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Unpleasant odor after watering. Why flowers smell fragrant shrubs and trees

Stomach cancer is one of the most common oncopathologies, the main danger of which is that it rarely detect it in the early stages. The fact is that this disease often does not have expressed symptoms at the beginning of development, and the majority of the population simply does not pay due attention to preventive examinations. Therefore, the stomach cancer is detected in the overwhelming majority of cases by 3-4 stages.

In this case, it is not necessary to rely on domestic medicine, which relies on several outdated treatment techniques with insufficiently high efficiency and serious side effects. Even the best oncologists are limited to both outdated hardware of diagnosis and treatment, and affordable pharmacological preparations.

Therefore, in the case of the identification of the stomach cancer, you should not feel fate - it is better to collect funds for treatment in Israel.

Simple statistics - about 80% of patients with a diagnosis of "stomach cancer" (in separate clinics, this indicator reaches 90%), treated in Israeli clinics, demonstrate survival rate in the five-year perspective. Even the most severe cancer patients with oncologists of this small country significantly prolong life and increase its quality.

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Stomach cancer is a dangerous oncological disease, the treatment of which has a rather severe influence on the body. Even if it manages to do without complete or partial resection of the stomach, chemotherapy and irradiation affect practically all organs and systems of the human body. If there was a significant surgical intervention (the removal of the stomach is partially or completely), the rehabilitation period can be particularly difficult.

In Israeli clinics of rehabilitation of patients after the treatment of stomach cancer, special attention is paid. After all, it is precisely from this period, whether cancer will retreat forever, or a relapse will happen. In addition, aggressive treatment methods can give remote side effects, and quite serious. Minimize their effect also allows the rehabilitation period under the supervision of Israeli doctors.

How is the rehabilitation after the stomach cancer in Israel's clinics?

Since each case of the disease is unique, the strategy of rehabilitation, as well as the therapy strategy, is developed individually for each patient.

Patients with a diagnosis of gastric cancer, as a rule, need help on recovery of appetite, as well as in general strengthening the body, which, due to cancer, it often suffers from cachexia (exhaustion). In the case of surgical intervention, the elimination of pain syndrome is also required. Another important point is psychological rehabilitation.

In Israeli clinics apply the method of rehabilitation "Fast Path" (Fast Track). Its foundation is an intense rehabilitation in the walls of therapeutic establishment, which allows minimizing the time spent in hospital walls. Therefore, the average rehabilitation course is only 10 to 14 days.

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Stomach cancer is a heavy and dangerous pathology of the digestive system at which a special diet should be strictly observed. Change the nutrition approaches must be immediately after the detection of the disease. But especially strictly observing the diet will need after surgery, especially if there has been a partial or complete resection.

Compliance with a diet is an important auxiliary factor on which the recovery of the patient depends. Failure to follow the diet can significantly worsen the state of health.

Rules for meals with stomach cancer

In order to maximize the load from the digestion and stomach system, it is necessary:

  • - to follow the frequency meals mode strictly dosed not by large portions - from 5 to 6 times a day;
  • - Products must have a puree consistency: they need to wipe, alternate or grind in another way;
  • - Temporary intervals between meals must be the same;
  • - It is impossible to eat excessively hot or, on the contrary, cold food - only warm;
  • - dishes need to be prepared directly before use in the amount of one portion - food can not be stored;
  • - dishes should be welded or cooked for a couple - all fried strictly prohibited;
  • - vegetable food must prevail in the diet;
  • - fatty food - under the ban;
  • - Salt should be replaced by herbal seasonings.
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Chemotherapy refers to classical methods of treatment of oncopathologies, including stomach cancer. This technique is the use of cytostatic drugs. As a rule, it is included in the protocol of the therapy of the stomach cancer as an addition to surgical intervention, but can also be used as a monotherapy.

Chemotherapy conducted in Israel clinics can significantly reduce the rate of neoplasia growth and the propagation of cancer cells in the body. This technique can be used before surgery (in order to reduce the mass of the neoplasm), after surgery (to prevent the occurrence of relapse, destroying the remaining cancer cells) or during the operation (Hipec technique).

Types of chemotherapy in Israeli clinics

In Israel's clinics, systemic chemotherapy and Hipec are most often used for the treatment of oncopathologies.

Systemic chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer, by introducing cytostatics into the body according to a specific scheme. It can be carried out with oral preparations, injections, pumps or droppers. Most often, chemotherapy is carried out outpatient, cycles repeated once a few months (three cycles - before surgery, three - after). One cycle, as a rule, lasts about three weeks.

Oral preparations (for example, capital) are taken inside in the form of tablets according to a diagram approved by a doctor. Intravenous infusion are carried out through the cannula, PICC Line implant or central catheter. Most often, oral and intravenous administration of cytostatics are also involved, since, as a rule, not one drug is prescribed, and their combination.

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The main reason for the occurrence of a fragrance in the flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the type of plant, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or by moisturizing petals, essential oils begin the evaporation process. Thanks to this process, a characteristic fragrance appears.

Particles of essential oils for a long time circling around the plant. That is why people prone to allergic reactions try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, the smallest droplets of evaporating substances fall into the respiratory tract and become the cause of tears, a cold or even choking.

Essential oils are contained not only in the petals, but also in the leaves, and even the crust of trees. As a result of the interaction of the existing components, different are obtained.

Exposure to smells of flowers

People share the smells of colors into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are of great popularity as precisely thanks to their aroma. The smell function is absolutely different.

The main goal of the flavor for the flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, most flowering plants are pollinated due to the winged assistants. Only a small number of their number is capable of self-effective or transfer their pollen through the air.

Essential oils become not only reasons of smells, but also play the role of reliable flower protection. The fact is that their particles for a long time are preserved around the bud in the form of a thin veil, which prevents overheating or supercooling of petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds with different composition and properties.

Features of the smell of flowers

The smell of some colors is changing during the day. There are plants that, for example, differ in particularly saturated aroma at night at night. Conducts this way of lifestyle necessary for pollination of insects.

Some flowers have a completely not attractive aroma. However, for a separate category of insects, it is the most efficient beacon, and they take unpleasant smell for products from their main diet.

When you should water

Errors when watering occurs quite often. Many novice flower products overestimate the necessary need for plants in moisture act with the slogan: "no longer less", while surprising that they are nevertheless growing poorly. But the plants themselves best tell us when they needed watering. Our business is only in the ability to notice it.

Sample soil by pressing the index finger so that it is immersed in the soil at a depth of about 1 cm, you will feel whether it is still wet enough.

Watering should be done only when most of the moisture contained in the soil is spent. But you should not wait for the appearance of typical signals talking about the lack of moisture. When the soil dries up on so much that it moves away from the walls of the dishes, then, when watering, water is instantly thrown out of the pot and practically does not have time to crash with the soil and its insignificant part reaches the roots. To prevent such a thing, try as often as possible to check the soil on the humidity. The easiest way to do is to try the ground in a pot of finger. You should press the index or thumb to its immersion in the soil about the depth of one centimeter. If you feel that under the dry upper layer, the soil is still wet enough - do not hurry to take a watering can.

You can still raise a pot when this makes the size of the plant, and estimate its weight. If moisture in the soil contains a little, then the pot will be tangible. In this way, you can check the water content in all the soil, and not only in the surface layer. This method is especially convenient for plastic pots, due to their small-scale weight. When it comes to the clay pots, you should pay attention to their walls: the dark red color speaks about sufficient moisture content in the soil. With the dry soil of the wall, the pot becomes light yellow.

It is still possible to determine the soil moisture in the so-called "Cutting Method", the truth that requires a certain experience. To do this, take a pot in your hand and knock on it with a wooden wand, a pencil or a tip of the nail. If the soil is wet in it, the sound will be sufficiently deaf, with dry ground - more ringing.

The general rules of watering does not exist and each plant needs its own regime, but simplified, depending on the needs of specific plant species in moisture, watering in the intensity can be divided into:

Abundant watering.

Plants are watered immediately after driving the earth coma. Such watering is required by most tropical plants having thin and gentle leaves (begonia, allocation, heliotrope, phyttonium), as well as some of the plants with leathery leaves (ficus, lemon, ivy, oleander)

Moderate watering.

Plants are watered after one or two days after the earthlings burned. These include plants with fleshy or high-heaved stems and leaves (columbus, peperomy), with thick roots and rhizomes (drazes, palm trees, aroid, aspidistra), as well as having aquifers on the roots (chlorophyteum, asparagus, maranta) and bulbous. For some plant species, light drying is a prerequisite during the rest period, as it stimulates the bookmark and ripening of floral kidney (clivia, siegocactus).

Rare watering.

Plants remain dry for several days, weeks or even months. These include cacti and succulents, as well as leaf padded tuber and bulbous, in need of resting period (Gloxy, Crynum, Caladium, Hippeastrum).

Signs of insufficient or excess watering

With excess watering, the ends of the leaves become brown with severe yellowing

For a number of signs, it is enough to simply recognize when the plants clearly suffer from lack of moisture. The soil sinks and departs from the walls of the pot, the tree of the tree flood the leaves, and in herbaceous - not only leaves, but even the trunk itself. Other signs can tell us that although the plant is watered regularly, but it all does not get the amount of water that needs it - the leaves are flexible, their tips and edges become brown, flowers and buds fall.

When watering cold water on the leaves of Saintpolya, yellowish gray spots may appear

Excessive watering can be the cause of root rotting, the consequences of which can be the saddest. When rooting roots, water ceases to flow to the plant, as a result of which it behaves the same way as with a lack of moisture. Therefore, if the plant drooped, first of all it is necessary to check the moisture content of the soil, and, if it is raw, try to carefully remove the plant from the pot.

Make it easier to "catchy out" him from the pot, while turning the "down head" and holding a pot with one hand, and the other is the land so that it is not very scattered. If the earthen com, yet, so simply not separated from the pot, then you need to carefully knock the pot on the edge of the table. After removing the plant from the pot, carefully inspect him the roots. They should be bright or even white tips. If they are brown and the smell of rot, then, in this case, it is necessary to cut off the affected areas and transplant the plant into fresh land.

Watering disorders

Signs of lack of water:

Signs of excess water:

  • Founding leaves, loss of turgora leaves and shoots.
  • Flowers and buds quickly fade or even fall.
  • In plants with gentle and soft leaves (wet vanka) they become sluggish and lowered. In plants with leathery and hard leaves (laurel, ficus, oleander Mirate, etc.) they dry out and begin to crumble (first of all fall out old leaves)
  • Founding leaves, while there are soft sections with signs of rot.
  • Yellow, crushed and fool, with brown tips, leaves.
  • Slow growth
  • Mold on flowers.
  • Feed up both old and young leaves.

Flowers are a wonderful creation of nature, except for a pleasant appearance having its own and unique fragrance. With the help of smells, flowers attract insects to pollinate, helping them in subsequent to give seeds. The fragrance can also serve as a warning for insects and animals. Few asked about why the flowers smell. The aroma of each flower is born inside the buds and diverges around due to the sunlight - when the flower is blown. In other words, the smell appears due to essential oils inside the flower.

The process of creating smell is actually very simple: evaporation of oil from temperature effects. Many colors smell really nice, attracting attention not only to the appearance, but also by creating fragrance in the air.

The smell of colors conquered even such a baby

It is quite difficult to explain why the aroma of flowers is felt at a distance, because the plant itself does not move. There is an opinion that it is the insects that spread the aroma of colors for a large distance, because the flower itself cannot do this. However, this is not connected, insects only collect pollen and transfer nectar, which in the subsequent beneficial effect on the reproduction of plants.

In flowering plants there is a fragrance molecule, which, with a certain external effects of temperatures, dissolve into the environment and spread through air due to diffusion processes. It is these molecules that give a person a unique feeling of fragrant fragrance of flowers. Molecules, reaching the nasal receptors, make it possible to feel the whole range of odor shades embedded in a single bouquet of flower flavor.

Shades of flower flavors

The aroma of flowering plants almost completely depends on how the insect pollinates flower. For example, if the main insect is fly, then the smell will be rotting, actually body. Such flowers are predominantly predatory, luring with their smell of flies, feed them, for example

The most informant flower in the world of amorphofalus Titanic / Amorphophallus Titanum

The appearance of the flower almost always directly corresponds to its aroma. But there are pleasant flowers, which smell just disgusting. This mechanism is similar to animals: a strong and unpleasant aroma plant protects itself, as some reptiles have an aggressive color, while being harmless. Also, flowers with strong aroma often do not bring any harm.

It is worth noting that especially fragrant flowers usually have a white or yellow color. And brighter, on the contrary, possess a weak aroma.

The smell is felt by combining essential oils into a single bouquet of aromas when exposed to sunlight. Flowers can be called natural spirits.

What is the smell color and what does it depend on? Short outcome "

  • the smell is necessary to attract insects, as well as scaring the herbivores and pests;
  • the fragrance appears due to the essential oils contained in the plant;
  • the smell of the plant depends on the color.

The fragrance of the flower is necessary for life existence, because without it there would be no pollution and reproduction.

The most fragrant flowers - Top - 15

Flowering plants undoubtedly attract attention to their beauty, the spectrum of shades and unique flavors. There are many different colors around the world, each of which really smells differently. There is even a kind of top 15, in which the most fragrant flowers of the world are collected.


The most fragrant exotic flower - plumeria

This exotic flower grows in the tropics, preferring the island in the ocean and near the Caribbean Sea. Truly unique shades of these beautiful colors. There are a wide variety of: from soft pink to passionate red, from faded white to bright yellow. Only the core of golden color is unchanged.

The plumeria clearly smells the tropics - a juicy flower aroma with fruit splashes, and produces its fragrance closer to twilight. And it is considered to be immortal, because the flower does not burn in hot fire, and it is also able to revive even from its leaves. But despite the attractive external beauty and aroma, plumeria poisonous. In the context of the Russian climate, as a room plant is grown.


Sweet Alyssum wears other names - a mason and a bug. An annual flower, a blooming all summer period. The fragrance of this kid is incredibly resistant and, according to the name, suffocating sweet. Unpretentious in leaving, perfectly decorate or

Black Cosmeya

Black cosmy, flower with vanilla and chocolate flavor

It grows in Mexico, and thanks to its unique color, a chocolate space was called. Flowers of black cosmei reddish brown, and persistent fragrance is associated with vanilla. And again, an innocent appearance is deceptive - a plant is poisonous, and the smell of the smell is just attracted by insects. Moreover, the fragrance increases along with the temperature: the hotter, the stronger the flower smells.


Glicinia resentmenty

Glicinia grows in southern latitudes, and blooms with clusters hanging like grape clusters. White-purple petals, and sweet fragrance is considered a precursor of spring. Cultural plant species are more adapted to the Russian climate, such as Blue Moon wisteria, can withstand sufficiently low temperatures in winter.

Sweet pea

Sweet pea

A perennial plant scented peas has an extensive range of colors, and the aroma is so persistent that it is difficult to forget it. At the same time completely unobtrusive. Unfortunately, this plant is a bit poisonous.


Little white flowers have an excellent tart smell, as if cool. Plant is perennial, and quite simple in garden care. At the same time, fragrant fragrance is not intrusive and creates a pleasant atmosphere, which is why the flower is rarely grown in the gardens.


Garia Jasmineovoid

Gardenia blooms almost every year, but is a very capricious plant. However, its atypical, rich and sweet fragrance costs all efforts. After all, the silky smell of Gardenie even served as inspiration for the Spirit line from Chanel and Jacobs.

Night beauties

Night beauties will delight you with its aroma in the evening

An interesting flower, opening only by the second half of the day, contrary to the usual statement that the flowers stretch to the sun. The British even nicknamed his "flower of four hours".

Night beauty corresponds to its name and in the color scheme. Shades of purple, yellow and white colors together with a strong aroma, gives the plant a special charm.


Chubuschnik or Jasmine Garden

Grows in the warm climate. Jasmine is known all over the world, its white flowers smell gently and sweet. Essential oils based on this plant is widely used in cosmetology and aromatic therapy. And from dried colors even make jasmine tea.

The features of the flower is that the root system in the plant is poisonous, and the buds smell a lot more colors. And the fragrance can be felt only after sunset.

In the suburbs, the Chubuschik or Jasmine Garden is successfully grown.


Bright yellow flowers attract attention. And the aroma of Narcissus is unreliable. Sweetish smell with mustard literally blows up, because not in vain the flower wears the name of a narcissistic young man.


Delicate mimosa balls exude not forgotten fragrances

Beautiful yellow balls attract attention to their appearance even before the smell is smelted. And the aroma of the mimosa flowers is unusual: sweet, combining honey and hide the wood. Not a gift smell mimosis is associated with late spring.


Hyacinth - Fragrant Spring Flower

Gentle white-lilac flower is not in vain considered a symbol of happiness. So his honey aroma dope the head and excites, leading a person in the state of bliss. The bright smell does not forget and not confuse even after time.


Lily "Purple Rain" Asian hybrid

Lily is truly recognized by the royal flower with his sophisticated and noble view. The fragrance of lily thick and sweet, as if balsamic. And floral notes add a great charm to the plant.



Snow-white flowers despite the innocent form are a symbol of forbidden passion. The flavor of the flower is unusually intense, sweet and heavy. Hexicates and conquers, and the essential oil of this plant is due to the aroma is one of the most expensive.

rose flower

Musky Rose grade "Guirlande d'Amour"

Completes the list of the queen of all colors - Rose. Roses are usually incredibly beautiful and having an extensive range. Surprisingly, even an aroma of each species is distinguished. But one invariably - the sweet aroma of roses is always unusually captivated.

And, of course, it is only the top lines. There is an innumerable amount of perfectly smelling colors in the world, which are designed to please people.

The flavor of flowers has a big impact on people. The aroma of pink bushes raises the mood, running sad thoughts and extinguishing stress. Not to mention the fact that roses are certainly associated with love. The smell of jasmine has a beneficial effect on concentration and efficiency, and Bergamot seems to encourage. And the stern summer months perfectly smoothes the fragrance of snow-white magnolia. Thus, the flowers are not only an excellent decoration of the garden, but also saturate the air with their flavors.

They are among the greatest fragrant gifts of nature, everyone loves to enjoy their fresh aroma. You can give them as a gift, decorate the interior to add a delicious fragrance to your home, but why do you really have flowers to have such an attractive aroma?

The smell of colors is usually a complex mixture of low molecular weight substances, and is an essential factor in attracting pollinators. Although the flowers may be the same in color or form, there are no two identical floral flavors. Thus, the smell is a signal that sends pollinators to the flower. Individual floral flavors attract certain insects - pollinators. Flowers with fragrant and sweet flavors are pollinated by bees and flies, while flowers with spicy and fruit smells attract the beetles.

As with all forms of life, this is a process that allows you to multiply. Farlinkers are animals and insects, which touching with flowers, and then moving from the flower to the flower, pass pollen, so new plants appear. The intensity of the flower flavor may depend on the temperature and degree of lighting, there are types of colors in which the fragrance can intensify during a certain time of the day or night. Lion zev, for example, more fragrant during the day when the bees Farliners are more active. Fascinated tobacco is more fragrant at night, and attracts moths with its aroma.

As you might notice, the fragrance becomes stronger after the rain when the air is wet, this is because the smell molecules are much easier. Some of the most sweet smelling colors, the most popular fragrance, is often used in products such as candles, perfume, soap, lotions, and creams. The smell of lilac is often associated with the spring, the flower has a pretty strong, sweet aroma, although the degree of sweetness can vary depending on the type of lilac. Known for their fairly strong, fragrant fragrance, a bouquet of such colors will fill the room with a delightful aroma. However, if you are sensitive to smells, stop your choice on other, less fragrant colors.

Flowers decorate our home, plants with their beautiful flavors and a variety of shades are used in landscape design and as a gift, as one of the ways to express love and respect. What could be better than a fragrant bouquet!

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