Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Standard service life of household appliances. Things that shorten the lifespan of household appliances. Car service life

Modern electronics (computers, office equipment, tablets, gps - navigators, mobile phones) refers to complex devices... Today, electronics are manufactured using high tech... The number of elements in microprocessor crystals, the size of the memory of flash cards, the performance and capacity of hard disks, the frequency of the processor and many other characteristics of units and assemblies of modern electronics are growing in arithmetic progression... Every year, modern electronics is becoming smarter, faster and more convenient. The most powerful modern machine (computer) in two years becomes an ordinary middle peasant and all this thanks to the use of high technologies and constant progress in the development and manufacture of modern electronics. Modern man no longer knows how he can live without modern electronics, but literally 30 years ago it all seemed fantastic. Any progress brings us both positive and negative points. The number of cases of electric shock to a person has increased. Every year we are more and more exposed to the effects of electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, and this leads to oncology and other diseases. Every six months, the modern electronics park is substantially renewed. Old technology ceases to meet user requirements (new requirements, interfaces, games, applications, etc. appear). Manufacturers do this deliberately so that we change our equipment more often and, accordingly, replenish their budget more often. When developing a new device, the manufacturer sets the service life. For modern electronics, the service life is maximum five years. Even if we do not consider technical progress, service life and user requirements, components and assemblies of modern electronics physically wear out differently. Some units are able to work for 7 years, and some may not work even for 3 years. The main "problem" of modern computers is hard drives. Some hard drives reach 15,000 rpm. Accordingly, no matter how hard the programmers try to make the operating system economical to read and write files, the drives and bearings of the hard drive quickly deplete their resource. At first, information starts to be lost, and then the computer stops seeing its hard drive. Until recently, the most important "Achilles' heel" of electronics was electrolytic capacitors. They often failed, were afraid of overheating, exploded, and caused short circuits. Scientific and technological progress solved this problem, manufacturers began to produce not electrolytic, but solid-state capacitors. The new kind capacitors, in comparison with their predecessor, have high reliability, increased service life and good electrolytic capacity.

The main reason for the failure of modern electronics is overheating.

When buying modern electronics, one of the main criteria for the buyer today is the size of the product. To please the buyer, the manufacturer has to trick: make the motherboards multilayer, placing them on an area of ​​2-3 square millimeter billions of transistors, while reducing the size of the case to the limit. As a result, the motherboard of the product becomes more fragile and multi-layered, the density of the placement of parts increases and, accordingly heat dissipation, and due to the tightness inside the case, the ventilation (cooling) system deteriorates. Naturally, with a poor cooling system, the service life of the product is significantly reduced, radio components fail faster. The cramped casing of the product will quickly clog the ventilation holes with dust and dirt. In turn, dust deposited on the board can cause a short circuit and even fire. electrical appliance... Fragile and multilayer motherboards are afraid of shocks and falls like fire. For the above reasons, the service life of modern electronics does not exceed five years, and the physical and moral deterioration of technology makes us increasingly buy new electronic products.

Refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, iron, kettle are our favorite helpers in the kitchen and at home. Parting with at least one of them due to a breakdown is always sad and unpleasant. However, as wisdom says, nothing lasts forever under the moon, and every electrical appliance has its own lifespan. Moreover, using equipment that has served its purpose is dangerous not only from the point of view of safety, but also for health. So, how long do our favorite devices "live"? The answer was suggested to us by the head of the department of service operations of the company "Technosila" Alexander Fedorov.


Each manufacturing company sets its own service life for equipment, but most often it does not exceed 10 years. This is, according to experts, the recommended duration of use of large-sized devices, in particular, a refrigerator. The most vulnerable part of the “master of the kitchen” is the refrigeration compressor, and the most common cause of breakdown is power surges. In addition, experts advise, if possible, not to put the refrigerator next to the stove (keep ice and flame at a distance from each other), do not put hot food in the refrigerator and wash it at least once a month, but without using acid-containing substances that can corrode parts made of plastic.

If you follow these simple rules and defrost the refrigerator at least once every six months (the hassle with this can be avoided by purchasing a device with the No Frost function), then you will extend the life of the device.

Many people try to save time and money by overloading the machine or using modes with high temperature for the fastest and most efficient wash.

Washing machine

Limescale on the heating element of a washing machine is a dream of many housewives in their worst nightmares, but this problem is not the only and far from the most common reason for sending a washing machine to a landfill. The water in our taps today is soft enough for the equipment to serve properly for 7-8 or even 10 years, but many are trying to save time and money by overloading the machine or using high-temperature modes for the fastest and most effective wash. Time is money. It is better to run the machine again than to buy a new one. In addition, after the end of the cycle, leave the drum or tub door open for some time to dry, and do not forget to regularly clean the removable parts of the device.


With proper care and correct use The microwave oven will last about 7 years. Keeping the stove clean (both inside and outside) and reheating food exclusively in special dishes (no faience, porcelain, metal!) - these are the main rules of a good hostess. And also do not close the ventilation holes, otherwise the device will simply burn out.

The most vulnerable element of a vacuum cleaner is the motor. If overloaded, it can burn out.

Vacuum cleaner

The most vulnerable element of a vacuum cleaner is the motor. If overloaded, it can burn out. To avoid damage, do not leave the device switched on. You also need to carefully monitor the condition of the dust container and change the dust bag in time. Finally, it is periodically necessary to arrange preventive maintenance on the vacuum cleaner: remove removable parts, filters and thoroughly clean them. With proper care, the service life will be about 10 years.


You will have to part with the iron early - after 3-5 years. In addition to changes in the power grid, a "fatal diagnosis" for this device can also be the burnout of the main working element - a tubular electric heater (ten).


Seemingly accessible electric kettles and their variety does not create problems: you can replace your old equipment at any time, which we do as needed. However, experts say that you need to change the kettle at least every two years, since some plastic models over time can release toxic substances when the water is heated. In order not to risk your health, it is better to pay attention to glass, ceramics and of stainless steel... Do not forget about the constant care of the device, then it will be able to serve much longer.

“Most manufacturers today warn that the maximum service life of their devices does not exceed 10 years, if we talk about large-sized equipment, and 3-5 years for small household appliances,” emphasizes our expert. - Something has to be changed more often, say, an electric kettle, the long-term use of which is simply dangerous to health. However, if the hostess takes care of her technique, then often by the end of the officially declared "service life" the devices are in decent condition. In this case, you can not throw them away, but use the recycling program (such promotions are often held in large chain stores) and get a significant discount when

Different manufacturers set for household appliances their service life, for large-sized devices - about 10 years. Household items like kettles, irons and microwaves last even less. Most manufacturers rarely give a warranty for their equipment for more than seven years. The only exceptions are some components, such as compressors and motors for refrigerators. Their service life is 10 years.

Although, as practice shows, good technique can serve much longer than the period recommended by the manufacturer. Therefore, if your automatic machine has been regularly washing for 7-10 years, you should not send it to the trash heap, just because it is morally outdated. It is better to contact the service center, and if any deficiencies are found during the diagnosis, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, machine or stove will last another ten years, or even more. True, you should not rely on the specified service life and high-quality service if you use equipment and forget about caring for it. After all, careful handling is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices. So let's take a look at the approximate lifetimes of various home appliances and electronics.

Refrigerator (service life 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary device in everyday life, as a rule, breaks down due to a burnout of the motor-compressor. The main reason for such a breakdown is power surges. The refrigerator will last longer if you defrost it at least once every six months (with the exception of equipment with the No frost system) and follow a number of simple rules:

  • do not put the refrigerator next to a gas or electric stove
  • do not put hot food in the refrigerator
  • keep containers with water closed
  • wash at least once a month without using acidic substances

Washing machine (service life 7 - 8 years)

The main enemy of all washing machines is scale, which is so much talked about on TV. But there is no point in being afraid of its residents of the region, our water is very soft, - said the specialist service center Evgeny Podlinov. When using the washing machine, you need:

  • do not forget to open the tank of the machine for drying
  • do not overload the machine with extra pounds of linen
  • use low temperature programs if possible
  • systematically clean filters

Cookers (service life 10 - 15 years)

The service life is the same for electrical and gas stoves... There are fewer gas problems, but electric burners and switches can burn out. By the way, sockets for electric stoves are also not eternal - they must be changed every 10 years. Stove maintenance is simple:

  • after each use, wipe the stove with a dry cloth (unplug it before cleaning)
  • do not use abrasive and chemical cleaning agents
  • after each cooking in the oven, leave it open for airing
  • do not keep the stove on for a long time
  • the enamel coating may crack
  • do not use the surface of the plate as cutting board, as the enamel or glass-ceramic coating can be damaged
  • use dishes with a flat and dry bottom

Air conditioners (service life 10 years)

The lifespan of a refrigeration appliance often depends on the brand. Japanese air conditioners last longer than Korean and Chinese air conditioners. But for the latter it is easier to find spare parts, and it takes only about a week to wait for them from the trans-river state. The main cause of breakdown is dirt, so you need to regularly clean air conditioners from dust and poplar fluff, especially for those who live on the lower floors. The service time also depends on the quality of the installation, which only a professional should be trusted. And before the beginning of summer, you should call specialists to carry out routine maintenance - cleaning, diagnostics of the air conditioner and refueling with freon.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

The most important condition safe work- rejection of metal dishes, as well as porcelain and earthenware with golden borders or rims. Any metal object getting into the microwave chamber can lead to the failure of the most important part of the device - the magnetron.

It is worth remembering that:

  • the oven should be at least 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation openings must be open
  • Microwave must be promptly cleaned from dirt, touch and other control panels can be wiped off only with a slightly damp cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

In order to avoid damage, it is important to remember that a vacuum cleaner operating for an hour can easily burn out. Engine combustion is a major problem with this technique. The reason is simple - the engine clogged with dust and the same surges in electricity. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • do not press the brush strongly against the surface to be cleaned (to the floor)
  • do not forget about the timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the fabric bag cannot be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will deteriorate forever
  • periodically clean all filters to prevent dust from entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such a necessary thing as an iron most often breaks down due to falling from ironing board), but this is already mechanical damage and rather refers to improper operation. Combustion comes second heating element(tena). This is unlikely to be prevented. This object is also sensitive to voltage drops in the mains.

Kettle (service life 2 years)

The electric kettle is perhaps the most short-lived household appliance. With him the same trouble as with the iron - the ten often burns out. Moreover, for often incomprehensible reasons. Therefore, teapots do not last long. Moreover, over time, plastic begins to release toxic substances. This device is not worth like a washing machine, so you don't need to risk your health and operate it for more than two years. But you shouldn't forget about leaving anyway:

  • need to descale on time
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • do not pour cold water into an empty hot kettle
  • do not pour water over the kettle and stand

TV (service life 7 - 10 years)

There are televisions in every home, and more than one. It is the most popular consumer electronics device in everyone's home. And naturally the most frequently broken one. The main reason for the breakdown is, as always, commonplace - power surges. Most often, the purchase of surge protectors and stabilizers helps. Another tip from the service technicians - when the TV is turned off, unplug its plug from the outlet, this will extend its service life.

Finally, we want to show you an interesting video material about the service life of household appliances and electronics.

The legal concept of "service life" is not quite what it represents a common person... By law, this is the time during which the manufacturer is obliged to ensure that the product can be used. For example, he will have to supply spare parts and consumables (how can he use them without them?). And he - the manufacturer - during the service life is responsible for the damage caused by a poor-quality product.

In general, it is voluntary for the manufacturer to establish the service life of a product. But there is a list of goods for which this period must be established, since then such goods can become dangerous to humans or to nature. Electrical appliances are included in this list.

Basically, ahead of time services were also regulated by GOSTs and regulations: for example, the service life of gas stoves was 20 years, electric stoves - 16.5 years (these are the data of the 1982 standards, and they were observed for a long time), refrigerators - 15 years (GOST 16317-87, observed since 1988). Moreover, the concepts of “ set time service "and" average service life ": that is, the period during which the manufacturer is obliged to produce spare parts and consumables, and the service life for which the device is approximately designed. Now the manufacturer has the right to follow or not follow the GOSTs and at its own discretion. For example, he may, instead of complying with GOST, comply with TU -technical conditions... Therefore, we can talk about the service life of a particular type of equipment only by analyzing how long for which categories of goods the manufacturers themselves install (usually this information is in the user manuals). Which is what we did.

Estimated service life of household appliances

Electrical hobs, ovens and plates: 7-10 years old

Induction cookers: 10 years.

Gas hobs and stoves: 10 years.

Washing machines: 7-8 years old. Washing machines with an inverter motor sometimes have a longer service life - from 10 years. Sometimes the service life is 7 years, and the motor warranty is 10 years. What does it mean? Only that the motor will be produced, repaired or changed under warranty for 10 years (if the car does not "die" earlier).

Refrigerators and freezers: 7-10 years old. Typically on inverter compressors also a separate guarantee.

microwaves: 7 years (then it is recommended to change, as the camera may start to transmit radiation).

Vacuum cleaners: 3-7 years old. For the cheapest "cyclones", "sticks" for 3000-5000 rubles - as a rule, 3 years. And it also depends on the motor and the manufacturer, because vacuum cleaners with inverter motors and digitally controlled motors have appeared. This increases the service life and safety margin.

Dishwashers: 5 years on average.

Kitchen air purifiers (hoods): 7-10 years old.

Multicooker: 2-3 years and heating element, 5-7 years with induction heater.

Meat grinder: 3-5 years.

Kettles, hair dryers, small household appliances: 3 years. Professional motors (AC, DC) are sometimes installed on blenders, hair dryers and some other equipment - and then the service life is 5-7 years.

Let's learn how to use household appliances so that they do not break through our fault! WASHER

The most common causes of washing machine breakdowns are small baby socks, bra bones and small panties - thongs. Place laundry in special washing bags to prevent them from getting stuck in the drum.
Remember to check your pockets (especially on children). Trifle, candy and chewing gum - bad partners washing.
Do not overload the drum. Not only can the laundry be torn from this and poorly washed, with increased load the bearings fail and over time the drive belt, which participates in the movement of the drum, flies or breaks.
Do not overuse limescale products. Yes, they are necessary for cleaning internal parts machines, but are considered agents of aggressive chemicals, their too frequent use leads to premature wear of the machine.
Pay attention periodically washing machine... Do not leave wet laundry in it, rinse the powder container, wipe the rubber band of the drum. This will prevent the formation of mold on the machine parts and, as a result, the formation of unpleasant odors.
Maintain the oven regularly by removing grease from the chamber walls. If you allow it to accumulate, the mica plate overheats or the enamel is damaged, and the microwave begins to spark and crackle. The plate is on the side of the microwave; when rubbing grease from it, do not scrub too hard.
Do not forget that the microwave can only be turned on when there is any food in it. If the chamber is empty, bring the oven to working condition the magnetron may break. Do not use ovenware or foil. The microwave oven will generate sparks from metal parts.
You cannot load less than 50 g of food. If you are placing a light product, place a glass of water next to it.

Make sure that tall objects (pots or water decanters) do not block the rotation of the sprayer rocker.
Use special salt: it softens hard water by dissolving calcium. This is important for the machine itself, because otherwise, over time, the details will be covered limescale from the inside and fail.
Always clean off coarse food debris to avoid blocking the drain. However, it is not necessary to rinse the dishes under the tap, just remove the crumbs from them.
If the machine is large, there are not many dishes and you do not want to run full cycle for a couple of cups, use the rinse program (15 minutes on most machines). So there will be no unpleasant inside the car musty smell, and you can wait a day until more dishes are collected.
In most cases, the reason that the dishes were not cleaned well is not at all a malfunction, but because you loaded the dishes incorrectly and chose the wrong program.

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