Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Types of shower cabins. Shower cabins (110 photos). Curtain with water-repellent properties

If the bathroom is not large and spacious, many homeowners are moving away from traditional bathtubs in favor of ergonomic showers. This allows you to significantly save space, as well as equip the shower room with a variety of additional functions.

When purchasing specialized boxes, it is very important to determine in advance the size of the structure and its shape, which is optimal from the point of view of saving space and design.


Shower cabins are divided into two types - open and closed.

Closed boxes, in addition to shower communications, have their own walls and ceiling, and are also equipped with a roof. Very often, such modifications are equipped with a number of options - sauna, aromatherapy, cascade shower and others.

Open models are a corner that is equipped with a tray, as well as a frame and a shower head. Instead of fencing, curtains attached to the frame are used in the corners.

The advantages of such a model are obvious:

  • low cost - prices for budget models start from 8 thousand rubles, which is several times cheaper than closed boxes;
  • versatility of solutions – manufacturers of open booths offer the widest range of various sizes and shapes, there are no restrictions for consumers in choosing a suitable model with the desired parameters.

Open cabins also have some disadvantages:

  • complexity of installation - installation requires special skills, so many are forced to resort to the services of specialists;
  • in an open cabin it is impossible to install additional functions (steam generator, ozonation, etc.).

This design is optimal for those who do not have any specific requirements for the shower stall, but prefer to simply take a regularly refreshing shower.

A closed cabin is a separate hydrobox, including a pallet, walls and ceiling.

These models are distinguished by high consumer characteristics:

  • ease of installation - the modification provides its own plumbing fixtures, so even a non-professional can easily install communications;
  • the ability to connect additional functions - tropical shower, Charcot, hydromassage and much more, which allows you to turn an ordinary box into a real SPA capsule;
  • tightness - the system is completely autonomous, moisture and steam do not reach the walls of the room, which means they increase the durability of the repair and do not allow dangerous microorganisms - mold and mildew - to develop.

The only disadvantage of closed type cabins is their high price. Prices for models start from 30 thousand rubles.

According to the assembly method, shower cabins are divided into monoblock ones, which come from the manufacturing factory in an already assembled form, and prefabricated ones (they are sold disassembled and assembled on site by the owners of the premises).

There are several types of booths based on their shape:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • square with a beveled corner (pentagonal);

Standard shower cabins are produced in several sizes: 70x70, 80x80, 90x90, 110x110 and 120x80 cm - these dimensions are in greatest demand among consumers. The height of the pallets ranges from 0-35 cm to 150-180 mm (the first type is conventionally called a flat pallet, and the second is a deep, mini-bath). Flat models are mounted almost on the floor, but during installation it should be taken into account that all the necessary plumbing communications must fit under the cabin - siphons and drain pipes.

Let's consider what materials the hydrobox components are made from.


Most often, acrylic, metal or earthenware are used to make pallets. In rare cases, plastic is used as a material, but such models are considered extremely impractical and short-lived; they sag greatly under the weight of human weight and easily break under mechanical stress.

Earthenware pallets look massive and impressive, but despite this, they are considered relatively fragile: the product can easily split and become cracked if it is accidentally touched by a heavy object.

In addition, earthenware heats up rather slowly, and this can cause some discomfort when taking hygiene procedures.

A steel pan, on the contrary, heats up instantly, and in addition, it makes a lot of noise when powerful jets of water enter.

The best choice would be an acrylic tray - it heats up instantly, but remains warm. These models are considered ideal, given the price-quality ratio.


The “sides” of the shower cabin are usually made of hardened matte or clear glass. It has a thickness of 5 to 8 mm, is impact-resistant and durable.

Polystyrene is also often used to construct hydroboxes, the material is plastic, resistant to moisture. Such products are light in weight, but their service life is short. It is recommended to install cabins with plastic walls in rooms with low frequency of use, for example, in a country house or in a guest block.

A good option is walls made of plexiglass, which is similar to ordinary tempered glass, it is lightweight and lasts much longer than parts made of polystyrene.


Shower cabins have several types of door mechanisms:

  • hinged - the design is equipped with hinges and handles with different sides canvas, such doors open outward, and this must be kept in mind when installing in a small space;
  • hinged - the doors are also characterized by opening outward, but in general the mechanism provides more convenient entry into the box;

What to prefer - a traditional bathtub or a shower stall is a matter of taste, but using a shower has many advantages, including:

  • saving water - much more liquid is required to fill bathtubs;
  • saving time - the procedure of taking a bath is quite pleasant, but it often drags on for a long time, but the owners of the shower do not waste time, they turn on the water, wash, rinse and leave;
  • space saving - even the smallest bathtub takes up more space than a standard shower cabin;
  • hygiene - the water in the cabin does not stagnate, pathogenic microbes and dirt do not accumulate in it.

What do the parameters affect?

In order to make the right decision when purchasing a shower stall, you should clarify the dimensions of the bathroom where the structure will be installed. It often happens that new hydroboxes simply do not fit in the room - they do not fit in height, or the pallet does not fit in the designated place.

For some models, the dimensions of the tray can exceed 40 mm, and cabins with a mini-bath are even longer. Therefore, if the parameters of the pallet are, for example, 45 cm, and the cabin walls are 200 cm, the minimum height of the bathroom should be 245 cm, otherwise the hydrobox simply will not fit.

In standard Russian buildings, most bathrooms do not have this height, so for low ceilings, preference should be given to models with flat trays.

About optimal height the ceiling can be argued ad infinitum. In comfortable cottages or comfortable apartments, you can use any model, but houses of the 90s series, in which a fairly significant part of Russians live, dictate their own rules when choosing a cabin - the desired dimensions should be reduced to a minimum both in height and in terms of the volume of occupied space. In such spaces it is better to choose a corner shower stall - they are usually narrow and low.

The height of corner models can be standard sizes- about 2 meters (1.9 m or 2.1 m), and the height of non-standard models reaches 2.5 meters.

Varieties of forms and standards

Today, the plumbing market represents the widest range of hydroboxes of the most different types and standard sizes. As a rule, manufacturers make modifications based on the standard parameters of bathrooms in multi-storey buildings.

For symmetrical square structures, the standard is determined by the following indicators: 90x90, 80x80, 100x100 and 120x120 cm; there are small-sized shower cabins - their area is 60x60 cm. The standard size of rectangular products is: 70x90, 120x90, 100x80, 110x80 cm.

Depending on the length and width of the hydrobox, all models are divided into several types:

  • small-sized - have minimum wall length dimensions from 60 to 100 cm;
  • medium - the length of the walls ranges from 80 to 130 cm;
  • full-sized - the walls in them have a length of 140 cm or more.

In accordance with the listed criteria, the minimum dimensions of hydroboxes have a base length of 70 cm and a height of 170 cm, but the pallet is either flat or completely absent. Some manufacturers produce boxes of 60x60 cm, they are optimal for Khrushchev, Brezhnev buildings and small families.


Corner shower cabins, as the name suggests, are installed in the corner of a combined bathroom. As a rule, the door width in such a model is 70-90 cm.

Such products are optimal for small rooms, in which every decimeter is literally “worth its weight in gold.”


Typical sizes rectangular shower cabins are considered models: 80x100, 80x110, 80x120, as well as 90x110 and 90x120 cm.

Such products are traditionally built on a bathtub - that is, the pallets are characterized by a large height and combine the advantages of a shower cabin and a bathtub. However, if the hydrobox is equipped with a steam room, cascade shower or hydromassage, then such modifications are incompatible with the bathtub.

Therefore, when purchasing a rectangular cabin, it is important to thoroughly study the dimensions of the space and the functionality of the product.

Semicircular asymmetrical booths with a beveled radius at one of the corners are of similar utility.


Square products embody timeless classics; typical side lengths here are 70, 80, 90, 100 and 120 cm. They combine all the advantages of rectangular and corner modifications: compactness, good capacity, and the ability to be installed in any room. Such booths have been in consistently high demand among consumers for many decades.


A round shower stall is an original and non-standard interior solution.

The advantages of such models include:

  • due to the unusual shape, the models fit harmoniously into any bathroom;
  • round shape allows you to use the most different variants installation - the box can be installed in a corner, against one of the walls or even in the center of the room.

As for sizes, the typical radius of round hydroboxes ranges from 90 cm to 1.2 m.

Without back walls

A common type are semicircular shower cabins without back walls - their role is played by the walls of the room. Typically, such models are mounted on thin pallets, and the cabins themselves are small in size - from 70x70 to 100x100 cm. The most stable design of hydroboxes without walls is considered to be corner models with sliding or hinged doors.

The height of booths without a wall does not exceed 2 meters. The product is used strictly for taking a hygienic shower; combination with a bath is not possible here.

If apartment owners do not want to give up their favorite bathtub, then they should complement it with a stand with a screen. Such designs are called combined. It must be taken into account that the typical height is 70 cm, and for a shower this minimum parameter is 170 cm. Therefore, the minimum height of the walls in the room should be 240 cm.

Non-standard options

Despite the wide selection of shower cabins, not everyone is satisfied with standard models - the presence of furniture, communications features, the location of doors and the individual characteristics of the room can make it difficult to install standard boxes. That is why many consumers prefer non-standard models that are made to order.

The sizes here can be very different., for example, 94x94, 170x62 or 110x54. The cabins can be equipped with a trapezoidal, oval tray or have a height of up to 3 meters. There are no restrictions here.

As a rule, boxes of non-standard sizes are made for private homes or small apartments.

Pallet dimensions

When choosing a shower cabin, the dimensions of the tray are of fundamental importance; the shape of the cabin as a whole depends on them.

The material from which it is made is no less important. In previous years, the most common material was enameled cast iron.

Now it is practically not used, having given way to more modern technologies.

  • Enameled steel is an inexpensive pallet, but over time it turns yellow and becomes cracked.
  • Ceramics - has a long service life, maintaining the appearance unchanged, but can easily crack.
  • Acrylic – they look very aesthetically pleasing, heat up instantly, but remain warm. They have a significant drawback - they bend under the weight of the body, so they often require indispensable reinforcement from below.

  • Fake diamond– a stylish base with good consumer properties; such pallets warm up quickly and retain heat for a long time. However, their cost is very high.
  • Tree - perfect option for a country house, such pallets have an attractive design and are very pleasant on the feet, but wood is destroyed by constant exposure to moisture, so such pallets are not suitable for frequent use.

The ideal pallet should:

  • be compact, but at the same time roomy;
  • do not bend under the weight of human weight;
  • have a non-slip bottom to avoid injury.

When choosing a booth, enter it, make different movements, stretch - this way you will understand whether you will be comfortable washing in such a booth or not.

A few more tips:

  • take two or three steps - if the base wobbles, this indicates its low quality;
  • try to move the cabin from side to side - this way you will determine how firmly the walls of the structure are attached to the pallet.

How to choose?

The choice of the optimal cabin option directly depends on the size of the bathroom, the body type of the consumer and his personal preferences.

The main point when buying a hydrobox is the ratio of the cabin and room parameters– you need to start from it, and only then pay attention to all the other details.

If the bathrooms are large, then the choice of the optimal box may be limited only by the financial capabilities of the buyer.

If the store does not have the desired model, it can be made or delivered to order.

Unfortunately, the opposite situation is widespread - most Russians live in standard houses, where the dimensions of the bathroom are within the range of 180x210 cm, and the ceiling height is 240 cm. This significantly limits the choice of model - the dimensions of the cabin should not restrict movement, a person should be able to take two or three steps, raise your arms up or bend down.

If there are small children in the family, then you should give preference to models with a deep tray; it can simultaneously serve as a bathtub. Between closed and open models, it is better to choose a closed one - small children love to splash around, splashing drops of water; if the box is without walls, then over time the condition of the coatings in the room may deteriorate.

If the consumer is thin, then small-sized hydroboxes are suitable for him. But for overweight and obese people, it is worth considering purchasing a more spacious design - saving space in the bathroom should not be at the expense of the comfort and ease of use of the system.

In private houses without city sewerage, options with a flat tray are optimal. The additional function of a bathtub here can significantly increase water consumption, which will lead to rapid filling of the drainage hole.

If a shower stall is installed only to save space, then you should not choose rounded models in the shape of a rectangle, the outer side of which is rounded.

This option is designed for installation along the wall; it is not mounted in a corner, so the space will be used unproductively.

It is worth remembering that in small spaces the protruding corner of a rectangular square cabin will be in the way, so here it is optimal to mount a corner model with a beveled corner.

In addition to the shape and size of the structure, the choice of model is influenced by its quality. This parameter is determined by the operational properties of the entire structure as a whole and its individual elements; the strength and tightness of the connections is of fundamental importance here.

Not least important is the complex of additional functions.

  • Charcot - involves the simultaneous impact on the human body of many thin jets of water with strong pressure, this causes a massage effect, refreshes and replenishes strength;
  • cascade shower - in which a powerful stream of water falls on the human body from a certain height;
  • tropical shower - imitates heavy rain or downpour, the jets fall strictly vertically, causing a calming and healing effect;
  • ozone therapy – involves the effect of oxygen bubbles on the skin;
  • chromotherapy - the effect of exposure to ultraviolet rays, which improves blood circulation in the skin;
  • steam generation – you have the familiar effect of a Finnish sauna;
  • aromatherapy – releases essential oils with a pleasant aroma into the cabin.

Modern shower stalls can even be equipped with a radio to listen to your favorite music while taking hygiene procedures. A few years ago, such a function was considered an indicator of special luxury, but in modern models the receiver has been replaced by speakers operating via the Internet using Wi-Fi.

You should not think that a shower stall is only a means to save water, space in the bathroom and - presumably - money when choosing the interior in it. If you learn how to choose the right shower stall, you can make the showering process even more enjoyable and the environment around you harmonious.

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The standard components of a shower stall are a tray, walls and doors that fence off the person inside and prevent moisture from spreading throughout the room, plus - sometimes - a roof. The type of cabin, its dimensions, and price also matter.

Types of shower cabins

There are several main types of shower stalls:

without a roof- open, which are prefabricated;

with roof- closed models, monolithic;



Spacious cabin

Prefabricated models are the most common, as their design is simple and the price is relatively low. But for lovers of more interesting things - with many additional joys (for example, hydromassage), it is better to pay attention to monolithic types. Built-in cabins are great for small spaces, and in most cases they are corner.

Features of open-type shower cabins

The main thing when choosing open shower cabins is to decide on the size and placement. The most functional option is the “corner”, when one of the corners in the bathroom is fenced off with doors, there is a tray inside, and the rest of the space is decorated at the discretion of the owner of the room (usually with tiles). Plus - a mixing device with a shower head, possibly an additional panel.

But the shape of the open version is not limited to the angle (“radial”). It can be an oval, a square, or even a “snail” - anything. Special attention You should pay attention to the following details:

1) own dimensions and dimensions of other family members;

2) dimensions of the bathroom;

3) the ability to replace parts when they fail.

“Open”: sizes and pallets

What are the sizes of shower cabins? For open view most best option- 80-90 x 80-90 cm. This is the standard that can be installed in almost any room, and there will be no problems with the selection of components even from other companies.

Generally, the best pan shape is a pentagon or semicircle. It must be taken into account that you need to move freely inside. If the area is not limited, it would be optimal to order a rectangular tray that covers the entire wall and fence off this space with shower doors and walls.

The main quality of the pallet is waterproofing, strength and reliability. The best, but expensive materials are cast marble and quarry, cheaper ones are acrylic and ceramics, cast iron or steel.

Open cabin

“Open”: choosing a fence

Fencing - in the form of walls and doors - can be of two types:

1) frame type - there is a frame made of aluminum or plastic;

2) frameless type - made entirely of glass.

In the first case, the walls and doors themselves can be made of glass or plastic. Best views are made from tempered glass. Any patterns can be applied to the surfaces of doors and walls, and transparency also varies.

The second type is more expensive, but fails much less frequently due to the presence of a minimum of prefabricated elements. Strength is excellent, resulting from special modern hardening.

What door?

For any type of shower cabin, various ways of installing doors are possible:

- the most functional - sliding method, in the presence of sliding devices or hinges, in some versions allowing the door to be folded like an accordion;

swing method- convenient for more or less spacious bathrooms if the doors open outward (the option with swinging inward saves space, but is not very convenient);

rotary-sliding method- the doors will be more complex in design, but very convenient (the panel “swings open” from the cabin at an angle, taking up less space).

Which shower stall is better should be decided based on the area of ​​the room and the aesthetic preferences of the future owner.

Prefabricated cabin

Advantages and disadvantages of shower cabins

If we compare the prefabricated model and the closed type, we can say that each of them is suitable for certain purposes. So, the prefabricated (open) option will be convenient for those who:

— wants to order a device based on exact measurements;

- has the ability to select various elements;

— wants to choose additional equipment himself;

— ready to be responsible for the quality of choice.

The main advantage of closed options is that they are fully equipped and quickly installed “everything at once.” The price of each type may vary, it all depends on the materials used and the number of additional functions.


The main function is an uninterrupted supply of water at the required pressure, so it is better to choose a metal structure (shower head, hose, rod). The mixer can be any, but single lever wall views will not only perform the main function, but will also save water.

For those who visit any forum related to repairs and have children, it is no longer a secret: it is logical to purchase thermostatic mixer. It is quite difficult for a child to change the temperature here.

Additional functions for the open model include the installation of a ceiling shower (rain or waterfall effect), as well as a hydromassage panel.

Large closed cabin

About measurements

And once again about the installation of a shower cabin. It is necessary to know the exact planned dimensions. It is worth making a plan of the bathroom indicating its dimensions, as well as the exact dimensions of the place where the purchase is planned to be installed. It’s good if you can immediately decide on the shape of the pallet.

It is important to consider: even a custom-made cabin cannot be located exactly within the space allocated to it on the plan. You need to leave a margin of at least a few centimeters.

Height of any option future purchase should be sufficient - based on the height of the tallest family members. But for normal operation, the walls for open models and the roof for closed types should not reach the ceiling by at least 20 cm.

Closed model of shower cabin: features

Buy closed version convenient: everything will already be in place, all you have to do is wait for the one-time installation. The preparatory work here will be minimal, the main thing is the connection to the sewerage system and to the riser.

This option has the following advantages:

— minimal sound permeability;

— possibility of installation anywhere (for example, in the middle of the room);

- presence of a huge amount additional features;

- good moisture insulation, which helps preserve various surfaces(including furniture) in the room unchanged.

The electronic “stuffing” here is very rich - to implement the proposed functions.

Small elongated closed cabin

About additional functions

In addition to the actual ablution and classic hydromassage, closed cabins may have devices to perform functions such as:

1) aromatherapy;

2) sound therapy;

3) color therapy;

4) the possibility of organizing a bath (usually a Turkish or sauna).

The variety of hydromassage functions depends on the manufacturer, his imagination in the number and placement of nozzles (you can massage not only the back, but also the neck and shoulders), as well as the seat.

Therapy with colors, smells, and sounds will be fully implemented. But the classical one is impossible: too high temperature it presupposes in the classical sense. In this case, a combination of 100% humidity and heating steam to 40 0 ​​C is used.

“Closed” shower cabins: about materials and parameters

If for finishing open type A wide variety of materials are used, but for closed models of shower cabins the selection is not so wide. For example, it is impossible to use any wood inside: it will quickly become unusable due to high humidity when performing additional functions.

You should pay attention to more thermostatic materials - plastic, tempered glass and others. They won't get as hot.

Unfortunately, such a convenient multifunctional design in terms of installation has not only advantages - there are also disadvantages. It cannot be installed in houses where there is not sufficient water pressure in the riser (at least 2 bar).

Corner cabin

Features of built-in shower models

Often a built-in shower cabin is called the most the best solution- in terms of compactness, convenience, aesthetic properties. The design of the room will not suffer at all after installation - the door can be decorated with anything, in any style. There are simply no walls or roof.

All the “filling” is located inside special panels. Unlike monoblocks, large ones can be mounted (built in) here - that is, the steam generation function is carried out almost in full, as in a real bathhouse.

The lighting (for color therapy) is very rich and interesting. The seat is comfortable, there is enough legroom even for a seated person.

Possibilities of built-in cabins and selection rules

Built-in shower stalls compare favorably with other models in terms of safety. You need to keep in mind how to choose the right shower stall of this type. The main criterion should be the thickness of the glass walls - at least 0.6 cm. It is better to choose glass material - its tempered variety. The second point is the noiselessness and ease of opening the doors.

Special attention in models of this type hygiene is paid to: there are no protruding, sharp parts, all lines are correct and clear, all surfaces are easy to clean.

Additionally, you may be interested in the possibility of connecting a radio and even a stereo system, as well as massage devices and other little things that promote relaxation.

Cabin with bath

New: IR cabins

Relatively recently, shower cabins with the ability to infrared sauna. They can include all the functions listed above (hydromassage, aromatherapy, color therapy, etc.), and plus the heating of the human body itself due to infrared radiation. This allows you not to use steam generators, that is, the possibility of burns from this device is eliminated (it is available in monoblocks).

For many people attending a forum to discuss various technical innovations in Russia, such booths came as a pleasant surprise. After all, this warming up of the body is useful for almost everyone - even those people who do not tolerate a regular bath well, or those suffering from heart and vascular diseases.

About shower cabin manufacturers: expensive and high quality

If we talk about world brands that are widely known in Russia, then, first of all, we should name the Italian Albatros, Devit, Cezares. Of course, they are quite expensive, the quality is good, but don’t think: this is the best. In Europe, Finnish (IDO, Timo), German (Hansegrohe, Wesserfale), Swedish (IFO) and others successfully compete with Italian companies.

The price of company owners is determined by the use modern materials excellent quality, with many additional functions. They provide a long warranty period, are responsible for reliability, as well as maintainability. But everything is relative.

Simple corner cabin

Cheap and good

If you want to find something more democratic, you should pay attention to domestic and Chinese companies. Russian Aquatek, Aquatika, Aqua Joy produce fairly high-quality booths and offer a good range. During quality checks of Apollo and Avito products from China, no major deficiencies were also identified, even moreover: the quality is quite comparable with the products of the best European companies.

Another good brand is the Slovenian manufacturer Braus: a wide selection of products with different functions, interesting color solutions and an attractive price.

All of the listed companies offer shower stalls in the following price range: from 10-15 to 52-100 thousand rubles.


We can conclude: the best shower cabin is the one that meets all the needs of the future owner. That is, it fits both in size and design into the bathroom, is hygienic and comfortable, quite spacious, and has the desired additional functions. All these qualities can be found in Russian, Chinese, and European companies, so the buyer should first of all study the product itself, and not trust the brand’s reputation.

How to choose the right shower cabin video:

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Due to their convenience and versatility, shower cabins are increasingly being installed in domestic bathrooms. They differ in material of manufacture, configuration and size. Manufacturers delight with an assortment of models with a variety of functionality.

But how to choose a shower stall so that it not only turns out to be as comfortable as possible during your shower? water procedures, but also fits harmoniously into the interior of the bathroom?

On the one hand, the shower cabin is intended for performing hygienic procedures, and on the other hand, it is a piece of furniture in the bathroom. When choosing its model, it is necessary to take into account both the purely functional capabilities and the general appearance of this hydrobox.

And first you need to determine your expectations from purchasing this plumbing equipment, that is, determine the purpose for which it is being purchased. Otherwise, the bathroom may end up with a fancy device with a lot of unnecessary functions, or an unpresentable and unnecessary “cabinet” with only one shower head. As a result, this huge thing will take up such precious space in the bathroom, but it will be of no use.

A shower cabin is a plumbing fixture consisting of water supply and drainage devices, a tray and a fencing structure for the inner box from the general space of the bathroom.

The main limitation when choosing a shower stall is the dimensions of the bathroom. The desire to have a hydromassage jacuzzi or Turkish steam bath at your disposal is understandable, but not always feasible. The size of the bathroom is limited; some additional functions often have to be abandoned in favor of small size and the minimum required set of capabilities.

Let's find out how to choose the right modern shower stall so that it meets the criteria listed below.

Criterion #1 – material and shape of the pallet

Some shower cabins are sold completely. However, this option requires the installation of a special floor inside the shower box with high-quality waterproofing. If you plan to install a shower cabin yourself, then it is better to immediately choose a product with a mini-bathtub.

This model is easier to assemble; anyone who knows how to read instructions and use a wrench and a screwdriver can install it.

If there are children in the house, then it is better to give preference to a tray in the form of a full-fledged bathtub 40–50 cm deep, in which a child can be bathed without any problems

Shower trays are made from:

  • cast iron– classic and durable, but takes a long time to heat up material;
  • become– durable, but quite noisy option;
  • acrylic(plastic) - cheap, easy to install and stylish models;
  • earthenware– a solid and elegant variation;
  • artificial marble- durable, quiet and the most expensive option.

Metal baths are not afraid of falling heavy objects. And their acrylic, ceramic and marble counterparts will immediately crack or crack in such a situation.

And if a small crack in acrylic can still be repaired, then earthenware and marble will have to be thrown away and bought a new pallet.

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Criterion #3 – open and closed types of boxes

Based on the type of construction and its tightness, all shower cabins are divided into two types: closed and open. The choice based on this criterion is determined by the financial capabilities of the buyer and the functionality of the box. For example, the presence of a steam bath is only possible in a closed model.

And here the price of the latter will always be higher than that of an open cabin with regular shower and water spray nozzles.

An open shower cabin has opening doors and blank panels on the sides plus a tray at the bottom, the top remains uncovered (only the bathroom ceiling is at the top)

Due to the modest set of functional elements (often just a shower head) and minimalist design open cabins are cheaper than closed hydroboxes. The latter have a top cover and are sealed.

Their device prevents steam from escaping into the bathroom when taking a shower. But the cost of such models is two to four times higher than open alternative options.

When deciding which one to choose - an open or closed shower stall, you should understand that the bathroom for the first type model must have high-quality waterproofing. During operation, a lot of steam comes out from hot water; the humidity in the bathroom will be high. The costs of interior finishing and more moisture-resistant furniture often exceed the savings from choosing a cheap open-air shower.

Criterion #4 – additional functionality

A watering can on a hose is the minimum, without which a shower stall cannot do without. However, most models in addition to it have a side panel with nozzles adjustable in the direction of spray and a sprinkler on top, and are also equipped with lighting and a fan.

Mid- and premium-class shower cabins are equipped with a choice of a whole range of various devices and auxiliary equipment for comfortable washing

As an additional function, the shower stall may contain:

  • Radio and telephone– for those who like to sing along to themselves in the shower and are waiting for an important call.
  • Hydromassage for feet– pressure-regulated water jets that tone the skin and relax the muscles.
  • Backlight– required for a closed shower cabin.
  • Ventilation– to ensure air circulation inside the cabin and to extract excess steam from it.
  • Rain shower– a special water dispersion system that creates the effect of rain in the tropics inside.
  • Steam Turkish bath– implies the presence of a steam generator.
  • Cold and hot shower– automatic control of water jets, which alternates very hot and extremely cold water in accordance with the specified time intervals.
  • Aromatherapy system- an addition to, which allows you to add aromatic oils to the created steam.
  • Thermal mixers– devices that maintain water temperature within specified parameters regardless of pressure drops in the water supply system.

The choice of each of these elements, as far as it is needed, depends only on the preferences of the buyer. But the more of them there are in the selected shower cabin model, the wider the functionality of the shower box and the higher its price. And every additional function is an inevitable increase in the dimensions of the cabin.

If the water flows from the pipes in an apartment or private house is hard, then it is better to abandon the “tropical shower”, otherwise its sprinklers with small holes will quickly become clogged with sediment and it will simply stop working correctly.

When choosing the model you like, be sure to check the functionality of the doors: how they open and close. The doors should move/swing smoothly, silently and without much effort, and when closed they should be airtight.

They are a barrier to splashing water, so at the point of contact with each other there must be a magnetic tape along the entire length from top to bottom.

How smaller sizes the shower cabin chosen for purchase and the fewer different electronics it contains, the easier it will be to install it yourself

If the cabin is needed solely for taking a shower in the morning and evening, then the model should be chosen without all kinds of hydromassages, steam generators and radios. A simple box with a low tray and one watering can will be enough, and this option will be inexpensive. There is no point in purchasing expensive plumbing fixtures whose functionality will not be fully used.

Before you go to the store to choose a shower stall, you need to correctly and objectively evaluate the space available in the bathroom and take a closer look at those available for sale. A box that is too large in a tiny bathroom will take up the entire floor area and leave no room for other plumbing fixtures. Moreover, when drawing up a plan for the placement of plumbing fixtures, we must not forget about the supply of pipelines and electricity.

Everything is quite simple with the electrical wires; they can be placed under the decor anywhere in the bathroom. With sewerage, everything is somewhat more complicated. As a rule, it is located in one of its corners. And at this angle the shower cabin should be placed against the wall with sewer pipe. The shorter the sewer line from the shower box to the riser, the less likely it is to become clogged.

If there are children in the family, then it is better to select a shower stall with a deep tray. Such a box with open doors easily turns from a shower into a bathtub for bathing a child. You can also wash clothes by hand in this bath or soak them before washing.

Rating of the largest manufacturers

On the domestic plumbing market, shower cabins are represented by both Russian and foreign assembly. Moreover, their cost greatly depends on the manufacturer. You can pay two or three times more for the same functionality. In fact, this is a brand fee.

Stores ask a lot for equipment from the famous Jacuzzi company, which has become a household name. But the quality of plumbing fixtures from this Italian manufacturer is certainly high.

Among domestic manufacturers, it is worth highlighting “Radomir” and “BAS”. These are the oldest and largest firms on the market. Aquanet and Akvarel offer good shower cabins with acrylic trays.

When looking for a compact box, you should pay attention to the Aqua Joy company, which specializes in plumbing fixtures for large bathrooms. And if you need a designer model, then it is better to opt for shower cabins from Laniver.

The budget import segment is represented by the global factory – China. At the same time, there are purely Chinese goods of questionable quality, and there are shower cabins produced in the Middle Kingdom at factories controlled by Europeans.

The latter have quite decent performance, without defects and from high-quality materials. Here you can choose among the brands “Appolo”, “Aqualux”, “AquaStream”, “Goldman” and “Optima”.

When choosing Chinese cabins, they should be divided into those manufactured in China under the control of Europeans and those independently developed by the Chinese - the former have very good quality, and the latter can only please you with a low price

The Germans (“Edelform”, “Wasserfalle”, “Westerhof”), the Czechs (“Luxus” and “Riho”), and the Finns (“Oras”, “Ido”, “Nimo”, “ Master Finn") and Italians ("Primo", "Valencia"). All of their products are distinguished by high quality workmanship and a wide range of various additional functions. And the more of the latter, the higher the price of the equipment.

Virtually all European manufacturers in the mid-cost segment offer shower cabins of the same quality. Here, when choosing, you need to pay more attention not to the brand, but to the proposed functionality and design.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

All about the characteristics and filling of shower stalls:

How to buy a shower cabin correctly, what you should pay attention to:

Choosing a suitable shower stall among the variety on the market is quite difficult. But if you try, you will definitely find the ideal price-quality ratio. You just need to decide right away which functions and “bells and whistles” are needed and which ones you can discard.

There are now a variety of options available for the functionality and content of shower cabins, so you can always search and find the optimal model in terms of characteristics and cost.

Please leave your comments on the article in the block below. And if you purchased a new shower stall model, share photos of the plumbing fixtures and your impressions of using it. Perhaps there are some nuances? Tell our website visitors about them.

Which shower cabin will please your soul and body?

A huge range of shower cabins, both European and Chinese, puts the buyer in front of complex issue choice. The variety of existing models can confuse anyone, so in order not to spend extra money, clearly define the functionality you need.

First of all, which shower enclosures should you not buy?

Inexpensive shower cabins although popular due to their low price, they can have significant drawbacks. Therefore, no matter how much Chinese manufacturers praise themselves, no matter how hard they try to stuff their cabins with many different functions, no matter how much they talk about joint Italian-Finnish-American design and production, no matter how they lure in price, the quality of Chinese models is inferior to truly European ones. When installing “Chinese” products, difficulties often arise due to low-quality parts. During operation, the trays of many models creak and crack, unable to withstand the load, the glass can crumble in one moment, all the shiny showers, faucets, handles, watering cans, hydromassages stop working, the cabin begins to leak, the shining white acrylic in the store swells and turns yellow. Often, warranty service is not provided in full.

Inexpensive European manufacturers in practice they turn into the same China. For example, TIMO shower enclosures - which are described as being made in Finland - are actually made in China. The quality of TIMO shower cabins, by the way, is very good for their price - but it is not clear why this deception of consumers is needed. And there is no need to talk about good warranty service either.

At the same time, Appollo, Aquamarine and many other Chinese manufacturers do not hide their origins, develop infrastructure and business and feel great in the Russian market.

Therefore, if the budget is limited - Among the budget Chinese shower cabins, it is quite possible to choose a suitable model. Be careful when purchasing, look at the quality of components and the materials from which they are made, ask sellers about warranties, entrust the installation to experienced craftsmen - and an inexpensive shower cabin will serve you well.

You should also choose shower cabins from Russian manufacturers with caution. It is safer to choose a cabin of joint European-Russian production.

Ido Showerama 8-5 (Finland)
best outdoor shower stall without roof

Photo: www.abitec.ru

Ido Showerama is a high-quality shower cabin from a famous Finnish manufacturer. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail; the design took into account the requirements for functionality and convenience. The model can be chosen in different sizes, with tempered 6mm clear, frosted, patterned or tinted glass. The tray is made of marble, which makes it massive and stable.

Advantages: the presence of both a hand-held watering can and a full-fledged rain shower, the glass is installed in an aluminum profile, there are high-quality seals, and an original-shaped drain.

Flaws: expensive spare parts

Reviews:“No fungus or mold, no need to lubricate anything with silicone every month. A real rain shower, the old version only had a hand-held shower head. But, if something breaks, spare parts are difficult to find, and prices are high. But still, I definitely recommend it!”

IFO Solid SKR (Sweden)
best outdoor shower with hydromassage

Photo: www.sandom.ru

Approximate price: 70,000 rub.

The IFO Solid SKR shower cabin from the Swedish manufacturer has a modern, laconic design. The peculiarity of the model is the absence of visible seams, and it is in them that water and dirt accumulate.

Advantages: 10 year warranty, thermostat included

Flaws: mechanical overhead shower

Reviews:“There are a lot of enclosed shower stalls on the market. They are a bit stuffy. Therefore, the choice fell on an open cabin, but I also wanted a hydromassage. The Swedes, of course, pay attention to quality.”

Albatros T09 A900 MS (Italy)
best hydromassage box with low tray

Photo: stroisanteh.ru

T09 A900 MS is a good hydromassage cabin with a roof from the famous Italian brand Albatros. The walls and tray are made of high-quality European acrylic white. Transparent doors made of safety tempered glass, an overhead shower with a tropical shower effect, hydromassage, vertical massage, a seat, three shelves, two of which are originally hidden in the body, and the excellent quality of all parts make the shower cabin the best in this category.

Advantages: true Italian quality, the ability to modernize and install a Turkish bath.

Flaws: For such functionality the cost is still high

Reviews:“I compared them between Chinese analogues and this shower stall. “Chinese” ones are, of course, more functional for such a price, but the quality, guys, is incomparable. There is practically nothing to complain about. Even the smell in this booth is different.”

best hydromassage box with high tray

Photo: www.universan.ru

Approximate price: 87,000 rub.

The LAGARD LYRA H shower cabin is made of impact-resistant tempered glass 8 mm thick. A tall, strong acrylic tray allows you to bathe a small child. Rain shower, hydromassage, LED lighting, electronic control, radio, ventilation, ozonation, power-off protection, protection against water pressure drop, Hansgrohe accessories make the shower stall multifunctional, comfortable and stylish. Assembly is absolutely free of silicone.

Advantages: Sturdy pallet, availability Turkish bath.

Flaws: High price.

Reviews:“The hydromassage cabin is of very high quality, and the high tray allows you to bathe a small child; we no longer need a baby bath. The price is rather high, but the German quality is worth it.”

Jacuzzi Amea Twin Premium (Italy)
best hydromassage box with open bath

Photo: stroy-mart.ru

Approximate price: 189,000 rub.

Stunning series of Twin shower enclosures from luxury Italian manufacturer Jacuzzi, whose name speaks for itself. The famous Italian designer Carlo Urbinati. A comfortable and practical bathtub harmoniously combines with a hydromassage shower column, an overhead shower, a mirror, a shelf, and a seat. In addition, the bathtub is huge: 180 cm long and 86 cm wide. High-quality fittings and finishes make this complex magnificent.

Advantages: Looks chic and exclusive.

Flaws: High price.

Reviews:“Jacuzzi is the best shower cabin! Even just walking into the bathroom, I feel like a lady from an aristocratic family, and when I use this work of designer art, I feel blissful.”

Novitek Evelyn (Finland)
the best hydromassage box with an enclosed bathtub

Photo: www.hitkabina.ru

Novitek Evelyn is a new product from a famous Finnish manufacturer. A deep, full bathtub measuring 170 cm and with a volume of 240 liters will allow you to soak in the foam to your heart's content. And if you want to take hydromassage treatments, then hydromassage of the legs, back, and neck is at your service. An overhead tropical shower will relieve fatigue and invigorate you. The mixer has five positions and is equipped with a thermostat. The cabin is complemented by a radio, mirrors, two seats and two shelves.

Advantages: The bathtub is large, the cabin can easily accommodate two people, and there are many useful features.

Flaws: High price.

Reviews: " Excellent hydromassage box with bathtub. We spent a long time choosing and asking prices. Since we are not limited in size, we wanted a large bath with a hydromassage so that my husband and I could take a bath. Very pleased. The price is high, but... Or buy a Chinese one and change it after 3-4 years, or a Finnish one - and enjoy the quality for 15-20 years.”

Am.Pm Bourgeois (Germany - Italy)
the best hydromassage box with Turkish bath and low tray

Photo: www.aquabum.ru

The Bourgeois collection of shower enclosures from a European manufacturer, specially designed for small bathrooms, is the height of perfection and sophisticated style.

Am.Pm Bourgeois consists of a hydromassage cabin and a steam bath. The hydromassage cabin is equipped with a control panel with a Touch Screen display, eight vertical Active Jets, three back jets, an overhead rain shower and a shower head.

The steam bath operates on a digital control system. It performs many health benefits: eliminates toxins, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, improves the functioning of the immune system, and reduces tension. The cabin has a radio for a pleasant pastime, a fan, a mirror, shelves for shampoo, and a seat. Acrylic tray 16 mm high.

Advantages: European build quality, comfort, hydromassage, steam bath, stable design, high-quality acrylic.

Flaws: High price, poor radio reception quality.

Reviews:“There are some shortcomings, but overall, I think I chose the best shower stall for myself. A compromise between cheap China for 30-40 thousand rubles and expensive European assembly from 180,000 rubles.”

Luxus 532 (Czech Republic)
the best hydromassage box with Turkish bath and high tray

Photo: luxus-shop.ru

The cabin of the Luxus 532 is made in the shape of a quadrangle with a deep tray, which also has a transparent contour in the form of a semicircle, which gives special sophistication. Thanks to large sizes in width and height, the cabin can comfortably accommodate two people. The design provides for many useful functions, even a telephone and speakerphone are equipped. Tinted glass on the doors will eliminate the view limescale, hydromassage, overhead rain shower, lighting, radio, shelves, seating, and, of course, a steam generator for the Turkish bath will bring a lot of pleasure from taking water treatments.

Advantages: Tinted glass, original form baths.

Flaws: Despite European quality, the warranty is only 1 year.

Reviews:“Nice spacious shower cabin, nothing breaks, works properly. We bought it 8 months ago and are still happy with it. The massage is great, sometimes I even go there just for the sake of it. Everything is done carefully and efficiently. My friends were jealous. Now they are promoting their husbands.”

Grande Home ITC 1812
the best hydromassage box with a Finnish sauna

Photo: www.dlyavann.ru

Approximate price: 290,000 rub.

To determine the winner in this category, I had to step on the throat of my own song and choose a model from a Chinese manufacturer. The reason is that Europeans do not produce shower cabins combined with a Finnish sauna. They simply offer to buy a separate box with a sauna and a separate hydromassage box. In defense of this manufacturer, we can say that its products are aimed strictly at the European market, and therefore they are quite high quality. The described model has an electronic thermostatic mixer, a touch control panel, hydromassage jets made of brass, an ozonizer, an overhead shower with LED chromotherapy, a steam sauna, an infrared sauna, FM radio, an aluminum profile, and tempered glass.

Advantages: multifunctional model, high quality parts, good level of service.

Flaws: Chinese manufacturer - some may be wary, but the alternative is, again, only Chinese models.

Reviews:“A very high-quality and multifunctional model of a hydromassage shower cabin. It features a Finnish infrared sauna. In one complex there is a Turkish bath and a sauna. Friends now go not to the sauna, but to me J.”

Luxus 023D (Czech Republic)
best inexpensive hydromassage cabin

Photo: aquanta-spb.ru

Approximate price: 22000 rub.

The Czechs have always been distinguished by their ability to take the best from the same Germans and implement them in their models. So Luxus confirmed this. Quality materials, good design and the latest technology are embodied in this shower cabin - the best among inexpensive ones. High-strength acrylic, transparent 5-mm glass, a firmly standing low tray, elegant wood-look inserts on the seat and on the walls - all this decorates the cabin and inspires reliability. The shape (quarter circle) allows you to install it in any bathroom. The cabin is equipped with all the necessary functions: overhead rain shower, as well as a multifunctional hand shower; back hydromassage with 6 adjustable jets; convenient shelves for soap and shampoo, mirror, seat; radio, multifunctional control panel, overhead lighting and ventilation. Everything here is thought out for convenience and a pleasant pastime.

Advantages: Stable design, comfort, acrylic materials, 5 operating modes of hydromassage equipment.

Flaws: Difficulties arise during self-assembly.

Reviews:“A budget shower cabin, and the equipment is impressive. There is a hydromassage, lighting, various stands, shelves. There is no point in comparing with more expensive models, since everything is fine. I hope it lasts a long time."

the best shower cabin for a summer house

Photo: www.ravak.ru

Approximate price: 27,000 rub.

Very light shower cabin design from a Czech manufacturer. In fact, this is only transparent safety glass 6 mm thick, which is installed in aluminum profiles. The doors are sliding, which saves space in the bathroom. Ergonomic handle makes opening easy. All glass parts are covered protective layer from dirt and lime deposits.

Advantages: Inexpensive, quality parts.

Flaws: There is no tray in the basic configuration; you need to purchase one in addition.

Reviews: « Air model. Everything is very simple and thoughtful. What else do you need to just go in and take a shower? I don’t need all these hydromassages and other bells and whistles. By the way, there really are no water stains on the glass.”

ECO 200 Comfort
the best summer shower cabin for a summer house

Photo: mnogobt.ru

Approximate price: 15,300 rub.

When you have an excellent large country house, which also does not freeze in winter, then, in principle, you can choose any cabin from those described above. But most often we live in the country in the summer, and this particular shower cabin is best suited there. The cabin can be installed anywhere, and in winter it can be disassembled and brought into the house. The unit has a 200 liter tank with a 2kW heating capacity, which can heat water to a temperature of 50°C. The cabin is covered with a moisture-resistant awning, there is a ventilation mesh, the frame is made of steel profile, and the pallet is made of wooden slats.

Advantages: Inexpensive, ideal shower cabin for the summer in the country.

Flaws: It has a short service life, but if the cabin is placed under a canopy, it can last for several seasons.

Reviews:“I bought it, brought it, built it, poured water, heated it, took a shower. There is no need to wait for sunny days, the cabin has a heater, and the tank is 200 liters. An excellent option for a summer residence."

AM.PM Admire Suite
the best elite multifunctional shower complex

Photo: www.ferox.cn

Approximate price: from 985,000 rub. depending on configuration

Admire Suite is not just a good shower cabin with a set of functions, it is an entire bathroom that shapes the design of the home. You can choose any configuration depending on your desires and capabilities. This is an excellent hydromassage multifunctional cabin with a steam bath, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, waterfall, rain shower, mixer with thermostat, thick tempered glass 8 mm, Bluetooth, wood-effect doors, and a sauna with a powerful 4.5 kW stove, electronically controlled, with larch interior trim, and a fully functional toilet room with toilet and bidet. This is truly a whole elite complex.

Advantages: An exclusive model that will emphasize the highest status of its owner.

Flaws: Bathroom and toilet for the price of a car.

Reviews:“This is the Maserati of shower complexes. I’m sure few people have such a device.”

Which shower cabin is better to buy?

When choosing the best shower stall, decide on its purpose and the functionality you need. There is no point in overpaying for marketing bells and whistles that you will never use. Next, select the shape and height of the tray, as well as the dimensions of the cabin. Evaluate how you will feel in the cabin while taking water procedures. To do this, enter the cabin and raise your arms up, bent at the elbows, as if washing your hair. If your elbows don't cling to anything, it's your size.

If the water in your tap is hard, this will lead to limescale stains on the glass parts of the cabin. Therefore, we recommend buying not transparent cabins, but with tinted, frosted or patterned glass.

And another important recommendation: Do not install it yourself. This, at first glance, apparent savings can result in serious troubles during further operation. Use the services of either service centers or professionals.

Happy shopping!

"Choosing a shower stall is a piece of cake!" - this is what people say who have never had to purchase it before. But in the process of choosing a model, it usually turns out that one has excellent functions, but is too large in size, another has suitable dimensions and shape, but the door opens in such a way that it will touch the hanging cabinet, the third seems to be good for everyone, but the unknown manufacturer confuses...

In this article we will look at the features of shower structures that help save internal space and at the same time ensure full compliance with hygiene procedures.

When choosing such equipment, the sore point is the optimal shape and size of the hydrobox, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve harmony when arranging the bathroom. Let's look at the most common options.

Rectangular shower enclosures - time-tested classics

One of the most common types of shower cabins is the classic one. rectangular shape. Asymmetrical structures with a radius at one of the corners have a similar useful area - we will talk about them below. The picture shows an option with a 440mm deep tray:

These models are characterized by the following parameters of width and length in centimeters:

Length Width
90 70
100 80
110 90
110 80
120 85
120 90
140 80
145 85
150 85
150 90
158 85
168 85
170 85
170 88
170 90

If the cabin is equipped not with a pallet, but with a bathtub, the width of the product can reach 170 cm. The height of the structure can also be different: 190, 210,215 230 and 240 centimeters taking into account the top cover.

Square is always in fashion. Shower stall with equal sides

They combine the advantages of corner and rectangular models. Dimensions of the equilateral shower enclosure:

Corner shower options for the bathroom

Such designs are optimal for small bathrooms: thanks to the corner installation option, a lot of free space is freed up. Shower corners come in a variety of shapes and, in order to increase usable space, are often made with a spherical front wall. It is worth noting that not all models are equipped with rear panels, which also affects the overall dimensions.

A relative of the rectangle is the asymmetrical corner booth

If we talk about parameters, the width of the wall can vary between 70-150 centimeters. The height of the booths usually does not exceed 2,400 mm.

Multifaceted hydromassage box. The client's desire is the law for the manufacturer

Typical option for installation in a corner. Visually, the shape looks complex, but it is easier to manufacture than options with a smooth contour.

Corner quarter-circle cabin - spaciousness with modest dimensions

It is quite natural that this form was initially intended for small bathrooms, but there are also larger models on the market designed for spacious rooms.

Semicircular shape - the epitome of minimalist chic

Unfortunately, in this area there is some confusion in terminology and often a semicircular shower stall is called the “quarter circle” option, therefore in all dialogues (especially telephone) with sellers you should clarify the number of angles in the form of the proposed option.

However, in the case of dimensions, you can focus on the dimensions for the “quarter circle” shape given in the table above.

Round shower cubicle - looks amazing

Installing round shower cabins is a rather interesting solution for interior design. The advantages of such structures include the following features:

    Thanks to unusual shape, round models fit organically into the area of ​​small bathrooms.

    The round shape guarantees various options installation: the cabin can be mounted against a wall or in the center of the bathroom.

    Given the various color options, booths can make the interior unforgettable and interesting.

If we talk about sizes, the standard radius of round cabins usually varies between 900-1,200 mm.

You can't go anywhere without them. Custom sizes

The non-standard shape of shower cabins can satisfy the most demanding consumer tastes. We present proportions that do not fit into the standard size range, but are present in the line of models of some manufacturers.

Here you can find the following sizes:

Minimum sizes that can be offered to you

Given such diversity on the market, a logical question arises: “What dimensions of a small shower stall and tray can be considered the minimum?” The answer will be relevant for owners of small apartments who are trying their best to save internal space.

For shower stalls, the smallest size will be considered the following values:

    Width - 75 cm.

    Length - 80 cm.

    Height - 198 cm.

With such compact dimensions, the booth has full functionality and provides comfort when performing hygiene procedures.

Folding shower - an example of radical minimalism

Shapes and sizes of shower trays

With the minimum height of the pallets, things don’t look so clear. There are models in which the side of the pallet is flush with the floor level, and therefore has zero height. Such products not only perform a design function, but are also suitable for older people. If we talk about accepted standards, the following categories are distinguished:

  • Deep- from 25 to 45 cm
  • Average- from 5 to 20 cm
  • Low- up to 4 cm

What size will be the most comfortable?

It all depends on individual preferences and the size of the bathroom. However, according to experts, the optimal size is the width of the walls 90*90 cm. Designs of such sizes are presented in abundance in the tables above. Functionally, they are convenient for a person of average build, and their compact dimensions make it possible to install a shower stall in almost any bathroom.

Types of door designs for booths

Swing Articulated Sliding Rotary Folding A popular door is the accordion door, which is also relevant for small spaces. A classic and logical attribute of rectangular cabins.
Door design Description
A door with standard hinges is used similarly to any interior or entrance door. Of course, it is a familiar and therefore popular option, but it requires free space in the room, since it always opens to the outside.
Rotary hinges are mounted at the ends, thanks to which the door opens along a trajectory identical to the previous version. Possible opening angles: 90°,135°,180°. Used on doors with an accordion in 2-3 folds, inward and outward. Safe, functional and very aesthetically pleasing.
A true classic of ergonomics. The movement of the panels is provided by roller mechanisms that slide along metal guides. A practical, reliable and time-tested option widely used in corner booths.
The door opens and “slides” to the side. Designed for small spaces, and it would seem that this mechanism should be popular in our latitudes, but today the choice of such a design is rather the exception than the rule.

Functions of modern shower cabins

Thanks to the capabilities of modern shower cabins, every hygiene procedure can be turned into a real holiday. Here are the functions:

    Hydromassage. Nozzles are built into the cabin walls and are adjustable in different directions. Tight water jets stimulate blood circulation and relieve stress and fatigue.

    Rain shower. A special nozzle is installed in the roof of the shower cabin, which divides the flow of water into individual drops. As a result, a complete imitation of a tropical downpour is created, which has a calming effect on the nervous system.

    General volume ventilation. This function helps to ventilate the interior of the cabin or distribute steam evenly when the product is operating in sauna mode.

    Turkish bath. The option is due to the installation of a steam generator, which provides inside optimal humidity and high temperature. As a result, you can enjoy the unforgettable effect of a steam room without leaving your home.

    Air ozonation. In such models, a special ozonizer is installed, which effectively destroys any pathogenic microflora and prevents the formation of mold inside the shower stall. In addition, ozone eliminates the characteristic odor that often occurs in rooms with high humidity.

    Infrared heating. This function creates the effect of an infrared sauna with a targeted effect on a person. Gentle warmth not only allows you to quickly warm up, but also dilates blood vessels, activating the circulatory system.

    Aromatherapy. Models with this option have a special container into which aromatic oil is poured. When the cabin operates in bath mode, oil vapors fill the interior space, creating a unique sensation.

    Inhalation. The function operates on a similar principle to aromatherapy. Extracts of medicinal plants are poured into a special container on the back wall.

    Chromotherapy (color therapy). In this mode, the shower cabin lighting emits several color shades, each of which affects a specific system of the human body. The effectiveness of this technique has been confirmed by clinical trials.

It is worth noting that the cost of such multifunctional cabins is noticeably higher than models with standard configuration.

List of verified manufacturers

Brands are a blur to the eyes, I would like to choose a good manufacturer the first time. To make life easier for customers, here are 5 trustworthy brands on the Russian plumbing market.

    TIMO. Finnish company that produces shower cabins of various sizes and price categories. The side panels and doors are made of impact-resistant materials, which significantly increases the service life of the product.

    NIAGARA. A Russian brand that confidently competes with Western manufacturers, yet is located in an affordable market segment. All models are characterized by the installation of acrylic trays, built-in ventilation, radio and lighting.

    SERENA. These models were created by hardworking Chinese and organically combine interesting design and advanced functionality. It is worth noting that the products attract buyers with build quality, durability and affordable cost.

    RIVER. Another Chinese brand that confidently conquers Russian market. These models are characterized by the installation of acrylic trays, removable screens and sliding doors. Only environmentally friendly materials are used in production.

    ERLIT. A Russian brand that produces shower cabins in high-tech style: an organic combination of glass and chrome elements. The models are equipped with steam generators, hydromassage, music and lighting.

The products of these manufacturers have long enjoyed the well-deserved trust of Russian consumers.

This knowledge will be useful to you

Determining the dimensions of a shower cabin before purchasing is very important nuance. Here you need to take into account not only the linear dimensions of the product, but also the area of ​​the bathroom, as well as the nuances of installation. In particular:

    Some manufacturers indicate in their catalogs the height of models without taking into account the top cover, and this is approximately + 30-40 cm to the height of the product.

    When choosing external dimensions, you need to take into account the technical clearance in 1-3 cm, which remains between the bathroom wall and the shower panel.

    Corner booths, although they look more compact, however, thanks to the rounded shape of the front panel, they significantly increase in size. For example, a model with a wall width of 80 cm, at peak distance from the far corner to the door will be about 125 cm.

Therefore, when choosing a shower stall, it is very important to take into account all the parameters in order to avoid unpleasant surprises during installation. Good luck!

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