit.

5. Ensure the supply of fire extinguishing agents at combat positions.

6. Organize communication at the control unit.

7. Request, if necessary, additional forces and means.

8. Organize the work of the GDZS units.

9. Provide health and safety measures.

31. What are the duties of the chief of logistics?

1. Conduct reconnaissance of water sources, meeting and placing incoming fire equipment at water sources.

2. Concentrate the reserve of forces and means.

3. Ensure uninterrupted supply of fire extinguishing agents in case of fire.

4. Take measures to provide personnel with combat clothing and PPE.

5. Timely provide equipment with fuel and lubricants.

6. Control the performance of work to protect the main hose lines.

7. Ensure that appropriate documentation is maintained.

32. What are the main specializations performed by fire extinguishers?

1. Head of the guard, head of the duty shift.

2. Squad commander.

3. Head of the GDZS checkpoint.

4. Guard at the GDZS security post.

5. GDZS flight commander.

6. Gas and smoke protector.



9. Fire truck driver.

10. Firefighter.

33. What are the features of extinguishing fires at low temperatures?

1. The use of overlapping shafts and spray shafts is limited.

2. Measures are taken to prevent the formation of icing on the evacuation routes of people and the movement of personnel.

3. Large diameter sleeves are laid.

4. Branchings are installed, if possible, inside the building.

5. The connecting heads of the sleeves are insulated with snow.

6. Dry backup hose lines are being laid.

7. By increasing the engine speed, the water in the pump is heated.

8. Cleaning of the sleeves is carried out from the barrel to the machine without stopping the water supply.

9. Frozen connection heads and sleeves are warmed up hot water in places of inflection.

10. Places are being prepared for heating personnel.

11. It is not allowed to spill water through the stairwells.

34. What are the features of extinguishing fires in strong winds?

1. Extinguishing is carried out with powerful jets.

2. Reserves are created to extinguish new fires.

3. Posts and patrols are set up in the direction of the wind.

4. If necessary, fire breaks are created up to the dismantling of individual buildings.

5. Possibilities of active maneuver are provided in case of a change in wind direction.

35. What are the features of extinguishing fires with a lack of water?

1. Other fire-extinguishing agents are being sought.

2. Trunks are fed only in the decisive direction.

3. Exploration of additional water sources is being carried out.

4. Water supply is organized using pumping stations, ships, fire trains, pumping fire truck pumps.

5. Water supply is provided by tank trucks.

6. Replenishment of small-capacity reservoirs is carried out.

7. Water intake is organized with the help of hydraulic elevators, motor pumps.

8. Overlapping barrels and spray barrels are used.

9.Measures are being taken to increase the pressure in the network.

10. Burning is eliminated by improvised means.

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