Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Development of fantasy and imagination in a child. Training. Interesting exercises to develop imagination

A full-fledged creative act is always a breakthrough, it is going beyond certain previously designated frameworks. This is a shift in consciousness one step forward. We can say that we are all in a certain mental field with designated boundaries. It is like a state with its own rules, the role of which is played by cause-and-effect relationships. So creativity transforms these boundaries. He is cramped within the designated framework. He is not interested in following the pattern. It's looking for secret door in this closed little world, and finds her. The path where she is located is suggested to him by his imagination.

Imagination- it’s like some kind of force that can lift a person’s thought upward, where new horizons are visible, where old rules are canceled and new ones are established.

At the very beginning we talked about the so-called new connections between objects, which are possible thanks to the incredible capabilities of our brain. Imagination makes these connections. Or rather, it has the courage not to notice the old ones, to overcome them, creating new ones. Mechanically it looks like this:

Receiving creative task Usually the brain follows the path of “least resistance” - it begins to produce solution options that “lie” somewhere on the surface. Following inertia, he makes decisions based on old connections established earlier. They seem to attract us. This is everything we have already seen and heard before. The creative mechanism is not activated in this case.

If a person is not satisfied with this level of solving a problem, he begins to look for an option, personal, new, that is, to approach the solution creatively. The solution can always be unexpected, since new connections are formed between already known objects. A so-called paradox arises, which the famous poet called “the friend of genius.”

How to train your imagination?

Of course, one cannot help but say that imagination is formed in a person’s life from childhood and throughout his life. Reading fiction, travel is one of the sources for developing imagination. As for the training itself, it is built on exercises in which the inertia of thought would be overcome, and the ability to transform the image of an object would also be developed. One of the exercises is presented in the form of a game in which several people can participate. Its meaning is as follows. One of the participants needs to name any word (for example, sun) and the other needs to name a word that does not have close associations with the previous one. For example, pliers. The next participant again needs to overcome the “close associative network of concepts” with this word. For example, Antarctica. The fewer connections between words, the better. Imagine that you are on a desert island. Of the few things you had left after the shipwreck, you found an ordinary paperclip. Offer 20-30 options for its “new” use. Try being an inventor. Every invention that has appeared in history has always been created by combining properties and qualities taken from different objects. For example: car and steel = tank. So we need to take two objects and make a third one from them. Take the following objects: a tennis racket and a bottle, a watch and a brooch, an umbrella and a newspaper, a lamp and a wallet, a telephone and a mixer. Let your imagination look into the future. Think of the equivalent of today's money in the future. Based on this, describe this futuristic world. If you have children, then you know what childhood curiosity is like at a certain age. Answer the following children's questions very meaningfully and completely: Who paints a cat different colors? Why does it rain and not run? Where are the keys to the heart kept?

7 exercises for " Development of imagination" from the book by Boreev G. "Conscious exits from the body. Nine practical methods. (Techniques for achieving physical immortality)."

Developing imagination - First exercise

Select an object at eye level at a distance of 1 - 3 meters. The item to start with should be very simple: a book, a pen, a matchbox. Close your eyes and imagine a white, empty, glowing space. Keep a clear image of it in your mind's eye for 3 to 5 minutes. Then open your eyes and contemplate the object for 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, but simply look through it, as if you were looking into the distance, trying to take in the subject as a whole. Close your eyes and imagine this object in your mind, placing it in a white luminous space for 3 - 5 minutes. The exercise needs to be done 5-8 times, trying to do it calmly, without straining, without any effort of will.

Developing Imagination - Second Exercise

While lying in bed, before going to sleep, close your eyes and imagine a black letter “A” on a white background. Hold the image of the letter in your mind for several minutes. The letter can change in shape, float away, shrink - calmly return it to its original place in its original form. The next day, imagine the letter “B” in the same way. Hold the letter in your imagination until the image is clearly captured. On next stage For this exercise, hold the combinations of the letters “AB”, then “VG” and so on. Then hold three letters in your imagination. Some people immediately manage to keep 5 or more letters on their mental screen. Work further, bring the number of letters held in your imagination to ten. Exercise helps develop concentration, expand the scope of perception, and improve memory.

Developing Imagination - Third Exercise

Imagine a small red square, fix it in your imagination. Now imagine that the square increases in size, diverging its edges to infinity. Now there is a red space in front of you, contemplate it. The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Once you have mastered this, move on to more complex things. Imagine first the color red, smoothly turning into orange, orange turning into yellow and so on until purple. Then you need to go back from purple. Then imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. People's skin gradually becomes orange, yellow - and so on until purple. Then it gradually turns red again.

Development of imagination - Fourth exercise

Imagine an apple. Start rotating it clockwise in space. Imagine how it flies out of your head and flies around the room. Place the apple opposite the bridge of your nose and look at it. Carefully try to mentally enter into it, feel yourself in its size and shape. Then fly one meter up from your body in an apple and look at the world from this point. You should see your body below, the walls of the room, the furniture, the close ceiling. This exercise should be done while sitting in a chair or lying on a bed, as involuntary access to the astral world is possible. It is extremely important not to lose control of yourself during the exercise. If you sense something is wrong, open your eyes immediately.

Development of imagination - Fifth exercise

Look carefully at any object. Close your eyes, try to see the same object in the same place. Open your eyes, compare the imaginary object with the real one. Close your eyes again. Open. Achieve maximum identity between the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in your studies, the subjects covered should become increasingly difficult. Then start looking at animals and people this way. After full development With this exercise you will be able to look at a person with your eyes closed and see the aura and internal organs his body.

Development of imagination - Sixth exercise

Learn to create some mental image in space with your eyes open. For example, imagine that you have a vase with different colors. Try to see her there.

Development of imagination - Seventh exercise

Take mental trips. Imagine how you walked around the room, hall, kitchen, went out into the corridor, and returned. Imagine how you leave your house, walk down the street, get on a bus, go to the forest, to the river, swim, and so on.

Imagination is the process of creating new images of the future, based on previous experience and creative thinking. It plays an important role in creating images that were not accepted by a person in reality, influences the strength of emotions and feelings and is important factor in the development of human personality.

It tends to develop under the influence of broadening one’s horizons, accumulating experience, images and information. Attention has been paid to the development of imagination since childhood; many children's games and exercises in preschool and secondary educational institutions are aimed at it.

Another property of imagination is that it is not constant, periods of decline alternate with rise, so-called inspiration, but it has been scientifically proven that inspiration and fresh ideas more often they come to us during the work process, after a certain amount effort.


By degree of activity:

  • Active (stimulates the implementation of created images, activates creative activity, sometimes requires great effort if the creation of images is necessary for labor activity, for example, like writers, screenwriters, decorators).
  • Passive (does not encourage a person to take active action, but only generates images in his mind with which he is satisfied without realizing them, or they are, in principle, not realizable).

By type:

  • Productive (creates new elements, so-called fantasy products, something that did not previously exist).
  • Reproductive (imagination based on existing phenomena and objects).
  • Dreams (the process of imagination aimed at the real future).
  • Hallucinations (images created by altered consciousness).
  • Dreams.

In connection with past experience:

  • Recreating (imagination that is based on experience).
  • Creative (creating new images with minimal reliance on experience)

Techniques of creative imagination

  1. Agglutination (creating a new image from two or more existing ones, for example, the fabulous “Hut on Chicken Legs” appeared as a combination of “hut” and “chicken”).
  2. Analogy (the image is built on the basis of an existing one, but with exaggerated or understated characteristics, for example, epic heroes who had fabulous strength and could fight the enemy one on one).
  3. Typification (a single image of a typical, existing image, for example, a painting by landscape artists).
  4. Association (creation of a holistic image based on small units of already existing images).
  5. Personification (creating an animate image based on inanimate elements. Most often used in myths and fairy tales).

Creative imagination can be scientific, artistic, technological - in a word, it can be used in almost all spheres of human life. It is important to distinguish between creative imagination and dreams, since it belongs to the active type and is further aimed at realizing the created images, while dreams are a passive type, they may not motivate a person to action.

In his early youth, Walt Disney dreamed of becoming a journalist and got a job at a newspaper, from where he was fired after a couple of months for lack of imagination and professional incompetence. He later became the greatest cartoonist in history, giving the world magical world fairy tales

Methods for developing creative imagination

There are many specific exercises for developing creative imagination, but it is worth noting that the main factor is the accumulation and expansion of experience - scientific, creative, technical. The more information and images there are in a person’s mind, the more actively his imagination will work, relying on them, synthesizing and giving birth to new ones.

Gaining experience can take place in the simplest ways - reading books of different genres (fiction, detective stories, poetry are especially useful), visiting museums, theaters, watching films, traveling, communicating with different people, mastering new skills.

In addition to broadening your horizons, it is important to develop observation skills - pay attention to small details the world around you, try to remember them, for example, small details on the facade of a historical building, store signs, advertisements, appearance passers-by It seems to us that we do not remember these details, but they remain in our subconscious and, if necessary, emerge during the creative process, helping it.

Exercises to develop imagination

  1. Come up with a title and description for the picture. For this exercise, it is advisable to go to a museum of modern fine art or find a gallery of surrealist artists on the Internet. The main condition is that the picture should not be realistic and obvious in content. Study it with your eyes and write it down, or recite the options for names and plot. Paintings by Salvador Dali or Pablo Picasso are good for this workout.
  2. Solving visual riddles or doodles. These are laconic images that can be interpreted in different ways, there is no correct answer to the content, all the images that your image creates will be correct and the more of them, the better.
  3. Coming up with a biography for passers-by on the street or passengers in transport. When describing a person’s life, try to think through as much as possible more details: who his family is, what institute he graduated from, where he works, and so on.
  4. Burime or collective poetry writing. This is not only a fun popular game, but also effective exercise for development creative potential. Principle of the game: the first participant writes several rhyming lines on a piece of paper, wraps the sheet so that only the last line is visible and passes it on to the next participant, who also comes up with a verse based on this line, wraps the sheet and passes it on. At the end, the sheet is unfolded and the “poem” composed by common effort is read out by one of the players.

To make the result interesting, it is better to avoid banal rhymes and not use cognate words and pronouns. The more unexpected the rhyme, the better. You can play in burim by discussing the rules in advance (for example, the size of the verse and the content), or you can simply come up with funny rhymes without a specific focus.

  1. Crocodile. This one for everyone famous game for noisy companies is an ideal simulator for creative imagination. The rules of the exercise are simple and familiar to everyone - one participant tells the other in the ear a word (it can be a noun, a stable combination, a verb or an adjective, you can establish rules at the beginning that, for example, only nouns or only verbs are used) and he must only Using gestures, explain this word to other participants.
  2. Activity. It is also not only an exercise, but also a popular game and has many varieties. Classic option is a set of cards of varying complexity, in which players need to draw, show, or verbally describe a word written on them.

Even more exercises for development of creative imagination and fantasy can be found on the website: .

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First, let's look at what imagination and fantasy are? These are types of thinking, this is the ability to mentally imagine what is not there from what is in memory. In other words, imagination is an active creative process of creating new knowledge (new ideas) from old knowledge. What is the difference between fantasy and imagination? If imagination is the ability to mentally create new ideas and images of possible and impossible objects based on real knowledge, then fantasy is also the creation of new, but unrealistic, fabulous, yet impossible situations and objects, say, but also on based on real knowledge. For example: the winged horse Pegasus, the Death's Head in Pushkin's fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the fables of Baron Munchausen, Pinocchio, the Steadfast Tin Soldier - these are fantastic images.

There are several types of imagination:

1. Recreating is the representation of images according to a pre-compiled description, for example, when reading books, poems, notes, drawings, mathematical symbols. Otherwise, this type of imagination is called reproductive, reproducing, remembering.

2. Creative is self-creation new images according to our own ideas. Children call this “out of the head.” It is this type of imagination that will be the subject of our study and development in children.

3. The uncontrollable is what is called a “wild fantasy,” an absurdity, a set of unrelated absurdities.

How is fantasy and imagination different from serious problem solving?

When imagining, the child himself creates any plot he wants, including a fairy tale, any situation he wants, any problem he wants, and solves it himself in any way he wants. Any solution is acceptable. And when solving real problems, the child is looking not for any solution, but for a real, “adult”, serious, feasible solution. In both cases, he creates, but with fantasy there is more freedom, since there are no prohibitions from physical laws and much knowledge is not required. That is why it is better to begin the development of children’s thinking with the development of imagination.

What is the difference between fantasy and stupidity?

When fantasy is harmful, it becomes stupidity. Stupidity is a stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, unreasonable, incorrect, harmful, inappropriate act or statement that does not honor the one who committed it. Of course, one must take into account the person’s age, conditions and goals of the act.

Is all fantasy good? There is a general criterion for assessing the quality of all affairs on Earth - this is an increase in goodness in the world.

The classic vehicle of fantasy is the fairy tale.

What is the difference between a fairy tale and science fiction? In science fiction, technically feasible situations, elements or processes are considered, and in a fairy tale, any. It should be noted that there is a sharp boundary between the fantastic and real solutions no either. For example, what was considered fantasy in the time of Jules Verne is now everyday reality. G. A. Altshuller calculated that out of 108(!) ideas and forecasts of J. Verne, 99 (90%) were implemented. Herbert Wells has 77 out of 86, Alexander Belyaev has 47 out of 50.

When a child selflessly tells fables with his own participation, he is not lying; in our usual understanding, he is composing. It doesn't matter to him whether it's real or not real. And this shouldn’t be important to us, what’s important is that the child’s brain works and generates ideas. However, you should still pay attention to what the child dreams of. If he talks all the time about his non-existent friends, about gentle parents or about toys, then maybe he suffers, dreams about it and thus pours out his soul? Help him immediately.

Why develop fantasy and imagination?

They say: “Without imagination there is no consideration.” A. Einstein considered the ability to imagine higher than knowledge, because he believed that without imagination it is impossible to make discoveries. K. E. Tsiolkovsky believed that cold mathematical calculation is always preceded by imagination.

Sometimes in everyday life fantasy and imagination are understood as something empty, unnecessary, lightweight, and not having any practical application. In fact, as practice has shown, a well-developed, bold, controlled imagination is an invaluable property of original, non-standard thinking.

It is difficult for children to think “according to the laws,” but if they are taught to fantasize and not be criticized for it, then children fantasize easily and with pleasure, especially if they are also praised.

Apparently, this is how children subconsciously learn to think - through play. We need to take advantage of this and develop imagination and imagination from early childhood. Let children “invent their own bicycles.” Anyone who did not invent bicycles as a child will not be able to invent anything at all.

How to develop fantasy and imagination in children?

There are three laws for the development of creative imagination:

1. The creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of the past personal experience person.

Indeed, every imagination is built from real elements; the richer the experience, the richer the imagination. Hence the corollary: we need to help the child accumulate experience, images and knowledge (erudition) if we want him to be a creative person.

2. You can imagine something that you haven’t seen yourself, but have heard or read about, that is, you can fantasize based on someone else’s experience. For example, you can imagine an earthquake or a tsunami, although you have never seen it. Without training it is difficult, but possible.

Ways to develop fantasy and imagination

Let's list the main ways to develop fantasy and imagination, and then consider methods for developing creative imagination. It is ideal if the child himself wants and develops his fantasy and imagination. How to achieve this?

1. Create motivation!

2. Convince that fantasizing is not a shame, but is very prestigious and useful for the child personally. They don't understand this yet. You need a game and bright emotions. Children's logic is not yet strong.

3. It should be interesting to fantasize. Then, having fun, the child will quickly master the ability to fantasize, and then the ability to imagine, and then to think rationally. Preschoolers are interested not in reasoning, but in events.

4. Make children fall in love with you (attraction). On this “wave of love” they trust you more and listen more willingly.

5. By your own example. IN early childhood Kids copy the behavior of adults, it’s a sin not to take advantage of this. You are an authority for the child.

  • at a tender age (2-6 years) - fairy tales, fantasy stories;
  • in adolescence (7-14) - fantasy adventure novels (Jules Verne, Belyaev, Conan Doyle, Wells);
  • in youth and in adulthood - good science fiction literature (Efremov, Strugatsky, Azimov, etc.).

Teach children to admire good imagination.

7. Stimulate imagination with questions. For example: “What happens if you grow wings. Where would you fly?

8. Putting children in difficult situations. Let them think for themselves and find a way out. Here, for example, is a classic problem: children are stranded on a desert island, how to survive?

9. “Give” children interesting plots and ask them to compose stories, fairy tales, and histories based on them.

10. Teach the following techniques for developing imagination and fantasizing.

Using the techniques below does not eliminate the need to think. Techniques “not instead of”, but “to help” fantasy, techniques indicate the directions of thinking. Knowledge of fantasy techniques leads children to mastering “adult” techniques for resolving contradictions and solving inventive problems.

Techniques for developing fantasy and imagination

Children know quite a lot of phenomena and laws of nature (for example, that all objects fall down, that heavy objects sink, liquids spill and do not have their own shape, water freezes, wood, paper, a candle burn). This knowledge is quite enough to fantasize fruitfully, but children do not know how to fantasize, that is, they do not know the techniques of fantasy.

Most fantasy techniques are associated with changes in laws or natural phenomena. Everything can be changed: any living law and inanimate nature, any social law, the law can act in reverse, completely new laws can be invented, some existing laws can be excluded, laws can be made to act or not act at will, temporarily, periodically or unpredictably; You can change any living creature: people (all people have become honest!), animals, plants.

Below are 35 fantasy techniques:

1. Increase - decrease.

This is the simplest technique, it is widely used in fairy tales, epics, and fantasy. For example, Thumbelina, Thumb, Gulliver, Lilliputians, Gargantua and Pantagruel. You can increase and decrease almost everything: geometric dimensions, weight, height, volume, richness, distances, speeds.

It can be increased indefinitely from actual sizes to infinitely large and can be reduced from actual to zero, that is, until complete destruction.

Here are conversation games for mastering the “increase-decrease” technique.

1.1. The child is told: “Here is a magic wand, it can increase or decrease whatever you want. What would you like to increase and what would you like to decrease?

— I would like to reduce my vocal lessons and increase my free time.
— I would like to reduce homework.
— I want to enlarge the candy to the size of a refrigerator so that I can cut off pieces with a knife.
— I want to enlarge the raindrops to the size of a watermelon.

1.2. Complicate this game with additional questions: “What will come of this? What will this lead to? Why do you want to increase or decrease?”

- Let your arms temporarily become so long that you can take an apple from a branch, or say hello through a window, or get a ball from the roof, or turn off the TV without getting up from the table.
- If the trees in the forest shrink to the size of grass, and the grass to the size of a matchstick, then it will be easy to look for mushrooms.
- If it is difficult for a child to fantasize independently, offer to fantasize together, ask him supporting questions.

1.3.What will happen if our nose lengthens for a while?

- You will be able to smell the flowers in the flowerbed without leaving your home; it will be possible to determine what delicious food your neighbors are preparing;
- That's good, but what's bad about it?
- There will be nowhere like this long nose child, it will interfere with walking, traveling in public transport, even sleeping will be uncomfortable, and in winter he will freeze. No, I don't need that nose.

Invite your child to say what good and what bad will happen if we increase or decrease something. Who will be good and who will be bad? This is already a moral analysis of the situation.

1.4. Tell me, what will be good and what will be bad for you personally and for others if a wizard enlarges you 10 times? If your child finds it difficult to guess, help him with additional questions.

-What size will you be then?
- How many kilograms will you weigh?

- What will happen if your height decreases by 10 times?
- Agree, it would be great if you could change your height at will. For example, you are late for school: you increased the length of your legs or the frequency of your steps and quickly got to school, and then made your legs of normal length. Or another case. We need to cross the river, but there is no bridge nearby. No problem!
- I will be 15 m tall! This is the height of a five-story building!

Regarding weight, this is a tricky question. Usually the answer is: 10 times more. In fact, if you maintain all the proportions of the body, your weight will increase 1000 times! If a person weighed 50 kg, then he will weigh 50 tons! I will run faster than a car. I will be strong, and no one will dare to offend me, and I will be able to protect anyone. I will be able to bear enormous weights. I wonder which ones? Typically a person can lift half their body weight. Then I can lift 25 tons! This is good. What will be bad?

I won't fit in the class. You will have to sew huge clothes and shoes. It will be very difficult to feed me. If we assume that a person eats 2% of his body weight per day, then I will need food weighing 1 ton. I won't fit on any bus. Even on the street I will have to walk, bending under the wires. I won't have anywhere to live.

2. Adding one or more fantastic properties to one person or many people (as fragments or preparations for future fantastic works).

The technique of this type of fantasy is similar to the focal object method:

a) select several arbitrary objects of animate and/or inanimate nature;
b) formulate their properties, qualities, features or character traits. You can come up with new properties “out of your head”;
c) formulated properties and qualities are endowed with a person.

For example, an eagle was chosen as an object (“property donor”). Qualities of an eagle: flies, has excellent eyesight, eats rodents, lives in the mountains.

- A man can fly like an eagle. It can be added: it can fly in the stratosphere, in near and deep space.
— A person has super-acute eagle vision, for example, he sees cells of living tissues, crystal lattices of metals, even atoms without a microscope; he sees the surface of stars and planets without a telescope and better than with a telescope. He sees through walls, walks down the street and sees what is happening in houses, and even penetrates walls himself, like an X-ray.
- Man eats eagle food - rodents, birds.
— The man is covered with feathers.

Continue fantasizing using this method, taking as the initial object: an electric light bulb, a fish (remember the amphibian man), a watch, glasses, a match, suspended animation (a sharp slowdown in life processes is very convenient: there is no money for food or nowhere to live - you fall into suspended animation) or the opposite of suspended animation (a sharp increase in life processes, a person does not know fatigue, moves with incredible speed, such a person will make a wonderful illusionist, or a runner, or an invincible fighter).

2.1. Think of sense organs that a person does not have, but could have.
For example, it would be a good idea to sense the presence of radiation in order to protect yourself from it. Generally speaking, we feel it when we suffer from radiation sickness.
It would be nice to feel nitrides and nitrates and other contaminants. There is a wonderful and rare feeling - this is a sense of proportion, not everyone has it.
It would be nice to feel when you make a mistake and when danger is approaching (figuratively speaking, the red light would light up in this case).

2.2. The time will come and it will be possible to change the internal organs. What might this look like?

2.3. Color-code people according to their moral qualities. For example, everyone honest people turned pink, all the dishonest ones turned purple, and the evil ones turned blue. The more vile things a person has done, the darker the color. Describe what will happen to the world? Many probably would not have left the house.

3. An animated drawing.

You have received a wonderful gift, everything you draw comes to life! What would you draw?
Great people? Endangered animals?
New animals and plants?

4. Exclusion of certain human qualities.

List the properties and qualities of a person, and then exclude one or two properties and see what happens.

- The man is not sleeping.
— The person does not feel pain.
— The person has lost weight and sense of smell.

Name at least 10 vital important qualities and human properties and think about the consequences of their loss.

5. Transformation of a person into any object.

A person turns into another person, into animals (birds, beasts, insects, fish), into plants (into oak, rose, baobab), into objects of inanimate nature (stone, wind, pencil). This is rich material for new fairy tales.

But the most important thing in this technique is the development of empathy - the ability to transform into another image and look at the world through his eyes.

Offer at least 10 examples of human transformation, for example in fairy tales.

6. Anthropomorphism.

Anthropomorphism is the assimilation of a person, the endowment of human properties (speech, thinking, the ability to feel) of any objects - animate and inanimate: animals, plants, celestial bodies, mythical creatures.

Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I'm her fiancé. - My brother,
— The clear month answers, —
I have not seen the red maiden...

Here Pushkin endowed the month with the ability to see, recognize, sympathize and speak.

Remember 10 examples of anthropomorphism from fairy tales, myths and fables you know and come up with at least 10 examples of possible anthropomorphism yourself.

7. Giving inanimate objects the abilities and qualities of living beings.

Namely: the ability to move, think, feel, breathe, grow, rejoice, reproduce, joke, smile.

— The boy sits astride a stick and imagines it as a horse and himself as a rider.
- What living creature would you turn a balloon into?

Come up with at least 10 examples of such transformations.

8. Giving inanimate objects extraordinary properties.

For example, a stone. It glows, is always warm (never gets cold!), you can warm your hands in cold weather, makes the water sweet and healing, and does not dissolve.

Contemplation of the stone inspires you to write poetry and paint, etc.

Here good game for the development of imagination. Children (or adults) stand in a circle. One is given a soft toy or a ball and asked to throw it to someone with warm words: “I’m giving you a little bunny,” or “Yurochka, I’m giving you a little goat, its horns haven’t grown yet,” or “Here, Masha, the big one.” candy,” or “I’m giving you a piece of my heart,” “I’m giving you a baby squirrel,” “This is a glass ball, don’t break it,” “This is a cactus, don’t prick yourself.”

9. Revival of dead people, animals, plants.

For example:

- What would happen if brontosaurs were resurrected?
— What else would Pushkin have created if he had not died so early?
You can “revive” all kinds of extinct animals and people!

Offer 10 options for such a game.

10. Revival of deceased heroes of literary works, in particular, heroes of fairy tales.

— Did the fairy tale character die? It doesn’t matter, you just need to draw it and it will come to life.

Come up with continuations of fairy tales, provided that the heroes of the fairy tale did not die. The fox didn’t eat the bun, Ruslan didn’t cut off Chernomor’s beard, the Tin Soldier didn’t melt, Onegin didn’t kill Lensky.

Offer 10 options for such a game.

11. Revival of heroes of artistic paintings and sculptures.

The characters in the paintings came to life famous artists- barge haulers, hunters, Cossacks, archers.

Name 10 paintings by famous artists and suggest a continuation of the plot, provided that the characters come to life.

12. Changing the usual relationships between the heroes of fairy tales.

Let us recall the following situations: a pike sings a lullaby (“The Pike opens its mouth”); " Gray Wolf serves her faithfully"; brave hare; cowardly lion

Come up with a fairy tale with such an incredible plot: The fox has become the most simple-minded in the forest, and all the animals deceive her.

13. Metaphor.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another based on a characteristic common to both objects. For example, “talk of waves”, “cold gaze”. Here is an excerpt made up of only metaphors:

On a thread of idle fun
He nizal with a cunning hand
Transparent flattery necklace
And the rosary of golden wisdom.
A. S. Pushkin

Name the metaphors and ask the children to explain which properties are transferred to whom.
Soft character. Cheeks are burning. Drowned in twos. Keep a tight rein. Turned green with anger. Muscles of steel. Iron character. Bronze body.

14. Give a new title to the painting.

The child is shown many subject pictures, postcards or reproductions of famous artists and asked to give them new names. Compare who named it better: the child or the artist. The basis for the name can be the plot, mood, deep meaning, etc.

Give 10 new titles of old famous paintings.

15. Fantastic association.

A fantastic, that is, incredible idea can be obtained by combining the properties or parts of two or three objects. For example, fish + man = mermaid, horse + man = centaur. Who are the sirens? The same pair of objects can give different ideas depending on the combined qualities.

Offer 10 examples of combinations of unexpected qualities of various real creatures.

16. Fantastic crushing.

Remember the plot of the wonderful novel “The Twelve Chairs” or the plot of Svetlov’s fairy tale about a man named Ruble, who fell from the fifteenth floor and broke into ten kopecks. Each dime has its own destiny. One kopeck was exchanged for kopecks, another became a big boss and looked more important than a ruble, the third began to multiply.

Come up with a fairy tale with a similar plot. For example, an orange scattered into slices, a pomegranate scattered into 365 grains (exactly 365 grains in any pomegranate, check), the fate of sister peas from the same pod.

17. “How lucky I am.”

“How lucky I am,” says the sunflower, “I am like the sun.”
“How lucky I am,” says the potato, “I feed people.”
“How lucky I am,” says the birch tree, “they make fragrant brooms out of me.”

Come up with 10 variations of this game.

18. Reception acceleration - deceleration.

You can speed up or slow down the speed of any process. To direct your imagination in this direction, ask questions like: “What will happen if”, “What will happen if.”

— What will happen if the Earth begins to rotate 24 times faster? The day will last 1 hour. In 1 hour you need to have time to sleep, have breakfast, go to school (15 minutes), have lunch, do homework (3-4 minutes), take a walk, have dinner.

- What will happen if the seasons last 100 years? (Then people born at the beginning of winter would never see green grass, flowers, or flooding rivers) Assignment. Suggest three or four stories related to the specified technique.

19. Acceleration and deceleration of time.

Themes of fantasy stories.

Situations 1. You invented a chronodine - a device with which you can, at will, change the speed of time and the speed of processes in time. You can speed up any processes or slow them down.

Situations 2. It was not you who invented the chronodine, but someone else, and this other, unexpectedly for you, at his own request, changes the speed of the processes in which you participate.

The lesson lasts either 40 minutes, then 4 minutes, then 4 hours, and all this is unpredictable for the teacher and students. I started eating the cake, and time sped up 1000 times! It's a shame! How to live in such a world?

Situation 3. You invented a chronotour (a tour is a movement in a circle) - a device with which you can repeat events, rejuvenate and age people, animals, objects, cars many times.

—Who would you rejuvenate and by how many years?
— What period of life would you like to live again?

Exercise. Suggest several stories using the above techniques.

20. Time machine.

You have a time machine! You sit in it and can travel to the near and distant past of any country, to the near and distant future of any country and be there at any time. But you can’t change anything there, you can only watch. While you are in the past or in the future, life on Earth proceeds according to its usual laws.

“Home option”: while sitting at home, you look into the “Mirror of Time” or mentally take pictures with the “Time Camera” or “Time Movie Camera” or “Magic Eye”. Name the place and time and, please, the image is ready.

— What would you like to see in the past?
— What were your mother and grandmother like when they were the same age as me now?
— How did dinosaurs live?
— I would like to meet and talk with Pushkin, Napoleon, Socrates, Magellan.
— What would you like to see in the future?
-Who will I be? How many children will I have?
— Talk to your future son.

This is an incredible situation. A message was sent from Earth to a distant star. Intelligent beings live on this star; they have a time machine. They sent the answer, but they made a mistake, and the answer came to Earth before the message was sent.

Exercise. Suggest 10 stories related to the time machine effect.

21. Chronoclasm.

This is a paradox caused by interference with a previous life. Someone moved into the past and changed something there, and then returned, but on Earth everything is different. To encourage imagination in this direction, questions like:

- What would happen now if something had happened differently in the past or if something had not happened at all?
— What would have to be changed in the past so that what happened would not happen?

For example:

- I lost my keys. It doesn’t matter, I go back in time and don’t take the keys with me.
— What would have happened if there had not been a coup in 1917?

— What can be changed in the past? Everything can be changed in the past! Actions of people, phenomena of living and inanimate nature, surroundings.

Chronoclasm, time machine, chronotour, chronodyne - these are wonderful fantasy techniques; they provide an inexhaustible number of plots.

Exercise. Suggest some crazy plots for these techniques.
(I went back in time to look for a bride. I found out why brontosaurs became extinct.)

22. Method of L.N. Tolstoy.

They write that L.N. Tolstoy regularly used it every morning as morning exercises mind by the following method.

Take the most ordinary object: a chair, a table, a pillow, a book. Describe this object in the words of a person who has never seen it before and does not know what it is or why.

For example, what would an Australian aborigine say about watches?

Exercise. Write down several descriptions of objects for the native.

23. Free imagination.

Children are asked to fantasize uncontrollably on a given topic, using any fantasy techniques and any combinations thereof. Unlike solving any serious problem, you can offer any ideas, even the most crazy ones.

Come up with a fantastic plant.

— All known fruits grow on one plant at the same time: apples, pears, oranges, avocados, pineapples, mangoes, coconuts.

- All known fruits and vegetables grow on one plant (tomatoes and potatoes; tobacco can be made from the leaves, a painkiller and a “beauty product” can be obtained. In principle, this is possible, since tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, belladonna (in Italian - "beautiful lady") belong to the same family - nightshade.

— Known and unknown fruits, vegetables and nuts grow on one plant.

— Amazing watermelon: inside there is marmalade, and instead of seeds there are candies. This is also possible, you just need to water it with sweet water and honey.

— Objects of living and inanimate nature grow on one tree.

— The flower is made of chocolate and never fades, no matter how much you eat it.

24. Come up with a fantastic structure.

The building of the future: everything is visible from the inside to the outside, but nothing is visible from the outside to the inside. A creature (person, dog...) with harmful intentions for the owner of the house cannot enter the building.

What qualities should a house have if the weight and size of the owner changes 10 times every hour?

25. Come up with a new type of transport.

Invention ideas:

— A meson-gravitational-electromagnetic beam is directed at a person, which splits the person into atoms, their relative positions are remembered, transmitted along the atom to the right place and collected there in the same order. (Examine the situation: the program for assembling a person went wrong, but they didn’t notice it! How did they assemble a person? What if they mixed up the atoms of several people?)

— Synthetic transport that combines the advantages of all known species transport: the speed of a rocket, the luxury of a top-class cabin on an ocean liner, the all-weather capability of an aircraft for lightning research, the uselessness of helicopter landing and take-off pads, the usefulness of horse-drawn transport.

— The road surface is wavy or triangular in shape. Invent a wheel so that it doesn’t shake on such a road. This will also be an invention!

26. Come up with a new holiday or competition.

— Flower Festival. Everyone has flowers painted on their cheeks. On this day you can only speak in Chinese flowers.

— Feast of the arrival of swallows.

— Feast of the first mosquito.

Dreamers competition. Two teams are participating. Each team offers the other team various tasks: a) a topic for a humorous story of 5 phrases; b) an object for composing a riddle (table, fork, TV); c) the beginning of the story. For example. “My friend Keith invited me on a trip around the world”; d) some fantasy technique is suggested. You need to use this technique to come up with an incredible story.

27. Come up with a dramatic plot.

“Mom spoiled her daughter beyond all measure. What happened to mother and daughter?

— A man got lost, accidentally found a house abandoned by hunters and lived there for 7 years. How did he live there? What did he eat, what did he wear?.. (After five years he forgot how to speak, etc.)

28. Come up with a new fantasy game.

To come up with a new unprecedented game, you need to come up with incredible conditions and rules for this game.

— Chess pieces are made of chocolate; You win an opponent's piece and you can eat it right away.

- Game "Edible Checkers". They do become edible, but only after they are won fairly. Think about what special properties will a won king and a locked checker have?

— Cylindrical checkers and chess. The board is rolled into a cylinder so that fields a1, a2, a3, etc. are next to fields h1, h2, h3, respectively. The verticals become the generators of the cylinder.

- Lobachevsky's checkers. The board mentally folds into a fantastic figure - at the same time both the sides and the sides facing the players close together. The generators are verticals and horizontals at the same time.

- Super chess. Instead of chess pieces there are cubes. On the sides of each cube there are images of six figures, except for the king. Once per game you can change the status of a piece (turn over the die), unexpectedly for the enemy.

29. Magical fulfillment of one’s own desires and materialization of thoughts.

You have become a powerful wizard. Just think - and any, but only good, wish will come true. For example, you can make anyone happy. But if you plan something bad for someone else, then it will happen to you.

Here's a goodwill test.

Tell the children that for an hour they can do whatever they want to people, good or bad. Check what the kids will want to do? Good or evil?

The robbers have caught a worthy man and want to kill him. Suggest at least 10 ways to save him (make him invisible, freeze the robbers).

30. You began to have the gift of telepathy.

Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts and feelings over a distance without the use of the senses. You can even not only read the thoughts of other people, but also mentally force people to do what you want. How do you use this gift?

31. Nadya Rusheva's method.

Here's another great way to develop imagination and drawing skills. It's widely known universal method, which was owned by the brilliant girl Nadya Rusheva.

By the age of 16, with a felt-tip pen or pen in hand, she had read books by more than fifty writers, from ancient to modern: Homer, Shakespeare, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Exupery, Bulgakov, and drew, drew, drew. I read, fantasized and drew. This helped her achieve lightness, sophistication and “floating” lines in her drawings. Over her seventeen-year life, she created ten thousand wonderful drawings! Having studied ballet as a child, she knew how much effort this “lightness of soaring” is achieved. This wonderful, but not popular method is called: hard work and perseverance!

32. “RVS” method.

RVS is an abbreviation of three words: size, weight, cost.

It should be noted that the RVS method is special case more general method“reduction - increase”, when you can change any characteristics of the system from zero to infinity, and not just size, weight or cost. For example, speed, quantity, quality, friction force, thinking power, memory power, company profit, headcount, salaries. Such thought experiments “blur” the usual idea of ​​the system being improved, make it “soft”, changeable, and make it possible to look at the problem from an unusual angle.

The RVS method is based on the dialectical principle of transition quantitative changes in quality. This method is also called the “method of checking for a monster”, or the “method of limiting passage”, or the “method of intensifying contradictions”.

The RVS method very well develops fantasy and imagination, and also allows you to overcome the mental inertia of thinking. We must remember that we are conducting a thought experiment, where everything is possible, and not a practical one, when the inexorable laws of nature apply.

There is also the “super-RVS” method, when the limiting transitions of several characteristics are simultaneously viewed. Such “blows to the subcortex” can carve out something non-standard. For example, what will happen to the system if the system has a minimum cost, but maximum size and weight, etc. Of course, you need to learn how to use the RVS method.

33. Property transfer method.

Let's consider a very fun, mischievous and very simple (for those who know how to fantasize) method of endowing ordinary objects with completely unusual properties for them, taken, however, from ordinary objects. In science, this method is called the method of focal objects.

The algorithm is very simple.

First step: select an item that you want to improve or give it a completely unusual properties. For children, this could be a toy, doll, ball, notebook, textbook, class magazine, animal, plant or person. This will be the so-called focal object. For example, let's choose a Barbie doll as the focal object. It seems that she is already the limit of invention in the doll class. Let's see what happens.

Second step: select several random objects. For example: light bulb, balloon, TV.

Third step: for these random objects, a list of their characteristic properties, functions and features is compiled.

An electric light bulb glows, is warm, transparent, burns out, and is plugged into the power grid.
A balloon flies, inflates, does not sink, and bounces.
TV - shows, speaks, sings, has control knobs.

Fourth step: the formulated properties are transferred to the focal object.
So what happens? Let's fantasize and not particularly care about real possibility realize what was invented. Let's go:

The doll glows from the inside with a matte pink-milky light. The room is dark, but it glows. This is good: you won’t lose it and you can even read it!

The doll is always pleasantly warm, as if alive. You can take it outside and warm your hands. You can place bird eggs next to a warm doll and chicks or chicks will hatch from them. You can lean it against the aquarium and the doll will heat the water for the fish.

It's transparent. You can see how her heart beats, blood flows through the vessels, you can study anatomy.

Burns out. It’s clear that she needs to have spare parts: a set of arms, legs, heads, dresses. Designer doll.

Now let's see what ideas the balloon will give us.

Flying doll. Angel doll with wings. Swan doll, dragonfly, skydiver, flying squirrel or bat doll, it has beautiful clear membranes from the tips of the fingers to the tips of the toes.

Inflatable doll. You can make a slim or fat Barbie, or you can make a flat one for carrying. When the head is inflated separately, the facial expression changes. You can play with an inflated doll in the bath and learn to swim.

What does the comparison with TV give?

Let the doll show you the exercises every morning morning exercises, aerobics, yoga asanas.
Let her scream indignantly when they start breaking it or quarreling in front of it.

You can use a combination of properties. As a rule, among the absurdities one comes across original ideas, which the trial and error method will not provide.

The focal object method is an excellent method for developing imagination, associative thinking and serious invention.

Proposals developing the method.

Children really like it when they themselves are put into focus. Improving clothes, such as stockings, tights, and boots, is a lot of fun.
You can pre-define the object class in the second step.
The method can be used to come up with the design of stores, exhibitions, and gifts.

Before starting an idea generation session, you can think with the children what is good and what is bad about the selected focal object, who is good and who is bad, why it is good and why it is bad, etc. And then start fantasizing.

The best inventions should be praised.

34. Combination of techniques.

The “highest aerobatics” of fantasy is the use of many techniques simultaneously or sequentially. They used one technique and added a new technique to what happened. This leads very far from the initial object and where it will lead is completely unknown. Very interesting activity, try it. But only a bold-minded person can do this.

Exercise. Take some fairy-tale object (Pinocchio, Kolobok) and apply 5-10 fantasy techniques to it successively. What will happen?

35. Beautiful ancient fantasies with transformations.

As examples of magnificent fantasy, let us recall the myths of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in which people turn into plants.

The beautiful young man Cypress accidentally killed his favorite deer. He begged silver-bowed Apollo to let him be sad forever, and Apollo turned him into a slender cypress tree. Since then, the cypress has been considered a sad burial tree.

Another beautiful young man Narcissus had a different fate. According to one version, Narcissus saw his reflection in the river, fell in love with it and died of self-love. The gods turned him into fragrant flower. According to another version, Narcissus dared not to respond to a woman’s love, and, at the request of other women rejected by men, he was turned into a flower. According to another version of this myth, Narcissus had a dearly beloved twin sister. My sister died unexpectedly. The yearning Narcissus saw his reflection in a stream, thought it was his sister, looked at his reflection for a long time and died of grief. According to the fourth version, having seen his reflection in the river and fallen in love with it, Narcissus realized the hopelessness of this love and stabbed himself. Flowers named after him grew from drops of Narcissus's blood.

Great examples of fantasy. One version is more beautiful than the other. Try and offer your own equally dramatic or touching versions of Narcissus.

The Legend of Daphne. Pursued by Apollo, who was in love with her, the young nymph Daphne prayed for help to the gods and was turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree. Since then, the winners of musical competitions in honor of Apollo have been awarded a laurel wreath. In ancient art, Daphne (Daphnia) was depicted at the moment when, overtaken by Apollo, she turns (sprouts) into a laurel.

The desperate young man Phaeton was unable to cope with the horses of the solar team of his father, the sun god Helios, for which he was struck by the lightning of Zeus. The Heliades, sisters of Phaethon, mourned the death of their brother so sadly that the gods turned them into poplars, the leaves of which always make a sad noise. Heliad's tears became amber.

The boss instructed creative task, and you don’t know which end to approach it from? Children ask to tell a fairy tale, but nothing comes to mind other than “Kolobok”? The girl wants surprises, but you can’t understand what that means?

It's time to start looking for information about how to develop imagination in adults. After all, it is precisely with its absence that all the difficulties that may arise in the situations described above and many other are associated.

But don’t get upset and study tons of information: from this article you will learn the most effective, but at the same time simple techniques development of imagination in an adult. Get ready for a journey into a fantasy world!

First, let's figure out what imagination is and why many people don't have it. So what does this word mean?

Imagination is the ability of a person to generate various images, ideas and ideas in his mind. It can be active, when you specifically imagine something, and it can be passive, that is, unconscious.

For example, if you felt hungry and your brain immediately produced a picture of a delicious burger or fried meat– imagination is involved; if you were looking through a vacation photo and remembered how nice it was to lie on the beach, it worked.

Thus, if a person says that he has no imagination, then this is not true at all. Everyone has this ability, but it is developed in different ways. And like any other ability or skill, imagination can be developed.

This ability is most active in young children, adolescents and young men. It is during these periods of life that we learn about the world, dream, and make grandiose plans. With age, a person usually goes deeper into certain thoughts, studies, work, and pays attention only to real things and pressing problems.

And if you are not a creative person whose whole life is connected with images, but a serious programmer or sales manager, then invent bright ideas Every year it becomes more and more difficult. A person begins to think in stereotypes and sees the world too literally.

The consequence of this is boring conversations, the inability to make the world around you beautiful and colorful. How to deal with this?

In fact, developing imagination is not too difficult even for adults. The following will be listed various techniques and ways to help cope with the problem of lack of active imagination.

The main condition for the success of these exercises is openness to experimentation and lack of shyness. The simplest of them are performed only in your head, which means you shouldn’t be afraid of mistakes - no one will see them. And those methods that involve interaction with other people will help you not only develop your imagination, but also have fun.

1. Activate the “imaginary” with the help of visualization

Perhaps visualization is the most in a simple way activate the imagination and develop it. The essence of this exercise is a detailed mental reproduction of a specific object, place, or action.

You need to start small: try to carefully look at an object lying on the table, and then close your eyes and imagine it. It could be anything, such as a book or a phone.

2. Develop your imagination by reading books

Visualization of events from books is closely related to the previous method. Only here the task is more difficult - you need to keep many characters and images in your head, make them move and interact. Try not just to read letters and words, assimilate certain information, but to generate a complete picture.

Over time, reading books will become as exciting as watching movies... Or maybe even better! After all, when reading a book, you can not be limited by the director’s imagination, but give free rein to your own imagination, and at the same time develop it.

3. Play in associations

Associative thinking is developed in most adults. Well, just imagine orange When you hear the word “orange,” everyone gets it. Playing this game with a group can not only have fun, but also improve your imagination skills.

4. We come up with a cat and other unknown animals

Where did the names honey badger and weevil come from? Someone invented them! Moreover, in the simplest way. Since an animal feeds on honey, then it should be called a honey badger, and that bird with a long beak should be called a weevil.

Even though the names you come up with are unlikely to be included in biology textbooks, this activity can be very fun and exciting. Combining different words and inventing new ones from them will perfectly help develop the imagination not only of children, but also of adults.

5. Getting involved with art

In fact, everyone uses this method creative people in order to develop certain qualities in oneself. If you lack ideas, inspiration or imagination, go to an art gallery or exhibition, watch films and master classes.

Watch others do it. Sometimes a brilliant author's concept can be born from small pieces and ideas. And if you periodically watch the work of your favorite authors, then own ideas They won’t have to wait long either.

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