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Homemade trailer cottage. DIY Trailer for Travel - Communities ›Do It Yourself› Blog ›The walls of the caravan are set (materials, technology). DIY off-road tourist trailer - part 7 How to make a caravan for a passenger car

Homemade caravan trailer made from a car trailer: a photo of the construction of a camper with a detailed description, also a video in which a mobile home is shown.

We decided to build a small residential building on wheels so that we could go to nature in our car. Since we did not have the camper drawings, we decided to make a removable module for the factory trailer (so that there would be no problems with re-registering the vehicle).

For this was purchased boat trailer of the Kurgan plant(only in their TCP there is no clarification of what kind of trailer it is, just a trailer, other manufacturers indicate that this is a boat trailer and you cannot put a house on it).

The dimensions of the module corresponded to the dimensions of the trailer - 1400 x 2400 mm. Naturally, the removable module must be strong, and for our roads a plywood house will definitely not work, we had to weld a steel frame.

The base is welded from a 60 x 30 mm profile, walls and ceiling from a 20 x 20 mm profile. On the pipe bender, 2 identical arcs were bent.

The most difficult thing was to think over the doors, it took us 1/3 of the total time spent on the door. Anyone who was interested in this topic saw factory doors, ventilation hatches, gas stoves, sinks, heaters, etc. on American trailers. etc. There is only one problem: cost. one factory door costs about 700-800 bucks (and they need 2), a hatch to the roof with an extractor hood is about 300-400 bucks, I didn't even look at the sinks and stoves, and so it became clear that we would choose from what we find in household stores ...

As a result, the doors were made by themselves, because with our course the budget for the door alone was more than 100 thousand (on alik, ebee, in Europe, America, Russian online stores - prices are about the same).
They decided to make the doors with power windows, tk. this is the easiest way in our opinion. There is no point in describing the whole process, I can only say that it was very dreary to make doors. but at cost they came out at 5 rubles each door, taking into account everything, everything. the savings were worth it)
Outside, the case was sheathed with 0.8 mm aluminum sheets, we were looking for specially large sheets so that it could be covered with one sheet without joints. As a result, we found sheets of AMTs2 with a size of 1500 x 3000 mm, which was fine for us.

Now I would choose a composite material for cladding buildings, 4 mm thick (who does not know, these are 2 sheets of 0.4 mm aluminum, and between them a special composite that perfectly withstands all weather conditions).

We glued aluminum onto a plywood backing, riveted around the perimeter and sealed all joints. It was possible to leave the trailer with aluminum, but initially they wanted a blue outside, so they ordered a vinyl film for covering the vehicle in the printing house and covered it on top.
Many people ask about the refrigerator. There is no refrigerator, and it cannot be, because the module is removable and has its own car battery. The wiring of the module is completely autonomous, and is not connected in any way to the wiring of the car and trailer. Therefore, you cannot connect a refrigerator here. Although I do not understand the problem if it can be put in the trunk of a car.
We also made 2 220V sockets in the residential area, a 400W inverter, enough for charging and TV. The lighting is LED everywhere.

Water is supplied from a canister by a fountain pump, not very powerful, but economical.
We made a niche under the countertop under the kitchen, it seemed very convenient, but in fact, the ribs above and below were made of a 15 x 15 profile, a very flexible and not reliable profile. As a result, the niche bent a little and the chipboard table did not fit in there, I had to make it out of plywood.
After assembly, the trailer was tested by Karcher at all joints, cracks, etc. 100% tightness.

The cost of building a cottage trailer.

We started building the camper in May 2015 and finished in June 2016. We work with a friend in shifts, i.e. 2-3-4 days a week could be devoted to a trailer. Very hung up with kitchen decoration and doors. If you expect to collect in 3 months - plus a triple term.

In terms of finance: everything was bought new, nothing from the second-hand was used. The trailer itself cost 44 thousand, and about 110 thousand were spent on materials. recorded everything, down to gloves, so the price is close to the real one. You can make it cheaper, but you should know in advance.

By weight: trailer + module weighs about 600 kg, the module itself about 460-480 kg. A large amount of chipboard added to the severity, who will do it - look for a lighter material for partitions.

Passenger car 1.4 octavia drags the trailer with a bang. On the highway, accelerated to 130 km / h, the trailer is not felt at all, the streamlined shape practically does not slow down. consumption increases by 1-2 liters. It's difficult to drive on a bad road over 90, yet the weight is not small, the car jerks. But 80-90 is also quite acceptable for such a trailer. I drove through the fields, on dirt roads, the trailer never struck anywhere.

A video detailing the homemade RV.

Very interesting on the agenda homemade caravan from EcoTrek... He has impressive qualities for his category, which may appeal to lovers of men's needlework, since each individual example is collected not by professional craftsmen, but honing their skills year after year. If you decide to join the emerging army of those people who are capable of themselves, then you are welcome to read this entry.

EcoTrek 510 is lightweight, the weight of which is very, very small. It is only 600 kilograms in load mode, and without furniture and appliances it is 498 kg (or 1,100 lb). Its rustic and partly rough appearance as if gives it the character of an aggressive animal, rushing to nature.

Initially homemade caravans developed for sports fishing and hunting enthusiasts. Square shapes with sharp corners convey a purely masculine character, giving no chance to competitors.

Take a closer look at EcoTrek 510... It is strikingly different from most previously published projects, the developers of which declare the 4x4 parameter, that is, off-road trailers. The graceful forms of competitors can simply fly apart from a collision with the first obstacles, in contrast to the steel frame of the demonstrated wanderer through forests and fields.

The following options can be connected at an additional cost. To change the proposed camouflage to - add $ 1000. If you want to integrate an air conditioner - another thousand. Install powerful AMG battery for serious travel - another three hundred.

Homemade caravan from EcoTrek - Video

If you are interested in the project of a homemade camper, then we recommend visiting the official developer page, where you can find out all the details of interest on order:

We remind you of our ongoing request. Share notes with your friends and leave comments. With such feasible work, you help the project develop. Thanks!

Those who like to go out of town by car with an overnight stay know that it is not convenient to sleep in the car, so you need to take a caravan trailer with you. This is a house on wheels, you can spend the night in it, cook food, perfectly protect yourself from rain and snow. You can put a large bed there and have a great time. The dacha trailer itself is very convenient.

There are many manufacturers who produce different mobile homes. But they are quite expensive, sometimes even b. at. caravan trailers also cost a lot of money. Therefore, many craftsmen make a dacha trailer with their own hands, inventing their own design. For each individual case, its own type of trailer-cottage.

The advantages of making a caravan trailer with your own hands

Unlike factory caravan trailers, homemade options have their advantages:

  • When you make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, then the soul of the one who made it is felt in it, therefore it is more comfortable in it.
  • By making a caravan trailer yourself, you can make it as convenient as possible for yourself.
  • The main plus is the low cost of production, and the functionality can be maximized.
  • The design is made taking into account the capabilities of the car.

Inexpensive trailer-cottage option

The simplest and most inexpensive is the tent trailer. When folded, it looks like a simple light trailer, and when folded out, a tent roof appears above the trailer and a little further from it.

To make such a camper, you need to buy a factory trailer, install fasteners for the base of the tent on it, and also make a folding porch so that you can enter the premises. The main thing here is to make sure that the tent fits to the trailer in size.

In order to equip the intra-tent space, you will need air mattresses and a folding table. This is quite enough for fishermen who went fishing with an overnight stay. 2-3 people can easily sleep in such a tent. But it will be cold in winter, so such a caravan trailer is suitable only for the warm season.

Capsule trailer

The base also contains an ordinary light trailer, but the result is a more solid dwelling. These will already be full-fledged walls with a roof. You can even live in such a trailer-dacha for some time. Several windows can be made for convenience. The tent should contain all the necessary household items such as a gas stove, dishes and other accessories.

To make such a capsule, the sides of the trailer must be removed. Make guides from a metal corner and weld them to the trailer. Next, you need to make a frame and fix it.

In order for the capsule to have a rounded shape, it must be cut out of special moisture-resistant plywood. In the upper part, you can make a flooring, put doors on the hinges, windows can be made of polycarbonate or plexiglass.

All parts must be sanded, then painted and varnished. In such a capsule 2 people can easily fit.

Wooden caravan trailer

If you have a two-axle trailer, you can build a wooden house on its basis. For everything to go smoothly, you need a wooden beam, plywood, metal tiles, a waterproofing film. A frame is first made of a wooden bar. Next is a video where a guy makes a dacha trailer with his own hands:

Then everything needs to be done according to plan:

  • Cover the frame with a waterproofing film and sew up with plywood.
  • The roof must be made of metal, you can also use corrugated board or ondulin.
  • The walls of the house must be covered with a layer of waterproofing, after which the house is finished with clapboard or plastic siding.
  • Put up the door, cut out the windows and furnish the interior to your liking.

This is already a large trailer-cottage, which can easily accommodate several people and even a family. You can live in such a dacha from spring to late autumn. It will still be cold in it in winter.

Auto-dacha from the station wagon body

If there is an old station wagon car, then it is not necessary to rent it for scrap, you can make a caravan trailer out of it. The main thing is that the back of this station wagon is in good condition. It is necessary to cut off the front part of the unnecessary car, and make a trailer from the rear part.

First you need to make measurements of the future trailer so that the length is suitable in order to fit comfortably into it. If everything is done correctly, you will end up with a multifunctional trailer in which you can spend the night.

The front part must be reinforced around the perimeter with a rigid frame made of a steel corner, and the front part must also be sewn up with a sheet of iron, nakranyak, or plywood.

In front, in the lower part, you can install a towing hitch, usually it is made from a channel. The door to enter will be the trunk lid, and the side doors can be used for loading things.

So you can even make a dacha trailer yourself with your own hands, the main thing is that there is imagination and a desire to create something so unusual. A mobile home is very convenient, you can always leave the bustle of the city for nature and live in fairly comfortable conditions.

The only problem is that it is possible that the registration authority will not want to register such a trailer because, as they may think, it will not comply with road safety standards. Therefore, the easiest way is to take a used caravan trailer and remake it, while keeping the documents.

Own mobile cottage-home on wheels

In Western Europe and the United States, life, travel or vacation in the company of mobile homes has long been widespread. The owners of such houses are not chasing large dimensions. The trend is precisely small mobile homes, but multifunctional so much that they are able to independently filter their water, generate electricity and heating using solar panels on the roof and use every centimeter of space in such a way that a two-story van with a base area of ​​14 square meters looks quite complete dwelling.

Who is a supporter of life on wheels in a mobile home

In the west, there is no pronounced preference, however:

  • young people more often use this method not for living, but for travel and recreation, since they traditionally gravitate towards the bustling life of the city and do not need solitude;
  • families with children growing up are already more tolerant of such a mobile home, because it is able to solve some financial problems, especially in times of crisis, unemployment and more than high prices for housing maintenance, as well as food;
  • active retirees - they are ideal consumers of mobile home style. Knowing how to drive, they travel with pleasure not only in their own country, but also in accessible foreign countries.

Trailer-cottage on wheels in Russia

The fashion to use mobile homes has recently come to Russia. The direction is developing very slowly. First of all, because of the cost, because if in the West a house on wheels is really affordable housing in relation to real estate prices, then in Russia such vans are more expensive than a good apartment. In addition, more than half of the country's population lives in a harsh winter, and insulated caravans often cost like 2 apartments.

Mobile homes are conventionally divided into classes that describe the category of roominess, interior content and comfort:

  • class A - looks like a bus and is closest to the usual housing;
  • class B - this includes a trailer fully equipped inside, the berth is located directly in the trailer itself;
  • class C - small-sized, designed for movement on the basis of an off-road vehicle or a car, while the car's cabin is transformed into a berth.

The most budgetary option available today is a trailer tent that can be disassembled at the camping site directly around the trailer.

But, if exactly equipped trailer houses are not available for many, then a self-made cottage on wheels is more than a real option.

See also: The choice of sliding windows for glazing a terrace

DIY transforming house

A folding transforming house on wheels of a passenger car will be a structure of a panel house, from which one of the walls along the side can be folded back or removed. In this case, such a house looks like a large gazebo. Interior amenities include a table, sofas or bed, gas stove and fixed water supply.

Whichever version of the trailer house you choose, your own mobile home on wheels will not only become a source of pride for the owners for their work, but will also give new opportunities to spend the weekend with the family. Indeed, in order to get into nature, it is not necessary to have your own piece of land. It is easy to travel and stay in the most attractive countryside locations.

How to make a mobile home with your own hands

The smallest, simplest and most affordable option is a single-axle trailer design. Taking into account the weight restrictions for light trailers in the Russian Federation up to 750 kg, it is necessary to choose a durable and lightweight material.

For this purpose, pine is well suited:

  • The frame is made of paving stones.
  • The walls are sheathed with plywood, the optimal sheet thickness is recommended at 1 centimeter.
  • Plywood sheets are also used for furniture - tables, beds and shelves.
  • The exterior will be overlapped galvanized steel sheets.

Alternatively, you can use another building material for the front cladding, the main thing is that it has sufficient strength and flexibility.

See also: Facing the facade of the house: which material is better to choose

Between the outer cladding and the frame, a layer of mineral wool, mineral slab or other insulating material should be placed in order to maintain the microclimate inside, especially in hot weather, when, due to the metal cladding, the structure can heat up above 50-60 degrees Celsius inside.

Do-it-yourself trailer-dacha - installation of a mobile house

Installation of the structure is carried out using self-tapping screws, weak points, such as outer corners, are reinforced with a metal corner.

Material protection includes:

  • antiseptic strengthening impregnation for wood material;
  • sealing of seams with silicone compound of the outer skin;
  • painting the front side.

The dimensions of the trailer can vary, the optimal one can be called 2.3-2.4 x 1.5-1.6 m.

Building a mobile home

The construction of the auto supply takes place in two ways - on the trailer itself, for this, its sides must be dismantled, or at a special stand, followed by installation on the trailer.

Windows are taken into account at the design stage and can be of different configurations - from sliding to folding.

Ventilation is provided by installing a mosquito net. Additionally, you can consider installing a hatch in the ceiling.

A more basic solution would be a mobile home trailer with a two-axle trailer base. The principle and method of manufacturing such a structure is similar to the construction for a trailer on one axle. Of course, more material will be required, so costs will increase proportionally.

Attention, only TODAY!

Do-it-yourself mini camper trailer-dacha. Detailed plan

Designed for tourists and travelers, this project is an extreme weather protection structure, a small affordable self-contained home for the homeless or disaster-affected. The camper can be easily built from structural insulating panels (structural insulating panels) and from commonly available materials. Low cost and super insulated for year round use in extreme weather conditions. It is a mobile home that can be parked anywhere and be a disaster relief home. This small mobile home is also designed for people who play outdoor sports or are looking for adventure in extreme conditions. Due to its light weight, super insulation, this camper trailer is ideal for people who have kayaks, mountain bikes and other equipment they want to take with them.

This camper is designed for extreme weather conditions and is so well insulated that it can only be heated with body heat or a small heater designed for indoor use. With a white roof and vents, it will stay cool in the summer when parked under the trees.

Best of all, the camper is built on the basis of a 120x240 cm trailer, and the material costs for a camper do not exceed $ 1000, depending on the materials used.

Full step-by-step plans are available below.

These blueprints require basic building skills and you take full responsibility for any use of these plans.

1: What makes this camper so special?

Storage cabinets above the foot of the bed with space for a small LED TV or tablet, iPad with speakers or radio and DVD / CD player, or this space underneath can be used for drawers. All devices will be powered by a solar panel located on the front of the camper van.

The camper has a 100 cm by 205 cm bed, which is sufficient for two people and very comfortable for one person. Above the headboard, there are open storage shelves and two LED positioning lights for reading. Integrated fold-out table built into the wall by the bed for eating or studying.

The mobile home has a door for easy access and a porthole window, so you can see who is behind the door, but small enough that a person (or bear) cannot break and open the door. There is also a window on the opposite side for light and ventilation and a sloping deflector on the roof.

Typically, the walls of a small van are 5 cm thick with insulation and are not designed for extreme weather conditions throughout the year of use. In this camper, the walls and roof are 10 cm thick, with thermal insulation (more than in most houses) and this will allow a person to stay warm in cold winters and cool in hot summers. In most cases, only body heat will provide comfort in the camper, but it can also be heated with a small propane heater. The roof is white to reflect heat, roof ventilation and side window vents for passive cooling. There is room in the outer walls to install a small air conditioner if desired, but if you park your camper in the shade of trees, there is no need for an air conditioner.

The camper has a cooking kitchen in the back, which includes a sink, chopping board, water canister, propane / butane single burner and space cooler. There is plenty of storage space for canned and dry food, pots and dishes.

You've probably seen other small campers and mobile homes, but you've never seen anything like it because it is made from SIP and has super insulation and strength while keeping towing weight to a minimum.

This caravan is designed for towing by small cars or trucks, the base of the trailer is 120 × 240 cm, so it can be parked even in a standard parking space. It has a super sturdy 10 cm thick roof with luggage rack and mounts for kayaks, mountain bikes, skis. The roof rack design is included in the blueprints or you could use commercial racks.

Is it difficult to build a mobile home on the basis of a conventional car trailer? What materials can this trailer-house-cottage be built from? What are its minimum dimensions? What interior layout will allow the most efficient use of the interior space? Let's try to find answers to this list of questions.


A small country cottage is probably the most widespread hobby in the post-Soviet space over the past half century. The area of ​​cities is growing every year, and areas are naturally moving away from the center of settlements. Distances are sometimes measured in tens of kilometers; the most comfortable way to overcome them is to drive your own car.

At the same time, not all summer residents are ready to turn a small plot into a place of permanent residence. The maximum that an average city family can decide on is to spend the night on their site once a week. Building for the sake of this overnight stay is a capital house - a dubious undertaking; sleeping in a car is very uncomfortable ...

For summer residents who have basic skills in working with a power tool, homemade caravan trailers are often the way out.

We have to study one of these structures, having got acquainted with the materials used and design solutions.

Acknowledgments: The photographs used in this article were kindly uploaded by one of the regulars on the League of Caravaners.
The author's work was reduced only to clarifying some technical subtleties.

Choice of materials

In most cases, a single-axle trailer with a maximum load of no more than a ton becomes the basis on which a compact caravan-caravan is built. Taking into account the weight of household items and a couple of people, our choice is a dacha trailer weighing up to 750 kg.

The weight limitation affects the choice of material.

  • We will make the frame of the building from a pine bar with a cross section of 50 mm.
  • The walls are made of 10 mm plywood (moisture resistant or impregnated to reduce the hygroscopicity of the material and prevent it from rotting); the floor is 12 mm. It is also used for construction inside.
  • Outer cladding - galvanized steel. Sheets are hemmed to the frame bar with self-tapping screws; the overlaps are additionally sealed with silicone sealant. The outer corners are reinforced with an aluminum corner - again sealed with silicone.

  • What to choose as insulation, laid between the inner and outer layers of plywood - we leave it to the reader to decide. Here is the comparative thermal conductivity of popular heaters:

Nuance: glass wool will inevitably cake over time.
It is better to use tough insulation.

Dimensions (edit)

A reasonable minimum of the size of the trailer required for our purposes is 2300x1600 mm. Such dimensions will allow you to build a fairly comfortable sleeping place for two people inside and leave some space for a table under the washbasin and / or a gas stove.

A two-axle caravan trailer will provide much more comfort; however, the price of such a trailer will be twice or three times more. Its dimensions (up to 4.5 meters in length) allow you to build a full-fledged and toilet room.

A reasonable minimum building height is generally 2 meters. The height can be adjusted depending on the size of the owners: it is clear that a very tall person does not want to constantly cling to the ceiling with the crown of his head.


So let's get started. How is a dacha built from a trailer with your own hands?

Floor, bottom rail

  1. The sides are completely dismantled. Only a flat area remains from the trailer. If the horizontal base is sufficiently rigid, the floor joists and harness can be attached directly to it; It is better to weld a thin flexible sheet with a frame made of a professional pipe with a section of 50x25 mm.
  2. Then the lower strapping of a bar, laid along the perimeter, is fixed to the base with bolts; the side bars are connected with logs with a pitch of 20 cm (for 12 mm plywood).

Alternatively, the entire structure can be assembled at the stand and only then pulled to the base of the trailer.

  1. The lags are attached to the strapping with a galvanized corner; the bar must be impregnated with hot linseed oil twice.

Tip: instead of drying oil heated in a water bath, you can use cold oil.
In this case, after applying each layer, the bar is warmed up with a building hairdryer.

  1. Insulation is laid between the lags; then the floor is covered with plywood, which is attracted by self-tapping screws.


The instructions for assembling the frame are no different from the construction of the lower strapping: the bar is connected by corners with self-tapping screws. Before or after assembly, the tree is impregnated with linseed oil. Do not be afraid that the frame will not be rigid enough: the sheathing will give the structure strength.

Sheathing, insulation

The finished frame begins to be sheathed from the inside. The plywood is attracted by self-tapping screws 32 mm long in increments of about 25 cm. The self-tapping screws are only galvanized: in wet weather, black steel will inevitably decorate the walls with untidy rusty streaks.

Three nuances:

  1. Holes for self-tapping screws are pre-drilled and countersunk so that the hats do not cling to clothes. An alternative is the use of self-tapping screws with half-countersunk heads.

  1. Plywood from the inside must be sanded before varnishing and after applying the first layer. Any moisture will raise pile on the top veneer layer, which will make the surface rough.
    The volume of work will be quite large, so it is better to use a grinder - even the simplest, vibration one. If there is no electricity where you are building, there is always a way out: renting a diesel generator for a summer residence costs from 1000 rubles a day.
  2. The outer side and ends of plywood also need protective impregnation. And in this case, the cheapest and most practical option is two layers of hot drying oil.
    The insulation is fixed in the grooves formed by the frame and the inner lining, after which it is sheathed on the outside with plywood rolled on both sides.

The door is assembled similarly to the walls and hung on galvanized hinges; a regular door lock or a pair of latches are used as a lock - inside and outside.

The last stage is the external galvanized finish. It is fixed with self-tapping screws 25 mm long in 10 cm increments along all the frame bars; then the corners are closed with a corner. Do not forget about the sealant: it will protect the corners and joints from water leakage.

In the photo - the cladding ready for painting.


If you want your miniature home to have light windows, no problem.

  1. The opening is provided at the stage of the construction of the frame. It is girded with a bar with a section of the same 50x50 mm.
  2. As an outer glazing bead, a duralumin corner is used, which is screwed flush with the outer skin with self-tapping screws. The seat for the corner is pre-coated with sealant.
  3. A piece of plexiglass cut to the size of the opening sits on the sealant and is fixed from the inside with a glazing bead from the same duralumin corner.

Internal layout

Our choice is a convertible seat bed and a folding table. The transformation mechanism will make the pictures understandable.

Useful little things

  • An alternative to galvanized plywood - external sheathing made of profiled sheet... In a similar scheme, country houses are often built from block containers.
  • Do-it-yourself cottage trailer repair usually comes down to periodic painting of galvanized... Old paint can be removed with removers. In those few cases when the wheels, fenders or suspension of the trailer are damaged, spare parts for the caravan are bought at the nearest auto shop.

  • The easiest way to organize ventilation is to provide a pair of hatches closed with a mosquito net (bottom and top) in the door.


Good day to all. On the agenda is a very relevant example of how, in the absence of experience and the presence of desire, you can create almost anything. Full-fledged do-it-yourself caravan trailer Is a completely realizable simple design that provides a certain level of comfort and delivers a lot of positive emotions during its construction. Like many other mobile homes, the category of cottages on wheels itself can be divided into many subgroups, of which there are already enough on our website. It can be full-fledged, of different dimensions, or, as in our example, a camper trailer.

Not so long ago, a social network user Reddit, some Rufi0h published a detailed photo report on how the process of constructing a mobile holiday home was going on. The guy had practically no experience in the construction of "apartments" of this type, but there was willpower and a tremendous desire to implement the idea. He did not want to go to local sales sites and therefore it was decided to do everything himself, except, of course, the basic basis, that is, the trailer. was purchased for a small fee. For almost two months, through constant calculations and fitting, he designed a mobile home in his spare time. Now we will try to describe each stage separately so that anyone can do the same.

One more note. If you have no experience at all in calculations, working with wood and its processing, then you can always ask some questions on the forum " Artisan«:

Do-it-yourself caravan trailer - easy!

It all started with the purchase of a trailer. Then the floor frame was created according to the available dimensions. Parallel beams with low heights are excellent for stacking insulating material such as glass wool.

The side walls and floor were cut from large sheets of plywood, taking into account the dimensions of the trailer itself. Rounded edges give an aerodynamic look and reduce overall wind resistance while riding.

He was not sure how to make the joint corners correctly and at first he just started adding bars "as I see".

Having climbed the forums, he was prompted by several options on how to do it right and you can see the difference just below in the picture.

The next step was to cut the doorway into the plywood sheet. Having made a hole of the required size, he also sawed the so-called box under it.

After that, another door was made in the opposite wall. This is convenient, since he himself always wakes up earlier than his companion and, in order not to wake her in vain, made an additional exit for himself.

The next step was the laying of electrical cables and the installation of insulating materials into the resulting walls. If he had already come across the second one, then he turned to the members of the forum for advice on conducting the light.

He needed electricity for the shades integrated above the doors outside and inside. They are powered by a conventional battery mounted on a platform at the front of the trailer. Not entirely practical, but this is still the first experience :)

In the meantime, the self-made cottage trailer was slowly beginning to take on its shape. The beams held together the right and left sides, and from the inside, thinner and more flexible plywood was attached to them.

The picture above shows the guy making a ventilation window at the top of his "homemade" mobile home.

The doors were made from the pieces that were previously cut out. They attach to common door sheds available in almost any store.

Glass wool was laid in the gaps between the beams, which was fixed with electrical tape to the same beams. There was no way to nail or screw on, since thin plywood was used from the inside.

This is what a kitchenette looks like in an unpainted form.

The door frame was made of bent timber. It was also insulated.

Aluminum sheets were used as a finishing material for the exterior.

Looks pretty pretty, right? But that is not all!

Another challenge was securing the longest aluminum sheet spanning the length of the trailer from the bottom up to the kitchen compartment. Since everything was fixed in the front part, it was not so easy to insert the sheet there.

A lack of hands-on experience made itself felt when it came to the curved hinged door for the kitchen. As you can see, I did not quite calculate the angle of inclination and one of the composite beams "punished" him for this.

After replacing the broken part with a more reliable design and painting the kitchen, it was time to complete the two-month laborious process.

Instead of elevators and hoisting gear, he resorted to the old-fashioned grandfather's method of securing the hinged door - ordinary sticks. Whether they were later replaced by more thoughtful holders or not is not specified.

And here are the pictures from his first foray into the park with his comfortable miniature masterpiece.

Recall that do-it-yourself caravan trailer was built by the author for the first time and before that he had no practical experience in the design of mobile houses. We can only say that the author is well done and wait for new products! Let the first experience not be the last.

At this point, our recording came to an end and I want to believe that you have the strength and desire to do something like that on your own. Thanks for reading the post!

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