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Painting houses from the bar outside. Painting houses from a bar: order of work How to paint a new house from a bar outside

The glued bar is a unique building material. But it is worth remembering that such a bar is almost all of the tree, so whatever he had an appearance, anyway, after all construction works on the construction of the box of the house, it must be protected from all sorts of external factors that adversely affect the timber. One of the mandatory action is painting outside.

Coloring houses from glued timber belongs to one of the ways of external decoration of the structure. This finish is carried out when the external walls do not need to install insulating material. The difficulty depends on what quality has a glued bar and the coloring composition itself, as well as the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe walls.

Protection and Facade Facade Building

Many are interested, for which reasons of the house from the wood after a certain amount of time begin to lose their appearance of the appearance. Similar phenomena are perfectly visible on the village buildings. The walls on them over time acquire gray, and the surface is modified, becoming porous. This adversely affects not only the aesthetic qualities of the house, but also on its operational characteristics. The reason for this is that wood is a material that is too sensitive to external factors. In this regard, any house, in particular from the glued timber, is not friendly with ultraviolet solar rays and humidity.

The sun rays destroy lignin, which is a binding wood element connecting cellulose fibers. As for moisture, it contributes to the emergence of fungi.

After exposure to the walls of the house of external factors, they begin to darken and lose all their properties, causing the destruction of the house. To prevent this, you should create a special barrier that will separate the glued bar from the external environment. As such a barrier, you can use crumbling and lesserizing compositions that are applied to the front walls by means of a special paint sprayer or simple brushes.

Use a variety of coloring compositions can be allowed several tasks at once:

  • to protect the house from harm that can apply an external environment. Various antiseptics are used for rotation from rotting, and from ultravital rays Composition from HC filtering, i.e. translucent or transparent paint, varnish, etc;
  • change the external data of the house in a positive way. Many owners who have decided to build a house from glued bar, which is distinguished by its high cost, are not always ready to close such a beautiful surface with additional finish in the form of paint. In such cases, you can use paints that have a transparent look as well as special oils and more. In cases where defects are visible on wood, it is best to apply the cut paint for staining.

Varnish, impregnation and paint to perform outdoor householdation

When painting houses from the glued bar, not only the appearance of the structure is changed, but also protection against all sorts of external factors is performed.

To date, in the construction market you can find a variety of painting materials that. The most common and popular of them are the following compositions:

Impregnations based on water or organic substances. In principle, such compositions cannot be called paint, because they almost do not change the appearance of the house. Their main goal is to protect against various fungi, bacteria and fire.

Film-forming composition. It can be crumbling or translucent (lesing). This composition ensures the protection of outer walls from moisture, and also passes through itself accumulated evaporation from wood.

Paint for performing work outside. Such formulations are very similar to the film-forming, but for them the main task is to change the color of the surfaces of the surfaces. In principle, paint a house from a bar can be paints of world manufacturers who are able to replace the protective treatment of the outer brusade surface of the house. These, the pars paint will cover exactly.

Antiseptics coloring type. Such formulations are used special in order to paint the outer glued bar of the house.

Preparatory work

The glued bar is a building material having high performance. It does not have deformation properties, but still, its staining is performed with a strict observance of a number of rules.

To perform high-quality color of the outdoor walls of a wooden house, you must follow the instructions below:

Painting of outer walls is performed no later than four months after the construction of the structure. In case the house without coloring stood longer, then due to adverse external factors, the timber will begin to gradually collapse, and this will already lead to the fact that the paint will be carried out not qualitatively.

Coloring is performed at a temperature not lower than ten degrees.

In order for the adhesion of the paint composition and wood to be the most efficient, the painted surface should be carefully taken, and then perform grinding. At the end of grinding on the walls, you should walk with a special vacuum cleaner of industrial purpose. Especially sharpening attention is necessary at the joints of the bar, since it is between bars that the main mass of wood sawdust and a large amount of dust occurs between the bars.

Before starting work on the color of the outer surface of the house, all the walls are recommended to be primed. The primer compounds are most often not expensive, but thanks to them you can get the most high-quality adhesion of paint. Based on this, it can be concluded that it is better to spend a little on the primer composition, thereby saving for the purchase of more expensive compositions for staining.

The surface of the surface is carried out only after the primer is completely dried.

End, where the bars must be treated with a special construction sealant.

Staining technology

As the outer so and the inner painting of the walls almost has no difference. It has the difference only in the fact that with an outdoor painting, the profiled timber is processed by several layers of coloring composition.

If you decide to perform staining of the outer glued bar on your own, then before starting to perform work, you need to decide on how to paint the surface of the outer walls. In addition, some tips should be followed:

  • the paint must be mixed with the strict compliance with the manual specified by the manufacturer. This rule applies to lacquer with casting components. Mixing compositions should be carried out in a large and clean capacity;
  • before starting staining, it is necessary to draw the composition of the composition on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface. This is done in order to find out what appearance will acquire a wall after painting;
  • painting is performed using a roller, sprayer or brush. Varnish is better to apply with brushes;
  • to completely handle the surface of the glued bar, you must apply up to five layers. Each of the layers are applied only after completely drying the previous one.

The result of staining

After painting the surface of the walls must completely dry. After several months, it is recommended to carefully inspect the result of the work. If any cracks or cracks are detected, they should be sealing sealant. It also lies the same paint, which was painted the whole house.


As the inner so and the outer painting of the surface of the walls should be carried out at mandatory, because it is possible to achieve a durability of the house. Although the glued bar is painted easily, it is recommended to adhere to the rules described above. If you comply with all the recommendations, then the appearance of the house will be more attractive, and re-staining will be required only after many years.

The house from Bruz, recently erected or under repair, needs to resolve the issue of protecting wood from environmental impact. In addition, the new finish should improve the aesthetic qualities of the construction. For these purposes, varnish or various types of paints of the desired color and shade can be used.


Wood on street conditions is a very unstable material that needs additional protection. The use of paint for these purposes has its own positive and negative sides. Such decoration has several important advantages.

  • Improving aesthetics. The house painted in a properly selected color is pleasantly pleased with the eye and harmonizes with the adjacent territory and placed on it.
  • Protection from aggressive atmospheric phenomena. First of all, it is associated with moisture: rain and snow, but also refers to a strong wind, hail and other phenomena.
  • Biological protection.Wood is an excellent environment for breeding mold fungus and other microorganisms, in addition, bugs can start in it, and she eat rodents. High-quality paint will protect material from these problems.

  • Ultraviolet protection. Sunlight also has a negative impact on wood: leads to a drying and fading of its natural colors.
  • Ability to save authentic coloring.The lesing paints and varnishes cover the bar with a transparent coating, allowing you to fully enjoy its natural beauty.
  • Elimination of small defects.The tree is an inhomogeneous material, so pigmentation spots or other defects are often present on its surface.

To the negative sides of the LCM include the following:

  • some species of varnishes prevent the free steam exchange of the walls, which contributes to their reference and prevents natural ventilation at home;
  • paint and varnishes are combustible, which worsens fire safety.

What to process?

The main protective function is performed by paintwork, however, besides it, special impregnations can be used, reinforceing wood resistance to various negative factors.


The composition, deeply penetrating wood deep, is used solely to enhance the protective and operational properties of the material. Soak material must be carefully. The impregnation performs a number of characteristic tasks, including the following:

  • improving the adhesive properties of wood before painting the main LKM;
  • filling the porous structure of wood, cracks and irregularities in order to reduce the consumption of paint and varnish material - savings;
  • antibacterial and illegal protection of wood, for example, antiseptic composition;
  • strengthening fire safety through anti-view solutions;
  • reducing the effect of ultraviolet on wood;
  • protection against rotary processes using hydrophobic compositions that enhances the waterproofing of the material.

Types of paints for home from a bar

The paintwork market is filled with a wide range of paints of various species, each of which has its own characteristic features: positive and negative qualities. During construction, it is necessary to process the surface of the brusade board, before putting the bottom layer of paint. These steps are very important. For finishing works, the first crowns can be used below the varieties of paints and varnishes.


The modern means for staining the surfaces of different types, including wood, has excellent operational and aesthetic qualities. Separately, you can select such properties as:

  • the high rate of finishing works is ensured by a short period of drying - 1-2 hours for each layer;
  • a durable clutch with a wooden surface provides a long period of operation of the coating without repair work;
  • environmentally friendly composition, lack of toxic components, complete hypoallergenicity;
  • excellent protection against atmospheric phenomena: rain, snow, hail, and others;
  • high resistance to ultravioleti;

  • biological inertness - on it does not multiply mold fungus and other microorganisms;
  • high vapor permeability guarantees the facade ventilability, as a result, the house is always fresh air, in addition, the moisture that fell into the walls and interior rooms is freely evaporated, not leading to their refurbishment and damage;
  • good mechanical strength;
  • excellent elasticity - the surface layer does not destroy from the expansion or compression cycle when heated or cooling from high temperature is hot summer;
  • alkaline detergents can be used for washing the surface.

The minuses of latex formulations include weak frost resistance due to which their use on the facade is inappropriate. The second minus is relative, because the fungus can multiply on its surface, but it is enough to apply an antiseptic to the stained surface, and this problem is solved.


The dyes of this type were widespread due to the good price ratio and the source result, although such paints are not cheap. Other features of such compositions are the following:

  • the speed of finishing works is ensured by a short period of drying;
  • powerful adhesion - a clutch with a surface provides a long service life - about 20 years;
  • high resistance to aggressive weather phenomena;
  • a weak unbearable smell makes it possible to work with paint without special protection;
  • high elasticity of paint ensures the integrity of the surface layer with temporary deformations;

  • the color of the dye can be modified to the desired shade through special pigment additives;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • safety, because the composition does not contain toxic components, does not provoke allergies;
  • sunny light resistance.

Relative disadvantages include rapid drying of the composition, in which an open bank with a dye has been starting to lose its optimal properties for 5-6 hours. Another complexity occurs when the color change occurs, if you do not use scales when pulling the flavor, it will be almost impossible to repeat the shade.


A classic agent for tree coloring with well-known strong and weak sides. Among the characteristic properties, such advantages can be distinguished as:

  • durable adhesion;
  • a wide selection of color palette, paints are perfectly mixed and can be modified in the desired shade with pigment additives;
  • it can be applied over the existing layer of paint, except for water-generation solutions;
  • good resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations;
  • affordable price.

The minuses of oil paint include the following:

  • sharp characteristic odor;
  • long-term dying of the layer - about 12 hours;
  • weak resistance to ultraviolet;
  • low durability, on average you need to reproduce painting every 3 years;
  • weak vapor permeability prevents the free exit of moisture from the walls and indoors, the first - rewind and can bend, in the second - there may be an unpleasant swamp odor, there is no natural venifiability of the facade - the air inside the house is more soul.


Alkid paint is a paintwork based on alkyd resins. Pronounced strengths are compensated by specific disadvantages. One of the main advantages is an affordable price. The advantages of such dyes include the following:

  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • short period of drying layer;
  • excellent resistance to temperature drops;
  • maximum frost resistance;
  • long period of operation - 10-12 years;

The weak parties are the following:

  • weak adhesion with wood;
  • must be applied to an absolutely dry surface, which is not always real in the conditions of the street;
  • plainproof, there is no facade ventilability - free evaporation of moisture from walls and interior.


One of the newest types of paint with unique operational qualities without weaknesses, which are provided by its polymer base.

The characteristic features of the paintwork include the following:

  • good adhesion with a wooden surface;
  • the frozen layer is distinguished by high strength and elasticity, as a result, when expanding and subsequent compression, the coating retains the integrity, the surface is resistant to mechanical shock, loads, friction, vibration;
  • can be applied by any tools for painting: tassel, roller, paintopult;
  • to bed perfectly, forms a flat surface without influx;
  • absolute waterproofing;
  • excellent vapor permeability, a house covered with rubber paint, "breathes", inside always fresh air, moisture from the premises and walls freely evaporates, and they do not redeem with further consequences;

  • can dissolve only with water;
  • a very rapid process of finishing work, the period of drying the paint ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, complete hardening - approximately 1.5-3 hours;
  • excellent resistance to weather phenomena;
  • the structure of the dye is resistant to sunlight, the shade does not fade over the entire period of operation;
  • safe composition - there are no toxic components, complete hypoallergenicity;
  • long service life - about 10 years;
  • the paint is not cheap, but when considering excellent performance, the ratio of the price and the result is one of the best.

There are no characteristic minuses from rubber paint, but it is necessary to strictly observe the application technology, in particular the conditions under which staining is made, and what can be applied only with thin layers.

How to paint?


To obtain a good coating, it is not enough to choose high-quality paint, besides this, you need to adhere to the methods of their proper application. It is desirable to paint immediately after the construction. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the tools in which timbering will be used. These include the following:

  • roller with a long handle;
  • middle and small brushes or paint;
  • grinding machine with small abrasive;
  • antiseptic solution for primer;
  • paint and varnish materials that will be covered by the timber;
  • brush.

In the future, you need to adhere to a certain procedure.

  • Preparation of the surface.With the help of grinders, all traces of the old finish are eliminated if the house is new, the irregularities are removed. Next, the brush surface is cleaned from garbage after grinding, dust, dirt. If there is a vacuum cleaner, the cleaning process is significantly accelerated. Than more powerful, the better the garbage will be removed.
  • Primer.The solution is applied in two layers, first the first thoroughly applying the composition over the entire surface, impregnating each crack, bending, deepening and other irregularities. It graves about an hour, but it is better to clarify the drying time for a particular primer. Next, the second layer is applied.
  • Painting.The selected coloring agent is applied in 2-3 layers. Each subsequent layer after drying the previous one. The final coating is often applied varnish and also in several layers. It is better to paint with a tassel in the horizontal plane with even dimensional strokes, without picking up a large amount of dye on it. If the paintopult is used, staining is also carried out in several layers.

Reflecting on how to paint the house from the bar outside, it is necessary to remember that painting for a bar is not only a decorative element, but also protection against negative impacts of the external environment, ensuring safety and durability.

In painting at home from a bar must include: antiseptic wood processing and lacquer coating or paint.

Have a country house or cottage - the dream of many city inhabitants and especially megacities. Permanent urban noise, stuffiness, crowds of the people on the streets are very tired and cause a desire to retire in a quiet place, breathe fresh air, chat with nature. Therefore, a comfortable country house is often not just material ownership, but a vital necessity.

Do not everyone may afford the purchase of a finished country house. But the house on the country site can be built with their own hands. This will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and the result will be exactly what the owner of the future structure is required. Especially if all the preliminary actions were made competently, thoroughly, intelligently: the choice of the site, the project of the future home, drawing up the estimates, planning of construction work, the choice of material.

The main thing is to rise in building at home, remember that it will require certain costs of time, labor, cash. Getting Started by the construction of a country house, you need to carefully examine the information on the materials presented in the market, consult with specialists and with those who have already passed along this path.

What is good home from a bar

After the site was chosen, the size and layout of the future home are invented, you need to decide on the choice of material for it. This is the main question. Depending on which the house will be built, the question of the necessary foundation, insulation, etc. is solved.

Currently, a timber is considered one of the most popular materials for country buildings: calibrated, glued or profiled. It is environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive material with good thermal insulation properties.

Under the construction of the house from the bar does not require laying a massive foundation. The technique will only need to deliver the material to the place of construction. All this significantly reduces the cost of the house and facilitates construction.

In addition to the main house from the bar, you can also build a flaghel, mezzanine, summer kitchen, bath or sauna. For household buildings, this material is not used.

The insulation of the walls of the house from the profiled or any other bar is made of natural (moss, palable, etc.) or modern synthetic materials. For the home heating at the cold season, it is best to install an electrical or gas boiler with a steam heating system.

Finish ready home from timber

Proper painting of the house from the bar is a very important point. The decision of this issue should be related to special attention, because it depends not only by the appearance of the construction, but also its preservation and durability. Properly selected coating will protect the house from corrosion, rot, fungus, mold and other factors that reduce its service life. Waterproofing and protection against direct sunlight will also help the preservation of the initial qualities of wood and its natural color.

Basic Rules Painting

Apply an antiseptic on wood is needed with a brush with a rigid natural pile.

The outer painting of the brusade house is carried out in the case when the developer decides to refuse to apply any finishing materials. Before painting a house from a bar with natural humidity, the whole design must be carefully dryed. Paintworks are better at dry surface.

After drying the walls of the cut, they are cleaned from natural pollution and grind carefully. This will increase the quality of painting. Coloring dust is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner, put on blowing mode.

A primer (antiseptic) is applied to the surface thus prepared. The primer must be applied to all natural or artificial irregularities of timber: bends, cracks, small chips. The primer will usually dry no more than an hour. After that, it must be applied by the second layer.

Only after re-drying the primer composition can be applied paintwork. It is also applied twice or three times. The dryer of each layer should be carried out according to the technical instructions on the package.

Apply finishing materials better with a brush or sprayer. The main thing is to remember that the brush should only move vertically. Paints and varnishes, applied by horizontal movements, fall unevenly, insufficiently crushing the bar and look very inaccurated.

What materials are better to use

The choice of exterior decoration of the wooden house from the bar depends on the construction of the material. A house from a calibrated or profiled timber will be more practical to cover the outside of various finishing materials. In this case, you do not have to constantly update painting. The house from glued bar is better to paint.

Usually the painting of houses from the glued timber is carried out using natural coloring compositions. This contributes to the preservation of the natural type of wood, its environmental qualities, and is also safer for residents at home than, for example, synthetic compounds.

For the outer painting of the finished brusade house, painting compositions made on the basis of natural materials are used: clays, oils, water, etc. It should be remembered that the painting of the house from the glued bar with synthetic coloring compositions is extremely undesirable.

Facade paints can be matte or semiam, glossy or semi-shy. For timber used:

  • acrylates;
  • antiseptics;
  • oil paints.

Acrylic coloring compositions have high strength, are well applied and do not require constant updates. Their main minus is the high cost.

To work, you will need: roller, brushes, rags and so on.

Antiseptic compositions are made of organic substances, water and various additives. The dried antiseptics protect the painted surface well. The main minus of antiseptic compositions is low stability and long drying after applying.

Oil paints are still considered the most economical and reliable. Their popularity is ensured by high protective properties and low prices. The main disadvantages of oil-based compounds: long drying and exposure of painted burnout surfaces, cracking and small chips.

After applying paint and complete drying of the painted surface, it is also recommended to apply a layer of natural varnish. This will help consolidate the paint and further align the surface, because the varnish, as a rule, falls without incl.

When choosing a specific composition, it is better to give preference to products of well-known manufacturers. Their long-standing presence in the market of sales of this product will be the key to the quality of the goods offered. Reduce your rating by poor-quality product, the well-known manufacturer is unlikely to want.

Inner painting of a wooden house

Painting timber inside the house is also a very important point of finishing work. Painted walls from the bar look much better and become more resistant to the effects of moisture, temperature changes, mechanical damage.

It is better to use special paints for the internal processing of the bar. These compositions have high strength, various colors, stability and long retain a bright and fresh look, providing additional deformation protection.

To emphasize the natural aesthetics of the bar from the inside of the walls using wax, olifes or special oils. Small natural flaws of walls from a bar can be covered with mastic, which will not only help level the walls, but also give them special velvety.

Properly selected and neatly applied paints and varnish materials will protect and decorate the house from the bar. The tastefully decorated interior will give a country house special comfort. This will make such a lodge a great place to relax the owner of the house, his family and friends.

One of the most popular materials for finishing inside and outside the room is a wooden bar. This material has many positive qualities, such as environmental purity, affordable price, practicality and presentable appearance.

To increase the life of the brusade tree, he needs the most reliable protection, since otherwise the material will begin to be black and crack. The best option to protect the wooden surface is to paint the timber as outside and inside the house. Paint will become an efficient and simple protection for a rounded or log bar.

Varieties of painting compositions for timber

Before starting painting work, it is recommended to choose a color gamut, and the type of paintwork material. The paint for profiled or glued timber must be chosen taking into account the climate situation in the region. In addition, in this case it is necessary to consult with a specialist. The main criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a paint material is its resistance to atmospheric or mechanical exposure, the duration of operation and permeability for steam.

Transparent materials

This paint is also called the term. Its feature is that a similar solution does not hide the natural structure of the tree, and on the contrary, emphasizes its beauty. Such transparent paints are perfect for a freshly rounded or log bar, which does not have defects, cracks or dark spots on its surface. Of the transparent materials, such compounds obtained the greatest distribution:

Opaque paints and varnish materials

These compositions are chosen if the design inside or outside the room does not take into account the structure of the wood. Therefore, such paints have a certain color that can be chosen in each specific situation. Opaque formulations are suitable for such situations:

To date, there are several varieties of opaque compositions:

Rules painting Bruus

The main conditions of successful painting are the right choice of paint and a clear adherence to all the rules of work. When choosing paint, it is important to take into account its color so that the painted bar is combined with other elements of the interior or exterior.

Preparatory work

At the preparatory stage, you must first thoroughly clean and dry the treated surface. When working with cuts from glued timber, it should be borne in mind that they are practically not subject to the process of reducing moisture content in the material. Therefore, they are the perfect option for painting. First of all, the primer should be carried out. It is best to use fire resistant and bioprotective composition as a primer composition. In addition, the surface is desirable to carefully treat the antiseptic.

Next, grinding is carried out, which is the mandatory preparatory phase before painting. Competently spent grinding will allow to make the surface smoothly and at the same time will reduce the paint consumption. In addition, such a procedure will increase the depth of penetration of varnish in the woody material. As a result, the duration of the operation of the bar will increase significantly. Grinding is recommended to carry out until you installed the doors and windows. This is due to the fact that this stage of work is very dusty. Therefore, the presence of a respirator and goggles for protection is in this case necessary.

Grinding affects the entire surface of the bar, including ends. In some cases, it is necessary to paint a layer of wood covered with fungus. For grinding it is recommended to use grinding devices or sandpaper, having a degree of rigidity in the range of 40-120. At the final grinding stage, polished is carried out. It is carried out by the same tools as grinding work. The only difference is that sandpaper paper with minimal grainy is used for polishing.

Before starting painting the glued or rounded timber, it should also be sealing ends. These areas are much more susceptible to moisture compared to lateral parts.

Therefore, experts advise to handle ends with the help of acrylic sealant. It needs to be done both outside and indoors.

Stage Painting

Painting a profiled or log bar should be carried out at ambient air at least +5 degrees. In addition, it is impossible to paint the timber during precipitation, so the surface of the tree before finishing should be absolutely dry. Otherwise, the method of applying paint on the bar is standard and is carried out with the instructions for a particular paintwork.

The quality of paint is the main component of the high-quality outer decoration of the country house. When this composition is selected, its external characteristics, wear resistance and vapor permeability should be taken into account.

The correct painting of the house from the bar not only gives his appearance desired shades, but also protects the wood from various harmful effects. In this article we will tell about the technology of painting a wooden house, as well as about various materials that are used for this work.

Why do you need to paint a house from glued timber

The main goal of painting is to give the external and internal form of the house necessary shades, changing the visual perception of the outer and inner surface of the bar and the house as a whole. Proper painting does not hide the texture of the tree, and gives it new colors and emphasizes the drawing of the bar. However, the application of paint or varnish is a final event as a whole complex of actions aimed at protecting walls from damage to dampness, mold, ultraviolet and fire. Therefore, in front of the painting wall from the inside and outside are treated with antifungal, anti-shirt and. Often, the processing of protective substances and painting occur at the same time, but this approach is permissible only with cheap paints. More expensive paints are unwanted mixing with reagents and protective drugs to avoid changing color. The finale of painting at home from a bar is varnish. It does not change the color of wood, but protects against ultraviolet and scratches.

Selection of paint for timber

The choice of paint depends on the quality of the bar. If the timber is made of wood with a beautiful pattern, then use impregnation, transparent and translucent varnishes. If you do not like the drawing and texture of the bar, you can use opaque paints. In this case, the house of glued bar will lose one of its main advantages - a unique pattern of natural wood texture. In addition, all materials that are used for painting at home from the bar must be well to pass water vapor. Otherwise, the tree will not be able to absorb and allocate moisture, which means it will begin to flush and rot. In addition, the microclimate of the premises will worsen, because in a normally painted house from the bar, the walls absorb the surplus moisture in the rooms and bring it outwards, from where it evaporates into the atmosphere. Therefore, paints need to be selected on a water basis, and varnishes on the oil.

When choosing impregnations, paints and other paints (LKM), consider that in Russia we produce very good, but do not make any normal paint for wood. Therefore, you will have to choose only from imported materials. The best paints for wood produce the following companies:

  • Zobel;
  • OSMO;
  • Renner;
  • Tikkurila;
  • Sikkens;
  • Teknos;
  • Finncolor;

Good results gives the use of paint of the Teknos Futura series, which forms a vapor-permeable film with varying degrees of mattness. From universal funds, the most effectively OSMO HOLZ-SCHUTZ ÖL LASUR. This agent based on natural oil protects wood from ultraviolet, does not interfere with the output of moisture and gives wood various shades, depending on the number indicated on the bank.

When painting at home, stood over 5 years, you will be useful to the bleach, for example, ticked chomeenpoyfully. It will remove the blue on the surface of the bar without changing its texture. In addition to factory paints and oils, self-made compositions can be used, which give very good results. There is no single recipe or "right" ratio of components, because each selects the proportions to themselves. Here are the most frequently used components for such compositions:

  • natural turpentine (zhivical);
  • linen oil;
  • wood resin;
  • bee wax;
  • palm wax;
  • water;
  • various natural pigments, dyes and kernels.

How to paint the wooden house

The technology of painting at home from the glued timber includes the following operations:

  • removing old paint (for new houses it is not necessary);
  • rough grinding;
  • protective impregnation;
  • medium grinding;
  • treatment with impregnation with thin grinding;
  • applying protective varnish.

Rough grinding

Preparing for painting begins with the removal of old paint and varnish coating (LCP). In new homes, this procedure is not required. If you do not remove the old paint, then you cannot normally treat the wood with protective reagents, as well as overlapping it to remove small scratches, improve color and texture. Grinding can be carried out both manually, with the help of large sandpaper (numbers from 20 to 60) and with a grinding machine using the average sandpaper (numbers from 100 to 140). If you are using grinding, do not put a large sandpaper on it. The drowning hand or an awkward movement will lead to the formation of the pit on the surface of the bar and have to spend a lot of effort to eliminate it. In the process of coarse grinding, you remove the old LCP, and also remove the top layer of wood, which discouraged and sang under the influence of ultraviolet. The maximum layer, which is permissible to remove during coarse grinding - 2 mm, but it is better not to bring to such values \u200b\u200band limit (if possible) with a thickness of 0.5-1 mm.

Processing with protective impregnations

Most protective impregnations penetrate a small depth (up to 5 mm) and rains a few years later wash them out of wood. Therefore, re-treatment of impregnation in 3-5 years is a reliable means of protecting the bar from rot, mold, various bugs and a fire. For a new one, the impregnations produced by Russian companies Sezhez and Neomid will be well suited for a new and standing several years. Somewhat worse and markedly products from Ticcurilla. When processing impregnations, consider that it is necessary to apply them only on well dried wood. That is, to handle the house from the glued bar is needed at the beginning of autumn, until the rainy season occurs. The impregnations are applied with brushes, rollers or kravkopulti, who is more convenient. No way has any significant advantages.

Medium grinding

After treatment with impregnation on a water basis, a pile rises on the glued bar, which must be removed using a grinding machine. The depth of grinding should not exceed 0.5 millimeters. Grinding is carried out after the impregnation is completely absorbed and the pile will rise. If possible, move the grinding machine against the pile, due to this it will be possible to improve the quality of the grinding surface and reduce the thickness of the removable layer. This operation is undesirable to be performed manually due to the high probability of pile loop. On the grinding machine, install the sandpaper the size of 160 to 200.

Processing with impregnation with thin grinding

Perform this operation 20-30 hours after grinding so that the tree to manage to completely absorb antiseptics and other protective reagents. Impregnates bring with a brush, roller or spray gun. If you are using universal tools (OSMO HOLZ-SCHUTZ ÖL LASUR and analogs), then the processing with protective means and collers are combined, after which they are thinned as described above. However, the use of universal funds is not the best choice. And the fungicides in their composition are greatly inferior to specialized Russian drugs, so the protection of the tree will be insufficient. After applying impregnations on a water basis, the bar is again covered with a pile and it is necessary to prealt over again. The only difference from the grinding described above in the size of sandpaper from 180 to 220.

Applying protective varnish

The use of varnishes based on natural resins allows you to create a thin durable film, permeable for steam, but impermeable to water. In addition, many varnishes can be mixed with various collections. In this case, the use of impregnation of impregnation is required. Thick protective compounds are applied to brush, diligently rubbing them into the wood. Liquid compositions are applied using a collapse. If you do not want to use a thick composition, diverse it with the solvent that is listed on the bank. Most often as a solvent used white spirit, gasoline or water. Water composites apply a thin layer, allowing you to dry at least 5 hours. It will save you from the appearance of a pile on the bar and the need to grind the surface of the house. If you apply an oil-based formulations, then lay them in 3-5 layers. If you apply a water-based formulation, the number of layers should be at least 10, better 15. This will create a protective layer of the required thickness. Working with varnishes inside the house, be sure to open all windows and doors, it will help to avoid poisoning. Use protective glasses, rubber gloves and respirators.

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