Fire Safety Encyclopedia

7 the procedure for determining the decisive direction. Who is part of the OSHP? What RTP should know

The decisive direction is the direction of forces and means in this moment time provides the most effective conditions to extinguish a fire

The decisive direction of hostilities in a fire is determined based on the following principles:

Dangerous factors of fire threaten the lives of people and their rescue is impossible without the introduction of trunks - forces and means are concentrated to ensure rescue operations;

An explosion threat is created - forces and means are concentrated and deployed in places where the actions of subunits will ensure the prevention of an explosion;

A part of the object is engulfed in combustion and it spreads to its other parts or to neighboring buildings - forces and means are concentrated and introduced to areas where further spread of fire can lead to the greatest damage;

A detached building (structure) is engulfed in combustion and there is no threat of fire spread to neighboring objects - the main forces and means are concentrated and introduced in places of the most intense combustion;

A building that is not of value is engulfed in combustion, and a threat to a nearby object has been created - the main forces and means are concentrated and introduced from the side of a non-burning building (structure).

Topic 3. The basics of constructing schemes for supplying fire extinguishing agents to the place of fire.

1. The procedure for determining and selecting the deployment schemes by filing fire extinguishing agents... Optimality and performance conditions for tubing systems.

Topic 2. Actions of fire departments to extinguish fires.

Departure and following to the fire. Actions of the chief of the shift on duty (chief of the guard) along the route and during a forced stop.

Departure and follow-up includes collecting HP. on the "ALARM" signal and its delivery by fire trucks to the place of the call.

Departure and following to the place of call should be carried out in a short time, which is achieved thanks to:

Quick pick-up and check-out l. with. guard

Knowledge of the features of the departure area

The movement of fire trucks along the shortest route with the maximum possible, but safe speed, using special signals and deviation, if necessary, from traffic rules.

To reduce the time it takes for fire trucks to reach the place of call, traffic can be blocked on their routes, if necessary.

The route to the place of call can be suspended only by order of the dispatcher.

When forced to stop on the way or accident the head fire truck, those following it stop, and the movement continues only at the direction of the chief of the guard. When the second or the following cars stop, the rest, without stopping, continue to move to the place of the call. The senior manager in the vehicle, which stopped moving, reports the incident to the dispatcher.

When independently following to the place where the guard squad was called and the fire engine was forced to stop, the chief of the guard, the squad leader informs the dispatcher about the incident and takes measures to deliver the HP. and PTV to the place of call.

If another fire is detected along the route, the chief is obliged to allocate part of the forces and means to extinguish it and report to the PSC the address of this fire and the decision taken.

On the way, the senior unit is obliged to keep in touch with the PSC. In all cases, the forced stop of the car is reported to the PSC.

Fire exploration concept. The purpose and objectives of intelligence. Reconnaissance methods. The order of the organization of reconnaissance, the composition of the reconnaissance groups and their equipment. Requirements of labor protection rules during exploration.

Reconnaissance is a set of activities carried out in order to collect information about a fire to assess the situation and make decisions on the organization of hostilities.

Fire reconnaissance is conducted continuously from the moment the unit leaves for the fire and until it is extinguished.

The success of reconnaissance depends on the timeliness and continuity of its conduct, the reliability of information, activity and purposefulness of actions.

The main methods of obtaining intelligence data are: testimony technical means, observation (inspection), interrogation of informed persons and study of documentation.

The reconnaissance groups include:

RTP and liaison, if one department arrived at the fire;

RTP, the commander of one of the squads and a liaison, if two or more squads arrived at the fire.

The number and composition of reconnaissance groups can be changed by the RTP taking into account the evolving situation.

In order to ensure security during reconnaissance, it is necessary:

Have with you the means of rescue and self-rescue, tools for opening and disassembling structures, lighting devices, communication equipment, RPE, couplings, extinguishing means;

At the entrance to the smoky premises, set up a GDZS security post and keep in touch with it;

To create a reserve of gas and smoke defenders, to ensure a periodic change of personnel working in the RPE;

Remember the path traveled;

Carefully open doors leading to burning rooms using door leaves to protect against burns in the event of a possible release of flames or heated gases;

Do not use open fire in rooms where the presence of flammable and flammable substances and flammable gases is expected;

Enter rooms equipped with electrical installations high voltage, and in rooms where explosion, poisoning or radioactive contamination is possible, only by taking all precautions and with the written permission of the technical personnel serving them

Observe precautions against possible collapses

Move along capital walls or walls with window openings;

Do not use the elevators

Do not leave the group without the permission of the senior group.

Fighting fires involves not only the use of technical means and precise actions of personnel. For a successful outcome and minimal losses, a special approach is required. Fire extinguishing analytics show that good choice decisive direction allows you to concentrate on priority tasks, as well as save people, preserve property.

How the choice is made

The decisive direction is the concentration of forces and means for effective solution combat mission. To determine it, 5 basic principles are used. The decisive direction is determined by the head of extinguishing the fire or the person who replaces him according to the charter.

The decisive direction provides for the concentration of personnel, equipment and fire extinguishing means that were employed in other places, in a specific area or sector. The main goals of such actions are to prevent the further development of fire, to evacuate and rescue people, to preserve their lives and material values, and to eliminate combustion centers.

All actions in this direction should be carried out in short time, and the result meets the specified requirements. The decisive direction is the basis of the fighting of the fire department. When it is changed, the tactical extinguishing plan is also adjusted.

An incorrect definition of the situation in a fire will lead to negative consequences and possible victims. Therefore, these officials must have extensive knowledge, have a wealth of experience, be able to analyze and organize personnel.

Firefighter training includes lectures and seminars that focus on the choice of a decisive direction. The tasks for its determination are designed in such a way that the student can choose the right direction for the concentration of forces. The qualifications of an official must be high, otherwise the erroneous determination of the decisive direction in the performance of the main task is possible.

The numbering of combat areas starts from the decisive direction. That is, the one closest to it will be the first. Such areas are supervised by firefighters from the commanding staff (not lower than the middle level).

The determination of the decisive direction is facilitated by data on the situation at the fire, obtained in the course of reconnaissance work. At the same time, ways are being clarified for the input of forces, the laying of hose lines, the intensity of combustion, the location of water sources, the rate of fire propagation.

When determining the decisive direction responsible person must know the characteristics of combat equipment, the possibility of using other means of fire extinguishing, and also take into account possible changes in the situation in the fire.

Principles and parameters

The decisive direction in a fire meets the conditions of one of the 5 principles. It is important to be aware of the impact and availability dangerous factors... The dynamics of the development of a fire and the spread of its consequences forces the leader of extinguishing to change tactics and be on the alert all the time.

List of basic principles:

  1. life threatening;
  2. explosion threats;
  3. prevention of damage;
  4. intense burning;
  5. protection of neighboring objects (buildings).

The first principle implies a clear threat to human life. In this case, self-evacuation is excluded due to various reasons... Then all forces are concentrated on rescue work or evacuation with the help of equipment and firefighters.

The second principle of choosing the decisive direction provides for a high probability of explosion and collapse. building structures objects caused by the development of a fire. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that such threats are eliminated or minimized.

The third principle is that a fire at an object promotes the spread of flames and other factors to neighboring buildings or structures. To prevent such a scenario of development, the decisive direction is to choose the point of the most probable spread of the fire to another object.

The fourth factor considers cases of fire at the site, but without a possible transfer to another building in the near future. Efforts and means are focused on eliminating fires where the intensity is greatest.

The fifth factor differs from the previous one in that the object is not of particular value, then they provide protection for neighboring buildings. In particular - wall cooling, and the like.

During the execution of the main task, the decisive direction is periodically changed... This is due to the fact that the situation on the fire is dynamic. As you know, on large-scale fires there are several leaders of extinguishing. It is they who make the decision to change. This happens in clearly defined situations:

  1. for each of the leaders of extinguishing fires;
  2. during the arrival of the firefighting service;
  3. at the time of localization of the fire when feeding the trunks.

A change in the situation entails new instructions for personnel, introductory instructions on the alignment of forces, the attraction of additional means of extinguishing fires.

The nuances of choosing actions

With the alignment of forces in the decisive direction, the parameters of the fire matter. It is customary to divide them according to their form. As the fire develops on selected sites in different ways, it is necessary to determine the shape of the plots where they will act in the first place. The alignment of forces is different for circular, angular and rectangular shape. Schematic diagrams is in guidelines on .

During combat deployment, the first barrels are fed in a decisive direction. Extinguishing is possible over the entire surface or part of it, the volume of the fire. The management team must provide a stock of fire nozzles for use in a decisive direction.

The first barrel helps to reduce the rate of fire propagation by up to 50%. This has been proven by calculations of fire parameters. It will be used so that the rest of the forces have time to deploy or additional funds arrive.

In the schematic images of extinguishing fires, the black arrow indicates the decisive direction. Its sharp end points to the area where the primary deployment of combat forces was made.

Mistakes in the choice lead to unnecessary expenditure of fire extinguishing means, increasing threats to people's lives. It is also possible for the fire to move to neighboring objects if the intensity of combustion is estimated incorrectly.

In case of forest fires, the decisive direction is often from villages, cities and others. settlements... However, practice shows that it is sometimes advisable to concentrate forces and resources on the side of peat fields and other objects.

2, average: 5.00

IN 1. Determination of the principles of the decisive direction.

1. Dangerous factors of fire threaten the lives of people and their rescue is impossible without the use of technical means of rescue and the introduction of fire extinguishing means - forces and means are concentrated and introduced to ensure rescue operations;

2. A threat of explosion is created - forces and means are concentrated and deployed in places where the action of units ensures the prevention of an explosion;

3. The fire engulfed a part of the object, and it spreads to its other parts or to neighboring structures - forces and means, concentrate and enter the areas where the further spread of fire can lead to the greatest damage;

4. A building that is not of value is engulfed in fire and a threat to a nearby object has been created - the main forces and means are concentrated on a non-burning building;

5. A detached building is engulfed in fire and there is no threat of fire spreading to neighboring objects - the main forces and means are concentrated and introduced in the places of the most intense burning.

IN 2. Fire pumps, their types. PLC - 20P, device, application procedure, testing.


Designed to create and direct a stream of water or air-mechanical foam when extinguishing fires.


It consists of a receiving body 2, a rotary tee 16, a two-arm branching 17, a pipe 5, a nozzle 6. The receiving body 2 is fixed on a removable support (carriage) 15, which consists of two symmetrically curved legs with spikes.

In the receiving body 2 there is a swing check valve, which allows connecting and replacing hose lines to the discharge nozzle without stopping the operation of the barrel.

The receiving body 2 is connected to a rotary tee 16, the rotary tee is connected to a double-arm branching 17. The rotary joints are sealed with annular rubber cuffs.

A four-way damper 7 is installed inside the pipe body 5.

To supply air-mechanical foam, the water nozzle 6 on the pipe body is replaced with air-foam one.

Fig. 1. PLS-20P portable fire monitor

1-discharge branch pipe of the receiving body; 2-receiving building; 3-screw of the device for fixing the movement of the barrel in the vertical plane; 4-barrel control handle; 5-pipe body; 6-water nozzle; 7-pacifier; 8-segment (thrust platform) of the device for fixing the movement of the barrel in the vertical plane; 9-retainer on the support for attaching the receiving body; 10-lock of the barrel control handle; 11-branch pipe (horn) of two-horn branching; 12-clamp connections for swivel tee and double-arm branching; 13-clamp connection of the receiving body and the rotary tee; 14-ledge with a slot; 15-removable support (carriage); 16-turn tee; 17-two-arm branching

Technical specifications

Nozzle diameter, mm. ...................................... 22 28 32

Nominal pressure, kgf / cm2 ........................... 6 6 6

Water consumption, l / s ............................................ .... 19 23 30

Foam consumption, m3 / min ............................................ ........12

Jet range, m:

water................................................. .................... 61 67 68

foam ................................................. ................................ 32

Connecting head .......................................... GM-70

Weight................................................. ..................... no more than 27 kg


The trunks are tested at least once a year. The tightness test is carried out with a hydraulic pressure of 0.8 MPa (8 kgf / cm2). In this case, water seepage at the points of the sealing joints is not allowed.

Additionally for NK, PNK

The training program for the personnel of the State Fire Service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated December 29, 2003

Organizationally guidelines on tactical training of the commanding staff of the federal fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia dated 03.21.2007

Additionally for certified


the federal law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ "On social guarantees for employees of some federal executive bodies and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
Additionally for employees


The outbreak was found: No outbreak found
= + ½ + 10 at difficult conditions work of the GDZS link: under normal operating conditions of the GDZS link:
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= 40 l / min - average air consumption at light work and moderate. 60 l / min - Average air consumption for heavy work.

Types of briefings

Induction training on labor protection is carried out with all personnel of the units hired (work), regardless of their education, work experience in the profession, seconded, cadets and students educational institutions and training units arriving for internships. The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection specialist or other official of the unit, who, by the order of the head, is entrusted with the duties of conducting the briefing.

Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out: with all personnel, for the first time and again hired for service (work); with personnel transferred from one unit to another; with personnel performing a new job for them, business travelers, temporary employees (workers); cadets and students who have arrived for an internship before performing new types of work.

The list of positions of employees (employees) exempted from primary instruction at the workplace, agreed with the labor protection service (labor protection specialist) is approved by the head of the unit. Persons who are not associated with maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair fire fighting equipment, fire-fighting equipment and equipment, storage of fuels and lubricants, fire extinguishing agents, etc., primary instruction at the workplace does not pass.

Re-instruction all employees (employees) of departments pass at least once every six months. If the relevant labor protection rules provide for a different period for re-briefing, then it is carried out within the time limits established by the rules. Repeated briefing is carried out in the scope of professional training of personnel on duty shifts, middle and senior commanding personnel, and also instructs on instructions for types of work.

Unscheduled instruction is carried out with the personnel of departments in the following cases: when new standards, rules, labor protection instructions are introduced, as well as changes to them; when replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures or tools; in case of violation of labor safety requirements by personnel, which can lead or have led to the death of people, injuries, accidents, explosion, fire or poisoning; at the request of the supervisory authorities; for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed, with breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, for other work - 60 days.

Targeted briefing carried out when the personnel of the subdivisions perform one-time work that is not related to direct responsibilities in the position (specialty).

Primary instruction at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted, is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work (chief (deputy), chief (shift) of the guard and other officials), who has undergone training in labor protection in accordance with the established procedure and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Carrying out of the initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefing are recorded in the register of the briefing at the workplace (Appendix No. 6) with the signature of the instructor and the signature of the instructor, as well as the date of the briefing.

Views fire department:

1.state fire service;

2. municipal fire protection;

3. departmental fire protection;

4. private fire brigade;

5. voluntary fire brigade.

The main tasks of the fire department are:

Organization and implementation of fire prevention;

Rescue of people and property in case of fires, first aid;

Organization and implementation of fire extinguishing and rescue operations.

Types of maintenance

1.control inspection (before leaving the point of permanent deployment of the institution, when personnel take over duty with the involvement of equipment, at halts and stops, before overcoming a water barrier and after overcoming it);

2.daily Maintenance(ETO);

3. technical maintenance of equipment in the event of a fire, during rescue and other urgent work (exercises);

4. numbered types of maintenance (TO-1, TO-2, etc.);

5. seasonal maintenance (SO).

Communication types

1.notice communication providing transmission and reception of messages about fires and emergencies of various kinds;

2.Operational dispatch communication ensuring the transfer of orders to the FPS units, the timely dispatch of forces and means to extinguish fires and conduct an ACR, receive information from fire sites and conduct an ACR, transfer information about fires to officials, organizations and city services, receive messages about departures of units and communicate with fire trucks on the way, the transmission of orders for the redeployment of equipment; communication in the event of a fire and at the sites of the ACR, which ensures a clear and uninterrupted control of forces, their interaction and the transfer of information from the place of the fire and the conduct of the ACR;

3.communication on fire ensuring a clear and uninterrupted control of forces, their interaction and the transfer of information from the fire site and the conduct of the ACR;

4.administrative communication, including all types of communications not related to the implementation of operational and tactical tasks.

The firefighting operational headquarters is a temporarily formed non-standard fire control body and is created in mandatory at:

Involvement in extinguishing a fire and conducting an automated control system of forces and means of subdivisions according to an increased number (rank) of fire;

Organizations at the site of a fire of three or more fire extinguishing areas;

The need for detailed coordination with the administration of the organization of actions to extinguish the fire and conduct the ACR.

Fire extinguishing areas (sectors)

Fire extinguishing sections (USP) are created in accordance with the decision of the head of extinguishing the fire at the place of conduct or types of actions to extinguish the fire and conduct the ACR.

When three or more USPs are created on a fire, by the decision of the head of extinguishing the fire, fire extinguishing sectors (STF) are organized, combining several USPs. The main actions at the USP are headed by the head of the USP, in the STP - by the head of the STP. The heads of the UTP and STP are appointed by the head of extinguishing the fire.

Decisive Direction Principles

1. there is a real threat to the life of people, while their independent evacuation is impossible - the forces and means of units are sent to rescue people;

2. the development of a fire creates a threat of explosion or collapse of building structures - the forces and means of subdivisions are concentrated and introduced in areas that ensure the prevention of an explosion or collapse of building structures;

3.part of the building (structure) is engulfed in fire, while there is a threat of its spread to other parts of the building (structure) or to neighboring buildings (structures) - the forces and means of subdivisions are concentrated and introduced in areas where the further spread of the fire can lead to the greatest damage ;

4. a detached building (structure) is engulfed in fire and there is no threat of fire spreading to neighboring buildings (structures) - the forces and means of subdivisions are concentrated and introduced in the places of the most intense burning;

5. a building (structure) is engulfed in fire, which at the time of arrival of units is not of particular value, while there is a threat of fire transfer to neighboring buildings (structures) - the forces and means of units are concentrated and introduced to protect non-burning buildings (structures).

4. Rear area on fire.

1.Localization of a fire is a stage (stage) of extinguishing a fire, at which there is no threat to people and (or) animals, the spread of fire has been stopped and conditions have been created for its elimination with the available forces and means.

2. Fire extinguishing is a stage (stage) of extinguishing a fire, at which combustion is stopped and conditions for its spontaneous occurrence are eliminated.

3. Decisive direction - the direction of hostilities in which the use of forces and means of fire protection at a given time provides best conditions solving the main combat mission.

4. Rear services in a fire - the forces and means of fire protection, ensuring the conduct of hostilities in combat positions.

3. What means are used to carry out combat missions?

1.Fire trucks.

2.Fire-technical weapons, including RPE.

H. Extinguishing agents.

4. Emergency rescue equipment and machinery.

5.Systems and equipment fire protection enterprises.

6. Systems and devices for special communication and control.

7. Medicines for first aid.

4. What does fire fighting include?

1. Handling of calls.

2. Departure and following to the place of call.

3. Intelligence.

4. Saving people and property.

5. Combat deployment.

6. Elimination of combustion.

7.Performance of special works.

8. Collection and return to the unit.

5. What should the dispatcher establish when filing a fire?

1. The address of the fire or other information about the place of the fire.

2. The presence and nature of the danger to life and health of people.

3. Features of the object on which the fire occurred.

4. Surname, name, patronymic of the applicant.

5. Send the "Alarm" signal.

6. Fill in and issue an exit voucher for each car.

7. Issue to the senior the operational documentation for this object.

6. What are the general responsibilities of intelligence?

1. The presence and nature of the threat to people, their location, ways, methods and means of rescue.

2. The presence and possibility of manifestation of dangerous fire factors.

3. The place and area of ​​burning, what is burning, as well as the ways of spreading the fire.

4. Availability and possibility of using fire protection means.

5. The presence of the nearest water sources and possible ways out of use.

6. The presence of energized electrical installations and the expediency of their disconnection.

7. Places of opening and dismantling of building structures.

8. Possible ways of introducing forces and means.

9. Sufficiency of forces and means to extinguish the fire.

7. What are the responsibilities of intelligence personnel?

1. Have the necessary equipment with you. 2. Conduct work to rescue people. 3. Provide first aid. 4.Take measures to extinguish and protect property. 5. Observe safety measures. 6. Use the shortest routes. 7. Timely report on the information received to the head.

8. What are the basic principles for determining the decisive direction of hostilities?

1. Dangerous factors of fire threaten the lives of people and their rescue is impossible without the use of technical means of rescue and the introduction of fire extinguishing means - forces and means are concentrated and introduced to ensure rescue operations;

2. A threat of explosion is created - forces and means are concentrated and deployed in places where the action of units ensures the prevention of an explosion;

3. The fire engulfed a part of the object, and it spreads to its other parts or to neighboring structures - forces and means, concentrate and enter the areas where the further spread of fire can lead to the greatest damage;

4. A building that is not of value is engulfed in fire and a threat to a nearby object has been created - the main forces and means are concentrated on a non-burning building;

5. A detached building is engulfed in fire and there is no threat of fire spreading to neighboring objects - the main forces and means are concentrated and introduced in the places of the most intense burning.

9. In what cases is the rescue of people in a fire organized and carried out?

1.People are in danger of fire, heat, explosion or collapse of structures, or the premises where they are filled with smoke or other hazardous gases.

2. People cannot leave dangerous places on their own.

3. There is a threat of fire and smoke spreading along the escape routes.

4. The use of fire-extinguishing substances and compositions hazardous to human life is envisaged.

10. What are the main ways to save people and property?

1. Moving them, including descent or ascent using special technical means, to a safe place.

2.Protecting them from the effects of dangerous fire factors.

3.Specified protection should be carried out using as much effective means and techniques, including:

The use of respiratory protection;

Supply of fire extinguishing agents for cooling structures, equipment of facilities;

Decrease in indoor temperature;

Smoke removal;

Preventing explosion or ignition of substances and materials.

11. What determines the localization time of a fire?

1. Rapid collection of units on alarm. 2. Correct choice of the route. 3. Timely call for additional forces. 4. Rapidly conducting combat deployment. 5. The correct organization of interaction l / s. 6. Competent decision of the RTP. 7. Type of extinguishing agent. 8. Type of trunks. 9. The actual consumption of the extinguishing agent.

12. What does the time to extinguish the fire depend on?

1. The size and area of ​​the fire. 2. Method of extinguishing.

3. The tactical and technical data of the unit. 4. Places and types of combustion.

5. Properties of burning materials and extinguishing agents.

13. What types of work are carried out during the localization of a fire?

1. Introduction in all directions of the spread of fire necessary for extinguishing a fire of forces and means of main and special purposes.

2. Uninterrupted supply of fire extinguishing agents for extinguishing fire and protecting objects.

3.Evacuation of people, property and animals.

4. Opening and dismantling of structures, implementation of measures to combat smoke, high temperature, spilled water.

5. The regrouping of forces and means caused by a change in the situation in the fire.

14. What types of work are carried out during the period of fire suppression?

1. Concentration and introduction of additional forces and means to ensure the elimination of combustion in a shorter time.

2. Opening and dismantling of structures.

3.Work to combat smoke and high temperature.

4. Elimination of the threat of deformation and collapse of structures.

5. Regrouping of forces and means and their gradual curtailment.

6. Actions initiated during the localization of the fire (reconnaissance, evacuation, rescue ...).

7.Cleaning of water, clearing the place of fire.

8. Extinguishing smoldering combustion centers.

9. Collection of data and material evidence about the causes of the fire.

10. Drawing up a fire report.

15. Give a definition of what combat deployment is, name the stages and what types of work are carried out in this case?

Combat deployment - the actions of personnel to bring the fire engines arriving to the place of call in a state of combat readiness for solving combat missions to extinguish fires. 1.Preparation for combat deployment: - installation of the car on the water source; -bringing the pump to working condition; -reinstallation of weapons; -connection of the hose line with the barrel.

2. Preliminary combat deployment:
-the first stage is being performed;

Laying of main hose lines; -installation of forks; - a tray of technical weapons.

3. Full combat deployment:
-the first two stages are performed;
-determine the combat positions of the riflemen;
-Supply fire extinguishing substances into the main

working lines.

16. What are the main means of saving people and property?

1. Car ladders, car lifts. 2. Stationary and manual fire escapes. 3. Rescue devices. 4. Respiratory protection devices. 5. Rescue equipment and devices.

6. Inflatable and shock-absorbing devices. 7. Aircraft. 8.Adapted rescue means.

17. What are the features of laying hose lines?

1. The shortest, most convenient ways to the positions of the owners are selected, without cluttering the ways of evacuation of people and property.

2. Their safety and protection from damage is ensured, including by installing sleeve bridges and using sleeve delays.

3. Branches are installed outside the carriageway.

4. Stocks of pressure hoses are being created for use in the decisive direction of hostilities.

18. What applies to special work in a fire?

1. Organization of fire communication.

2. Lighting of the fire place.

3. Opening and dismantling of structures.

4. Ascent (descent) to a height.

5. Implementation of protective measures.

6. Provision of first aid to the injured.

7. Restoring the working capacity of technical means.

19. What is involved in the management of hostilities in a fire?

1. Assessment of the situation in the fire.

2. Establishing the competence of operational officers.

3. Planning of actions to extinguish the fire.

4. Ensuring control over changes in the situation in the fire.

5. Setting tasks for the participants in extinguishing the fire.

6. Ensuring control over the implementation of the assigned tasks.

7. Registration necessary information on fire.

20. What are the reasons for the change of leaders in extinguishing a fire in a fire?

1. The first RTP does not cope with its duties.

2. The second RTP gives orders, bypassing the first RTP.

3. The first RTP was out of order for any reason.

4. When a fire broke out in the garrison, it was more complex in terms of extinguishing organization.

21. In what cases is an operational fire fighting headquarters created?

1.By decision of the RTP.

2. When creating 3 or more combat areas at the site of a fire.

H. By elevated call number.

4. If necessary, detailed coordination with the administration of the enterprise of actions to extinguish the fire.

5.On special facilities defined by joint interaction instructions.

22. What are the main tasks of the headquarters?

1.Collection, processing and analysis of data on the situation in the fire and transmission of the necessary information to the RTP and the garrison dispatcher.

2. Determination of the need for manpower and resources, preparation of relevant proposals for the RTP.

3. Ensuring control over the implementation of the assigned tasks.

4. Organization of preparation and support for conducting combat operations to extinguish a fire.

5. Accounting for forces and means in a fire, their placement in combat areas.

6. Maintaining the documentation provided for by BUPO-95.

7. Creation of a reserve of forces and means at a fire.

8. Ensuring the work of the GDZS.

9.Ensuring communication work.

10. Ensuring work on labor protection and safety measures for personnel in the event of a fire.

11. Implementation of measures to maintain the combat readiness of the forces and means involved in extinguishing the fire.

23. What should the RTP know?

3. Tactical capabilities of subdivisions, laws of localization and elimination of fires.

4. Methods of operational management of units.

24. What should the RTP be able to do?

1. Timely and correctly determine the decisive direction of the combat operations of the subunits.

2. Calculate the forces and means for extinguishing a fire and plan their use.

3. Place skillfully combat missions in front of the units.

4. Organize and ensure the implementation of the decisions taken to extinguish the fire.

25. What should NSH know?

1. Operational and technical documents and characteristics of objects.

2. Regularities of the development of fires, means, methods and techniques for their extinguishing.

26. What should NSh be able to do?

1. To organize the work of the headquarters in the event of a fire as an operational control body at the RTP.

2. Prepare in a timely manner the initial data and preliminary decisions required by the RTP for the development of a tactical plan for extinguishing a fire.

3. Skillfully assign combat missions to units on the instructions of the RTP or independently.

4. To organize and ensure the fulfillment of the combat missions assigned to the subunits.

27. What should NT know?

1. Operational and technical documents and characteristics of objects.

2. Regularities of the development of fires, means, methods and techniques for their extinguishing.

Z. Tactical capabilities of units, patterns of localization and elimination of fires.

4. Methods of operational management of units.

28. What should NT be able to do?

1. To study, predict and evaluate the possibilities of material - technical support extinguishing a fire.

2. Timely and correctly organize a meeting and placement of arriving equipment at water sources using it at full capacity.

3. Ensure an uninterrupted supply of water and other extinguishing agents to extinguish a fire.

4. Keep records of the operation of equipment, sleeves and other weapons, draw up a scheme for the arrangement of equipment and the laying of main hose lines.

29. What are combat areas, on what grounds are they created?

Combat area - a part of the territory at the site of the fire, on which forces and means are concentrated, united by the assigned combat mission and a single leadership.

They are created according to: 1. Perimeter of fire; 2.Floors;

H. Stairwells; 4.Fire-prevention barriers; 5. By type of work.

30. What are the main responsibilities of the NBU?

1. Constantly be on its territory of the combat area.

2. Conduct reconnaissance of the fire and report its results to the headquarters.

3. Ensure the rescue of people and property at the BU.

4. To carry out the alignment of forces and means at the control unit.

5. Ensure the supply of fire extinguishing agents to combat positions.

6. Organize communication at the control unit.

7. Request additional forces and resources, if necessary.

8. To organize the work of the links of the GDZS.

9. Provide health and safety measures.

31. What are the duties of the chief of the rear?

1. Conduct reconnaissance of water sources, meeting and placement of arriving firefighting equipment at water sources.

2. To concentrate the reserve of forces and means.

3. Ensure the uninterrupted supply of extinguishing agents in the event of a fire.

4.Take measures to provide personnel with combat clothing and RPE.

5. Provide fuel and lubricants in a timely manner.

6. Monitor the performance of work to protect the main hose lines.

7. Ensure that appropriate documentation is maintained.

32. What are the main specializations of fire fighting participants?

1. Chief of the guard, chief of the shift on duty.

2.Commander of the squad.

3.Head of the GDZS checkpoint.

4. A guard at the GDZS security post.

5.Commander of the GDZS link.

6. Gas and smoke protector.

7 the co-worker.

8. Connected.

9. The driver of the fire truck.

10. Fire fighter.

33. What are the features of extinguishing fires at low temperatures?

1. The use of overhead and spray barrels is limited.

2. Measures are being taken to prevent the formation of ice on the evacuation routes of people and the movement of personnel.

3. Large diameter sleeves are laid.

4. Branches are installed as far as possible inside the building.

5. The connecting heads of the sleeves are insulated with snow.

6. Dry reserve hose lines are being laid.

7. By increasing the engine speed, the water in the pump is heated.

8. The hoses are cleaned from the barrel to the machine without interrupting the water supply.

9.Frozen connection heads and sleeves get warm hot water in places of inflection.

10. Areas are being prepared for heating personnel.

11. It is not allowed to spill water through the stairwells.

34. What are the features of extinguishing fires in strong winds?

1.Extinguishing is carried out with powerful jets.

2. Reserves are created for extinguishing new foci of combustion.

3. Posts and patrols are set up in the direction of the wind.

4. If necessary, fire breaks are created up to the dismantling of individual buildings.

5. Possibilities of active maneuver in case of wind direction change are envisaged.

35. What are the features of extinguishing fires with a lack of water?

1. Other fire extinguishing agents are being sought.

2. Trunks are only fed in the decisive direction.

3. Exploration of additional water sources is under way.

4.The water supply is organized using pumping stations, ships, fire trains, pumping pumps for fire trucks.

5. Delivery of water by tank trucks is provided.

6. Replenishment of reservoirs of small capacity is in progress.

7. Water intake is organized with the help of hydraulic elevators, motor pumps.

8. Overlapping barrels and spray barrels are used.

9. Measures are being taken to increase the pressure in the network.

10. Combustion is eliminated by improvised means.

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