Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to clean a plastic kitchen board. We clean and disinfect a cutting board made of wood and plastic. How to descale an electric kettle

Wooden board for cutting food is an environmentally friendly and convenient kitchen tool ...

However, it has one drawback - it quickly takes on an "unpresentable" look: it gets dirty and there are knife scratches on its surface

Despite the widespread use of modern cutting boards made of silicone, glass and plastic in kitchens, wooden boards are not going to give up their positions, remaining as popular as they were several centuries ago.

Due to the porous structure of wood, a wooden board, after cutting the products on it, absorbs their juice. The point is not only and not so much in the smell, which the board is impregnated with after cutting meat or fish.

Microscopic food particles remaining on the surface cutting board, serve as an excellent breeding ground for microbes and bacteria that pose a real threat to human health. There are many known cases of food poisoning caused by poor cleaning of a wooden cutting board after use.

Cleaning the cutting board
The most common way to clean a wooden cutting board is to wash it thoroughly. hot water using dishwashing detergents.

Attention! Do not immerse wooden cutting boards in water or soak them in water. This will encourage bacteria growth and the wood will crack when dry.

It would seem that what can be done wrong here? However, many make the mistake of wiping dry a washed cutting board with a kitchen towel, thereby transferring germs and bacteria from it to the board.

Throw this bad habit! After washing and rinsing the cutting board, leave it to dry upright without wiping it off with a dish sponge or kitchen towel.
If you need a dry board immediately, dry it with a paper towel.

Disinfection of a wooden board
Most effective method disinfection - soaking the cutting board in a chlorine-containing detergent... Do not overdo it with chlorinated liquid! For 5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of the product will be enough.
After 30 minutes, remove the board from the disinfectant solution, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry in an upright position.

A safer disinfection solution can be prepared, using soda. Dissolving in 0.5 l hot water 1 teaspoon of baking soda, wet the surface of the board with the resulting mixture. After holding for 5-10 minutes, the board must be thoroughly rinsed and allowed to dry.

Can use hydrogen peroxide instead of soda, in this case, to prepare a washing solution for 0.5 liters of water, you will need 2 teaspoons of peroxide.

Perfectly disinfects, cleans and removes from the cutting board surface unpleasant odors regular lemon, or rather his half. After rubbing the board with half a lemon, let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
Similar table vinegar also has an antibacterial effect.

To disinfect, wipe the cutting board after each use with white vinegar, which is effective against E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.
Apply it with paper towel... Keep a spray bottle filled with vinegar in your kitchen for ease of use.

A wooden cutting board that is badly scratched or cracked should not be reused. The best thing to do with such a board is to get rid of it by buying a new one instead.
But if the damage to the surface layer of the board is insignificant, the board can still serve.

Lemon and salt. The easy and cheap way to clean a wooden chopping board

Keeping cutting boards clean is an integral part of maintaining kitchen hygiene, as the entire cooking process takes place on cutting boards. Therefore, with unhygienic use of the boards, there is a high risk of spreading harmful bacteria such as salmonella or E. coli. But it's not all bad, because with regular cleaning, food contamination and the spread of harmful bacteria can be easily avoided.

Baking soda and water... Another way is to How to get rid of bacteria on the kitchen board.
In order to get rid of dirt on a cutting wooden board, you can also use such a simple, and most importantly, an affordable tool for everyone, like baking soda. Dilute 1 tsp. soda in 0.5 liters. hot water and sprinkle the mixture all over the board, let it sit for a while, then wash it thoroughly as usual. Instead of soda, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (the proportions for preparing the solution are similar to the first option).

Cleaning powders - not the best way
Some housewives use various cleaning powders to clean their cutting wooden boards. It is best to refrain from doing this.
Despite the fact that they effectively remove various odors and contaminants from almost any surface, it is highly discouraged to use such substances for cleaning kitchen utensils, especially cutting wooden boards - powder particles may remain on their surface and, with further use, end up in the food you cook.
Probably, it is not worth saying that this poses a threat to the health of all members of your family.

Strip the wooden chopping board from time to time
Rub it lightly with fine sandpaper to keep the surface smooth, especially if there are food particles or bumps on the surface.

Rebuilding the cutting board. We will use sandpaper, salt, lemon and sunflower oil heated in a water bath.

What can I do about a cutting board that is a breeding ground for bacteria?

Bacterial Infection Test for Cutting Boards

Which cutting board should you choose?

Key points:

  1. For different types different chopping boards must be used for food. This way you can avoid food poisoning when cooking meat products and you do not have to constantly wash the same board when cooking.
  2. Hot water and dish soap are essential helpers for daily cleaning of cutting boards.
  3. Once a week, properly sanitize all cutting boards.


  1. Some food odors such as garlic, onion and fish are difficult to avoid. Dip a paper towel in pure lemon juice or grab a lemon wedge and scrub the surface - cutting boards will smell of citrus freshness!
  2. Rub the board with coarse salt or baking soda to remove strong odors. Leave the substance on the board for 2 to 3 minutes, then wipe off the treated surface. Rinse the cutting board and dry.
  3. Bacteria die without moisture. Store your board in a dry place away from food and any other contaminants. Store the board upright when not in use.

Preventing food contamination

Who wants to sleep with food poisoning? Follow this simple tips to avoid such problems:

  • Buy solid acrylic or rubber boards as they are the most hygienic to use (these are the boards commonly used in restaurants).
  • Wooden boards should be disinfected regularly and kept as clean as possible.
  • It is convenient to have multiple boards for different types food. You must have at least two of them: one for raw meat and fish, the other for vegetables, bread and any other foods that can be eaten raw.
  • Buy colored sets of cutting boards, or label the boards yourself, so it will be much easier to distinguish between them by purpose.
  • Throw away any cutting boards that have cracks, large scratches, or obvious traces of dirt. Like all kitchen utensils, cutting boards have a shelf life and are important to dispose of on time to maintain kitchen hygiene and cleanliness.

Processing cutting boards

Most wooden cutting boards are made from hardwoods such as teak, although bamboo cutting boards are also quite common. Any type of wood must be treated to prevent stains and to keep food odors and bacteria from remaining on the surface.

Use an oil that can be reapplied, such as food mineral oil. It will fill the pores of the wood safely and well. Another name is liquid paraffin, edible petroleum jelly.
Rub the oil over the board and let it soak into the wood. Wipe off excess oil with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat this process at least once a month.

Attention! Do not use vegetable oil for processing cutting boards. Such oil will go rancid and cause bad smell.

After mineral oil, apply beeswax, it will make the surface of the board water-resistant, which will protect the wood from wear and tear and extend its service life. Microwave in a microwave safe container 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) beeswax with 1 cup (240 ml) mineral oil for about 45 seconds. Apply warm wax to a cutting board.
Based on materials from,

Wooden kitchen chopping boards have many advantages over their plastic and ceramic counterparts.
Products do not slip on their surface, allowing you to cut them much more confidently and faster.
In addition, dense wood, in addition to its environmental friendliness, is also famous for its durability, so that wooden boards last much longer than their other counterparts.

But wooden cutting boards have their drawbacks. The main ones are the ability of the tree to absorb odors and change appearance for the worse. In order for the board to last longer, it is necessary to take proper care of it.
I hope you now know how to do it: o) ....

There is still a heated debate over which type of cutting board is the safest and most convenient to use: wood or plastic. Regardless of what type of cutting board you choose for your kitchen, there are several ways to update your board and keep it fresh. Keeping your cutting board in good condition will increase its lifespan, but if you've taken care of it on the side, here are a few steps you can take to "rejuvenate" the surface of your kitchen board.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

You will need:
- water;
- whitening agent;
- kitchen towels;
- baking soda;
- natural lemon or lime juice;
- clean Toothbrush;
- liquid dish detergent;
- a heavy stack of books;
- sandpaper fine grain;
- mineral oil;
- white vinegar.

1. Mix 4 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of bleach in a sink (rinsed and capped). Place a plastic cutting board in water and soak for about fifteen minutes. Take out the board.

2. Place the wet board on a kitchen towel. Cover the board with a layer of baking soda. Squeeze enough lemon or lime juice on top of the baking soda to create a paste that you will use to brush the surface with a clean toothbrush. At the end (after thorough cleaning), leave the paste on the board for about 15-30 minutes, depending on how dirty it is.

3. Rinse the paste off the board under running water, then rinse the board in hot soapy water. Rinse off again - now a soapy composition - and let the board dry.

4. Place the board on a flat flat surface to determine if it has warped in some place. According to professional opinion If your board is not level, you should replace it to avoid injury during use. However, if the board is only slightly deformed, wash it in dishwasher... Immediately after the end of the washing program - while the board is still hot - remove it and place it on a flat surface. On top of the board, stack a tower of heavy books and leave for about an hour. Majority plastic boards, thus, will align well, whatever happens to them at the beginning - bends or other deformation.

1. Sand any small grooves and cuts with a good fine-grained sandpaper in a circular motion. In the case of serious cuts and other significant depressions, keep in mind that these quickly become a harbor for bacteria, which means the board needs to be replaced!

2. Rinse the board hot running water using a liquid dish detergent.

3. Place a container of mineral oil in a container of hot water to warm the oil. When the oil is warm, coat the board with mineral oil. Let the oil soak into the wood. Mineral oil will seal the surface of the wood against bacteria and help the board to achieve sufficient moisture saturation, protecting it from drying out and cracking.

4. Mix 1 cup of water and 3 tablespoons of white vinegar and rub the solution into the wood of a cutting board with a tea towel to minimize odors. Rinse the board and finally dry it completely with a fresh tea towel.

Additions and Warnings:

According to experts, mineral oil should be applied to wooden cutting boards every time the surface of the wood becomes lighter. If you use the board on a daily basis, apply the oil monthly;

Do not use frying oil to cover wooden surfaces... It will spoil the tree and contribute to its rotting;

Never use bleach on wooden cutting boards.

A board for cutting food in the kitchen is an irreplaceable item. This item is environmentally friendly, it is convenient to store it, but it has one significant disadvantage... Such cutting boards get dirty very quickly and require some care. But even that doesn't make the board less popular than modern chopping boards made of glass, silicone or plastic. And it seems that giving up their positions is not included in their plans.

The wood has a porous structure, so the board, after cutting the food on it, very well absorbs the juice and odors of the food. But it's not even about the smell from the board, but about microscopic particles of products that always remain on its surface. They serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. And these microorganisms can pose a threat to the health of members of the entire family. A huge number of poisonings are known, which are caused by poor-quality cleaning of a wooden board for cutting food.

Board cleaning rules

The best and most common way is to wash the board after use with hot water and any dishwashing detergent. But there is one secret: after processing the board, you cannot wipe it dry with a kitchen towel. This way you can easily transfer germs and bacteria from the towel to the board.

Leave this habit. Simply wash the board clean, rinse it thoroughly and let it dry. You don't even need to wipe it off with a clean kitchen towel or a new sponge. If the board is urgently needed, it can only be wiped off with a paper towel or paper towel.

Disinfection of the board

The wooden board must be disinfected. It can be soaked in water with added chlorine. But there should be very little chlorine-containing liquid. One tablespoon will be enough for 5 liters of water. Disinfection should last no more than half an hour. Then the board needs to be rinsed very well. The board should dry in an upright position.

There are more safe way disinfection using soda. A teaspoon of baking soda must be dissolved in hot water (0.5 l). Next, moisten the surface of the cutting board with the resulting solution. After 10 minutes, rinse the board thoroughly and leave to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide is also suitable for treating wooden boards. The washing solution is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of peroxide are taken for 0.5 liters warm water.

It does an excellent job of removing germs and odor from the lemon board. You just need to lightly rub the board with a slice of fruit and leave it for ten minutes. Then rinse and dry the board. Table vinegar has a similar antibacterial effect.

Do not use for cutting food wooden board with cracks and scratches. Buy a new chopping board. So you will avoid possible problems with the health of the whole family.

Many people wonder how to quickly and easily clean kitchen utensils. There are so many of them in the apartment. And they all have such a not very good property to get dirty.

And now the recently purchased kettle no longer shines, the pots are covered with a layer of grease, and the cutlery has darkened from time to time.

How to deal with such unpleasant changes. Let's figure it out together.

If the board has darkened from time to time, and has become somewhat greasy to the touch, then you can clean it using the following method. And this can be done quite easily and simply.

We will need:

  • some coarse salt
  • half lemon
  • the board we want to clean.

How to clean:

  1. Sprinkle salt on a damp cutting board so that it covers the entire surface fairly tightly. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Take half a lemon, and using light pressure, start rubbing the board. It turns out that you, as it were, rub in the salt.
  3. Now rinse the board with water and dry with a clean cloth.
  4. That's all! Your board will be as good as new.

How to clean old grease from pots

We need:

  • dry mustard

How to clean:

  1. Mix baking soda with mustard powder in a 1/3 ratio.
  2. Transfer to an old jar with holes in the lid
  3. Use as you normally would with your detergent.

Very optimal, and at the same time safe remedy for dish washing.

How to descale an electric kettle

We will need

  • vinegar

How to clean:

  • Mix water with vinegar, in a 2/1 ratio. Pour the mixture into a kettle.
  • Close the spout of the kettle with a paper "stopper".
  • Boil the kettle as long as necessary to release the cork.
  • Pour out the remaining water and rinse the kettle thoroughly under running water.

Scale will fall off and wash off with cold water.

How to clean cutlery

We will need:

How to clean:

  • Prepare a solution. A tablespoon of soda and the same amount of salt are added to a liter of hot water, mix everything.
  • V enamel pot laid out on the bottom aluminium foil... On top of it are cutlery.
  • Pour the prepared solution into a saucepan with devices and put on fire.
  • Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • Further, the spoons, stainless steel forks are washed with ordinary dish detergent and a sponge. In the area of ​​the drawings, you can use a coarse polymer bristle brush.

Here's another way. For him you will need:

  • Lemon acid
  • Or a glass of vinegar

How to clean:

  1. Half a glass of vinegar or 100 grams of citric acid is poured into a liter of water.
  2. Dip spoons and forks into the solution, bring to a boil. As soon as it cools down, all this can be rinsed in running water and wiped dry with a towel.

You can just clean with one baking soda. How to do it.

  1. Dilute three parts baking soda with one part water. You will have the simplest cleaning paste.
  2. It remains only to grate forks and spoons until shiny and rinse in clean water wipe dry.

Baking soda is a strong enough abrasive and not aggressive enough to damage the surface of steel.

This method is also used for cleaning silver cutlery.

These are just some examples of how you can quickly and efficiently, without using chemicals cleaning household utensils.

A cutting board has undergone many tests during its service. Fruit and vegetable juice leaves traces, and fish and meat smells unpleasant. Sometimes even the best detergents unable to cope with it. So how do you clean your cutting board?

Pets will come to the rescue natural remedies... They are able to remove not only dirt and odor, but also harmful bacteria. Try it!

How to clean a kitchen board

Take a board and pour boiling water over it.

Cut the lemon in half.

Rub the board with half a lemon, pressing it firmly to the surface.

Then rub the board sea ​​salt and leave for 10 minutes.

Take the second slice of lemon and rub it over the board again, rubbing salt.

Wash the board under warm running water. Then dry it. Now she looks like new!

To consolidate the result, you can oiled a wooden board. To do this, use liquid paraffin or edible beeswax. These products can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply any of these to a dry and clean cutting board and let sit for a couple of hours, then wipe it down well.

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